The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-06-19, Page 7ILIPIE can AMR Around 40 ow oasts" lassos. Ykit, sz. pedalo boo taught tiag i9d9 QUIP work with loss itilott. The years obead should ibo greatest aceonsplisbaseots,lbe out solorosent and happiness. They can, too, if wo ovoid tho kidney arid bladder disordera such as Back. ache, Headache, Ithelmootie Pains, Loositude. Lou of Sleep and Energy which so alien attack those asoijoil 40. For over half a century Dodd's; Kidney Ping lave boon beloing wen and `women to keep kidneys and blaAder good order. you are nearing 40, or 'Pit's' t it, jiGe the ;Ake of your health and A happier future ome Dodd's Kidney Pills today! 125 400 • B,ESTMILLER ar..terta'13 ter lat wee4) ,132NM31/141WR, JIM Mrs. Gee. .Sowerhy oE 'groderieh. tOVVIlbliitD° spent last week, with Mre and M.Artimr Maskell. M. and Mrs. jas. Reddle of Detroit visited at the weel4-enil with Mr. and Mrt:3. Verne Gledhill. , Mr. Fisher, a Dvtroit. a nephew a Mit R-3 Louisa Maedel, with his familY, pa lci her- a visit last week for a few days. Mrs. GirVin Young of Goderich spent last Wednesday with her frarents, ¥r.lend Mrs. -J. Long. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Park and Sharon, of „Dungannon, spent Sunda l4x withr. add Mrs. S. Vanstone. Mr. and Mrs. Fred White and John, of Gode,rieh, visited on Stinday with Mr. and Mrs. II. Good. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Jervis of Clinton called on Mrs. Walters and Floyd on Sunday. Rev, U. E. Cronhielm returned tF9111 Conrerence on Friday. He , has ac- cepted a call front Wroxeter United church. We llegret very much to lose him, Mrs. Cronhieltu and their family from Benmiller. for Sunvnor Homes , and Cottease-- ilmws tsalri:140.°7+. Ors WNW of koalas assids-sitscuistes sk- i sea fed -se sem old anolngs as muss „ Vita et... TWEED,SMIIORKS ) TWEED. ONT. Amammaisi Cemetery Memorials (formerly, Cum,iingziani & Pryde) Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth Write Box 150, or phone 413,, Exeter and we shall 1r pleased to call. ANININIr 'Junior Institute . Show Skill AchieLvenlevitoDu:yrroCiocropots,tit.ions at Clinton. TWO LICENSE PLATES IN 1948 For the first time since 1943, On- tario motor Vehicles will have license plates front and rear, next year, the , Ontario Highways Department has an- nounced, in 'connection with awarding. the contract for the plates to, the On- tario Reformatory at Guelph. The 1948 plates will carry "easy to .retid" white, letters and figures, on a navy- blue background. OM? Get Pep, VW With IRON; plus supplements CALCIUM, VITAMIN B; • MEN, WOMEkg of 40. 50. 60. Don't b° PI old. weak. worn-out. ex - u boosted. Take Ostrex. Contains tonic often n..ued otter 40 - by bodies old just because lack- ing trig. plus calcium. Vitamin 11,. Thousands now feel peppy. years younger. Try Ostrex TonicTablets TODAY. Get introductory size now tor only 35e. For -sale at all drug stores everywhere. PUT IT ON ICE! • No mechanism to go out of order when you refrigerate with artificial or natural foe. Keeps your foods healthfully A ' fresh longer. NEW MODERN -EQUIPPED 'ICE -PLANT IN 'aolitg,IcH - -1S -PREPi-RED -TO --SUPPLY_ you - • ARTIFICIAL 1C'E AND ALSO -NATURAL ICE - PHONE 1165W for delivery service. --- HURON ICE CO. Huron Road 'and' _Walnut St. Goderich .SUPP"OR,T' THE 'ARTIFICIAL ICE ARENA CA1VIPAIGN 21tf. „ 1 Al Achievement pay at 'Clinton on Sat. .urday brought together at Clinton um - hers of six Jailor Institutes in Huron-, Eluevale, Brussels, Dungan:nen, Gorrie, Hurondale and Walton -and one; the Eervie. Junior institute, from South. Huron. Two Exeter girls of ,the Hurondale Institute, Nona and Lois Pym, -won the right to represent- Horon county in the Provincial competition. The two Pym girls , were adjudged best of the eouipetitors in the making and modelling of clothing. The • proceedings • of the day were under the direction of Miss Flora Dunkin of Dungannon, with the assist- ance of Misses Jean Scott, Marion Humphreys and Helen McKercher. Bervie- team, Donna Colwell dila Edith.. Farrell:Was chosen to represent the area in a team demonstration at the Canadian National Exhibition, and two others chosen- to -compete at the ,C.N.E. 111 demonstrations of the Junior Institute project, "Being welt dressed and well groomed," were Erland. Gregg of Gorrie and Wilda Blieckenridge Bluevale. • • junior, Institute groups from Walton, Brussels, Hurondale, and Gorrie were chosen to stagak exhibits and compete iii denionstratiohs of girls'. work at Stratford 1a11 Fair. The Walton group won this honor .for its demonstra- tion of "Packing the -..week-end bag," and the Brussels groim for "Being Well dressed and well groomed." • Marion Rundle of Hurondale Junior Institute was named to act .as a com- mentator at Stratford Fall Fair; and Thelma Stafford of Gorrie was chosen to conduct the exhibitof "Table set for two." - A demonstration. "Cottons • may be smart." was conducted by Hazel Jean Campbell of-Bervie. An exhibit, "How to' look your best," was put on by Marion Rundle of Hurondale and Reita Vittie of. ,Gorrie, and one on "The club girl entertains" by Thelma Staf- fesdailikirrie,.,Marietta Stingel of Dun% gannbar Nona VYni.7'Crrtirotre7‘adif Helen Johnston. of Walton. Donna Colwell arid Edith Farrell of Bervia presented a playlet on the subject, "Cottotys'rmay be sinart." Margaret and Grace Cooke of Dungannon- also put on a team demonstration. 1.11 Know just Holt:Ofou Feel" "I know because I have teen that way myself. I have been iics chain- Ically tired that I thought I would never feel well again. However, I found that D. Chase's Nerve Food soon gave me1iew pep and energy and put me on my feet." Tired feelings, indigestion and loss of sleep are quickly relieved by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. , Ask for the new econ- omy size bottle of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 60 pills-60ets. 180 pi1Ls-781.50 LE LEAN ARRANGE, liFOU ,ign-PNEVNTO TO UMW O Vriday,agternoon, aline Ott, a 4na repre5entation membera og the Maple Leaf. Chapter,. I.O.D.E., enjoyeivria afternoon meeting at the home og -Mrs. N. C. Jachson, Chuzch fstreet. DItas Joie qaunders, regent, .presided. Plans were dimissed for the annual .carnival. Minn A. Wurtigle is in charge a the pet parade' and - wtli be awarded to .the winners, including a pedigreed cocker spaniel, donated Jey ro. Wasson, Mrs. R. Menzies reported that -282 Magazines had' -been vaxted and were ready. for .distribution to .the. wen on the boats"; The members are asked to give their full co-operatien to the com- mittee by leaving any reading material at the Bedford Hotel. Hrs. C. Chapman, post-war con- vener, reporte'd that a 38 -lb. parcel had been shipped to Great Britain, consist- ing' of good used clothing' for men, women, and .children. The nfenabers decided to be responsible for one parcel of food each month, to be shipped to some needy family in the United King- dom. Plans werediscussed for a marionette show which the Chapter hopes to braig for, the children in October. An invitation ha's been extend& to .MiS.,•itylitud-H. New, C.B.E., national regent, and Mrs., Lionel H. Millen, Previncial regent, to visit 'Goderich early in September. • social time was enjoyed 'while tea as .wheing served. in tlhe gard,en by Mrs. A. B. Sturdy and her'conunittee. After this the natiOnal delegate; Miss Jute Saunders, gave an interesting and comprehensive report on her visit to the national conference of the I.-0.D.E. held in Toronto• from May 22nd to May 29th. RepresentatLves from the nine Provinces and the Yukon were present. ' A total of $86,223.89 raised for educational work, in a year when the -chapters are straining every nerve to meet the war memorial objectii,•e of half -a -million dollars, ,was an achieve- ment, Miss Saunders stated, of which all may be proud. blerich French Dry Cleaner THE COMPLETE' opuviet NEW STEAM $POTTING - DRY CLEANING and, PRESSING GENERAL REPAIRO- Guaranteed Mdthprpoiing Srvio. .Watergoaing. P12.0120 122 PICK-UP . ND PiiIVEY 0. E. LOWERY Support tir New Arena Campaign Opening May 26th .MRS. CALDER ADDRESSES ST. GEORGE'S W.A. The Woman's Auxiliary of .St. George's cgurch assembled in the rectory on Tuesday, June 10th, with Mrs. 13. II. Farr presiding, Arrangements were made for the W.A. members to cater fur the laymen's banquet which will be held in the LUCKNOW MAN GETS .BRUCE TREASURESHIP - • • Thomas H. Alton, seri -oi Mrs. T. H. Alton: of Lucknow, has been appointed treasurer of the: County' of. Bruce. He was horn in Lucknow but has been residing lately in. Toronto. He is a, veteran of World. War 11. He, was chosen, for the 'position from amonF forty applicants. His salary will be •400: • Spend Dominion Day in Goderich. All -day program. Parish Han 011 Thursday, June 19th. 6 Thepresident expressed .her appreci- a.tion of the splendid attendance of the members at the Deanery meeting at A pleasing, feature of the afternoou. was an exceedingly interesting address delivered by Mrs. C. Calder of 'London. Mrs. Calder introdueed her subject by emphasizing that the duty- of Christian people is to be loyal to Christ. "God needs us and we must do our part to 'spread the Gospel." Iu the course or her remarks she - told of the wonderful and glorious work ac- complished by the Woman's Auxilkary in Canada in,social setice Work.. 'It is only by our Heavenly Father's guid- ance. that this work can be carried on successfully." Mrs. Calder congratulated the St. George's members for the great interest they have taken ,in the Dorcas de- partment. She .spoke of the Mohawk Indian School, which is badly in need of 'assistance, particularly li bedding equipment, .and appealed to the ladies to contribute to this worthy cause. Mrs. Calder's inspiring address was greatly enjoyed -by-the-- -larte-txuarber of members present, and a hearty vote of thanks was tendered by Mrs. Trudell. The president closed' the meeting with prayer. , Dainty • refreshment's were served by Mrs. Farr, assisted by Mrs. Riley and Mrs. Helstrop.. Berlbu Mothspray is Guaranteed, in writing, to protect your furniture, rugs, blankets, clothing and furs from moth. damage for frit) years, or Bealou pays for the damage. 44c will protect a man's suit for five years - only 9c a year/ other articles equally low. Buy this guaranteed mothsproy today from your department, drug, or hardware store. Leading laundries and dry cleaners can Berlou your clothing, furs, blankets,iugs and furniture. Automotive Jobbers for McQuay Nerds Guaranteed MOTHPROOF ........ossooretereeneteellella amassmilassammassaussames, (184) ; Brussels, 285 (256) ; Clinton, 889 (93); Dashwood, 126 (102) ; 'Exeter, 1,018 (544) ; Go'derieh, 1,992 (1.361) ; Hensall, 220 (210) ; Seaforth, 1.179,(524), ; Zurich, 150 (149) ; Lue now,;., 511 (287) ; Winghana, 965 (5601. HYDRO POWER LOADS Hydro power loads for March, as reported in Hydro News for June•(with number of domestic consumers in each municipality in brackets) : Blyth, 145 PISTON RINf.4,S, MOTOR PARTS, BEARINGS, ETC. - ELECTRICAL itpPLIES' STARTERS, GENERATORS, ARMATURES Lightning Rod TIMING GEARS AND CHAINS NEW AND USED PARTS FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS , Bradley & Son Phone 247 or 658 Goderich • Installation and. 'Repair Service. Pumps and pressure Systems of all types. • ' Engin6s, Motor-, z.nd Wind- - mills. ' Goodyear Belts in all stand- ard lengths. All farr- equipment and machinery NEW IDEA , NORTH ST. UNITED W.M.S. The W.M.S. of North street United church held their . monthly Meeting On Tuesday, June 10, in the church parlor. The president, Mrs..R.,J, Howard, pre- sided over the -business,period. Twenty visits to sick and shut-ins were re- ported by the cotnmunity friendship secretary, Mrs. C. M, Robertson. 'It was suggested that the corresponding secretary be asked to send letter S of,. sympathy to the families of those mem- bers who have passed on during the past ,month. Plans were discussed for the enter- tainment -of the Baby Bandt and their mothers at the next ineeting, t� be. held on-July.8th, at which the children will assist. in the'program. It is hoped a goodly number will be in attendance. A short report of the Conference branch meeting held at Aylmer was read by Mrs. Naftel. The supply secretary. Mrs. Finnigan, reported the supply al- location had been filled, and displayed what had been 'purchased with the Money. The devotional period was under the leadership of Mrs. McQuarrie and Miss .Grace., Strang and was opened Vvith the singing of a hymn. Mrs. McQuarrie react the Scripture lesson from Nehemiah 2:2-17. 1,‘Iiss Strang 'read an excerpt taken from the Mission- ary Monthly worship service for June on "The Church Is Coming Back in Asia." This -was followed by prayer by Mrs. McQuarrie.. Miss M. Campbell ,then 'completed what has been a very interesting ' and instructive resume, whith she has kindly giv'ert month bY month -on the Study book "India on the Threkhold." After the singing of a hymn, followed by prayer by the presi- dent, the meeting was dismissed. After- wards a social half-hour, with a light luncheon served by Mrs. McQuarrie's group, was efijoyed. " DISTRIBUTORS GODERICH, ONT. --Phalle- Carlow 221 •••-, ce1. : `What's the matter, 'dear? Y011 look flusfeeed." "Oh, I've had a dreadful day: First. baby ('ut .11 tooth: then -he took his - first step-: then he fell and knocked out his tooth." "Then what?" - "Then he said his first word FIRST AID RENDERED 'TO SICK RADIOS - ALSO PORTABLE FOOL -PROOF SOUND SERVICE - :4. R. MUNDAY - Certified' Radio Technician -. PHONE OR CALL 7 Widder St., Goderich, Phone 598 MOVING WEST M. Rawlinson Limited regularly snake up and ship Household Furniture. Con, solidated Pool Cars to Manitoba. Swint tch- *wan, Alberta, British Columbia and to California,. 'Writs, wire or phone for reduced irsighA rates Established 1865. ale Yong. St., Toronto. kingsdals 1131 ACOVING, PACKING:, satrrlMa sad sioaket , Quick Relief From Summer Complaints To get quick • relief froM diarrhoea, intestinal p ns, „sickness or summer co laint, use DOPTO FOW XX744.01? Or WILD BB s, y. This 'dependable family remedy is one of the most effective and hest known medicines for bowel complaints. Insist on DOCTOR FOWLER, 'S EXTRACT 01° - WILD ,STRAWBERRY. .101, Reid's Upholstery --You-will,be-prouds Chairss_etc„,..thatt, we re -upholster or re-cover for you. Choice of velour, frieze, tapestry; damask. Quality coverings. SEE US! PHONE -US! WRITE US! ' • Phone 206J Pick-utf and delivery T -HE SQUARE .GODERICH 43 "No masculine muscles needed to rive -a Chevrolet! , The gearshift on the ts teen -rig "coliiiiirdets•me-shift gears with one fingbr-without shifting my grip on the - wheel. And bebause every control responds -so readily - to the lightest touch, I can drive a Chevrolet all day long without strain or effort. . . park it quickly and -conveniently whenever I choose." swislaseee.. • "If you're like me -if you value appearance -you'll lose your heart to the winning charms of Chevrolet. You'll love its long, sweet lines, its roomy and luxurious interipr, its rich upholstery. It's truly the most beautiful car we've ever owned." "I never worry about delays or unexpeeted breakdowns in inconvenient places . now that I drive a Chevrolet! I wear my smartest, gayest costume, my most ° frivolous shoes -knowing I can depend on Chevrolet te carry me•over good roads and bad, mile after mile, month after month, with never a need for even a minor 'repair." 11 CHEVROLET ! 10, Eti WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS - Bus Schedule Now In Effect. - Leaves Goderich Arrives Goderich A LOS a.m. 11135 a.m. • 9.15 a.m. s 3.35 p.m. 12.15 p.m. 4.25 p.m. 9.:39 p.m. C 8.30 p.m. D 12.45 a.m. A Daily exeept Sunday. Friday and Saturday only to Stiat- ford. C and I) Sundays and Hullth.70 only. All other Times are Daily Connections at, cliaten, for London. Detroit, Winghism, Walterton, Port Elgin and Owen Sound. Connections at Stratford for,Woodstock Kitchener, Gnelpn, Handttim and 'Toronto. Connections Mitiheli for Listdwel and Lona . For information phone Britt* Es.' change photo 691 •ar 717. - Yes . . it's:Chevrolet . . . the car that offers Big -Car quality at low cost: You'll recognize this Big -Car quality in Chevrolet's Big -Car beauty, Big -Car comfort, Big -Car safety, and in the many vital features found only in Chevrolet ant her -priced cars. And every model brings you the great itiohal economy of operation and low cost plus value of Chevro e maintenance. The glYstving demand for the Fi7so Chevrolet Is set:44n all -tine record. lVe cannot hope fat Butny months to fill all the orol&s pouring in. lf you are among the many who have se, your sights on Chevrolet's Rig -Car Quolity at Low Cost, we suggest that while YOU wait, yots nth, ars your Chevrolet Dcalcr's wracc to keep your pre.sens car running smoothly and safely. ,,kftwat,IIDNER MOTOR SALES Victoria St. Goderich ‘• + 6