The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-01-02, Page 1.4) YEAR. eorge Buchanan - mne from England 'aid'a and. aua4ja ta d ' High, in Estimation'. of Britons . , George Bachertan, postal clerk in c,the Goderich postoffice when he en - 1. agted"in June, 1944, returned to Canada pen days ago, in time to spend Christ., Inas with his mother„ M`I'S 4. Buch „anan, Eigineavenue.- He had Spent th Past two years serving with the, in fel:11r! in England, 'after he had bee tranSferred in Englandfrom the Arm Medical Corps, With which he enlisted Ke afrived • on the S.S. "Samaria" a Halifax on December 18th, and say hd is glid • to, be home. M. Buchanan spent one year in th Legion Educational Services in Lon don,' which looked after edudation.fo Service personnel; and -which was con ,peeterWithikl.CoVibben.;:tlif ervige, was Clued; last June,- he was. „aLagerred to Canadunrnimjg tien-Offfee, ihroierwlifch all national Ries had to pass, and' whith is due t be closed when the last draft embark on the "Aquitania"_'this month. He said, he enjoyed life .in England soldiers were well cared for. Ile ha visited many parts of England an Scotland; and expressed high prais for Scottish hospitalities. Canadians he said, seemed torfeel there was some .thing about the people there that wa like ourselyes. - Catering to Export Trade Within the.,..past fews, shbPS England. were displa • • ore goods 'There is a feeling, he said, that too much is being expotted from Britain and this) was, expressed in a rken. 'cartoon in a London- paper which bore the' caption: "Britain can make it Britain can bus:sit; but Britain can'. have it." The average person on the street In „his opinion, has not enough to eat Some privileged classes seern-. to ge 'plenty. Ile mentioned a banquet giyen by the jeclicitery for whiclt carcases of Meat were being:prepared when the Prices_ Board interfered and laid a I•charge for violation of the Act. e "Everywheee in ,England," he told 'The Signal -Star, "thee is e ,growing appreciation of Canada and Oskihadlane Ain a zeenent is .exinkteeed that Canada, 'th, 4\ population roughly equal to .th t of London, should' have been able to make the magnificent tcentribution to the war effort she did. Peess ree ports aiee constantly praising it." Mr. e eehanan read About the Triter - national Plowing' Match in British papers, which carried, comments on lion. J. G. 'Gardiner's speech. CHRISTMAS CHEER AT THE HOSPITAL Gifts of fruit, ice cream, fowl, candies, flowers and magazines; showered on the staff and patients at, Alexandra Hoepital, contributed ap- preciated cheer to all inthe institution. The spirit of Christinas was every- where, and these, gifts did much to make it so. Subscriptions . to maga- 'zines, theatre tickets and articles of furniture also were receNed, and every-, thing possible was done for staff and patients to make "Christmas away" from home" a happy one.. • Miss M. Dickson, Superintendent, kneatefully acknowledges the following gffts: ' Womeh's Hospital Auxiliary - Reader's Digest, MacLean's Magazine, Canadian Nurse, chocolates and 'crackers for wards, theatre tickets for all nurses and employees. Mrs. Adam Foster -jellied (4licken. Dr. W. F. Gallovv---- lovely plant. 'Mrs. Harvey Steels -Christmas cake. • Mr. WM.. H. Robertsofi-two bedside lamps. • ; Mr. -Gordon Wong -two turkeys, six mince pies, two boxes chocolate bars. Bisset Bros. -ice cream for Christ- mas and New Year's. Dr. J. M. Graham -Life magazine. Maple. Leaf Chapter -crackers and plants for the wards,"and holly for the trays. Mrs. Carey -magazines and oranges. Mr. WM. MacDonald -turkey. Mee W. Coulthurstice eream for patients,, and visit t� the ward patients as a representative of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary. Dr. N. C. JacksOil and Louzon's Fruit Market -hampers of fruit. East St. Bakery-Cheistinas cake. Dr.' John W. Wallace chocolates. Mr. Frank Hibbert ---chocolates. Mr. Thos, Legg -goose. Mr. and Mrs. Helstrop--hemper of Spies. Ahmeek Chapter of the I.O.D.E.- Idadio table, footstool, plant for the Chapter ward, candy for the traYs, ten very Suitable vithes for the wards. Hamper- of fruit for the wards from .friend. AUBURN AUBURN, Dee. 31. ---Mr. amf Mrs. K Duncan Mecay of Bright's Grovi, are holidaying with Dr. B. (1, Weir. - We are sorry to report. that Mr. Jeremiah Taylor is in very poor health at present. Mr. and Mrs. D. Phalen and baby and Miss Pauline King, of ,Stratford, spent Christmas with Mr. Russell King. 'Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dobie, Gerald and Bill were Yuletide •visitors in Wingham. Concludes, Ministry. -Rev. R. A. „ Maeconnell concluded his ministry at Knox Presbyterian church on Sunday. He has been stated supply minister of tith church for the past two and a -half years, but feels he must retire now owing° to phyeieal weakness. At thie church„„ service will cominenee at 2 pan. for the next three months instead of 11 a.m. School Meetinge---The annual F,Ichool meeting of S.S. No. 5, Hullett, 1,141S held on Thursday. Mr. Gordon R. Taylor, the retiring trustee, was re-eleeted for another three.year term. The other trustees are Frank Reithby and 14411. •McCiinchey. Owing td the diffienity in proeuring wood for the whoa awn*. Sion centred around the purchasing of An oil -burner for the building. OGIIIING JANUAR pill— THE EVENT OF E SEASON The great event of the skating season in Goderich will he the appearance of the Stratford. Skating,Club at the. West street arena on Friday night, January 10th, under the, ausPices of the Goderich Lions'Club, The visitors will present a varied Program of fancy skating in group, pair and solo num- bers, with comedy turns and other interesting fedtures. ' The Stratford ,sleaters have won enthusiastic plauditene'veherever they lielye given one, of their, performances, and the program , arranged for their appearance in Goderich will be worth coming miles to see. Besides giving theleeople of Goderich and vicinity an opportunity of seeing these artists of the ice arena, the Liens Club hopes, with the generous support which .is always accorded its efforts, to augment its funds for the carrying on of its work for -child and cpenamenetty ; TTE _ bre__PRAYRR Arrangements for observance of the Week ' of Veleyereein Goderich are as fellows; - Tuesday, 'Jan. 7 -Victoria. street United church. Speaker, Rev. L. C. Jorgenson of Bluevale. 'Wednesday, Jan. 8, -Baptist church. Speeken Rev. 17. E. , .Crenhielm of Benrailler, forme e missionary in Tibet. Thursday, 'Jan. 9. St. Ggorge's el -1111Th: Siseaker, Rev. R..11; JeSelyn, returned missienary from James Bay. Each serviee vi11 begin at 8 o'clock , GOING' UP James M. Redditt, sop of Mrs. F. 11:- 'Redditt of Goderich, has recently been apppinted ,city editor of The Halifax Daily Chronicle and the Halifax Daily Star. At one tine With The Signal-, Star, Mr. Redditt was on ethe ,repor- torial staff ,of The . Stratford Beacon -1 Herald -at the time of his enlistment in the Royel ;Canadiitn Navy.. Vol- unteer Reserve. While in the navy he Wassecilif "Crow's Nest," navy newspaper published at 'Halifax... • " V‘. ' GODERICII, ONTARIO, raLURSDAY, JANUARY 2nd, i947 Reopening Services • at North Ste Church Rev. D. Mooney of Toronto. to. Preach Next Sunday— Special Music Aftefi worshipping' for several Sun- days Ia the church hall while redecor- ating WAS in progress_ in, the main auditorinm, the congregation of North REV.4. T. MOONEY, B.A., D.D., who will be the speaker at reopening services of North street United church .on Sunday.. street United church Will hold special reopening services on Sunda' next. ° The speaker for the day will he Rev. V. T. Mooney, B.A., D.D., of Tor- onto. treasurer of the United* Church of. Canada. Special music has, been prepared by the chyle and 't%iting soloists will"stt, • Services will be atell a.m. end -7 p.m. t • Weddings PRATT-SNA ..ZEL On Monday evening .Rev. Lawrence 11. Turner,ef Victorie street. Vaited church, solemnized the --marriage of Mrs. Margaret Snazcl to Mr. Percy WindfieldSPratt. Mrs. 'Olive Allen.at- tended the_bride and the grqonn. was supported by Mr. William Samuel Snaeel. Friends of Goderich and.from Collingwood ,were present. at the eerenaanY. ROSS -ROBERTSON -Rev. D. P. Rowland, pekoe of York Presbyterian church, Toronto, officiated at a quiet wedding on December 110th, when Christine Robertson, younger daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Robertson, R.R. 5, Goderich, .beceine the bride of George Ross, young_est eoa of the late Mr.' and Mrs. Hugh Ross, Whitby. The bride' wore a pale blue sequin -t -rimmed afternoon dress with black accessories. Her corsage was of sweetheart rosebuds. After the ceremony the couple left for a short trip to the United States. • ANDERSON-FOLSETTER A euiet jo,t -very pretty wedding took place .in Bervie • United church manse at 4 o'clock . Christmas after- noon, when Rev. Chas. re -.Cox, in a double -ring ceremony, united in, mar- riage Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Folsetter of Brant- ford, .and- Gordon Elwin, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Anderson of Brant- ford, formerly of Goderich. The bridal party took their vows amidst a setting of Christmas and wedding decorations. The bride, was goweed in a street - length powder ,blue petal crepe dress, trimmed wi,th silver sequins. • After the signing of the register a Wedding dinner was served in the dining -room. The bride travelled in a wine coat w1t13 black accessories. • After •the'wed- ding-trip a reception was to be held on New Year's Day .at their liOnee on Brock street, Brantford.. . A I. , - • MeNALL-JENKIN A-liretty 'Winter wedding took place on Saturday, -December 21st, at the home of the bride's mother, Anglesea street, Goderich, when Mary Winona, elaughter of _Mrs. Jenkin and the Iiite John Percy Jenkin, of Godettich; was united in marriage to Lincoln .Chester MeNall, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McNeil, Goderich township. Rev. Ralph H. Turnbull officiated., The home. Was appropriately decorated with White and • pink 'muftis. The bride, given in marriage -by7 her cousin, Mr. Frederick Searle of Guelph, - wee dressed in a floor -length gown of white satin with fitted hodice and double net Skirt. Hee fingertip embroidered veil was held in place with a coronet headdress nnd she .carried a cascade 1muquet of pink roses. Her twin sister, Ramona, washer bridesmaid- and wore a- floor -length deess of heavenly blue silk jersey, and blue -shoulder-length veil with seqnin trim. She carried a Cnlonial bouquet of bronze 'Mums. The groom Was attended, by Donald C. .Tohnston. During the signing of the register the bride's.sister, Edythe, sang "0 Promise- Me," aecompanied by Mee. Murray' Hetherington. The bride's mother received her geests wearing a green crepe dress with black acces- sories .and corsage of white carnations and the grooin's mother wore rose wool with black aeeesseries and white carntaions, Mr. and Mrs. MeNall later In the afternoon left for Toronto, the bride wearing a green wool dress and grey topcoat with black accessories. They will reside In '14)der1ch township. Ont -of -town guests at the Wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Searle and Mrs. May Wallond, of Guelph. Prior to her wedding the bride was honored at a miseellaneons shower given by, Mrs. Roderielt Johnston •and at a party given by the Bell Teleplume Co. Mrs. Jenkin entertained for her daughter at a troussean tea. 4 WALLACE-e--TYNDALL In St. Patit's'eahurch, Bloor streef.E., Tornutte attractively decorated with Chrigtmes evergreens,- poinsettias and roses, Eleener McIlardy „Tyndall, daug,hter of Mr. and Mrs. M. • C. Tyndall,. Colborne township, was Mar- ried on, Saturday afternoon to Capt. James Hugh Gelmore Wallace, son of Mrse.Eserete Boyd and the late „Tames 11. G. Wallace of Toronto. Rev. Callen Wilkinson Peeformed, the ceremony. The bride; who was given in marriage by her father, Wore white faconne, with fingertip veil held by gerdeniee. She carried a hOuquet �f red roseg and white 'Inume'. Mrs. Norman Vin- cent and Mrs. George IL D'Eye were bridesmaids, wearing gray Wool crepe suits and matching :gray flowers on their heads. They cahned red .roses. Tom Wallace was best man and the ushers wereChds-: Tyndall, brother of the bride, George' R. D'Eye and William Long. At the reception, held at, the, Granite Club, Mr -RS -Tyndall wore Meek velvet and a corsage of white 'ninths. The. groom'mother assisted her hi powder blue with a corsage of bronze Intims. The couple left for a trip to the U.S., the bride wearing a beige wool suit and brown accessories. They will live in Toronto. • BLACK -YOUNG • . The United church parsonage, Bay- field, was the scene..of a quiet wedding on Christmas Day, when Bessie Irene, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Young, Goderich township, Wits united in marriage to Harold Melvin _Black, of Goderich, only son of Mrs. -Bleck and the late Roy Black.; Ilev. P. G. Stotesbury.-performed the double - ring ceremony. The bride wore a street -length dress of rose woel with matching accessories- and corsage of white roses and baby's. breath. She was attended by her only sister, „Mrs. Graham Johnston, who wore a street - length dress of -turquoise blue crepe With .matching. accessories and' corsage of red roses.' The groomsman was Jack -Brodie or Dungannon. A. recep- tion was held at the home of the bride's. parents for the, iminediate fam- ilies. The bride's fable was centred with the three-tier wedding cake and decorations were in red. and green. The groom's, gift to the bride was -a pearl necklace with matching ,earrings, ter the bridesmaid earrings,andtothe groomsman a Billfold. e Later Mr. and Mrs. Black left for a motor trip to Toronto and Montreal, the bride travelling in a coat' Of green with grey fur trim and matching 4Iat with bhick A accessories. On their re- turn they will reside in Godericirs McCALL-VODDEN A pretty wedding took' place at the home of the brideTs parents in Clinton on Saturday. December 14. when Frances Irene, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. W. J. Vodden, of Clinton, formerly of Goderieh township, was united in marriage to George Alekander McCall, Son of George McCall. ,Rev. Andrew -Lane performed the ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by her father, and wore a gown of aellit .rannve silk jersey with- red roses, and halo net hat of the same color as the gown. The bridesmaid was Miss .Tenn Vodden, of Toronto, who wore a red taffeta dress with halo, headdress to match, nnd cerried white 'mums. The grooms- man wns James McCall, of Morris township. Mint.Perey Atkinson played the wedding ransie and sang "Beeanse" during the sloing of the register. Liner it, reCePtiph was held at the home of the bride's parents.. after, Whieh Mr. and Mrs. McCell left on a -trip to Van- couver, B.C. Guests were present from Walton, Brussels, Auburn and Clinton.. On Thyrsday , evening, -Deeember 12, a nmnber of friends from Goderieh town- ship met at ti.S: No. 11 for a' eoeial ewning and presentaid the bride With, a beautiful pair of wOol blankets, and . ••••• 11-* • " BEGINNINq OUR • ' 00Til VOL* ° With this issue The Signal.S.tar begins its one hundredth volume counting ironi Vito year in which The Signal was first 'published. The Star end of the partnership is sound years younger. It was in February, 1848, that the first iSSUO of -7 The Huron Signal appeared; so that in Febru- ary, 1948, we shall have a conten. ary to celebrate. There are very few papers in Ontario that have been published continuously for ninety-nine years; none at all in this part of the Province. When the first issue came off the old hand -press in February, 1848., under the editor- ship of Thomas McQueen, the com- mercial and judicial business of a; very large district centred in Gode- rich, and it was not until railways Qkned-uPAhis Nite5tern district and population increased- that other towns sprang up and-other•Tsie papers- were -establigretr' From time to time this year we . hall have more to say about the expected centtnnial anniversary, and we shall be glad to her from - any -Ad -friends of -The Signal or - The Star who can furnish its with any appropriate historical data. CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES DRAW LAME AUDIENOES Large congregations . attended. the Christmas Eve services in St. George's and St. 141er's churches. At St. George's the rector, Rev. B. H. Farr, coliffutted ser•viee and the noir effectieelY rendered the Christmas music. -Miss .Alarjorie, 'Hays was a soloist. e At St. Peter's the largeAt congrega- tion seen he the church ite.years, was present for. the mideight umesS1Abileh was celeb,1 ge\.•1,3tAT4'Ps\OIC- ot, Pete r% Seminary, LonL n, a former Goderich boy. Rev. H. 1-. 'Fallon was. in the sanctuary. The music, under the direction of Mrs. Carl Schneiker, was beautifully rendered; the offerepey . hymn,' "Adeste Fideles," by a 4untte composed of Misses Rose Hartman and Mary Ald.end- Messrs. K. Lemaire and C. Ranier, being par- ticularly impreseive. GOOD YEAR DESPITE-. ADVERFE CONDITIONS' In spite of Unfavorable prospects at the- beginningof the year, And of adverse factors dutingthe seasen,•-in- eluding the shipping strike and a shortage of railway cars, the Goderich Elevator -Se Transit.Ximipany, handled, nearly 21,000;000 ballets of grain dur- ing the season of 1946. - This comperes with 25,000,000bushels. in • 1945, the banner year' of the Company's history. Of the 1946 total the -largest amount, over twelve million bushels, 'was of feed grain; over five million bushels were of milling wheat, and over three million qf exppq grain. • ' • VITAL STATISTICS FOR 1946 Registrations'. of births, marriages and deaths at the Town' Hall, Goderich, in.' 1946 were as follows, With com- parative figures for the two preceding years: 1946 1945 1944 Births 193 149- 1.88 Marriages 58' .52 33 Deaths 86 . 79 103 337 280 . 324 KNOX CHURCH. ' The annual meeting of the. Ladies' Aid Society of Knox Presbyterian chureli -was 'held on Friday last. The reports' • of the various conveners sh.owed a ,.gratifying year under the presidency of Mrs. Alex. Straiten. -Mrs. Norman McAuley and Mrs. Frank Chambers had charge of the devotional period and Mrs. Willis Fraser in her usual fine style rendered a piano number.. Mrs. L. Maskell, convener of the nominating committee, brought in a fine slate of Officers and Rev: Richard Stewart spoke- briefly and dedicated these members he prayer., Mrs. R. ,Stewart read an address of appreciation to the retiring president, Mrs. Straiton, and Mrs. .Peter Mac - Ewan and Mrs. A. D. -McLean_ on behalf or the Society • pre- sented her, with a silver tea service in recognition of her faithful services as president for six Years. Mrs. Straiten replied . fittingly. The meeting. was closed with prayer by Rev. Mr. Stewart. TELEGRAPH POLES POWN The sleet storm last FridayWhich did considtTrable damage theenghout Western On•tario, including the -break- ing. down of poleA, 'carrying telegraph ekires, has still left its Mark in (lade- rieh. Since wires which. carry Can- adian Pecifin telegrams fermi Goderich .to London are stilldown. telegraph messages are -phoned from Goderich, London 'and vice verso. It is expected that the necessary repairs will be made in the near future, however. ENGA;(71EMENTS' Allk/.1-4-0117NCED Mr. anti Mrs. Edward M. Hartiley annount'e • the engagement ,of their donghter,' Rosemarie Anne, to Siforcel Gerard Lassaline, son of Mr. and Mrs. .Norman Lassaline. Colborne township; the wedding to take plaee January 25. 1947, in St. Peter's rhumb, Goderieh. Mrs. Mnry Ann Willis wishes to annonnee the engagement of her yoUngest daughter, Clara Beatriee, to George Elton, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Draper, -all of Port Albert ;• the wedding to take place on _January 11 th. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cooke, 'Huron road, Godetiele wish to .announee the, engagement of their seeond daughter, Grace joggle, to Sohn JeSoloniehnk, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Paid Solomehnk af Windsor: the marriage to take niece January 1,8th, 1947. ale° other beautiful gifts from her many friends and several eubstantial cheques. _ Six Reeves Returned in Huron County IVIonday's Norgti. atio so i Eieht " Municipalities. Holding' "Late" Elections NoMinatiens in eight municipalities of Huroa on Monday resulted in the re-election of six reeves. There are contests for the reeveehip Only. in Clinton and the township of Hay. The, six reeves re' -elected, who will he members of the 1947 County Council, are John- P. Daly in Seaforth, B. W. Tuckey in. Exeter, John. Pepper in Stanley, N. R. Dorrance in McKillop, Hugh Berry in Usborne, and Arthur Nicholson in Tuckersmith. CLINTON ' Mayor A. J. McMurray is re-elected in Clinton, without a contest. Councillors, aIso elected by acclam a tion, are M. J Agnew, Ernest Brown, el7e Hattine egarence Live.tmetxt-St'f*ep-eiShaddicli.- There4titest-S'fdrthe reeveship, between the present reeve, G. X.- Nott, and V. D. Falconer, and for a seat on the Public Utilities Commission, elsge, tween- Thomas Churchill and Hugh Ha wkies. -SEAFORTH At Seaforth Mayor J. J. Clare after ten.. yetti's -Su office, retired, leaviesg Councillors 'It G. Parke and M. -A. Reid to conteSt the chair.' John F. Daly was 'returned by acelamation to the rep'eship. There was a larte"mumlier of nomin- ationiS for other offices. , VILLAGE OF EXETER , Exeter has again returned Benson .W. Tuckey as- reeve, but has a field of eight front whom to choose four coun- cillors.. The Candidates' are 'William G. Allison, Reginald Beavers, William G. Cochrane,. John e -Caldwell, Robert C.,Dinney,:j, Wellington Hern, .Aaron Schweitzer,Aownd' Williams. , \ • TO --W itii FcIiLLL.- Rebve N. R. Dorrance ofMeKillbp and the entjre Council of. 1946 were returned by acclamatieff. Councillors are Daniel Beuermann„G. R. Campbell, Matthew Murray and Frank Kirkby. TOWNSHIP OF 'HAY William' Haugh,. Reeve of Hay, is opposed by George Armstrong. Can- didates for the Township Oilmen tfour to be, elected) are Earl Campbell, Wm, J., Davidson, Satiluel 'Hendrick, Oscar Rheinhold Miller, August Roche tied E. - TOWISISHIk OF USBORNE Reeve and councillors are elected by aeclaniation in Usborne. • - , Reeve -Hugh Berry. Councillors-e-Wellingten, Brock, Wil- liain Ellerington, -James Simpson, ()scar Tuek'ey,. TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH All by 'acelamatione Reeve--.--Arthnr Nicholson. Ceuncillers-Harold Jacksonz Chas. MaeKbefe.Rey Pepper, -Gordon Richard - Son. : • - TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Cunejl of 1946 returned by acclarin Reeve -John Pepper. e Councillors -C. Hueston, Alvin • Mc- Bride, Clarence Park, E. Webster. VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW At Lucknow Reeve J. W. Joynt was re-elected by aeclainetien for his fifth term. There were numerous nomin- ations for the office S couneillor and school, trustee. • DAMAGES- AWARDED MR. "AND' MRS. ANTONIO Iit it judgment handed down this wee by Judge .M M. Costello, 'Jasper Antonio and Sarah Antenio, of Gode- rich, plaintiffs, are allowed•total dam- ages of $230 and. $866.61, respectively, against Quentin King and W. R. Strechan, of 'Lakeside, Ontario. Total. dameges claimed were $2,206. -• The action arose out of a collision of a truck owned by Mrs; Antonio -and operated by her husband, Jasper Antonio, with a cattle ,truck owned by Quentin King and driven by WS R. Strachan en highway • No. ta near Shakespeare, on May 22, 1.946. When the case was heard at • the recent County Court the defendants tedmitted liability elide the court was asked to decide the question of dameges. • In the -statement of claim the 'male plaintiff asked $1,000 damages fqr .pain and suffering; $100 for loss of wages; $30 for doctor's bill; and the female plaintiff, $325 for loss Of, the use of the vehicle; 4576.55 for loss. of fruit and vegetables; $175, wages 'paid driver. Specific damages to the truck, in the jridgmept, were placed at $295.81-; re- plaeement of truck, fourteen, days, $70; $400 for (teenage to fruit and vege- , tables; $99 for wages; $200 and the •• • doctor's 'bill, $30,• for. pain- and Suffering. scm:lol; DISTRIOT sEluotisme. ILL , RT. REV. A. L. FLEMING. Bish•op of 'the Arctic,' who is seriously, ill in a TO,roilto -hospital. Bishop and Mrs. Fleming, who are having a borne built in Goderich* had - hoped eaely this fall 10 be, in it by Christmas,. but - unavoidable delays in securing- build- ingematerials postponed. their moving in.. On the -recovery of Biehoperlena=, Ing It is" planned, to move from Toronto' into their new home hAre inetbout three menthe' time. Hockey Season ,\ gets Under Way Juveniles Play Tonight—Flyers Have Games Friday and Monday Nights •• The hockey season in Goderich -got away to a sstart last Eriday night. The team of the Clinton Radar School,, was scheduled to play a Junior b.q. ,gameilfere_. but could net- fill the *en- gagement, and. at the' last niinute the Seaforth 'Intermediate team - was brought .for an exhibition game with the local Juniors.The result was 11-0 in favor' of the heavier visiting team. The locals -led at the end of the Second period with -the score 9-5, but in the final period the_ visitors made six tallies and held the Goderich boys scoreless. „ The Goderich line-up was: Goal, Ginn ;:defence. Westlake, Mero ; centre, Hayter; wings. Doig, Bisset; subs., D. Warren. 11. Warren, Newemnbe, Me - Nairn, Ainslie, Needham, .Allen, Mc- Donald. n• Now for the Real Thin.g This was a false start for the local season: but tonight sees 'a scheduled. game in the juvenile- series, with Sea - forth here, and tomorrow (Friday) night Lemon's Flyers will show their stuff- with Hanover as the visitors, and on Monday night Clinton Radar School will be here for a game with the Flyers. The scheduled .Junior game for Mon- day night: Goderich at Mitchell, was cancelled -no ice. SCHEDULES FOR JUVENILE AND MIDGET SERIES ,Hockeys seniedules for juvenile and midger. t..4Kg-7 in he W.O.A.A., in this district ate announced as follows: JUVENILE SERIES .Tan. .2-Seaforth at Goderich, 6-Goderich at Exeter. 8 -Exeter at Clinton i1 -Clinton • at Seaforth 13-----C1111tem at Exeter -15---Sea fort h Clint on '16 -Exeter at Goderich 18-Goderich at Seaforth.. 20-Seaforth, at Exeter 22-Goderich at Clinton 25 -Exeter at Seaforth • at'lloderich. MIDGET SERIES • - .Tan. 6-Goderieh nt Exeter 8 -Exeter at Clinton"' • 13 -7 -Clinton at. Exeter' ,15---Goderieh .set Clinton 16 -Exeter at Goderich • 18 -Clinton at Exeter,s (afternoon game') • 20--Goderich "at Exeter 21 -Exeter at Goderkb • 22-Godric1i at Clinton 23--C1inton itt Goderich 29 -Exeter tit ' Clinton 341---C11nton at Goderich THE WEATIrign , )30ARD Temperatures of Owe lentst .two weeks GANIZE.TO OR, in Godericle. with, -those of the eor- Members appointed to the bofisrd of the Goderich high school district will meet at the Collegiate Institute here tomorrow. (Fridae,) night, ef 8 o'clock. With the organization of this board the Goderich Collegiate Institute. Board passes out of existence. - Members appointed to the district board are: .For Ashfield, Wilbur Broven ; for Co114Pne township, Elmer Robertson ; foe West Wawanosh, R. D. Munro; for Mast Wa wanosh.. Alfred Nesbit.; for Hallett township, Arthur Grange ; for Godeeieh township, Gordon Grant; for the town of Goderieh, H. M. Ford; for the Woderich Public School Board, Jos. Snider; for the Goderich SeParate . Scheel Board, W. A. Coulthurst; for the tenuity of Huron, Peter J. Mesraven. PENSIONS • AND ALLOWANCES BOARD The Huron County Old Age Pensions and Mothers' Allowanees Board 'net this (Thursday) afternoon. The six °A ppli eat ions eon s weed were approved for reeommendation -five for 0111 age pension and one for mothers' allow- iince. All members of the board were present, with chairman W. R. Arehi- ba id „presiding. q. responding weeks a peer ago, as of- fbially were as follows: • 1946 1945 Max. Min. Max. Min: Thurs., Pee. '19 ....27 ,15 20 7 Fri., Dec. 20 30 19 21 6 Sat., Dec. 21 33 23 22' 10 Sun., .Dee. 22 ;15 29 20 6 Mon., Dec. 23 38 28 17 3 .Tnes., Dee. 24 35 26 2,1 4 Wed_ Dec. 25 ....28 21 37 23 Thurs., Dec. 26 ..„.30 • lel 33 28 Fri., Dee. 27 26 18 , 29 25 Sat., Dec. 2l 46 20 34 24 Sim., Dee. 29 20 e 13 - 35' 32 Dee, 30 00 11 37 29 TneS., Dee. 31 23 15 29 16 1947 946 Wed., Jan. 1 19 2 15 D'e. • ,At the Deeeireer meeting Public School Board J. A. Snider wtial: appointed to the board' of 'the (Idierich high school district. Other business wn s routine. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Collier and daughter Sandra have returned home after -spending the Christmas season at the home of the formei"s parents, !Mr. end Mrs. It. IL Collier, Palmonton, Alta c a s Cause of 4Accident cittiam- for Soverai 1)46 1,Precarious fot DrIvel7) and Pedestriats . • The weather man has been in thaitZe- . able mood the past week and IkaS give4. Goderich and the diptriet several , varieties of winter- --thio--; wind; cold itnd thaw, followed by icy reade and waif?. There as been no'vjelent storm such a5. ie reperted from other parte, but for Several days there were raw winds, and ice on walks and rem% has made walking and -driving un••„. coinfortable, even dan.gerous. ° Icy conditions en the streets on Sat, •iirday resulted in three painful ao. cidents. Miss BlanChe Watson. wellf known ''.irieniber of tbe Pithlfc tTilstiei CoMmission ofkr0';:ititir, iCkiiatieft ' vve ng , South street near her honae,e,on her' wayon ftrneane stahive oattlacyeemrs. som-97oti a fractureeleff wrist when she fell outside her own door. She is a patient in Alexandra Hospital. In a similar accident, MiSs Mina Mid- dleton, Trafalgar street, broke her wrist in a fall, near her home. • Glare icev covered the sidewalks and roads in town, alt day Saturday. A fail of STK/NV on Sunday did not relieve 4,31.1e, situation muelt butraade driving. perhaps a little more precarious. Cars skidded on the roads, in some easels tdrning, about_ -report-el -it district free from serious accidents. On New Year's Day the %West temperature so ler this winter, two „degrees above zero, was recorded. \ \ • LEGIONEmNTERTAINS, • AT NEW YEAR I'ARTY merry New Year party at which everyone had- a jolly time was.. held by Goderich Branch 109 'of the Can- adian Legion in the Legion -Hall on Monday night. Carruthers' orchestra of Winglaim supplied t13.t music for old and .new -time dancing, which wan led off with the grand march, •Veterans of town -and. district were guests; and jt wae a ..happy get-together for those in attendance. Fourteen tables -of cards 'were' played. The high honors at .euehee Were won by Mrs, •Robert McAllister Alla. Mr. Victor Green; - and at "five hundred" by • Mrs. Reg. Needham ahd Mr. Clarence Macipon.ald. Paper hats and horns distributed'at 'midnight contributed to. the fun and dainty -refreshthents• were -served.. . PURITY FLOUR DECLARES SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND TORONTO, Dec. .28. -The current declaration of an initial 25 -cent semi - anneal dividend on the common stoek of Purity Flour Mills. Ltd., payable March 1, - 1947, to shareholders of record Febrnaey 7, places the stock osn a regular 50 -cent per atter= dividend basis. In the fiscal year ended July 31, 1946, net income wee 313,507, or $1.09 per share common (including the refundable portion of taxes of $26,000, or 14 cents per share)--; and -average' .net earnings...ever thepat three years -have been -$273.384, or 84eeents per share (including, an average iffundable„por- tion of $39,300, or .38 cents per Shake) after the regular' preferred ,dividends. Since the issuance af, the $40 - par preferred stock in.1944, the eiTmpany has through purchase in the open market, reduced the number outstanding' from the .original_ 48-,000 shares to 42,590 shares. This has resulted in a g'radnal...', reduction in preferred :dividend re- quirements. and in the eurrent year, • even should the company fail to re-' deem any additional shares, thediffer- ewe will amount to $13,750. -* FIRST SIGN OF SPRING Despite the faet•that snow kept drifting down from dull skieS today and it. was eeident that winter is here t� stay for some' time, a bit of spring arrived at. the Goderich postottive. In 404 11 whole stack of spring. On each of- theeieticles in the stack 'was a brilliant- ly cOlored picture of it luscione water- melon. Inside was a. tempting•array of pictures of flowers and vegetables of all kinds. Yes, it was the first ship: ment ,,6r seed- calitlognes for residelatp- of Gofferich to delight in, in ease they're not interested in looking one at tte wintry weather. AT THE 'HARBOR The tug W. E. Menerary began to- day to break the 100 in the harbor to enable the shifting of vessels of the winter fleet to poeitions for unloading. The ice is aboet six itches thick. The ice boom placed across the en- trance • t'ei hgrbol' is doing a good job in keeping the heavy slush ice tut; side from entering. Heavy lee has formed. for half -needle along the lake shore. NO 1947 BABY VET , First New Year's baby in Goderie cannot be annonneed at time of going to press, for the eimple reason that Alexandra Hospital reports: no birth in 1947 as yet. The honor of being the last baby to be horn in Goderieh in 194(1 goes to the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mugford, Goderieln whose birth took place at 110 a.m. on Tuesday, Deeember al. ATTENDNIECE'S MARRIAGE Mr. Donald MaeLean of town is Visit- ing in Chicago, and on Sattirday at- tended the marriage of his nieect, Mice Mary Catherine MaeLean, to Mr. Eileen Peek. The bride, a daughter of Mitt, John MacLean and the late Mr. Mao - Is well known hi this eommunity„ having been a frequent' summer visitor at the MacLean how, itt Aelt&eld. Both ,the bride and groom are gradu- ates of Northwestern rniversity 11* Chieago. The -bride bolds it bachelor of edneation degree and the groom, who is on the sfat'e of Nortimentern, it ti doetor - - Luc/now Sentinel. -