The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-03-06, Page 5111U kiDAY, MARC1 6121
The very look of Spring .:
a gay,'fresh'pitfiktOtltlsrhecf'iU?;tin....
} tern to makes your new clo?iies
more becoming, to give a lift to your
spirits and a young, blithe.
- color to you( lips 'and. fingertips.
Phone 90
A I' RN, Ma t'.' Leonardrd
Yungblut of '\Windsor., visited sv ith his
° A • . •_,
�brothf,r, Arthur, at the week -end and
on his return- was accompanied by his
daughter, Miss Betty Anti, who had
been: visiting °relatives herd for the
past two weeks.
11Ir. Gordon-1)ctbie has retitrued froiu
the Goderich hospital, where he under -
sweat •1 tonsil operation.
JIr~. and Mr1. Iiugh Bennett of Port
Albert visited on Sund1Iy with Mr.
and Mrs. -Wes. Bradnoek and ..31r. J. J.
IN r. and JIrs. Wm. ('ory are -moving
into part of Mt•. Wellington Good's
houve, having recently wild their farm
to'Mr. and Mrs. hickey of lova Scotia. i
Mr.,I-iickey has been employed' at Clin-
,ton all winter.
Good S-ervicr---Recognizecl:•--� After
completing a record as .11 regula r Siltf-
day school teacher -for thirty-tiye years,
— Certified Radio Technician —,.
i Widder St., Goderich, Pholie 598
Celebrate. Women's
Institute Jubilee
(Continued from. page 1)
encore rendered a song composed by an
Institute member. After this,, one
minute's silence vvas observed in Mem-
ory of 'Mrs,, Adelaide -` ottciless, founder
of the Woanen'u Institute, and the de-
parted • members of the • tioderich
Thal ii'resideurp, Address-
After jt stice had been done to- the
sumptuous dinner served , under the
superintendence • p2 Mrs. C. Holland,
Mrs. Wilkin briefly addressed', the
w "It is indeed,. a pleasure to welcome
you this evening to our annual ban=
quel;," she said, "especially when we
are celebrating the fiftieth anniversary
of the Women's Institute... The vision
of our founder has resulted in an
organization which has prdved a benefit
not only to rural but to urban women,
and has also had a place in the affairs
of the nation. Women of vision are
not limited to the women of one gener-
atiou, and our younger women have
many oppcnrtunitiis to developleader-
ship for the future.
"•It is fitting -tonight to think of our After a long illness, :airs. William INC EASED MEM ER i II'
own Institute, which was organized in Littlechild died at the home of her - i
1901. Records of the first years have
sou, Fred Littlechild, Mucks. street,As reported by Miss A. R. Aitken,
been lost, but those from 1904 show on Tuesday morning in her seventy- librarian, at the annual 10eeting of the
outstanding achievements for the bene fifth year. Former -13,- Mary
Jane Clax- Goderich P Ib1ie Library • Board. the
fit not only of our own community but ,
t.on._ she was born. in England and total circ tion of books ill 1946 .Wats
of Cho abroad, Airs. John Newcombe came from there to Goderich thirty- .4•(142, masse up as follows : adult
bus eolupiled a history of the town and' two sears ago. She was a member fiction. 13,627: adult lin (it•tion, ;5,19#;
the Institute, asked for by the national
organization_'for a record to be known "
t,)f the Anglicanchurch. Snrsis sago be_ books 101 just 1111) , ,;.'_'.'1.
sides her husband, are roue son, Fred, d, - This was a decrease frons tate total
1, t11e Tweedsmuir Village History. a'iid eight gratndchlldren. The funeral circulation of the previous year of 41(4.
!- "We must refer to the past historyb'1'llnrsdayl aficr- The demand fur fiction was about the
of the Instil rte fur �sas 111,1(,
1 guidance," Mrs, tuooil from the Brophey funeral hom'lle, same as -in 11145, but there svus all ill -
Wilkin continued, „but w� (]inert pro- the service being condn(trd 1 heti. crease c,f, twt'rify;eight per Merit. in the
gross also, and (511'y our. bairns( high B. IL Farr. 10ternte•nt was in \Tait- circulation of non-tictiorl. In the '
Torr ,thee and country, the (010111011 hind cemetery, juvenile class there-waas a decrease
t-e:rl, the good of all ulafksnd'•" t 1 04U flulu 1 t4,,
»1„eKs•4GA41NO AID
RI ti
§ g . 4"o.zulty Quota Ex c4--Goderkkk Stmt
1�I`v4�rl�IrY�ItD�Y, Mara CO.�-IlDusu�ua-
non is "digging, out"afto otke of 'the a Uttto • Whole OWcthe
worst snowf3tornes in years. ' A large Mr. W. A. Beecroft, county chairman
snowdrift in . fro," t of the parish hall of the Canadian,Md t9Chinti Fund,
for .a long t �,ue cut off through traffic has t sir 1, the following report of
on, the main street, but the street is do ations 'to the fwd
now plowed, out and a few ears are i c:• Exeter ancrdistlrtct• $M0(1,
operation within • the village only. Wingbam sand district 3499
Mr., Jo,. ' • Crawfords of I enoia, it Ooderieh and district 2,873
visiting .his sister, s•'rs. kb., J. Durnin, Clinton and district ,::.,,.., 2,000
and .(tam;( tear, . Yrs. Janaaes -WiIh tai. $eefartb and distriet 1,$00<
11,Ir. John NfeWhimiey was taken to ' • county ,Council grant
liopsital at Goderich on Saturday suf. The county's quota of • gl,2,0t10 has
feting with bronchial asthma. His thus been exceeded. It is felt that
condition is now reported favorable, further contributions. ss;ill increase the
"W, A. Culbert attended a directors' figure in each district. The committee
meeting of the Ontario Shorthorn does not wish to close the fund until
Weeders' Club held -A Guelph' on. these contributions are received. Mr.
Febrtftary 26, for the purpose of neap- Beecroft, spealcing..for the eommittee,'
ping out and fixing grants for different extends thanks toi),ll those who t;upr,
projects such as calf elubs for boys parted this, drive.
and girls in the Province. They are Mr. R. G. Sanderson points out that
offering over $1,000 -for these projects, the Goderich quota of *3,.000 has not
It was decided torbold the Shorthorn been reached. He is hopeful that some
breeders' field day+(4t`r the Agricultural who have neglected to forward a dorm -
College, Guelph, on -June 2. tion will do so within the next few'
.days, Su, that the needed 127 and
more will be received,
lugs. \'t1ILIJIAM LITTLla(.'f ILD
u ;
The, president expressed pleasure in RIt'II.1RI) 11 x'.11"1'L1: The cl;tssiticatiun �shoti�iug the great -
the presence of \1](\01 and \IIs. Mrs, A. D. McLea(0 n,,-�•ived word on, biography, in whic9
est increase was Mooney ; anal Of the two charter mein- \Iouday that her brother. Ilicltatrd II, the figures . of 11145 were inmost •
hers, 'Miss M, E Salkeld, an past press- i ('attic, had pissed away suddenly ��u ,'(lutlbled, fol1ossed in order by, travel,
dent and secretary; and Mrs. Boss ri('' tiundaty night at his bolus at Chino, literature, useful arts. and fine arts.
who�alsu had an honored record. \I r, Books purchased in 1946 were 359
California, in his �trve)atitah year. _._, . r_;: ...,._... .,.,•, ;- ,..-
.—.... "":6`I'a3,,oa I�l'dlso'si�s gnaw._
Ssa t� t ('attic L(1 been in ltic)t health dor a&InIt. and 117. boys and Iris hooks.
\ialor MoonPs .proposing tht?_�tlast ,... .,,.._.. ,;. )t, •e Th€', _ urchases .cost $86:.-"9: Lk►uk-
....._ _ _ _ . - .. -o-.._ . � . 1aj o � c�tx�._ .Ile _�alh _-1 . rli .rat- {�clttrt_.j1,_ PICsq-, Purchases. . _. _ .
1 v
t) ,m + , l�
fife- �' ,
one II
IIlslitllt,n'a Olt,at1111.f.d a son of the lata' Ji r. anti \II'K. George to tile. Illlmber of 651 were_ cltsc'aldtd.,
first in Catnadan in 18)7, said.: "With(battle, hi, father being a ss ell knu�vn : The library contains 8,801 books,
ideals such as .those of�thrv. Institute, druggist here. As a young Iran he
classified as follows: Adult non-fiction,
it, is,,notaitly wonder. ther fare branches eras enllrloyed'iin tliP- gra't'ry, business„.',al1 4.J- ;..: adult: fiction, .'_,_'OS.;. juvenile,
in. so many parts of the world: Our of the Taste G. M. Elliott. abort thirty ! ''r1�i5
own Institute haps given a„ splendid. years agb he went" to California, where l The library has 1.963 adult nieallbers
support to our ',town. It clothed the w carried on an insurance business, stud 445 boy and girl members, all in -
first Boy Scout troop; asst ted in hos- Besides his wife, 'the :forriler ,Jennie crease in total of 124 over last year.
pita]. work ;.furnished a ward in that Proudfoot of Fort William. he -leaves Officers Re-elected
institution: and gave assistaince in two married 'daughters. Mary, and ; A. Rougvie was re-elected chairman
many other ways." Beatrice, and three sons, GeurAe. John i of the board for 1947 and Leo \\•alzak
\I iss 'Margaret King
Was honored for
her faithful services by the presenta-
tlerl of :t gift .from 'the United church
Snuulay . (•liool 011 Sunday last.' Always
swilling helper, Miss King has beets
gthe years
:111 influenced n through h
-the community. After some inter-
esting i'eluarks - by key. IT. J.- Snell,
\lis.. King was asked to a seat o11 the
1)1111forltl and Mrs. Bert Craig read all
address on behalf of the. ti
nsl school
and a two -burner electric plate was
presented by - Miss Viola Thompson.
Mis,• King made at beautiful reply Of
Short of Everything but Snow.—The
severe- storm which swept the district
oat' Sunday night again blocked; --all
roads. and business is almost at t1
standstill, as the farmers are unable to
get out. Storekeepers ran out of bread
1ut__Tuesday. JIr. J. G. 'McDougall.. -of
Goderich, .hank manager, was unable
to make his trip from town on Tues-
day. The school bus has not run -yet
this week and public school has been
cancelled. The meetings of the \V M S
•of- Row,.
Mark's Anglican church which- were
'scliedtih tt-for. Tuesday and Wednesday
were postponed until next week. () r
local milkman, Amos Andrew, anxious
to serve 1118 patrons, had to use a
toboggan to deliver the milk on Tues.
des. the snow -drifts- being impassable
for his horse. The local butcher, Harry
Beadle. ran out of fresh meat on Tues-
day and with road conditions as the'
are' it will ,be a' few days before 1i
can get more. -
why at any time. Hoy. In his message Mr.. Pearson Now °that the war and immediate ;'
Mrs. Wilkin at this time read tele- stressed ,that though c tildretl Taring post-war periods Clave passed, the local
1 grant, received from \lrs.` Somers ad ;rent blessing they also bring great I{ed .Shield auxiliary of the Still -1100n
s s
that t 11
c was unable e
to rent •,
Gadericll; from Mrs. Oster. Rlyth, that at man~lnustshe0trainedtfortlife and�a ; of Army
workl has
mlli disbanded a tine reeord
site was "illlahle to even make het- way ; soul prepared- for eternity. At' the During the -last three months goods
to the station :" and from Mrs. Ivergl conclusion of the service the pasttor pre- . as follows have been shipped to' the
' I)ungattn0_n, , that she w�•ts really sented ,a communion set to . the -con- Toronto headquarters: 111 pairs •child-
snowved in." Other messages were from gregatic,11 • a gift from Ml's. I'e:lrson and 1ell's 1)()ul ,OlkS, :i.'
two past presidents, Airs. -'W. I'. Abell,pairs,'
himself in appreciation of thecon- wool sweaters, lt; children's print
at present Visiting in Toronto, - and I gregation's many kindnesses to them. dre:aes, 7 children's nighties, 7 pair.
Mrs. Chester Johnston, of London, ex- ! children's mitts. 1i) 9811' children's
!pressing. regret in their inability to be NEIL TIIOMPSONa' RECO`'ERING l)y,an1as, 2' quilts, G4 1111 1e11111e))us
)1 -
present. Ent
Neil Thompson. former Coderich Ich ex- articles.
"Past ast Presidents" IIol�lored sers iceman. who shot himself aeeident The president and other officers are
—The Past Presidents" were -toasted; ally over two Weeks ,ago at his hums• anxious to say "Thunk you"- to all
1.11 glowing terms in. an address pre- j in \Woodstock and • was since in.- a who contributed to this worthy- cause.
pared by Mr's.. 0. Holland and read by critical condition in the hospital there,
'Mrs. Con. Bissett, and this was pleas-' is now so greatly improved that his WILLIS—McMILLAN
aptly responded to by Mrs. N'oripan ytx'overc seems assured. Ilis',iother, .A quiet but pretty Wedding took•,
McItulis. � .
Mrs. Neil Thompson of town, was al- , place in St. George's Anglican (Murch
Greefings from varieins other organ lowed to see Bial when sin"wag in . at :1.:a('o'clock on Saturday afternoon,
izations-Were tendered by the' following 1 Woodstock last week. For days Neil. when Janet Helen McMillan. daughter
1 representatives: From Ahnleek Chapter,; 'MIS u11C011 (b us.and the 411)(1nlst, of the lata' Mr. and \Ins, Alexander JIc-
7.O,D.E., ,,l y Mrs. J. Lemaire: Maple' of the _:)hooting _could only he curl- .J1lI1UI1 of _Shakespeare,became .the
I:e>if-f Chapter, r.n.D.E.. 1)5 Mrs. D. D. jec•tured, but he has since •been able : bride of Enlnlerson Densmore Willis,
Mooney: Dramatic nub, by Mr. Ken-, to explain hose it occurred. Ile was son of Mrs. Melt. Willis and the late
neth Lemaire: Goderieh music Club, 1 handling u. gun w-hich he had brought . Mr. Willis, of 12 Britannia road, •Gode-
hy ,Mr. .T. A. Snider. • from overseas i' discharged and rich. ,. The ceremony was performed by
Miss •:1I. E. Salkeld recallid memor(es , the bullet penetrated -his body, causing ' Rev. Beved,y H. Farr. The bride,
clrttich and the Gtailsi of
His Worship concluded by offering and Ro.s all sn California' twn sir tens l was re-elected secretary -treasurer
is ever foremost at The Cranston Funeral Ho
of the pricedof service selected.
And in the face of rising costs. Burin& the. past - few ..
years, The' Cranston Funeral Home is still able to offer a
complete funeral service, with over 50 items of personal
service, for as little as $70.00:
Other comiptete -services, with a choice of hard -wood
caskets, start at $168.00. .
e, regardless
• ut, regardless of price selected, beauty of service, in
every(. detail, is foremost.
e Cranston funeral Home
civic congratulations and greetings on
Mfrs, A: D: McLean •of Gnclerich\ antic {()the( members of the hoard are Mayor Mrs. Don Thomson has returned to
the anniversary occasion. 11rs. F.d: Tyndall, of Alinlicn, said two Mooney.
Rev. B. H. Farr. Mrs. J. Le- her home at Thessalon after a visit
In reply, Mrs. Jatues Bisset, a former brothers. -Will, of Colville, \Nash., and moire, D. M. Johnston, E_ D, Brown,
of several weeks with. her parents, Mr_
president, said it Was an honor t0 be R. O. Maples and M. J. Snider. and Mrs. Robert Deer, Bayfield road.
Fred, of Seattle.
ussociatted with are organizationnh'ieh 1 The board is -planning to move the
had for its, motto ."For.
�.,,-. ..• L} } C�4,T fy4 A' '- `AIi�RRN'Ac`s-r---=4:-hildi.en's-1 arra(
tirc'b11 en1 it.t:"" =,p
(. � making room for the enlargetneut of
(ountl, .. -Ths charter 'i11E;iilbers had'] •At the gundny morning service• at '
been a source of inspiration. firs. i Bethel. Pentecostal TaberriaJele the the adult section. r 1
Bisset expressed appreciation to the t pastor, Rev, J. Pearson, dedicated tyro T,,INAL REPORT OF
M'nynr and nffieials _of the towtn, acid babies: Peter John. .Tree. son of sir. ,
willing -
and anxious
i us tt, «yIlssfiit'tr<t = wtl I. tlrrtl I � ..,..I Pc,;.�sli7rl-� in°ry°C'nrtrlytr, ,,,.,�..�.� I1 CAI; -:RED' HTE L :<,
to assist in anyHoy, daughter of Mr.• and Mrs. William
St. tf Institute work_ The branch. was .. ,1 sw•ound, in -E4i&'- Itllla which required -g-iten Ht -111- -Matas-by het hi•rit-11Vf: Mr. 4--
I organized ,in Febrnaty, 1.901, in the very skillful .surgical Ihention John McMillan, of Shakespeare, wore
Tenlperaince .Ilau. "The ,dist riet treas-
urer held the- at .fieri}nlmg street -length ire,, of aur -
LAC. Donald Baxter is home from •
Aylmer. training ,camp for his' annual
leave. He leaves on March 16th -for -.
Camp Borden.
William J. Jewell left on Monday to
visit his son and daughter-in-law at
\Watrous, Sask. '
Help Th
ed 'Cross
EasterThrift Speciai!
LAITHWAITE Dry-cleaning Service.
1 - ,
ou may leave your garm.eiitd at o ` ces�-42 Pictoil Street
pursestrings, but after CHURCH NOTEScluuise wool crepe, with matching. Juliet
vigorous protest We were allowed to headdress, black gloves. and corsage
handle our 'own funic." .Count] ss ser- Of Butterfly alnd Brialrcliffe roses and
vices rendered by the branch to the The Ladies` Aid of Knox • church
community were recalled. The, war
effort of two wars was ably assisted:
charit4es were Supported; half of the
_school nurse's salary was assumed,
besides assistance given to the hospital.
The 'institute wag the means, in eo=
(operation with the Home and School
Clubs, in having instruction in music
established in the 'schools. Inform-
ative lectures, picnics, 'parties, dinners,
and many other activities have been
features of the forty -five-year history
of the 'busy 'organization. • •
Making a Haggis
Mrs. J. S. Howrie in her own inimit-
able manner told how she made a
haggis forty years ago. The 'Sons of
, cotlancl at that time were a flourish-
ing society and she was asked to° pro-
vide Scotland's great national dish for
a banquet. "
"I was asked to -make- -ft -25-ponr►d
lritggis to serve two hundred guests,"
Mrs. Ilowrie recalled.
It required twelve' pounds of beef -
'steak, calf's liver and heart, one and
ri-half pounds of suet, three pounds, 'of
oatmeal, a box of cornflakes. a loaf of
bread. altt puthrough a, chopper; U4
the ingredients mixed with onions. salt,
pepper and chili 5014 The skin of
a calf's stomach was thoroughly
cleansed and • scoured, and into this
were•liut all the ingredients. and the
podding was boiled, for Six hoiir.1. A
sauce of honey, anger, • water and
whiskey was served from a punch bowl.
The haggis was piped in by a Highland
piper who marched around the banquet
tables playing the Svottish airs,
Mrs.' Ronnie recalled. ' too. that she
boned six turkeys and trade scores
cif oateakes for the 66'ensbm. ' 13otl}kglie
and Miss Selkelcb were accorded an
ova t ioIn. '
Mrs. Gordon Bisset rave cl pleaidng,
address on .the first organization lir
1897, "which began a new era for
rural women." It Was at first a part
of 'the Farmers' Institute ----now it Is of
worldwide importance. ' The, fiftieth
anniversary will be .celebrated next
June' at the Ontario Agricultural Col-
lege. Guelph. The organization was
introduced to England by Mrs,. 'Alfred
Watt, and hit:: spread to tate whole,
interesting to notice." said
Mrs. Bisset. "that the early aetivlties
were 11118ilar to those of today looking-
,lookingto proper food for children, and other
met on Friday, February 2sth, With
the president,- Mrs. N. McInnis, in
charge 'of the business - hairt of the
meeting. Plans were made for a tea
early In April, Mrs. R. E. Wilson
gave a reading in het -usual fine man -
hyacinth bells. The bridesmaid, Miss
Nora F., Willis, sister 'Id the bride-
groom, wa-s gowned in pink 'sheer crepe,
with ice -blue accessories, and corsage
'of- deep pink -carnations. JIr. John
MPMillalu 'was best 111an-
A recepfion for immediate relatives
ner and Airs. - Gordon Henderson sang was held at the, home of the bride
a solo, • groom's mother.," The house was at -
Victoria street :i•nited church at the tracts •sly decorated, with
invitation of minister and people will pink, whit(
and blue streamers and whit( bells.
have as guests at the evening service
Mrs. Willis, mother of the bridegroom,
on ATarch 1fith the • lwrsonnel of .the received, gowned in rose cr', with
hockey Vitals of Goderich, this service rorsnge t►f wars -colored roses and
dnplk•atilg a similar one held laist
yeas(, A special speaker fromthe
�ssorld of ..port Will 1e in attendance to•
give the address, A cordial invitation
to attend this service is extended., to
health and nittrition projects. • Always
all activities engaged in Made a r
sPlI'udid contribution to the countl•y,-'
Musical Program
liItersp(rsing the toasts was la pro --
grain of excellent musical nllii)ers,
•each of which • was heartily enc'or'ed
and added much to the pleasure of the
,evening. These were contributed as
'-follows:-Violin solos, by---Mrs.-
y--Mrs:ley; vocal duets, MrS, George Wilkin
and Miss lea Craig; vocal quartette,
3Te ssrs.• George Buchanan and Kenneth
LChalire, Mrs. (a .Wilkins and MisS Ila
Craig; vocal solos, Mr. Kenneth Le-
maire. The accompanists were Mrs. J.
G. McI)c>ugall and Mrs. J. A. Snider.
The musical program was arranged by
Mrs, Snider.
A vote or thanks .was moved by Mrs.,
C. Lockhart to the speakers and to
all who had contributed to the success
-of -the-even
After the program the remainder of
the evening was enjoyed in playing
cards, the high honors being won by
Mrs. John Newcombe and Mr. tin
FULLY acknowledging with Si'neere
thanks the comradeship and ,friendship
of the local employee; of the Canadian
I'aritie Railway while I worked with
thele: ;iiso their generosity in pre -
Senting the with the 'lovely gift and
kind sx ords accompanying ' it. •'
baby 'nlutns. The happy - 'oupie left
the following day for •Kitehener, where
they will reside, the bride wearing.for
travelling a grey coat and black ac-
cessories: .
Bulk Oil, ` I9c per gal.
Single and Double Auto Horns
Wheel Spinners =- Streamlined
Seat Covers: -Floor Mats for', '
most• -•ears--Ford-. j4" wheels•:. -_
Auto and Bicycle Supply
Phone 295 West St.
New Ringer Roll Replaceti•
melts for all maks of
washers. -
Repairs to all mattes.
All work guariutteed.
Beatty Washer Service
Phone €i9
Hamilton 5t,,
-. Filsi�r's 3Ewelrq and
A Most UnusUal'Sales Event
A Clearance of Watches
from discontinued and short lines
2 Og L1 ,°Men's 17 -Jewels in yel-
low gold rolled-00Fcaa .s;
stainless steel backs, at-
tractive dials and straps.
Fully guaranteed.'
_Rag • $.33.75,_ Sale prise $27.50.
2 ONLY, Men's 15 Jewels, by
this famous maker, in yel-
low rolled gold plate eases
throughout, two tone dis-
tinctive dials. Fully guar-
$; 37.x0. wilt priee $29.75
4 ONLY, Ladies' smart cocktail
Watches, 15- Jewels, in
highly polished. stainless
steel eases, smart coloured
dials, fancy rock crystals
and bracelet attach-
ments,. Fully guaranteed.
Reg. :$24.50. Sale price $18.75
Subject to Gov't.
._.,Purchase .-Tax
4 ONLY, Men's 13 Jewels in yes-
- loss go'l[d.retied plate cares,
ti stainless steel backs, clear-
cut dials, rock crystals.
Fully guaranteed.
Rei $24. r i. Sate prier $19.75
1 ONiI Y. Men's - 13 Jewels,
round, yellow • gold rolled
plate ease, stainless steel
back. attractive dial. Ideal
young • boy's Watch. Fully
Rog. $21.50. Sale price $16.50
Extra Special
Men's Lorie Veri Thin
17 Jewels, Pocket Watch
in yellow rolled gold plate,
a very smart ]model. Fanny
Reg. $35.00. Salle priee $21.50
ONLY. Montrose, round yel-
low gold roiled 'plate 'ease,
17 Jewels, smart pink dial.
suitable for ladies or gents.
Fully guaranteed
Reg.. $tt7.50. i e--lir• re -$19:75(
War Casualties Back Again!
Big I3ens.4. Baby Bens'..
The famous Vliestel'oiii Travalarm.
Completely shuttered for travel.
an•, acee.psory fair the smartest
. bedroom when open.
in both Big Metra and Country
Club, models.
- We also have Alarms- priced as low as. $2.50