The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-01-09, Page 117
'•• .111111,73';, ^
71t34111.4,-,.: • —
NO. 2
Break in 'Wire on .Arena Balcony
Precipitates Spectators
to the Ice
In a tragic accident at the• West
Street arena on Monday nieiet, Mrs.
Frank H. Wood was fatally injured,
and several other spectators were taken
's to the hospital', suffering with con-
• cuSSion or other injuries.
rt The accident happened ,during
Junior, "0" 6.13.4. League fixture be-
twe'en the Louzon. Myers and the
Clinton Radar School team. During
a fracas on the ice in the second period
of the game the spectators on a portion
of the balcony leaned over too far,
pressing heavily on a wirein front of
thera, The wire broke with
The death of John A. Vanstone,
nativeof Colborne township well
known in Goderich, occurred yesterday,
January 8th, at Los Ane, Cali-
fornia. The remains will be brought
here for interment in the Colborne
township cemeeery. but arrangements'
for the funeral are not yet completed.
Mr. . Vanstone was -the brother of
Mrs. Thomas Tabb of town and of
recent_years`he spent the summers here
with his relatives.
Mrt. Walter J. Buchanan on Satur-
day received ne telegram from Regina,
conveying the ead end unexpected in-
telligence.. of, the death of her aunt,
Mrs. William H. Gundry, whi'L had
A mayor who is. returned, year after
year—that's Andy Clarke; known to
rural radio listeners os "Mayor of the
Little Places:" On January otla the
friendly philosopher celebrated
seventh annithisary as broadcaster of
"Neighborly News," heard each Sunday
at 10.03 a.m. over the mid -east stations
crack,- and six oreseveie peopleehvere weltered sthaternorilitigessrurthrses- pers- D•
precipitated .to the ice some ten feet ticulars are awaited. Mrs. Gundry
below. was the former Agnes Washington,
Mrs. Wood was removed to *Alex- daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
andra Hospital, where her death oe- John Washington of Goderich, former -
cured shortly before midnight. - ly of West Wawanosh. F -or many
Her brother, AL N. MacDonald, had years she and her husband, have had
oth wrists fractured, and lier son, their home in Saskatchewan, for most
illy, suffered mild concussion. Bobby of the time at .Regina but for some
•ardner, son of Mr. and Mrs. *Tenn years at Limerick,' Mr. Joseph Wash-
ardner, also suffered eonV,ussiou. John ington 'of West Vawanoeh is a brother
triddart 'was more seriously injured, of the deceaped and the only member
Leering with concussion, an injured of the family nos* surviving. . .,
ft elbow 4nd possible fractured skull.
acDonald and Stoddart were taken to, • 'IeINCOLs'el J. EDWARD
e hospital. • After an autopsy on Weed has, been received 'by Weaves
enday, Coroner Dr. W. P. Gallow here of the.sudden deathsof Lincoln J.
onbunced Mrs.. Weed's death :'due Edward ote Detroit„ which occurred
a fractured' Ann- - • . on' Monday morning,- December 30th
An, Enthusiastic Hoeke,y "Fan"— after only 'one •day'e illness. Mr. Ed -
Wood, formerly Catherine ward was in his sixty-fifth year. He
bel MacDotwid, was born in Kin-, was • the second son Of the, late Nit%
• . marriage thi• tk-nine years ilk° to the was born in this town and lived in -the'
eardine and (re to.Goderieli after her' and Mrs. John II. 1,).'dwarci of Goderich,
late Frank, H. Wood: Her husband' tainily- residence on ° Britannia road
•at this time opened the poolroom -end until as a young Man he moved to De-
•- "newstand on tlie north side of the trolt. He ie' sureived by his wife and
Squaye exhich •Iie- and his SOLI- have daughtentLacille, also' by a brother,'
• ' since nointucted, and Mr. Wood' also Dr. Wesley Edward- -Of Toronto. stie-
s • . for some tittle eau atitontobile eiTher brother, ,Feank, died two years'
age9cy. -Mrs. Wood' was an enthusi- ago. Mr. and Mee Lincoln 'Edward
Aiist_ic, supporter of hockey and had Ins spent a few days here in the summer
vited some of tlie members -Of the teani. Of 1945. • The fun-eral was held at Dee
''t()•her holhe fel- an after -else -game sup- troit on Thursday, Januar'y 211d. . •
Per on the fatal evening. She was a • „
kind neighbor, • and .\ generous' td a
',marked degree: A. member of Knox
Presbyterian cherls, she Was an •acfive
worker, in the Ladies' Aid Society, and
also- in' the Rebekah Lodge. She„ was
the owner sif a large` tourist home and
7cabin cOlony connectiim the
family residence On 8011 11I Stnreei A Ild
.W11S well known te,the travelling public.
Her husband passed •away in. October,
1946. .
Survising are two sons„John, est
Elora, etrid Williane sof Vodenich ; two.
brothers, M.. N. MacDonald and Jblin
MacDonald, Gaderich; \twb ststere, AltS.
Duncan McGiseger, of Kincardine, and,
- Miss- liar ara AlstoeDonaldr Clinton.
The Funeral- This Afternoon '
Rev...Iti !hard Stesvart, of Kiinx Pres-.
byterian church, -conducted the ftmeral
service for .Mrs. -Weed at her late resi-
&nee, Sol th sti'eet, this (Thuesdayi
afternoon. EXpeensis'e of the ssym-
pathy felt in the tragic fatality, was
the large number of floral tributes,
emeng them. being those front -the
Goderich Junior.' liockee- club; eta-
.ployees of he Irogeois Hotel, Elora;
the Studebaker (7orporation of Haien-
_ ton, and the merchants of Goderich.
Citikens ,T.orn many outside points,
as Well as front GOdericin. were • in
• attendance at the, service. The pa,11-
, bearees Were w. J. Ilodge, Neil. Mac-
Kay, Bruce Tennant, •JoInf Gardner;
William Gardner, all Of Goderich, and
Noeman Baechler, of Stratford. In-
ternween took place in 'the family plot
in Mdfiland metery.
koroner to Holt" Inquest •.
On -Tuesday am inditest into -the
death of Mrs. Wood was 'opened with.
'1).r. W. F.• ow,' coroner, -,In charge.
The bodY was viewed And the_West
street arena was visited, an a(nourn-
ment 'then being made until theinjured
persons are able, to leave the hospital
and. give_ their testimony. The mem-
bers • of. the coroner's jury are S.'
Prevett \ (foreman), Rod. Johnaton,
' Ben • Goldthorpe W.. 11. BlackstOne,
W. 'F. S'aunders, JOS. A. Snider and'
C. Worsen, jr.
The annual meeting of St. George's
Church Women's Guild was held on
Tuesday, January 7th, the president,
Mrs. H. 13. M. Tiehborne, presiding.
The Meeting opened with the singihg
of a hymn, followed by -prayer and the
. Scripture reading 1 y Rev. B. II. 'Farr.
Airs. Palmer, secretary, read the an-
nual report, which was most interest-
ing to the members, 'eying in detail
an acebunt, of all activities participated
in by the Guild during the past year.
To* Areasurer:se repprIwgiven-by ,31r•S,
' '• . 4. Patterson, was most se tisfectory.
Rev. B. 11. Farr took the chair for
the instollation of (dicers. Miss Men -
ere' and Mrs. 'Needham, the nominating
emmilittee, brought in • the following
slate of officers: Honorary presidents,
Miss Salkeld and Mrs.13rown ; presi-
dent, Mrs. H. B. AL,,,Ti(hborne; 1st vice-
president, Mrs. C. Staniforth; 2nd vice-
president, Mrs. C. Videan; treasurer,
Mrs. I). ',T. Patterson ; secretary, Mr.
Palmer ; press secretary, Mrs. T. Legg;
choir mothers, Mrs., Stapiforth, Mrs.
Needham, Miss Menai.; ; flower coin -
Inittee, Ala. rS, Juek and Mrs. Riley;
Pianist, M s. T. ("7;1(7; tea convener,
Mrs, Munday,
. '
The rector thanked the president
and themberE; and W' she fhetn suss
in the new year nd 1so extended
thanks.on behalf of 1\ he- anions "of the
chiareh. Th president, Ms. Tichborne,
thanked tip executiVe nd members
for' their Fel quart apd‘ ask for a NM-
tinuanee o , the sate. ‘ Nirs.
moved a vo is of thafilts tb the presP,
dent. Cards' of -appreMatiO were ,,
eeived froth Several memberti who had
been remembered at the Christmae
S4111 son.
At the conclusion of the
Melons afternoon tea was
M. B. Wilmot and Mra, 11
meeting de-
served by
.:(1, Nelson.
The annual meeting, of the IN.M.S.
a North !street United church wits
lield tho church parlor on Monday
afterneon, with a large attendance.
The meeting was opened with a hymn,
followed by prayer by the president,
Mrs. It. J. HoWard. Rey. R. H. Turn-
bull conducted an impressive install-
ation service for the officers of the
Coming year, after which he gave an
inspiring liddress, taking as his theme,
'"The, better Christians we become 'the
better builders we are in the home,
in the. community and for the nation."
The annual reports were then read.
'The secretary reported a membership
of fifty-iive, thirty of whom are life
members and fifteen shutein's. The
Average attendance was twenty-eight.
Vesideirettileingelipe the study book on
County Council
Meets January' 21st
'Upsets in Monday's Elections in
Clinton and Hay
When Huron County Council opens
the 1.1l,17 sessioia an January 21st, four
new members will take their seats for
the first time. They are Reeve ,&. W.
Kerslake of Elensall; Reeve Murray,
Johnson, Winghara; Reeve Stanley
Snyder, of Colborne township, and
Deputy Reeve George Mathieson, of
After three years' absence, George
Armstrong, ' who defeated. William
Haugh for the reeveship of Hay town-,
ship, is returning. He is a former
AfriangsoirdeSibi4eslet f,,tier--ifegiiiiiihrg.;:br '.WIATIVOT177.7-1X—Valeotter;":"Nrha -.'was. --
toil• th"4-*Tatr AA 4701,.-411, .itarhig-ihe'' la ' Victorious.-- aver- 0-lintres--19:41erreevee ee-
- few Aiidlafths,,,:the,7$o-cjety- hadeas- special' -G. - Wee -Not -tele regm4ngebackafter. •a-
- ari.fftkeiS 4tisS-41y.bU;' ff,'Ortrt"icesi,;,'N-FireW --'etl-r*•,.'0S,411ce•-L,,7--7-,,---:;------t-7%,,--:-,:-
me-is 1:11,..4:?'4nton ',OK who .ha$ since The first b. --4, - --f the Council
ietiilieWfd'Aiaii7.#: lie' EaSteiqlisille14-tifeeleVeloirorrlffintw.virb-: wig'
offering meeting, , Miss Minnie year will be selected in a caucus of
Currey of Nile, NO vas a delegate the Liberal members. Three aspirants
to the London Conf0 nee.branch Meet- mentioned for the honor are Reeves
ing at --St.eeThoranseenred who - gave a -Brown Smyth, 'of West Wawanosh,
report of that meeting. Another high- (7ecil Wheeler, of Morris, • and John
tight of the year \Seethe privilege, of Armstrong, of Hullett.
hearing Mrs. Rogiire,Self, DQ111111 1011 Members of 1947, Council
Board, president,eek4ik under the The Huron ' County Council of 1947
auspices of the ?Ong Auxiliary. will be composed of the - following
The treasurer re Arndt that the -So- reeves and . petty reeves :
clety had reached iiiiihe allocation and Ashfield—Cecil Johnston.
Sc$452 was forwarde *the Presbyterial Colborne—*Stanley Snyder.
treasurer. The in .0.tional part of Goderich Township-eGeorge ,C. Ginn.
the week was tht0,''all this money, Stanley—John Pepper. .
wire. given as a frk W•ill offering. - IIa'y—AGeorge Armstyong.
ctimmunitsief ' ridship sectetary Stephon—Roy Ratz, Arthur J. Amy.
reported 276 calls e mostly on sick Usborite—Hugh Berry, '
and shut-Lns. T' joy allocation Veckersmith—Arthur Nicholson. -
was Milled and .th
reported thirty -o
Missionary Mont
. Mrs. P. J. Ca
'of •the Baby Bal
one members. A
w.m.s-.. entertain
mothers. - ,The
tributed to the p
plea SA 111, Social ti
„A motion to eh
ing from the firs
Tuesday of each
ly carried. 'It
make a contribe
flower fund of th,
of new members I
short -devotional 1"
by Mies S Minnie 1
beesident, assiste
and Mrs. C. M.
snider played a
The meeting,we , s
by Miss Campbellf,
The following i-4,
for the new year:
Miss Mary Reber
nock. Miss Marg
J. E. Tom; p
Howard; 1st • .
Minnie Chnipbell
Mrs. M. „IleQuarri
Mrs. M. Phillips
Mrs. Howard Rob
dent, Miss G. Wei
tary, Mrs: E-. S
Ales. C. Barker :
Hodge; assistant,,
.corresponding se
Barker ; commun
tary, Mrs. -C. .11,
stewa rdsh in secre
ell, Aiiss G. Steen
Mrs. E. Grigg, Mr
ner ; temperance 1
ship seceetary, M
s4onary Monthly
Fulford, Mrs. T.
secretaries, Mrs.
W. 'Moore; press
Vincent ; pianists,
Miss C. McClinto
intendents, Mrs. I
rude' Worthy, Mr4
Band leaders,- Al
Miss ;it -al -ion Cha
Mary Robertot.1
LO.N.DONt, Jan. 9.—Dr. W. Sherwood
Fox, president of the University of
Western Ontario, left yesterday for
two -weeks' trip to Lastern Ontario and
this Provinee of Cewehee, treug whick
on MondaY. he will be !Awarded the
honorary degree of Doetor, of Letters
by Laval UniverSity. The degree is
of the Q.13.C. Trans-cenade network.
To iiiany residents of the Goderiele
district his salutation; -"Good morning,
friends.'" in the 'Neighborly News"
program is very familiar. At& Clarke
picks out the unusual little stories—
odditiessin_the items-7-4min the Ontario
and Quebec weekly newspapers for this
broadcast, Signal -Star readers are in-
vited to write in to The Signal -Mar -any
out -of -the -Ordinary news items in their
particular areas for posSibie broadcast
over "Neighborly News."
All cases in the weekly Police Court
this 'afternoon were granted adjourn-
ment by Magistrate J. W. Morley..
Williath Sutherland, counsel .far
George Aitchison, a resident of Gode-
MISS II. E. CHARLES• rich and on the permanent force at
Students of Goderieh Collegiate the Clinton Radar &hoot, asked,for in
Institute of half -a -century ago note adjournment- of four -Weeks on a charge
with 'regretful interest the dea-th of of earek.s.s.-diFving. One of the main
Miss Henrietta Elilabeth (1,1 It. wliich .witnesses is a medic 1 Student at the
University 'of Westeri Ontario who is
writing a. \series of ,examintitions.` The
charge arose out of an accident on New
Year's'Eve," one and a-lialf miles south
ciecurned at Toronto on Saturday last.
SAlise. Charlesn who, eves the daughter
of the late Me. nitl1 Mrs. William H.
Chhrlese formefly of, -St.: John, New-
foundland, WaS on the staff 'of (l'odericli iik Clinton, when a car driven by Aitchi-
'Collegiate Institute during the final son was in- a collision with a taxi in
decade of the last century and was an charge of Clifford Ashton of Clinton,
outstandingly capable instructor in Noone Was seriously injured, 'but esti;
modern .langueges. lier Lel `engage-. mated damage of $300 was done to each
ment atr a teacher was in the'Humber- or the ears.
•sble (Tonontee Collegiate and site lived Gordon Pearsen, charged. With being
with a sister, Miss Jessie Charles of iii possession of h. weapon dangerous
Toronto. The funeral took- phice yes-
terday and' was attended by some
former G.C.I. pupils residing in the
city. •
to the public peace, was remanded a
week. A sailor on the steamer A. A.
Hudstin, he 'is alleged to have %brand-
iehed a knife in the galley. of .the ship
.Christmas E%e, -
STEPHEN MARTIN A. -charge of- careleSsedriving against
Stephen Martin, a highly esteented John Cluff, was adjourned for a week.
res,ident of the Kingsbridge. parish, '
pas•sed foxily in Alexandra IIospital,
Goderich, Aionday morning, Dnt
. J
ler 30, it; hie eighty -nest year. He had
been Id failing health for the last two
Months... In his earlier, years he was GUELPH,. Jan, 9.—William K. Olsten
a sailor on the Great Lakes, and since native of Guelph, and an old-time grist
hlid alWaye taken a keen interest in miller, died Sunday at St. Joseph's
everything pertaining to.sailing. Forte- Hospitatr here, in his 86th year. He
eight years ago he was married to had. been in ailing health since 0.940.
Mary Hegain who predeceased him in Born in Camden East,! in. the. vicinity
October. They engaged in farming of Kingston, , Ont., Mr. Cole came to
until 1915, When they moved • to the. -Guelph Wthile a boy. He 'was employed
Kingsbridge .store, the farm being sold for nearly thirty years at Goldie's grist
in 1939 to the Resurrectionist Order mill, 'one of the pioneer mills in this
of London as a summer homes-- Re- :district.
qu,iein. high 'mass was sung Thurs- Residefit-of-Goderichy for.four years,
day morning, at 10 o'cloc, by Rev. and of Port "Rewan for seveit years.,
Father Donnellan, who alsd officiated Mrn Cole was employed in the milling
at the graveside. The pallbearers were trade in .both these towns before he re -
six neighbors, Mike and Nace Martin, turned to`Guelph to retire in 1939. •
Frank SulliVen, Mike O'Neil, Mark A. member of the Oddfellows, he was
Dalton and .MattheW Foley. Mr. also active. in the •activities of St.
Martin is survived by two daughters, James' Anglican church. Surviving
•Ales. Wm. Lennart (Catherine) •, • of are. two sisters, Mrs. A. Milson, Guelph,
Kingsbridge, Mrs. M.Law, (Monica) of. and Mrs. A. Hartung, Cleveland, and
Goderich, 'and two sons,, Blaine and one brdther, Richard Cole, Kansas City:
„Bert of Kingsbr,idge; also by.. two Interment. took ,place in • Woodlawn
sisters, Mrs._ John Titissey • and Miss cemetery, Guelph, on Wednesday.
Elizahaeth Martin of Goderich, and two
brothers, Peter of Pittsburgh, Pa., and 4CHEER-UP, CHEER -UP, CHEERILY‘
Andrew • of Kingsbridge, and also by Wintry winds blowing off Lake
eighteen grandchildren. Huroii across the Blue WaterIlighway
° south- of Goderich meant little to a
GEORGE. LESLIE CUBRELL brave little robin on Tuesday. Despite
.The funeral of thelateeeleorge Leslie the fact that the robin might have
Carrell of 394 Strathmore Blvd., Tor- been far south„ of the border enjoying
onto, took place from the funeral hoine balmier weather around the homes of
Of McDougall & Brown„Danforth ave., United States citizens who frequent
Teronto, on Tuesday,December 31, at; tins highway as tourists in the smuttier
3 o'c'flock, the Reverend Kenneth House, months, he was touring the• country -
minister of Queen .street east Presby- side -in winter. Toinmy and David
terian church, Officiating. The pall- Webster, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Keith
bearers were B. 11. AlsCreath, LteCtfi. rysebster, Goderichsstdwnship, saw the
Lloyd We•Currells Alert .eurrelt, eflein- while on their way from school..
I', Izzard, A. Allendrirf and P. Tenny-
Mr. Curren. Who was the eldest son
of the late George and Lydia • Carrell,
..Mr.t Oliver Clerk on Tuesday reeeived
Word from Long Beach, (.7:Infertile, of
WAS born in Tuekersmith township, the the death of Mrs. John (lark, his'bro-
fluidly moving in 1866 to Ashtield tiler's _widow, in her eighty-eighth year.
township near Kingsbridge, where his Before her marriage, deceased was
parents cleared the land On \Vila% the Mise Ann White, who rivd north of
flintily home was built. In 1884 the' Auhiirn, and after their Marriage in
deceased married Margeret Me13ride Auburn they lived at Bottineau, North
and to(* up residence in Goderich, Dakota, before leaving for Long Beach
where for many years he was as- twenty-nine years ago.' Mr. Clark
sedated with the Western Canada linseed away two years later. _ They
Flonr Mills. In 1913 the family moved had one daughter, now Mrs. Tighe,
to Toronto. For the last sixteen years with whom Mrs. Clark had lived.
bethre retirement eight years ago, Mr..
wan- employed with the Bien- WEEK OF PRAYER SERVICES
ford Feed's, Ltd. His health began to Large eongregatione hare attended ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED
fa 11 about six weeks ago, and on Sun- the Week of Prayer services this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Willis John-
(ia I)ecember `Oth, he Spccumbcd to n Interesting and inspiring addresses slim. 380 Adelaide street, London, On -
rt seignre i 1 the ripe old II go of were given by the visiting speakers,' fork). announce the engagement of
eigetr-seven: • 19 sPriqo "Y two Revs I, C. Jorgenson of Bluevale at their second &righter, Elinor Mafgaret,
, ,
dal liters, Ger Ode, nrie, atnd Victoria, street United church on Tues- to wine -fin enensee prIng. Toronto. only
Iwo sons, Lesli and. t.a‘' nee f two day evening and Rev. Cronhielm son of Mr. 1111(1 Mrs. Reginald Pring,
gist rs, Mrs. Loll 01 AlcOrea Ibl,of Cleve- er,lteautiner e Baptist eleirelr(1n 1.)orebester, Ontario; the marriage to
itt 11(11 Ohio, and ' elara0M
'ong of 176(111046 y The concluding take pit) (0 aD
t undas Centre I'rnited
aodv fee; nese bit%novol.% Albert nrideSeof the week is being held,',at St. ehnrph, London, on February lst, 1047,
Viet•o • Carrell' oronfe. \M s. Cur- :e4gell Ourch thi (TInirsday) ,Pven,- at 3 pen,
14111 iredeeeased r husbant-.\'hirteen 11 g, with "1:Rev. R. 11. joselyn Lneks
laughtCr, 141 "w". :15I,the speakei It AVY St4,70 $ °RIVING
years ago and on
•i\ , hedViest Snowfall f, t season
five years ago.
• pm, &Oen'A'PATIENT A VT ,TOR-TA oderielietee \place inrsdaY)
w a veteran* tlx
Louis Wel FOhOJIl(i1I in 1885, vi*4 n he • frit. Bert MacDonald in a patiVt\ urii"tning, 41)00 of g\new
served in the 32nd Bruce meat ,toria Hospital, Londot, '*her she fel, in a fe‘,*.b060. and still Mofle eime
under ('o1. Cooper. underwent an operation laSt MondaY., at intervaN dialing the day. ,
ture 'secretary
cribers to the
Ported, seventy -
]y meeting the
and and their
eti,),:members Cr-
aftier which a
tre day of meet-
, Y to the first
as unan'111011S-
Itullett—John Armstrong.
MeKillop—N. R. Dorrance.
West Wawanosh—Brown Smyth.
East Wawanosh—J. Beeerofte
Morris—Cecil Wheeler. ee
Grey—A. Alexander, Sfanley Maclean.
Turnberry—Walter H. Woods,
Howick—Jehn Whiter, Either J.
Goderich—Gee. Q. MacEwan, *Geo.
Mat 111e14011.
Clinten—*Nit. D. Falconer.
Senforth-e.1. F. Daly.
given in recognition particularly of Dr.
-Fox's -interest and work in Iremeting
better understending between- the east
and wese in_ Canada' and the two ele-
mente in the Canadian Population..
While in Quebec, Dr. Pox, will con-
duct -business in connection with the
University's French summer °school: at
Trois Pistoles. •
Editor The Signal -Star. • -
pear Sir,—Just before Christmas
there appeared in Saltrord a wagon, in
the best of condition, on the sides of
which were painted the words, "Man-
chester Livery •Stable" The former
Manchester has been Auburn for over
half -a -century and 1 don't know how
long it is since the village had a livery
stable. -
1 thought to myself: where Wive you
been 1111 these yeatess? ; ,
• Alr. 1,:ditor, there are'aslot ef
Rev. Dr. Mooney
in NorthSt. Pulpit
Ope • ing 'Services of Clnirch after'
Redecoration Are Well
The reopening of the maini.auditor- •
lune of North street. United church,
which was closed while redeeoratiot
was in progress, was marlsed by specia.1 -
services on Sunday last, with Rev,. Dr.
V. T. Mooney, of Toronto, treasurer of
the United. Church of Canada? °in the,
• The walls of the auditorium have been
tinted a delicate shade of green;
gallery railinges and pipes of the organees
are newly gilded, and the eeiling is
cream -colored. The tops of the pillars
supporting.the--ga4iery arentreueireit evithes
-deeper, Shade- of --greext.--;;-QnSunday, -
the_beanty_ of, the Sfi net 11 ary. mias.
baiged,..*_. a ...lavely-Adiket
flanked on either „side by white candet,
a a* _with- lighted , *life • tarieri.-
Special music at the morning 'service
consisted of an anthena by the choir •
and beautifullyeseu.ngnelo,
This House," by Dan Walter.
As the congregation gathered, the
church was tilled with music played
by Mrs. M. Hetherington at the organs
and Mrs. Josh A. Snidereatethe-piansi.L.__ •
• The visiting. preachee, who was wel- . -
veined by Rev. It: IL.Turnbtill, minister
of the church, took as the subject of
his inspiring sermon "The 'Church."
This, ,he said, was a coMmon New ,
Testament ;subject, as' St. Paul 'had
given many expressions of the manifest
place the Church had as a pillar of
truth, as a household of faith, belong-.
ing to the family ' of God. .
The Church 'an -Enemy Of Naziism
In the modern world the Churchswas
one of -the chief enemies of Hitler and
the Nazis, who sought 'to destroy at.
They called its a. great..Jewish con-
spiracy', ti subtle nieans of destroying
society as. they thought. it should be..
Communists also regarded the Church
as- an enemy, a "crusher of the poor."
•do not fenr that kind of opposi-
tion," said the speaker, ''as I do the
prevalen, indifference to the Church
of thosektho are its nominal ' friends.
In a recent survey only ten per cent;
-0 decided to Winghani—*Murray Johnson
of the British people were found, ha
B1—Frank Bainton. •
) the general
chant on Sunday. The reason of .11. A number Brusselse-R. B. Cousins.
difference is that those in the inner
• - Hensall—*A. W. K,erslakee'
in -
110 Society. 'en
wns conducted qlxeter—B. W. Teekey., circles of the Church' do• so little in
These -marked * were, not Members lauding her."
ses C. Sharman of the 1946 Council.
ist vice -
The Church is needful' and precious,
t011. Mr J. and should be regarded 'affectionately,
e piano solo. •BEEITES OF- 1946 DEFEV'ED skates. It ' • ' '1_1 '
with prayer . . ICie q divine institution established by
God itS" Ile,':-cosen means of bringing . s,.. •
ren in our midst who have no ice
IN CLINTOR-AND HA TWP. let of skateeStucked away law- tee old
le posei ) e there are , a
• . fullness of salvation to the world as-
. --e--- N.N11ggoelti. jelteeniteeiltppeeeittelingile.:0133tht;)e'le'tleLlie
tired by Jesus when Ile gathered
te of oilleers In Monday's municipql *elections qt. t" ileoend Him His believers and estab
clinton Reeve Geo:4 W.' Nett was (It - 204W—or drop in a potcard. I'li -nee
ry peesidents, o
V. D. °Falconer •a formeer „the boys itnd girls get the skates.
It4,-ether by the tit of ,, God , is. the
. •
ished His Cheirek., ...8e fellowship knit
berton, Mrs. t(-''1‘,t-ee(.1 110
Fabeder to 339 for Nett. • , • , . '
Th.e V oft was 520 for .. HARRY A., MCRE,ATH.
essence of being a Church:
Mrs.. Jae. e
"To an of- us the Church has been
Went, Miss
ice -president, ? A contested seat 011 1 110 P1.119101:1 i 1-
ities Comm ----------------------- ugh PERSONAL MENTION a spiritual mother. Itrellowship has
11IVsOrVell 11S fr,0111 1 11 corruption of
Ice -president, Hawkins, seine received 574 Votes: to
Mrs. Fe W. Carrie l'ht tills week to stiperstition, Sind line; preserved for
lee -president,'
th vice-Presi- 300 for his opponent, Thomas Churchill.
online. secre Mayor A. J. AleMurray liel members Sheriff Nelson hill is baek in his We are dependent upep it for the so-
penll seine time at London.
Os . the liepes• :old am dtions of men.
ofthe Town Coueeil and School. Beard 'Wilier after. several weeks' illness.
tie ty - in which we -1110-, tA:"--
P ; "sitant' had previously is 011 elected by ac- misses ;TuB
ne and etty Marsh of Blyth Dr. Mooney eta red that the Church
the Mrs. 18
'• elamation. ' '.--- spenCthe week -end with 'Ain and Mrs. is. :Ilse the mother of till human ben
Roberton; Armstrong (.omes Back' In Hay m si in , ei et, hts, such as ethic:Joon Ministries tat.
., .,e,
31rs. Chas. In- Hay township George"Arinst rang - • ''.1,1i.s.,-,--11:;_-----Thidgctrt--tteids .1-•'-1.see fl(e have healing inehoepita lee eltirthe Red CrOss„,
(!sw-13 secre- a former Iteeve and warden, made a s.turned from a please n t 111(.8 thin alt d of dmocracy, e
n; Christian' •
comeback by defeating•William Motel, spent with relatives at Kitchener. -- The labor movement, the preacher
Irs. 1. Mask- occupont of the reeves chair in 1946. Mrs. C. Robertson :1 11(1 1,•11ildren of (teetered, (nes, lt on) the Christian
ecretaries, 'lie votit• WAS 502 fee Arnietrong to 483 Copper Cliff are guests witli her par- Church in ,thet h• is an assertion of
an, Mrs. Ven- for //meek
ents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Istrauglitue the dig -pile of man. Nearly all the ien. itizen- Townshe• conncillors eleeted are Petri West street. . leaders of the British Labor party were,
.,e 1 Campbell, Samuel Hendrick, 'Oscar
-`11's1.°11- Klei) and E. J. Willert.
n; literature Five members of the new Township
ftel, Mrs. j. School Amu Board were elected, as
y, Mrs..John follows: Blake Horner, Robert Minim
Bruce Tuckey. Ra Fisher and Ted
Band Super- Steinbach.
Mr.. and Mrs. 11 11. C'urrie and
daughter_ Madeline, have returned to
their home at Da y tn. Ohio, a fter
spending the 'Christmas holidays with
relatives in town.
• Mr. Gordon Sutcliffe his returned
to Lendon after enoying' the (hrist-
telon. Mrs. I).
Exeter mas Nacation with hi)-; mother, Mrs. M,
Miss Gert -
t Exeter, where Reeve 13. W. Sutcliffe ;Ind hie grinelparents Mr.
seter; MIssiPti kruckey was re-elected by acclamation, and Arrs. Thos. Warrener.
ley Thorneloe, there was it poll for members of trrit AlnlInd Mrs. John Nivins have re
).11: add Winiss
-,1------ Village C mlecil Three weT elected: turned from Windsor, where they
, 1
The trustees. of ketileTtoretoeet jitoqsieiinie
ship seheel, area i fl1t
Hall on • the aft of December
• "ele'
lithe •Trustees 1 jt present, also
inspector S. II. Correspond-
ence was- rade•sseit urn Was taken
on a sresolution , outh Haldianuid
Township School Beard.
Tait Clark woe, wointed to -look
after the installing a Hydro pole in
the school grounds 14 No. 1. .
Motions were passed to advertise
for caretakers for -the varitmet schools Cluff
and for supply of wood.
On motion. of Teustees Hunter and
Blake it was decided tllitt kthe mileage
rates for .this year \should lw as Ifol-
The big night of theeseeson at the
lows:- Orval • Blake. $17.20; Terence
Hunter., $13.10; ,John Kelnighatenke%setessitiietil'it11 e
500 11 1)11 IttJW iY1 1:(e)itt 1 a it'll:e
AccormW to thtotal et 1:866,2:
$14.70; Tait Clatk, Breoks,- $10.3
It , is the engagement of, the Stretford
e $
were ordered paid. Ska Club by the Goderich Lions
Club for a program of fancy eske Hug
The Board ildjourned to Meet again
with Many special entertaining fee
orl January 21st at 1 pm.
11en ovish you
proceeds forthe Lions' child welfare
The inangural meeting of the Public
School Board Of 1O47 Will be held. on
Weidnesday. Jienuay`15th et 7.30 pn,
at the eTown Hall.
Wm.('. Allison, -1,\ in. Gr. Coe trane and
Aaron Schweitzer. For the fourth seat Nisited their daughter, Ales. A. Whit -
John Caldwell and Robert C. Dinney taker, euid Mr. Whittaker °vet the
tied, requiring a• casting vote by the ('lsristinas and New Year seasons.
Village Clerk after- an official Omit. Mr. Ray Lawrence spent Christmas
. Seaforth . and New 7V•ears with his mother, Mrs.
en -
Merton, A. Reid WAS elected maybe- Frank Lawrence. Ray is again
of Seaforth 00 Monday, receiving 470 1)1010(1 with ihe Hydro-Eletrie Power
votes to 316. for his° opponent', R. G. Comedesion eite London after his dis-
chef* trent the forces.
Councillors eleeted are B. K Christie
e, . nd Mrs. J. P., AdamKi
. nston
J. E. Keating, F. S. Sills, Dr. E. A. Mc-
Alester, Walleve ROSS and E. II. Close.
Andrew Y. McLean WiA elected to
the Public Vtilities Commtesion, de-
feating John j. Cluff, 1946 marese The
VW(' WAS 479 for McLean to 285 for
J011 11 F. 4)11 ly s' -11S re-elected reeve by
There was little change in l,he 'en-
rolment n t, the nubile schools when they
reopened on' Monday •after the Christ
mas holidays. Three new pupils, were
enrolled at , Central School hnd the
same nuantifr. at Victoria. It was
fortunate there Nvere so few. because
of the crowded condition of he sChols.
In other years as many' as tiftek new
pupils appeared at the January open-
ing at Victoria School. Principals and
te-aehers are relieved there were, not
more this year.
--1-1 '»
Te4eratures of the past Week in
oderich, ‘10.1 11 those of the corresponds
Int; week a year ago, as officially re-,
corded, WP(' 115 f011OWS:
19147 1940
., ' :Mx.' Min. Max. Min.
Thurs., Jan.2 ')(1' 19 \ 25 19
Fri., Jan 3 \ 24 14 ,33 21
Sat, Jan. 4 23 14. • 37 e 32
Sun., Jan. 5 23 18 49 37
Mon., Jan. 6 25 15 55 42
Tues., Jan. 7 33 21 43 35
Wed., Jan. 14 30 22 37 :13
local preachers, - which accounted for it
being of a high order. •
Labor and Capital a Stewardship
War wits at One tithe glorified. It
is the Christian Church which is giving
a new conscience to the world-sand•the
netlizationt bat war is not a glory but
an evil:- The holding of the tools of
industry or capital is a stewardship
and should be used for the honor of
God and for" the hetternumt of, our
fellowmen. The Christian Church
must teach that this is God's world,
and we must use our tools and talents
to build a kingdom tsf righteousness
and a world- whieh et: fair and just
without NI,1r."
the Council of the. ,Nations, but had
The speaker epresed. his belief in
no hope of its • encs unless raoise
prejedices and . natiOnal exclusions
were abolished. .
street visited over the Christmas holi- "The Cheistiau Chtureh effete one
dawith the latter's sister, Mrs. (Dr.) way to. build a woe d of unity. It
11. M. Yelland of Peterboro. They van be built only thee WI evangelizing
were entertained on Christmas evening the world. Jesus had faith in His way
at the George street United charch of life When He sent_ out members
paroleage, the guests of Rev. and Mrs. of His little band to preach the Gospel).
F. W. Crane feemerly of Goderich. , to all people."
'Mr.' and Mrs. W. E. Anderson of The Evening Serv,iee
Brantford -t-rt week -end guests' with Dr. Mooney preached another instpir-
the'formers neither. Mrs. Thos. Ander- ing sermon -at the levening service.
son. Napier "street. They also visited The anthem by the choir was "1
Mrs. Anderson's Mother, Mrs.. Robt. Walked Today Where Josue Walked"
Davidson, of Goderich township, who Miss Lois Whitney, of Seaforthe was
ebutined to the hospital with the visiting soloist. singing ire.pleasing
eneumnia, but at lateet ;reports was voice as 'Solos el'he Lords Prayer,"
on the why to reeevery. • " and "Beside Still \Vetere."
the London Free, PresS today alt--•
nomees the ammintment of A. Claud A CHRISTMAS REUNION
TurnrcL.F. as essiStant manegee of t"WaSilltni_ (214,4111AS"
tho T111461Thrinill 0111(4. Of 1.101.111i111, 1110 -1111e seaeon fr a Goderich
faetnrers Life Insurance Compan. you and a to:linable 'Halifax family.
Mr; Turner some years agh was en- While in the Royal ConedialeNtierefor
go ged ae athletic director in Goderich about tive years, Roy Mmulay of Gode-
and he is well remembered here. • rich along with havy-pals spent Chrit-
Mrs .T. Crammage IS at- Niagara mile with a hospitable family of the
Fa 11v, (In t., attending the funeral of Nova Scotia city. Longing for reunion
her grandmother, . Mrs. I. SlOggett, of the "old gang," the Halifax family
who passed away , on Monday in her sent word to Roy to eome back to
niney-eeventh year. Miss: Jean Mor.- `Halifax for another Christmas" Roy
rison of Da 11 on, Georgia, with her promptly boarded the train from (lode -
pother, Mrs.- Jos. Morrison, attended rick to spend Christmas once again
the funeral, making the 'trip by plane. with his friends at Halifax, and is
Jean is a 'member of the fifth gener- remaining with them for about two
ation of the family.
r. G. a
Sins. ef Montrel, was
111 G(ltich last 'Week attending the SEPARATE senopt, nomD
Niteroi serviee for his sister-in-law, the At the inaugural meeting Of the 1947
late Mrs. B. j. Saults. As a youth. Separate School Hoard Ed. Baechier,
Mr. Sanas eerved his printing ap- jr., was Outsell 'Omit -Man. W. A.
Praltti(OsilIp vitth 'Phe Goderick Star. Coulthurst is the secretary, and pther
Laten he lived for many: years %in members of the Board are D. M.
M'innipeg, where he was ae Member O'Brien, P. Graf. M. Smith, Paul
of the printinit ,,firin of $atits, jladoW Edward Hartman, Lett Chis-
ilited. Pk the past eight years he has 11111111'id Herb. Simpson.
been living at filiareal. _
The rongregational meeting of Knox The basement of the store of P. B.
Presbyterian church will be held on Ilibbert & Son is being enlarged to dis-
1 'ed lesdrt.• evenin. January 2211(1. play more gootU. An oil he -ter is
instelled in the bo.5ela1el4 t4War4st
hallemiy t the i,;* it; ttreet rink the Omit of the Store‘and a • general
not be awed ift the Ltons skating re-arraning done 'to make for ;More
earnival on Friday night of this week. root%
Master Billy Itettger -,reeeived
pleaeant rhmembratice at Christmati
frofit Mr. &antes 1)olad4'on. Narlho COOt
him a Mangier 011frui from St. itliquio,,
burg, fi,liere he Is spending
.tlie winter. Ililty itt the voting CM Or
Mr. and Mrs. Ititarold' Itlttgrs,