The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-01-02, Page 7ifiefft
naa -
;� Oh,; :Yes!
1 need some new letterheads,
business cards, `statements,
and order forms."
The Printing Department of
' cb
-Qu --with, the._ ala,orve�..xn.
tioned�- and many more print -hi
To mention a few of the items....
Admission Tickets
Advertising Folders*
Auction Sale Bills
Badges •
Ballots ._..
Birth Announcements
wn' Business Cards
Christmas Cards
Counter Cheek Books
Dance Invitations
Display Posters
Futtertd` Cards-'
House Organs
Invitation Cards
Letter Circulars
Meal * Tickets'
Mgmorial Cards
Menus ( -
Merchants' Sale Bills
Open Display Posters
Order Forms
Party Station^ry
Professional Stationery
Recipe Books
Route Card_.
Shipping Tags
Visiting Cards
Voters' Lists
Wedding Stationei7
Window Cards
Come in and let us attend 'to
your printing problems NOW!
The Signal -Star
fog Commercial Printing of All Kinds'
oval BankAssets,
Reach New High
Oomnercia Mecca ed
Degos t$ Up Aglow and
The steadily iaacreuing momentum
of Oantadtaniousiaaeas, both at ho ,e and
abroad, is dearly reflected in the Royal
dub of Canada •annua.l:balance sheet,
for the year ending Novenmer 30th,
published this weep.
Total assets which hast year topped
the $2,0-00,009,000 mark for the first
time have again 'ixl.r'reased to the new
record level of -$2,3131,974,000. i)eposits
by the public; excluding Dominion and
Provincial . GovernMent deposits, , are
substantially higher, having increased
more than 41740004009. it is nder-
stood that the . greater part of this In-
crease is in 'interest-bearing deposits in
C>auacia, a, clear indication that the
scale of private _savings is being well
The bank's investments in Govern-
ment and other public securities,.
totalling $1,098,880,239, inelu(le $109,,
of Government securities outer
than Canadian, of which the greater •
portion is in United States and British
Government securities. Investments in
other bonds. debentures and stocks,
now standing at `;~ftii,2(19,63f), have in-
creased by Ante $32,000,000.
A sharp reduction of call loans in"
Canada as compared \Vitll a year ago is
noted. -'Phe vuluitt.e of loans tinder this
head. in 11)15 wars abnormally high,
'° *rri'g'..;.iiy -barge' n-eitf eve' rn the- Vie:to y,
bolt canrpaigc1 last yea r. -
The ul►ward,-_ trend iri commercial
loam _,lad (lisceunts in Canada, ilott d
i11 last year's l't'ilor•t, has continued, t1e
increase under this hearlitrj, amounting
to $25,000,000. This Jigure, however,
(toes not 'accurately refect the sub-
stantial increase in strictly conblllercia-1
loans made ily the haul,. in'the Domin-
ion during' the 'period under - review,
because included in the figures of the
previous balance sheet .wet -h substantial
.loans to borrowers for the l)nr(halsc of
Victory bonds- This factor' was - .of
much less importance in 1946. Com-
mercial Loans by the hank's -foreign.
branches totalling $x11)5,064,911. also
show a silbst'llmtial increase of
. The liquid position of the hank is .as
usual, vez'y.strong. Liquid assets now'
total-- $1.609„742,166, meal to 81.69%
of the bank's liabilities to the public*.
Profits fox the year, after title ustlall
contribution to the pension fund society
and appropriation for contingency re-
serves, amounted to $6,906,384. Of
this amount $2,055,000 has _been ,set
aside ,for Dominion Government taxes
and$830,491 for bank premises. leaving
a net profit of $4,020,895. This figure
compares with $3,098;847 the previol,ss Out of net profits $2,800,000 \Zils
set aside for: dvidends, an increase of
$700.000 for the year, alid $1,220,895
carried forward to 'surplus, resulting iu
a balance of $6467.41.4 in this account.
From this amount $5,000,000 has been
transferred to rbserVe fund, leaving a
balance of ,x$1,467,414. There has been
'restored to the reserve fund an amount
of 15,000,000 which_had been trans
ferr:ecl to the bank's inner reserves as•a
precautionary' measure in 1933 and X)11
which was not required:
-Tile annual general . meeting of the .family gathering at their home on
shareholders will be held at the head Christmas Day. Present were Mr. and
office of the bank on Thursday,. Janu- Mrs. Leonard (_.hl istilaw,, of Nile, Air.
ary 9th, at 11 a.m. and Mrs. Anderson Mugf',rd• and scat
Harold, of Sheppardton, Mr, and Mrs.
Douglas Freeman and daughter Leota,
of Clinton.
Visitors with Mr. and 'Mrs. Allan
heed on Christmas Day were Misses
Sarah.and Jane Montgomery, Of 'Ripley,
and Mr. Gordon Montgomery. London.
Mrs, Charles Durnin, with her child-
ren, Ma•t•garet Joy and .l.C., is spending.,
dere is the grass -eating youth
• captured- lsy a Transjor an - des; -
ert tribe recently and who„ ac-
cording to several Egyptian
doctors and authorities, - can
run 50 miles an hour. Prince -
Fawaz el Sh'aalan, Ieader" of
the tribe told newsmen at Cairo
th^ft he had chased the fleet -
footed youth for two hours .
in an automobile before catch- •
int; pini and that ..the car was.
travelling at the 50 -mile clic,.
E;:haustion, the- prince said fin-
ally halted the boy who is about
15 years olds, .• He earned- the
name of Gazelle Boy because
the authorities say he had been
linin ;
among- the gazelle herds
o'' the desert sin"e being aban-
dnt ' by his pare ""•3. The prince
iunting gazelles when' he
encountered the lad -
4osepli 3."Falconer of Wingha
parchased the Dent photo studio' in
that towp.
Mr. *and airs. L> ...� °sma,I -o Wing
ham on ' Monday celebrated their
sixtieth wedding anniversary.
Bosxnain is in her nlnetteth year auig1
Mr. Bosnian tea his eighty-eighh.
.Garnet M. (ga te, well-iIraown resident
of Iiensaall, died on Tursci€ay last in
►1t. Joseph's Hospital, London.,., For
many years she conducted a coals busi-
ness at Hensall. ` His wife survives:
Wi'ngham. has been having a winter
amusement ..weelk, ef�inlnrensang With. 11.
variety concert.. and continuing with,a
six meet, a 'field aa -y or , ice, and. a
game room .with contests every day
but Sunday.. The aa:k a,ir. is -under ,local
The death of William Millis occurred
at Blyth -on Friday last at'the age
of eighty-one years,n ; `eceased was on
the Ialytla Council for several years and
Was a member of the --School Board for
ten years continuously, resigniiig last
year owing -to failing health. He is
-survived h ,his wife and one son, Earl,
of ;Valton. '
Wilfred Blake (,aunt, of White
church -died in Wing -ham hospital on
1)eeenlber 20th after. a brir'f �.l-lness of
intin'nzh ,whi(•h affected his lrreart.'
IIS wi(s an his forty-ninth year. Sur-
,�:i1 iia;, r,:s• 4!IN tliz€gin ,.siateas�,K Mx � ...4lea►. ,
hasfeurth wedding nn11$v'e 'ua1
1l((', Vinghani : sirs. Sealey,
61111 Lake, Sask.; Mrs. Wilmer Nichul-
.un,• Auburn :_ and' two hrother�;: Beth,
of Yarmouth , ('entre, and Edgar, of
East, \Wawa* 4
Morris ('ouple.
Married 64 Years
Mr. and Mrs. Robert - Nichol, of
Morris township, celebrated their sixty-
Ql� Peeem- -
be>r 49th. Loth were Lorca the GM
concenie t o silent ' -ta w slip mid
their m rrt fie• in 1E d teak place only
�twb iaiUes fro their 1iD�'�'eeut hot e,
Cbinto>a Ba►y
$ llie aco City ,.
./'►: "rlt,obert .Steep, a Clinton boy,
son of Andrpt W. Steep, was' one of a
Canfadian group of 'one 'hundred meta
who 'parched In the parade at 'the
inauguration of the new President oi�
11lextco in 'Medico .Qlty.. The 'one
hundred were chosen from the crews of
three Canadian ships„ engaged . i� rE
goodwill cruise- o£' the, Central am.
erican countries, en route from. Ilaalifa;
N.S., to Esqufmalt, 13.0., via the
Panamaa Canal. -
:?9'e/A2.0 tasext ��
of rr2lD11'u1ng hosts yoi
only half re3ted, Still
weary ---if your sleep
broken by tr'itful
t .sero;' and turning
-.-your kidneys day
Leto blaiue. When
t .,ur kidneys get out
S.I _n(ielvr,.ygrxx sieep �._ -
o dally scoffers. To ti`eri air' lsi.lil iyv
morin a normal condition. use Dodd'a
fldraey Pills. Dodd's -help-the-kidneys get
rid el poison aad excess acids in your
system. Then your uneasiness disappeiirs
-you can enjoy restful unbroken sleep:-
and awake refreshed and ready for,work or
play. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills today. 947• .
vid Hardy, jr., near .Wingham.
and • Mrs. Abner Morris held •a
(Recgi.ved too late for last week) -
DUNGANNON, 'Dec. 20`.—Mr. and
Mrs. John Blake, Dungannon, Miss
Bernice Blake, B.A., Lambeth. and Miss
Ililda Twarnley, 'London, spent Christ-
mas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blake, the Yuletide season with her brother,
-.lir. Bill Mc•Cliare, ;in,- Elmira.
. -
' Jliss-Ellen Maize, of London, spent
the week -end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Harvey Maize.
JIr. and Mrs. -Rich. Gardner spent
ChT. s xxe n`v I1,=t ii,f r ..l it
ther,- -"M 1TenryGa`irdi er; 7,Yon _7._.
Miss Pauline Jones enjoyed a few
days Iii Toronto last week, the ,.guest •
f tser't'ha Jones', -R.N.,
luas with -Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dickson, I of the stab of Christie -Street Ilcispital.
the latter's parents.. Miss Myrtle. Mc- i Miss Margaret -Elliott of Goderiith
Intyre also spent Christmas Day with and Miss Clara Sproul, of Stratford -
her sister, Mrs. Dickson.. were visitors at .the holm of Mr. and ,
Miss Annetta Stewart, M.A., of Tor- Mrs. Arthur Elliott On Christmas bay.
onto spent Christmas and a few days Dancing Too Strenuous. --A young
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. lady of the district is prepared : to
Stewart,- at the hill. '•" believe that squa e clancirlg, past-gener-
Miss Jean Stothers, of the Toronto anon style, is -il bit. too -rough. Marie
teaching staff, is spending,.the vacation Hawkins. teen-nge (laughter of Mr. and
at the parental home. .. regrettable Mrs.'Frank Hawkins, Sheppardton, has
feature of her visit is that her father, a broken collarbone, the result .of a
Mr. ,Thos. Stothers, is in a very weak dal -ice -floor collision in the 'Dungannon-
colidition. parish hall,. She appeared to suffer no
Mr.- and Mrs. 1I. J. I.. Eedy, with lninediate pain, but next horning When
members of their family. spent Ohrist- she tried to get out .of bed to prepare
mas Day with their -relatives, Mr. and for her„last day of school at the (lode -
Mrs. W. F. Nickel, Stratford. rich Collegiate Ins itute she couldn't
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. move. X-rays revealed the • - broken
Culbert and fancily for Christmas were coielrbone.
their daughters, Mrs. Leonard ('raw- Christmas Coneert.—The Dungannon
ford, With husband and. children- Keri= public school pupils, with Alex. Smith,
neth, Lois, Billy and Bobby, of Gode(- principal. olid Mrs: W. J. Rogers._.a ;,-
rich • 1Ii•s. Earl Sherwood, husband sistun �c3h�la(,�a�T�I►j4laci'ic1.,c<au--:
tri �dklat+r- Neta, of (a(wmi (spy:r,n.-at,,.h17'7Yh"t•I ll •liitll before n large”
j 144.0ry<rtytY lg'; ;X' i„ -y' M -r-, (1ut'btlt s aludience. Rev. W. J. Rogers ale'ted ars
Jnflt (i, Mrs, Abr101- Culbert, is eon- (linkman.- The United e'hurch.Sunday
,siderah13' improved in health and wai,sschool_ teachers assisted. with nnnlhers
able to be up from bed for the day. by . their classes and sponsored the
Mr. -Gordon Andersim and family. Usual treat .of cantly- and oranges from
Madeline, Reginald, I'reddie 'and 51111ta- ('lin•" -0(101010115 bag. Santa
Margaret, spent Christmas Day with (inns came in on toboggan. from the
llrother, Mr., Thos. Anderson, (lode- noi~tll, Alvir4 Sherwliod impersonating.
rich. Their housekeeper, Miss Irene I':arlier• an- operettas wits presented in
Adient. spent Christmas Day with her which many of 'the 1)111)115 took part
9111('nts, 3Ir. and Mrs., Oscar Aruelit, reLnesentiug characters• of ltotHer
Auburn, later visiting 'Mr, and Mrs. Goose rhymes. Matthew' S11„y1okleton is
Thos.' Anderson at
Gederichyy"Sunls tleol t.lcrintenc>`ent-
xy „(-
Spe1i11r1 ala rrfitnCrSa i:to!nns eriae .for (ar(en.—.1om
Christmas week with hitt son, cent issue of the ('alnal(kialn ('onntt•yina111
fnaga'ine it 15 lt'al•ne(1 that Miss (.race
Cook, fifteen -year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Will ('ook, R.R. 2. Lifknow,
has been selected as (01e of seven front
Ontario who are entitled to a week's
course at Guelph Agricultural College
to 511(113' the growth and culture (>:f
vegetables and flowers, with • all ex-
penses Paid, during the Christmas vacai-
mount rules for good health. ME -
rat -denier
1 tion. The report states: "This young
burn's Laxa-Liver Pills are of help e'at-dener kept n very accurate :lemma
to faulty elimination. The combina-
tion of laxative and tonic drugs
contained in these pills make, them
one of the most useful and best
remedies for disordered condition of
the eliminatory organs.
JIr. Lorne Fitzpatrick of Cabri,
Sask., visited his cousin, Mr. John
Ryan, hist week -and other friends and
relatives in the district.
ax1d-.i-M S- Otto TOR ane fl rn11-31_uit'Chlxas' with a> -Mrst
Jaynes McEachern, Uondof.
Mr: and Mrs. John Gajewski, Lon -
,d rr„ -visited-fors--a-few, dam over -„Chris
iver„ thris
If You Have An Old Chesterfield
tWe specialize • in re -up-
' holstering & re=designing.
Also - customs -made
All work guaranteed.
1 PHONE 567W
Will be in town the second
week in January.
WakedyUp And Sint • -
Start: The Day Right
Do you woke upin the morning full of pep and
glad to be alivef Or are,you ns _-tired as when you
(vent to bed/ -
Those who suffer from jumpy nerves,, restless-
ness, irritability or a general -run-down -condition
may need a good tonic to help build up the. system.
Milbur.n's IIealth and Nerve PTlls,,,have been regarded as with a tonic for
more tban,50 years. They contain the- purest of ingredients and are made
under the supertision of experienced chemists and pharmacists...
• You '11'find Milh.urn's Health' and Nerve fills a real help -in -stimulat-
ing the nerve cells and improving your general condition.. They're sold
at drug counters everywhere so look, for the trade mark'the "Red Red Heart." •
Price 50c -a 'box. •
The T. Milburn CO., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Promptly and Efficiently Removed
Sinnoly Phone Collect --
910r16 Clinton
21 - Ingersoll
215 Stratford -
Elimination Of Waste
First Rule For Health
Rogular elimination of wastes
from the' body is Qne of the paralt-
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pints help
to stimulate the livery, clean the
coated tongue, sweeten the brtestth
and eliminate waste from the sys-
tem. Az an "t -dinner" pill
they relieve that bloated feeding and
help indigestion.
Sold at drug winters everywhere.
Pries 25o to package. ge. '
I � Tbe'1'. Mi1bs Co,, Ltd.. oiaato, Oast.
el the vegetables grown for home use.
Her record -shocvs vegetables to the
value. of nearly $142' used. stored and
canned from her 1946 garden." Miss
Elora Durnin, home eeonrnlslc5 coach,
is- also credited as ha.1-1ng Grace -as a
winner In the territory of several
C01111 ties which sire supervises.
II'leet the "Fluonontist'•
The, passion for fancy names is
spreading to England.. A Sussex
'hilnney sweep now Calls himself as
"llun11olilist" and -('1111t'ges sixpence more
per chimney'.- ..Edmonton Journal.
Thr gift to give io yo1r pence of
hear!, not al piece or your mind.
Do You Want Relief from
A new and Wondertull Remedy for Speedy Relief from Sinus
and Antrum Trouble. Also for Ordinary Head Colds,_
This Remedy Is plown as
Sinulief is a White Powder to be used,as a Snuff. Simple
and Clean to Use. Priced at
Simply fill in and mail the following coupon to
Sinulief Co., Box 582, London, Ont. Send money
order or, postal- note. No stamps- or cash. P1ea:e
print name and address on coupon.
Please Find Enclosed- $1.0l) In Payment for 1.. -.Box Sinulief
+t 0,