The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-11-14, Page 4011 Realize... .THAT you tan have °Ara co lilt "at) ,.THAT you can save on present tivae requixed. to look aftep your furna0e, THAT you oatpl avoid dust akd dirt co neoted w0b. your fl.trnace, THAT you can stop wasting fuel unnecessarily by install Iron G Fireman Automatic Stoker It's a pleasant thought with I.Vinter coming on and coal not 'easy to get that you can cut down on your fuel bill and, at the Sarde time, enjoy added comfort Wtho a steady, _non.. ,variable heat—and without having to keep running up and down the cellar steps all the time to shovel coal into the furnace. Icn4tal. an IRON FIREMAN STOKER. It works like magic! It will pay. you dividends! • Stokers now in. stock! GODERICH HOME APPLIANCES SHOP Phone 141 West -Street TIL TAYQReCORNER IES ALSQCOXS UL BAZAAR R (JiwlV, Our- Taylor's Cor1Wer Correspond- ent) • ' The bazaar and tea hell on Saturday in the Masonic Temple, Ooderiela,' was was a decided success. The sale was formally opened by Rev. C. Tay°ener at 2.30 pan." and was well patronized, The large, beautiful hall made • °ta slalendid .setting for the Well -laden tables "of fancy -work, farm produd;e, and homebaking, .the fishpond; and the dainty tea tables. They fauey -work table was convened by the president, Mrs. Clarence Sturdy, • assisted 'by Mrs. Reg. Wanly and Mrs. A. Holmes ; the farm produce table by- Mrs. E. Calvert, assisted by Mrs. W. Hicks, Mrs, J. Wilson, Mrs. II. McCabe and Mrs. Roy Wilson; the home -baking table by Mrs. G. C inn, `tas- sisted by Mrs. W. Snyder, Mrs. A. Oke. Mrs: G. Newton and Miss N. Walter. The tea tables were super- vised by Mrs. • C. Tavener with Mrs. L. Rodger as cashier, while the tea assistants were Mrs. K. Holmes, Mrs. 11. Whitely, Mrs. E. Fuller, Mrs. J. Young,' Phyllis Ginn, Kathleen Haluaes, Dorothy. Rodgeo, ' Xudrey Ginn, Helen McDougall,and Maxine Oke.. The fish- pond was, taken care of by Mary Stir ling. assisted by Lorraine Hicks and Vera Wilson, while the kitchen con- veners. Mrs. D. Dodges and Mrs. W, Hnaeke. were assisted by Mrs. 1. Oke, Mrs. II. Sturdy, Mrs. R. Fuller, and Mrs. B. 'Walter. Truth credit is due all the ladies and girls who helped so splendidly, and -to all who contributed so generously. Announcement The Via feasare 'Shop OPENS INFORMALLY SATURDAY,' NOV.- 16th on corner of Britannia Rd. and Victoria St: (opposite Victoria School) A large inexpensive stock of dolls, books,' games; eltristrua's cards. seals, tags, wrapping paper, are l'or your choice along with ark ex: elusive line of gifts for every oceasion. GODERICiiI ' BRING IN YOUR CAR TODAY FOR OUR P MINTER UNENU <, pots AN? SERVICe Aberhart's Garage Nearly $170 was cleared, this sum • to be added_ to the fund for repairing 0 . anarew's St. Goderich IL11141 111' LINCOLN - PHONE 625W. the church. NAL MENTION LOUZON'S FLYERS , ADE GETTING READY Mrs. IIarry idean was a,- recent .guest with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Page' t Windsor. Misses Helen Wilson and Robena Grant visited friends at .Toronto over the week -end. - Mr._ and Mrs. Ewan Ross and Miss Miss ' Helen Graham of Toronto visited her grandfather:' -Mr. Jambs Leimard, over the week -end. Dr. ond Mrs. LeRoy Henry of drinasl- by visited Mr. and Mrs. Percy Smith over theVibbk-end; Mrs. Thos. Walters has returned from Grimsby after visiting nt the tattle -of Pr. and Mrs: Lelley Henry. . Mr. and Mrs. John Smart and daugh- ter. Helen, of -Collingwood, were week - the week -end With their -daughter, Mrs. Win. Rabb, and Mr. Robb, at Stratford._ Mrs. G, Craig was a recent visitor with her sister. S-Irs.' D. Godkin,• at • London and attended the Women's Institute -.banquet ,.M.rs Harry Videan has returned wedding celebration of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr: and Mrs. Jas. T. Vide:in. ()Ten house, v%-aS.held for the °evasion nt 'the home of Mr. and Mrk Geo. Videan, Warwick Drive. results. 'ANN PAGE 1111111 BREAD White or Brown CHECK THESE EVE 'Y AY VALI! ES OVVMD AND OPERATED ,BY, Vuot.... ATLANTIC PACIFIC 4.. GREEN:PEAS STANDARD 2 "-°z. 230 „ Tins WAX BEANS MATO JigCr CHOICE GOLDEN FANCY WHEN AVAIL/03LE USE JUICE BLENDED ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT PALMOLIVE . SUPER SUDS Pkg. 24° QUAKElIOATS LARGE SHORTENING DOMESTIC — 'b. 190 . DISSOLVES GREASE Dirt wipes e,asity away 20 -oz. tio Tins AO • Tin "XIV' • -3 Tins 230 190 JUNKET RENNET TABLETS pkg. 11c 2 foe 25c MAPLE LEAF' CHEESE • COCOA CLARK'S' TOMATO SOUP IRISH STEW 0. 2 Tins Tin 190 310 150 190 Florida- New Crop Large Juicy 250's ORANGES doz., 25c GRAPEFRUIT mNAERWS .? Rs OE P5 091:61Ezss II for 450 GRAPES CAEL.m1FpOERRNolnA No. -1 lb. 170‘ BRUSSELS SPROUTS PRESH GREEN Scot 190 10 lbs. 75 lb. bAq SFUNULI°111BA,INT The Dilaehilaists' Union held, their a Etual banquet in the talon Hall, North street, on Monday, November 4tb., CI It turned out to be n grand suceeSs under the '<4ble leaderphip of Mr. Stephen Helesie, assisted by Mr. IL Squires., The invited guests included 'Mr. Chas. Gibbons, president of the Carpenters' and johiers Local No. 2022, Mr Barry, CarpeWrs' Union, and Mr. F. MeHardy, pigiuRrs' Union. The opening address by Mr. Har- mon, president of the Maehinists' Un- ion, was one of the highligbts of the evening and was enJoyed and appWci- ated by all. Luncheon and refreshments were served and during this course piano soloS and lunSiCal I:Lumbers by Mr. A. Schutz, Mr. B. Bloomfield and Mr. L. Jeffrey were rendered and there were many encores. Cigars and games were next in order and every member present displayed the goedwiil and friendship that are prevalent at th6e delightful Union gatherings. Mr. It. Henry, ACO town photo- grapher, was on hand with his naving picture machine and amazed everyone with the fine pictures he has taken of the many beauty spots in•Goderich, all in teehnicolor. He also bad may- ing pictures he Made of the Labor Day celebration sponsored by the Gode- rich Trades and Labor Council.- The last pictuiv was .at comedy feature which took approximately fifteen min- utes in showing. The Machinists wish to thank Mr. Henry for the fine spirit and co-operation he puts forth for the benefit of all. Afte,r the. picture all presen join in singing tbe °National An • It -fin Flyers• will again up- hold the ,fame of Goderich in Junior hockey in the coming season and the boys ''are already' preparing for the advent- of winter. and ice: Weekly praCtice held at the-. Straford ice a'rena and conditioning, e,xereises_i015,0 another evening each week at:the. gymnasium. Arnold- Doak is again manager of the team and Walt. West- brook is -coach. Prospects for a top- notch team are tixeellent. Eighteen were out for this week's ice practice, and these included five of last year s n .,,Hardy,.. local seeretary of the Inter - that trritardriAftliTie-Bbard handed down a decision on October 29 with the resultant directive granting wage in- creases of 5c per hour to the members of the Engineers' Union Comprising the. power plant personnel of the Goderieh Salt Co. Ltd. The directive also stated 'these increases were to be paid` back tO the llth day • of June; 1946. This grant makes the third _and fourth - • OBITUARY MRS. HELEN LI4IGH Mrs. Helen Leigh, 12th. avenue, Sault Ste, Marie, Mich., died on October 28th at the home of her son, William L. Leigh, in the same city. Mrs. Leigh., the former Helen Hawkins, was born at Port Albert on March 7th, 1871, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Hawkins. In lop, she was married at flungannon 'to the late Thomas .2k. Leig4. She vias a member of the Episcopal Church. `Surviving are three sons., James II., William L. and .Robert II. Leigh, all of the Sa.ult, and :live grandchildren. Auriai took place at the Sault on October 30tla after a service in St. James' Episcopal 111 A.SIIFJELD7 Nov. 13.—Miss Bertha Macdonald of Toronto spent the week- end with her mother, Mrs. R. D. Mac- donald. Misses Anna and Charlotte Mac- kenzie of 'Yoronta were -home -for 'the week -end. -Mrs. K. Fattish and Miss IVIuriel Parrish visited In Detroit -over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay of Bright's Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John MacKay. Mr. Alex. liowes-Rp with his' son, Mr.. Gilbert Howes, a Miss Isabel Macdonald ef St, Thomas was dlome for the holiday, • Miss Anne MacMurchy left on Mon - No Mystery Long ago the more progressive members of our profession adopted the Policy of marking prices in plain figures showing the complete cost. This took the mystery out of the funeral_ director's display room, and—made it easy for people to select something suit- able in every way. ORDfiR OF 'THE GOLDEN RULE class en ineers' Wages at the Goderich Salt Ct , the highest in Goderielf at the present time. When you look through a dirty glass the world Woks dirty. The same thing happens when you look at the world 1 through a_ dirty mind. Feel Stuffed and Upset After Enfiling a Meal?. If ylon suffer from dyspepsia, sour stomach, biliousnesS,, hwiditehea; minor liver or kidney com- • plaints—use Burdock Blood. Bitters, - This' is a popular preparation that will help tone up the stomach, kidney and liver, aid digestion and bring quick relief from incligestion and constipation. Safe effective and dependable; B.,B.B. -contains no harndul ing”edi- entig. nor 'habitefornAng drugs. ' You'll be agreeably surprised how quickly B.B.B. aids digestion, • ussironation,, eliMination, and how Much better yon feel. .A.sk for it by nanie--"-Thirdock Blood Bitters—on sale ,at drug eountors ' . The T. Milburn Co., Limitell, Toronto. Ont. " OPHEYnoalice(dice. FLOYD M. LODGE , DIRECTOR 13 MONTREAL ST. PHONE,' 20 If y.ou, long to make that "'melt- ip -your tme describes, use -- King Pastry Flour Light is Cheap— but YOM CAN'T BUY kik brings yogi "ON -THE -SPOT" reporting from the capitals of the world through e.xclusive NEW YORK TIMES FOREIGN NEWS SERVICE Piero.), of good light can do much to protect eyes. Good light means lots of light, dif. avoid glare. You fused so as to/ can't be too care. especially young, By,cable, telephone, short wave radio, 54 foreign correspondents of the famous New York Times , staff bring ace world's news 10 you every morning in The Globe and Mail. And this extra t overage of. world news is only one of the extras you' enjoy. the world and local news, fearless editorials, complete financial and farm news, three full pages of sports, . three women's pages of fashions, food recipes and other housOold _pews, . plus a score of features to please everyone in the family. .01 IA* Malin FOR MOORE 3011R NEVISPhPfl