The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-04-11, Page 7TOWNS„lin"COUNCILS CLOD] RICIII TOWNSHIP Couaaeat Irr,et on April ° 1st. Correa, -aondlgnce— rom-'Mr. Hinnkaid re high school dietraete. The Council wan not sa'a clear on :t.><a ' d + r. ISinleaald or see of the coma es ittee, will be as l col to next meeting: *evert mu eat "ot .High- ways sent ,approval o bpi=w No.. 3 13pend $l5,000 on highway irnprove- reent during 1946: Mr. Peter Glazier asked for en outlet for has cellar drain. This was referred to the Road. Superinteindentto. attend to. "l'he De l,n inion Weed Machinery Company offered to deunon atr ate qua otheir griedere when theyhave , -- - one ready. Other canteens might like to attend too. The write ce to '`vtt ins u t d Clerk was .� the rernalnibg' school • sectionr to join ttee pee pt scboc^,.'k area; action ebould leo taleen before Italy let. Monteith and Monteith rent tie° audit reptant vebieh .weri aa;a:eateai. The Clerk wan' lu trusted te write Mr3. Boreal, fihe Melia;' aeeeeeed o building which olio did, not leave, an arrange ter anti adjuetstent. Mr. Lee. McGailln will be asaeal tQ have lila cattle sprayed befdt'e bringing to this toeynehip. but if they arrive in. tonne they can be *rayed liege fab. &he Township I eampaigat agaivat- the warble fly. .The teudere for gravelling were opened•—there were three ---tine tender of the Lavin Construction Co. wale e ' ..ted at 48 ea'nts r yard. acreper Mr. Fred Mulholland was appointed School Atteudauee Officer also Weed Inspector. Bylaw No. 5 to provide fatala for , the warble fiy extermination -1 in ,4the April issue of ;r .ur, monthly booklet • "Investments" there appears the first of a series of articles dealing with the United Nations - Organization. _ It is in recognition of •the interest of .Can- adians in this organization for World Peace that this series is being published. • ESTABLISHED 19" - TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG VANCOUVER NP.W YORK LONDON. ENG Kin Street ,re• , '/ol•onrca,. came/agate wan .read a thio . time an lrraeeed. lccounte paid: County yof Heron., po:1ft l ascount, 4,1O; Ws {+17Mi, gnf�yto for returned man. $9.81; ; $Ge6o. W. 4 eliaaefer, ;ifte, alCY. 0; Nenteith Monteith, auditing.' tavvro p books, $103, and for eehoola, $7O.00; else' Aeheson, use of house. aa.00. iuper- Iiatendent pay roll No. 4, $6130.22, dna?uaaeall adjourned to meet on Mon,. day, May kith, at LSO p, . R.. G. THOPSON, 'Clerk. CO110O1 TOWNSHIP The Municipal Council met, in the Township Hail,. Tuesday evening, April t 7r se t , brU a� e . n , w all em I. 2nd,with, l I. Minutes of Clap March meeting were read and adopted ea, moan of cowl - Oilers ad Miler., Ciitors Snyde& awl, ds Mr. George, peagtua, • e, termer 'reeve, was present, aslsingee Council /or a donation in. .:aid of the Ianternational Ploughing alateii to Ile held at -Tort Albert this fall A. letter was read from., • Mr. W. J. Alliin regarding deepening and clean- ing out the Allin drain. Thin- letter was ordered filed. Tenders for crushing and hauling gravel for the Township reads were received Trom Mr. Tlrowas. Sandy, Goderich and Mr. Levis, Clinton. As the specified amount of 10% was not included in Mr.- Levis' tender, it was decided by Council to advertise again for tenders. , Motions. -•-Horton Snyder : That we donate $125 to the local committee for the International Ploughing, Match. Squires—Hoxton: , That .we renew public liability insurance through Mr. Gordon Jewell, agent. Snyder—Horton: That we request .the members of the School Board and Inspector J. H. Kinkead to meet with the •Council to discuss the proposed High_ Schooi`•District plan on Wednes- day evening, April 10th. Snyder—Squires: That the following read vouchers and bills be paid: Road vouchers. $441.30; Mr. J. McDougal, secretary International Ploughing Match, $125; Print Shop, assessment 'settees, $5.25; Signal -Star, orders on treasurer, $8.10; Colbori e's share, in- digent patient,. $51.75; ,R. J. Glen, stamps, $10; Wm. Sal ws, stamps, $10 ; Mr. George Ryan, seed for ceme- tery, $2.78; Wm. Westlake, balance of salary for March, $76; Gordon Jewell, rankle ' i .bilfta ihaura T $7eai 5 r e O'Brien, general tax rate for Separate Sdhool, $76.80. Moved by Ross Fisher; we adjourn' to meet May 7th, at one o'clock. WM. SALLOWS, Clerk. To those who toss, night, after night on sleepless bila. To those who sleep in a kind of a say, but whose rest is broken by bad dreams and nightmare.. T. those who wake up in the morning as tired as when'}>:...:....r they went to bed, we offer in Milburn's- Health and Nerve Pills a tonic remedy to help soothe and strengthen the nerves. When this is done there .should be no snore restless nights due to. bad .dreams and nightmares. - Price 50e a box, 65• pills. at •all drug counters. • Look for our registered trade mark a "Red Heart" on the package. • The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto;"Ont. • No business can afford to face risks whim, should be covered by insne- .ance. Let us analyse your needs, explain how' insurance can protect your business from loss in many ways and arrange plan- ned Pilot policies to cover all 'eventualities. We write Pilot Insurance to cover se1- e0te_d risks in. Automobile,, Fire, Persona_ Property FIdater, Burglary, Cargo, Eleva+ tor, Teams, PIate Glass, General and Pubs-- lie ubes- lic Liability, Fidelity and 'Surety Bonds. VETERANS IN- ONTARIO SOLICIT REPLACEMENTS Veterans should be placed In` jobs now held by married women and lien- sionable and temporary personnel, ac- cording to a resolution endorsed by the Ontario Rehabilitation Corpmittee. Numerous, citizens' commit4 es �th.rough- out Ontario have-''' forwarded re*olu- tions to this effect to tile' central body. "This is a precautionary matter," explained Maj. -Gen. Bruce Matthews, chairman of the committee. - . "The question has not been raised in Tor- onto to any• large extent, but It may develop into a problem- in a few years time. It is dangerous to generalize moved into the farmer •Ferguson 'home on the ma fel_ of replacing married vy;hich-is- be .� ing-w-rrt.d=-f-ar-.-elEctr-icity,- The` annual banquet of, the "Sun- shine' Sisters" of the Women's Insti- tute will be held in the -Sunday school room of Kuox Presbyterian church on Tuesday evening, April 16th at 6.30 p.m. • Following the banquet. the I regular Institute Meeting will be held when Mrs. Albert C3ampbell will give j the address and Mrs. • Gordon Mc- Clinchey current events! Hostesses, rMrs. Herb. Mugeidge, Mrs. •Geo. Sturdy, i - Mrs. --Edna• Cowan,• Mrs. litred Piaetzer,- Mrs. R1•ed Ross, Misses Elam: Mutch, and Josephine Weir. - ! Mr. and Mrs. •fteick of- Kitchener spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. )Marry Beadle. Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Nice and family have moved to near Sheppardton. • Mrs. • Geo. .MeNa1l, sr.. of Goderich. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bert Craig., and Me. • Craig. rn Mrs. W. • Roberton spent Sunday with 'Mr:. and Mrs. Frank Roberton, Seaforth. Favored a -Memorial Half. -- The Foresters Ilaill was crowded to capircity Friday evening. when `the Ladies' Vic- tory- (nab held a second reception for the follos•ing personnel, Hurry Arthur. Carman and Leslie Schultz. Russel Thompson, Albert Govier, Stewart went; I e ne Campb-nt, Normah Rodge, David MeMillan and Gordon Dobie. Rev. H. J. Siiell was chairman for -the following program which. opened with •a ladies' chorus by Misses Josephine Weir, Joan and June Mc- Phee; Ila and Betty Craig, Roxie Ball, Betty Marsh ;• "Welcome" song, Marion 41`aylor ; reading, Mrs. Roy Finnigan; "Ilighlan°d Fling," Alma-Me1lne; solo, :hiss Betty Craig. , At this time there, was a discussion as to a suitable war *memorial.' iter•. Geo, Raithby explained ,the Cairn project; Mr. C. E. Asquith a memorial hall. and Mr;. Alf. Rollinson 'on an endowment fund. Ballots were passed to everyone in the -audience over T i years 'of age by Bert Craig and Robt. Phillips, rite. result • an- nounced by Tlar'iy•''Stnrdy,, favored a memorial bill: A striking committee eomposed of I)r. • B. k'. Weir, Herb. Mogridge, Wm. Stewart, Ernest Patter: MI and Jack Buchanan were appointed with power to 'add. The boy's orchestra ofa Knox United church. played' a num- ber, followed by a reading by Mrs. Wm. Iinggitt end a duet by , ra-Tlws. Jardin and " Mrs.- Emmerson Rodger, m Txaetor.Cultivators Tandem( Discs Diamond Hari "e wo Co i Pt�we�' Corn Binders Horse Corsi S3 Graaf Binder Ray Rakes Spreader's See u for • P1i 1PSa Pressure Systems, Windmills, Puiup Jaeki5 •and: G �! Engines Tfa~r guesie of healer were €iter .ailed and Rev. Robt. McConnell Sv elaczaecl t<ho mea baee bane aaaa eat aced gam' wiabee fon tl eir fut3re. Mame Meae11ine • °tnnrgbllut, peceetary of the Vietory Club, called .each rnan woo, signed hid ammo an a Club book, and Ii1tu. dace Arasti'on , . reesident Oaf " tbo Club, i. Irreeented each with a wrist ,wtteh. Neat e$ 'kion answered for the 'folltaw4 fag , Vele) were unable ta' he pre>aeaat: Robert a'. Greig Lloyd i3icLerty, Wil- bert Lawlor, Leslie Re lgcr, i' verett Yunablut, area Ilennett and Clifford Carter. The singing of, r the National, Anthem brought Chs? neatlaigeto a .clew. , Aeeornpanipto fon` tiie evening• --were plisses, Vivian Straut;han, Ila Craig ad n Mrs. G. Taylor. lot. ]Crldlne$i. r;Vtis served, a and datnelrig enjoyed .with music sup- plied by MeDowell'e orchestra. STILL MUCK TO RNQW .A.EOUT 'USE D,D.T. A'ltrivugar entomologists teeth in Can- ada, and the 'Ilnited States h1ive car- ried out an intensive, study of the newt insecticide DST, there are still many things not kngwu regarding its use. It ie net a cure-all. It Is very effective against many insects but of 'little value against others. • Also, the , effect of residues, it any. on man and animals is under investigation, so that in the meantime LlI)T should nut be applied to ;salad crops or vegetables where parts of the plants sprayed or dusted are �U1$U9t1V, ..pr. w. — :Vlaai3 . eau actually to be eaten. Kitchener and KEan et J Wever, DDT both ,in spray and Campbell of Ia n h dust form is safe to use can atmost all Campbell with theirof Torontopaespent. the week: vegetable erops without fear of damag- ing with parents, Mr. anal "lits. ing the foliage. The exceptions are Albert Campbell. " Mr. Alf. Weatheral of the West is plants such ae squash. -cucumber, visiting his sister Mrs. Sandford melons,irsunpkins and the dike, which d Lawlor. are injured following- treatment. In - Mr. Ir. Stanley B1cNa11 of Galt spent juries to young tomato plants have been reported but older ,tomato plants the. tv€e1�-end with -his parvnis,-- me, and Mrs. Thos. McNeil. do not seem to -Mini c, -been adversely Mr. Lloyd 1•?`not of Westminster affected. , Hospital, London, spent the . week -end CsRAP IRON, PAPER bat his home here. , Mr. i and Mrs. Fred Toll and • son' ' NOW NEEDED Stewart have moved to the farm they recently purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Reconstruction Minister Howe_ has Earl Raithby. announced at Ottawa, that there is an acute shortage of scrap steel and If you �a Jong f make � that melt «.,t y u1r rnouthif Osiry eveQne . eS S _— P h you'll • Get :Result; HUNT MILLING CORPoRATtON ���c,,m t`c4# LONDON CANADA a collection is made. very sho!tly, ° Here is. an , opportunity for soma Goderich organization' to make a. ma- terial contribution.to their funds, but i;t should be done .before the paper is destroyed. ' HOUSEHOLD, HINT Springtime Salad Dressing The egg in this dressing, makes it a good one for use wheal the salad is the main dish—but it rs, as, always, a "good miser." This dressing on plain slices or wedges of lettuce and with sliced tomatoes served with a u is appetizing. .few leaves of. ' inch, finely shredded.. 2 hard -cooked eggs, peele 1,4 cup table ° cream , '/,t cup'salad pit. 2 tablespoons vinegltr lig ` teaspoon salt 1/g teaspoon paprika _ Few grains cayenne 1 tablespoon •finely -chopped onion ONO SOLI! COAUr SHORTAGE` Goderich coal. dealers are not • manly' worried' about; the soft coal ''na13xera'. striae, wbiela is now in :its secpnd week Iin iUe• Malted States. , row eau- u- i�e� Ports otipplies of soft coal areastnf4 ticient here to carry the local dea.lera well into the summer months, The supply of pocahantos coal is 'limited,.' but :'the demand for this type oi: e041,` at this time of year is not great, Arthur J. Fergusun's undertaking, 1 tablespoon ' drained chopped iture and coal business. kir. and iron,", and is appealing to Canadians furniture Mrs. Ferguson have lived in' Auburn for eo-operation in collecting scrap fo,> trhe.::pa ,28 ,years, He will remain n �t?fcr° un"�.e tarp 1�ere•"'ie ass st i g'^'` ,, Arthur is taking over immediately. We wish Mr. Arthur every success. Mr. Stanley Johnston had a -eery successful, sale at his farin last Wed- nesday. Good price's •were realized.. 'sand Mrs -Johnston sold their .farm to Mr. •and Mrs..Wm. Gov%ttnd_haave, rmbved into Harry L. Sturdy's house. ;one"h 4lf- mile east of Auburn., • Mr; and. Mrs. A. Grange and family and Mr. J. C. Waiter of Benrnila,er have moved to Mrs. Chas. M. ; Straughan's fame half mile south .of Auburn known as :e "Elkin" farm Orville McPhee, son of- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McPhee, Colborne t'gwnship, has rented. Mrs. 'Chas.- Straughan's farm in West Waw.anosh. Hesserved with the R:C.A..F. In.' Canada and re- cently received his discharge. Miss Mae Ferguson has moved her household "effects to Brantford where she- has purchased 'a home. Mrs. George F. Yungblut and' family have mete* s 5 P - h e a trfotitaa adleal eo arum .)`hotrg p� C � , . .. ations had disbanded, the, Dominion Minister said scrap metal dealers could handle any -stocks that might, be col- lected. There is also a serious _shortage of -paper- at -the --mills ends some effort a houtci lieseeaseeeseletalIY--tossbelpeeneet. the demand. Householders are anxious to get rid of the winter's accumulation. Which in 'many instances is becoming a nuisance and will be burned unless in that town. - pickled relish. Separate the yolks from thee whites of the hard -cooked eggs Mashegg- Rllean well ancd. blend in • the cream, ettleid .oil. vinegat,_-aa' t, efaliri •"- belt cayenne; beat with a rotary beater until mixture thickens. Stir in onion and ` pickle relish. Chop the hard cooked ' egg-whites gather coarsely and add -to -salad- dressing; mid lightly. Up to April 3rd, the ' citizens of Hanover had subseribedn $4,134.64 to- wards .'a Building= Fund, of the Legion e Rub in Minard's.T'enimeat genet iayy and feel the: relief steal over the aphlio muscles and joints. For all muscle an joint pains, aches and stiffness, sprained ankles, limbi ---Minard's has been famous' for ovea 60 years: Good for' dandruff and skill disorders, too, -'Ge at rttlitty °'lteepe tF , . ,ss handy. women in Jo s: Every case would have ,to be considered on its/ own individual merits." ••.-r, ,,Gen. Matthews saidr the resorufion reflected a large body _of opinion J. W. CRAIGIE—GEO. G. MacEWAN,. Goderich ti . C.-TRELEAVEN, AGENCY, Dungannon. GORDON JEWELL, R.R. No. 6, Goderich. Representifg • throughout Ontario. It calls fol a survey of employment lists with a view to hiving veterans replace married women and, others who werg given employment, during the period of labor shortage. - t‘.no ttrer•-:.resolution; --urging ' compulsr ory billeting -in -certain in areas to provide living (barters for veterans and their families, has been sent to Reconstruc- tion Minister C. D. Howe. ' It also asks :that the Department of Reconstruction authorize the release of materials to local contractors where • proof can be given that the builder is'able to build or renovate e for veteran .occupation. The towns of St. Marys .and Smith Falls are the latest to join the ranks of communities employing a full tilrre director of recreation. • Y n Hundreds • every year come s to Qntario ' ..to cheer their favourites. We can't . always give them "blue -line seats," but • let's be sure —in all our dealings with them» --they get the best we have to offer. In . short, let's see they have . a swell time! - WHAT CAN 1 DO? The answer is plenty! In the next column " are some of the things any-,r.� one can do. The suggestions 'come from a well-known dntario hotelman:woe- SAY OUR 'FRIENDS FROM THE U.S, I: Know'the'places of interest .and beauty - spots in yo:ir- district and tell people. all about them. - ' - R 1 a 2. When. you -write your friends in the • States tell them about the places they would enjoy visiting. 3. Try to make any visitor glad he came. 4: T ke, Glue -to give requested"infonna- tion fully and graciously. . 5. iii• business dealings, remember Cana- ' da'sreputation for cpurtdsy and fair-' ness depends, on you. b • It iswith great pleannure that the Reo Motor Coii pany of Canada Ltd. welcomes this new automotive firm to the rapidly growing family of Reo Truck Distributors in Canada. Here, an exlierienced personnel offers a friendly, courteotra service and intelligent assistance in the selection of truck equipmept to fit the job, as well as ' an after vales service which keeps trucks operating and ehrning profits for their owners. With expertly trained i eechanicai, up -to -elate methods wed 'excellent equipment and parte we feel con- fident this firm will be able to supply the sales and repair service so earniestly wanted by truck owners and operators in their colnmunity. The Reo Motor Company of Canada Ltd., join with their local •friends in wishing these newly -appointed representatives every auccesa in continuing the traditibnall high- quality standards of the Roo• organization, . .. Those who keep a mass of Impurity pent up in their bodies, day after day, instead of having it removed as nature Wended, at least . once in every twenty-four hours) in - 'variably suffer from .constipation. The use of cheap, harsh purg€ativea will never get you any where as they only aggravatethe trouble end l l- juro the delicate.rriucous lining of the bowels, and aro very liable to cause piles. If *constipated take Milbutn's Laxa-Liver Pills anted have a natural, movement of the bowels. They do not gripe,weslien and itieken...> %laany Iastativea do. T.' tiibura Co., Ltd., Poranto, Oiitr Worts his weight in gild! The Province of Ontario profits to almost the ane extent from the tqurist busipgss as it does from theold min- ding industry. Ifft is up to jach one of us to see thilt it goes on growing. - It works both ways! " `� • They eft us royally when we visit •there .. . Tfisdia ram,basedonfigures' we can't do less than supplied by the Hotel Associ- , return the compliment, ation, shows how everyone ""`� ' benefits 'from the Ontario Remember that it costs totxribt income. Every tourist money to take a holiday dollar is shared 'this way . . . so let's see they set le Hotels; 2. Retail stores; wood return for evepy- 3, Resta,uants; 4. Taxes, etc.; PP. Amusements; 6. Garagen. penny they spend. . Viefe 1'LANNING 'A HOLIDAY? e , t Tune lin "Ontario Holidaf p CFRn, 11Oa3O P.M., Thundery, Nettie aced S'aterdey ' 1 ..311 rt) IN Mt PQDI LI INTEtic ir• tlY dotfN iLABA1'T MATED