The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-02-13, Page 3--s- dry -Y- OWE—HUNDREDTH YEAR. 4 _ 9 P il !Nosiness. . irectory • LEGAL L T. I . HUNTER Barrister, Ete. Royal Beals Bldg. Hammilto;': Streetr Goderich Phone 968. gannammiiIINEM CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ' 3J CECIL ATTRLD 1E. � CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Telephone: Office 18, Residence 343. Goderich. ACCOUNTING AND BOOKKEEPING 1% CCOUNTING & BOOKKEEPING a.a., SPRVIC81 For Small Businesses, Stores, Etc. Bookkeeping Systethe installed. Books Balanced Monthly Financial Statements Wage Summaries Business and Personal Income Tax ,Returns ALBERT SHORE •Office;Corn;er North St. and Square Phone 975. Residence Phone 444. 1NS.URAN-CIL itleKiLLOP MUTUAL ° FIRE IN- GE 'O. -Farm and iso- _ 4 ed. lated� town ,property insured. fiicers— . President, F,"rank Mc �1.. • O , Gregor, Clinton, No. 5; Vice=President„. this. Leonhardt 'arni►o To:.. ",: ,. _- Manager and Secretary -Treasure -4 .-11. - -..A: -It.eid, Eeaferth,:,�..... , -- -- Directors—Frank McGregor, Clinton; Chris. Leonlliardt, . Barnikolm ; A1e�c. .,Broadfoot, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth ; George Leitch, Clinton , E. .J. Trewartha, Clinton; Alex. McEwing, Blyth; -Hugh- .Alexander, Walton;.. _ J L. Malone; Seaforth. Agents—John E. 'Pepper, Bruceheld, No. 1; George A Watt, Blyth, No. 1; ,R. Finlay McKer, her, ,Dublin, No. 1; J. F. Prueter. Brodhagen. - _ Poli holders can make all pay- _ ::n idueats and :get -their • cards reoeipted- at - the Royal Bank, ,Clinton ; Calvin Ciitt'a Grocery, .Kingston Street, Goderich,. or J. 1tii, Reid'a General- Store,. l ylield. DUE • DATES OI' , RATI®]f. COUPONS Coupons` now good are butter B-35. to t3-41, meat M:64'to M-72 and sugar - preserves S-`26 to S-40. Next coupons becoming valid ar6 sugar -preserves 8-41 to S-42,* butter. B-42 and meat M-73 • on' February 20. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. -=With the recent increase allowed various oils and shortenings, what is the present ceiling price of a pound of shortening? ' A. --Tho ceiling price May vary ac- cording to the” brand, and the increased price cannot be charged the consumer until the retailer has paid for this product. Stocks on . hand in, retail stores when the price increase' was announced must be sold at or below the former ceiling. If you will send us the name of the brand and the name of the dealer • selling you the shortening we shall be glad to check and gide you the, information you desire. (2: -Could you tell me if restaurants have been allowed to increase the price. of a ham sandwich? ' A. -If the ham is hot the price may be increased five cents. If it is cooked, cold ham the price may not be in- creased under the' Iecent allowances for meals. Q. -Are used cars and trucks still under price ceiling regutat1dns ? A. -Yes. Prices may be checked at theenearest_office of the Wartime Prices • MEDICAL 4DR. F. J. R. FORSTilUt, EYE, EARL, NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural hospital, assist- ant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square " Throat' Hospital, London, .England. EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephone 267: - -Next visit Bedford Hotel, Goderich, Wednesday., .J:anuar.y 22, 1947, at 2 p.m. gill 4.39 p.m. ._ .. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Goderich, Phbne '341 - OFFICE HOURS Mesa. & Thurs.-9 to 11.30 a•rn. 2 to 5 p.m.. (only) Tues. & Fra.. -9 to 11.30 a.m. 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. Wed. & Sat. -9 to 1L30 a.m. (only) Mineral fume baths by appointment only. A. N. ATKINSON 51 ' South St. Registered under Drugless Practitioners Act for the Province of Ontario. 1 r £ L. COLE 1 Optometrist-,sOpticiau Eyes E�Examined, -Glasses Fitted Plio ne 33 Goderich, Ont: - P. J. RYAN Redd Estate and inwnrxnee office and Residence: - 11 Trafalgar Street Phon „36,3 •'ORA BALE --Hous of all kinds, choice building -lots, business pro- perty and several good farms. INSURE _ IN SURE INSUANiE__-.. CONFEDERATION LIFE WIND- CARR, FIRE—Prete/Ted rates for preferred risks. - -ACCIDENT & SICKNESS Consult JOHN FARBISH �3_ Iw,O!�-_-- 8 annon� Phone � ._,.- DONALD B. BLUE Lig ePaRLIEN'CED AUCTIONEER for -Counties of Huron r and Bruce RIFLE. PHONE 49 For information apply to J. N. Kernighan, Division Court Clerk. Goderich, ' Ont. EDWARD W. FI' LIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an-; swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by tilling -Phone: 203,_Clint�n•__ Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. 19tf HURON 410U1014)".9* FOREMOST W, LY' GODERICII, ONTARIO'? THURSpAY, E Couni1SeeksViews1jj : S�1�O�JL NEWS 11 R UAR`` 3th, 1947 Parking, � THIS WEEK AT mt[� '� °; THIS WEED TIVE: G.C.I. (By Jam Ifs ynol(1s) a' ill for Mile :and a Half The "tails" have once ":again been of Side-Walk At the meetingofthe Town Courtcil on Friday night last Mayor A1ooney reported briefly on the public meeting field the previous week to consider the holding of an Old Hosie Week this year, The small attenaarit:a., at the meeting was diecuuraging,o'he said, and - most of those present did not seem to want to express lin opinion one way or the other. The sense of the meeting, aD Euy New Tractpr—PetitiOaa4 so far as it . was expressed, was :that there was not time to prepare for a reunion this year. He thought Gode- rich should prepare to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of its" incorpor- ation in 1850 and keep the project per- sistently before the public. All mem-hers of the Council were in their seats. The Tax Collector reported e_ollec- tion4 of $1,197.71 in January. The Collector also submitted'a statement of •taxes in arrears, which was referred to the finance committee. The Chief of Police submitted a re- sport of weights of loads of coal checked in January, as follows: Town Company Scale •- Weight 1750 Ib. 1620 lb. • ' `'300 lb. 2090 Ib. 8540 Ib. ' 8440 1b. 10801b. '1100 lb. HAROLD AMMON - LICENSED AUCTIONEER HIIRON ANDPERTH For information, etc.. write R.R. 4, Seaforth; or phone (col- lect) Seaforth, 'or 867; Goderich. 1 GAVE UP-FOOLIN G WITHABAD:v, ACID STOMACH • �.RS "I found out to my sorrow . that, continuous dosing with ordInar -•sugar-- coated pills laxatives ,s and ro-called alka- lizerr, which gave me temporay relief, did my stomach more harm than gobd. Afriend recommended PFUNDER'S TABLETS. I bought them on the 15 -day , ;mosey -back plan. Row 1 recommend them to is p�beQgidA" t�dia PhaCsta and many users p rase MURDER'S TABLETSsicOsse stomach cn tsthhem ter days i risking one penny. . COINS" Is Iar'MtEt Datalt, and Taal Mai Seabrook Coal Co. Dean Coal Co. Edward Coal Co. Saints Coal Co. Jerry Coal Co. 22001b. 21751b. Applications for. Building Permits Five api licaticas.• for,14Ading Pe r Baits were. submitted.` 11. S. Davidson :proposes •to -•build:, ; tw story frame dwelling. on Maw -street at an estim- ated - cpst of $4;500. David Brindley's ipplicatien,was -fpr a one-story, frame -dwelling on Britannia road, estimated cost $3,000. N. W. Scrimgeour's 'ap- plication ap-plication was for a frame service sta- tion sen Huron road. •The other ap- plieations were from - A. R. Mohriug, Cambridge street, and G. Patterson, •Gloucester fierrace, for ming iniprove ments. Applications for grants -to the Salva- tion Army and the Health League of Canada were sent to the finance com- mittee, and the request for 0. contribu- tion.. was xisma,, ..xo „the -Aids _Chin n. funds, d Campbell's Drug Store, Goderich ;� CAPITAL THEATRE - Now --The Bum`stead Family, in "LIFE WITH RLONDIE. • Honday, Tuesday and Wednesday -g- Two Features- • Johnny Weismuller, Virginia Grey and Buster Crabbe Tell a. battling tale of conflict in "primitive surroundings "SWAMP FIRE" . • Dennis O'Keefe, Helen Walker and Tont Powers "' 3itlance the program with a bundle of hearty laughs "HER ° ADVENTUROUS NIGHT" Thursday, Friday and Saturday— - Evelyn Keyes, Ansi Miller, Allyn Joslyn and Keenan Wynn With Envie Madr"iguer'als Orchestra ,in the iropieal tune -and -talent toppers of all .lmtsicals "THE THRILL OF BRAZIL" Coining Alan °Ladd, Gln 4b.S.S," Matinees Wed., Sart. and fiolidaye at 2.30 p.m. and Trade Board. Q.—Has there ben any recent per- mission granted bakers to increase the price of brown bread? • : A.—Ne. Bread of all kinds inelud- ing white,vitamin it Canada -approved bread, brown bread,whole wheat bread, cracked wheat bread and rye bread are still, at their -basic period levels. - relegated to regions redolent of cam- phor. Evening gowns have been care- fully inspected and are reposing on hangers ready for some lesser - event. In other words, the eleventh G.C.I. at-hoiite is over. On February 7th a record assembly gathered in the gy m- nasiuiu, which was decorated in t winter motif --"snow" appropriately -being predominant. The decoration was under the direction of Miss Put Church, who with her committee achieved perfection. The guests were• eleomed by the patronesses, Mrs. A. R. Scott and Mrs. H. M. Ford, and the president of the Student Council, Miss Eleanor Martin. The music of Ross Pearce and his orchestra inspired gay capers in both the Toung and -the not - so -young. The 'elimination daiace was a . source of : keen amusement to -the guests. Ladies were removed from the floor for various extravagant reasons, such as "wearing orchids," and gentle- men for the ordinary offences,- such as "wearing ` suspenderti." Miss Rose- marie Hartman and Mr: •Mac. Wilson were the successful contestants. In the spot dance, Mrs. (Dr.) J. �I,. Gra- ham and . Mr. R. Menzies were "on the spot." A relay lunch under the capable ditection of Miss McNaughton and Miss Tettmar was served, the last 200 guests faring as bountifully as the first 200. The Student Council has been the reeigienthof many compliments on the 'success of the evening. A Teeii Town dance will be held . itr - _ the. gymnasium-.. on -Friday., -Fe iruary- 14th,.:at 8 Pam. _. Q.—Are canned baby's foods free of ceiling controls? A.—All except canned apricots, -,cher- ries, peaches, pears and plums. referred to committee of the whole. - The request of the Navy League of Canada --for--permission-to_holsLA tag day on a date not yetde.cided upon was referred to the special committee. -Applications from the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves and the Ontario Association 'of Rural IIunici- - paii-ties, --each--for--the-membership-fee- of $5, were sent to committee. Bandmaster Woods' Resignation Charles Woods' resignation of the position of leader of the . Boy s' Band was received and accepted and the ,question of what is ;to be done with refer oix� if ee the band was ref >ed t'b' c m t of the: whole. The application -of the Bell Tele- phone Co- for approval of work on Elgin ave. and Toronto street was sent -to thwpublie works committee. Coups. K`aittiug and. Edward Were -appointed to .act ori the Community Recreation Council to be organized shortly. . The Mayor, the chairman of the fin- ance committee and the Clerk were ap- pointed a committee to,_act on the re- quest of the Blue Water Highway As- sociation for a grant of $250 for this year. , The County Treasurer • submitted a provisional statement of the County Yaw judgment is.th thing by .rate for 1947, which at 53' mills on the- e assessment would be $18;753.05. , others. judge you. - In recent years the Town, with pre - Signal -Star classified ads. payment of taxes, has paid its County results. I rate in advance and taken advantage ;aarr.r which bring NamiewaHurrammowat F. T. Armstrong OPTi� � and OPTOMETRIST "See Armstrong and See Better" At Lucknow first Friday of each month. • J. W.CRAIGIE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE PHONE 24 , - GODERICH. ENJOY PEACE OF MIND and freedom from financial• losses by insuring . today. TALK IT OVER TODAY' WITH CORDON JEWELL R.R. 6, Goderich Phone Carlo* 1 4... a Air Geo. ` . MacEwan Fire, Acddent- and Meter Cr,a Insurance, OFFICE—MASONIC TEMPLE WEST STREET - PHONE 239 GODERICM Should Red Cross Continue at Work? Questio.t. Pbc zed ,t Annual Meeting bf Local Organization The attendance at the annual meet- ing of the local branch' of this lied Cross Society` on Friday night was not large, owing to counter attractions and illness. - u The president, i,1r. D. E. Campbell,. pres=ided, and Mre. ,P. F. Carey was acting secretary in the absence through illness in Hospital of Mr: George Schaefer. A balance of $2,175 was reported on hand. Mr. Campbell, in a review of the year, said seven meetings of the ex- ecutive had been held., Engergency quotas received from Tor- onto resulted in some of the workers being busy until June. The rooms were then closed .until Septembers Sew= ing machines were given out to certain faithful workers to keep and to main- tain in good condition; .three were lent to the.Collegiate Institute and one to the Women's Hospital Auxiliary: A membership drive secured 116 mem- bers, and realized $478; a grant' of $200 was made to assist sufferers in the ,Windsor duster, and a cheque for $1200 was sent to headquarters at Toronto, ' Mr. Campbell paid tribute ,,to R. C. Hays, the first president, and to Mrs. H. C. Dunlop, convener of the- work- room and later president of the branch. He announced that the executive had recommended, that, as a special mark of appreciation, the Society confer an honorary ine�niliership, the highest honor..within- the purview of _the• So- ciet1!, 'oil.,% S Dnnlop--..Aceord•1ngly_it crt tans was•- sent to - headgniarters at :Torotrtv, and un• acknowledgment was receavect• -that- "`lie �.r'eeoniiiendjt'ion would be presented et t'he -next annual meeting, to be held in April this.year. The' president gave ,a report of the work— done sine'--t'Ife`rg'aYriY.'tiun 1939 as follows: Total number of pieces of wearing apparel made to June, 1946. 2,740; knitted articles, 17,893; hos- pital supplies, 111,501; money raised for all purposes, $66,494.70. On a visit. to Toronto, Mr, -Campbell said he had been assured therno finer work had been sent in from any branch anywhere. "This I believe to be a well deserved tribute to our ladies," he, said. The- Meeh .. . at- the ..... rhe- meati-xlg �a�„-3�xiormecl Pant- _ . xee'tittt tr lratl=cleeide l�-ta- irtec-ommend. that the books be closed and the charter returned to Toronto -a de- lci6iO11 airrivectr- at with regret, . It w;ts mentioned that Alm. gueii+enzie, pro; r:aira convener' of the Ontario Red Cross sQeiety, had been in town and had been in taeltis with Mrs. H. C. Dtnlol, Miss A.11.1Eaver, and Mr,• Campbell. Mss Cleaver told the meeting; of suggested aetivities for the branch, to undertake, as Toronto headquarters was anxious that Goderich 'should carry u ou. Some of the suggestions 'were: Blood :donor clinics; establish- ment. of a lean cupboard from which wheel chairs, hospital supplies, etc.. might be available in. emergencies; the teaching of 'swimming and lips saying; a ward for veterans' wives and families in the hospital-; clothing for England .and; Europe; a grant to the Goderich Library Board for the child- 'ren's library. , • Mr. E. D. Brown spoke of "the magnificent piece of work done by the women of Goderich-it was outstand- ingly splendid." There was overlap- ping to be guarded against in peace- time. work; he pointed out. Social ser- vices regftrding relief were looked after by the relief officer, Mr. Rougvie; the Legion attended to veterans' difficulties, *instriicting that .a new bylaw be pre- pared: • The finance committee passed a large number of accounts and reported that relief accounts for January totalled $450.27. ;.. " To Purchase New Tractor v The publie works committee reeom-. mended that a new Ford tractor, tom- plete with cab, mower attachments„ ,and V -type . snowplow, be purchased froin Goderich _Motors at a price of $1,739.52. The special committee recommended that the Mayor obtain, the views of. the retail merchants' coinurittee orf the installatio.0 of parking meters; that of the discount. This year the tai British Sailors''Society be granted prepri3unentpla�i_ Svcs' not. adopted Wine per mission to hold _a _tag. dov_; 014_t4e -. the Treasurers pointed out .that to pay Corporation •enter into an agreement the County rate in advance the Town with Victoria Hospital, London, for the would have to borrow. the money from care of patients with communicable the Bank. The matter was referred to -I. the finance committee. The secretary of Maitland Golf Club wrote stating that a deputatibn would wait upon the Council shortly to urge the widening of the• road to the golf >< ceC ttr °�ar�d a.. recreatdosi iah�trsacCr�. �.� r �'. appointed wQ,fnald• have .ebgrvd of swine naniiag and safety • tta tavitWu. lit telt t'ba outpost hosI4tals • were ca oing ia- vnluabie�-work.- :and desemring self Csagi$t- anGe , • fir, M. ' Rohe? 8 0 also spoke brle1 y.. .. - Mrsr. 'Dunlop favored, obt4Qinmg the opinion of the women before surrend- ering the charter and a uwftan wsst endorsed that action on the recom- mendation, ecolao mendation, from the exeeutivc to,return the charter be defetred until after a m;c'eting of the women workers le called to decide whether they are willing to , carry on peacetime' or The decision will be�a reported bacso : a general meeting. The present executive WWI carry on in the meantime. The on, was adjourned to'T'('• convene at the calla Ike president. BOARD OF TRADE .DJJ CTOR In addition to the ijst • of elected directors of the Gaderich Board'. oI Trade for .1947 which appeared' in. Inst week's Signal -Star there should have been the name, of Jr M. GOOdwin, manager ` oe the Bell Telephone Com- pany for the Goderich district.• ' J grounds. This' vas referred to thea public works committee: through the harbor shed .oil a tonnage .• A letter from Solicitor Dance} in basis. The- industrial committee recorn- connection with the grant to the County of land in' the Square was sent to committee of the whole. ' A communication from W. A. Suther- land, inbehalf of II. Bahialessee of the skating rink, requested that the Town attend immediately to the repair or re- placement ,of the wire which - vas broken on the night of January 6th This was referred to the public Works committee, along with • other -cor- respondenee relating to the several . The Clerk -submitted a dist-of--peti- damage actions against the Town. I tions for cement sidewalk and' curbing The North Harbor Road on the local improvement plan, and A communication from the Depart -1 said -they -called for, about •a mile and anent of Transport,- Ottawa, with refer- a -half of sidewalk. The }natter of ence to the proposal for a road to the ordering cement for this work was re - north side of the harbor, stated: diseases. fc�rrccl to they public works committee. "Should the area be required for in-I It ryas decided to sell part lot `251, es. . The water, light and harbor com- mittee recommended that the 'North- West Steamships Co. be 'advised `that the Corporation will enter intra an agreement whereby freight may be put -mended that the insurance on the foundry be changed so thst the lessee keep the property insured with loss. if aupayable to the Corporation as :its intErests may appear. The fire -committee recommended that the fire pumper at the north side of the harbor be brought, up town and placed in the fire hall. These reports were all adopted. Mile and a Half of Sidewalk dustrial purposes, the Department would be- pleased to co-operate with the Town of Goderich and would be in a position to grant permits of oc• - cupation to industrial users whose Oper- ations might be approved by the Town It is against Departmental•.polic'y to - allow subleasing of public wharf areas "If satisfactory , arrangements can be made by The Town with (he Can- adian National Railway, the Depart- ment would be quite prepared to coli: sider entering into an agreement rover- ing use of the breakwater by the Town as -a roadway site, the roadway to form part of the .proposed develop- ment." This_ was referred'toJ,hn.water, light and harbor committee. James, Durnin, caretaker of MacKay Hall, asked that someone he appointed to take . his place, as he had been granted -one of the Wartime houses. The matter was left in the hands of the public works connnittee. A motion was passed to rescind the bylaw for the licensing of dogs and 'WE SPECIALIZE IN MERCURY MOTORS and PARTS NEW and REBUILT MOTORS IN STOCK—NO WAITING PH°NEBRADLEY & SON GbDER=CH 241' or 658 NEW AND USED PARTS FOR ALL MAKES OF CAR& - ' Elgin avenue, to Douglas Wilson for $115. -, A motion was passed that the Town snowplowing equipment must not- be used for clearing private lanes or driveways. , ioderich Stores Remain Open. Saturday Tights e s"iined Ide chants agree to keep.::au .places of -business -open ` 'Ii �U-'oc1oot.Satur'day nights_ in r c omens.,..... ,we ma: • better se�;vo�iiur- �oeal..ax�`d ruralust rs Auto & Bicycle Supply Egg Market Mep's Furnishings Fred -Bee ors- 7. L`4rk�es°itlesP'f . ac son :. Bakers Culbert's Bakery East St. Bakery Billiards & T ►baceo Craigie Bros. , William Wood Canadian Tire Store China & Pictures Emitii s : Alt:- &erg.::.: Children's Wear Jack & Jill Store The Ivie-_Mary Shoppe Cold Storage W. .1.li McLean Drygoods F. E. Hibbert & Son Geo. W Schaefer Dairy & Lunch Bars C. A. Baxter • - G. J. McManus J. .A. Snider Drug Stores ' Jess A. Campbell II. C. Dunlop Guy Emerson , .. J. H.•Lander Dry Cleaners & Tailors Chas. Flack Lowery.,. J. A. Ni -ins Electric Shop R. H. Cornish Feeds & Seeds .._ a -C. R"an &-Son Fruit Merchants. Antonio b .Ivan Louzon Furniture Stores'. -.-14.1aokst no's Millinery . Stores Miss M, R. MaeV iear Misses McKinnon ' Restaurants Blackstone's Miss Hogan Venus Cafe Refrigeration W. G.. -Larair..;:&Son Krophey's J. R. Wheeler _Grocers- . K. E: Aitken 1).• J. Allan R. L. Burrows (alvip Cutt Harvey Cutt & . Son B. Y. McCreath 'Sparr'S- h hardware Stores E. Breckenridge Worsell Bros. - Harness Shop H. J. Fisher Jewelry & Gifts Reg. Bell ' Filsinger's • dtea -Ready -tlFWear .1: ashion Shoppe a Optometrists ' F. T. Armstrong A. L. Cole Shoe Stores Agnew -Surpass Mrs. ,Ahl Gledhall's Geo. MacVicar Shoe Repair C. Bridgewater , Joe . Urglram Upholsterer 'Wm. Reid Variety Stores Goderich Dollar Store People's Store ' Stedma n's Watch Repair Komp's . H. Pierce Another motion • adopted was that - To'wn laborers he paid time and , a-1 hat for overtime after the eight-hour day or for work on -Sunday. The public works committee was authorized to have a gasoline ' pump I placed in the Town Hall yard. .11 was considered this would - effect 0 consider- I able saving in the • cost of gas -used -by the Corporation. . • • The Mayor mentioned flu; request of.the.Board of Health that slaughter- houses be under inspection, and it was deckled ,to consult the Town Solicitor hi the matter. Land for -New Court House Council then . went into coriimittee of the whole rand on resuming passed the committee's recommendations as fol- lows : That a grant of $100 be made to the Aid. to China fund,, and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized tb sign a petition to -the Legislative Assembly in the matter of- the' conveyance of land in the Market, Square to the County of Huron. Bylaw No. 5 was passed authorizing the eonveyanee to the ("or!nty of ap-' proximately forty feet by twenty feet adjoining that portion of the Market . Square nova owned by the County, The County is • to agree , to provide both men's .and ladies' public rest rooms in the new Court, house building, the same to bo,. kept in a clean and sanitary conditlOn by, the Ttliwn of (l°oderich. and in the event the proposed new building is not constructed the Cofiinty in to reimburse the Town for any ex- pense •which it has incurred in con- neetion with this transaction. - Avoid Fire Horrors...! DUE' TO OVERHEATED PIPES ENJOY COMFORT, SAFETY, AND ECONOMY , and ( AUTOMATIC CONTROLLED HEAT . WITH I ° THERM - D A , - The Automatic Flue Dam :,er - 6 -inch $985 SAVES MONEY— -- -,. SAVES°FUEL— SAVES'LABOR. 'LABOR— SAVES FEAR-- ENHANCES EAR— ENHANCES SAFETY -0 and ADDS COMFORT BODY and MIND" PRICES AN fI SIZES 7 -inch . , 8 -inch • $9:85 . $1I.85 WEEK -END SPECIAL • $4.35 TOBOGGANS, Priced to Clear, at, . • a . . ON SALE- - - SLEIGHS and WAGONS, BISSELL CARPET SWEEPERS.. Metal and Wood STEPLADDERS, HRAFTMASTEIt TOOLS HERE'S A TIP From time to' tisne we .receive limited quantity sbipnnent2 of articles that are still quite scarce. Drop in novo and then` and enquire. You'll be surprised 'at what you can get. , E. Breckenri HARDWARDE — PLUMBING HEATING PHONE 10.5 Ootterioh