The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-09-12, Page 2WiRrIA TNT) nL- tar Published by Signal -Star Press, Limited . St,albi3e>1I])tioz, Rates—Canada and Great I3itain, $2.9.0 a year; to United States, $2.50. .... Advertising Rates on request., Authorized as second -erase mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. Teleitllune 71 1lElt 12th, 1916 ,EDITO"^IAL IMES 'Why y all he Warned articles un the aright. of ice cream? Doesn't every- , body knew that the origin yf ice cream is the cow? '`rltlle Stratford ileacou-iler:dd has this 4, item from its tiles of 1S9ti: "Pumpkin pie is likely to be sca-ree this 'year. The pumpkin and squish crops • are alt ost tl colliplete failure. due to insect' Pests." With ilew, 1114eet• apPtsaring .tituu:«t every year, we have got into the way of thinking that the calx' rawer get rid of them.?bet here we have .evidence that the pests eau be Conquered, for pumpkins and squash are still successfully' grown and pttl}lp- kin pie is still one of the staple comestibles. Before the atotuic bvulb i• ' -Parliament adjourned leaving the Iii titlesti0n in status quo. A14,,th .t's -'where it would Je't be left until some ,.itaire - approach to un tulmity in the ^1. atter i° evident. - 0 O The :A>utraliau 'delegate at the Peace • Conference was criticized for talking,' ,c•lt•litlsts used to say that if appeared, o to,, Iuut1.• Prime Minister Bingis ever humankind were destroyed it c'ritici'ard fur not talking 'enough when would lie 1,, an overwhelining plague tie w:t there. Where is the happy IIIc of insect:. At any rate, here is em., ease in which the iliseets ?rave ?tilt made ;lily' progress in, half -a -century. o , C - ° T11irt -three cases of suit cloth and n „ollet s were stolen from a ware- i _ - s' -at Toronto the other' day. Just II h` r' ` PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY 1IEADOWS - our luck if nue of them cuutuillt'ci cloth ; f,:e•r ,, the suit we have been trying to get fol" -the last six mouth.- , 11// Harry .1. Poole . - * 4 , • THINGS TO EAT (,IreeI e has. Voted Jo bring her king back from exile, and the people of Bulgaria have evened he store 1)y 11 of Il.tpt>ra 'I had u sudden hankering voting to dethrone their young for some ripe tomatoes right off the S`T. GEORGE'S GE'S The 'Noz ;tan's Auxiliary of St. - George's church assembled in the Guild room on Tuesday, Septenl .t'. 1l6➢Ib,. with the president, Bliss Alice Arius, ie the chair. The meeting was opened (with the Ineutbers' prayer and the Lorna's Prayer in Unison, filfolls owed i3 u� by the litany prayers led by Miss Mills read a portion of Scripture froth the Gospel ot, St. John. .deports • >4 > bars. Brown, the were presented by secretary, and by bliss denary, in the absence of Mrs. Needham, tale. treas- ures. It was decided to donate a pair of sheets and „pillowcases, to Huron ('ones('. Arraitgertients were made to order. the Canadian church calendars for the year ' 1947 . ' Miss Brown, who hag charge, of the Girls' ,Junior W.A., will be gateful to some Of the church ladies who will be willing to assist her in this \York, Two nice quilt tops and cushion overs, donated by.''irs.ot'rllntnbtull oster and Mrs. `\ urtele; were received by the inembers.�; The meeting was closed with prayer. Tea was served by firs. Riley. TIII1PODAT, FiBinE114/9'V '12411, 1013 To be considerate • To void. mistsikes To ?reel► out of the rut To ulalse the best oQ little things To shoulder blame To ?reel) your temper at all times To begin all over again ' Tu maintain a high standard To keep on keeping on To think first and act afterwards,' but IT PAXy° To forget To forgave To apologize , To take advice'° To admit error To be unselfish To save money To be charitable A Hol i .day- Hazard Phis year, dojl t tape • chance on summer complbint .tfpoiling your vacation. Be pre- pared by taking along a sup- ply of DoOTOR FOVVI;t :l,'S EXTR4C,1,•,0.1 V ILD WritA't\•I3li11rRY: At the first syglptorn of diarrhoea; intes- tinal pains or -summer com- plaint, take the prescribed amount of this pleasant and --effective remedy. You'll be agreeaTllY surprised ho'ry quick- ly it works and how much betft'r you. feel. DOCTOR 'FOWLER 'S EXTRACT 41' .WII.I) ;3°1'RAWIIERRY is ah oltl family 'medicine, widely urxail i -toy"_- nearly a---een-tury. Price 50e, a bottle. at all drug counters. The T. Milburn Co., Ltd.. Toronto Ontario_ ... ° ..♦.:. 4•: i . ••. 4 j0 .� :•i•:•4R':�i�:��.�•i•:•:•i : ii ` •:•:•.•::moi•:':�.:�� �;����'�J::��,:�' ;••�� �!••.�' •°•i ����iy�%� • y0�,.."�•%�s�::• `°;:•:OiOO•:: ••��i °`•°•• i•�•N Oi �Ob :••:.. fid•.• :": •••i�••: •. � .. ••✓. • ° • ••yi ••�i t-'unting utrt- of the house-the.uher duv 1 slipped tome salt into a twist n1onar(I. The kingly job doesn't seem to have; much permanence in that part of t11e world. - .., * * * pick tomatoes right from the vines Gild The galtford Sage ig much interested ake tltelu ifito the house and cut Ithe big plowing match to , be held thele up and eat" thecal 'then, but some- ' -.next month at Port Albert. . He says how � or ` other the taste can't compare he used to be able to plow a straight thele oil the you vines.et M"heh you swipe but he wouldn't want to go up \\ e ttlw icy s had plenty 'tomatoes at against the younger fellows who will home. The`unly time ley mother ever cva Wu •-�----- be competing. However, he intends to curu�Iluiued was when she was all set • see what goes on. to make chili sauce or pickles onlUeto set rile will stAid ale t u-polaill The rites hildrenlBapttized admin - he on hand W discover that the vines had � * "` • � ' raided of the . ch�i,be'u�"ripe tomatoes. i to see what lie will say to rue, and what i5ter0ci by "xe"eler•I;uth� daughter eight: of A despatch' from =4uerubezg is to --he was also rather provoked, as I,I%i shall ansWer when. 1 tau reproved' babies. They - Gary effect' that prayers are being recall it' olie time, after having nursedt (Habakkuk 2:1) was fhe text on (Dr` sj. W. and Mr. ally e ;\\"alter the those \\'' � ne Arnold, 'son of Mr. fPPr iu GerrTialir for Goering. Rib along . handsome my to discover that which Abject, Faithhf tr 'These Vines," rt based thfoc' Walter, i -I Doak ; \ e,yrnt�lcl Doak ; Ronald Mr. 1 na __. 9 fid..._.._.._._.. -- .,... yellow. a y ll a c 1 r•. na�i;�.1,ste ..,..p '._ 1t11, ,1. ^.. •-t�kl t7rT"" ' Ed- - bentrop and other Nazi Tea is err my-' Wigglier and I, I111y ills had a tris e a fivlce ' soli of • Mr.- ands i�IIsl • trial° for thlr lives. �Ve wonde of. -m, cleaned -the bush up coil- in Knox Presbyterian church. Ward, e. ray. Hitler can't help pletely u ripe uvea. „Ilabakkuk. said the preacher, was I)aer; Daniel George, son ofa errand whom they P There are a -lot -of things around the tial obscure prophet at the time when 'Mrs. William \\'ikon ; when they sere ` ritiiug.1 • fresh., was menaced by puw'ers f• rom mgncl, son oil Mr. and Mrs. Raymond. them,. „no w h farm that taste' good when fres . 'i<htimas John, son of MIC. 'cock -a -hoop over 'Europe they' liad no Just. take for i115tauce those first few without. Ilis faith was .great, aneDrennan; ; use for any other god. hills of, potatoes a fellow digs in the lit' was absolutely convinced and con- and Mrs. Nelson Mclvor; �Ia}y Helen, * 4 * spring. Wash them off and tumble 1 fident that God was working oat, 'His daughter of Mr, and Mrs. .Sherman -II. yI1.q )ill x)st. I31a1�e• • newly a' take salt ;Purpose. , `\'ickett y P proposes a them. into a -pot and -then > rare wonderful Mr. William , Mitchell ropethose wird' C S Il organist, C(1II-- \lt �e I I P I 115 �� a r Labor `Ii,>1,ister _ . and pepper and butter to thecal, ?fides ballot of .the Hamilton steel strikers and all. (_:.ould a' king rind a finer rc ide rsllip.�ltri ills the w car,*�11 Steuart minted choir leader -and c €, , on the question of accenting or re- >> c•t,11111111ed. .tire nowiliiiong thb e who ducted the choirin the singing of the delicacy anyn•hert . 'ecting the terms of settlement sub- Along about this -time of year.themes predict that. another year is imminent. hymns and the 'anthem, Our 7 mitted•Aby the Government. .Even if another taste; thrill. If i keep en 1, They seem to follow tlie course which x,_11 111 words like - that I'll sointtI like would plunge the world in11►t11filuti conflict. • the majority voted for acceptance. this 1)110 of those fellow's°eu the radio. "As Habakkuk clic?+► not ay, wqulrl not necessarily the strife :. 1 tv:1s_ saying howr', er, fake along about is at our dour. Instead heyslid, "1 ' the pickets aright continue to bur from this time of yeas, and pick a night *ill stand upon tuy watch:- The the plant those who wished to go to I lrl,el there's aut if vu11t' h1111 cat of 6111 1uoUu hunt. tda ` o (:erne ral e o ontgomer � . is nut' jtt Peel i`> ( 1 work. Why not clea r the way into rind a few shifts of clued ,up 111 the sky, de11t '116'11...11111au, 'Premier Attlee' aur 111e factory for the fuer? villin t., wurl:1'ic•1:-uli :I f •t�• fe11«,ws uud maybe some losepll Stalin. It is in the hands of • hope 111(1:courage in • and let tyre others stay outside if they of• the women folks uud' iso buck 10 'Gott.- Then- is 1 the pru�u'tic word, of lI:tl,ttkl:uh. wish`.' That would probably end file tliStartlta 1)big roaring tire and put a.' Peenuse of his deep• hove and earnest strike in a eery short titut>. !kettle over it and thea` husk sonic c-ur11 ' conception of God., he knew there was * « • r 1 something w roiig. Ile slid not care l and throw, it in the -pet :irons with t moult. Sit uruund and folk' what. the „rent leaders thought, lout Perhaps Europe. will not settle down handful of ,laced his faith out} on God. 1o. ccpietness and peace- until her and Avait:nfor a while:iktt some e artltth111f 1 d .. ed hs�f laude 'our cGoli. fulls of 1 , ''�. ' the til. atuu reliul; peoples get some new inter i belief in (sods yet we acre the people 1 in-rpt�r' itld hultli t t_lt:,t incl ycruve est. If, for instance, b:tseb:111 wet'e , gest- s„ttte'tllitig 111:11 tastes pretty who by our actions . •are l)itcfrtg cur soil a European League dial"( good. ,elvc� in the i,ttncis ti those who ?chic iI1tUt'dileell, ,r tr � i s'ellt secular tTl(1 material llltel'1s15. formed. border tights might be con -if 1 keep on like this I'm g,ii„ to �('Itine and Ills' gerted into interutttiuuafltl•►yutts• :Hili 'ttt�l�c�snl,l,crltu�l � t"�o �luntas�t lPa.t�:tib l�i�l�Tal�oft faith lits Jte.u�s is inevitable Is' h'ui „yeitn7 ; blood might find its vutlt,( g,te,: f:truters :ire l,ret1 lucky in shite Power to cleanse olid deliver the world. In throwing shuttles at the :-Umpire. ;; t et el ythiit>,�. Sutu`et times I thin?: ct"e �, trod pointed the 'way to the prophet 'See tvlal1 busib:ill-:and other games:--,„terlato1 the thin;;; We it11ye right ;mtImi1he cllitteo It in he struggle wioh done far• the United Staters .in.7tere on the farm. it .rentatd 100 of. C: . have .1 111 file fellow I saw the taller city at is real.; trait for 11, "'because it will upon rivalry cuate :tt tit!tl,lwiutt'd t�ulo and will tunceutrttllt; uttenCiu►a ftp } "1'in► llurl,hy' store•. Ile sold liar, ua ___tl1i; was his fait??. had a "world's , u:lri basket e.f 1 itt 1tues :cud nut X1)1 ti in athletic., -ft -Europe elevt 11 t ;.,...eries- ,�t i1� .own its young people- ; 1hen bought two tins- ' of (•shred i "'1'Itis is the 1' iitir needed for these tt IIe said” he didn't like the tinter. There are those today who who el., 1u�,st of the tigipd it nli 1`tt te�of fresh- tomatoes from the , Ba1e• time . fur , outside aet•ivities but ,►cat away their firearms and learn to last('_n. 4'' ' ii ttit' for those of the 'church. Gid' swing- hctseball` bats. AV' ha 1'rll:tuceg't;;ave us victory. lie kept Mia covenant; LAKE HURON LEVEL Omit, we halve broken ours with I1i•ui would a Hitler;, have :tluu� side a Hanle®� g� AUGUST' and our faith is not, the kind which (;re'enl�er; or a I;,,h I eller'' 1 will sustain. i11 the ?lours of neer]. * '.There are those off us' who would . or -State Byre has (1'l r W"A, Sept. (1.----\Caler levels' of '_c barge our faith. tccommodatitt;. it U.S. Secretary c` the Great ,L:tkes and the :St. 1 itt1111(1 to tl,te tunes, hitt .t11e Word of (}fid j- tliruwlt down the gauntlet oto-Rnssia iticcr during August, es reported by should be our text -hoot: for every rule by a public- stater lest of the position the Resources' 1)tpartnitnt's IIydre'- of life. -Individual :end national life today if the United States dirt regard. to � graphic :end \lap Service, were: �� 1s ?til:in., fn faith ill (locl. Stttc, point -sr ill dispute (• )1 tier11titg the settle .Lake Superior at Port .A1'thur- ! ' �{ e'ne more etale1't'111 about On«' half inch higher than July; 11 1,leu alma of Germany. This is the 'nett inches' lower than .Aitgnsi, 1!11;,. 12 i politico? schemes, maintaining prestige, 4iiplo►n:i, y, x11(1 whether one 9grt'r's inc•he lower than the highest .August racial /differences and setting ,bound- ' cries than iu the justice of God to all. `2:; inches higher thou the or net tciitt rhe policy thus hi -t fated .ince 1S61); .ince Istat►; '1:� im•lies ?nen. the new method i•' Preferable fr, the higher than the :octose stage of '•'' 'hese woo who represent the 11:1- old t old_ dis, re'dited secret aiploninc•y by hh-dw t fat the Inst ti('r yet r,• tine, of the world shoidct call upon ,11111 1, �f t1111it thejflterests and rights1 Lake ILnron at (lode rich - Two rGod, and, risk. 'Is this right'.'' We' or nati"os were the subject of trading, hiatus lower•' 1hall July : 11,". inches 1 nlu•t ?now whit God wants end de , and bargaining; witilullt those most Ie)wer than August, I.945; 31 inches { ►lands of ir,. \\'herr Je. -t r•u'Iled 11i�: I 1lrt(-ert cel huvint; anything to say laver than °the highest August: •i•,•'1 rl1 1 iple11e w:uttttI tl►e►n•with Hill? ` i11rhes higher than. the lowest -Aii;fat ; that IIe ought tc`'uch them. lIe give altuut it `I he United :Mute, i, at "an .l•1;. inches Iow'er train the average the invitation. to us to •Lotne•tinto 1110, aeirant.sea ; in' pursuing- this ..,open ii lel of August. tillIsi11 tt diplem:,t'y, in having no interests to Lake Erie at. I'ctrt (_'()?semi`'• Ontario' _ • i u,tice, , ----Three inches lower than .Tory ; , r tier+stl._Asc:t;pt thoS .._clf.ljr ac e nnc j n tt IetwtT- than August. '45; 1`� inches ' iaTk'} , i .ate. a-.- .- .icrtss.a..-tn-s -.. .1.1114,1 _-.a..,...:..-.._ __ w.vw.s .W 1F _,vomrf c. .17� r y ,- 1thilc• Itilds11 1s : ; pert cif et s"1 inter than Th( iTk'lt :Attg(a f ",°"i7 inches higher than the lowest August„ '^ «.0 with regard to Germany which she is • , keeping in the dark. •i •►0c110; higher than the average It ell of August. • T..oic0 Ontario at. Kingston, 'Ontario-- . • - alf ,inclies lower , 1 t tl '1 He Inuit have a greet fitly:. 1C) inches lower than August, �#•, ; vines. I hunkered o t, -po Hued selected _ a big nue, bit into it, poured on some t`,��"- salt and thoroughly. enjoyed myself. ail" ye that labor and are• Heavy It's strange but true that you can I'Faith in God„ a Need 1 laden, and I will give you refit. .'1' ke heavy • my yoke upon you and learn of me. . dor . These _Times,. For my -yoke is • easy, and my -burden is light.' What is hiking in he in- >i • divit}u:td 'life is that people are not Rev. Richard Stewart Points t0 willing to accept the yoke of. spiritual the Prophet HabalcIpk resp 'bility. Let us set our. watch -_ z•v,,,,,.,,,,1a,• and • 1 ghat God, has, to • say to -us ill th s difficult times." . The KING. - and QUEEN, with the two PRINCESSES LIZ BETH and onth and MMARGARET. o o ARfEro. ROSE, and. two to Bal - pet dogs, arrived at Bellater Station- Scotland, Lord morht tv their thein. Scotland. Royal Family at the Rstati�,�� Shown chatting Lieutenant of the Her Majesty and the (right) who greeted Princesses, each of whom holds a dog on the leash. Help it1 Ages Past." , A beautiful bouquet of red and white gladioli on the altar, in memory of the late _Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc.- Nevin. 1c- Nevin. was placed by their daughter, Miss MS'raMc:�ievin. "VChotn 'the Lord lovf>th iTe Four and a li 1 1 v r than ias 'r>ue ;. • love for time people of Britain. After � •15t/ inches lovverx'-thai1• the highest six years of trials and tribulations August; :19 inches higher than the lowest. August ; 41,'r niche: higher than thec• find their crops'' rotting' in the. the average level cvf .August: drrlcl,, as the result of heavy and per- St. Lawrence River in Montreal alatent rains. It's a great mercy this harbor -Three ine'heS'lower than July; did not ?happen during the war when 71.i. inches lower than August, '45; (101/2 • t inches lower than the highest August; (Aertnatt submarines were aifr:,itig,, tt ��a1- inches higher than the lowest. large proportion 'of the' shire cradling August ; 18t, inches lower than the food to them from this side of the average level of .August. Atlantic. ,Canada Is- blessed With CONSTABLE V ERB• RESIGN bountiful 'crops this year and will have " Constable Edgar ISebh, form 1y merge wuilntities of foodstuffs for or- stationed 'A Goderieh, and. for the last. 11(►rt; so the situatinl$sifor the 'people i two years a traffic officer working out • °-everaeas is mit so desperate -as itof the London office of •the Provincial might be. Ctnadia.ntl, too, are eon- i pollee, ?las resigned from the force because of ill -health and itis gone to • miming more food than .ever before his hone at Guellilt for a rest. " :After and °"twill not mist? what is seiit to ' the leaving Oo(lcrirh Constable Webi) rO 1IP of the, half-starved people ()it served for several years in Eastern ntarirtx titles• larltaitn and the Continent. a•* * °I isimtignlit)e" . eolfie t from, the word lts cow= "vett Y(?t.rh Ago" "disiil)le: 1 Thitlk that . oiu THANKS V'ING-'DA-Y Monday, October 1.1, 'has -been set as Thailksgiviug Day is Canada this year. 4 , _ SALES SERVICE 'ES 'ALL Commereial_Domestic • Call pfor Free Estimate, 10I50GIN AVE. PHONE 98- 36tf :„D,eposit your savings in an account with us. They will' be secure from theft or other' form of loss, and will be at your disposal when and as you wish. . The assets of a strong deposit re dollar behind every you• 4) A Ili -AK Cil E of COMMERCE, Ft:. R GODERICH BRANCH '. A. Hay, Manner - - �l •:•i::`J ��•:•i i� :•i i : :•:i•` i i••s•J��.i•�.j•`•ii :'::�%�:�:�•i i i•:•':•.. i i•: i �••` : i•: ��:•iii :•:•i '�•P:•i : i•.'� .•':�%:' °°".• a - SEE USt early for your Cars, U Track, Slings and Pulleys, o>r,ifay Forks. ' YOU may need St :el Stan, ohions„Water Bows or a Lit- ter Carrier for next season. Order NOW. Paint and Spray. Painting Barri jobg a specialty. Pfl4NN.OAP,LOW 281. We are doing ,our best to.See ,tht you 'get your new car as quickly as possible . We vvant,,to thank every. one of our customers -= and ever rospective customer as well — for the friendly Yp o patience with which you are awaiting your new General Motors car, whether it be a Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile,' Buick or Cadillac: ' That •patience will - be more than rewarded when we hand you the keys to one of these great new General Motors cars, for here, in•our judgment, are automobiles ahead -of their time — far and away the best in each of their respective, classes:.- ' `" ' • ' • We &now how difficult it is to wait even a day for a car of General Motors exceptionally fine quality; but we believe You will -understand that we and General Motors areas eager to deliver cars as purchasers are to obtain them., Unfortunately, the cars produced so far this year are far fewer than We and the factory had counted on. - General Motors headquarters at Oshawa sums up the. situation thus: "Even though our rate -of production normally exceeds that of any other manufacturer, we have been able to build, up to August 1, only, a small percentage of the number of cars w - built up to that date in 1941. Our own produc- • tion, like that of the itfelustry in general, is still far below normal, because of frequent - shortages of essential materials and parts. Strike after strike at the plants of our suppliers .�. _ has seriobsiy,_ impeded our progress toward , w_ full prodvetroii,' argd•W�.t t'e --- - Ctiii#'ttlatave efl'eet severely hampers both manufacturing and assembly.” While production is restricted, so — in proportion — areshiptrnents of carsF- to us. As production increases, we are assured of getting our propoitioncate share of the total 'number of cars from the factory. But we, want you to know that as quickly as these cars are received, we will speed deliveries) to our customers. We thank you, again, for your understanding and . patience — confident that when, your turn comes to enjoy the brilliant new standards achieved by the new General Motors cars, you will be thankful you waited. • GM -14613 Remember ,-•- Our CAR SERVICE is your best CAR -SAVER. Keep your present car in good condition until you get delivery of your now General Motors•car, by bringing it 30 us far skilled service now and at regular intervals: Chevrolet Pontiac Oklsrnobile Buick Cadillac Gardner Motor Sales, Victoria St,; Goderich