The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-01-09, Page 2\ 41, (611trir4 *t at. tar IRUIZON COUNTY'S VORBIIIOST VIMMUsIC Publielied by Sigaal-Star, Malted ObeeTiiiattea, RatetseeiVanada awl Great Deitain,'• $2.00 a year; at) United ats $250- laate0 On request.. Authorized an SecOnaileilaee naU, PON, Oar Departmeat, Ottawa. Telephone 71 , • bliemb'er of Canadian We& Nesvpapere Association — Sworn Circulation Over 2,000 W. 11. 110111.11ITSON WOO. L. tilLLIS THU SDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1947 CANADIAN OrrIgENSHIP This weela-e-Jouuary rath to lleh—is Oitle-enship Week ite Canada. The ordinary Canadian had pot worried, greatly about hie status as te citizeo, albeit there were oecaeional TiiEGODE;mH SIGNAL -STAR 1/11O. ORR OFIAZY MEADOW 1 60 111 By Harry al. Bould Editor The Signal -Star. 'T 1 • Apparently labor leaders- rrii(IS CANADA OF OURS throughout the country are trying to There's a wind vehOopling up 'aeros-s set theuaselves right with the public the hollow tonigliti The what/owe are after one of the most disastrous Yeares rattling a bit ad the tire in the old burner in -the front room is sucieed up the Opt.. - it's drifting a bit °Weide and I sort of , hate the thought of having to put ou my slippers and go outside to see how the istock is 1 the. stable. There's pleasant music on the radio -In the meantime Canada maintains and my pipe is drawing well. i'I'm against the Chineee, a policy of ea_ affording inyatilf the luxury„ofesome ex- pensive tobaeco that oity, friends sent elusion whieh' Ls opeu to iitteek not' me for Christmas. All iu all, it's a ugly ou grounds of principle but on pleasant uight for relaxing and a little praetie.ail consitieratious as well. reading. I've just fluished reading about this new Canadian eitizenship. Chinese tire likeable as Japanese are Here I am, a Canadian relaxing at out. Meal. make, good ei0f4ens as home in perfect comfort. jet; settle - protests against his being classified Japanese du not of British Columbia thing a lot of us should pay a little :n according to racial origin, though f•eling • regarding the Japs is to be Mentioto. Sitting here in Ontario, generatiene Of his family might have 'the -7 criteriou ). China • has never ,Person naturally wouder:s what it's 10 o'cloek of a Tuesday evening, a in the, history of labor 'unions in Canada; and it 'is thhe for the ranle, ond-file of labor to take !stock, and ask themselves, "Whither are we drift - Mg?" It is true that workers do not go on strike "just ,for the fun of it ;". and it is also true that the ,majority of those who were unemployed for many months on account of strikes during the past year do not yeti know why the strikes were called. As a matter of fact In most instances the strikes were called by the leaders on minority votes of the workers. Who can say why the steel strike was called except to show the power of the leaders over the rank -and -file of the workers? ne recent coal strike in the United States fl Tri Rana, ,JANCIA,Rt OM, 1.917 • Gaa a A SURPRISING SELECTION OF " LOVELY CLOTHES FOR CHILD- REN THAT WILL DELIGHT YOU IS , NOW ON SAVE T COME IN AND SEE,F9R YOURSELF. AMONGST MANY ITEMS ON SALE ARE: PARKAS -- JACKETS --PANTS --- BREECHES SKIRTS COATS DRESSES • -. ,7JACK and JILL ,.....:,::, lived in this country. •The 'C'atuttlian it:II-red against Canada. China has like tonight in this country of ours is anoticeable illustration of this. The' same ki-ith regent to the rubber 'CHILDREN'S WEAR Citizenship Aet which came into force uo imperialistic auibitions that'thight . Quit stretehes ,so far, in all directions. , strike. In this strike Mr. Justice • . . . oa January 1st this year re,sities this, lie dengeroue te Cauada. If friendship ,imeron had been. appointed to WEST ST .. 1 wund;er if a lonely trapper awaa (, , 01) in the Northwest Territories hears '. negotiate a settlement ; and after a AMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIII and native Canadian, :111,1 other %%eh -China is cultivated•sthere will oe a chill wind whistling doWii from the residents ot Canada i1110 aye lad 'a great field in that country in years Aretic and realizes that a storm is period of 'negotiation he 'set a date • ou which he would submit his 'report. 1.) • 1 t sweep dOWI across the status of- British seabjec*, will now , to eotile for l.anadian _enterprise. If it w ug t ia w ill i . ,i. ,,S. week before the report was to be be liwfully and legall,y Canidiair ;hose \vim/ are 'protesting so eoluto3; , tit Prairies or poseibly across North - :minded down, the workers: were called !ern Ontario and then cut' down through out on strike. Tho.svorkers were.told eitizen.s, while still retrio,ing „their .las treatment by the Federal Govern- Southern Ontario indlQuebec and 'go nett such action would fore the hand -incur of the Japanese in Canada would 4: blowing away aeross the Ir'nited States. •atatus as Bri'isil ,ubjeets. l'hat storm which he hears now may, of elnstiiie Cameren to .i nt thele full At Ottawa the .,;her ,i,Q; tia•re was include' in their protest the enaetinent sese. soup and beaus. -themselves a favor by allowing the power ;to deport tlie' Canadian eitizei The character "Simoe Legree" was snowy owls to spend the winter with of ..,Taprinese extraction. Tint that created to typify the' man who rises us unmolested, for they constitute one no reason IN-hy the crime should be pe from the ranks to a position above his' of the best checks we have on the petrated. The treatmene of etapane) -iim,,INAS801/1111, GODERICII s nom iisele demands. The Caineron report granted mental and enoral quidilleationse He undue increase of the hated "field reeideuts and citazene has been hour. inerease;,.but the "strategy corn- was t he laziest find.inos-1.,..unscrupulous mouse." eh:Inlaid blot. ou Cenada'e recoil „ . „ rake days befor s- it • a ceremony mark t , :nits; into • of t he -Canaman raroinuent i'orecteu "- the workers approxinmeely 11 cents an force or the new Asa, andeeteene oo agatnat the Chinese tle,y might tind It's 11 «(10(11 on the bordeiline of native" of the union turned it down. slave on his master s estate and, when be was elevated to the position of .0111 WhO„ e.1.Nd Ceti 111,. 11 : II j \\ aipathi ith their illId tile AthIlltie ocean. I slave driver, he became the most cruel _ * . wond.er what it's like tonight 'in the The' men could not re t urn to Worn. eititiensIiip eene who .1, naiiVeS and heartless of taskmastees. The without the consent of the leaders, and Will the remained nut for Pour months, during . of Canada were ander tile ee en, itled The Nee Brunswick Go\ eminent has ' • v ' and Yarmouth and Chester. , pages of _history reveal that there is little tialdue villages like Lunenburg 1 to that dwhich time many lost their homes; el° tyranny comparable to that of the dark brooding Waters that smash tyrant who rises from the ranks tO a esignation w it Lout any teiresioneiseged on eis tellta 1 ivt' agrtqqllelit fishermen- going to bed peer out over others mortgaged their homes: hund- mony„ including. the Prime Minister.; with the F ----------------------------------- ' tile position of authority. . a ia. reds had to sell their automobiles; up against the rocky shores a Ild hill o lei iun reds took odd lobs at titheiter. C. MORTIMER 13,EZEAU. much' less _pay than they received at It -1 their regular work before the Strike was called. Aftelsifour Months' of SPARE -THE SNOWY OWL, idleness- these . workers returned to One of the most beautiful of all Qanadian- owls is the big snowy owl, which periodically. invades agricteiturai Canada -from its, „Arctic breeding- geounds, _ In summer, these owls -subsist Iargely- on lemnsings, small ANic _rodents. every fourth winter: reaching population "peaks" abont, home and migrate. down .into southern Canada and' " the northern United. marshes, along the shores, and in the the -s^nowy owls desert their Arctic States, 'spending the winter in the' • With the !‘crash" of the lemmings, • The -lemmings • fluctuate in numbers from year to year and seena to be cyclic, fai.ming country. • During some flights, particularly last winter, Jarge numbers of these big predators spreadi themselves over the settled parts of Canada and the north- ern irnited States. Many were' shot it struggled down through the years:- by thoughtless persons, forgetting, or But that was yesterday. Today. much not knowing, that an examination of. of that -for which ouraforefathers strove their -food in southern Ontario, made at has been lost. One form of oppression the -Royal Ontario Museum last winter, has been re,p1a4d by another. Today reeeitled iaetelie...98. per cent. rodents honest 'labor is' shackled by union --rats and mice, mostly—among the leaders as it ever. was by capital worst enemies with:which the farmer within the .mem fry • of men - now living.- thee -fia -contend. - _Altholigh -powerful-. The yoke- of union -leader, tyranny has enough 'to carry off poultry and ducks, beeome more irksome than •was that the shoWy 'owlseldoin exhibit the impoged by capital upon our immediate necessary inclination or agility- to go ancestors. and is lint a forecast of after that type of food. • what the future has in store unless A flight of minor proportions (corn - labor frees itself of those ;leaders who pared With the hea-rinflimalast year) are but the tentacles of a giant octopus has again reached southern Canada, pwahrotsye. head is the so-called Comomnist I and farmers and sportsmen would do lit is not necessary for my resident ' collection of taxes, on the ground that • • while tl • I d ; for spring :end thsi days of bountiful . . i tif-Caiiildirafi-Or -'rd--as-a---174;s44-ish,43,thisk_., Columbia was being given i see eo..._ harvests? Will a tree crash to , subject to go through any ceremony 11 bet ter terms thatiSVW--13'rturs-itik-,---autiO night iiiii or thePeticodiac in New the thick timber along. the . - t --t or to make liu i application --for a this despite the fact that in the agreeMirarnich Brunswick'? Will the plane from St. certificate -4f citizenship ; he is already II ment with each. Peovince was a pro- John and Moncton get through to Char-. aCanadiae ritizetf• under the Act. i visioe that izt, the.9141 arrangement : battetown,- or is it.. a bright. moonlit Provision is made in- the Art' for . every -Province would. receive equable nighte of peace and quiet in tlie Mari- ....• t One Provinces? - -- ' ,- British subjects hereafter eoniing to 1 -treatment. . Wha. Premier McNair Is there a .gale blowing at the corner Canada to obtain citizenship certiticates .overlooked this Drovision.• is . not ex- of Portage and Main In Winnipeg, after establishing legal residence here: ,plained. The Globe and Mitir considers whipping the skirts of the girls as a they go to shows or restaurants, be•-• the New Brunswick:development. - cause after ail irs only 9 o'clock out vindication of Preniier Drew's attlitTiIe . there? Is -there a' warm. Chinook steal - in refusing Ottawas terms and calling ing down out of the foothills to melt , ..for a new Dominien-Previncia1 cou- the snow -in Calgary? It's • only 7 o'clock M Vancouver. . Is it raining to- fereuee. It appears to us more as an night iu Vancouver and are the flowers. argument for drooping the whole blooming is the gardens of Victoria? been set forth in. this paper., scheme of isubsediling the Proviut'es. Yes, we have a country-. , ..Canada ' - . Why should not each Province collect . . . a place of many geographical con, . .EDITORIAL NOTES its oweetaxeseas it did before the war? trusts tanging from the snow sifting down over Mount Royal to the flowers If seine of the Provinces want Ottawa blooming in •Vactoria. No wonder the If this eoluifin has said anything 1111- to thi the eollecting, while they do' the term Canadians' will cover many cou- kind About the weather mate it is spending. let them get together .attiong trasting typeseaf people. - . - No, court room Ceremony is necessary Lor this. The AZ'it for the firat tilde giVes equal atatus to Ca. -median women an the Matter of citizenship. Provisions of the Act, effecting women' have already hereby withdrawn. An lee storm in themselves, agree upon, what they want 1 . . . . . , . • . tind give the FederalGovernment an ever. - In . religious meetings nobodv opportunity •of accepting or rejeceingi cares 'whet hymns were sung.- In Insti. - theitiei proposa4.• The situation 111' 1 autemeetings, ft may be taken for .,. , eranted at they with the open- the Southern counties paralyzed Hydro service for several days and it is re- ported that months will be requo ired 't eomplete repairs in the" affected area. . present is that the Provinces, or somthbegan e; '7, g andtheL . d'Pt -: •e But The break. t hat lieft-trataiiirlelrel'adadasli- efestikein7' ii wish t-oseSeeelseireeilede''the_mo. 11 eall U...somethang else again, a-sesoliti ttesaii.iPr a night staetch ef run- hours, pendetree but are willing to beCome de- , It -reties, ififfli7frilather it IS iresponded , - ' , . while disagreeable 'entitle. was poth- tiendents. of 'Ottawa .if Ottawa will t° by "The name of my first husband" - • • ...a, • • or"I\ hat. I dislike *most about my ing in comparison. What has hap- pay them enough for making a bargain, neighbors " 1IS news, because it is new. „. peued in 10, southern counties is a : and because Ottawa objects to paying , ft interests The reader. warning of what would follow a major an extravagant price , they try I And that. is the yardstick whereby all news is measured. Wili it interest break in the Hydro system thrs•ugh : "dictator." Ottawa of conrse gets its .... -I • the readers? Andathe person who can overheiding or from weather conditions:money frorn the taxpayers of' Canada; si,... guess accurtitely wbat will interest otaotheirosuv.4.4,es• '-','";:ittidlin'reftiSfrig•the'ProvirleeS-1-40111aildA- Ville- Most people is the per -eis with '"a * a ¶ WOOld be - ao ersing the taxpayers"' nt*e for hews" and that person is the , - -one most likely to' succeed in the news- - q.ieneral_ „ Eisenhower. familiterly 1"tens'ts• i Iltriown ant.• ---'1k,s.--, has- ;Made it -liti-'-')o-writ; - --A DRASTlte CURE--: . that he is tea ii, the rennieg it, a ' • tyThe Printed Word) A young Toronto \ eteran has turned inake it easy as possible for every sub - President ia 1 poss il, il i t 3- lie ' is - a ' scriber to read and understand. it sel'il-e-r-ar•d l'•7"1:,1- : ' ',,'":,-,',1-, "'II 11 :lie a los, into -11 pretit. leis Nine.. an that is why it is necessary to supply .arrny as lon,g ts he *is liesiled. lie is 1,--„i;;;,:ip.,h -girl. - Inol developed .iti un- initials, and to spell the !Tames correct - 1,4.1.6, is le. ee- e., eeeleal,„e -,,,,e,,ea, tie. 13 . exei\.i,111 11 it. Evei...,.., ly, and to use words that anyone can . unatepes, 1 - 1ors i s pa pt nes , s That is the first step : to _make the story interesting. The 'second is to it. would be a mistake to und,•rstand, and to keep sentenees door f,,Ilnd the lady short aml simple. • allow hinis,,•if , bet ,rne the !lelit V11•.:nal an eager custoiner. and the little it of 1-T.y r, ..,•,1 tIIIs ‘‘ litt t r the lie le mortgage \\ sno‘Ved OVER-ENI&RTION wotO.I r esi•lersti.d) 'under with de luxe' editions of tins work for 22 cents a week •more than WAS allowed eby the Cameron report. It is unfortunate for' labor that' many of , its leaders have arrogantly and flagrantly abused the powers and privileges won for labor down through the years. For years labor fougkt to legalize the right of collective bargain- fng—a• right: which I- advocated long before many of the present labor leaders were born. - For years labor strove to throw off capitalism's tyran- nical yoke. For- years men worked and prayed for the day when they would shake off. the bonds of serfdom, lift their foreheads to the stars and say: "I am a free man, free to think, free to speak, free to work *here will; in one word, free to exercise -all those rights, and privileges that belong, to free men in a free country." For a time labor had within its grasp most of those things for.which NOT" CREDITABLE TO CANADA (Orillia Packet and Tinies)' The Privy Council has decided that the Dominion Government has the It could tosome exteet be expunged 11 compensation for the robbery- of the property inflicted on many of thee Tee chief compliant against the Je 1111051` III British Columbia appear( to be that they worked too hard. • The tentacles -of this. giant :octopus are men who have "risen from the ranks." nnd claim they still belong to the milks,— theugle "they toil not, neither do they spin." lint they feaSta daily nt the horn of plenty. and drink well of the fruit of the vineyard. ;while the men who were foreed to eon - tribute the money from their monthly pays are.asdnring strikes. fared with the prospeet of nothing betteti than se. " ,seseesiss Only !WI" 1 1••••. 711.,- -t .i i, Itt OI 1uhiI 1101 lit, la to,t Of MJ. ,i-olise cline it ,ortrlit salesin Ins -- is so I 1":•1*-' r'1" 1 1)111 111 that it is -•te,, he:pitiful p11,e,4, fer enIy $1 -(aa.- , - floc kiloA le,•lier lie eonsiders him- • "rile plctures were made. The pro,ds ' sell' -1 Io ;' ..:11 ,",',' iir j fief1111 'Ica n. --,,r were se:(4-ted,There k. of course, . perhaps a \\-.11: t ..it',. . ! .o1 additional charge of $7.50 for that s7 3 10 liniS11.. Madain... The finished . . 0 . prints were (3elivered. "In ordi•r to :',V1in77..11 ,;,,r;ferrnees ,•f - -1 ),.-n-H-ii-n,n -, Oret 011. these giettires. Irony,. curling , \\ t• lial to frame'• and Preins 1.11 .,..°,,-, 'AI' ir,,,, otta, jai, a; , 'IP a.fid tracking Ottawa " asi- 'no, I'ili:11,,lai Poz.t.' .1":1" .- .Affi"h"Pr §'1-1- .1e.iirfelly the, young* bride appealed'. 're VT. 11,011,' f 11 ' gr,sind "iw-licn they to her husband. The vontritetshe had: itarr waking ./esis reommefolatiens 1 eietaal ivaa ••feelprojf. Ile paid. , • ae to the winiller.." of •::tes a farmer, .1ruif•d with ii Immrand inetwonails- , I los, made Itis determined way to the •ahould -,.w, In ,.01.1,1i1.. ",•r„p, ,,,. the frot,t door, :mit :here. ,,, this (la:\ . hani total of 111...,,,,,k in. shyuld • ril,(,..'i t1.4, pictures, ' Every t hue rite wife of rn in g a ga hist over-eXerth )11 and', s'raiii at wurk or -play is contained in 11 health bulletin ;from (YttriWa. "You wouldn't exntsct a rowboat to tow a 11:11 so why ask your li.,(1!.•'ti) tax ititit with tasks, only a horse should perform?" ask Nat ienal -Health experts. They advise pare in lifting and muting heal v3- objects. WHIM; WEST M. Rovilinson Limited regularly make up and ship Household Furniture. Con- solidated Pool Cars to Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan, Alberta. British Colurpbia and to California. Write, wire or phone for reduce� freightTates established 1885. ()10 Yonge St., Toronto. • Kingsdale 5125 *OWN, tACKIP)G, HIPPiM aiii bTO.RA111, aimenkm.inem...oipmeammosmomo, .FOR GOOD HAMBURGS AND DELICIOUS COFFEE •-- CORY'S WEST ST.—AT TOP OF HILL • W(' ha v.nt i 'wird tiQt. his 1tt ni answers tee doer silt t'05 like in war -1 Ylt.r '1:t1eti me moro than fwenty-three ; ••• . time. The l',,', g ,e, .'i 1,, ..-,1:. • that hock., niresoly," be says. ,,, • ••"'"it -wouhl it it..-,,, 1,,,,,s, it ,-,.r inti tiis . strisial...: he,eont,•nt .7,, .isseinhi, ant, - ' 1 i IIOW TO BE A WRITER . anaemic 1111 the filets availableabout , , Fergus Ncta s-Iteeord , * , .1.0K. mg over the 11111, items, we SfP 111'44 nil re'' ""' 3nd ; 'erria •; 1"T'l 1 ' tha t toot gigs' tri -i1'. 1\ Irs. W. illiam , rosed)4. arid le: the firnier make hisi Ifallentine. 44...Orton, has lipen telling, - own plans 71.. 7,, Ise,v ..1,1 11a jild 1114 id of a W(0111'1.15, III,t it WO W110 I „ ., ; j :,. ‘N ri7e 11111(1., leports.; awl plants could , '' t:Per:re - 1`11•1 4'll•si,,,an 1,,. 'aft mit. lahis is geed mi--sien-, PreeiselY what is beillg '1"ns'I' IV" ary work and NIrslialb•ntine deserY-es don't *SOP, any Iltiron fernier taking slit thanks of an the editors of the 1 • Orden,i IT,,in ()Vat% a *fir T.,r,,at+r as ti i distrcef.' . *: — 47- --- • „„......,.. _ . _ _.....- m. .10 th.t,..11,1; 'this subject is discus-a,d in this how to ruri his farm, a i 1 --r paper every few years, hut apparently even take adviee unless Ins believes it should he repeated again and again, it is got'at advke: Perhaps farmers because the press reporters change* ire - have been toe individualistic in the quently. and t he same old faults crop up again. past, and an organization of their We don't want to encroneli on MIS. own, like the Federation of • Agrieul- fiallentine's territory, and wo'll be , tor. could do good work. and We hrivf- • First of :t11 end most import ant, tt.ingixig'get the• dames right. and put n the raeleve is doing ood wok nInitial Yu know why sang or read dlireetion to farm .operations with the ,a paper ,fir recited. bit/ hundreds of object of obtaining for .vory farmor other readers, even if they know 1)11.r the hest reh.ult; from .his work. This distriet. do not know whieh Mrs. Smith dernom4trated salads—and they wahrto '• ,41 not dietati' Q11: Itis' :rooperation. know. •NVas it the Mrs'. Smith who 0 ,. lived on the third line and broke her ' There has been a great deal of pros 1 tin \Own "'be fell downstairs. or was .,est in Eastern Canada against the It the- other Mrs.. Smith who lived on the first lint; till her linshand fell down deportation, from this- eonotry of per -!a : *), y well and drowned? There are pro - 00110 of Japanese elvtraetion, and on , haply several other ladies of the saline . ' principle the prute,t. 15 1,y4,11 fointiimi. nalliti. Please, oh please, pm in their :Initials. One daily paper, not to faf- The .Tananeq, have never been liked,, away has dilivOred an eltimetum : 11 in Brit19'h rolt1Iub1a4,1"Mre most of ; wil1 not print any stories without in - them settled on 4Zoining to Canada, i it 'nilWe are not prepared to go , • ; the, prpple of tha ft , tia have ‘..1111f? S' 1 ' i ' , l'be tanintereetiOe 1‘11ifige: can 11' is 1 • "leaf)\',Iv i 4tatien advankige of\ t, p laairtaties‘ feel ing .1- bp ,h,f.t \,0,,t „f an /A , .k,\0,,.1\461 ii 1" i 3GairlD1, eieryontna dap:a-lose to work! neeePqary tosay that 1111'11171111111,,q Vi,°(.1"11)' , , , the li1i i7eraii Governmiqit 11110 a; position ' road and adoptedfor that van he taken , aablela Et 1'a-3'th:141110C untcriabh' and front ?"17 r't"3"t"I' It 6 '116t 1101 ?V1 to , itla It siiwyt, „ . ,g a , i a.minicaly that thm o eeting ajourned. ..rliat t,. i1Igia"i" rorreg. ilo obviom: nwetincl do not ito oil ;for - Offers Welcome Relief From Coughs And Colds To.get quick, welcome relief from coughs and colds—try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. This safe and popular heusehold remedy is recommended for the relief of coughs, colds, croupy ' coughs,. sore throats and bronehial troubles. .Widely used for nearly '50 years it embodies the medicioal virtues of the pine and cherry, barks. ° , TIRs-e-itisite. use of Dn. AVeud's Norway Pine Syrup may check a.. eold in its early stages. Dry, obstinate coughs quickly yield to its prompt • and soothing action. us'll find this pleasant -tasting, quick -acting remedy on sale at drug' counters everywhere. So specify Dr. Wood'f3 Norway Pine Syrup Price 35c a bottle.'the large family size bottle, 60c. The T. Milburn Co.,. Limited. Toronto, Qnt aa. a • 4 -1 GGS • WE PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES FOR EGGS AND POULTRY To receive top grades may we suggest that you briiig in your Ego FRESH AND FREE FROM, STAIN. \K Emil) Next Ityan's Peed lir i4atisfaotion nr Suds ..„ Good Day, Mr. Motorist! To have •alopd day in the way of trouble-free.cliiving every day, have yourc,adr or truck checked. for possible future needs. SEE US TODAY -TO FILL YOUR NEEDS IN.... * BATTERIES , *, GENUINE FORD PARTS * -CHAINS ,FOR CARS AND TRUCKS * FACTORY NEW AND REBUILT MOTORS NEW TIRES' AND, TUBES FOR CARS AND TRUCKS -4 - IN NEARLY ALL POPULAR SIZES. —REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS— ABERIIItRT'S- GARAGE MERCURY CARS and TRUC1KS LINCOLN CARS St. Andrews St. Phone 625w Goderich fiNIMMNIMINIMINIMITIMMI.11111•111111•111k, ' 4 This is the only tuitional appeal to be made in Canada within the next twelve months for i relief t nese . forget. , the only food for him; and millions like him, in war -ravaged China This old peasant, his farm devastated by the Japanese, is too weak to work. His diet for months has been grass and koots. Of China's people, 83 per cent. are -farmers. Mil- lions are in urgent need of food, clothes, medical supplies. UNRRA's work is ending; voluntary agencies must carry on. Canada must do her share. Will YOU 1e1p? China, a good neighbor and ' customer, will not oriefie'vets/ China, a Good Neighbor, calls to YOU! Cilik-ADIAN AID,. TO CHINA. 1 Make ehAvie payablo go FAINADIAN 410 :co af1N4 ad mail M lfrovincial Iltadviarters Ont#'4 C in WeeIleaiu lers,--PooOn\ii,p1, 37kBay St„ Toyota° ,1, , Chaff au 1 , B. Duro n, St. Cat IRO 60, 0 ,,iatrio. ,' , 1 Vicet . air a .6,-,.e. R. 1101 , 'tree, 14 idio Ont010. • , Treasurer—E. a. Caoe, Impoyial ray z of (601.v1- , , . Av re-, MIL Tryon 0 1. ,...__L.......____ __L._ ____ _ ______.... ...--_,,,_,_ _____,,_, ...„. . ----7 ul ,3