The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-01-23, Page 2•
inattar a
Pau—Shed by ° Sit aleSt lr, Limited
EiVibiierliPtiOra. Rates—Canada nand ereat rftain, $2.00 a year ; teo Malted
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.... Authorized nsisecond-class mail, Peet stDitee
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Meanaber' of Canaadian Weekly Newpapers , 4issociatioti --'-
'Sworn Circulation Over, `�,fit10
THUR3.4DAY, JANT.TA1°v L 23rd, 1941
n Tl rtrsadi teaneof, with ten ladies
lalce2ent. A. 1evely eluant grew ldt�i local,
thie ma laag seven alantlat tlaar$ml th4
the Qf v;;'lnicla have been sold.
It teas decided that tiap last fOUri be
oared, for sale. ,,.Xt. w. d as1so decided
to hold a club party Ian S.S. No, n`
school on .January 31, open to members
and their friends. -.The next meeting is
Ao be held on,Febritary 1Q at the home
of .Mrs. Bert Harris. •A lovely lunch
was served.
A Doublet 'resentaatn.on.---Ox' Friday
evening a pleasant time was enjoyed
by the community at r5.:1. No. la sehool,
where friends and neighbors, gathered
to do honor to Mr, and firs. Glen
Pickard, newly-weds, and Mr. and Mrs.
Lather, who have moved recently",to
this community. ,'The evening was
spent 'in progressive euchre. Miss P,
Wilding was high lady, Bert Harris
high gentleman, while Mrs. R. Tor-
rance 'and Frank Yee received coasel-
cltien prizes. Before lunch was served
the tsyo coiuplee were ,called forward
anti Mrs. Jim Cox read an address of
welcome to Mr. and Mrs;l%iather while`
.r.. IRav Cox presented them with a two -
„was no general desire for such a cele- are without .a word of exaggeration way' lamp. Mrs. Ray •t�ox read a
oration thin' year. However, the mat- the most fiendish thing* I've ever wine humorous address to the newly• -weds,
ter flats been brought up in the Town lip against. Glen Anil Isobel, while Jim ('ox pre -
We had a girl staying with tts from
Council. and is to be discussed at a 'rbc city a �1ee or soeback. 5hc ryas senteci them with a table anti hook -
Chiliad), ends.. Both -gentlemen replied fittingly„
b public meeting .next week. a ltleasa•ntp' ►rt .and. liked to gt°t 't►t1C
'The question of holding an Old Boys'
Reunion in Goderieh in 1947 was teen-'
tinned, in this Column some weeks ag( ,
but as it seemed to stir no response we
were Lander the impression that. there
By Harry �I. B'ogl6
l)f ' all the contraptions inveute'd by
Loan for so-called pleasure, skis strike
me as being about tate worst yet. They
Considerable time ii rt;quirted for in the open and hate fun. One uig,h t wishes. Lunch. was served and 'sweat
the successful organization of a gather -
thanking all for thein many good
the yottng people around here took us
person present • received a piece of
all ter a toboggan party. Now there:is
ing which is intended to bring visitors ° a rl bride's cake.
i Whiter spurt that's mfg, sty hard to
from all parts of the continent. but beat. A't least soil sit clown to enjoy WESTFI LD
there are still five or six mouths sill it And ski.ualititig down the .side of a big;
'�° uhuut the most plcusaut fun uuybucly A\ F.sTFIELI), Jan; 2(1. ' - lir. and
4 Mrs.. ►rat an llcI)uwel viitetl utt \\ ec
bill 011 ,t t.tosL iliuottlit night i.. ,)u.t
`which this organization work can 1
cone. If
' it is round that theta i c ail hod - d t 1 ' ' 1
reed enthusiasm behind the proposal, ! *1 cleared the pond lu slit litdlott- after nesday With Mrs'. baldeauu. (,ode -
t t►ig frost and pumped .some watetw rich.
and that at sufficient number of citizens
from the pump on it, By ni;htfall it ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Et sural, Joanne
are prepaared --ti) gine time tll
ottugr illicitly y with. r. an Mrs. au., Caller.
alrotlnd on the ice. 1 spent a c•on- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell of
cl etict'ga w as like to �hrrt of �;la,:*. \1'c• atdl ; and Marline, of . Y.uburn, visited on
to the. currying out of the detail in- ; got our skates out and went seNV'
` 1 lI d 1\' C it
. volved, there should be no hesitation
project. It is ten cider bl' part of the time sittings dotvu, • Auburn visited on Saturday With Mr.
g 's however, something I! Mr, and firs. Norman Radford and
can •reckon .with. Must cuatutry folks , Shirley and Mrs. Wesley Kechnie of
heir lifetime enco-itered 1 Blyth visited on• Sunday with Mr.- and
Mrs. Walter Cook. •
The Misslyn Band meeting was 'held
on Sunday afternoon, with -.a good
attendance.. The meeting wais- led by
an undertaking. the p j a e
i too, touring the c•uurse of the evening and Mrs. Kenneth Campbell. '
years since the last reunion was held,
and, there is no doubt that many of the
old boys and girls scattered over the
country would be delighted to accept an
invitation to come •-back for a few -
days to renew acquaintance with one
another and to revisit their home town.
Councillor Taylor's reminder that
- oderick has not yet made official and
public recognition of the returned
servicemen, and his • suggestion that
such recognition might be made an
.important feature of the proposed Old
Home Week, are quite in order and will
no doubt receive appropriate consider-
ation. - the young wottian swooped around" oil
The meeting next week should bring' -the skis, I decided ,to take a crack at
'out a .large attendance/Of citizens. and I them ()tit on the east pasture field
where there -wouldn't be any barriers
a' full discussion.
skating. Yuu dim.,t, have .too far to
frill and 'you won't skid too far. Skis,
'on the other hand. wake you feel like
'a man ii'an airplane that hasn't -any
.pilot. twine Buchanan;', The Scripture 'les -
Coming out of, the house -one day -son tt•gts read by Laurence Campbell
I noticed the skis standing up with and prayer refs offered by Mrs. Normpu
their poles in the back wciodshed.. I Jlcllowell. A reading . was given by
tried, them en and then edged myself Gwendolyn McDowell. The stud -iv hook
out to the' back lawn where -the snow was taken by Mrs. Chas. Smith and
was piled up hi what our -visitor said Mrs. 'Norman McDowell tol,flr4he'child-
wits a -wonderful way for skiing.- Zip- ren a. story.
pety whoop. and away I went heading • %.P.1 .• Officers.—The Y.P:U: met on
for the fence. Crash . . . Bung:, I Thursday. evening and reorganized' for
had a mouthfuu,l of wire fence. 4' :another year. Eddie Taylor was elected
Recalling the graceful way iu which .President and other ,officers are: ist
•viee-president, Violet Cook ; 'secretary -
treasurer, Janette Snell ; group leaders,
Arnold ' Cook, Eileen Taylor, • Gorden'
McDowell; games committee, Mildred
` around to interfere with my natural Carter, Roy Buchanan, • Phyllis Cook,
progress, That was where I made my 'Gordon Carter. • The meeting was con-
fat:a„l,, r Ls�al , sl it ami etl�z zn._ o1vv�r _.ducted- Uv Rev, I- Snell, wit11 Phyllis
that- little knoll and over the top of-took"'i --611 i'ge• of the 'tVor: ip'sei1vke.
the hilL and the first thing anybody'. Congregational Meeting. — The atl,-
knew I was scooting down the side of
the hill. •
The poles were waving in the air
and I was yelling murder and my legs
were going .in and out and threatening
to come off with each new twist and charge of the paistor, Rev. • Harold
turn. Then WHAM : I' landed in a Snell. .'The serious secretaries • gave
snowbank upside down and with .the .their reports. The :stewards' •report
skis and my legs tangled ,pp in a hope- showed $1931:86 raised; with a balance
less mess.. If HYou have ever tried to of $60.57. The W.A., $180.01"; -Missicni
tar elf loo
alien erste- 1,• Tea
s -tu I was
.ltuat �
I was -final
visitor. I hail'
Of 'awl. the .countries that have
suffered from war in recent years,
China has had the most severe trial.
Europe had six years of war; China
has had fifteen years: From 1W:3 -I to
1945 she'. was under. Japanese attack,
and she bas since never been free
civil war.
what is• virtually
There ,Le a variety of • 'opinion 'as to
the responsibility ;fol''the present state
of i (fairs in the.. distressed country ;
° but there is no question of the- service
rendered by China in resisting the ag-
gression of Japan and during the period
of the war in Europe diverting much of
.Japan's military strength from pres-
sure. upon the Allies. Millions' of
Chinese were war casualties ; the l cultural Association brings to the
Japanese 'carried away or destroyed minds of race patrons the matter of
scatting ac•conuaudatnal. For several
most of the country's industrial equip e ,t t s t 11c 'niter and a 1)(0'1 -sof friends
meat. and today millions of -her people
...lave :attended the (;uderir1rnres •wit 1-
are .starving and dying. of war -born nllt being able to obtain seats. . last
-disease. A Crop failure has added to `“•1-r ire tool. tc ilii't wcr thnnght would
he every 141,11,4)111 WO I)tecan1,ion to ob-
he distress, and the necessaries of life lain seats and arrived uvea• half an
have become so scarce that Chinese 111)111' in advance of the time sc)tedtiled'f
d, for the races to start, only to be told
Met: -4-hYt:t • •tlltls . c.i�t1,F We --Met
nual congregational meeting of the,
'Westfield church. was held on Thursday
afternoon, .following a pot -luck dinner
'which all present _enjoyed... The meet-
ing opened with devotional exercises in
V. Ct 1a) bedl, Win, Wallow, a7M a new
lazie er Will be sleeted to the r ei lnloan
in the near futuJre. oaarld of steward
Douglas Campbell, Walter Cook,
Nor an Radford, Lloyd Walden. Fred
it'Ool , Leonard 4'0,01, JVtelt Buchanan;
trustees, `red (boli, Howard Campbell,
'Melvin, Teylor, 4Iva -McDowell, Albert
Walsh, Charles yamith; organiat; Win -
'lifted Campbell; .yl"tssistant; Phyrl lis
Coult ; officer,ehurc, Edgar Howat ;
ushers, Leonard Cook, Murray* Mt:-
Dowell, Alvin Snell, G;<raeae° McDowell,
Ernest Snell; auditors, Charles Smith.
Howard Campbell; clerk of session,
Marvin McDowell; 'missionary andmaintenance>nance secretary,` Wm. McDowell. ,
Those presl,?nt at the congregational
Meeting felt they had had sucbt a
weederful, year that they rose and sang
"Praise God from Whom all blessings
Ow." The meeting closed with tlw
benediction by thepit tor,
The 'West Wewanosh Council met as
per tatute on J►ituary 13th. After
the inaugural proceedings Reeve Bi:;owu
Smyth , addressed the Council brietiy.
The members—,Everett Finnigan, Devlin'
-McAllister, Gordon McI'hersou and
\Vallace , Miller --were uuauimous in
their 'opinion that this municipality ,
must make a start on plan of road
t•ee mist rtls tion.
On otion of Councillors Finnigan
.wind• McAllister John McQuillin was
appointed school attetidanee officer for
19.17. 1t was decided on • motion of
Councillors Finnigan and .l1iller to•
open the Township roads at',titues tvlten
it is (•ouside red ad visa hie itud the
Road Su(('1i111c'iadent Wats instructed
to cnli►loy the tie ('is:u•y "c(Ittipluetit.
Ity1:'t• tiNu.- 1. aaplt int_ing odiri'nls for
1917:°was read a third time and passed
1111 motion of Councillors McAllister Jic�lcllersutl. I;ylatty No. 2, .to
atlul►1 tlit' assessment made in 19-141 as
the assessment on which the rate of
to tat ion for the. year 1947 shall be
fixed and leviedw
, its ,passed on „motion
r , r r ,
tuna.. ai . taair (tf skis, hand, $1.1.x3 ; \' $18J.�Q, _ Ba },.. -L
r(1• . mr,a:mrt'tr ttTtrl 'irtatntetl-
z( t� hat a IY('►
'►els. �
•race Sunday
. $272.59;school,131: )
� (
y pried loose I y the with *a balance of $10; building fond,
' been in bed nyt�; for $730.04. including -personal donations
two days I don't like skiing. . and donations from Sunday school,
` W.A. anti -:ban elnh. • The •Y.P.U.` re-
SEATS FOR THE RACES ported- $5(,,5,8. raised during the year.
Total amount -raised for the year was
The 'Signal -Star.
$2.522.70. The members of session are
• i Marvin McDowell, Wm. McDowell. W.
Sir. ---Your report of theTecent meet-
ing of the (ioderich hrcitting and Agri-
yI1pL)ei as i1e'•3L 0' worthless. " Indeed,
`' ii._"xi•".t''fi it_: ee �`15 astruggi that the seats nets all taken. the
�'6r`n. t i? a?
for bore-exts'tellee'. i ad; elothiax =andu ,hia, had pireylr�ly been wen . g1pcay
med'ical supplies are needed if the will se=ws some: _idea i.f Tiow inatir mare
agony of i.3hini's millions 1 to be re- seeatts 00111d 'ha
been sulci had they
4 lieved.
A. campaign has been launched to
raise a sum -of $2.500.000 in Canada for
Chinese relief, and contributions may
be. left with any •of the local, banks or
mailed to Provincial headquarters 'at,
tioern 101, 371 Bay street. Toronto.
Cheques, should be made payable to
Canadian Aid to' ('hien." -
This is a case in which he gives
twiee who gives quickly, for starvation
• and • disease are carrying off their
victims daily. The claims of hutuairity
are t trengthened by realization, of tchat
is due our Chinese ally for her valiant'
help 'during the war , with -Japan.
• Canadian aid should be prompt and
generous. •
-1 d January is itself again.
°* *
The Federal Parliament
session next week. Ottawa warm spot, anyway.
Reports of the Polish els-etlon remind'
ns of the stories tie have heard and
read of , electitlflw in Ontario in the
dart of the "open poll," before the
ballot was introduced. A citizen was
entitled to a vote if he was huslcyl
dnaufia td fight his way to tite ballot
opens its
will have
m * *
C'aanada 1s described an it ''buffer”
between Russia and ,the United States.
A buffer it the duffer that takes the
hard',kneelis-'from' both sides when he
l31l)1ftt*t0 • to be 'bett'geen two fellows
wlao are 'trying to., grt at each other.
Canada cannot very Well move out of
the way, but she might offer her tsvo
teigial ors, one on thtl north and care
. to the su►ttth,, t they 5ilould come to
151CPVT, , ' to goo(t big av?' . up around
Ittudil0i19 Buy in whish to do titefr f
atta,. 1iocwYev'r, w'O haven't the slfght-
dat idea , that theft. . di1litit(i W111, ever
,ff(",t fD€; 1t l the talking g 'taunt's••
` 4tn1
lns'ii available.
It is- estimated that ten thousand
people attended the . races last year;
:and the grandstand seats'aPproxilnate-
ly 1,600. When people 'trav°el - a king
distance. to the raves they do so in
the hope of Seeing them; and ;11111ess
they are in the grandstand they can
s(•1° only the back stretch, ora if at the
I'M'. a.. few , yards up and (11)11 the
track. The difference between the
number attending and the seating capa-
city of the grandstand affords a further
idea of the rilXnlber who would gladly
have paid for- seats -'had they been
a va flask:
The nuniber,nf people attending these
races is d0111i16 the population, -tit (rode-
rich -a181, no,.•donbt. many of.
thousitnds-`trayelled Much farther than
we did ; but it is safe to say they will
not drr it again unlesi{' th('re is some
118sur-anct' of better accommodation. - It
is not, �a1n argument to.ii a;v that if one
waists a seat one should araive early•
becanap if all , i•rived tWo hours ehee6
of time the number disappointed. would
not be lessened ; and the lmig tvaiit
would only ilggravete tete situation, ,
both. for those with seats and ft►r
those without.
This letter is prompted by t -he .falct
that your report 'Of the meeting made airy
no mention of the matter in question
liltt•ing been diScuseed by the directors,
Chough T (11011(it ilial,%iii lftlii" aeiri
unatware of the ssittlation.
Kitchener, .Tan. 19. '
91, LOAi�S
Without Endorsers!
It's truel Household Finance,
Canada's oldest and largest'
Small Loans Company—makes
loans from $20 to $1000, on your
car,"hiniture, or note without
endorsers ortbankable security.
Take as long. as 12 or 15
months to repay. Or even 20
or 24 months on loans of larger
You. may arrange. a House-
hold Finance loan, promptly,,
with no delay. Just decide how
much money you need, and
how. long you want to take to
repay. Then visit one pf our
convenient branches, or phone
if you.wish. Your money can be
ready the same day you apply.
Why wait? Pune today!
2nd Floors Royal Bank � t ti
29 Downie St., corner of Albert
8. J. Colby Manager
Hours 9 to 5 or by appointment
Loans made to resident: of nearby towns
Many, People Sufle - .
From ho , a c Pain
There are people who suffer from rheumatic>
pains .year in and year 9111 regardless, of the season
or the,weather.
° These pains, whether they be in the joints or f
-tarso,'" In.tuf les, may he rnelneed by urie acid. ;
�"`-413vrdbck ,Flood slitters may '• bring relief from
rheumatic paitz.for it helps td cleanse ampurities�fsotn the body and tones
-Tf -has` hey od: thousanc •.-of swan s who: -Ali "er'.'fto"I - alts t tt
pains,' dyspepsia, sour stomac�h,'biliousness, headaehes- or miner-4io plaints
of the liver or kidneys. It should do the same far you.
On sale for more than •6Q yearg, Burdock Blood Bitters ,is;available at
drug counters everywhere. ,
The, T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
To receive top grades may we suggest that you bring in your
'Next Ryan's 'Feed Mill Your Satisfaction Is Our Success
(Exeter Times -Ad vocaatel
It has 1)000 explained that our sug-
gestion ,to have Exeter streets,,sancled
math] muss tip the hauseS of the vil-
lage. To those ttnusse(1 to such strenn-
011:4 ef;'t reisa(: OS shaking. their rubbers
Before entering the house. the dlf-
tlenity raised by the Oornplrtittt Is in-
PORTER'S 11 11.1,; San. 20. -a We
understand Mr. (',haw. YoUng has: stied
Itis farm near Porter's hill to ?1 r.
Doug. l el)ougall of No. 8 hlghwt t'
riser Taylor's ('orner, poassesssion
be had March let.
1iXr. and Niro. Jas. Lockhart a r
spen(ling a few days ttittla - their go
('lien and wife' its Clinton.'r,
Community C'ltlb. •Tile Porter's 111
Community Club ite1c1 their' Januar
rneetilif;`:►t tl(','Gd tna(' tail •Arra. l:des1le ('t
If You Have An . old Chpsterfieid.
We spec' tt lite in re -up-
• holstering (& re -designing:
Also i stow -made
f iture.
All wor ' guaranteed.
,PEO I 567W
-V�i'nll be hi town the second,
weelg. in clanuary.
'. Tele hone° People Acre .w .
p p
� No matter how good the service is,
l HerdtoT Please tele hdne � eoP1e are Always keen to make
'it .better ... to beat their owia record, • ,
We' are breaking all records with our $100,000,000' programme for
tines,- switchboards and buildings.
' Bat atrnore than equipment -is required —something money
can't buy. That is the 'pride •evelry, person in the company takes in
continuing ,is
give the best service at the lowest cost.
of Councillor si' Finnigan find hiller.
The Clerk was instructed to -advertise
for ',applications fur the position of
tl..tiaiit.t:v -o£. 'Ia0-..
( i e t9T1`:cia
c f
4 Collector, ItIl. Rutiedtre
'for 1� 7. C t
• rk, I)urnih Phillips,,;- treasurer, W.
3oyle: caretaker, Don Cameron -1
Board of .Health,, Dr. B. -C':'- Weir'sand
('. M. Aitchison ; -sanitary' inspectors,
Thos. Salkeld and Joseph Led'dy ; sheen
valuators. Ed. Purvis! Andrew Gaunt,
1s ._.:1,.., Tliona sou -and Jim....;;i ro.uti
c n I:(a( is t . A
n iT ,
Nieholsoti, T. Keaitiey, Rtilahan.,
lI ''bb an�I' D.
Mid. Humphrey, . eK. \ e
Altura : featceviewers, \ A. 10 -Tier,
Morgan . King, Victor. 'Errington, Mark
Areastronse J. I). Anderson and J. M. '
Greer:- treed inn pec•tor, Ruiu'rt . Cham -
hey. ...Prices for ivbrk--tnan, team and
laser.:�i1 er hetar, lllaau wind team
+'esti �;' .0 • 'hour
Tents' per 'p
'I'lte Meeting Was adjourned to Febru- '
al•y '11th at 1.30• p.m.
esswassaermeseseassethenneeempssessom ��
This is the •+only national -
appeal to 'be made in
Canada within the next
twelve b tra.onths for
Chinese relief.
. , the ' Ont. 'food four - Tanen,
this old peasant,1'his farm devastated, by the
Japanese, is too Weak to work. His diet for months
ha4 beetti grass ' and oots,
Of b�hina's people, 83 per °ceht, arb farmers. Mil -X'
lions are in urgent'need of :food, clothes, medical
supplies. UNRRA's work is ending; . voluntary
agencies must catty on. Canada must do her share.
ill YOU help?
China, a good neighbor and customer, will' not ,
forget. ,
`e Ors 'olrvsi Chiba, a Good Neighbor, tailsto i
CANADIAN 'Ai'l1,ro Cfl1N•A
Make cheque payable to CANADIAN AID TO CIITN'A and mail to Provincial • 1Ieadquari n
"Julie (.1(lite 1►a;c•ni►le to ('onadialn Aid to ('hinaa and 111011 to Proi1tc•bt o" 1 of :ll ii; 11(Iqt i11('l's, er to i'iii .4'ti:i.•letetl Bank
Ontario Committee Nmadgttarteru-Aoom 1o1,171 1t,y 2t.,''To-onto 1.
Chairman—H. L.z°.Dttrgoyne, St. Oatha' ines, ntario.
Viers-Chairman—O. k. 1lowntiree,: London, Ont ario,
Treasurer --Z. ': OaCIf , .I.9neria1 link of Coria an,.
rt,t a 'fit
'111' ,,et • ,