The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-11-28, Page 4•
a� Yi'►4
T m1►n over thiswG95itEold! from the church CDai Eire Sabbath. iDaj3•fe
9;141I1I41g t ren aote5• auade on any wad-. Geordie, the delinquent, e4pitulate t
la1g/ 1 at>Luelz a sheet headed `pVrorm St. slowly,. "I'll grant y , I've no been
> uut ibert°t3,'" by R. I:. noai'les, '!Chis ordinar regular; but I have a good
1(74terp the p>;'ess tells us, passed away excuse. I haentt been tlwer weel. AIa
Ilaat weans at his home in Galt. ] 1e knees beef sair. To tell ye the truth,
w>�tt za• minister° of the United Churcha minister, half the time. 'twas a', I
but better !mown as a great journalist could alae to get down to curl."
Titj a Asir for getting and describing Did Knowles, of high principle. speak
taterviews with outstanding people for himself as a boy and man when he
.which he put into brilliant columns an gave answer to the question, in the
Thad Toronto_ pail" .Star. For years story, to a boy, one of the characters:
Ile gave great service to the reading "WliaT line to you propose to follow?"'
Presbytery•"Ill;a line that's straight, and ony
'public on •this Bale. At � �
gat"beJJngs it wits a pleasure to matte work that avilna soil the soul, even
eontaeta with him, the old veteran gin it -may soil the. Bands."
", of. .the pulpit akid pattorate• and of Knowles must also :have"had perfect
wholesome journalism. He Could make sympathy with the �,nlinister of that
conversation . and talk at a plibliq volume when he put into his mouth
dinner table memorable. He had a this saying: "I loved a quiet game. of
'brilliant wit and a fine gift of humor. billiards. I had some pious people
�e himself may have been the clergy- against this.. I am inclined to think
gran he describes in "St. Cuthbert's," they objected- not so notch because
who said to an absentee from the con- they thought the game was wrong; as -
gregation on fazttking a call at his home; ' becatlSO they feared I was enpoying it."
"I have misted you nearly all winter, It was a sly dig at a sanctimonious
uncheerfulness respecting earthly:
I titinvI hitlt,gs s which might win the minister's].
Fairbanks -Morse
' 1 ammer mills
'Train Grinders
til l: urning Heaters
Fleury Litssell
,'rain, Grinders
Plows ,and Disc Harrows
John 1 eere
Tractor Stiff
Tooth 'Cultivators
Diamond Harrows
Cement Mixers aria. Pump
Pumps, Windmills, ,etc.
theret t t„ d a 1 ut l.roest. ill
iAE oldest and newest modes of
transportation are represented
here with the arrival at the Edmon-
ton airport of the Whitehorse,
Yukon - \%Jinntpt
' �,' dog team and
• drivers.
I'l.c'Y.33- Wile do,; team icip from
Whitehorse' to Edin:• • -, . equired
45 days .travelling tiaa and it is
eicpected . the remainder of the
overland trip to Wiranip»g will take
about five ,.veeks. As a sharp con-
trast to l:lam prt,•i,td�'e Ino2e o
travel, th last 1- of thi:,',ou n.y
is 'now covered by passenger-piaues
in five. hours. Standing from. left
to right . beneath the wing of a
Trans -Canada Air Lines Lockheed
plane are: C. (Chucks ,Caddy,
driver; Fred Webber, driver; Mike
Czech, supply driver; Basil Raines;
Paul Belanger, manager and driver.
t"1 istlnas is(Inning along fast, „and �. $tail th sugges'ion was taken. It ��jj
w•il • be ile lt1 lg- 1' '1,'I -o -pro- was line . to intoe a minute or two for 0
. U
grams of school oiltt'I'tialllIll(rnts, and t'eraxaoll of muscles, a recess against
, ° r
church festivities' that make enjoyment sheer tvti1riiless of sitting. The latter i G de te'h ,T i`'nslup
a 'fi'Cv nights before Christmas, when ! half of the prograu1 will go off ,911 the '
>enjoy better at the Christmas entertainment (Continued from page 3)
the andielt9,i , do e n'uy the . numbers
given by the children, and the dia-' if this is thought of and acted upon. Speaking of - ruiids, Itec'1'e Ginn said
> i I It reminds me of a story that Walter he had a corttractot• ready to do work
ln;;ilt•s. and :111, that goes to make , uu 1•'uraeh's hill lust year, but he
happy program., At :i recent social' H. Page, the great aulba•ssador of the
g; 1 1<. ,., an' Mutes to England in the first failed ti, tunic, Now the - County was
gathering in a school -house w•her an y b 10 do the work*
entertainment was being given, the i \\ orld \\•ar, tells, of how he went to
,gauzes R. Stirling ,.
audience would have sat for two hours' a great service in S1t. Pauls to cum- ,
James I{. Stirling said since
and a hralf on hard uncomfortable seats nleluorate the entry of the United liners' cars' were not as good thatasince
if the chairipan had nit asked in the States into the war along with Britain, fat1 to be it was important t to keep
middle of that time for the people to inking with him a group of youthful uthe roads lu good shape. ITe pointed
get up alai stretch themselves. "Rise Americans. After the service they be
sauz- tIn t
>> >! took themselves to a ret t ,ut that he had served twenty-six years
, to your feet. and have a rest. How for Goderich township ---"longer than
an interval of conversation one boa• Anyone else in the township." Stating
remarked to Page: : "\Ir. Ambassador,:
thele was just -sone thing. the matter it cost. about $4,000 to keep the roads
'Y vv�iSh service." "What Was that?„ cleared of snow last winter in the
The thathy said he wanted to yelt,and , township, he added that since farmers
couldn't. '.'Then why (hurt you yell, almost
newttsnnecea airy y on ca •
rs now
now?" :The boy. jumped on a chair I
, Condeihni the building of a new
ambassador says we may y ell, he ; tell .
You worry about your present
or future security,
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sentative, R.R. 4, Goderich.
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and began waving his napkin. The i court house, Mr. Stirling •sand, "This
1f not be shoved on us when ,,
cried. "Let's yell!" "And • so," says., it takes 'away material we need for
Page, "they :yelled for five minutes
other building. I .think .it is next to
and I,, yelled with them. We all felt; a crime. ye have a good court house
better in consequence. Feeling, better ; now:, , ,
in consequence may be the result of i He emphasized the' need of keeping
,taking up another- -position When. we good shape for the be
haver "sot" too .lon'� � roads in � benefit of
Jong. ; the tourists, mentioning specifically the
' -- I Bayfield to Clinton road; • -
• There • are two of three things, that,! ..•I'he Township's cost of warble fly
have beeh told me about friends and! eollticrl wa»s 929," he said.
neighbors in"'1'he last few months' which � It's a' slliime to build a :new court
I wish had not been confided to me. ,. house "at the present ti,ipe," said Robert
There are some .things that need not Smith..\\'e have iidt as ,high an as-
' ' be told. hearing themmay -create a . . , , ,
t�ametlt in our township as we should
' prej udice,. dr Cause a lack of confidence I}dive," sit id �Ir. Smith. "We have a
t by the hearer in these victims of care- /big tax rate to pay the county. If
less and uncalled-for recital of lapses, -I wye
_-had-a-.114,134-, s ,p en.t-:.v .e ivpuid-
'": troii... h i 1 fa- f and t
"pay less Hires; Ueclittse we wotlId yet"
ars, unfortunate breaks from the a bigger subsidy." -
straight' and• narrow. s "5, Because of labor costs and scarcity
I am -fortifying myself -against any of building - niatefials. ' Mr. Smith
' reaction of becdntiing a slanderer, or a thought it "foolish to build a township,
busybody. in talk, ,or acting the,, part hitt! at the present ti e." •
of a. ghost in some, corner of another's Give
life, •trS,th a. scornful; guilty finger ,point ('let n it second opp tunity to, speak, f
Reeve Ginn defended t building of a I
ing towards a shrinking victim, and new court !louse. ' For one thing, he
clogged vy ith snow.
Frank' leo favored a Township hall.
James A. McMillen said he would not
be running for council. Lorne Jervis
spoke brietiy,
Alvin Mettles praised warble fly con-
trol. He favored a Township 'hall,
saying, "You might *as well build it
now and get the use of it." Ile ' ob-
jected to the haphazard way in which
Jie felt Township roads were plowed
last winter, saying that every rate=
paYlIr -had equal rights to have the
road plowed past his property. . Paint-
ing out ' that it is a swiftly changing
world today, he urged that younger
men with modern ideas should get on
the Township Council.
Bet?t Harris said he was undecided
as to whether he would run.
Warden R. E. Shaddick- was present
tit the meeting and spoke.of the good
work done in the County Council by
Reeve Ginn. • He also said he felt the
i'`1'oivnship equipment Was inadequate to
do a proper job on Forster's Hill and
t)ha� t1°Qm>cl o
tFao wok •
TIa ceTn131 trustees oath 931 liar
One clStern(ton, . two middle -awed
ladies who had atot ticen each other
in many years asset on etas; ,etreet. Joy -
Sully they embracand started a1;sL.ctat
n t rhe sttt,axie Urne..ed « ,
"Oh, Mary," one of them began eZ-
•4eitedly, "so much has happened to me
since I saw you last. I laid my teeth
taken out and an eleetric stove and
refrigerator put In!"
A elan cam really . raise the deuce if
he- has, the jacks.
If Your Nose
dills Up
as Spoils Sleep Tonight.
Surprisingly fast, Vicks Va-tro-not—a
few drops up each nostril—works right
where trouble is to -open up your
nose—relieve stuffy transient conges-
tion that makes it hard to get to sleep.
You'll like the way it brings relief.
(NOTE: Va-tro-nol is also grand for
relieving enifigy, §neezy distress of head
colds.) Follow directions in folder.
Eggs you bring too LAKESIDE PRODUCE are -being pre-
pared for overseas as soon as we receive them. -
rirst,.however,. all eggs must pass government inspection
before shipment. It is the duty of 'LAKESIDE PRO
]®1)CE to.put these eggs up so that they will pass this inspec-
tion. :'-. and to HOLD THIg MARKET, -
Torreceive the top grades of A Large and A Medium, . which
. are . the grades that bring you the highest returns: . may
, we offer the following suggtions.
A grade eggs must be CLEAN, free from spots or stain, and
Keep your eggs in a cool room until they are delivered to
the grading station. .
Reline uber that the more frequently you take your eggs
to the grading station the higher the grades you are
likely to get.
There is a price spread of 11 cents per dozen between grade
A large and B's Get more grade A's by cleaning four eggs
TECTOUGHLY and, collecting them TWICE DAILY.
These suggestions closely followed'will bring you a higher
grade a d CASH RETURNS. " '
Bring your eggs and poultry to
aniliton - St., 4odericli, Next Ryan's Feed Mill
YOID.r Satisfaotion Is O1iir Sucoe u
,saying, 'Thou art the man that • stated, "the present court house would
h - reciting to myself : „ make a good fire if it eyer.gOt started."
"If you see .a tall felloR° sites,, of a- Isere„ Sanely .Stirling spoke up.from
crowd, _ the audience, saying, "They tried to
A leader r)L men marehing fearless and burn it down a couple of years- ago
" proui3t, ` •
a11r1 it wouldn't burn." (Loud laughter.)
And you kno.vd- of a tale whose mere Reeve Ginn said thattbecau e of lack
` telling aloud -
-ould mean, that hiS head must in
anguish be bowed—
because tnhey.f-eared I was enjoying it.
of space In the present court house the
(.,`ou1tty had to pay' rent for '-five• -dif-
ferent offices .outside the county build-
izlg. .
If you know of a skeleton hidden away Again •a heckler fron. thebItudience
In a closet, arid guarded and kept from said there was more than enough, room
the dad in the present building for, every need.
In the dark ; and- whose showing, At this point F.. Finglancl, K.C., made
whose sudden display, - an appeal for support of the 'Christmas
Would cause grief and sorrow and seal campaign, saying that the ob
lifelong dismay— jective fur Goderich township was $150.
It's a! 13retty good plan tb 'farget'it. Nominees for Council,
"We need t .township hall very bad-
-If you know of a thing that :\rill Iv- and when the -proper' -lime comes
darken. the joy 1 we should get one,", slut! Gordon Orr.
pf the man' or a woman, a girl •or a Mr. Orr felt a four mill Iev=y was not
boy, - 1'e-tl_tr-ugh t+> take care-f'Gederich town -
That will :wipe— but -a smile, or the 1 -ship ,needs.
least way- annoy a• I Ben Rath •eIl approved the warble
A -follow; or cause any gladness to t'llY control cel p_ aign and said patience
cloy, • was -needed, set c it could not be ex
It's a pretty good -.plan to forget it." petted that complete success could be
:attained ih a ydar's time. He doubted
My tribute td Harry R. Long is. some- if the Township could - look • after its
whri t .hent ted; . but may he permitted I snowplowing needs .on a four milt 'rate.
and 'be not out of'•place at the foot of He was in favor of having a Township
hall as soon as conditions .allowed it.
W. R. Lobb congratulated Reeve
Ginn 011 his success ih having the
County do work on Forster's Hill.
He praised warble. .fly control and
advocated a higher assessment for tax
purposes. Speaking in-- favor of a
Township hall be said, ."The, young
this column. His sudden passing and
large funeral are still fresh in our
Minds,- After thirty-five years of good
friendship with hien,' doing business 'in.
his office, making many other friendly
contarets and meeting him repeatedly in
church events and services, I, like many
others, who knew his cheery way and
tine integrity, shall miss this Christian,people should be taken care of. They
gentleman when 1 visit Goderich. His did a good job dhring the war' and
kindness to me when I was green to they ' should have' a suitable °tineeting
the country, and_ his encouragement place now." He urged that roads be
to me as a leader in church 11fewere kept In good shape. He- said -a rural
net lost upon me. His of ntion was al- mailman. told him he had instructions -
ways worth consulting and his counsel not to leave- the highway fo deliver
was ,always kind and sound..' lanail this 'winter if -the sideroads''were
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Millrurn's health and Nerve Pills/ Over the past fifty years, thousands
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Ask your druggist for Milburn's Health. and Nerve Pills, identified
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Y4*C-S�ON'SN' says-
t.There's'nothing better than a delicious
cake for those snacks cindl.unches.
-There's nothing harder to provide
without the be'st ingredients. Use—
King Pastry Flour
arrc =mak good tike-! king
e ,
7oaeefter4? ?'4?
PERHAPS he's in love .:. or feeli•
ng' virtuous beeans
he's studying with a classmate over the telephone
.:. Anyhow, he's forgotten that it's' a party line
and someone Inay be waiting -to call out . while
'Several people may have got the busy signal while
trying to call in. He'd be shocked if you called him
selfish, -a bottleneck.
It's easy to forget, but
kindly to remember that
other people " share • your
party line. To'get the best
results, "Do unto others
as you would like them to
' do to you—and do it first."
Keep your calls
Space your calls.
Give right-of-way
to "emergency"
l l i, p II 11'
��� I �I!�I �� \;11 �' �� I V � !