The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-02-13, Page 6TM GOERIC: • SIONALSTAR 9 IN\ 1WO 1: E ...•/ ofsM ett t l \'QWON° or AUURN AUBURN, Feb:. Mrs. Nelson hill of Goderich spent the week-eand with, Miss Sadie and Joe Curter. The monthly meeting of'tlne Women's Institute will be belcl.in the Foresters'. Hall on Tuesday, February lath, tit 2 o'eloclili. The topic, • "Ag ricultulre," wilt bN given by Mrs. `Gordon McCl1n- e1 ey ; current events by Mrs.'s lin e'r Robertson. Roll caOE --"' otdr fttvorite task in or arena]. the home." Iiost- .eskes-4Irs. WVnx. Craig, Mrs. J. Taylor, Mrs. Fred Pfaetzer, Mrs: Win. Ander- -son. . A spark frons a coal stove ignited gas in a large pan which was used icor washing parts and started'' fire in Tom Johnston's garage on Saturday. A car which was in the garage at the tine 111118 shoved to safety. Mr. John- ston received a burn on his hand. The fire was put out with chemicals... The Week -end Storm. --Owing to the severe snowstorm which struck this . distriet over the week -end there was no service in any,f the churches on Stfnday. On Monday the school bus- was unable to make the regular trip. This was the first time this winter that the bus missed, During the height, of the storm on Sunday the hydro Went off and didn't come on until Monday noon.. The break occurred- east of Carlow. The hydro gang had •to walk six miles over heavily drifted roads on Moirday to make repairs. Dies at Vancouver.—Word has been received by relatives here of the death at Vancouver, B, C., of Robert Howson. in his eighty-third year. Deceased was a funeral director of Penticton, B.C. He is survived by his' wife, three sons, Joseph, of ,Vancouver, Leonard' of Penticton, and Clarence, of Vancouver ; one daughter, Mrs. Mary Huxtable, of Vancouver, and two ,sisters, Mrs. Jas. McClay, of Burnaby, and Mrs., Martha Jane Bunking, of Auburn. The late Charles Ilowson .of Auburn was a brother. The funeral was held at Penticton. Mr: and Mrs. Howson visited relatives here in 1938. Annual -Congregational Meeting. — a'The annual congregational meeting of Knox Presbyterian church was held in the school room on Tuesday. Rev. -Robt. Macconneii was .chairman and the 'meeting was opened with a hymn,- „Xwriptrtre, reading and -prayer._ O: Wt ii.t 1S ,zppo'lnted 4e-dfetilz y ofy the ,Meeting. The -treasurer of the church, Mrs. Fred Ross, presented her report, showing a healthy situation and 'a substantial balance on. hand. The re- port of the W.M.S. presented by Mrs. Ross, and that of the Ladies'- Aid, presented by Mrs. Edgar Lawson; re- vealed a year of splendid achievement ,by both organizations. The report- of the Sundayschool' was giveh by. Mr. BENMILLER, Feb. 11. — Mrs. W. ` ' J. J. Wilsons':The session report was Turton has, reeeived a cable from Mr. presented by Mr: Wilson, who gave Turton, who sailed for•England a week • the following statistics: Baptisms, 4; ago to .. visit :.his relatives- there, ado �.••-• 2; wising her that- he had arrived at yea removal by certificate,lay death, .a . utham ton _safe • ._..-.. 'on,:t offacers ;t ok.pla.ce._sv,1thl . . �_ ._..-a._ . ___ _.__ 3_, -_ _ Phe-et1 that sveie blocked for gree �_ s^ tine-fplk? ng.resnits.:..A Ro1111is.on and Roads . _ _.w r Economical long-term SERICE and absolute RELIABILITY at all times, along with style, beauty 'and the ultimate in motoring comfort are YOURS when youhdrive a MERCURY. , order NQW for earliest' , delivery® Placeyour Our stock 'of Mercury Car and Track parts is now complete for your. immediate service. -Wellington .Good were appointed Man- agers for ; a three-year terra. Others are J. C. Stoltz. and W. T. Robison,AO, retire in 1947; 'Mia. Wagner and Eti. Lawson; • to • retire iu 194S. Trustees,. John Doerr,_ J. V. Stoltz and, Ilerb Govier : treasurer, Mrs. Fred Ross; Owing to the severe storm the church delegates to ieentral fund, W. T. lt.ubi- service and Sunday school . were can - sola, J. 1'. Stoltz; auditors, Mrs. Edgar Belled, also the meeting of the Wo- . Lawsous Mrs. W. 1lradnoclt ; publishing men's Assoeiat ion. committee, J, C. Stoltz, Mrs, Fred Miss Gloria Good visited over the Ross; organist, Mr. Arthur V ungblut ; week -enol with Air. and 'Mrs. Fred ushers, Ken Scott, Gordon I)oble Win. White and John, of Goderich. P. Wagner and W. Bratidnock ; congrega- - tienal secretary, J. C, Stoltz. A. vette of thanks was tendered to all who h 1 cl taken part in the -work of the church during the year.,,This congre „tion" has been without a pastor since the resignation of the pastor, Rev. Robt. Maceonnelf, at the end of the year. Since then the pulpit has been sup- plied by students from Western Uni- versity, London, but it is. expected a minister will be called in the spring. auku +.a7A..7rq 15'EDRUAllY�4�itW9Y 1Y44r !' ; ere opened to Goderieb ton ay, leli"a o the relief ,lrf. raid, Mrs. ,Arthur Straughan spent last weo1 at Dungannon. Several from here attended the (ude- ricia C.I. at-home on Friday night and Sonne weredstorm$ta3'ed for a few, days. Miss 'Vivian . Strauglnan spent the week -end in Stratford and aatterided the Normal Sc}1u01 at -faunae. • PHONE 625W ° DONtABERHART, Prop. ST, ANDREW'S ST. A. 4111111111111.111111, COLD COMFORT Avoid "talking at" people if you have a cold. This advice comes' from na- tional health �experts.who, remind Can- adians of the dangerous ease with winch -.era may-:be.ssprea .�.: I : - other person has a cold, the advice is Members Delve into -. `Get out of the line of fire." Careful' washing of hands before meals, and general personal hygiene, are also ad- vised in the "!old comfort" tips issued 4041),�headduarters. Local W. I. I-Iistor Recall Incidents..of Fortner Ye in- Women'Wait sitwte NILE NILE, Feb. 7.—Mrs. Ruth Hayden - bas moved her household effects to Goderich, •Angus McDiarmid, M• rs. Ifo • G Irvin and J. Farrish attended thel funeral of. their relatives, , 41rs; Allan Grant and : son, last week. • There is an,, epidemic of chickenpox in this neighborhood. Only a few of the pupils of Nile school have not had the malady, and there is time for them to get it. The weatherman has been dealing out all kinds and there is not such use In telling of today's conditions, as .they may be very different when this is printed. - Jack Wilson has disposed of his International -truck .and- has purchased a new Mercury Fordh Carman Brindley has moved to near 1Beiasuiiler, where he is operating his trucks he purchased from Mr. Durst, as his license would not• a11ow, him to truck in Nile vicinity. • The trustee board of Nile United church. hits appointed Mrs. Frank Ilaw- kins•rganist and Arm. H. Matthews earet '. (x,earg 44, '► Ru-tledge�' .and } Qm.a MelliV"e have again • been ap- 10.1teittheM eLcommittige. jTa }y Watson has dispgsed crf� Kiri '-_ fiifl y' acres' off ish an pasture iaiid oin the 2nd eondession of Ashfield to Mr'. Hopkinson of Goderich, and is now cutting"the timber off it. Carman Kerr has the .job of skidding 'the 'logs. CARLOW CARI )W, Feb. ,11. --•--Ford Cnnning haul. was taken to the Goderich hos- pital last week, where anteration was Performed for appendicitis. ?lint; Fordyce Clark is wearing a broad smile these days. A little scan BENMILLER bar) been added to bis fmtly. C�>taa gI ttulatiuhs Mrt3 Duncan (. twforcil, . of Flint, Mich.,` Spent `a week with her :,,other, Mrs. A. Wilson, and ahem in the dip- trict. Mrs. A.. Wilson celebrated her eighty, - fourth birthday on Saturday. A lovely dinner was served b the evening l honor of the occasion. •whc�n Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Wilson of, Nile, Mrs. CravW- ford Of Flint, ° Mich., Mrs. A, Stoll, Me. and Mrs. T. Wilson and family were present. LAST NaN[a'i E ORDERS Do not leave it” until you are just about otit of your printing �5equire�. Innennts before .ordering more. Check wet your stuck now and put yo.ttr order in well -in advance. Records of The ,Signal -Star show that many leave their printing requirements until the last minute and then want their orders filled immediately, thus causing a jars. If your order is placed in reasonable time there need be no delay in filling it. Combat That Cough • Dr. Wood's Norway Pine ayru�a is a prompt, 'pleasant and effectual remedy for coughs, colds, hoarseness, sore throat, bronchitis, ipasmodie croup, , asthma and bronchial troubles. - - Safe, effective, .Inexpensive and dependable, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup helps to loosen phlegm and mucus, clear the air passages and bring quick relief for coughs and colds. Get a supply of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup today. - t: LIt Thi T. Milburn Oo.. Limited, Toronto, Out. - If YouHave An Old .Chesterfieid YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO BUY A NEW ONE UNTIL YOU CALL US - We specialize in re-up- ho�lstering -& re- desing. dila° cusryt, om mte- c-°. All work guaranteed, DICK THE UPHOLSTEREB PHONE .567W v. i s oxer You will be proud of the Chesterfield, Chairs, etc., that we re -upholster or re 7cover for you. Choice of velour, frieze, tapestry, damask. Quality coverings. SEE .US ! PHONE US! WRITE US! hone 206J „ Pick-up and delivery THE SQUARE GODERICH Goderich French Dry Cleaners. THE COMPLETE SERVICE NEW STEAM SPOTTING - ' DRY CLEANING and PRESSING GENERAL REPAIRS Guaranteed Mothproofing 'Service. Waterproofing. PICK -VP . AND DELIVERY Phone,122 C. R. LOWERY The regular m• eeting of the Women's Institute was held in MacKay- Halton Thursday, February 0th, and in spite of inclement weather there was a large attendance. ,The 'president, Mrs. A. •Wilkin, was .in charge. , Under the heading of historical, re- search Mrs. John Newcombe -gave a resufue of Women's Institute meetings held in the early years of the organiz- ation. Although the Goderich branch was r formed in 1901, the first record to lie found was that of 1904. Minutes of "the Jttne meeting of 1904 ,and the February meeting of 1905 were given, and a photo was shown of the June meeting of,1921, at the home of Miss' M. E.: Salkeld. The 'Meetings . were • then held 'in the homes,- and reports showed that much good work was ac- complished and social life enjoyed. A "Do you remember?' impromptu dialogue was presented by four mem- bers of long standing, Mrs. A. Higgin- son, ,Mrs. J. S. Howrie, Mrs. J. . C. Stewart and Mrs. Chas.' Young, and amusing episodes were related. A cook book, the property of Mrs Jas. Campbell, was shown, which con- tained pictures of the first 'three -presi- dents of the Women's Insi,itute. at Stoic y Creek, Ont., the birthplace of Women's Institutes -and the former home of Mrs. Campbell. Plans were made for a banquet 4n commemoration of'the fiftieth annivers- ary of Women's Institutes, which ,is to be held this month. It is expected that a number of honored guests will be pre- sent, Including the Provincial. president, Mrs. II. Somers of Fonthill, the. area president, Mrs. F. Oster of Blyth, and the district' president, . Mrs. L, Ivers of Dungannon Other business included a donation of $25 to the Chinese relief appeal. Mrs. Willa and Mrs. "Ismay McLean were app inted to represent the Insti- tute atop_ meeting to be held February 20th in, connection with the creation of a community recreation council. A letter was read from the- London (England) Associated Council Women of the World acknowledging the gift of a parcel sent to them. 'Interesting current events were given by Mrs. Jos. Lemaire. - Two fine piano numbers were played by Lois Camp - hell. The .roll call was answered with healt1iit hila$$:, Lunch was served- by the committee in charge of the meet- ing and a social time' enjoyed. �' 1 Aiw'ays When this firm is called upon in time of need, - the relatives may be sure of inter- ested, personal atten- tion. Every 'service we conduct is given the thought and con- sideration one might expect a funeral director to give to his dearest friend. a19 oANDSTILL GROWING.! � (101, sd U.N. WANTS, PLENTY OF FALL -WINTER EGGS Future contracts with Britain for eggs are dependent principally en Can= ltdra's q pping large quantities,:. of fail. 1f 0'; witer eggs, says the Dominion Department'of Agriculture. 1nereased production in the fall and winter months 'is possible • only , with early hatched chicks carefully grown Into healthy pullets. • Here are some hints on the growing of healthy pullets: . Order chicks without delay. Place orders for chicks with a reliable hatchery:' 0. JVieinhan vcat CQRDEtt OF The OMEN punt oplity. riela efOce isLoy a, M.1.00GE, , DdRECTOr 13 6MONTREA'L ST. PHONE i aO Do not order more chicks than you can brood properly, --300 chicks in a 10' x 12' house should be sufficient.' Overcrowding results in poor pullet's F FRB's 20th Anniversary EIRUARY 19th CFRB embarks on an. other twenty years of service to Ontario. During its .years of operation, this sta- tion has taken the lead at every stage of • _. broadcasting development . in quality. and power of signal, in programming in service to the whole community. And we look forward with confidence to the next twenty - years. We renew our pledge to carry on towards the greatest -good of the community as a whole. We will keep CFRB "Ontario's favourite radio station"... first for" 'info 'nt°atfon, first for entertainment, first for inspiration! - • Listarewo.iim Operate the brooder rtove'fof s veral days prior fo arrival of chicks to get It properly adjusted. Test the aeenracy of the broodett4 be- fore the shirks arrive. Sia intain a temperature of l00° P. two inches above the floor it, the outside edge of the hover. Avoid chilling or overheating. Supply plenty of fresh clean water. • During the first few d ys, warm watei. slightly. :supply plenty of Hopper space and • race as 'reliable/ .bfand of chicltit, ,latter. A. Pkitining now for the t• twee&ty years! tr