The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-07-25, Page 2obtrittl twitt
Published by Sipal-Sta.r Press, Limited
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• States. $2.5% ...•
AdVektisbeg pates on equest. Authorized as semnid-class mail, Post Oflce
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TIIURsIjA4 JULY 25th 1946
usius in Britain should find
great reliefiu the improved conditions,
• e_ ass --
The editor Who says that 'present for tileY have almost starved them-
earieea are -"not dinnrOportiouate" with selves to send food to the Continent.
• costs • following the first great war, • ,
rand tbat conSequently the Govero- last week this column quoted The
• ment's efforte to ward oft lunation are. Toronto Star with reference to the
a failure, either tnust be quite young fetal shooting of an eighteen -year-old
or must have a very poor memory. boy at the Guelph Reformatory. On
If prices after the • war of 1914-18 are 31onday of this week The Globe and
compared With those immediately pre-
ceding the first war, and prices_ of
today are compared with those of the
- period immediately precediug the
second, war,, it will be seen that:living
costs simply ran away, in the former Nave been restored to respectable having to send him a notice. They
' h -e of the latter period citizenship and worthwhile occupation, would discuss crops and my grand
By Ram, J. Rotga
Times have certainly changed. That
isn't a very origirial statement, I'll
admit, but, at the same i,tinte, tlie
fact of the case seems to rear up
and smack you quite hard. The
thing I have in mind at th'e moment,
this being on towards the end of July,
is paying the mortgage.
When my grandfather had a mort-
gage on his place he used to drive
into toevu with a load of wood, a
side of pork, :a -few bags of potatoes
and . . . well, other items of farm
produce. He would go around to see
Isaac. Smith, who was a retired private
banker, and the one who held the
mortgage on the. farm. Mr. Smith
Mail made belated comment • upon the •
would offer him a drink aud they
same incident. The meat' or a half- would sit and chat for a while.
column editorial article is sin the lagt 1y grandfath6r after. -a half-hour
two sentenees; eA boy of _eighteen, of pleasant conversaVOu would bring
up the matter of the mortgage. Mr.
who, under proper conditions, might
Sulith would be almost apologetic ebout
•per ,
have, comparatively speaking, been was needlessly killed. At that price,
discipline comes high,"
.1tept within bounds: ,
The resolution passed 'at the last ** *
meeting of the Town Council of Gude- ,`"The name of Seuator Wheeler was
rich, petitioning the Goverunieut to freqtiently'in the news wheu Pr'esident
r • ntrols on the prices of the.Rilosevelt was "endeavoring to bring
gather would tell how bad things were
on the farm. and Mr. Smith would nod
agreement, but would at the same time
have his own opinions.
Presently they would get around to
settling the mortgage. After a half-
hour or so of pleasant haggling it
would be settled and Mr. Sinith- would
'-necessa.rieS ,of life, is, we. believe', in the might of the United. States to bear have smile cash, some potato, a side
liue with enlightened opiniou through: in the, tight with Naziism. Wheeler, of pork and seine other farm, produce,
grandmother used to send along on
various reasons—m.ainly self -advantage .political party, was one 'of the _Most ' 111Y
the express understanding thaw
t it as
as -aligned to -the general ‘velfare— bitter andepersisteut opponeu•b
ts of the not to e included in the deal. All in
would like to see all contrels-lifted late President's effort aud lost no op- all, it was a pleasant experience for
at once ;• no matter what. the conse-; portuuity of proving himself h..ep.. all the parties concerned.hmortgage
AD,- father used to settle is
quences. If disaster should follow, dyed isolationit. Last week fie was .
with the local bank. Ed. Meyers. was
-o Id be the first t�complaie. before his coiptitnents in Montana for manager of the bank and he was
out Canada. There are those who,
for although a member of the President's including a (plant of sweet cream which
LJL The war is over, but the direct renoininatioli-'for a fifth teriu iiii the
influences of war are with 'es still, , Senate aud was defeated. The people
and. apparently will hb for some, cen-J of the United States .are faking a wider
siderable time yet. Much of the war view of theirTesponsibilities and the
legislation tind regulations is as neces:11 isolationist cause is losing ground.
. sary now as it was durthg the period i * . * *
of hostilities. If fault is to . be found - Sornebody has said that wishful,
I •having to deal w-ith a mortgage coin-
' With the priee administration, if should i thinking is at • the bottom of most 'of pany. The estate which handled my
be on the grouud that it has; not kept the trouble in this and other countries has always been a rather
iiiii;rie 'is- 'ffiiiiiy-rrits-'4r:Trinir&*?azia.;•todaivi:=People,,,vho more o..' 1ess,,ege111,944-.. ..The •matt0,-1U14-4-0x-71,WA.-6
• I iugly accepted,the restricted conditions rturned °Yee to -the mortgage delart-
, ment of a hie- Trust and Loan Comiei. ny.
quitereasonable and the kind of fellow
it was never_ditgicult to deal with.
Sometimes my gather•.would be a little
shy ;of ,cash and he would tell Ed.
and they would .fix it up so that the
mortgage could be settled when a load
of pigs went to market.
I am now in the predicament of
By TEdwayd Sara
There is nothing more euthralling to bleak and empty. We search in,
quarters for some light to help restore
our faith, but eau see nothing but
the dark void. This is -the very Mo-
ment when we should intensity our
search, for the first gleam of under-
standing is scheduled to appear at the
darkest interval. This is the time 2o'
us to keep looking, to scan the problem
carefully in all directions, to =Ma
for the tirst pinpoint of understanding,
and to persevere in our search until
tile 'full outline of returning faith ,is
again safely berthed.
As with the vessel coming to Port
from the black ,geaclaes of night, the
progress of understanding may 'seem
exasperatingly slow, but Somewhere out
in She darkness the, light is coming
closer, and it we wait, and watch*, per.
sistently, we shall ever be rewarded
by a full and comprehensible return
of Faith. .)
(Financial, Post)
There's a great day coming—when
doctors are going to be able to do some-
thing about the common Old. At the
big convention of the American Medical
Association just over, the sorry—and
we trust thoroughly embarrassing con-
clusion—of a panel of experts was that
the onjy reliable and effective way to
treat rcold is rest in bed; that medical
men could do nothing. Cold remedies,
said one baffled medico, have chiefly
a dry -footed landlubber than the sight
of a great ship creeping silently lute
harbor • out of the void Of 'tights Far
out in the blaeknese, where there had
been nothing' but Me dark merging of
sky aud water, first a pinpoint of light
appears, then another aud-others. until
it - seems that , squad of well -
marshalled •firellies are on patrol. For
a time it seems as if the firellies are
marking time, $o slow is their progress,
but finally they. march sedately into.
a new formation and become the. under-
standable ligbts•of a Snip reaching its
destination.hen we see the funnel
and smoke, the highest firefly reflects a
gleam on its mesa 'the hull looms
roughly out of the gloom, the clanking
of metal and th.e calls of ceewmen
are, heard,and the mystery disperses as
another grain -laden -freighter shoulders.
its way to its wharf.
We watched this scene from the
.end og a pier, as an interlade, -tucked
into the middle of a noeturfial, stroll.
Following a habit of finding a thought
to fit eackepell of enjoyment, it seethed
that the scene we had witnessed remark-
ably resembled the fludnig of Faith by
seeker of understanding. .
There are moments in the lives of all
of us when no gleam of understanding
shows • on our erStwhile darkened
horiZon. Some circumstance of advers-
ity has clouded our skies, dimmed our
vision and made our outlook seem
Se5YeInSt0gZeal. vcUuo Ty 9teep the
patient'a Mind frOha Ilia Other dit3-
-1..hat. ,e0,131'S. ihhi1sr1tsi,9 will
retort tfiat the .doctor may not know
any more en that eubjeet than he does
on how to we a cold. Thousands will
shortly1 be starting to dose themselves
with Cod, liver otl, vitamin pills. and
serums because they reettfl that in the
winters for whicb they thus prepared
themselves they lia,d fewer colds thaa
in wihtere they did not. Thousands of
others will •remain convinced that when
Alley hurry to an osteopath as a cold
-"is coming on," they will get rid of
it 'very much faster than if they don't.
So, regardless of the big talk of the
bigwigs of the American Medical As-
•sociation, millions of us ordinary folk
are going to go on with our own private
systems of fighting off colds. And we
shall also continue not entirely 'play-
fully to twit our doctor friends that
number one Medical mystery apparent-
ly 'remai'ns the common cold.
Nagging Draggling
Pains -In the Back
Many women Italie to do` their own:
houeeworks and the constant bend-
ing over, lifting, making beds,
eweeping,,ironing, sewing, so neces-
sary to perform their household
duties pets a heavy strain on the
back and kidneys, and i2 there were
no kidney w,ealtness, the back wpuld
be strong aa,d well.
Doan 's Kidney •PilIs help to give
rclief to weak, backache, kidney eufe
fering women.
•• Doan's Kidney Pills are pit up •
inaan oblong grey box ;with our trade
mark e. ."Maple L'eaf" On 'the
Don't accept- a substitute. Do
ware and get "Doan's.','
The T. =Muni ,, Toronto. Ont,
-1 , MER
O4.70Aft... 4P4)
4'r POR THE GO -N-
prevented much of the unrest that IA
.evident today.
The United States is learning froth
costly experience what' it means to
of wartime thought that as soon as the I mymortgage caine due in the middle
shooting stopped everything would be' of haying and I just put it aside,
ligui'ing on going in to see them a
all right and life would be an un-
little later on.
• interrupted joyride.. They forgot—or lift price controls ' abruptly in the I- got kind of'a nasty letter,- hut that
didn't make any diffeeence. I put a
bag of potatoes aud a ceuple- of dressed
Put -a B of M Loan to work for you. If
you need extra money for your farm's devel-,..
manager today. Ask' or write for folder
"Quiz for J. Gorahead Farmer."
; it never entered their heads—that the
midst of inflationary tendencies.
huge costs of war- were still in great
A PROBLEM FOR HURON !measure unphid; that war _had tlis-
chickens: in the back of the car and
located the wh_
je machinery went to tdwir. • Taking the notice •of
. oof ine
the interest due_
t into a big place that looked as
The trend from-flir-MTiTfrTrTli-e-t'rrrfct-tt:'vMrtrtrdtr'rrt"tiqrTTM"-rarttrFfr5-tr-n-,-e-n . • '
. city presents)ne of the west serious to readjust it ; but thatjhe preserve t loll If it might have. been an - old . Romah
liberty on (his earth was Worth temple: .
of present-day problems. , Here 111. t). . .
I Wa 5 passed from seeretary'-to, clerk
many times over the privatious which
Hureu 4,Vt ste it in neglected farms and i a-feand back to stenographer. Then I
' a griidtial ireduction of the ritral poptil; ll to the 0: ;lot t
ttly excePt those who j went out to aii anteroom and sat down.
ton. In some other Pft:rts of the; Were in- the firing line -.-and most ,oi ; Somebody- beckoned me hinIS I stood
Proviuce it is to be seen in the infitix. them \yenta not wissli to he excepted.! at a' little railing and she passed me
years .,1.,:ltituhtfortll t,)) till . in . .. It was headed.
of people of alien, birth who, coming The great -lesson of the la•st ten
r; gages ( verdue. I. had to . fill
. ,from European tountrres., are ac --1 h..; that' When' in future anybody dues ..
Ha a -lot of vacant spaces. and prac-
s-, I ,.
. eust4n.i.d to a lower standard of living , the_ Hitler 'act he sshold lel smocked i• tieally S i gli my life away.. I filled in
than is usual in this country? and who I. dewn promptly -lest he bring on aeeener ' ferins and signed others nnd all in all-
_ j ha d quite a Hine, but I left with niv.
' are able to make what is 10 them a,; hoThc-allt,t• . - . . po to toes a fol . dressed -eh ickens and
good, :iving on farms • which have ' .. • . - a 11 1- for this modern form of cum-
essilLN SELF TOO SERIOUSLY limas,' ode
afforded a bare I i verihood .- tralliE
tii their ' ' i ' •
Yes, sir, times certainly do change.
. (Ottawa Journal) .
former owners. In these sections; the - - If II. G. Wells ehoose:_4 to attack .
land is gradually' 'passing from the - mn,y ,
oarchas a ii institution that t is
ownerhip of original Canadian stock • • , • - • ; „ . .
light, as it is the r
sos right of 81-8.11111 II. 1 finished the paving of -the „stretch ,,of
to that of a variety of Europen races. .• .. Iis nothing sacrosanct about that the BluW
e ater Hm nt
Highway froIher-'
So far this alien issvaSil has not se any °then tuna of government. But l ley, to Pert Albert and have now moved
reached Huron hi any extent, but it wh-en, wells co-upic§_ a savage attackall -their equipment to Wingliani' to
upon ntonterchy in general with the i work there. Manyof those engaged
'•-is coming -closer and closer.. . -
,itgite-Stion—for ... which.. he offers not with them here, have gone to Whightun
What iS 'to be done about itf: . 1,\ -ill.
. .• the slightest- proof—that the British; to (•oittplete t he stSetch of ,road from
the people ,,f_pur,,n -1,4 0,2 titre take isiyal family was in the -pay of MUS -1 Wingham to Teeswater.
,its co11rse,„7. or will they make samelSolinithrilugh the meditnn of - the i W.M.S. Meeting. ----The July meeting
-effort es bring abont condjtions midefi British Fascist pai`ty going beyond , of the W.S1,.8. of Aslilielal,•Presberian
i church was.. held alt 'file home of 'Mrs.
n-hich the Sons ami. daughters of the d''<.eneY' - - -
ny 10 11' ago II. G.. Wells Wrete ; Henry MacKenzie Witili t1N'enty-eight
present owners will remain 011 the some excellent novels and they brought Hn attendance: Mrs. Neil G. Mac -
land? - 'him considerable fanre. Then,' 'un- ! Kenzie' presided., Miss s.z. 1 1 't 1
.410.0 0 0.0iston .
The problem is staring ns in the fortunately.' he sbegen to take himself i read the Scripture le-ssoil and 'Mrs.
-sarionsly, 'lie Set himself up AS histor-I.Jthead gave. the 1110(111811011a .on _ it.
.face?. INbat is the. solution? lab. philosopher, as one ;with a clear! Prayers were offered by Mrs. Howes
EDITORIAL NOTES • inAght into the future, and he has' and 3Irs. MacDonald. The lesson from
lo..g bean an advncizte of a tight1y0e1)n-11 the study book on .Africa was given by
trolled world stale-,q'presumably on the , Miss Minnie Cathcart. The. ladies
' The Canadian climate is something Communist • pattern). • . , - i bad As - their • guest speaker Miss
to beast about. One (ban sizzle all - 1111 0 t is ' tile . ba eagle) inlet Tom which , Ma rjorie MacKay, deaconess, who gave
comes this •dirtyfr 41118 vicious blast' an interesting talk on the 1111551011 at
dad ae
y, anat night rech for an xtna-
. _against the King and his family, For- ' Leand
Leaside aher work at Weston Sani.:.'
blanket to keep himself warig. _• tunately it will 'defeat itself ; fair- ' tarium She eleo told of herwork In
6 • minded people will see in it just an- Mille Indian Sehool.• *where e -ate• had
A Russian- st:ientist Who taught that other piece of Wens' fantastic fiction. been th'ree yeand ow
rs. a'shed. that the
• • .
serve 7
Here's an idea that can help -
you save time and iVork: Serve
Kellogg's ready -to -eat cereals
not only for breakfast, but for
mid-morning snacks, chilaren's
unc ,s es or
All -Bran, 31,ice Krisipies, Bran
Flakes anu. 'Krumbles are all
made by Kellogg's, the greatest
nam,e in cereals. •
Kellogg's All-
most delicious
form. Flaked,
toasted, read -t-
eat! Everybody
loves the heartening
working with Canadians in evely walk of life since 1817
!The King eannot reply to Wells, but I work was very mech. . worthwhile_
1111111811 beings' should live. to. the age indeed'there is no' need. A social half-hour was much enjoyed.
oP 150 years has just ;died at the'age . - •
of ,sixty-four. The joke Nva.5 en him.
(Brantford Expositor)
Young people are sent to school to
The Toner o Star' complains that
lean! things they can not convenn
ITYdro in that xi,t3T, is Pillog UI) a ; learn at home. The fault lies in. the I
surplus instead of yedueing rates. By schools, that is to, say, in the pre -
the .wey. did Reeve Tel-ner ever .4. -et. ' scribed courses .of instration: For!
some obscure and eccentric reason, the;
Satisfaction over that same coMplaint'"
Ontario Department of Education,' over j
in Goderich? a now considerahle period of years, has
.. 4.. * * * , followed, seemIngly, the theory Ilia t a
..It seems to be becoming a fashion i.hild can somehow' pick up Ilia mother ;
for, young . coupies looking for „sosm'aa tongue, "naturally" arid NA- I t4out Much
laid from grammar books- or lessons WI
; thing -different" to have the marriage syntax,
ceremony performed in an airplane Ut1. By this' time the theory—if, 1111100(1,1
nn altitude of "•thonsanns of feet. Of ' it was a theory ,ancl, not merely the i
1- result Of carelessness—stands thosough-
cotiree, these young people have to get : lv exploded and discredited. , The
down to earth after the weddleg .juet is'assetee of English should be fiCeorded !
about a e iplienie „n s ' those who do net fly 1 the itessitiort it de44erves—highest of alli
• • •
.- so high at the beginning of their wedded. on thea
list subjects. And the gram -
life. ,
- mar book should be reinstated! What's'
more, it need not be the dry -as -dust, ell-
, . 0 ' e most unintelligible "grammar" of a
' When schemes for the spending of generation oa so ago. Stani books as
.pnblie money are under consideration. Fowler's "The King's .,English" are
readable and "entertaining as well as
it should We' remembered that they
- instructive.
involve taxation ,upon people who, le, —
many cases, liave difficulty in meeting
We. Have NOW Started to
- Make
-Concrete Blocks
Chas. Crossett
We sillry lust One tankful of Sunoco Dyrtofue
-that's we askt" "Youcl-and you're
ooting bo
tck for- orto're t Our soles prove it!
Residence—Cameron St.
Phone 1160 '
Huron Road Gocierich
gives you a big PLUS over eil!er high-test gasolines
their tax bills. Soeial smutty meas. • ________ • •
ewes are very nice to talk about, but ASHFIELD, Jnly 23. ---Mrs. • Neil
Maefionald sand Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mac -
the man who hos to pinch every Penny
Donald spent Sunday at • Lambeth with
he gets may not he very enthusiastac,
, Mr. and Mrs. -Thos. Bogie.
when called upon to jrip pay_for the, Mr. and Mrs, Meek and Mr. and Mrs.
- support of those whose theory is that Dave MarKeneie spent Sunday at Mee-
-q -lie world 41,t014- OV4117-111flils11 living:" i ford. ._,• , • .,._,, .,
Lieutenant-Colonel John MaclIotulid,
• e • .,
1 tely returned from the South POW,
It is good lleWS, even here in with his sister. Miss LOnise MacDon-
ilanerleai thai erops in Iftrope give -aid of Toronto, and his • aunts, Mrs.
so that :Ef3a MaeLennan and*Miss Isobel. Miss,
promise 'of Ain' abendant yield,
. vieffird With :‘,Irs. Sohn Rose And laiNs
the ppeetvo oi imam : starvation 113
dkiven away and people on this side 1 Henderson,
Miss Catharine Ross and MIAs Catlin.
Of the ocean may •eat their meals with- arine MacGregor, of Niagara 'visited
Amt fear that they are. deprivigg nmo with Mrs. Simpson over the week -end.
voor thotzaiam,of limos away. of . Stephy VIIlott, is this week' holiday -
the 6,1 that would Le* 1111)1 01476. The Storms Constrpetion Co: have
mg at 1 ort Colborne
160,000 People* Recommend
At household Finance you borrow 520.
to 51000 "quickl3r, simply — no endorsers
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110.0 17.55. $0.17 57.99.'1.
50 8.79 . .
150 20.31 13.75 11.24 i
200 35.11 18.34 14.90 r
300 52.86 27.511 22.98 117.47
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.52.40 40.77
7401 111125
1)4110(1 1' Gii YE44I1 Cr; M511?trtipf
2tbd Filoolr, Royal natik
20 DOW4110 St, corder of Aobot
Phone eee eitRATFORD, WS.
e. J Colby Moncoar
1.0001r mdo rostdoth of gcorby fdttto
JU6t test one tankful ...E.
that's all we ask,
We want you to compare SUIMOCO
IDYIRAitlfaiti% petionnance erlitt the
beg you ever got Gat ot soy
'otiose 'Int pest one tanktttleot
\ view motor vWfl iettie
vettlict,to you. •
iftitylesso-doKt:dilite Sunoco Dys/s.ftoel
tank is situost envies Thee VA
up *lett 3uttoeo tortaitiel. 1106
tICIM 011111 Way 011,11 'tett ,y4trel
ly good Sunoco lAteasittei
NO 'gasoline can excel its
NO gasoline can excel its
NO gasoline can excel its
NO gasoline can give.EtACCELE'ATION
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