The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-07-03, Page 10• "- limo MIPI0 .11 AMP •,,w• . r . f,,.. A/• " %1111Pv *®e.- +4',' imus mead. -. ,;..r ♦ y,,, ` Y:.' : .i! �.V►�Re�• `'" ws,•+t'>`',..?., .1,-...04-,4„.#0,#., • A,: ��i�„' 'yw;0oy '.w"„+► r, ` +liy. ,:,Cw :'. 'see q r-4". Iwo*.• Ypt "►1C r `IF€ of d►,"�71 4yK w'"a"MR Ia THE GOI ERIOU SIGNAL -STAR T. GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY, Y, JULY 6th, .19.17. ° 8.39 a,in."ellikOL) COMMUNION. 10.00 a.m. ,SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11.00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNI6 AND SERMON. 7.09 punt. EVENING PRAYER AND SERMON. IltEV. BEVERLY 11. FA$RR, B.A.. L.Th., RECTOR. • A. ANIDERTON=-Organist and Choirmaster. a. 4 North St. United Church UNION SERVICES WITH VICTORIA ST. I'NITEID ('1i[l'IdCII IN NORTH WIZ. U.NITE1ID ('IIl'R('H n tun, IP7f'tIlmAny I°I,PARTMENT, NURSERY -'CLASS AND MISSION BAND., 11 a.m. !,'EXALTING THII NATION.' 7 p.m. "THE GOOD. SHEPHERD." REV. C. WESLEY ('OPIE, B.A., II.D., AT BOTH SERVICES Organist and ('hair Leader—Mrs. Murray Hetherington. Knox Presbyterian Church 9.45 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. ,Junior Congregation. 11 •a.rtil. PUBLIC WORSHIP. Sermon Subject: "Christianity at the Crossroaals." 7 p.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. Sermon Subject: "The Outward Reach." THE MINISTER AT BOTH SERVICES MINISTER—REVEREND RICHARD STEWART Director 'ef Praise—Mr. William Wickert, A,T.C.M. Come and Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness. 'uderich Church .�G Baptist OL'R SERVICES • BRIGHT BRISK — BRIEF — thus REFRESHING. 11.00 a.m. "THIS DO"yComntunion and reception of New Members. • 7.00 p.m... RECEIVING VISION FOR SERVICE." Organist and Choir Leader—MRS. ELLA L DONALDSON. PASTOR—REV. G; W. H. MEDLEY... Monday 8.00 p.m. 13,Y.P.U. Fellowship. The. Free Methodist Church Corner Victoria and Park Streets Bible Christian-'-WJIAT?". T -o_ bea _ at7p.m. • 10 a.m. , SUNDAY SCHOOL. , 11 a.nt. DEVOTIONAL• SERVICE. Wed. 8 p.m. Public Prayer Service. YOU ARF CORDIALLY INVITED. REV. R. C. McCALLUM, Pastor. -BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) REV. J. A. PEARSON, Pastor 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. _11. a.Iii. COMMUNION SERVICE.. 7.30 pan. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Tuesday 8 p.m. Young People's. Friday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. SPECIAL NOTICE. DAILY VACATION 'BIBLE SCHOOL ►Drily 7 through July '18 9.30 a.m. to 12 ,raton Monday through Friday. Stories, Bible games; -singing, -acid -hand craft._.. ALL WELCOME. 1111111. B*P` =- . AT HARBOR PARK 1 0 . Brie s FROIiIITHE MINISTER OF HEALTH FOR ONTARIO 41r, G. L. Parsons. - Chairman, Mass N -Ray Survey Committee, Goderich, Ontario. , Dear Mr. Parsons."—As Minister of ,Health of the Province of Ontario, I wish to express my appreciation for' the splendid work of the local tuber- culosis committee and others associated with it in c(►nneetiun' with the recent community. X-ray `ioirvey, The en-' thusiastie cooperation of all sections of the public assured the sueceos.of this new public health project. The time 'and effort so generously given by the The annual picnic of the Baptist church and Sunday school was held at Ilatrbor Park on Wednesday and pria-ed a utt» t enjoyable ()evasion for those present. Though threatening in the Turning, the weather proved ideal for the' outing. A `Ininutiffil-� upper provided . fuel for -the energetic effort put into the sports program which followed. • • •n rite results were as- follows: Six years and under- Faye. L'aster- brouke, Peter Thompson. Mollie Aon 1)uua ldson. Nine years and under- Linda Breck- enridge, Marilyn Love, Shirley IA)\t-. Girls 13 anti tutdIcr-- Clara Donald - sou, _.arbara A nn Miller • Buys 13 anti under—Malcolm Camp- bell. Young la(lit's -. Jaiau Killough, Marie Raitltby, Mrs. Hugill. Buys Iii and under— John Hudson. ?c1aleolm ('amt)hell. \feuitg men-- --David, Medley, Edwin ('latton, John (Donaldson. Married ladies—Mrs. ladies--Mr•s. Lee (a recent arrival- fri)In \Vales 1, \irs. - Brecken- ridge, Mrs. Hugill. Three-legged race ----Eolith Donaldson and 1)atvid Medley, Marie Raithby and Joan Killough, Jolin Hudson and Mal- t•olm Campbell. Six -legged i'at•e--lst, Edith Donald- son, Marie Raithhy, Joan Killough and 1)avid Jledley : 2ncl, Maude MacMath, John Donaldson, Bill Raitltby and Ed. Chinon, Walking racy—Mrs. Cowan and Earl Ra i t hi•y. Kicking the slipper—David ]Medley, I.t,ah B.reckt'nridge and- Mrs, N. R. Easterbrook. Mixed shoes --Mrs, Breckenridge. Julio Hudson, Mrs. Eastern -rook. Tie race—I>avid Medley and Mrs. I.ee, Vera _Wilkins find Mr. Ferguson, John Donaldson and Edith Ik)naldsu,l. (' Iigratnlatiotls are due members of the several (•oniIliittees, whose arrange- ments made the picnic so successful— also for the hilarious ball game (apart from the umpire's ,decisions). EVENING AUXILIARY • MEFTS. AT MENESETUNG North street Evening Auxiliary held an enjoyable June. picnic meeting at Mrs. Harold Bettger's cottage at Nene- setung. The weather was ideal for slip- per and a singsong 'was enjoyed out-of- doors before the regular meeting opened in the spacious: living -room of the cot- -tage: After a hymn and the Lord's Prayer, the regular business was dis- posed of as rapidly as possible. Mrs. R. H. Turnbull read the Scrip- ture lesson .from ' 1st Corinthians 13, the "faith, hope and -love" passage. The chapter on medical missiOiis „from ' '•Iaidia at the Threshold,:' as synopsized by Mrs. L. ('. Gidley, gave evidence of the great- need in this de- partment of iuissiun -work. — • `ince 1870. when' the first women's hospital Was opened, 290 mission ;aos- pitatls have been established and .there are 42,009 doctors. ('onsiderijig that malaria accounts for one million deaths. in India per year. the need for ten tinges as many doctors was emphasized. Tuberculosis• is the . greatest death - dealer. although leprosy, blindness, plague. cholera *and smallpox take a large share. The dearth rate from T.B. has. been reduced forty per, cent. in Christ iau areas-: Health is second on the list of post- war plans for India, and the Christian chnreh is- helping to meet the. need of medical assistance by hospital vans, floating clinics, and placing of doctors and nurses in isolated areas. Mrs. Henry moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. 'Bettger, which was heartily seconded by the forty-two. members. who had answered the roll call. Regret was expressed by the president, Mrs. F. Noble, •at Mrs, Turnbull's leaving i;uderich and she, extended -the good wishes of the auxiliary for her future happiness: -•---A hymn and the benedic- tion closed the 'meeting. •various cornmiT ee chairmen and volun- tary workers, such as canvassers and clinic attendants, .were more than re- palicl by the high percentage of residents attending the survey. The citizens., of your community are to. be congratulated on their support of. the annual tuberculosis Christmas seal 'appeal which has made possible an expanded local program of tuber- culosis prevention. On behalf of the Ontario Department of . Health, I wish your 'organization continued success in its efforts to reduce the incidence of titbercttlnsis in your district and the Province generally. Fours very truly, RUSSELL T. KELLEY, • • Minister of Health. Attention, all Motorists ! THE HIGHWAYS' TRAFFIC ACT 'HAS BEEN AMENDED AS OF 1 JULY, 1947 These Amendments, affect you. It is important that yogi obtain full particulars. If ' btl drive a car or truck and (lo not understand the. Act, phone Or call ithis office for full particulars. CAREY & CHAPMAN WEST ST. GENERAL INSURANCE 2 PIlt»1E 18 After 5 p. . Call R. It.' rriee 19 Britannia 1'x:4.- P'fteti 10& 7 The Women's Hospital Auxiliary is holding a- tag day ou Saturday, J uly, 5th. 'A generous patronage is rer quested. -27 The Mollie League ladies of the Salvatiou Army are holding a sale of .work with Inoue baking on Saturday,, July 5t11; in the store now occupied by the • arena campaign, from 2 pan. to t; p.m, `Peal will be served. -27 St. George's Church Women's Guild -will meet Tuesday, July .8th, at 3 pan. -21 QUICK TRIP FROM ENGLAND SHOWS MODERN PROGRESS Mr. and M•rs. L. A.. Brentwood and daughters - Sandra ' and 1,ueille, of Bournemouth, Hants, England, have ar- rived at the •bonne of Mrs: 1l twood's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.dnor of Port Aliwrt. - heaving England from Heath Row by Para-Arneriean Clipper on .June 25th and calling'at Shannon, Ireland, (=an - der, 'Nfld., and Boston, Mass., they ar- rived at.La-Guardia airport, New York, on June 26th. They came by train • to Toronto. where they were' inet by Mrs. Brentwood's sisters. and were accom- pariied'to fort Albert h 31r. and Mrs. Wm. Balkwell of Brantford. A month previous to ;their leaving Bournemouth, 11 telephone call was made by M-rs. Brentwood to the farm_ home of liar. 'I.ednor, which was. heard finite distinctly. These mdcl('rn conveni0neea which wo have and accept as• part of our every- day life have all come about in recent years-.% showing the great progress of Prices on American Home magazine are going up• after July 15t11. Even if your subscription dues not expire yet, take advantage of the present low ra -es by renewing sat mice • to extend your subscription from the present ex- piration date. If you have been -con- sideriakg getting this splendid magazine, place your`subscriptiun now before the prices rise With Miss Mary B. Howell, phone -213W, or „Mrs, Ismay McLean. 27t1 SIendor tablets are effective. Two Weeks' supply- $1; 12 weeks $5,, at Campbell's and Emerson s drug stores. -27 Hygienic supplies ( rubber goods) , mailed postpaid in plain, sealed en- velope with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples • $1.00. Mail Order Dept. 7-03, NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. -1-0 BORN • BEATTIE.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on June 27th, 1947, to Mr. 'and Mrs. Chester Beattie, Goderich, a1 (laughter. 11I_'T'TON.—At Alexandra Ilospitaf, Goderich, on June ,lith, 1947, to Mr. and. Mrs. -'Ernest Button (;flee Marie Aitchison), Luckuow, a sun. CROZIER.—At Alexandra Hospital, - Goderich, on •June .28th, 1947, to Mr. FOR SALE BY TENDER.—BRICK and Mrs. Clifford Crozier, Dungan- house, property of the. late G. G. non, R.R. 1, a son. McHardy ; seven rooms and bath, with DALTON.—At Alexandra Hospital. Goderich, on July 1st, 1947, to Mr. • and Mrs. Dennis Dolton, Goderich, a sun. HUSSEY. —At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on June 27th, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Terence Hussey, Goderich; a daughter, Katharine Emily. JOHNSTON.—At Windsor, on July 2nd-, to Jean (nee Tennant),, wife of •Douglas R. Johnston, a son, Harley George. MILLS.—At Alexandra Hospital. Gude- -rich, on June 28th, 1947, to air. and Mrs. Ross Mills (net: Myrtle Ryaiij, a son, _Robert Carl. -Results e vim S!.U1 ' FOR' SALE. — NEW OUTBOARD motors. Immediate delivery. Phone 50(W, MATJ11ESON'S WEL INC: SERVICE, Newgate street.. ° .24-27 F'01t SALE.— 85 -ACID FARM 'WITH lirtst-class buildings, E. halt, lot 9, concession 1, Aslifelcl, Vs miles west of Nile, on winter -plowed road. Water in house and barn ; good orchard. JOHN R. Me\VHINNF1Y, R.R. 1, Port. Albert. l'houe Dungannon 17 r 12. 20-7x FUR SALE. --LOT ANI) FOUNDA- T1ON for cottage at Bogie's Beach. Phone 1061W. 26-7x W vAVANTEILL. ---- LISTIlai(1S OJIi' PRO- PERTY for -sale. Phone 3fAL- COLM MATHERS, Insurance and Real Estate Broker, 115W. 7t1 ANTED. ---TWO ROOMS„ i't 1tN- ISHEI) or unfurnished, for sleep- ing accommodation. Write P.O. BOX 837, Goderich. -27 WANTED TO' BUY.---OLI) HORSES and dead animals, suitable for mink feed. • If dead, phone at once. Phone collect JA('K GILIBERT, 036 r or FRET) (1ILBERT, phone 936 r 32, '$ioderich. -26t1 'ANTED. -- GARAGE TO RENT, Write P.O. BOX 230, Goderich. -27 VOR SALE.- GURNEY COAL ANI) wood range with water front; table and four chairs in natural finish; singe burster hot plate, medicine chest, sed and vanity table. JAI. in excellent shape. Phone 1093W. 26x FOR SALE. --:--1930 PONTIAC SEDAN, four Ilew.fiti1'es, new ring job, trnew, plugs, points and battery. Priced reasonably. Apply to HAROLD R. FERGUSON, Bruce street. -Phone 981J. 26-7x FOR SALE. -- MAN'S C,C',M. BI- CYCLE; was bought new and is in good condition. BOX 59, SIGNAL - STAR. 29t1 FOR SALE. — NICELY -MARKED blue ticked fox hound pups; par- e;1ts good workers. E. IL ROBERT- SON, H.K. 5; Goderich. Phone 15-30, Carlow, -27 (1.Lh. DUST FOR CONIROL OF tomato blight and' biting and suck- ing' insects.- Do not Tet your garden be eaten =by bugs or "destroyed by blight. 'Use. C.I.L. Garden Dust that comes in a ',handy dust gun ready to use. For sale by JACKSONS F'LOR- IST, 49 Bruce street, . phone 105. sunroo'm ; oil heat ; oak floors; copper piping ; fully insulated; complete base- ment. Tenders to be mailed to P.O. B.OX 56, Goderich, before July 21st, 1947. Further information may be had by phoning 53, Goderich, 27x FOR • SALE.—TWO GOOD HERE- FORD bulls; one rising '2 years and one rising one year old. JAS. CHIS- IlOLM, Montcalln street. t 27x FOR MALI:. -1940 FORD SEDAN, in' Al condition. Phone 1183J, Goderich. -27 AOR SALE.—IBLT'E FLAME 'OIL- KIV'F.'1T. — At Alexandra Hospital, BURNER, good as new.. Apply 50 Goderich,' on June 29th, 1947, to Mr. ,� and Mrs. Albert Rivett, R.R.(i, Gude- Trafalgar street. 27x rich, a daughter. Siena SALE.Ann. NEW HEMLOCK ap RYAN.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goch'- FOR joisting, 2 x' 6. Also a quantity of rich, on June ':.'lith, 1947, to .\111,,and_ ,,,,,,-•,:ant1-11sc d lumber, • E. G. -GIN: , • Mrs.' Stalnley. Ily un .` i altford, a R.R. 1, I)uugannon. Phone 14 r 15, daughter, Edna Alison Brodie.:' Dungannon. - i - 27x r. IN MEMORIAM, • FOR SALE. — Ji LKET IIEATER. ARNOLD.—in`luving mi fury of my Telephone 319, -27 dear mother, Jars. B. Arnold," who passed away July 6th, 1946. Two dear bright eyes, a louder smile, A loving *heart -that knew no guile. Deep trust in God, that all was fight, Her joy to make some other bright. If sick • or suffering one she knew, Suwue gentle act of love she'd do; No thought of self, but of "tithe other." I know IIe said, ',\\'ell done, dear mother." —Sadly missed by daughter, Beatrice McGrattt'n, and husband, Gordon. 27x FOR SALE. -1931 DOTE SEI)AN‘; four new tire. Apply J. E. MAY - MAN, Box 104, Baytield, Ont. 27x FOR SALE. -- FRAME HOUSE, se•`en rooms, conveniences and basement, on Wilson street ; sewer rates paid. Also• new five:room stucco house with basement, practically completed on William and ('uyley streets; sewer paid. Immediate possession, 24 Wil- liam street, sunroom entrance. ' 27ff WANTED.---G.IRLS YOR RESTAUR- ANT and fountain work Steady work, (ioocl pay. Apply VENUS RESTAI'RAN'T, Goderich. -27 `WANTED. RELIABLE WOMAN to cave for elderly lady for two weeks in July: MRS. tVAN .WILSON, tooth, r Lighthodse • and Wellesley streets. 27x ANTED.—,x;10,00 REWARD F()R information leading to renting of cottage, house or apartment. Phone or write .BOX 58, SIGNAL -STAR, 27-Sx %ANTED.—HEAVT FAT HORSES: do not have to he sound. Phone, 933 r 5, Goderich. 27x OPPORTUNITY. — P O W E R F U.L company has opening in your locality for honest,- depel ' lble applic- ant; well acquainted with district. Ex- cellent remunerations and prospects for bright future. BLUE BRAND PRO- DUCTS, 7227 Alexandra, Montreal, Que., Dept. O -G-2. 27-8-900 NOTICE TO. CREDITORS • .. NOTICE. TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Rev. Charles Francis Nagle, deceased. ' All claim against the above-named deceased must be filed with the under- signed by July 25, after which date the executor will proceed to distittbute the assets. FRANK DONNELLY, K.C., Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. '' -26-8 CARD OF THANKS MR. FRANK LITTL AND HIS parents, Mr. and Mrs, E: J. Little, take this means of expressing • their gratitude for 'the kindness extended to Frank- last Tnesda.y,at the•Saddle-•Club (Went's. They would also -like to thank , ' the boys who gave Frank first money in the prize list. SMIITII.-1n loving memory .of Arthur J OR SALE.—NO.• 86 NEWGATE :Joseph Smith, who passed away 'in street, white brick house:. also 1943. white frame bungalow of five rooms Today recalls sad memories - and white frame semi -bungalow of Of Our dear sun gone to rest; se-veu rooms: and other properties. And the- ones who think. of him today MIALC(ILMI \LATHERS, Insurance and - Are the ones who loved -him best. Real Ergs to Broker, West street. Phone —Sadly missed by Mother, Dad, Bro- 115W. . - . 27x thers and ',Sisters. -27 ' - F'OR SALE. — FARM, 50 ACRES: ARNOLD.—tn memory of Mrs. B. north part lot 7, full concession Ash Arnold, R'h'o passed away July 6, field : seven=room house, good barn, hen 194E): house„ other buildings. 3 300.00. MAL - The world may change from year to g $• •('OLM MATHERS. Insurance and Real year - Prate Broker, West street,-Goderich.. And friends from day to data,` Phone 115VC7, 27x But never will the one we loved From memory pass away.. --Gr-eat.ly 411is4ed. by: A1..L•._aud__Mrs. Reg. Williams and Family, • 27x ST()DDART.—In loving memory of , Ethel Stoddart, . who, died July 2, 1943. O show oft she comes before us, Iler dear .face so Sweet and truer Resting now in peace with Jesus. Loving hearts still long for you. —Sadly missed . by Husband and Children. • .27x- BUCK.—In nemory of iny- dear son, James Buck, who suddenly passed. away June 30th, 1946. Resting in a sure and certain hope of a resurrec- tion into Christ's Kingdom of Joy and Peace.,, • • Though, cast clown, imt forsaken; Though afflicted, not alone, Thou didst give, and Thou hast taken; ourage. In 1851, when Mrs. Breflt' Blessed Lord, Thy will he done. 'Wood's maternal grandmother from • IIaJ h shire carne on the old sailing )E3y Thq hand the boon was given; yew t 1 Ocean (ween, which was the Thou hast taken but Thine own; largest. vessel at that time, it was then Lord of earth and God of heaven, a matter of weeps to cross they Atlaxt Evermore, Thy will'be done'. tic: now it takes just a number of 27x Mothem hour's. .Mr. Brentwood, formerly of the R. ,A.F., was stationed at 31 :A.N.S., Pert Albert._ NEW • TIRES! , lst Quafity , , ` 4 Ply TRANS -CANADA List Your Size Price Cost 440-450/21 13.90 11.15 475-500/10 14.70 .12.25 475-500/20*` 15.25 12.20 525-550/1R 17.60 14.10 525-550/17 '19.35 15.50 600/16 ,21.05 17.25 We Da Vulcanizing MOTOR OILS 1 ONIiIITA .: , . 5 -gal. Sealed $ 5.55 4PITFIRF .. 5-g cl sealed 4415 VISOIL 5 -gal. sealed $3.55 PRANK A. GALLOW PHONE 594.14 NORTH FOR SAT.Y;.—NO. 66BRITANNIA;. road. -WhIfe frame linuse, 10 rooms, (two apartments). ML A T. C 0 L MI MATIIERS, Insurance and Real Estate Broker, Rest street. Phone 115W. 27x NORTON. ---Irl loving memory of Mrs. Horace 1lcit•tou, who passed awv'ay. July 519, 1945. • Peacefully sleeping, resting, at last, The world's %1('ary trouble and trials are. past. In silence she suffered, in patience she bore. Till pod cabled her home to stiffer no more. Y I:tet• remembered by Daughters 2143 Sons. 27x :�iF:1bV AIR ROUTE A new Great Lakes Airway route will be flown by Trans-clanadil Air Lines on its transcontinental flights, commenc- ing in July. Although cutting across the (treat Lakes, 1t ss than a third- of the route is actually a water crossitfg. The flight. Path lies along a series of airports --and asoeiated radio ranges and ahontena substantially the air mile- age and flying time between Toronto and Winnipeg. This new, short route Hires a ,flexibility of transoontinelttal flights, withain alternate route via the former Northern Ontario main airway, and a secondary "bad weather" route through the United States. In .thin 1 way, •mangy delays, due to bad weather, will be el tnIn0ted. I' APPLICATIONS ^,BEFORE OLD -AGE PENSIONS BOARD Twenty five applications for old -age Pensions were considered by the Huron County Old -age -I'ensiott. Board today. Of these. nineteen were- reconlnje.nded • for a full pension; ,two recommended subje4nt to investigation of transfers of property ; one subject to residence'; one refined recommendation because of too many assets; and two because of res- idence regula t ions. • Members, of the Bonr(I present -were W. R. .\rehilrald, Seaforth, chairman; .T. 1,. 31cFlwen, \Vie xeter ; R. J.. Bow- man, Brussels; .lir;.. F. R. Redditt, Gocleric•h ; Mrs. N. W. Trewnt-thal; Clin- ton ; N. W. Miller,-Godericfi, secrotat',v. For quick results try a Classified ad in The Signal -Star. LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED Dependable marl with car to WI' 11t4 0212' exclusive re,presetit- aitive• in this district and handle oto' well known line of brushes and products on as liberal dis- • countd•ba1Ts that allows for full time profits of $50 to .$60 per week from start. No experience necessary if well recotllmende(1. Write FULLER BRUSH •COMrANV, LTD., 304 'Wright Mag., London for interview and full particulars. t. , * • .7. • -27 FRIGIDAIRE• COMMERCIAL SALES AND SERVICE. Phone 1098 or Write MANNINO Refrigeration Service REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Refrigeration and Elearical; Appliance Service ALL MAKES Elliott McVittie _ 48 Picton St. Phone 417W • 22tf IF YOUNEEP CARPENTRY WORK DONE ' -See' E.S. VINCENT Corner Britannia 'Rd. - Goderich and William St. 26x 7L'Il[ITRSI,D. , 3rd, .1%7 Culbl3akery "The The Home o' Tasty Pastry" WEEK -ENI SPECIAL CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW ROLL 25o each Arl Orders of $1.00 or more delivered. PHONE 4>u5 MEL. iCULbERT,, Prop. TO RENT TO RENT.—A LARGE 'BEI)-SIT- �r1NG ruuni downstairs; private_ entrance, with itse of bath; quiet, pleas- ant • surroundings, Will rent by day or week. End of South street. Pilon.° 14 r 935, Goderich, -27, NOTICE NOTICE. I buy rags, feather ticks, and used furniture. Sewing machine repairs and supplies. C. WOODS, 12 East 'street. Phone 242J. 21tf NOTICE. "DOMINION -CHINCHILLAS" The. latest fur -bearing animal to be successfully raised in captivity, the genuine South American Chinchilla, producer of the world's most luxurious fur, may be seen at the Huron and Bruce Chinchilla Ranch, \\Ingham, Ont. These animals are udder the care of Mr. H. E. Wells. Learn how a these animals may provide a living and a hobby for you in the years to come. Visits to the ranch are best made on week -day evenings or any time during the week -ends, and are free of obligation. 25t1 • '&PPLICATION FOR A LLICENCE TO A OPERATE A COJIMERCIAL AIR • SERVICE Leslie Roland Naftel and Louis Am- brose Lane have applied to the Air Transport Board for a licence to oper- ate the following conh1 tt'rc•htl •air ser- vices based at Sky Harbour Airport, Goderich, Ontario: (a) Non-scheduled charter to transport • ,passengers anti --goods. ' (b) --Flying Training.. • (c) Recreational Flying (barnstorm- . Ing). Any. person desiring to snake repre- sentations `concerning this application ar nirrst tile a ct,ttipletO sltliiiiis ic►i► v lth the Secretary, Air Transport Board, No, 3 Temporary Building, Ottawa, On- fario, by Jiily 25th, 1947, and send a copy concurrently' to the applicants addressed to P.O. Box 265,--Goderich, Ontario, ` AIR TRANSPORT BOARD. Ottawa, June 26, 1947. . -27 GODERICH. TRADES AANI) LABOR COUNCIL To all Delegates' and Members. of International Unions: • Special meetings of the Goderich Trades .and Labor Council -will be held on Wednesday night and Friday night of each week until further notice. FOREST J. McIIARDY. TODAY'S TIP_ DON'T LEARN THE NEED OF INSURANCE THROUGH THE LACK OF IT. SEE H. M. FORD Get Insured — Stay Insured— Rest Assured. North St. rel. 268w NosimmosioamememmumusuummommommiP NEED. FINANCING d NOV .CCOMMOVArION FOR OUR cuStOMERsl Repairs -and acces- sories now can be bought on the GMAC PLAN Don't put off needed repairs longer. Don't do without those ac- cessories you always have wonted, . e on CAR REPAIRS ACCESSORIES? FURTHER, DETAILiS° OBLIGINGLY GIVEN AT Gardner Motor Sales PHONE 284 GOIE;ICH