The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-01-23, Page 1Y3,44,R, *
Two More Damage
Ciall!ns against Town
Fire Pumper at Rubor Said. to Be
Uoelesz---Old Rome
Week Propmed
By motion of the Town Council at
its regular meeting. ,on ' yriday night
last a public meeting is to be called
to discuss the question of bolding a
'Gedtrich old boys' reunion this year.
The question was introduced by
Coun. HuchinS,. and other Members
favored the proposal if there were
OMR to -Make tlip*. necessary prePar-
ations. Conn:. Tayfer suggested tkat as
nopublic reeeption hadyet been held
for the returned servicemen this might
be combined With an old boys' reunion.
The matter wad. later diScussed in
eommittee of the whole, where it was
decided to subralt the quebtionto a
meeting of the citizens. August was,
suggested as the best time for the
proposed celebration. '
The Council received •notice of tWO
more damage claims resulting from
- the-mcent accident .at _the _skating rink.
All the members were present.
At the opening of the meeting, which
was a few minutes late, Mayor Mooney
observed thai'meetings should begin
promptly at 8 d'cleck.
Taxes collected in December, accord-
ing to the report of Collector Sturdy,
were $12,477.79,, an, increase of $6,215.-
86 over December collections in 1945.
Collections for the Year 1946 were
$110,917.43, an increase of $14,973.22
National Sewer ripe Co.,- Toronto,
wrote stating that concrete pipe and
• fittings could now be supplied. The
letter was referred to the public works
committee. • ee, .•
An offer of $300 a year.for the use
of the sheet metal shed at the harbor
was .received from Wm. Garrick and
LenlOverholt and was referred to com-
mittee of the whole for consideration.
• It is proposed td, use the 'Shed for
•tztorage of ice.
A • communication from J. B. Kelly,
• manager or • the*Public Utilities Com-
inissien, enclosed a letter from the
Provincial Power Commission explain-
ing the charge _for the colored lights
, (kn. the Squere: Mr. Kelly in his letter
:gated that "there 40-nearleas Mealy-
colered lights on the strings around
the Square, as the total number' of
e. The Evening Auxiliary,. of N'orth
street United church met on" Monday,
January 20, for .the • annual, fee and
pot -leek Oupper in the chUrch hall,
with, fifty young women present.
,After the supper, the meeting wae
brought to order by the retiriog presi-
deat, Mrs. S. Snider. Miss er. Saunders
led in prayer before Rev. R. ./1.„
bull was called en to install theeneyv
officers for 1947. The minister thanked
the Auxiliary for the gift, of pc* for
the purchase of a movie projector and
$75 to the chime fund.
Tbe new president, Mr. r. Noble,
took the chair, and the meeting con,
tinned with the singing of a hymn
and, the Scripture lesson read by •MiAs
'Mrs. Turnbull took the chapter on
"Labor and Industry" from the study
book, "India at the Threshold." She
began by giving some facts about
industry in India. Although only one-
third of India's four hundred rnillion
• people are eniaged in industry, that
country produees the world's lar-gea
supply of iroh ore, sugar, hides and
jute, eighty per ceitt. of the world's
•mica, and the second largest supply.
of cotton and tea. The largest, steel
works of the British Commonwealth
is in India.
Mrs. Turnbull Supplemented her talk
with an exhibit of brass, silver and
pottery articles and some exquisite'
embroidery and linens, sent. to her
from India.
The secretary gave the annual report
• of last year's Auxiliary activities,
which indented a Valentine tea, rum-
mage Sete, fashion show, and plowing
match dinners. The Easier thank -
offering meeting featured' the Rev. U.
E. Cronhielm's slides. on "Tibet.
The highlight of the year was the
autumn thank -offering meeting with
Mrs. A. Roger Self, president of -the
United Church W.M.S. Dominion Board,
as -guest epeaker. Invitations to this
meeting were eent 5fitt to fifty-eiglit
auxiliaries in Huron Presbyterial.
• The treasurer reported 'total receipts
of $997.23, with $500.06 sent to the
Presbyterial, trenstirer. This was ,the
largest sum ever raised by . the mix -
Wary in one year.
The singing of a hymnand the
Mizpah benediction -brought the meet-
ing to a close, after which the ment-
bersenttended..a; eleandieeteatieu...-a---thie=
new movie projector.
Vestry Meeting of
George's Chutch.
NaCoUragiiig RepOrt$ ReCeived
Geri; Meta. for
• , Owning Year
' lights on the. streets • in • the town:"
.1r. se y • ur er I that on ae-
'count of the critical power shortage
the use of the.colored lights was being
discontinued for some months. • Re -
Jerred to water, light and harbor emu-
luit.t?ti• • .
TheeProvincial Department of Plan-
ning. and -Deeelopnient - 'advised' of
examnunity planning eonference .to be
held in Toronto. on January 29th. and
' 30th; Filed.
Two More Damage Claims
A letter_ from F. -Donnelly, -K.C.,
gave notice that M. N. Macdonald is
holding the Town responsible for suf-
fering and damage sustained by hue
as a reselt of the accident at the
skating rink on sTanuary• (ith.
A letter from .W.A. Sutherland in
behalf of William Weed advised that
he intehels to. hold the Town liable for
dathages'resulting from the same ac-
Both letters were referred to com-
mittee of _the whole.
Bandmaster Woods -of the Boys'
Band reported that Frank Curry, Carl-
ton J. Wersell and William Peters
were willing to act 'On the proposed
band committee: 'Referred to special
Postr__Takeinto,,,,evae.e-eenteto the
ihdrtsfra eatunitteee----- • -
Encouraging reports in the spiritual
and financial life of St. George's Angle.
tau church were 'heard at the 116tb.
annual veati'y meeting, held in the
parish hall on Monday evening. The
meeting Was well attended..
Rev. Beverly H. Farr, rector, of the
church, presided, and gave a resume
of the. year's work and dfewhat it is
hoped to accomplish in the future.
The finaapialereeeipte were $200 in
excess of any previous year in the
history of the church. Balanees in the
various societies ranged from $3 to
A - report •on the mortgage fund
showed that it had been reduced to
$3,400,41. generous amount having been
paid:hi 1946.
• A suggestion that a charitable fund
be set up was favorably received, and
was referred to the board of manage-
ment. NI "` • e,
_Church Officers -for 194:7
Officers elected for 194T-' were:'
Rector's warden, Dr. J. ,A. Graham ;
people's warden, 0. W. Sturdy; board
of manageinent, S. Prevett, 11. D.
Helstrop; Douglas Wilson, eWilliam
Riley, T. Reg. Johnston, Haro.ld Black-
stone, jr., Jon, Murison, D. J. Allan,
R. C. Hays, K.C., Harold Shore, J.
H. McNee, H. M. Ford,. Malcolm
Mather's, Robert Sowerby, .Bernard
Wilmot, C. Staniforth, Bert Munday,
J. T.. gal -midge, A. P. Wilkes;, lay
delegates to the Synod, E. D. Brown,
G. L. Parsons, R. C. Whateley ; sub-
stitute, F. Carey, C. F. Chapman,
A. F. Sturdy; auditors,, J. M. Roberts,
It. K. Wurtele, C. F. Chapman.
At the close of the. business"oreeting,
ee,-freshments were served and -a social
thee enjoyed.
A letter from,. the Liquor License
-Board -of Ontario, with respect to the
enforcement.of the Liquor Control Act,'
was ordered 4iled.
A letter froMiss A. Wurtele, of the
Huron County Humane Society, asked
that the •local bylaw respecting dogs
• be changed, the words "within three
days" to be inserted in the clause
• which reads: "Any dog running at
large contrary to the provisions of
this bylaw may be captured, killed or
otherwise disposed of by such person
as may be duly authorized to do so."
Referred to special committee.
A letter from the St.-aohn Ambul-
ance Association, Ottawa, asked assist -
'ince in its campaign for the raising
of 'a national fund of one million dol-
lars. Referred to finance committee.
A request from the British Sailors
Socfety, Toronto, for permission to
hold a tag day on a suitable date was
• referred to the special- Committee.
• Coun. Huckins gave notice that at
the next meeting of Council he would
move that the present bylaw with
regard to dogs be rescinded and a new
• bylaw prepared.
To Discontinue Tax Prepayment Ilan
e 7, The finance committee recommended
that the, fee of $25 for membership in
the Canadian Federation of Mayors
and Memleipalities be phid ; that the
tax prepayment plan be discontinued
for this year; that eleven subscriptions
fo The,; Municipal' World be ordered.
Relief 4100unts for December amounted
to $315:20, s
Tpublic works committee recom-
menaed that the communication from
Purity Flour -Mills Ltd. with regard to
iirainage of Harbor *Hill be tabled
• entil weather conditions permit in-
• spection by the Council:" that the
matter of, obtaining prices on a' tractor
with mowere and snowplow Ittachments
be left With the chairman ; that mem-
bership the the Ontario Good Ronda
0 AssoriatPon be renewed and the $10
• fee paid; that Mr. MeMillen be con-
eulted regarding his offer to purchase
part of lot 251 on Elgin avenue and as
to when he intends to build.
The special committee recommended
that the ecoc`)(iinarthication from the Chief
of Police asking for increases in sal-
aries and ear allowances for the police
department be tabled for further •eon-
Tindustrial committee recom-
mended tigtt the Clerk adVlse the Pad-
eral Department of Publie Works that
• an offer has been received for the pur-
chase of the armories bnilding from a
firm desiring to expand its industry, 'Week this year.
•A-%-rief ‚training course for recreation
leaders 10 '• been planned by J. C.
Peters, town recreation directhr, and
will have its first session in Victoria
Schonl• on.:. Wednesday, January. •29th,
git 8.l1-5 p.m.• -
The purpose of this course is to
assist all those who are 'acting, -or
expect to act„ae leaders of &laurel.
groups. youth _gteups, etc., in some of
the techniques of group leadership. •
A Yew of the topics to be covered in-
clude: Theory of recreation, • .organiz-
•ation, group games, dramatics, sing-
songs, quiet games, handicrafts and
Through the kind co-operation of the
Public School Board the use of Vic-
toria. School ba -s been obtained and
the course will be -conducted there on
four successive Wednesdays, beginning
with January 29th.-
Charles Carey, defter forf3
,the Sault
Coal -Company, IS in Alexandra -Hos-
pital suffering' with 'a broken hip, re-
ceived when he fell off the truck on
aye - • . Tee- -
The members of Ahtneek Chapter,
entertained at a dinner and
'bridge Party in St. George's parish
hall on Saturday evening in honor of
The • a ttractively a rra nged tables
were placed fo' form an "ti," and •were
decprated iu the I.O.D.E.' colors of
-Initple and ,gold. A delicious
was served by the Women's Guild of
St. Gouge's churclf, headed by the
president, Mrs. IL B. M.' Tichborne.
Candelabra with lighted .tapers graced
th.e centre of each table, with. pwele
flowering plants.
Mrs. C. 'Staniforth, regent .of e the
Chapter, a glowing tribute to Airs.
Ilodg•e and in reees''nition of her ser-
vices the treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Coates,.
presented her, on behalf of the mem-
bers, with a sterlieg silver necklace.
Airs. Hodge gracefully expressed ,her
appreciation of the gift. . .
Nearly filtyjadies were present.-
'Mrs. E. D. Brown was the winner of
the prize for. the high score at bridge,
the low being held by Mrs: F. R.
Miss A. Cleaver moved a vote of
thanks to the Church ,Woman's
.which Mrs. Tichborn:e and MI.'S:
Farr graciously acknowledged.
. The gay, informal party was con-
cluded with the. singing of "For She's
a Jolly 'Good Fellow,"s, "Auld Lang
Syne," and "Qod Save the King,"
wit li- Mrs.- Rs --at the plena.
As will be seen from announce -
meat in the advertising columns
of tills paper, the people `of .Gode-
rich and district Will be able
to do their Saturday night shol).
ping at 'convenient hours, a large
proportion of the merchanthav-
ing agreed to keep their stores
-open until 10 o'clock on Saturday
night, it is realized that many
people, particularly,those from,the
townShins, cannot conveniently do
their necessary shopping at an
earlier hour. It is hoped, how-
ever, that all will cooperate in
getting the Saturday night business
concluded as early as possible, so
that the sales Ntaffs may be re-
leased at a reasonable hour.
Tenders for Court
House Deferred
Rev. Dr. • Austin L. Badge, retired
Presbyterian clergyman; died at Ham-
ilton on January 10th at the age of
eighty-one years. He was well known
in Huron ceunty and was a frequent
visitor in -this' district. He was for
years elerk la the Synod of Hamilton
and -London 4Hulboth. during his active
ministry and since his retirement he
gave brilliant' service to his church as
historian! For. years he contributed
to the daily press a weekly column on
WorldWide church affairs, and occasion-
al -contributions to the weekey..Press,
including The Signal -Star, were read
with appreciation.
- He is survived by his wife, a sOn,
lkintild,• of ShelbUrne, Ont., a daughter,
Mrs. Arthur Murduffe Toronto, and. a
brother„lohn Budge.
The *funeral took place at Hamilton
on -Saturday,. with .a• ,service in Chal-
mers church antreinterment in Wood-
land cemetery. •
From - The • EnterprisesNeWs ' of
Arthur, Outs` we take the' following
reference to a native of -Ashtield who
is well .and Popularly known through -
(Int 11111-011 ceenty : - . .
- Last tWeek, S. Pe Stotlfers received'
a beautiful medal from the Ontario.
Deparfnill'et dfAgriculture, in recogni-
tion of his service -of" a quarter of a
----scenturs: -with- -Ufa t hod -v. -The Minister
of --AgfireSiTtlire '67s:pressed'Airs:-ViOr
that he was unable to ('01114' to Arthur
and- personally present the medal.
•tuallv Mr. Stothers has beep in. the
service for thirty years. le mum
his first short course in London in.
Janua6- .of 1917. ' Later -he -was assist-
ant in Lambtpn county before . being
appointed district representative . for
Huron. From Huronhe was trans-
ferred to the•office Et ISsseX county, nud.
in 1932 -was' ttanSferredjo Wellingtetil.
Here:lor almost -fifteen year he
lacconuilished a Splendid work. ' .
The Victoria Vikings Spent a pleasant
evening at the home .of their teiteher;
Mrs. Keith Webster. on January 15th.
At this first meeting for 1947 they had
as their guests the girls of Mrs. Fred
Wilson's lass in Victoria street Sun-
day school, During the be•siness part
of the meeting the boys deeided that
they would meet for the winter months
joit Monday . at • 7 p.m. every seiseul
week. .- -
I Several games and Contests were
played with all the enthusiasm of
youth. Lunch was served. The , fol-
lowing officers were elected: President,.
Bruce Barrie; secretary, Bruce Mc-
Cullough; treasurer, Ttonald MeGee:
social convener, Tommy Webster. .
I- lieenativeevf 'Starileyeetevenehipe but
a resident of Goderich -since -he retired
about ten years ago, John' Edward
Johnston will observe his ninetieth
birthday on Saturday, sjannary 25.
Mr. Johnston. who livewith his
sister, Mrs: Emily Grahain, Bayfield
road, was in business at Port ,Arthur
for seven years e and also in the Min-
ing business for some years. Ile at-
• tended Goderich High Scheel in 1878.
Of a family of nine there Survive two
sisters. Mrs. E. Graham, ef Goderich,.
and Mrs. Sarah SowerbY, 4th conces-
sion of Goderich townsh .p, and One
brother, Thomas Johnston., of Bayfield.
so= r
Architect. S.O.y0 Oclatracters Net
Ready- to Give: Prima •
at Pres�nt Time -
Brown Stnyth, Reeve. of West
Wawanysla, 'and a lifelong resident of
that tovvnship,. was elected Warden of
Huron County for 1947 at the in-
augural meeting_ 'of the County Council
of 19e7 on Tuesday afternoon. , A
blizzard' which raged . through4e. the
countryside end, delayed the arrival
of mendeers delayed the opening of ,
the Cotmcil until well on into the after-
noon. •
John Armstrong, Reeve Of Hullett,
and Cecil Wheeler; Reeve . of Morris,
were the other two contestante'for the
wardenship, the latter .running Second
in the vetiug.
County Clerk Norman Miller ex-
tended a welcome to the Members of
the 1947 Council, pointing out that
most of .the members were re-elected.
Four were entirely new and two had
come back again, after having 'served
on :the Council in previous years. On
behalf of the 'Goderich Lions Club,- Mr.
Miller extended an invitation to the
members of -the Council to ,attend
banquet at -0:30 p.m. Thursday.
Council every success and to present
sent to wish the new Warden and
the emblematic key of the County to
'Ex -Warden R. E. Shaddick was pre-
,. .
the _new Warden..
Judge T. M. Costello, to administer-
ing the oath of -office to the incoming
Council, congratulated' the ex -Warden
and Council, ,the fine record of 1946.
He ,congratulated the new Warden on
being elected to the Most exalted: posi-
tien in theecounty. "1 know frememy
experience that BrowneSrayth will be
ae worthy.. successor to _a long line of
good Wardens in Huroe. comety," said
Judge Costello. "Lam glad to welcome
back Treasurer Erskine after his. ill-
ness and, I think eyou, have a good
treasurer in Mr. Erskine. also Wish
to .welcome back Sheriff :Nelson
who was ill." . .
Rev.. B. H. Farr invoked the Divine
highest -standing, in the high school, .
blessing on the work of the new Coen- emeeelleee Mrs. Hibbere Mrs.- West -
entrance class. DI her valedietory ad-
cil.. He congratulated the. new Warden brook, Airs. Heilman, eirs. Chapman
dress Jean thanked the members of
(azduacni. luta ipnogi:tu hpear t(s'aofultilitye
_Pridhameand =Mrs.-. Waikato- Mrs. •Xlea
and Mrs.., -Walkom; group leaders, Mee:
theeVictsria Schooleetagefoe-the lettere. .
taken in 'tfle das
mnch criticism, ,but if you do your, II. Barker nnd.- Mrs. Mute)). est -ft-4Y ellicl-
Other presentations were ae follows:.
FryMitifelit he -Pheielire-07 efelifirr bead„Mrs. H. Barker and.Mr'. Mulch. •
work to the best of your ability that
is all that is required."
o es ot s, were passe 13
Council for the remarks of both Judge•
Costello apd. Rev. Air. Farr. •
In his inaugural address, Warden
Su seid. "I have • been honored , in
W V Will -always cherish'. I - feel
that am Warden of -a county that is
-Otte of the best in the Province. I are
predate this honor for the people of
$•"Veet- WaWaeosh fiS Much as 1 do for
e •
The . Court Clouse Project
L. GsBridgman. architect eirgeged to
Prepare plans fel- the new Court House.
told the ("ouncil on Wednesda3. after -
110011 that he would be ready to call
for tenders. in two months' time; hut
he suggested that. An view of the
Beet ea ti on 111 prices and the scarcity
syf materials.. the Couticil sluntld pro-
cOed eantiously. At the present thee.
reputable ' contractors would, -not give
st pule ted price's: His s d v ice tha t
calling for tenders be deferred- to the
June•ses'sion wits endorsed in 11 motion
by Reeves ,B, W.' Tuckey and John
Tuesday, at the regular convoca-
tion of -Huron Chapter, No. 30, Royal
Arch...Mas'ons, with Ex. Comp.- Robert
Bisset • in charge of the ceremonies;
the following officers were installed for
1947: Ex, Comp. John G. Watson, Z;
Ex. Comp. H. M. Ford', I.P.Z.; Ex.
Comp. Thomas Taylor, IL ; Ex. Comp.
Ed. Wells, J.; Ems -Comp. J. H., . Woo -
rants treasurer; Ex. Comp. F. R. Dar-
row, S.E.; Ex. Comp. Robert Bisset„
&N.;N.; Comp. James H. Johnston, P.S.;
Comp.' Walter C. Newcombe, S.S. ;
Comp. Elmer N. Gra-ham, J.S. ; Comp.
Wm. Ross, M. of .4th V.; Comp. Win.
Currey, M. of 3rd V.; Comp. . W. E.
Dockstader, M. of d V.; Comp. Frank
Walkom; M. of lst, V.; Comp. Arthur
T. Knitting, 0.0.; Ex.. Comp. H. T.
Barker, Org. .Trustees are Ex. -Comps.
Dr. W. F. Gallciw,.12... 0, Sanderson and
F. R. Darrow. Auditors, Rt. Ex. Comp.
G. 1,. Persons and Ex. Comp: Alex.
Smith. . •
'Public School Inspector .T. :11. Game
of Walkerton, whose inspectorate in-
cludes,,the northeast portion of Huron
couhtee seems to be living the danger-
ous life. One night recently„ when he
was putting -remit the milk bottles at the
-rear door of • his home, a huge icicle
fell .nrid struck him on: the,shead. He
Was alone at ttimeand it was sev-
eral before., he was able- to get
to the telephone and summon a ,doctor,
who sewed up the wound.
,The net day Mr. Ganne had started
out •for e Toronte in his 'ear when a
bullet struck the window in the left
front door of his -car, almost level with
his head. .The belief, presumebly a
stray shot from a. hunter in the neigh-
boring. -woods, was almost spent, and
ate only damage 'ft did 'waseto Shatter
the windovv, which fell in pieeeS on
the' seat end the driver's lap:
and suggest that buildings at Sky
Harbor might be available for tempor-
ary armory aceommodatim
These reports were all adopted.
Fire Pumper at Harbor ,
Coun. Taylor, chairman of the fire
committee, brought up the question of
the pamper placed a few years ago at
,the north side of the harbor for the
protection of shipping from fire. He
said it was useless in its present con-
dition and he asked who was respon-
sible in the matter, the fire committee
or the water, light and' bettor com-
In the enAuing discussion it was
stated that with the harbor frozen over
it was practically impossible to ie -t at
the water. There was nobody to run
the pumper; it wee difficult of access,
and there seemed to -be doubt if it could
get started in time to be of any use
in ease of fire.
Conn. 'Huekins said it' was money
thrown away when the pumper was
Deputy Reeve Mathieson said it was
no use where it was and might as well
be breught up town.
The Mayor asked for a report on the
pumper from the fire emntnittee and
Coml. Taylor promised to have a report
brought in. ,
Coun. Knitting said he could not see
why the Town was paying $40 a month
in connection with the Bays' Band.
Reeve MacEwan said he would move
to -refer this matterlb committee of the
whole at the next meeting.
Bylaw No. 4 of 1047, to authorize
the borrowing of $75,000 if needed to
meet current expenses until taxes come
in was given three ' readings and
-Council then resolved itself into com-
mittee of the whole and on resuming
adopted the committee's report inelud:
leg the following 'recommendations:
That Dr. W. P. Gallow be reappointed
medical officer of health vosr51947.; that
the company„ carrying public liability
insurance for the Town be netified of
the elahns made against the Corpor-
ation as the result of the accident at
thh eketing rink on January Oth; that
an agreement be prepared ' for the
lease of the shed at the harbor to
Messrs. Overholt and Garrick at $300
,per aim= ; that Jos. Allaire be notified
to remove any material he has stored -in
the shed at oneei that the Vayor issue
it proclamation calling a meeting of
eitizens for January ,28t1i to eonsider
the matter of holding on Old Home
HpziroRs AiRs.EQDG
Thore was a Iarere 'attendenee at
Aseeciation of North etreet United A(alr. Stovirrt Addresses Oradu
Commencement at
Victoria School
the annual meeting ef WieneWe
ateS-;.--Robert Ppix Medal and
-church,. held in ,:the church' hall en
Friday Jtfternoon; JanUarY nth. Be- Qther.Award4 Presented '
fore conducting the'installation of of-
TornDou gave an
tau en the need ee the ViTtliolarit7aiiiIalrenrejalincluageornoelleilf 0e9lafinstructive ttilot
on ,Thuroday evening last took, the forna
of the sehool's commencement exer-
cises. A brief business. session.
,ceded the eXercises, Mrs. George ,andersonrsident of -the Association, pre• .
Sreiraregienthrse. AsillrX80elleatrea: OtTlit
edueational forum. IlisS Cleaver Ooke
hrieflee 'streseing tile nrgent need for
nurieeS throughout the Province, '
• •Musical numbers on ,thu, program
were rendered by 'Miss Alargarpt
Henry, Misses Catherine and Margaret
1MnascsDGonraaelde,i1Buarsoalira. Ann MeVittie.aud,
• Mrs, Sanderson then turned the meet-
ing over to Principal Snider, !who con- •
gratulated 'the graduates and introduced
the guest speakere ReV. RiCharel
Stewart. Mr. Stewart' in his remarket
urged the members •of the claset to
avail themselves 'of all possible ecluea-,
AlteelarepportenitietT to stand upefor -
be things that are right, live
worthwhile life as well „as -earning
a living.
High school entrance certificates•vvere -
presented by Mr. J. 13. Milne, chairman.
of the Public &hoed Board, to the fol -
rowing graduates: Jean Baechler;
Archie Beattie, Jack Beejamin, Joyce
Breckow, Helen Bridle, Barbara Bult,
Barbara Chase, Robert Culp, Barry
Doak, 'Marion Duckworth, Joan Elliott,
'Joan Fitzpatrick, William Freetk- -
Betty Lou Fritzleye Ted FulfordeRuth
Harvey, Margaret ilenry, Grace Hid -
son, Jack Hudson, Ruth Irwin, Eleanor e
Jeffery, Charles Johnetan, Olive Knee:,
shbw, Laithwalte, June Lyneh,,
• Allan MacDonald, ;Serene 11fallough,
Alvin MeGee, Grace. Pinder, Gordon
Pinder, RutSeger, Mary Lon Sander -
sine Ray; Staidart, Leonard Willis and
Ralph Wilson. • • e.
Presented - - •
Stewaxt„ presented Jean BaecIaler
with ,the Robert Park memoriaf medal,
&mated' by Victor Lauriston for the
Association's work in the church life,
The nieeting was in scharge of the
president Mrs. D. D.', Mooney, who
thanked the membere for their vvilling
co-operation'during the past year, The
secretary, • Mrs.. Moorhead, gave a
splendid review of the work covered
and the various donations given to the
Board, and other organizations of the
chureli. .The treasurer, Mrs. Cole, re -
!ported' forty-one•paid-up. Members and
4 total of $804.32 raised. -Reports'
giveee her the various vice:presidents,
the parsonage and flower fund con.-
veners were all very gratifying. A
vote of thanks was . pulsed to Mr.
Ahdrew, also to Miss Mary Robertson
for services • rendered the Aesociatien.
The past president, Mrs. Kershaw,
then. in a "few well-chosen words ex-
preesed the removal of Mrs,
W. Hodge to, Toironto and referred to
the_ splendid assistance. .she had given_
to the different societies of the church,
especially -as-a most valutd member'b
the,Weneep's Association, and oft behalf
of the Association she presented Mrs.
Hodge with a gift. as a slight tokee
of. the membere' appreciation of her
work. Mrs. Hodge thanked the ,society
and expressed regret at leaving a
church in which she had enjoyed the
wbrk greatly'. A social hour was
spent, after which Mrs. .Mooney ' an-
nounced that the nextibeeting would
be held on February 28th at 4 p.m. and
would be followed by a poeettek supper.
, The officers for 1947 & -foltows ;
Past president, Mrs. Kershaw; presi-
dent, Airs. Mooney ; 1st , vice-president,
Mrs. Price; 2nd vice-president,- Mrs.
II. Barker.; 3rd vice-president; Mrs:
Worsell ; secretaries, Mrs. •Moorhead:"
Mrs."Donnelly, Mrs. Scott. and M. M.
Campbell; treasurers, Mrs. Cole and
Airs. •Pridham; piatfists., . Mrs. J. A.
Snyder and Miss McClinton; conveners
of committees -parsonage, Mrs. Wal-
lionl.; flower..lirs. Warrso; communion,
Mrs. R. Johnston and •Mrs. Cooper;
The Huron County, Festival of Music
will he' held MIS Year. on Mity 5, 6, 7
and 8 under -the auspices of the (lode -
rich Music Club The Festival has
shown steady growth year by year,
and this year the indications are for.
a 'still widerSphere of interest. There
will be, two adjudicators Again this
year, the names tp bo'hnnouticed later.
Vintrieis close March 24th,
• To Joan Elliott; for mathematics,
Following' are the standing com-; presented' by Principal Snider. , -•
mittees of the County Council for 1947: • To Joyce Breckow, Henderson's -hook
Executive:-Beeeroft. Tuckey, :Mace! store prize for writing, preS€R-nd-.1,5-ye'-''':-.7:
Ewan, Snyder, Mathieson.
• Mr. F: Kershaw ; to:Ruth Irwin, FR-
Legislative. - Alexander, Pepper., singer's jewelry store prize for 9oCied
Kerslake, M. Johnson, Bainfon. ; studies; to Grace Hudson, the W. xit.
• Finanec..-------Pahish. Rutz., • Daly, G., Robertson prize for'grammar and com-
Armstrong. 4.fainton. r position; to Barbara Rulls-thesagricul- -
• Education. -Amy, •Keeslake. Snyder,' lure greet prize for science and agri-
Nieholso.ts. M. ;Johnsonculture; to Eleanor Jeffery, the Sinai -es.
• PdroPerty.- TuckeY, Daly, Pepper, ;„Art Stets, prize for arts to John ,1114-'
Fali'oner, -winter. son. the Victoria .Home And -School As -
County 'Home.Nieholson. Wheeler. ; sociation prize for 'spelling, preSented
Alexanders Alaehan. Berry. • hy Mrs. Sanderson ; to Jean 13pechler,
Agrieulture.:-Betcrolf. ilatz. Nichol--; the- Alunk-k Chapter prize for liter -
son. Ant', Barry. eture, presented by Mrs. B.' F. WilMot-
'ltitieldren's Aid. Daly, Pepper,: Tie- prize§ for the Maple Leaf Chap-
yvil• ter's essay eontest werepresented by
Pepper,- Winter. Miss . Ann Wertele to Joanne Duck -
Warden's. - Alexander. ' Wheeler, ! worth and ,Viola Leitch:
Tuckey, 0.• Araestreng, Meehan. For • Peifek Attendance
Health and Hospital. - Cousins, Mrs. F. J. C:urry pre-sented perfect
Tuckey, Farrish, _Wheeler, Falconer. ; attendance certificates to Betty Bowra,
Equalization.-Ratz, Snyder, Fattish, 'Bifly Bowra, Robeet Carrick, Clarence
C. Johnston, 'Mathieson. • A • Grnce Doak f3rd year), Joan.
tEATHER• ••-Good Roads. -Ginn. r
Amstrong.-; El4iotr. Joan -Fitzpatrick, 'Shirley Hoy„
Temperatures of, the past week •in Woods.
'Goderich, woesp
ith those of the crrond- ReforestatiClarence Hey. Marjorie Johnsten, Ed-
on. Berry. Beecroft. ward .Legg,ett. Margaret -MacDonald, ,
eitiarkcled'::'%vfe;Ukt41-rf' ;M1:r,Tred. Ie
„ 1947 e•-•
To John Hudson, for second highest
standing in the entrance class, Women's s
f'Ison; •--- •'--::r -- • 1l1Tyfl inner, re een-+)E
• Max. MinMax. Min. Airport. -Machan. Tuckey, Daly. ' year ) and She special -award :for eight
ThursJ an16 2 23 1Criminal "Audit. e- 'Judge T. M. I years' perfect attendance:, donated by
Fri., .Tan. 17 -22 31 115 Costello, N. W. Miner, N. R. Dorramss ; the- Pithlie School Board, was presented
., . ....3 -
Sat., Jan. 18 • 23 ' 34 25 to Olive Kneeshaw.
unTan19 45 2 0 8
PROMOTION FOR A Athletic Awards s .. ....3 3.
Air. J. yeters presented athletic
Mon., Jan. -20. ....39 3:1 .148 -1s2,
• -medals and PriZes as' follows:
Tues.. Jan. 21 ....34 ' 1..
For junior girls, silver medals tio
Wed., Jan. 22 7N 23 12
Mr.. Norman A'. Ryan, son of Mr.
Janice 'Argyle. and Marilyn Wilha-nas
1'. J. Ryen of tewn, has been . • •
NT WRDEN OF BRUCE appointed (ded)
assistant secretary of the Fruehauf
Reeve J. W. Joynt of Lux -know was Trailer ('o aFor junior bovs, thL. 0. Whet--;
Wo., Detroit. 'Normn is 'a , stone tr.ophy and old medal, to George
elected are n
isden Of Brucat the -- native of .G6derich and a graduate' of ThOmpson.
augurel meeting of he Bruce County. the Separa te School and Collegiate I •• •
, Intermedia•te boys. the H. M. Ford
Couneii.• Institute here. PutPloSeue-troPhy and gold medal, to Dick Clark,
by the Fruehauf Trailer Co. since
end -the Silver medal to Gary • Stelae -
1930. and previously was with the forth. •
Standard Accident CompahPin, Detroit..•
Senier girls, the Lions Club tropha
In announcing his • promotion the to Gladvs,MeLeart.
Freelut uf Ti 111 C,ompany stated : ;;;4enior boys,' the E. J. Pridham trophy
"Norman bas now heen promoted to 01)41 gold 'medal to. Jack Meriam ; silver
as,:lstant • secretary of the Company, medal to Ben Grahnm. • s
O promotion which he has earned A hearty vote of thanks \vas moved
through his many years of loyal ser- hy mi.. /1: R. jack,rnoo, of the school
vIce an(1.. capable handling of his re- staff. to fill who had donated prieee, to
sponsibilities and duties." • the speaker of the evening, and to all
THE ARTHCR (Amax • who- had helped to make the evening
e4o• enjoynble. This was seconded by
The Arthur C'ircle of Knox church , Aim snider,
held its first meeting of the year on
Mmulay evenieg. There was an ex- TRA
attendanee,, of • members and ,
friepds. 4'.!•110 first enksved a bounteous '
pot -luck supper. The meeting was in
charge • of tin- executive. •Mrs. Keith ' tW regular monthly meeting tilt
Cutt read a passage .of Scripture and in the 'Leber Han, 'North street,
• Mrs. M. J. Snider led in prayer. Mrs.. Monday evening, a 'capacity megater-
• Geurge MacEwan .gaee some_ of- the ship was present to--eliot-thoLinconting- -
'lig-ling-WS of the recent' presbyterial executive' for 1947. After- the dis-
meeting in 'Clinton. A violin solo by 'position of important hustrws• s mattero
Mrs; Robert Bisset, with MiSs Molly the election Was held and the..restiata
BiSset as aceompanist, and e trio' by were as follows: F"oret 3. Mel-Ilray,,
Mrs. G. Henderson. Mrs_ G. Knitting president 1 Yineent-, financial. „
and Miss Pauline Hess Were musical taey.; Chas. Ruffell: recording raid eor-
n withers which were much enjoyed. responding secretary; S. • tielesie, vice-
Itev. Richard Stewart was guest ; president ; K, conductor; W.
speakee of the evening and , be pre- Smith, N. Crich, J. Barry, trustees.
smiled an inspiring Missionary 'address. -
' Tw.o Minor necidents oceurred in Mr. Ilarifid *Rivet's; chief insTreetor
town on Tuesday, ear driven 1.)3, for the Dominion Road Machinery
Issniard G. Drake, of tin Clinton I Company. retently returned from 0.
Ra(lar;Aehool, eollided with- the rear; two weeks' inspection trip to the West-
ov a „truck driven by Orteond Huelibm,!er0,40inees to study the perforManee
S-% 11011 the latter .stopped to, allow an-lor tin'.- new Champion 1)-402 graders
other ear to proceed on Oxford street, shipped to the West In 1940. IF;
at the eernee of the Heron road. , niech impressed with the poilsibilitiet
At 11 n'eloek tues'day morning, it ; for road maehinery sales. tis MVO 'it
urilk truck in charge la Douglas, (hr i. great deal of roadAmilding activity,
when making a left-hand turn, eollided in progress throngliont the WeSterti
vitlr eltr.driven by' Mrs. WJIliam, Me- Provinees. The Chainplow gradert4
Ivor. Fenders' of both vehicles. were ,! manufactured hi (40414Miieb, havit,
lowed The oceupants 'escaped nn- received very , entlansiastp commenti
1 trt. • lfrom Western operators.
• Meet the New Warden
r • • • • • • Ir•
Son of a pioneer fahally of West
Wawanosh and himself a lifelong resi-
dent of the township, 'Brown Sniyth,
Reeve of West Werancish, was elected
Warden of Huron ComitY for 1947 at
the inaugural meeting of the Comity
Coutteil on Tuesday. ,
Alodest and retiring 1' woure. he
as which chose
or in municipal
comment, "I
chelor warden
emerged from the cane
him for the highest hon
tife .with- the smithy
guess I am the first 1)
in the hietdry of the county." Avail-
able records bear out.his, „claim.
Typical of his regard' for others and.
his deVofion to his native WestsWawa-
nosh, Wardell Sturh told- The
Star, "I am more -pleased to -receive
this honor for the 'people of WeSt
Wawanosh than 1 ti i for myseli."
With pride, he pointee) out that West
Wawa -nosh was really 'eetting its share
of honors this year, silese J. W. Joynt,
Reeve of Lucknow, bt1 11 resident of
West Wawanosh, had jtist been elected
Warden of Bruce county. .
This is the first time in nearly
seventy years -that n reeve Of West
Wawnnosh has .been warden of Huron.
In 1878 the late Charles ()Irvin of West
Wawanosh held the offiee.
Eleeted to the reevS.Ship of West
Wawanoeh five years ago,. Mr. Smyth
(Vas given an acclamation tu that
pesition fof The last fovr years':
With the help of Ms -Niger, Mrs. W.
Stewart, 'warden Smyth operates
150-ecre farm Ineeted -Oily- a short
dletanee Irvine the one 'perated by his
pioneer parents.'(of IriAlt extraction),
the late Mr. and. Mrs.
'A Liberal:in polities,
n member of St.
Ae a member of the OonntY 'Council
Robert Smyth.,
Varden Smyth
tieus ITnited
In 19441 he was chairman of the Comity
4Ilome conmlittee.., In, tojo be was
chairMan of the property committee.
Other eOmmitteeS on' whieh he heS
served are: Legisl a thee W a rd en' s edu-
cation, executive,
. "Viet ean Say," 961d the, W a rden ,
"that The Signal -Star has been coming
to our house ever Shtee 1 Nth remember.
Mt father 'before Ane was snhseriher
as long as 1 an reMember,"