The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-01-23, Page 5pal THE GODERICH SIGNAL.ST4't
.,, - 1.4,4*Viiii014, a0..n. 2.3:—Mro. .1ohn
'Tile followbia from Tho ILI'llitcc Glenn, who has been staY'itig, with her
Spectator refer/4 to a well-bnown 000.0. son, Mr. rranit Glen_ „, has net been'
rich old boy: .
. Ztp•CoL John 1. Metaren, associated wen. 114tellf awl at the end of the
with.the growth of Bfamilton in a busi- Wed: was adwittedt to Goderich hos.'
um way for tore than sixty years pita), to receive treatment for a heart
and active in military circles, an,
nounced his retirement, thus' britiging °InLititti°14" ! '. • '
to a close cf. career -that Vesicles itaelnd‘ -51r*, macl. Mre. Fred- Erttagtou of
ing sa noteworthy army reCord, in- Vaneduver, p.c.. were visitors witi
volved the building of two inaportant their cousin, Mrs.- Sarah Ithington,
spice firms. Yet despite these e.ctiv- 4th concession of West .Wawanosh,
, ities Colonel McLaren, , who is in . lzis They oonttnued on their trip to visit
eighty-first year, found time to serve Mm Vred Erring -tont relatives at Ot-
Hamilton as Mayor for two years and taw a before returninglmme. -
as aiarman for another. ,, — Death of Iva's, sumo Sherwood, -
Born in GoderIch township, county Death came to Frances4naily Twain -
of Huron, in 11305, Col. McLaren mune ley, .widow ef the late Samuel Shen.
to I-Iwtlton with his -family at the age wood, on 'Monday, ,Tanuary 20th, in libr
f-thlifecu' years where, after co:01ot- eightieth.' year. Mrs. Sherwood had
ing his. education in city schools, be been, bedfast for five years and for the
Obituary . .Stuart and a poitionwit
Macpherson, horae of her daughter," Xra. Leslie
secured s- h, the firm o..f'
Past year had been cared f
' wholesale or in the
: . grocers. -After eight years h.e retired Ritchie, at Lanes. She kuileived by
, . from the cempany and entered busi- three daughters; Mrs. Jaiyactir Barbour,
NORMAN WARK'. had been a ' resident of Los Angeles. ness for himself as, partner in the Loudon; 'Mrs, Andrew Gaunt, St.
Priends.of his boyhood days in Gode.c. He Wan not married, and , for some aanallton. Coffeed and Spice ComPany• Helens, and Mrs. Leslie Ritchie, Lanes,
rich learned ivith regret of the death years- hH
e spent his summers in -Gode- e retired, after eighteen years, When and three sons, lames, 6th concession
rich With his sister. Mrs,, Thomas it was one of the largest companies of of Ashdeld; Charles, of Detroit, and
Of Nerumn Wark, son of Mr. S. J. Tabb, the only serviving member of hiS° fts type in the Dominion, known as Earl, of Carlow; also by a sister, Mrs.
Wark and the late 411rs. Wark of town. family. He was well known here, and MaeLaren'S Ltd. . James Drennan. Goderich. Two sons,
Norman was born forty-sii years aja—was always witrinlY •welaxnueff on WS - At this point Col. McLaren became Wesley end Ernest, and • a ,daughter,
yearly vieits to the town, whieh Were actively interested in Politics, becom- Mrs. Elliott Miller,' predeceased her.
interrupted only by his.illfiess the 'ilk big alderman and, in 1909-10, Mayor The funeral, which was to be held on
two years. of the • city. Among„his achievetaents Wednesday, was postponed until Thurs.
as Mayor Was the extension of Burling- day on• Account of road and weather
MRS. GEORGE E. SYMONDS ton street and the ,purchase of the conditions. Irev. C. B. Woolley of Ash -
After a lingering illness Mrs,. George west -end Mountain face. - jcjj United church conducted 'the ser -
E. Symonds passed away at , her home He was also actively interested •in vice and the interment was in Green -
in Saltford on Wednesday, January the militia and although well advanced hill cemetery, Lueknow..
15th. She was fortnerly Hattie Eliza- in years, he was given, command of the United church %V.A.—Tho Woinen's
heal Morris, whose parents and grand- .19th battalion, which he organized and Association of •the united churen_ met
parenIs were pioneer 'ksttlers in the took overseas. With en excellent et the home of Mrs. D. A. Fowler, the
SDAY, ANIAR-Y , 1017
Secure syllabus and application blan *from. Mrs. Jo
17 'Bruce St. --Tel. No, 621,
111 Toronto, but spent most of the
years of -his. Youth in ,Goderich. Since'
last July, he had been farming near
the town of Perth, in Lanark county,
having taken over' the farra of his
wife's pareuts. • Ile had preyieusly
been with the John Inglis Cp. •of Tor-
onto for several years. On New Year's
Eve he and his. wife attended a party
at a. neighbor's Inane and on leavings
to, return to his owu home he had.
roubW. in getting, Ills 'ea r started. Be:
fore he reached home he slumped over prominent in the history of -•-the. town=
on the steering wheel,' his heart. haying, ship ande•throughout the yeare„. haste
been fatally .affected by the strain.
enjoyed the respect of the community.
lie leaves, besides his father and. his
Mrs. Symonds Was horn ou.the farmer
wife, a daughter; 10:leaner, fifteen \ ears
'Dunlop estate, the bome of the famous
of sage; also a brother, Herbert, ae. broiluse,
is Doctor Dunlop and Captain
Brockville, 'and two sisters,
Dunlop, who were leading figures in
Thomas J. Salkeld (Amy), R.R. 1
the - days of ,the Canada ,Company.
Lucknow, and Mrs. Douglas Campbell I/firings, all 1101. married life, she had
(Ruth), a St. Catharines. The fun -
lived in the, village of . Saltford and
eral took place-- at Perth. on January
3rd. - '1)th last she and her
husband, .together svith' their family
JOHN A. VANsSTONE e and friends. celebrated the fiftieth an-
niversary of their marriage. She was
The' funeral •of the late John Albert: the eldest da.ughter of the late William
Van Stone, whose death 'in his seventy- and Mary (Thurlow) Morris. • Suryiv-
eixth year' occurred at Los Angeles,. ing 'her, besides her . husband, are a
.C-alifornia, ens January 8th, was held son and . two daughters: Harry, of
here on Saturday afternoon last: Ser- Wimisor; Mrs. Gary Griffin (Hazel),
vice was conducted at' the Craestim of DeTroit, arid Mrs. Emerson Elliott
feneral home by Rev. L. II. Turner, ,of- (Hilda), 'Of St. Albans', Long Islend,
Victoria street United church, and -the alSo ..tet'o. brothers and sen
interment-swaS in the. Colborne toms-- sieters., John Morris, Sarnia; William
ship cemetery. The pallbearers were •MorriseThorold; Mrs. Weekes
A. 0. Sonley, W. J. Baker, George
MacEwan,'Peter BisSet.- Samuel Shear- (Lena), 'Mrs;... William Lawrence
(Pearl). Mrs. 'Adam Gori • (BesSie), and
*down and G. Sanderson. Mrs. R. n. Fraser (Elsie), of Goderich,
Mr. Van Stone. wassborn in Colborne
township, the. son of Mr. and Mrs. 1, -Sam-
uel Van Stone: At an early. age he
came, to Goderiebeand aftesr.being erne
'township of Colborne. The Morris -recoed he .was returned to Canada in president, with a fair attendance. Mrs. 1. Iry fTnetured foot .last week.
*oriel medal for the highest mark in the authorized under the War Charities
familh•s have been outstanding knie eese to command an infantry brigade 1 11. Herten read the Scripture lesSon, -
entrance examinatien said, in part: a 'a( - . , ' , , , s - . - d - Ate. „Each contribUtor will reeeive an .
Miss Lila lungniut, rtes., or uo e
at Camp Borden. .For two years ,fie which -was followed by prayer tis- Mrs. To be a good hockey player' one must --- offieial receipt so that deductions for
rich, spent a couple of days with Mrs.
keel his eye' on the puck. Similar
was acting assistant adjutant -general Will McCohneli. Mrs. 31(li in Reed inCottle tax purboseS may bePciaimed.- '
----'- '--- ------- -concentratiOn is neeeSs. • t obtain
an o Geo. Yungblut eind Arthur Vungblut.
at Toronto, pending re -organization of gave - an interesting topie. "The , The calladiall Aid to .Chltia Fund is,
Evangelicalepervie-es are being held '
the Canadian Permanent Force. a good report in, school." .
Prodigal Son." Mrs. Everett Finnigan
Tracing once more his commercial
activities, Col. McLaren beeanie a part-
ner in the firm of Young; Winfield,
starting his work here in 1921 and
continuing with the firm until, the pre-
sent. Ile is a. toriner„ commissioner of
the T.° and N. 0. Railway, a post he
held for nearly 14 years.
Col., McLarenhas always taken a
keen interest in rifle shooting.and was
a member of the Caeaditin Bisley*.team
of 1911. • He is, an ex -president of the-
Deminion of Canada' Rifle' ASsociatims,
and has held office with the Ontario
association. Married to the 'former
Bessie 5, McClure in 1892, ,he has two -
sons and four daughters. ,
• , at
(Continted fromTage .3)
sniolte, ih bed .;.. ; any. 'fire is 'nelltared
earelea smotors. ',Securely fasten
window' screens,' Supervise,. (4tildren's
first,cheraical..04eriftents. Keep iloorS
free from. greitse SW% etc.. pa 100,4
at labels -in your medicine elleSt before.
e ,
using -contents. In It Smoko•-filled roma
crawl and. go around .by _the Wall;
• BahIng7soda, "tWO ,tabiespoons to one
(Mart of Water, or .celd tea vonaPreOett.
are excellent 'first aid for...burns.
Musical,. interindes. -were provided
when" .Miss joyee BreelcoW, played
beautifully "The -Gypsy Dance," and
Miss* Nary -Lou Mathieson sang sweet-
ly. "Bendember's .Sticeana." Aliss
Barbara, Henry was the accompanist.
Rev. II. Earl. Addresses Students
Mies G.' McDowell presided for the
eonsmencement exercises. Rev. B. H.
Farr addreSeed the students on the
subject "Making Pecisions." "There is
first," said the speaker, "the decision,
regarding . your vocatioue whieh re-
quires lunch thought and plenty of
advice, but enee - It is riceicletissupon
stick to it.' Do not be in a -hurry to
leave School. :It may seem hard now,
but that edueation Nyill carry
you a icing way. Secondly, there is
the decision as to yonr friends. There
are two classes of.friends. -tleue going
up and those going down. Geod
friends are ythir most valuable posses-
sion." •
Dr. Staples In *a -two-minute talk
before presenting the Robert Park mein-
* IN TIIE aqusg,
rOxi p,Asy,,,,HAttq.m.(4;
Store GEO.
Phone 56
AUBURN th.e effort to raise .$2,500,000 •Irs idanadd
Thomas :explained that the money Was to be
,the quota'for.Gottertetrwifx11000.
AUBURN, Jan.- 21.—Mrs.
used. in Caned!) to purchase , drugs,
itt fiaggitt, who underwent an operation
Godtrich hospital, Wee. Ole to re -
fern home last Friday. .
Mrs. Ches. Scott is visiting' her bro-
ther, Jas. Henry of Galt, who suffered
Medical supplies. elothing and food,
and ethat the distribution in Chiba
was to he conducted by a cominittee
•of Canadiafis its China. The fund is
e the peacetime name of what was the
in the Baptist church this week. Tne'
Chinese War Retie! Fund which helped
are being cenducted by. Rev. John
Lucas and Madame II. L. Jones of China vitally through the war years.
Toronto. In thissland which Suffered ten million -
Mrs. Warner Andrews is a Patient
casualties during. the war; as Welt as
the, destruction, of homes, the nee(1,.:
in .Goderich hospital, where she under-
went. an soperation. • for ftinds •Ilow ie greater than ever.
The committee hopes to complete the
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bradnock, Miss
Dolores Beadle; Gordon Beadle and drive by February 4th, and trusts that
there vvill be a ready response to this
Gordon Miller spent the week -end with.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Keller and.Lricille, Centributionmay be malted
ANoodstiock. ,
to the stormy weather there
is no sehool in the Auburn school today. left et he 10011.1 banks.
Mr.'and Mrs. Josteph Riley. of Kin -
burn are occupying part of Mr. ---Geo.
Raithbv's house.
- ,
TAYLOR'S. CORNER, Jan, 21:—The'
Chase' Youtug farth 'near Porter's Hill
has been purchased by'Doug McDougall,
Mrs. Arthur Wilds (Omenm), of Joliet,
while Lorne Rodges has purchased the
Mrs. Arthur Holmes (Alice), of
McDougall tarm which adjeins his own
Sault Ste. Marie and Airs. Walter
..Bsee(sies -smial•.• a heaifo,;. A brother, _on the higliwerye, The --McDougalls ex, -
played here for a feW years he went Ai7a1;,0,` died several ye:11,s a go. • peet to move about the. 1st of April
, to Detroit. aesd then to Chleago. He • grtatly missed ins this
IC -Cuticle niNiliriiiliil Y.
A wealth of firoVers from lief famiIV-
was a resident of the latter .ei1S- for and friends bure-niute testimony to the . ,
forty years, lid engaged love and regard felt for her'-hy those A special offering for- the, Chinese
cantile purSiiits, for several years as a Relief Fuad will - be taken at Zion
among whom•she'had lived alt her life.
travellesVfor a ,large clothing establish- United Church pn, Sunday, February
The funeral service was held on Satur-
meat of .Chiciego. He retired twelve "lid • .
dity, January 18th, and'e•Onducted - •
yeers,age, ats,d for the ,last -ten yearS The annual Sunday school meeting of
by RN". B. H. Farr, of St. George's
, . church, -assisted, bY her nephew, Rev.
Ray Weekes, 'with interment in Col-
borne cemetery. The pallbearers were
Volumo of Poem
ey_ C 14 a „
Limited number of copies
available at
THROAT )....016
11.• Just heat and rub in
MINARD'S, and note the
quick relief' you: get.
Gretaiieless, fast -drying, no
strong or unpleasant odor.
Get a bottle today; kelp
it handy.
,LAtAge •
SIZE 65c
/am church will be held after the
-regular church service on Sunday,
Pebraary 2nd.
Zion Church Business Meeting.—The
three brothers -in -4W, Mane Gori. Wil- •
annual •business meeting of 'Zion United-
liams Lawrence and Reginald Frew; -ehereh was held an Monday, under the
P. J. MacEwan, AlacEwan and
• leadership of the .pastor, 'Rev.' C.
J. ,Bicknell. • • ,
Tavener. Mn. Newton Was ap-
pointed to the•session to fill the Yaceecy.
OFFICERS OF COUNTY. CROP RD by the death- Of - Mr .-
11WPROV'EtgttT ASS 'N 1Whitely and Mr, W. .Snyder was. ap-
At a ,Meeting. of the • directors of
eoi (I 11 et Le' ds tontake the plece of . Mr. R.'
The officers for 1947 • are:
soeiation,sheld on Friday last, the folof
Huron County Crini Improvement As- ' G.
Nevton abifidsesws,i.on, A. 1'. IGtnn A: sIti:t(1.1.)nradtre3,ds, ,
lowing slate; of officers Was drawn up ,Ns,ewards.AI.(:uxik(el.
and .L. Hedges; 'secre-
tor the year•1947s Honorary president, taerVeAll'' P. ; trensurer. G. C.
'John v. Armstrong, Londe'sboro; presi- Gien ; miss and maintenanee,
vice- L. Hodges: • nuditors. R. Fuller •and
tient, Harry Strang, ° Hensall;
W. Hawke: organist. eirs. A. Holmes;
president, Elmer Robertson, R.R. 5,
assistants, Mrs. _Newton, and Miss
Goderieh•; 2nd vice-president, Alvin
K Holmes,
• Betties, R.R. 2, Bayfield; seeretary-
treasurer, JseRoy G. Brown, Depart-
ment of Agriculture, Clinton; auditors,
s R. DO ugall, ,IltnsalLs Alitin-Wa I per,
R..R. 3, Parkhill; finance committee, J.
W. Armstrong, Lomlesboro; John
:Winter, R.R. - 2, Harriston, LeRoy G.
Brown; 'Clinton:. project committee,
Russell,Boltou, Murray
Alertrielter, Varna, Thirrersse tird;
Aubnyn;-Hebei Secly.:7 Dungannon,
11. Dougall, Hensel'. -
Harry Strang, of -Heneell, wee ap-
pointed the County Association 's delee
gate to the annual meeting of the ,On-
tario Crop Improvement Association,
which * is to be held in - Toronto on
February 10, 11, 12.
\ a. edictory was given •by Claire
placed by Miss Pearl lehmigan. The MisS, .111cDowell. the, sgrade VIII
meeting closest with a hymn and. the, •
teIC her,
n's10;"ed "seeretarY ii"d Wa8 re- 1-tuffel, who .also Made a presentation
Mizpah benediction.
Awards Presented
• School Bus Blocked.—ou account of The Robert Park Memorial medal
the ,storne which seemed to reach its ,was awarded to Barbara Matthews. ,
worst 00 Tuesday evenings. Alvin -Sher- The Alimeek• Chapter prize in Eng -
wood; driver of the Dungannon school
bus, who endeavors to make his daily
trip to and" from Godenich,. found* it
advisable to stay with,' his -passengers
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc-
Millan, on the lake shore. Some
students remained ,in Goderich, but
about—ten besides the driver - found
cOmfortable lodging with the McMil-
lans. • Visibility forsdriving was prae-
tleallY non-existent. ,The bus con-
tinued homeward the next eday, arriv-
ing shortly after noon. . s
Death Of D. S. Fines.—On Thursday,
January 10th, . David Stanley Fines
passed 'away suddenly at his home,
31 Banff 'road,,Toronto, in his forty-
sixth years, Mr. Fines was the/-hus- Mr..H. S. Turner. of the Public Selso01
-hand ofs-ine • form9r, Alm W---1314.4"4-IBTATItt''W8end -aftenaaticeteiTiTiCatet
ishtield, who survives him. He was las follows s For five years'. perfect et-
a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William , tendanee, Cynthia Young; grade 7;
Fines of Grand Valley, Opt. For the
past -twenty-five years he had been , Marie
'for one year's ,perfect attendance,
-Glenn, grade 3: Ruth Bowen,
asseciated with . Parker's' Dye Aork$H'ssrade 6, Marion 'MacDonald. grade 6,
Toronto, holding 'the .position of office 1 Bo Own Griffiths, grade 8, Sandra Kil-
manager. Besides his wife he ,leaves lough. grade 9. Naney Anne Wilmot
a daughter, Mary ,Suianue., also two Principal Shackleton presented ath-.
brothers and two sisters. The funeitial,letic Wier& won by Central School .a.t,donated ,by Miss Norma Deer. Mrs.
service wes held at Toronto on Sat r-1 ;
tne fall field day.: Intetmediate girls' Fred Ross was the holder 1St the lucky
day evening and was co/Waded by Rey. ticket. The;•bniceting "closed • With_ .Lhe
National Anthem: ' Refreshments were
served by Mrs: C. M. Straughan, Mrs.
mediate girls' -silver medal, ' Ruth Mrs, W.
Mrs. Geo,' Hamilton and
Bowen; senior 'girls' silver medal, - W. Bradnock. 0 .
l's-nthia young; Home and Sehmil. Club set", TN -LID -roil QUOTA FOR
trophiee,- -Joan. White and Sheila ' w`ma'•'''''
Gallow. • • - "- AID TO ' CAINA IS $3,000
Tia' Maple Leaf Chapter prizes for . •
. .
Mr. B. (I. Sanderson ,is acting aS
chairman of the drive to raise money
for the Canadian Aid to China Fund,
hisli literature also was won hy Barbara
'Matthews and was presented by Mrs.
B. IN'ilieot. •
Mr. J. B..Milne, of the Public School
Botrrd, presented the following prizes:
Wolnen's Institute prize for .second
in general proficiency, to Clare Ruf-
Tell;--Smith's Art Store.'prize for art,
The January meeting of the'Woman's
to Chrikine Bogie.; 'Miss McDowell's , •
prize ter spelling, to Jack Price; E. • Women's Institute; — Mrs. James Missionary Society of Vietoriae.street-
Pridhanf.s prize ',for Mathematics, to° Woods,presides1 for the meeting.4f-the United church was held at the home -
Barbara Griffiths; Henderson's book °
Women's Institute Which was held in of, -Mrs. Robert ,Good;', Victoria street,
the Foresters',Hall. on -Tuesday. _De: -
store prizefor science, to Clare Rnffell; spite the stormy 'day =there was a fair on Manday afternoon, with twenty
Principal Shacklethri's prize for Eng- • •
lisle composition, , to Bruce Erskine; attendance. MrS. R. J. Phililps was four present.• The,president, Mrs:
Miss I. E. Sharman's prize for social
studies, tsi Catherine Hay.
to the -chairman, R. G.,, Sanderson, thd
secretark, Mrs,. Audrey, '4,1ceroYdis:-.0t
at the 'piano. Letters of thanks for George Baechler, was in charge and
Cards of sympathSs-were read from Mr. opened the meeting with . a hymn and
sold Mrs. Harry -Armstrong and family14,1,,,,,4,4,,,,Isluclwouar„,„„the.,,„aardpt,..te,-,,,,,,,,_,...
smd---MrseesTass-WoritISS--Its-was*Tieettl*dedieg. The rail' call Was responded -
to hold the Sunshine Sisters banquet to hy.the payment .of dues.'
in April.- Current events were re-, Reports were .received 'from Mrs..
viewed by Mrs. Fred Toll:' :Mrs. B. ert Ernest Craig for the Aeuxiliary, Mrs,
Craig contributed a reading. The topic George Baechler for last ' Year's- In -
'Citizenship" was- ably given by .Mrs. ances, Mrs. Robert Good for the2Baby„
Gordon Tayler. '. The roll call was Band,. Mrs. Louis Taylor for the M'
reSponded to' with, 'A New Year's -Re- sin Blind. _Mrs. R. Postelethwaite• f r
solution." Tickets were sold on a prize mite boxes and Miss 'Minnie Table for-
A:D.-McLennan' of Manor road United
church,' assisted bY'*,Rev. H. Gal-
ragher and Rev. II: -Gallagher, Toronto.
The remains were brought to Dungan-
non and were interred- in the Dun-
gannon cemetery on"Monday afternoon.
sletssere-j-e-sletTgers• conducted the burial
Izervice and the pallbearers were. Ross
Fines, Elmer Fines, Cecil Blake; B. F,
'Comfort, Henry Johnston and Richard
Kilpatrick. --Friends were present from
Toronto St, Catharines, Stratford and
G ra nd Salley. -
gold medal. Joan 'White junior girls'
gold medal, Sheile Gallows. junior boys'
silver Medal Billy MacDonald; biter -
the grade 5 essay eontest on ...Pete,"
won 1)7 w
y Edward Fut ford and Da vid
(1oddard, were presented by Miss
Wuttele. Plans for the drive were discussed at
Certificates were '.presentedehy Drs a meeting inthe Town Hall olt Tui°,,sday
to t he - gra dun tine- (Sass : evening. The meeting w:is attended
Christine BOgie;. Audrey Crewford, 97'represen1a11ves of the Town Conn -
:the -supply eommittee. The books show -
a m.einbership of thIrty-four and also- •
show that :1 considerable araount of
money over the yearly alloCatioxe was
raised and u
sent to the missio-t e?A
Mrs; Amos Osbaldeston and Miss
Beryl Castle° were appointed Baby
Band --suirperitehrdents. -finstneeettittr•-•
mitt ee consisting of Mrs._ George
Baeehler, Mrs, Keith Webster, MrS..R..
Postelethwaite, Mrs., Amos- Stoll; Mrs:
,Ogle Miller- and Mrs. Win. Peters was'
After the business session Mrs. Keith
Webster gave. an inspiring* and._
strtwiiye telk -la- the tople 'India at
the Threshold."
John Donaldsen,Bruce," Erskities, eil, (1oderich organ, Goderich Salt. 7
• I 1,01,,IIKKN. I 1,LI1,1, Jan. 21 .---Mr.and , Eleenor ,, Glenn. Barbara ... Griffiths, 'Doinintou • „Read Machinery, .Huron
Mrs. Kenneth Langford, Woodham, Pnuline flarkison. Ca therille Trify. Non- . Engineering end Research. Goderich
were recent guests of Mr. andMrs. aid Hawthorne. Murray - Holland, i Eleya tor. Purity Froor. Gotiorieli .M amt.:
E. J. Trewart-ha. , Muriel Horton. Edward .Teekin, Don- !facturing and ifoleproof IIO'Alee'Y eon]-
Mrs.• Harris is spending e few days old • McKay. James Milne. Gordon'',.panieS, tle• tegion,, the Lion', .•01119,1
With " Mr. alai. Mrs. Dim Harris, •Gode- Noble. .Tack Price.- Cl a re Ruffen., sWinssansrsestssees,s---
-rich ' tesenship.' ° -, - ' itifred Raynard, P,etty Schultz, Oeoreei• Ilepreseniatives in the'various. sin;
ASHFIELD, Jan. 22.* MrS. R. - A. Miss Lacy Cousins, who -eels a guest Warner, Douglas Webster. John West-, dustries will COnduct a eitTIVf,144S, Le4-,
Gritht, who has been 111 Lan some time, with Rev: and Mrs. -Ta yeller the past brook. Barbara . . Matthews, • Belice4 ters sa re - „being forwarded to many
i';4 worse than usual. • two weeks; rettireed to Toronto onj Rutherford. - - - . .. !.people in the town. -The Members of
31r. and.Mrs. Stanley Drennan spent Tuesday' The "$64, question" of the evening, the Lions Club and . the . Legion have, ,
,the. week:end. .111 'Toronto. ;
. Mr. D. A-. MacLennan.-wto.
-confined 1114-lionie- -for ortie weeks,'
was in London on Saturday for reedieal
treatment and his condition ,is im-
Mn, and Mrs. Dave MacKenzie and
Joe O'Keefe visited in Hamilton and
Toronto over the week -end.
Mr. Lorne MacLennan of Detroit is
The directors have agreed to give spending some time at the home of his
their full support in making the 1947 mother, Mrs. Elizabeth MacLennan.
seed show at .a county:Wide Friends and acquaintanees of Mrs.
project. - Ronald NIckinnon. (formerly Sadye
*. The secretary would appreciate re- Griffin of Ashfield) were sorry to learn
(plying .word. from anyone. who has, a last week of the death of her husband,
quantity of seed grain for sale, so that Ronald. MeKinnon„ of Mi',he May compile such a list and !flake and 31rs. D.- A. McIntyre- and Mn. 'arid
It available to those desiring to pur- Mrs, Ts J. Lannan -attended the funeral
chase seed grain. • on Saturday.
New Issue
LIMITED . . • n
4i/2% First (Closed) Mortgage Bonds
To be dated Januaiy15th, 1947 To matte January' 15th, 1967
In the opinion of Counseirthese-Bonds witllyettivest-intS
in which The Canadian and British Insurance Companies ,
Act, 1932, as amended, states that companies registered-
., under it may invest their funds.
We: as6principa1s, offer these 4V2% Twenty Year Sluicing PUnd
Bonds, subject to prior sale and change in price.
Prospectus will be promptly furnished upon rqquest.
Price: 1:00 and atcrued interest', yielding 4.50%
. ltAbiltrED
6 •
„ Mr. and .3.1rs. - Artitur„..WePh. Spents.was s "Whatesavill.. • these: "Childretes Tat& hem. conduct a earere se". cq--:}thei .-
..Fridi4: with -Mr, and- Sirs,,Wil.b6rt -1-"Iiice-- tt,y Thesellialler :industries, set e' etc.-
ewe -pewee _ . - -- 71 , • --.. 1-rpie.4iiiiiroAlras' profs:minded- at', ant early Eireh 'Oreenrization in tinelown is° being
The annual 'Sunday sehoot meeting stfrge of the meeting and speakers who asked to consider the appeal for limas
of Holinesville ',United church was held foI.lowed•-b,d-it eine-rebids and ---mitcle" isseaid the Chinese people, and to lend
last Friday evening at the home (....if variens coinments.' support. - . •
Mrs. Walter. The 1946 op -leers andMr. Sanderson ,pointel1 out thet in
teachers were re-elected, )0nNd plans P .
. -
discussed for the, preseet yi•ttr's work. s .
Church Workers Meet.—Tie regular , •
Miss All 11 W Ill'tele is N'isitillg •Mrs.
Meeting of the W.A. •nati 1 :M.S. was .lanius Brown at Rochester, N.Y.. for
held last Thursday "at the parsonage,
n few (1a7'5.'
. . ,
with a la 1'dge at tee dance. ,. It being
Mrs. Harry Shortt of Miami, 1"101'1d11,. he first meeting in the rims!. year, the
le--essisiting ,her :brothers, Messrs. Ed -
work for 1947 NV11ti outlified.• The word and (Ilen,Nelson. .
tip:issuer, Mrs. Walter, gave her re• Da via menwn liven re_
aeirt for the past year,' v1it1i slioWtql
moved to Victoria Hospital, London,
a very stleeesSful year. It /was decided for further treatment. • •
to hold a bile:tar in the fedi, A pot- ,Miss C. A. AleKintem end Miwss S.
Wel< WaS -served.
Accidents from 'Sill*
molly friends of Mrs. Nyt
10 sorrj• to lenr,n she
forthne to -break her we st -ivlien she
slipped on- the ice a ew days ago. ("ox•Also her mother, Mrs. John A. six
ef Clinton,' well knotvt this. emu-
• munity, on the iee ‘Oille. on her
way t(1 church on Send; y :•yeaing, ond
broke her hip.
y Ice.—"Ithe
. Jervis. ulrl.
ad the mis-
Miss ,Berniee- luu
es 'retrnedo
hereswork in HaMilionsiaften enjoying
o two weeks'. varation 41 the home of
her parents, Mn, and 31,1's. Reg. Fuller.
„Mrs, . Wm- Stevenson -eietesessed-t oske r
leene in Whoishr after visiting her
sister. Mrs. T.. SoWerby., She was ac -
McKinnon have r'eternert from Tor-
e -on, here they ittielidehe d tspring
millinery (1 isplay,
Alisk Jean Yemen.. of the staff . of
Victoria SclieV4. has hemi bereaved. by
the deatli of her mother, lIrs. Thomas
Yemen of Ripley.
It. 0. Alc.111111fit. 'N. Crieh and .1.
Pi/1)1mb) were at Toronto .011 Friany
and S-aturday to 'attend the meeting.
of the Onta;rio Provincial Pederatio41•)
ehartered by the Trades 'and Labor
Congress of Canada. • .
Grant Johnston has returned front I
I,os Angeles. California- where he en-
joyed , .the Christmas holidays. and
spent the AVeelt ,end With his parents',
341r, and Mrs. R. (1. Johnston.
The following is n compilation the
assessment, popitlation and aereage of i
coin/mined home by her mother,- slim the municipalities or portions of muni-
Robt, Davidssin. eipalities (•omprising the Owlet -fell High 1
Mr. and Mrs. Franic Wright and School District :
Eleanor visited on Sin ,day with Mrs.
Wright's parents. Mr. ituel Mrs. Geo.
Union Chitreh Antitue,.# Meeting.—The
ninmal meet hg 17111011 church ,,was
held at the home of )311. and Mrs:
Assess't Poplin) Acege
Goderich Tp, $ 5115,705 580 19.790
Goderieli " 2,650,454 4746 1.000
Colborne ' 1,532,683 1 068 '$3;499
Ashfield 1.031025 72524.321
W11 11(1811, W•982.125 989 21 181
Forest Me( '1 on Weditesany evening, Wo we p osh, E. 285.300 183 5,795.5
.Thfaiary 15. There Wao 41 A'cry 'good 111111e11 - 1 011,1 50 118 1,204
1 attendance. Rev. L IT' Turner aeted ,
as _chairman. The °repo' ts showed that l'otels • 87.156,642 8049 100.099.5
all' organizations of the ellureh bed- The ' High Schoer—ITESSITST-117afir•
had 0- cory sneceSstril y ens The Mee- MAC`, OW the estimetes of expepdi- 1
thin of offieers result 1 as follows; turas for the ' year, deducts the Pro -
'Board • of stewards, etcy Speiran, vincia4 grants.and this year the pots
Everett McDwain, Gera 1 Orr.; mission- i tion fo he shmal by the Comity The
at:vs:old maintenance n wetter. .Tames 1, divided filming thesnimicipalit les
Yoirng: .t-rett'Otrer. Ev ett :Verily:tin : in proportion to their assessments.'
hicording ,,,Tretnry, se ley MeIlwain;! The Fete is determined on the estimates' i
• elm Iran IL,of boa rd,,,of s %%Os. 00111011 1 of 1114' n(1ll Ni• .
1)11' :'n'rgallit4. Nik'elt-T iira Orr. After nigh , School Ilinpectorq ,Mcelellah
'lilISIlle!,, Of ihe'Ill etilig; Wi19 lilt- i attil 1;t113' Will sit in at the next meet-
( Iowa, a smcial lioar *a enjoyed. e'S ing of the Boards :on rehruark 11th: ,
, Auto and Bicycle Suiply
Phone 295 , Wed St.
Stores to
Remain Open Saturday Nights
We the undersigned mer, agret to keep our places
of business open until 1.0o'clt Saturdarnikhts,' in' order that
we May bettet serve our ,local and rural customers.
Auto & Bicycle Shpply
Fred Beeyers
Bakers •
Culbert's Bakery
East St. Bakery •
Bjhhiards& Tobacco
Craigie Bros.
'William Wood
Canadian -Tire Store
China. & Pictures
.4rt .Store
Children's Waar
Jacic& Jill Store
The Ivi-e-Ninry Shoppe
Cold Storage
W. 31: Me Lea n
}Hilbert & Son
Geo. W. Schaefef
Egg Market
Lakeside Produce
Electric Shop
It. Cornish.
Feeds & Seeds
1'. It -an & Son
oFruit Merchants
1%4111 1/0117,011
Furniture Stores_
J. It,. Allweler
N. Aitken
11 I.,. Burrows
Calvin OM
Ilarcey CtItt & StOt
It. Y. Mccrentli
Dairy & Lunch nays spa ;l.'s
C. A. Baxter
0. J. Me.Manus Hardware ,Stores
.1. A. Snider E Breekenridge
Harness Shop
II. .1. Fisher
° Jewelry & Gifts
Rm. IlehI'
Dry, Cleaners & Tailors rimug„10,,,
Chas. ItInek
.1, Lowery Ladies Iteady-to-We r
Vet ill', 1A1,4111011 ShoPPP
Iltrug Stores
Jas. A. camphell
TT. (I. Dunlop
(1111' tme-rson
TI. Lander .
Mes Furnishings,
Jtwkson & Son
Millinery Stores "
Miss 31. R. MavVicar
Misses 31('1'i1111o11
Miss Ilogaa
Venus Cafe
W. G. Igrtralomil.
.1'. T. Armstrong
A. 1.. Cele
Shoe Stores
Mrs. Aid
Geo. MacV leer
Shoe Rep.air .
4'. Bridgewater
.1(1e, -(;rninim
Win.' Reid
Variety Stores
1 it1(ierh•11 Dollar Store
Peeple's Store
Watch Repair
U. •I'ierce
.11\ 1,1