The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-09-26, Page 1e.) a NI1UTT-1\1149.T YEAR. ,MRS. ROSE FOUND NOT GUILTY OF MURDERING HER CHILD Sixteen -day-old Infant Found Dead in Her Crib ' .on May 20-va. Mrs. Ella Martha Rose was acquitted of a charge of Murder by a Stlpreme Court jury on Tuesday evening after a trial which occupied a day toed a,half FEDERATION AWARD TO WINGHAM H.S. STUDENT Q e, The Huron County.' Federation of Agriculture scholarship to a worthy student euteriug the firat year of the degree courseat the Ontario .Agricul- tural College has peen awarded, this at the Court House here. year, to,Ross S. Procter, It.R. NQ. 5, •' Mr.. JuStiee Urquhart addressed the Brussels.. .jury for lifty-flye ini»utes, (luring 140J1. oligihlo applicantreceived Which time., he revieited the evident.* earnest consideratiee by the committee, which had been .given aud inetrueted and the "award to Ross Procter was the jurors in the law regarding the unenituoue. It was felt that he had caee. the qualities to make „him a leader The jury retired at 5.55 and rePated in his county and community. , His at ti• o'clock that they had not sufe school record is excellent. Ile took an 'ficient evidence for conviction, and the active 'part in athletics, and in 1943- foremau stated that, they could„ not 1946 was secretary, of the beys' athletic agree. The judge advised that if there society of „Winghain Iligh School, of was net eu.ough. -evidence to _convict, which. he is a gradnate. He also teek or if there was any reasonable doubt, an active part in the Literary Society, the verdict should be not guil.ty. • being president of that Society in 1945 - •Mrs. Rose misinterpreted what the• 1946. His work in the glee club also foreman had said. and nearly collepsed, was outstanding. For four • yedrs in but was reassured by 'Mrs. J. B. •Lsuccession, HOSS WilF1 active on farm Reynolds, matron of the jail, who re - leave, as his, elder brother enlisted, mained by her throughout the trial. add he ewas required -on the ferrite He The jury retired again at. 8.15 and has slitftvn a keen interest and taken returned at 8.40 with the verdict of an active part in all community and "not guilty.' Several spectators ap- church affairs • . 14-auded by clapping of hands and were Roes is the nineteen -year-old son of . quickly silenced by, Court Crier George, Alr. Stewart Procter, whoee interest James. ' . . in agricultural affairs and c0 -operative • Mr. Justice Utquhart thanked the work is well •known. • *jury. He. said to he accused:. "The It is with the lies1 wisfiese ofhis ej•tery '.1itive_ -fouled. you.....11e.t...1SniklY.You eettintintity and•ofehis-Federatitmettiat Inieleete Imrory .r_v§cepee An 1. can -do is' R disolarge yot.i.,,, ,„_,, ,,...,. • ,it,, ',:ci-,i- , oss; lef.t, last aleadslYt to heght his course at. -the" •Ontario , 4grieulturti1 Airs. Rose- was -greeted by her hus- . band and friends, who 'gathered 1 College..,, around and embraced he.r. 'HANGIN' ,RAILWAY: . _The members of the petit jury,\vere: CES Robert l'111.1.1S, farmer-, BeR. ' .2 'Luck- . TIMES SEPTEMBER 29TH now (fiirenitin) ; 'tarot(' Adaine, fanner, --.=-- . . . Londesboro; Thomas Apple•by, farmer, Some changes in both C.N.It. and RM. -2, Seaforth; • Samuel Appleby, C.1',It.. time -tables, take. effect on fernier, B-lyth e GrahaincAtthur; gerage September 2901.. operator, Exeter; W. '0. Bennett, liter- _The. only change on the C.P.R. affect: - chant, \\'alton; Garnet ' CU11111,11n, leg Goderich is that the noon train laborer, \\Ingham; Wni. leodds, will arrive iii Goderieh iit Leo p.m. he 3 c . farmer, II.II. 1, Seaferth; Arihue inea0 std bof .12.5. The time" letivinSe .g Sat., pt. 21 -.75 e b or uilt 11 lab-sa oryindev g iee get in.i • e clpal Siiidt4., 11 11(4 introduced -the neW k110w11 ill Goderieh, Deeeesed was in „appellee(' to tirrange with the execu- • littugh, farmer, Dashwood; • Harvey m .,_ 01011 to, .8.15 11.111.. Ni'111. ielllaill the S1111., .Sept. 22 ....86 (10 67 42 i tout With .1;aeinbers of their )oin- : 'thinking, fanner, MU. 1; Auburn; Rod, ')satne. , Alen., Sept, -23 ....78 5S_ ' 74 -.52 1.. -3 56 71 „et. mettee. and itrrangeinents will be made Y ' )S• tvel) years ago -and surviving members .. members of. -the st:ifTe This -was fat, his eighty-fifth. 11 11 Ills wife died tive of the International . Plowing McDonald, farmer, Dungiinnon; Solo- The afternoon trein \\ ill Gade- TuSse Sept. 24 .-....73 . (ommunit3 siis,ine mon Staunton, fernier, lt,11. 1, Sayaforth. ric-11 at 4,35 and arrive at Toronto Q.40, \" (1 Sept. 25 ....67, 51 64 52 -- to have the device demonstrated at the • lo h3 In termi timed. The' chairman of tee . Alrs. 1.11 lot with Nits. Wilson at the ' Attach with regard to the reception to of the familyeateeebesidee his datughter the -Governor-General on, october 15th. . Alrs. 13 -etch, one son, Donald, of. Tor- . A.1 1 the members were present except - Cowley - CroVen Attorney D. E. both times :is at. present. , committee .is George Watt of Itlyth Piall(4. e. mess s . litanies Was the special prosecutor, and • Canadian National Trains PERSONAL 'MENTION ' and the other members are Wilfred.. Through the use Urethe motion pie- ona to: nd da two other ughters. CeuncillorBrereton and Keating. titre projector eaft. Snider : demon- Leida. of Toronto, and Airs. Harold • k. liet1hf taxes in arrettrs was sub- 1It. Darrow was the defence counsel. On the C.N.It.S. the only changes...are . , 'hot tit of Walton, William Perry st ra ted the adv.:Images f 'o-' visual Blanchard ' (Nora ), of 'Cleyeland':initted by the Collector end was re - The Grand Jury a, „ at the Toronto p11(1. • The afternoon mr, It. Henry visited his .sister, Mrs., of Brussele, Ken Campbell (if Seaforth, 1 ((1)14 1-11,441) The Innis seeit were "Birds Burial win b,„ tit eleilf„rd. where eel.. ferred te„. the finance counitittee. C. H. 3.1allett, ef Detroit, hist week. Anson AleKinle.y of Zurich, Robert; Ftetteb-C.antidian ChildrenGray formeely WitS 1I1 leisin•ss anti • The co -art opened on Alonday after- t ; •,rit.n will leave elederhav at 2.35, as . neen, when the. grand jury was enl- at -present, end arrive at '1'01:3,Mtb 8 .. Mayor eloteley read a letter 'he hail Our Obliging .Police Mass E. Wiggins has retorned from , AtcAlutrie of Kippen tted Thoinits,::fmli-).1,-,',;3(..,•s-e- Iturbi, Pianist." was iiiiie'er of the town. 41, ' panelled. After .an hour add a -half's sem. instead of " 8.20. ; 1 h v nine. r2--(' e''e--- a visit to friends at I'aris, One: . SaNtelester of Dungannon. • received „from C. W. Koliler7'•of Daye deliberation tla.y returned with a True train will leave Toronto :it 6.05 in- ... i diertili(ed s2t-is;).1Fltietlzf-_, hill. ' °- .. , stead of 1; pan. and arrive in Goderich \less Estella Cragg of Windsor is The cominittee woultflike to have as large an exhibition of these articles : lion 11..‘11111‘).‘(1113•''r .i(111(.1f:1(.1.r:•1(.1.1t 1 TO CUT OUT IIILL 0,I\T • ton, tittio, congratulating hint on In his his charge eo the- grand aury, at 11 o'clock, same tis at present. - . a•gt'itesS with airs.e.-\\*. F. Naftel. Mrs. G(o. Mumby is in St. Joseeih's -as is „possible s farmers are asked not 1 li - ' N NNW_ 11111) 11 E. 11J t.* ed. . . . . COLBORNE TWP. ROAD..;;stt,ittlii,i.era(.mcr(i)rutreocuitsyitt(t(irtice,b,e11,-.14t Me. Jostice Urquhareseid it was grati, , The inerithig treble will remain as Iloseital; Lofoten, for treatment of au' to -be -bashful about their (twit inven- 1 .:'N. • 4 . s:e 'f'S•ing to find an absence of serious' a f present: Leave- Goderich 540 a.m., eye.. , hens and censtruction jobg. There 1 The engagement ENGAGEMENT INNOECEDwriter tid lie wets passin1, through ie eienounced of The Huron County road eontinissien Goderich . en his way --ro- Alanitoulin crime in the Community, although, there :irrive Toronto 1U tent. I.V11N'e Toronto alr.e. G. Sherwood of Stratford and :ire plenty of brother-farinets who can 1 Frances Mary. elder daughter of AIrs.; will begin shortie cutting out it hilt. Ishind etirly in the niorniegeof AtiguS't„ Airs, J. of London are visiting ' learn tund profit froth what tlicy have ' wits one ettse: lie impressed upon the 7:30 nee_ arrive Goderich 12pen. Snyer .35 Crozier and the late W.. • P.- Creziee tin the road 011 19, eth conressiee of 11;111. ' Ile needed oil for his car, and • juroes the importance of therr duties:. The . C...N.It. :Ilse 1111101111(t'on with eir. mid -.qrs. 11. Rivers. • ,e, done. . . „f Aehthed tmenship, r„ (;,..rge 1Colherne between Cerlew end Auburn. the service stations were closed, but ' The•grttiel- jui.y had its roots in .Anglo- Christmas Day -Wednesday, 1)ecember alr. ;tett Airs. \Vie. Curry and baby The International dates for this yetir • stewart Nash, oh_y 1 son ef Mrs. Nash : The hill has an elevatimi ef lou feet this officer (he didn't get his name, saxon times:, tlit•refore' "in'• this Pro- 25 -----: the afternoon train will leave son, John, of Windsor, were receid are October 15th. 1 6th, 17th antl'1•stle . . , anti the late- George W. Nash. Louden, ; ;Wove the 1(141 heal. It will require 'a but he deecrified Willi procured' the t r (-ince we cling to the time-honored Goderich at 4.40 Lem., to. arrive at . ,, .- The members of the grand jury adition." , Toronto 10 p.m. lkeld . , ' .11. L. Sa. • Al rs.• John Ditzel and Airs. Rae' gueets with Airs. Curry's mother, Mrs. ROBERTSON BROS. DONATE ' FARM TO HURON COUNTY tin, wedding to ulke }(1 1)) in metro; '4 1(114(111 t•tit to ,t,raigliten thee oil' ler 111111.- pel i te it United church, le intern on read. County Enginee•r It. l'a t terson P.C.. Aneterbeery •-etturtley 44)14,1(411•". estitted. .; A 4) (1)1) from Airs. E. It. Elliott takes the bow. i 4" wereLloyd : Bond, Goderich; l'eirl FIREMEN MAKE QUICK TRIP* . .. Wilson of Bufflo ahave returned home • ,• ' • , i fel. a "step eign at the corner of Canipbell,„Ility; Roy Cousett, .Tuckert TO PT. ALBERT -BUT NO FIRE after visiting the fotmer e eister, Airs. An offer of the Robertson brethers', ' WILLIAMS-JAMES Essex rind Lightlemee streets was re- " OBITUb.--RY . einith (feeeman)-; Cecil - ,Cooper, •II , . John 'Wiggins. . Ernest, Charh•s and 110 11(1 to don- . A Iluiet ;old pretty wedding took, ferret] to the public 3.' (11 committee; 'Ilowick; Thomas G. Elliott, Goderich; . ,_. , : plact• at high nom: on Tuesday, at ;eel te the eanie committee was sent a - II. I.'. Itobden, \\Ingham; Reg. tIodg- The lire brigade had a call last. night Air. and Airs, II. Rivets, yveie in nte the flintily homestead in ColliOrne i JAMS. MAItY •EL'LEN 1•'ELIAM S.. te , i , e i , e••• • • s • . • . 3 ionic 0 t a iide s, Mother alai retpiesi ti•ene tie• I ublic school Board son, S'tephen•; Lloyd AtelSonald, •I-IaY-; (AVednesdayi, ahout 9.30 o'clock, front ' ' ' - ' London on Satueday attending the . ... , - ,. townsnip. toneistiog of a hundred am Alan.. Ellen Fellows daughter of Frank_ MeDonald, Itullett ; Albert the I'ort,..Alhert airfield, tied half -a- •S tver-Kings ewedding, held in W-esley 3.Ii a. lnd the .late 1,Jttnies Farr, • te twenteeene it cres, to Huron Countyi krti , „•r . ., . • . - , sisr-in la W, -•M r . ; led Al r ( s. G elf re.sfat - ; . he placing of "School Ahed a" • Traquair,‘Exeter; Archie'Young, Hul- djrzen men • left promptlY With the -. , I:11;1(0d cluirch. was accepted at a ne.eting of the re- '', . James. Kingston etreet,' When Alarg- sietis en North end Neleon etreets ,, , ef Godt•rich. passed; away, in 'reroute i, .„. e.., , . . - ' '•' • - lett; NVilliton Alay, Exeter; Ross 3.Jc- .puniper and wader, the trip tu record . •Al-rs. NN . .1. Clerk returned on Aloit- trent a. pletteant three- ae „NISI • • ' ' " II 111s1 1 . , t , and. Airs. George James. was united in tuft for the Blind ask -ed permission 'to forest4ition committee of the Collins: • • e„., al( t .i.titet. s °august chtughter of Air. 111) lectil board et the :National Insti, Prosecutor Outlines Case the brigade weee told the are) had d•113.1 1 . • e ii .Lionel, Mrs Clerk and - wit e• ite . o , with it the proviso that the County her mother two eietere Alre e • C Council 'last week. „The offer earries . r ' a s long' illness. She is survived by Gregor,__Hullett. _ time. At the -entrance to -the airfield marriage to Alfred Fredei•ick Wil- . held a teg day on Saturday, September In outlining the cieSe to the Petiejeiry, been extinguished • and they turned • Beverly. at Galt. ( ampion I Ala i garet ) , t'f.Tunintu• ahd ' Turner offitaated. GiVen in 111 1111 %Applications for Building Permits Will gravel the Jane and feace. six , ; - ...... " - e • • - • , Ileitis, all id Goderich. Rev. - L. II. 2eth. The request -waS ' granted. Mr. Holmes said t•li(re Was no, dispute 111)0111 and came home. . Airs. II. I eiiiip,, retet stteet, hats re- acres around the buildings retaimrd Mrs. I.'rank Briceo (Elizabe\t‘hi)i,titlfi liS her father, the bride wore a powder .1pplieations for building pt•rinits. in - as to the facts that Airs: Rose was Later it was learned that shortly ------ " , tut 410(1 efter .i. •Week's 3.1 it it 'Mille- t • t d , ..,_ by the donors. The County, is also to Atli -sten • end two brether,. • living with her --husband; that she after the , brigade had „left town., a church and Lucknow. S lei 1..1 uti 30(111 supply cemnd ent agrtvel for a -fiiirii Fttrrs ((t‘Goderich. and • Petrick, ' of ' 1(111) 1,'\ gown with, eursttge of 'American '3•11ided. line from 3.3. (1(01 It. l'ierson for second call from the airfield brought the _ Iteid-Clipperton eye« mg I. . designating the land as the Robertson Detroit. The remains rested at1 the -3e'llit-' A roses, and turquoise blue hat. a cement 'Itlock•iceliettee on the Huron ' became pregnant ancl gave birth to a plet. Mr, and Mrs. William Burgess... were re1101. at itivestimated cost of $4,000; i. baby girl sin or about Alay 9th this word that the :tire Was out. September 21st tit Luckuow. ,. . ...... . ' the attendants. The latter, a sister frent• G. N. Sampeon, Brit:mina' road • lirephey -funeral lenue until 9 o'clock ' year. The birth anneared normal, and It is said that some bruSh or other Alr. Chas: Penning -ton has been re - WOMEN WELOIVIE AT ,.,. , ot the bride. , 3.1 13 gewittel ins blaek. fer a frame garage ; fetan the Huron . , 'Tuesday morale* When requiem mese ' • were, 'taken front the hospital to their after ten • days the mother, *iid ehild nebbish on a 'wagon had taken fire and .there was fear that the. blaze t-- '' '' '-' IT-. .. moved from Alexandra Hospital, where •• fr in en -Meek of ‘PLOWING NIATCH• Rev,. AL T. W11,; ,;1111 r 111 t 'it. f' ''t 'S .1 ./ 1 , ' Fallon. Intel'llielit WaS 111 i wo s • eerved to hie' inedin te 4 reel t e es, a shew remit : :111(1. from.- the following , , After the ceremony a thaffet luncheon node & l'ender Shop, .East" street, for home. The accused and her husband mighi, spread. 3 pie -tiro -pneumonia, to 'Westminster ilos- ---, -1-- 'Later Alt. told Ales. Willeinis left for fer rt 1(1111 or minor improvements: the Roman Catholic cemetery in 3 ;I had inif long been residents' of Gode- , S' pital, London, where lie will be under Special arrangements. have been borne (((3.3.11 411) the Pallitearsrts,, oe.inge a trip to Toronto. :Niagara Fiats and Geerge W. Paterson. aiontreal street; rich -ancl they had no heate of ' theit THE% itoliE0 - tretitinent 'fer sone. time for a he 111 ,„ • , Mild° f n• th • e. i f rt 11 1 emveni ei • . : 141) Ci telt(I , E. I . I) e • .1 ''• 11' • Sinicoe. On their return theN. Will 1 1. F. Horton. Park. street : J,. H. cenoition. 1 - • 'Cl ' '1 1 1) 11 o'Brien -ind ' own here but rented an apartment Fine weather faeored the rodeo 'llr, Willis 1(1 it road, has xe- of farm 3.'. 9111)11 1114 31(1111,, the Inter- .1.11sein ne 10 ne , . . . ....s.,(,(, ,11 (;„tiericii. ,hit..(d_town g.tu„ts iniu,ks street : wm. A. smith, i tt 1 1 I front :Airs. Gord'on Alaedonald, Light- which- was statged at Agricultural I'ark eeived word -from her daughter Ruby national Plowing Match lit Port Albert- John I.'ellows. included the bride's "1 1(1 Aire. Juhn Itenntitt '-estreee; 'Mrs. Maud Horton, anti- she and her hueband, Itoughts airport on ,*()ctober 15 to 18: In ad_ AIRS. ROBERT BARRIE house street. It' was prpposed to show last Thursday, Fridey and Saturday . Light hou,e - et reel ; Fra ilk Gallow, ships lettweel the husband end Wifp (if ,the ..\..10. of L. There 3.3. 1' a. good from Liverpool for Halifax 011,Septem- flint]. home equipment an It. -Sizer, itre sailing by S.S. Scythia dition, Ihe fact that the exhibits of d ,suppliee . I 1 s. • _Iv A 1,\ illis, Bruannia read .• . • t, . 1 Al 111111111'-)1°:'TSOiRillIe:%.)-e'STR'EgT il..A. Square; D. .1...Allen, Canibt•ia road. .Air. Itelnies continued,. that relation, nights, sponsored by the local 1Yranches. a- Nerth s 1 reet ; Win. 'Proittlfoot; . the will be lionSed indoors, in four large- Whose husband, the late eicte 1). Willie', ' ,were happy. ' The' change -ea -hie' When attendance each night. Because of the ber 28411. Alr. 1-iizer lt..lt (...1oderich iti The resell:Sr meeting of 'the . W.A. C. 'Woods, Etist street, also stile - the accosed knew she wile pregnant. delay in hie arri'val of animals to take september, 1943, and hes wife followed Ilan/Stirs, will make it .possiltle for 1)1 't(1 away on September loth, leis (1.. Victoria etreet United church 'eels meted a 'building 11)1(11) 1111)11 He the women to VieNN* 1 IleSe exhibits ip been further. 1(t 14 by tie, death oi f I held en , She did not. like pregnancy. nor the part in the shoW, the performance.' for . . , 1 It h. tit ;4'llei•es11(;1111;e:re toftArli-:.‘si,()11•:etSe(111)IN(''illsitt.)Z 11:11:41!1,,,ee•isittss to build at She rear of his. , coining of the -child. At 2 p.m. on May W'edneschie nig-ht NN'ilS cant•elled. Alusic . ,Aire, J. B.. Alaw311411, Hahne hint in July, 1944. svelte conifortable surroundinge. A special her sister, Airs. _Robert Barrie, form - place of business and event- , eette as the evidence wonld shpW, the WaS provided Ise. the Blue Water Band. left a few days ago for a trip ,to 'tor- rest room for women, wrier(' /ea will erly Alice Alargaret -Itiffidock. which . baby was dead. Seine. time latet Mrs. Trick riding„lessoing steers,. Musicel onto, (Maw:I.:and taller Points. where be served free of cherge, will be one occurred , iu St. Alichael's Despite], (0111.1ici.:1,)(1.(..1kr41;sviitozrtrutitti.ir,.1(,,:,A,1!..1.1.1(-t(ss(:t1 te•pull (leen the frame building d !IN:1g'. 1 i:(.1 \11‘;1( il 1";s1::1111tivsit1111(e;iii. 71 int I I Y 1 lteee'was seen sitting, on a park bench ,ritles and all the features of a rodeo . elle expects to spend the next fe'ni of the featitees' of the 1946 match. Toronto, on September 17(4. Mrs. SPecial entertainment; is being provided litirrre 3.'. 45 in - her fort.Y-10111 11 Year. :(q10411'111(111:11111Eit".."'01 st411.3.' 0111E1 E.14.0.1 (011E. of ( •(.1.10i, irt •1(14(th (1.(dss,o(*(1,crs,:iilea• irtiht. found by Dr. John ,Wellacee,after he of Whom wei.e from Western United at Lighthense Point, where site 'Wile were etaged by •the performers, most , weeks with relit tiVee. She MIS 11C -- for women visitors, hicluding a motion She witS the eldest (laughter ef Mr. Fitteen members answered the reit ,•ali. ntents. Thie was referred to the tire 111111::(11,.(ti(eNr\-(.1rN(:41;4.-t1:17(3.•e(IN'iti,(111otr;,I.e 1.(;?17 had. 'feel] called by A.rbert Rose, bus- States. Several local riders: alsit took e Clinton. and theYelnade ths (rile from picture theatre where eentinthals free W. J. Ituddock of town and with her .11,141,‘(‘I. cempanied by 'Aliss Al. Proctor, of The Court Hoiise Site ...-- tending the match will tind mittai to, rich until. ili-healtit prevented. stn.- • •.• . I I hand vof the accused. . • pert iii"the performancee most (redit- matton to ()Hawn by airplane, ,i3, geod shows W111 he 1)1 v3. AVoinen at- family was a frequent 3.1 1(001 in Grebe „ . It 1 'siting' committee reported forty- A letter trom the Department of Dr. John Wallace Testifies ably. They were le Oke, It. Stoddart, ;es 1 d es 1 lie f ;11 lter.. :1 rt • 144 r hits- (1)0;':.1;t1.1: t4Iii11(:;; t:lii.::;Sity oNt‘..ittililediil,i(citl.tsi , -N1 11111cipal Affair, advised the Couttell; , Dr. .Iohn 'Wallace, Geeleriele testified A. 'AleGee, Al.. Alc • . I ,Allister , E. Land) and - flight is' reported, with perfect weather. Mr. and Airs. ' J . . k .. .1Itmeof e OtSiiter - est them While their Men fOlk \ 1 v1142.-..1 fliat -if Aim requii.ed a siewial act are _eking in the id/eying cempetitions. blind, a eon sitff the da-ughtets. alee .• tawa, 'visited relatives and friends in . t ____________ _ _ . two brethers. AN. J. Ittultleck„jr.. and , that Alrer Rose had eonsolted him Joan Alenzies. eien regarding. a howl' at the phiehee le eielerin the eale of part of the when she. thought she wes passing .. ._. . • . 114 (0 „at Port .:elberte Rte. I.. ;11..„Meries ''t1 414 te tle• ceunty 3.4 111 elireiigh a change of life, as she wes forty:three years of age.' Wheil he, ine Serviees at Kinix l'resbyterian KNOX CHURCH ANNI;VERSARY , • town the past week, ".,1leek" hes W011 . a' high position among the n( 3.3. nein of.Ottayea and ie one of the prom- The; first meeting fel. the :lithium ;If G. Iltovra and .irs. Willis ef tem', wilt; ,I.e11111i(:.:', c11'1(111'.141111 t‘11.!:;,.,1•"1,VIN.",!(.1.1 wail'ill; 11.).'.".30`,11(', VICTORLI, STREET Y.P.S. 11.1.,‘Ivt:,i11.1,1.,};1 ;:is).1tlie 0t,ifiattit,y0(1)1111N,1:01.0i1(141E11,0s1,1_ - J. *R. Rtuldock arid twe sister,. Airs - Mete Pnrliantentary correspondents at t's1.11:.(41(017lt'„e(;),111:,•;:u11:4,4,;(i•i:•13.11::td INI'•(,110::01-(1):111 .11‘;,(1:11.(31•areleitteitT;(1)11tilt1.(4): „f,ixtilise(r)allilt:tt(ilitilditi:1114, est. thane, was tehavil,(ti the ',1)hp 1 sdilt, mailipf square formed her 'she Was four. months in church next Sunday willbe in Misery - pregnancy she seemed unleippy and atltte of the 1 12111 iinniversary of the the capital. Besides giving The Signal- 1 \ perturbed 'bee:lose of her age. She congregation. 'The speaker for the daYStar 3.11(11(1113. evenin),. with Harry eVestliike were her brethers Wives and thre ess ;t1:;1(13.1,*. 'ilts - ' . . . - • tip the (setter ;31 thi, timO." 'The letter IN.0,-• referred te rommittee of seemed to jiltuneelier linehaint, .Izer Air. Watson -is one ef the outstanding eeemed ashamed and wairrigd about will he Rev. T.- J. Watson, 11.A., MD., (e-tawa men tiq affairs, he expressed ' Presiding. Repolas, from the, London nieces, Misses Rese Itewra phew, What reltitivee . weillel '''' think, • and ofew Mhu NSt. JaPS* crch,. lenaleit. his delight over the splendid record senile interesting information on ' Cet enfen rece *youpg ps n eople'coventionIt . oddock iinN d ora Wis. heMi3.111 1(011 10y(11(tiin Alexthe "1"is• 'ill ' T . 1.e- . Thomas, emeillS Vl (.1'1' in ill ii t i'f.Si ili My111.11 1.).1PilS.:,„ ilt-ii1(11 T.'141.14!IPir':4)S1. lillti:Igi ii.'.11-11.4e1(121j114iii.Wiii11114LeS:1.11111/(.U1-1' . 1 LUAUS ii'11;1-11 ‘Iti'.1111;:i:1::.:g14i: Irtfll' 0,1;111,„2.1.,eihiti•itiiptie:tae ideby Coderich teams in' hockey ;tad lin centrtil united church. - "1.s. 4."1:" 4 (Stilitie" vly1-111ts"(gl.li;(1114.1g"1 11-101111 "i11:•11'. \Vete" glair -Tirlfiesek-lleol- ca Site,' 11 11t (1'11109'0'. e. .tietitiple had impreved. later emd She get the necessary -clothing for the Ontario. hospital on May 901, andem Ably 20th baby. Tle• child MIS' born at the Preachers of the church in Western baseball ht the hist yenr or two, . - AI''POINTED ORGANIST , ... . t 1 ,, , cardine. accompanied by their little Mr. and Mrs. Lorew Clerk of Kin - lake. Harold ' Squires, who also :it- The (tenth of .:iirki.• saltine' cox oe- , - , . Doreen linker. Evelyn Breckew and Dorothy AleVittie. and Harry \Vest- AIRS. S.\AIVEI, CoX . ___•,...__ plireeti (MET 111 (.11•1`rile o ''E• 1 11 •k S1A+44.1 '1 .111h NN.rote co111111011( 111 1-1 1E101111;:.il (0..11 t he I I tiren road t oe a rd a • 11.::11,1111):1:4.1i(1)(1:;;1•1:Yi•ilyori(1),('Ifs1"j:•;:;:itt1::1:114:1:111.;";•;1•1.1(N).:11; :tiiidet was taken'. honot:-.0n Atha, 25th the The intmic connuittee of Viceoria , daughter Carole and Mrs.... Chi rk's tended the convention. was tinavoid2ctirred in Ah•xendra Hospital on Fri- ` ' - - 1 1 -1 (•( -1' -- ' 0 to the Rose apartment. Ile fouhd alw serVices * of Aliss Aiary :Joyee• itness- received a call at 4 p.m. to street thited church have engaged sister, 'AIM peter ,Tucker, and their mother, Mrs. -Ernest Ball. were callers The general, theMe WAS "The Nation ,Airs. Cex had been :1 patient there for ably absent from afenday's meeting. day efternoon in her e'ighty-first year. when ' a car driven bv L;(1111.101. efforts in tightening up thee enforee- etch twitter, St ra t ford,' pulled out 10 input a heal he In ws. . particularly .1. Itedtke, •-Wiltiteiere 1,alte, efiehe t mined niul the police staff for their id covered to the chin. He lifted tor. -Her official duties begin on Stin- e leitty in the crib, lying on itS back Strashan as orgahist and choir dime- former home on Cambridge street. The party v't•ere .returning froth Stratfoed, on Wednesday evening . at Lorries for Christ." the hope behig expressed the last two years. Fortm•rly Adella" hint. 'the Gospel of Jesus Christ would K• Sprung, she was born. men* I'icton, ieiss the tenet( and collided with ht r. those dealing with juveniles. This She 'Wile 'taken to Dr. J. AL GrelienCe was eent on to' the '.1)14(11)1 e'enimittee, I)( .4 1(4(3.3.4 to transte•nd all denotnin- a daughter ,of the late• Mr. arid Mrs. one erne which was stiff, and realizing day, September 29. She eucceeds Miss where Lorne 1111(1 bo called to the ational divisions iti its onward Sweep. John Sprung. She came when quite office by Constable Wm. Thoitip,ele end. whirl) llas Cilarge 4)f Police affairs. '' later reniteted to the hospital. • Outdoor Telephone Boeith *that the' baby was dead he called the Barbara Cutt, who has entered upon t the request of the young peopic, rhe Ben. Telephone co. asked Per- ceroner. In his (Dr. Wallacese) opin- training as a nurae. - inue• Co. to be preeented :with a sub - •A head alley ef the Aletrepolitan Insur- Iteve L. II. Turner will give 41 series township, where she continued to re - nee an entdoor telephone young with her parents to iitillett eta n t in 1 eheque and a Pa rker pen and of monthly addresses on "The Origin .ORGAN-IiiN-G -Pint ' CAMP.ItIGN 'Itti',:siott to pl ' 10I1 dell til had oecurred at least three ;Aide after her marriage until her re - or four 11114rs before his• visit. The ANOTHER, BOAT COMPLETEI) . pencil set as the'first prize in a drive and Development. of the {•hristian moval t() GOtterleh In 1926, 'vv•shen Mr. Considerable organiztition •work- was hotel) in Court House Square opposite Warm. Mrs. Rose waft - Mot preeent. completed' at George Mathieson's shop teraptgature of, the remit was fairly Another .telf.steel fishing boat has been •the company • bad sponsored. Church." Cox re•tired from farming.- lier hits. 11)(1.3(nueicha,t (1:1i ticti(ritattii..(:ifinitihvidt‘tg;(1,:,,,,:,,, 11,1:;,4st,(.1,,,lt(i)iit,..t,e.otti(..e. Referred ND ' Airs. Beresford -Howe, of Montreal, In NoVentber, band predeceased her ' lie went to the harbor to look for her, and Will be shipPed to the thead of AT ROYAL L. LLOVI) PUNERAL' . l944. She was a member of Victoria then returned to the house, where lie the Leltes•on the str. 'Superior on'her was. a visitor, in town for several days the pest week,the finest of Air. and . Ainoing.1 those prefeent at the funeral street United church. .. Three sons pose of refitting. redeeorating and furn- i Triesdkty,, night, towards preparing for a:IA:lei ti;:gellwIalsroise.'ffttiei:dtt•liti*e fohrit:ds701.7atleilet9 a campaign to raise $5,000 for the For. and Plumbing at the eemetery -sextmlea was told she bad been seen nt the next trip'. Work will catinnence ini- lake bank. He found lier on a bench niediately on still another boat, • and Mi*e.- R. C. Itays. She is a native of of the. late Itoyal.L. Lloyd on Thursday survive: Clereece, of W3istfield; Ralph, knottier meeting is to be held on Tues- A. letter from tt London man advimIl . at Lighthouse Point. The day was Mr. Mathieson hopes to have either oneGoderieb, the. daughter of othe late last were John NV. Lioedi,• air. and Mrs. ((1'Jaekeon, Mich.. and Melbourne, of 11°11•144 A. .C. Harris, Mr. and Mier. Lloyd Goderieh. The funeral serviee, eon- Oetober 1st, at the ,Legiott Hall, the Legion's neW club house, f cemetery and parks committee. that it would cost $70 t(1$800 to eirizzlks-she..eves wet and looked ffnite or two more built before the end of Air. and Airs. A. ,.1.• Moore, lwr father being a member of .the Collegiate In - Harris, ,Mr. and Mrs. F. J. unyti, Mr. ducted by-,Itev. le II. Titrner of Me- (1113'' at W11 1C11 time further arrangements convert .the instrumentv of the liloya' draggled. He did not' observe signg the .year. of toria street 'Chilled cherch. was held weeping Or Olef ; slip seeined dazed. SUNDA* EVENING CoNCERT . . . . friends fire inneh:- intereated iti bet stitute ataff for matie years. Her MeKay, Miss Pearl Lloyd, Mr. find, at the Brophey fimeral home on Mon- will be made lowards conducting the Band to low pitch. 'This was re - 12th. ferred to the special 'commit tte. ' atid 3,1rs. ,W. A. Wilsan, Alexander Satal Baby Rolled Off the Table The Blue 'Water Band gave a eoncert young daughter, Aiiss Cottetance Beres - Mrs. A.., IL Moore, all of Stratford; day afternoon. The pallbearers evere eamPaig"' , The finame committee recommended whieli begins Oetober• "ith asked the witness 'if he had-. been at in Court Ilotise Park. on ,Sunday even- " On the wily. to her home the accused forit;liowe.• evirose story Of Montreal Mr. and Mrs. Wm. II. Ford, of lied- James Betry and runs to Oeeober thet the governori.) Of Alexandra Ho2., Jasper Mellrlen, ()liver MeIlrion. .J. Ing to an appreciative .audience, and life,. "The Vareasoning Heart." has ford, Quebec; MI-. and Mrs.„ TIM-!ent and John IItILllatn. The interment WaS Saltfirrd Stiiiday selioid Will re.open pital be adVised that the Connell' has Ban, Herbert Mogridge, ' the house, and when he replied in the a.fiirmative F.die remar/ted, "The baby's will give another program nexef4unday won wide ,acceptanee, in the literary Reyes, Mr. and' Mrs. Vi7m. T. Lloyd, on ()etober Gth, at 3 p.m. • (Continued. on loam 5) {continued On page 4) , • erking if weather permits. . world, as one of the outhtanding novels Of recent production. . James II, Lloyd, of DetrOlt, Mich. in Ball's cemetery, Auburn, GObERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEM E 26th, 1946 Free -T YOU P [ONE HOUR SUNDAY , NIGHT.. UT .15ACK, R' 01.001C 1 rip t� Britain il , , . to Plowmen , i A'lk TIM WA.TERFRONT 1 ... - 1Daylight saving in Godetieh. ends i......----• 0. 1 To Arrange for iteal.ition to- c3-,, Winning.• _ . •. .. ' - r t A" , • . V ,junior Tariacters taking .apecial i itt the sitting this week of the Supeeme, itext Sunday midnight, September 29th. Arrivals at the Goderich eievater govoinor-Geneyal on,' Visit . So put baek the clock on Stualay even- - ' 1 the past week were: Friday, Algorail, Court of Ontario reported visits ef in- ) spection to the Connie; Home aud the •tPlowing Match ' Interest in International ing and get ttn extra hour's. sleeP to • Match 1 195,000 bus. wheat and barley; Sass jail, as well ae examination of ,tho e , make up*fer the 'hour lost when "fast urdayS Briculduc, 255,000 bus. wheat; Court liouse. A nuinher of recom- Mr. R. w. Code, of London; 11110 thne" began in early summer. Thie•year, as uveryone knows, flueon , Monday, F. V., Alassey, 113,000, bus. Celerity will be playing host to,. it is 1 barlee kind wheat. meudatious were made, includine olie ; • , 'acts as surveyor and engineer for the FIFTIETH ANNIVERSLRV , . brought, that consideration be given to the Town, was present at •the meeting et hoped, hundreds 'of thousands of .... 'Ale 1 . OF WOMEN'S. INSTITUTE visitors. The majority 'uf these visitors: mile Ontli'doc on Alonday . '50,000 bus. wheat to the Pueity Flour, reinoval of mental cases friou the . , - , County Home to another institeitione the nivel). COLITIO 011 Friday, evening will be fro The management of the Home, as well aid diecueeed with the Members sev- m .Ontario and others will.; The .lueolite, was' in ,yesterday with The. fiftietb anniversary of the its of the jail, WaS eohnuended. , reral matters in which he ha been en - be here froth other 'parts of Canada! a cargo et gasoline fdr the Imperial founding of Women's Institutes \N.B.), be.With regard to the Court House, the gaged. With regard to the proposed and the United Sta.tee. Both big- and' Oil , depot. - celebrated at a day- of gpecial eere- presentment was: ' veal to the north side of the; harher, little farnierS will be visiting the 1946 1 The monies'to be held ktt the ()uteri° Agri- Superior is expected at the • "The .Cotirt Ilbuee is obsolete for in connection' with which. the ToWn "Victery" ' International Plowing elevator tomorrow and; the Bricoldoer cultural College; Guelph, on June -18, Matcri and the3' wa ill be ecaniug to nd ,:klgorail also are bring ngiduwu preW sent day needs. e strongly re- Wishes'',to sean011cure a lease of ld o 1947, and a special committeeHuron of the county to leara and profit from cargoes. eonnuend and support the County the north side,, Mr. Code said he had 'federated Women's Institutes of On- the demonstrations and the exhibits A seaplane, on its way front Gore Council in .their move tuyeards the fwen unable so far to get anything tario is working, on ambitious. plans that will be on display at the Peat Bay to D3•troit. Made a rather riSkY building of a new Count House. Fail- definite frouSthe Department of Trans- fer this historic event. The themAlbert airfield. e of landing Weide' the Uuteif breakwtt-te-rS ing the building of a new Court House i port. He advised that the Council the celebration will be "'We Treasure The Huron County Federation of ou Tuesday eveuing. The water was we recommend that immediate action ; communicate with Ottawa,titinud it tClwerairs the Past-NNte Face the Future." It Agriculture will be sponsoring a quite relight but the planC was almost be taken to prov'icle more efficient ac- I decided that the Mayor d is the hope of the F.W.I.O. that Wp- demonstration and exhibit of home- out of fuel and the pilot had to take cominedation in the present offices." !should write to the Ministers of Public men's Institute members all over the made and home-desigued labor-saving the risk. _Ile rennlined here fur the After thanking the jury, Air. Justice ' Works and Trlinsitort. -. Province _will begin to plan pow tp devices that the fanners of Huron night and left in the morning for De- Urquhart said he agreed that new ' With 'regard to -cutting and side-. attend and make their fiftieth annivers-. county have brought Into the field of troit. Another seaplane WaS ,here the Court House was eesential. 0: ,ound walks tet which applications had been ttry a memorable occasion. farm machinery during the past 'few .etinie da s• going north. 'the Province, he zulded, the. tiijio• had • unto, alr. Cede spoke of the difficulty The first Women's Institute was 001)10when changes would have to be ' in procuring, cement and said it might rm foed, at Stoney Creek, Ontario, on years. During the '.1 11 a ,. yers,. when thHME e VICTORIA O & SCHOOL imidma e, zis "ny of thb ese uildings ' be eiLlYasileiAle to la eve thsu e rveys until a Februry . tte 1897. From this little fw‘tre built in the (1 03 when Alexander 1 sitrin),• • Womeit's -*Institutes or slater orktini,e- villege, the idea has spread until now felt So desperately by the farmers all shortage of farm labor made itself -.... uLT.JB RESUMES' ME.ETING,,S . cluiada„. , .' Aleclienzie was Prime alinister of , Ernest Breckenridge was heard with i regard to plans for the heating of the ., oVer Canada, the farmer WaS forced . ,,, to find seine way in NVIlleh to overcome The first meeting of the Victoria , 4,, • ',. Ptt 04 II ouse-- end 'estimated costs. ations are found all over 144. 'i .. To commemorate the founding of the ,DIES SUI/DENLY WHILE milk -Control Board Weinen's institutes, tin Adelaideilood- the shoetitge, if he Was to stay in Home and ° School Asieociation 'leder business. Luckily' for all of us; he! the direction of the new president, ' ,i VISITIM IN pODERICH 1 Reeve Tureer reported on his at- tendance at the -meeting of the Milk less Scholarship Fluid it -4' 10 be, built did etay in businesee and out of those me,. • contrel Bultrd at Torento the preN.1.0118 up." Airs.. .Adelaide • Heedless, . the Oeorge Sanderson, was theId ttt war 3.ears have come many very lin- • _.1,a 10)1111(1er of the movement. was -keenly ,)orniat. farm me cie.eaeing &wives. ' \1 (4)111 Sehoot on Thursday ev ening u , Death Caine suddenly tr;lir. Silas' Tuesday. The milk prodiArs -and the interested in the education of rural ' • . laet. , ' l'oesibls• eue of the optstanding- ones • . Albert Gutty of 'Toronto while visiting 11111k distributers, who are applying • nes .teeen we kteee,rakeelettethere. have: Dueing the rt•gular business meeting A ,, ', ., , 111 the home of friends iii town on for an increase in the price of mille, women in the aet of homemaking, and ., „ the fund •in her honor Will lie '11Sed , bet-ei mane others. ' It is ° altogether ,, a motion was passed-th•t.i. r Steedie W1M WAiilestidy. - "Ni_'eempaiiie3-1 1 '11);3; hfs--Iled 'each eithinitted 11-1)-rief,'Stit. ifie're- lii helpellniance rrtral -girls. -regieterinve ...likeli . that . there '-iiiV ..:-eiene-faiiiierV.rrff---t&gtilftr'-.•ttitreffottre-'70.sePiPt4 °Ds' -?tal_ighter;'' mt .S:' 'Tkich-rmationyr-arrti,-1-Av as-.440n.e.f4,0n1,. the eonsumeiee'- Mayor,. eee.e in the lunee econernies courses at the i , Would be 'added a yearly;Membership her husbend, of Philayffeleitil*, :Mr. Saunders of' Toronto and represent - h le • • •rf .cted 71 1.iber-sevin ou(wit) .,egriculturaI College. - to. the Ntitiotial Finn Society Ltbrary. Grate. visited with Alra.' .1. J. Titthe atives of other municipalities were • !device that is working- to their com- i - Mrs: Wilson. rt•tul the manes of the pre te satisfaction, but es yet 3 they :Piet 1ttughter Vera, of Brock , street. Present, however, and there was' a Temperatures of the 1 a THE WEATHER --)-'-gt-Ivet1c -1 vdtere their brother -farmers of 11 heir 1-)11 age, \Thum: th" 11(tme- 1-11'11- st*It'''"' e_e_ a •e i' . • .1„ t . - ? (14 3. .' -. -...... . . f tW0,1 Dutch boys, six and eight yeats - --server initsil-WS-dneSelitysienti whilueating- 1:t11 rt11:11(4:11141titreil7ertsttt:tiourfg town, On Tuesday evening: remaining .livele dis(ussion, \1u3 en Saunders in ,cao_nyseirmie•ortsie. ;14,rghhet : . e , steeed that _S;7820 had been leased in tItileP Gederiele wtle those e.,S, the correspond -1 meal yesterday :he (4)1 111 week a year fi'''go, is officially cm., have a wee. Club has adopted for a six-niontlis his „„4„,t1„y period. She also read an extract from.. lapsed and died. 11eartt ;Agreed there should be another neighborine county , - ;it them at7d adept tle•te to tlit•ir "own 1 . recorded, were-eis follows:. . part ictilar needs, and this •is whit 3 . llre official Association Alagazine which . _ Mr. Gray :ionic 3.t 115 ago carried on .iiieeting et walich a In•ief for the (011 1946 '1945 a drygoods anesiness here in the •slore etuners might , be submitted,. This 1 ' -II • C • F•1•••'lli 11 f Seri.' culttu.e aims to do. • : ten weeks 'front the varioue clubs and Max. Min. Max. Alin. Thurs., Sept. 19-..85 60 60 53 ,.. this . amount - weeld care for 31.3 ele• Federation asks that any farmer 1 , ,, , Fri.-, Se] sizt . 20 .....81 61 66, 58 n mon coun e w io ia• ( 4 I, 1, I H • . t ' 1 I • `4 1 • 1. riled c"""ren• • •• • .•. ,iiltd oii P s GRAND JURY EC 01VIMENDa Cotiiicil Seeks Lease A EW courv uousg The, grand' jury in 1173 presentment of Land Itarbor „ formerly. known as the Miller store meeting Was erranged fur -luesday of and 1100. occupied by Mr. Geo. Schaefer; this Week. :tad was a sSisted itt - the • business by . The Mayor, the chairman of the, 0.011 especial committee 'and the 'Clerk were. his son 0,6n, 11.110 3.11(5te 1