The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-09-26, Page 4F MUMS Are Here Again! 4eptember to February eeause tIte are i line with the ti, es you can depend on' an ° excellent grade pf Mums for months to come. HFA GOI)EPYCFT SIGNAL -STAR idgets Mike ood LAWN BOWLING Mrs. Rose Found ' 1Licl° l , f 'I LIi i� a, 1514 in the Last Innings, Twenty -Oa pairs tooTs part In an WEST WAW4NO U. TOWN WWP $rIIOOL BOAR Not Guil Tip regular meeting of the Board of Mirainate aollingwoed with open doubles tournament :a the Owl- • (Continued from page 1), Trustees.of the 'West Wavranosh town - a ing greens on WedneAlay evening, in - eluding teams from W1110;1'11, '1' 'Linton, dead." When be Inquired what had ship sehool area Was held on Septem- Tot, NN...1bners happened,' she said that the baby had ber :3 -rd. The minutes of laSt meeting , . rolled oit the table. were read and adopted. on motion of , Webb and Sproul. The local Midgets were well sup- .. water, Guderich; 2nd, V. McCoy and Under eTuss-examinatiolt. by defence The Board decided to supply texts ported ilt Southampton by Goderieh 1. Miner, :Lucknow ; 3rd, R.....c hristie i.!ounsel,• Dr, Wallace said that in his books for the' junior grades up. to and fans in their third zind,d('Tiding game and J. MeDonald, .Sytifosth ; 4th„ W. , °Pillions if the Infant had been choked includings.grade A. . Thy was done on , • Miller and -A. "Wilson, Wingham; tith,l'bY external pressure, there would 'be tinition of Forster and. Spruill. The discoloration of the skin. . chairman and - treasurer, on motion of- . "What would 'you think ' could, Forster and Sproul, ,were authorized strangle the baby?" • .. • - . - to borrow funds .for current expendis .."11' was not in a position to tell." ture, On Motion. of Forster and Spronl "Would it be -..possible to Strangle the treasurer was- iustructed Au issue without leaving ,inarks.?" , a cheque for $.52;i to the' contractor, "In nly opinion, 1 think °not." • ' paynlent in full for painting class - "When 3'011 saw Airs. uose before rooms. . • '.. • the babY .. was born, was her attitUde The weethig wa§ adjourned to monaural at her age?" October 1st, at 8 p.m. • "No; many are unhappy." DURNI.1",; PHILLIPS, Secretary. Dr. Wallace said. he did not think a — . ()MANG PRICES OF APPLES - Ceiling 'prices of apples grown in Ontario" and 'Quebec and delivered in the Western Ontario district will be Jacksons 411 I time Florists The A hetraded. Member Of F.T.D. Flowers wired or cabled anywhere (Germany ant, JaOan excepted) 49 BRUCE ST:,GODERICH PHONE -105 Goderich won the toss and eleeted .Lik:uull.azelgrove and 11. CraWford, 'Wing- ' to .be Jhe "home -tevan," 7Colliligwo-001 In the local Play on Friday night going bat tirst. Thon.. Warren was Archie tom,-usend anLI Walter New - on the hill for Goderieh with Doak. combe took 'first prize; Earl Allison behind the plate. The Lips drew first and Geo. Baechler second, blood in the second innings, When Monday night's game was rained they loaded the ,bases with none out out, lopealaws ' but could tally -.only ode run, 'Doak scoring on Price's grounder to deep on Friday night. ' TAYLOR'S CORNER ! contests and readings. suitable to the short. Fulford sent Crosble deep into - Vonering the ndes-te-be.=--.A. , centre field for. the third out: They JoYable afternoon was spent recently' era! of the ladies staged an amusing athh d smother in the third when Mac- couple of ordinary 'shoulder shakes to three lifts. but four costly errors; at . the home , of • 'Mrs, Reg. Sturdy. ', mock wedding. The guests of lionor accounted for the runs scored. against F,wati got on base on an error and ' would cause a baby',s death. After when the •htdieS of the 'community filet Were later presented with ..beautiful Harold 1,Varren drove a long triple to hiii„ The Gsserich Inas prms,d thorn.; the' baby's. birth, he 'said Mrs. Rose to honor tWO popular brides -elect. Miss walnut ;----soffee tables. . Lunch., was ' centre field. Warren . scored a play . ,i • ,. Relda Sturdy and Nliss Dorothy Ginn, ; served by the hostess tind her aSs1st- later on a pellet,' "squeeze pltty" When : from behind t,„ \‘'.(C, -their • . two ftitigued. He said it could be ,quite• rive centS a bushel lower this year than A" short 'program consisting of' music, i ants. Commandm6nt! "kemember the Sabbatli Day, to keep it Holy. Six days shalt thou labour and do all thy work: but the seveilth day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God .... Go to Church ! ENCOURACr,E OTHERS TO GO TAKE YOUR FAMILY WITH YOU. unday— Doak laid down a perfect hunt between • games in t he dila' iimiugs.. mid haves possible for a sixteen -day-old baby to id 1p4.5. Prices for peck -.lots drop the mound and third' base, but after won themsek es 'a host of supporters smother itself.. r approximately one cent as compared crossing tile-. plate 'Warren .suddenly , h‘. ,,,, (bang Mr. Justice Crquhart---Tliebaby was with last year's ceilings. thought tile ' ball 'had been• caught and ' - out of th.ts sixieilli gaine. played this on her back and the Clothes vvre. up Ceiling prices for group 1 appleA, returned to Third base beforts-thes ball '- season the Midgets ha‘e lost only one. ... to her- neck 'and, the hands -under the :Which'. inelude crimson Gravenstein., had been put in play itgAin, and the ii„s st.„.i.,. ' covers. If the baby had sMothered delicious, snows, golden russets, law - unwire ruled the run would not cowl 1 .(7.0 1,1,1:NGWool) A.B. it. ii, itself, how could it do so, in . that ,, fain,. Newton, Sandow, stayman, -wine- . and Warren stayed on third. 's , stare, 21) 5 0 0 position? When you observed the baby ! sap. the McIntosh family and northern toil two errors and Hill's double. Gode- Barret 12 c .. i 0 0 smothered?" t"No, 'yen could not tell wholesalers— No. 1, packed $2.40, loose 4 0 0 first,- did it look as if it had 'been ' sPY, are as follows: Producer cost to i rich wout into the lead in the sixth s.,,..s,„0. „ 3 1 0 , until oti, touched it." , $2.25: P combinations, packed $2.25; when Doak singled. scampered to third i.s,‘,,.,.us p 4 1 1 'rile jury retired while counsel dis- loose $2.10; domeStic, 'packed „$-').10, ' 011 Donnelly's single, and scored when lips ii, 4. 0 1 . cussed \vial the judg.e the admissibi).- loose $1.95; retailers' cost No. 1 packed , Fawcett batked. Collingwood took The ' (sr,,,hs.. ,.f 4 1 . 1 " ity of a signed :,-,:tatement of the ac- ' $2.74, looSe $2.57; combination, Packed lead in -the first of the se \squill on :two Fryer, rf 3 1 0 ' cused given to Provinvial Constable $2.57, _loose $2.40; domestiv-packed Crosbie. „ i4.) g 00 Itzti,:oldi Gia,itil. and after argunient- -the ' $2.40. loose $2.23. • Cost to . the con - judge ruled that the statement should sumer—No. 1 packed $3.39, loose $3.17; From then until the last' of 'the ninth „ there was no scoring. In the ninth Totals 35 4' 3 Dr. W. F. Gallow.- coroner, said be domestic -packed $2.90, -loose $2.75. • Helland batted. for,MePhail and struck ;-. GoDER1CH - A.B. R. H. was called to the Rose apartment be - ton. Price WitS hit by a...pitched ball Fulton!. 1 1) ' ,,5 1 , 2 tween 5 and 0 o'clock on May 25th. DISCROLINATING LOVE . Heron then repha•ed Fa Weett on the • Needham,' If 3 1 0 Ile saw the body of the child lying in •-Saunders,, though a bathelor, -pro- ! and quickly •stole second and then third..1 macs:wan,. is 1 .0 0 the crib on its back. There were no fessed to be ' very 'fund of children. greeted with a sharp single over sec- D. Warren, p 4 0 0 5 0 2 • external marks- Of violence and there Nevertheleis, when the youngster next to be any violent, canse door stepped on his new pavement be• . mound for C, llingwood and Wtis • II. Warren, 31) ond by Fulton! to soore Price with the , Doak, c 3 2 - 1 .:.1')fiddielit:ttlippear (f)(i)gren Juiltt. was dry, he became very in - tieing' 1.1111, Fulford stole second and Beac(im, rf 4 0 1. Death Due to Asphlxiation . . Dr. John II. Fisher, London path- , Ilis sister rebuked hhn. "I thought oLogist, who conducted the autopsy, you loved children," she said.- , an inside pitch Ificked him on thei!frolland 7 1 0 0 :Th.tted as the result of his examination "I do in the abstract," he replied, -;.pnlied.,--sa„st......dOuble.. steal. and • with ' •• . -• 7 9 death was due lo r the- concrete." --- 1 Pafford WM] the winning•run. . . I .,. ' . eutor Holmes, taut Dr. Fisher was 'Had it rolled oft the table, there- wiauld •' Don Warren lintitOd the northerners l'ollingwood .000 2(10 200----4R. , , _ 1-:,• .I:. : asked if asphyxia could be caused by . be a mark. There was no, evidenee Goderich smothering _with • smite sbft majerial.- that the mother was oriefstricken. 011 001 (H12---5 7 4- The witness answered - that .it could' MN. Morier and Mrs, Macls )onald-gave Southampton. - be very easily_ if pressed over a baby's evidence that they did everything they r Interior , • MacDONALD—MacDONALD . and it was ,Very 7improbilble it would . Defence Counsel F. R. Darrow' sub- , the shoulders would not leave Decorating , ..,...d. Huron ..,...ship. was the "I see no explanation for death by ing nrs. Rose with the ' death of the , . mittiq that the only evidence connect- . scene of a ilretty .wedding -when their natural cause,:. My opinion, is that ohild .was that she was the only person AND .,.,idesl. daughter, i)onalan ...-knabene,' death was dile. to asphyiiation." present. The MOUNT given- MIS that StUCCO ' Wott ,-,is unit. in marriage to James ' ,At :the ufterpotaysession the admis- she (lid not w•ant the child. It had .Floyds'MaeDonald, oldest - son 101 Mr; sion of an nral statement by the ac- been explained that she was, nervous , and Mrs. AleK. ,MacDonald ofs Ashtield. lettsed, to I./r._ Gal -low was reffised. ' about it and felt that people would Rev..E. Ls Beech performed the cere- ; -Chief A. st''. Ross, _Goderich, testified laugh at her because she was starting, molly. Given' in marriage by . her.' that he called at the home. Of Mrs. Sa tandiy. at forty -.three ;years of age. L. MURRAY': father, the hri'de looked lovely in -a •Rose after the ,death 'of the 'child.* CNtild mother love be so submerged ths)r-fength gown s'')f silk jersey. She' He identified • a pink binder. fully that she could ,kill,,the baby? he asked. ' Phone 1182 Goderich- wore 0 linger -tip "veil and earried a . stretched out. tasken from a`' drawer in ,Eteryonts does not make an exhibition 39x bouquet of 'gladioli afrd- maidenhair the Rose apartment. • of teethe*. THIS APPEAL IS 3.1ADE foL' The "Go to Church" Committee YOU can stop moth ilamage your 110111e. As autorized Berton Service Dealers' we give you a 10.. year guarantee. If .Berlott fails pay the bill.° Why not let us 1110thproof, yo„ur blankets. carpetS. rugs. garintsnts, upholstered furniture and furs? Berlim Alothprooling is colorless cost is small. A lila 11'S suit . woutan's dress or, emit can be ' mothproofed for only .10 cents a year. Any material toothproefed with Berlott retains its original mothproofing proterits spit for 10 yoars or we 'pay the bill. - Goderich French Dry Cleaners (if H. LOWERY Wesi St. Phone 122 /I ,„„, :gE, ii MOTHPROOFING ALL-STAR GAME ON SATURDAY A baseball game will be played at Agricultural Park on Saturday after- noon between two All-Star teams in which every player on this year's Javenile and Midget teams will take part. handsome trophy is being put up for this gaTe by the Lions Club. The s•mas is Jaded' for 3.30 iiiIMMMIONsar - EMERSON'S DRUG ICORE Free estimates given. Give us a call. today. 1 tern. /ler only ornament Was a doable ' Gordon MaeD011:thl ,41'lted she strini4 c).f pearls, tlas.-gift of ,the groom. 'had rented part of her house to- .11 • NNas attended hy her sister, Iso- • and Mrs. Rose in June. 1 945. At that- •bolie, who" Wore 0 gown of blue crepe time Mrs. .Vose's - demeanor- and ats and,- carried a similar 14)11(111'6i'; titude were all right. The aceused, lacl)(91.:11(1. brothel' nfiflie groom. Was the 'Witness said. seented to feel, she hest man. Little Collins :11:haTonald, was' too old to .have a family. .Shis unsee ot' the _bride,: aetetl, as- flower bads. heard- _argument in the, •Itose girl in a -floor-length goWil Of •-blue apartment. ..itet , trimmed - with- pink, She carried . Airs. Alary -:\lorier. a msighbor. stated'. hotopit'o of pink sweet peas. 4'11(s that Att.s. Itoso and her husband got. marriage took plave outdoors beneath along \well: that the • acclised (lid not a -cedar bough arch. which was benuti- cvant have a. -baby, for the reason decorated with :1-12d• white 'given 0) _Mrs. MacDonald. Pash .1.11111,IC mts played by .Nliss Jean Attie- interest in- the baby. Donald. After a 'dinner whiely was'. ()Cher 'witnesses were 11 liss served to about•thirty Ts -tests the 'happy Iteg.N., vlio attended Mrs. ECIAI: OFFER!, (..suple left on a trill mu•thern points,' Rose in the la)spitill.. Gordon Mac; on their sreturns--44aey \\All reside on :Donald and sis son, -Douglas. the farm' of the gromn at Lochalsh. A 'quiet double wedding took place because of lack"' of any 'evidence• to on Saturday, September 21st. 'at .i'tak- --eonnect the accused With 'the death - dale. ' United church. Rev. I of the -child. This wns efitsed. and • W.- G. Wylie, former pastor of Ben- . Mr. Darrow, who did not cross -examine - miller el:tit-eh, officiating. when Phyjlis , any of this afternoon witnesses, an - Isobel. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mel- nonneed that no witnesses would be von Jewell. 'was united in marriage to called for the defence. Elmer B. Fisher. son of :1 Ir. and Mrs. In his; summing up, Crown Prose - Arthur Fisher. both of Bentniller. In entor Holtues• pointed out that 'accor(P. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur with' the child when' it died f_that it 'Fisher. became the beide sif. Jamesshad• died -three or four hours before Franklin., sou (of Mr. .add Airs. 'Peter Dr. Wallace arrived. Mrs. Rose was, Youngs Goderich township.. The brides the. only person with the halts.% She were similarly gowned in street -length disliked becoming a mother. took no dresses. the former In rose crepe with pride in •the child. and showed no inter black acetsssories mid_ the latter.. in' est in it. There was. •no evidence to' aqua erepe with brown accessories, shows.that she , was of. unduly ,sub - Both wore corsages of white roses normal Intelligence. There wits no 111 their return from thislumeymoon,' light shown as to Whether the .ehild ° Mr. and Mrs. Fisher will reside on the. was 'properly fed. When 'Mrs-. Mac - 'groom's farin near Bentniller. and Mr. Donald__ went to the Rose' apartment% o 1111 01); the groom's faint the accusedswits smoking a cigarette. in Godt.rich township. • According to Dr. Fisher' it Was' Possible Pre-nuptiarEvents • that 41 child could .1a, smothered by Priol• to her marriage Miss Jewell plaFing a Soft cloth over the mouth was the rtscipient of a pyrex shower and nose. - The child was on its back. st-t Miss Grace Hunter's cottage. •The • staff of nurses at Alexandra Hospital presented thesbrideffebe with a silver • Sray in the grape deskgn. Mrs.' Ralph Jewell was hostess tut , 0 pre -nuptial party -at her home in - honor of Mks Phyllis Jewell. About ,thirtY-tive' guests were present and the evening was spent in•making a bride's book, honored guest witS The reeipient of ;It nseful gifts,. 1 No Witnesses for Defeence With the" evideicee . for the Crown* ciewluded. Insfence Counsel Darrow -TIME TAEI..,E CHANGES EFFECTIVE' - Sunday, Sept. 20_1946 11,nd other s'pecitic dates. Full. inforMation froita Agents. - -CANADIAN NATIONAL CLEOISING CREAMS REGULARLY $2.50 OGULAR $4,50 SIZE NOW $2.75 FOR is, LIMI1ED TIME ONLY • 04, - CHOICE GOLDEN BANTAM CORN 130 Tins 1 -- gi• STANDARD 2 2Toz.. 230 (far, $2.76 ,,, rtiAb i BEANS \,; i TOM..JUICE FAN" 2,2-%:.• 1..6 Lag $2.28 Tins OVAL*INE I • TOMATO SOUP - CAMPBELL'S 3 10-07... 0114 a VEG. SOUP 2-;`,),;:z. 210 ofc,a,r $5i040 T:soz.s.u:3c .16 oz. 9 14) il4 CLEANER SwiW5 2' for 250 i A 74004/ 'i . _, G Es CALIFORNIA o ' ide Milk Bread ° SEEDLESS 100's II fora!, 7- 1 CAULIFLOWER 7:H7r: jt-si".:RiGE IP 2 ft; 190 , 2 2'4 oz. loaves 15C / I SPINACH GREEN No. 1 . 0 . 2 lb.. 13o NOODLES LANCIA 12 -oz. -0 (NATIVE, FRESH 1 POTATOES CAZA.trilttA . . . 7:: $1.49 OLD DUTCH ck"aer 2pf?r 190 g iCARRO'il GROWN Np. 1 P . i ONIONS "o:;,,'0)}1g.-,:fw. : ' . . 2 140 ! CELERY STALKS Pvi,'Z'rtNA:.uf - 2 f, 190 zi & p BoKrin i COfFEE IlL 35 4.4 TEESWATER FAIR and 2fid Grandstand AccOmmodation Doubled :...$5001) in Prizes Special C,P.R. intim from Toronto Ash your agent for. particularS Outstanding Livestock Sensational 'Racing Special attraction's that are '1 different NW Two Bands — Acrobats — Rides Roman Chariot Rave. "Npwliqre (.311. 3'oll See. So 1111101 for so' little." ‘Vrite or phone for prize list. "Pres. Secretary -Manager Ol'ATNED AND OPERATED BY Traver The Economy Way GREYHOUND among them a pre;ssitre cooker. Mrs. Melvon Jewell entertained ttt her home on 1.1"ethlesday. SePteinber lsth. at -0 trintsseati tea in honor of her (Itotghter. The bride's aunt. Mrss poured _tea .in the afternoon ansl in the everting the tea table was presided the s(srving of the lunch and the show - • 34:1( -Donald, Fliswellyn. I,'Ioretice Jewell, 1.orrine Fisher, Dorothy Moore, ,Mesdantes Rex. Duck- '' worth. .krt. Itichard Park, iniftbar, entirtlaild Kerr.. Ralph Kenneth HoltneA and Franklin NM - (.hell. also Mrs. Scott lif Toronto and Mrs. Robt. Phillips' of Auburn. . Miss Lorrine Fisher was the re- eipient of a prenuptial pyrex shower "number of friends in honor of' bor (Infighter. Mks • Phyll Is Jewell, Mrs, Ifolnies. showed. the' bride's trousseau LOW FARES FRO FOR EYE PROIECII0t4 tind gifts. Sarnia Chatham Windsor 'Port Lambton Forest Hank's Place. GODERICH SINGLE RETURN 'S.,... .:3......7§4506. ._ . -,......,$ ...8:".57.1055 1.30 2.35 to Ciovernment Tax Goderich Depot— . Mil/1M EXCHANGE HOTEL. 'PHONE 691, Thrifty people read the elaOsitled ado of The Signal -Star. It pay). tort THE HYDRO „At YOOF: offICE GREYH U 16" •