The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-05-16, Page 3t Q NCOUNTY'S, FOREMOST W ' L Y 1 G NINETY-NINTH YEAR. `>A NO. «0 entices Dir'ectory LEGAL DUDLEY 1:. HOLM fl S Barrister, Etc. Oit ce--Court House, Goderich. Telephone 55. J. K. HUNTER ``' Barrister, Etc. ' Royal Bank Bldg Hamilton Street, Goderich Phone 968. �WM. A. SUTH11RIA,ND Barrister and Solicitor Office ---North St., Goderich. Phone 750 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS MONTEITH -and MONTEITH,' Chartered Accountants 51 Albert Street, Stratford ' Toronto Office: 802 Bay Street W. CECIL A.TTRIDGE. • CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Telephone : ° • Office 18, Residence 343. od Fk BR04I, DAVIS & . DUNN - Chartered- Accountants London - -Kitchener K. Broughton, Q4. -..-Residers 'Partner 512 Huron es Erie Bldg. Phone Met. 2788. London. ACCOUNTING AND BOOKKEEPING ACCOUNTING 4 BOOKKEEPING SERVICE), -- For Small Businesses; Stores, Ete Bookkeeping Systems meta Books Balanced Monthly Financial '.Statements - Wage Summaries Business - and Personal Income Tax Returns • • ' ALBERT SHORE • Office :Corner North. St. and Square Phone 975. Residence: Phone 444. INSURANCE o- DIM DATES OF RATION COUPONS 'Coupons now valid are sugar -pre- serves S1 to S';14, butter 111 to• ,lti3, meat A129 to M37. Five additional sugar -preserves coupons were (teetered Valid for the purchase of sugar for canning on May 2. Five additional coupons for this purpose will be good McKILLOP MIJTUAL FIRE IN- -+ SURA1'0E lithe -Farm -and °is,o-. sated town property insured. Officers -- President, Frank Mc- Gregor, Clinton, 'No. 5,; Vice -President, Chris. Leonhard, Bornholm, No. 1; Manager and Secretary -Treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. . Directors -Frank McGregor, Clinton; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; Ale/. Broadfoot, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; George Leitch, .Clinton; E. T. Trewartha, Clinton; Alex. McEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander; Walton L.J: L. Malone, Seaforth.: Brucefield, Agents -John E. Pepper, s No. 1; George A. -Watt, Blyth, No. 1; R. Finlay McKercher, Dublin, No. 1; J. F. Prueter. Brodhagen. Policy -holders can make all pay- ments and get their cards receipted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cutt's Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich, or T. J3. Reid's General Store, Bayfield. r .A MEDICAL GO erg E IGH, ONTA, Girl Guides to See Lady Baden-Powell Arraiigi,ng fir .Trap to' Lo iaor Janne 'nth -Maple Leaf Chapter Mets The May meeting of the Maple Leaf Chapter,: I.O.D.4.,, was held on. Friday, in July. May 10th, vat MacKay Hall. The -high- light of, the meeting was the rep rt' y OTHERS 'ARE ASKING of the ,Provincial convention given Q .. -T natal seasonal price of but- ter Burin the. war WCs 38 to .39 cents a pound 'n our town. Last November the pr ce was raised one cent. In Januar, , it was raised another cent. We now pay 45 cents. Did the W.P. T;B, allow an increase of four > or six• cents? A. -Prior to ' the four -cent- a -pound increase recently allowed for butter the -maximum price at which any dealer might sell at retail was 42 cents. The maximum retail. price now is 46 cents. gout. , musi- o. ,., pp � T �ve..n. to rd,er?-_ .. pp- . . _ ..._ - A. --One week's notice to vacate is - sufficient. ) s the -present--ce of; a peck of potatoes? ' A.= -Ceiling' prices in Western On- tario may vary. In. London the ceiling on domestic old potatoes is 564.1 per peck for Canada -No. 1, and 78 cents for new potatoes. The latter price is effective to July 18. ,. Q. -I understand the ceiling .price of oranges has changed during the past ew weeks. Can you tell me the telling now?, was a -revision in ceilink prices of California 'oranges due to changes in .prices in the United States. If you will let us . know the size of the oranges in question we will give you the correct ceiling price. Sizes are marked where the •oranges are offered for sale - DR. F. J. R. FOIRSTER, EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, assist- ant at Moorefield Eye 'Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, England. - EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephone 267. • Next visit Bedforal,Hbtel, Goderich, Wednesday, gray, 22nd at 2 p.m. till 4.30. p.m. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Goderich, Phone 341 Office hours --10 to 12 a.m,, 2 to 5 ¢nd T to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. - 10 to 12. a.m. only on Wednesday. Monday and Thursday at Mitchell. Mineral fume baths bs` appointment only. - A. N. ATKINSON . 51 South St. Registered under Drugless Practitioners Act for the Province of Ontario. • A. L. COLE Optometrist -Optician • . ,y_ Eyes Examined, . Glasses Fitted' Phone 33 • Goderich, Ont. Q. -How can I find out if 1 am paying the right price for beef? A. -.Since you are evidet}.tly___a_,110,uSc wife you may easily determine the proper piiees - of various beef cuts from the chart which must be posted Geo. G. MacEwan Fire, ° .Aceiident and Motor Car Insurance-- - OFFICE :4MASONIC TEMPLE - WEST STREET PHONE 230 -. GODERICH P. J. P i'AN Real Estate and Insurance Office and Residence: - - 11 Trafalgar Street . Phone 663 FOR S, .LE• ---Houses of all kinds, choice building lots, business pro- perty and several good. farms. r x DONALD B. - BLUE EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Licensed for Counties of Huron - and Bruce RIPLEY, PHONE 49 For information apply to J. N. Ketnighan, Division Court Clerk. Goderich, Ont. Mrs. D. D. Mooney, Mrs. Emerson was present and spoke ,on behalf of the Girl (uided. Lady Baden-Powell, is to be in London, (int., on June 7th, for a march -past. .The Guides are all anxious to attend and the members of the Chapter are urged to volunteer theeir cars to take them. Nine cars are needed. The' party will leave Goderich at 11 a.m. and return about 6 p.m. It was agreed that the objective of the Chapter for this year be 5100. The proceeds from tile rummage sale were 555. Mrs. Chapman reported that the yarn orts e' . . a had ad arrived and .., t lt„h w. vvdistributed_as. ikti tts sas,J 'p sible. Attention was called to the national clothing drive, June 17-29. Good used a-gentl;y-nee-dedr- Mrs. Mooney has been nominated for the National Council of the I.O.D.E. Voting will be held at the convention in Winnipeg. Mrs. Campbell reported 'the decision of the, Town Council that the five women's organizations who meet in MacKay Hall are to be allowed its use free of charge. H ' The next meeting of the Chapter•will be held June 14. Since, it is the most important meeting of the year all members, are urged "to -attend. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 203, Clinton. , Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. - 19tf HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH For information, etc., write R.R. 4, Seaforth; or phone (col- lect) Seaforth, or, 867, Goderich. - '� CAPITAL T47 PHONE' Now -"San Antonio,' in •Teelmicolor with Errol Flynn. • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday-- ' John Garfield, Elea4tor Parker and Dape Clark Presenting an entertaining combination of action, humor and love in a thrilling story -of a famous fighting outfit "PRICE° of - the - MARINE'" Thursday, Friday and Saturday - Betty Button, Barry Fitzgerald and Andy Russell It's# =steal coined/with zing in the music and -zip in the comedy "The STORK CLUB" Coining -"Scarlet yStreet," •with Joan Bennett. Matinees Wednesday, Saturday and Holidays at 2.30 un. 1rAx1 Trams a . HURON - OLD 'BOYS' PICNIC The annual picnic of " the. Heron Old Boys' Association of Toronto will be held on Friday afternoon, June 14th, at High Park, in the area just south of Bloor street. There will be races, a. baseball game between North and South- Huron, and .other events. AU Huronites are invited: Further par- ticulars later. in your butcher shop. This chart gives the ceiling prices for, various numbered cuts -which can be compared with the cutting chart which must also be displayed. ' o' • . 4uestrons regarding rationing and price regulations of the Wartime Prides and Trade Board will be answered if referred td•. the Information Branch, .W.P.T.B:, Federal Building; London. II Rea s . � rs..�►:° Wien � SCHOOL NEWS Wometh Jnstitute ,N11!)EK AT TIM .G.Y. (Bray JIB 'R yiwa 1":I This week we present to you the teachers and students of the Com- mercial Form, which is under the direction of Miss Sinibert as form teacher. She combines a thorough knowledge of her subjects with a rare understanding of her pupils. Her students 'realize their good fortune in being under her tutelage, and they votelter "en the ,beam,' Commercial's course of study comprises typing,' stenography, bookkeeping, English, business correspondence, business law, office practice and penmanship, taught by Miss. Smibert ; business arithmetic, by Miss McNaughton► ; and health" and physical training, by Miss Bisset. Fol- lowing are the students: (Gr. 11) Ruth Allison, Helen Armstrong, Joyce Beech - ler, Noreen 'McKay, Helen McLean. Jean McPhee, Joan McPhee, Kathryn Snider and Elinon . Watson; . (Gr. 12) Thelma Bennett and Eleanor.. Mcg Dougall; (specials) Ronald Patterson said Pet s• er Walter. Astudents of. 'y; :R.... ..._ 1' .'166: .., COIC�III��i'a�� • the .I mO�to .� F.. T. Armstrong - OPTICIAN and ,OPTOMETRIST Square - (Roderick I "See -Armstrong- and -See-Better" At • Lucknow every Wednesday form 2 to 6. CONFEDERATION LIFE WIND -CAR Fire Preferred Rates -for Preferred Disks. ACCIDENT & SICKNESS - Consult JNO.' FARRISH, Lucknow Phone 82-13 Dungannon PIANO LESSONS Sheldon Baxter . Supervisor of Music in Rural Schools. Willaccept limited number of • pupils.- - - Write P.O. Box 860, Goderich. 5-18 Phone 378 J. W. CRAIGIE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE of - acres--son-t les affaires." * * * There are two special departments in the G.C,I.; Awe student. One of these is "home economics," taught by Miss Gardiner, wh1Y is the idol of every boy in the school. Here the housewives of to- morrow learn the culinary art of day, and the delicious aroma that is wafted through these ancient halls of learning is . proof positive that home economies is a decided success. " Another special' department is that of "manual training," taught by Mr. Walkom, who is the hero of every girl If we listened to our better selves the -school. --Here the boys learn rto• A- hearty, .votesof thinks w'as giv'en _ we'd d be true to - our 'better halves. be proficient in carpentry and :metal Mr;s. McInnis, 'who retired after three work, and many of the homes proudly years as president' and who thanked display products- of this department the members for their co-operation and manufactured by the pupils.- suppo%t throughout her term of office. * * * Hour of Meeting Changed A. meeting of the executive of the Women's Institute was held on Tues- day at thehome of the president, Mrs. A:'' Wilkin. The main business wars the planning of programs for the year. Several recommendations were -made, including _thane...111=in, of the hour of meeting ,from 3 o'clock to 2.30. Lunen and a social half-hou'r con- cluded the meeting. i' . N, Moinzlis Aettreo5. ter Tei Years ta the Presi. crent's Chair The' regular meeting of the Women's Institute was held in MacKay ay Hall on. Wednesday, May 1st. The 'presi- dent, Mrs. N. McInnis, was in the ehair. As this was the annual meeting the reports of the various' officers were given, showing the meetings s during they - ear to have been inter`stfng and instructive, and donations having been made to many causes. , The election- of officers took place, Mrs. Chas. Young, a past president, being in charge, Following are the officers: Honorary president, Mrs. N. McInnis; president, Mrs. A. Wilkin; lst vice-president, Mrs. C. Holland 2nd vice-president, Mrs. C. Lockhart; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. B. Price; ,press secretary, Mrs. G. Mumby ; auditors. Mrs._ J. Newcombe, Mrs.' G. ' z `�i'�so�r. Sli&tb'.3.. �:Mrs.. Innis ; pianists, Mrs. T. Glazier, Mrs. G. Bisset; ,Sower convener, Mrs. R. Tutner ; branch directors, Mrs. C. Hol- ,', , cLean Mrs., W. Doak, Mrs. Con. Bissett, Mrs. N. Miller, :' Mrs. McKinnon; conveners of standing com- mittees ;agricultural, Mrs. Mathieson; citizenship, Mrs. Tichb me ; social wel- fare, Mrs. R. Or'r ; historical research, Mrs. Newcombe; publicity, Mrs. Mumby ; home economics, Mrs. R. Good. It was decided to donate 510 to the Cancer Fund. Delegates "were ap- pointed to the district annual, the date to be annotanced later. I)Rg-N AN M9[aeDONALD_ (i P` , v$ ERS' IN On Sa turday, 0, at 2.30 o'clock, a charming spring wedding tuo1 place at the home of Mr. and lire. Ialeyd AiacDOI1 t1d, Kincardine, when their elder daughter? :fargaret. jean .LQ.nn, i is in Gaderi4laa slcpz lax new ship clri:t� was united in marriage to Kenneth ° James Brennan, son, of air. and Mrs:; eu('ti. 'here Saturday. afterno6n, ' slup. Iaancrial Halifax, I perlal 04 Co. Ltd., new tanker, Wena cbrietened-by . <� Mrs. G. 1,. Stewart, wife" of„ the. ' ff- president of the company., f • Capt. Ineltere, the ,.tanker's new ski1per. and company President,. H. , I!eweteon, looked on, Mre. Steward, with a well -aimed blow, broke ,the bottle of champagne caeroes> .the bow, and Canada's marine flag dropped away from the ships side, to reveal her new name. Originally christened the Empire Maldon; the vessel had been built 3n Scotland Or the Britishanavy, and had been completed only _thi6 veal. The tanker; which has yet to load her Snit cargo of oil,will be used on the com- pany's Coastal run, plying between her home port of Halifax, Sydney, Saint John and Newfoundland points. Capable of carrying 43,000 barrels of oil, the 1,982 -net ton vessel' is powered by a Doxford Diesel engine, has s top, si eed„..ef. 1236 knots, and 12 ,P4.0, . Xf feeb=fie .h IIA.LIFA'Z, May 14e---Capt.job* Vickers, treat Laken sailer, h0E-7.P " Elwood Drennan or Asb1 eld, by the Reverend Stanley M. Scott of ,l anoX .presbyterian .church, Kincardine. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a Boor=length gown of white, em- bossed organza, made' with sweetheart neckline and long sleeves. 'Her. head- dress was 'a coronet of white flowers with waist length veil. She carried a bouquet of roses and white snap- dragon. As bridesmaid, Miss Shirley. MaeDoznald, sister of the bride, wore a floor -length gown of' pink sheer with headdress of pink flowers and shoulder- length veil. She carried pink and white carnations. fir. Bruce MacDon- ald acted as groomsman. A reception was held at the 'bride's home after the ceremony at which guests were pre- sent from Ashfield, Goderich, Hespeler and Toronto, For the wedding trip to Border City points, the bride wore a brown tailored suit with pink blouee and brewn ' accessories. The couple will reside,In Oode - _ h SANDERSON-WAGNER A quiet wedding on May 4th. took .place at Knox Presbyterian church, 1 , Flint Ve,„Ayst ',er, daughter of hi'rS: Jacob Wagner, Auburn, became the bride of Wilfred R. Sanderson, son of Mr. Albert -Sander- son, Blyth. The attendants were Min- nie Wagner, sister of the bride, and Albert. Skelton, cousin of the groom. After a wedding luncheon the young couple left on a short trip. On „their return they will"reside on the' groom's farm easto f Auburn. 11 A.Y.P.A. MINSTRELS IN RETURN ENGAGEMENT J On Friday, May 17th, the Teen -Age Clui) will meet in the gymnasium of the school"at 8.30 p.m. ALDWINCKLE-T) OMPSON • CLINTON.-At .St. Paul's Anglican criftaT-CTiiiton;:.-o'n -Sutra tlas;liar Mary Clarissa, daughter - of Mr. and Mrs. R.. G: Thompson, Clinton, was united in marriage ..to Mr. Robert Mor- rison Aldwinckle, son of 'Mr: and Mrs. Henry Aldwinckle, of Varna, Rev. R: M. P. l3ulteel - officiated. The bride wore a floor -length gown of white sheer with square net yoke outlined with a„ tiny ruffle and net embroidered finger- tip veil falling from a Juliet cap. Her flowers were I3riarcliff roses • and bou- vardia arranged in a cascade bouquet. Her only attendant was her sister, Miss Ruth Thompson, in -turquoise net and carrying a cascade bouquet of 'pink Virginia carnations. Dean Aldwinkle was = his brother's best man, and Yeo- man Aldwinckle and Robinr Thompson were ushers. After a - reception at the Mollie of the bride's parents, the couple left by motor for London. They will' reside ih Ottawa for the summer. A return engagement of St. George's A.Y.P.A. line minstrel show was held n� -St. George -garish- m hall oTbnrs- day and Friday evenings of last wee..k.-��-f This production_ was under the auspices. of the local Engineers' Union. As in the previous showings, the qual- ity uayity of entertainment presented was of the highest order. - Since the fist showing in Goderich: in March ,the show .has been presented in Lueknow and Dungannon tocapaeity audiences. sosswormissesis "BUD" WIELAND, AT BARRIEFJELD The features of "Bud" Wi land, well-known Goderich boy, • look • out from a page of the May issue of the Canadian National (Railways) Maga- zine, with ,the eccilmpany ing reference: Edward Reginald Wieland has re- entered the service of the• railway as ticket clerk in the Barriefield military camp office at Kingston, Ont., • after three and a -half years' service in the Canadian army. Mr. Wieland held the rank of corporal on _ discharge. - Ile began his service with the company as ticket clerk in the Brantford .city ticket- - -office • in ,February, June, ,,1942, he was granted leave of absence, for i`nilitary service.' dor peal home -baked cakes and pies you can't beat that sovereign in its field. King Pastry Flour td Whwan©sa Mutual Fire Insu- rance Co. 50 years in business, Canada}s largest Fite --Ins. .Co. Get our rates on Car and "Wind Insurance. Among the lowest . in Canada. • GORDON° JEWELL - R.R. a 8' Goderich Phone Carlow 21-r4. WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS Bus Seheduln now In ea'eet ' Leaves Goderich daily including Sunday 1.45 a.m., 42.25 p.m.; 4.15 p.m. Arrives Goderich daily 11.50 a.m.; 3.45 p.in,; 9.20 p.tn.. Leaves Sundays and holidays 8.00 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. The 8.00 p.m. bus goes ALM to London only. Connections at Cflnton - for - London, Detroit, Winghant, Walkerton, Port Elgin and Owen Sound. cb inertion l-4$t1'Ati'brd f6f, Wooci§trVeN Y(tti�hetie, Gue1011, Hamilton and Toronto. " • Connections at Mitchell for Listowel and London. For infornmation phone flatfish Exe ehange phone .G91 er 711. e `,o a (21 Yes, things are improving. Chair' cars ate . back on many Canadian National runs, and i>rnofe equipment is becoming available for civilian use again. Tkiat means. now you can make that train trip you've been putting off. Whether it's business or pleasure, a long trip or a short one, we'll do everything we can to assure you an enjoyable-jouirney. LET-eHELP PLAN YOUR TROP Any Canadian National ticket Office isagQQc ° place to go, not just for tickets, tiffietab1es and itineraries, but for other' help, too; 'reservations at Canadian National's hotels from coast to coast; help in planning your vacation, fishing and hunting trips, etc. Put your problem up to Canadia ,'I National! n,