The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-03-21, Page 1GODERICH, ONTARIO, THJIRSDA
GION GRAN'T- ED P. ERMISSION FOR (Recreational Centre
TWELVE BINGO GAMES A.YEAR Planned for Goderich
**tad Sates Set for We of StaelCay Hall. Board al. Trade Asks Plans for New Arena Disused
Becreational, Ookunit4ee
Council to Take Steps to Institute Dayligb.t Saving Time for
timer Months
At the regular meeting a the Tern/
couueu Fria's'. night. With al"
' - .
members present, a reeonunendation NOTTO BERENEWED
was madeby the eteelal comadttee
to the effeet oat Brenda' 109 of the Proprietoref the three Goderich
eanadian Legion be granted permisSion hotels this week reeeived official notific-
to hold a total a twelve bingo games aticsa from the Ontario Liquor Control
a year. The request wa§ presented by Board, stating that their licenses to
the Leglen atethe precediag meeting operate beveragerooms would not be
a the couteca iii Which the CrOWne reanwed after expiration on Meech
Attorney's saltlett011 /gyp; atated. 31t. White action 40llows the recent
Tb.e peeiaL Conunittee .recellOmPlAed deelelen „of -00 Privy Obuneu-,uw
that no action be taken on the request holding the Canadian Temperance Act
•••of- Don Fry for a acetate to Operate a in Huron, Perth and Peel Counties. .
taxi from hia home.
—Vile annual retort ef the M.O.H.snomovv, jroRsEs WIN
*as received and , Tees -77'
The linitnce eonunittee fecommended 9
that a edembership fee' of .$200.00 be _ _
A meeting of theseCemity -Health
reiiditci the' Blue Water Highivay.
and Ilespipt Cemmittee took place
PubUc A eommunication from the Goderich
Lirary tee epee. ateClinton on Friday afternoon, under
b,Board asking
cil to priiivide $2,506 forelibrary pee.. theschalrraanship of Reeve Art Nichol--
poees in 1946 was recommeuded to be son of Tuctersmith.
— ...tabled -until estimates, are considered. The Couuty -nurses' reports ere
No action is to be taken in regard submittede, covering their affairs from
to the ,settleraent of tax ,,arrears of The re -
W. J. Baker, Walnut street. Jantlary 1st to March
grorts showed that they had been mak-
Relief accounts -amounting to $312.76 ing splendid progress 'throughout the
.• for the month of February were County.
Clerk Norman 'Miller was instructed
- --The public works committee recom- to conatqunicate wich Miss EdnaLmoere,
Director of Public Health Nursing,
mended that the Clekk contact Fuller
• asking hek• what possibility there was
Construction ConiPany, regarding the
laying of a 21" ewer •extension
of completing the County nursing staff
Waterloo sthis year. '-
treet. "'••
On Wednesday a reply Niel received
- Rental rates fok ,d,he MacKay Hall
front Miss Moore stating -.that the
were fixed as follows: Lode room;
be Huron County SchOot's Health Service 2.50 per meetinge, basement, t�
used for rummage -sales', etc., $3.00; staff will be brought up, to the neces-
., sary standard this ceming summer.
lawement for ether organizations, $1.00
A report ,from Miss 'Edna Squires,
Pee month; auditoriune afternoon,
-$5A1,0ee evenings;, $11e00- Arreadditional141r148°r'"'"'"'"4-1-111)lie'Health NursingV
charge of $,2.50 be lmascle for the
" use of the kitcheu and the. kitchen is
hi be left as found.
The caretaker is to receive -$1 when
- • the basement is used for rummage
sales and $1 when the auditorium is
rented for $5. When the apditstrium
is rented fee ,$11) le is tu receive
Te lire conunittee recommended
that Earl Raithby be granted per-
mission to build a frame garage on
Cameron street.
• The report �f e the tire • chief on
his inspection of Apartment buildings
regarding adequate .tire escapes. is to
• he tabled for later consideration.
-The water, light and .harbor com-
mittee- recomMended- -that- a, fe.e._
lAtt be -paid- the Department of Lahds
• and Forests for the occupation of the
water lot in front of the Town of
thiuron Lodge, ,I.O.O.Fe • is to be
ised of the rates Set for the rental
• MacKay Hall, in answer to an
enquiry febm the Lodge. Any minor
alteration§ which the Lodge might
desire are to be made at: their own
expenSe. .
Two delegates are .to be appointed
• by the recreational committee to at-
tend the con.vention of the Recreational
Conference to. be had in Brantford on
April 5, and 7.
A letter from F. R. Darrow • on
half of his client, -- Marvin T. Durnin,
• Dunganpon, stating .that. Mr. Durnin
-- • •
is holding •the town liable for injuries
received by him at. Agricultural Park
on October 8th; 1945, was read. The
matter was referred to'' the cerapany
carrying the ‘Town's miblic liability
policy. •
A Ford tractor is- to be purchased
from War Aseets-Corporationeprovided
it 'Cad be equipped etvith mower at-
tachments.• • ,
An offer of f30 from Mike Kennedy
for wagons. and a water tftrik Was
referred, ttes the cenietery and public
works committee. •
• • The chairman of /he, public works
- committee. is -to.--eaW for tenders for
--ethe•eneeessany-egravel----a-ndeschips 'for
spring road repairing, and to arrange
with the county engineer for the use
.the conntre grader.
. The chairmah of the parks coin-
__ mittee ,was authorized t� purchase a
supply of cement bench ends and alstztc,
to purchaseeyoUng , trees to be planted •
KNOX 'mown WPCS-
•throughout the town.. The regular meting of Knex chpech
The matter_of install18g better -op Aliesienary Sdeifti Was well
. signs or stop lights, on "streets leading , attended on Tuesdas, -afternooa. The
onto the Square' was discussed and. devotional -part of the Meeting was
left with'the public works cominitteee taken by Mrs. J. W. Smith. Mrs.
. In explaining the delay in repairing George Sanderson sang very sweetly
the Park' House • t� . the Council,
Mr. "Th S -1 • f G 11' "
Earl Westbrook and Mr le ee three noted Missioneries to 'Africa were
-ridge, contractors, -j stated that .they
haVe heed held up on repairs due to
shortage of materials, but Would be
able to continet the work in a feW
days. •
A request from the Board of Health,.
foe $25:00 for board purposes this
year, was referred to ,the linance
A request from D.-3. McCharles,
, Lucknow, for permission to stable
three horses in the Slibw grounds, and
asking for the use of .1.11e• traele was
was receiyed by Clerk Miller this week,
wherein. She stated that the work
covered in Hetron County by the.public
health nurses since last September •is
beyond all expectations; Highpraise
was given to sthe nurses, Miss Jean
Falconer, stationed at Exeter-A.nd Miss
Mildred - Ilaberer , stationed • at Wing -
• Mr. and Mrs. 'Win. Garrick, -Ogle
avenue; Goderich,Innounce the engage-
ment of their* eldest daughter, June
Ellen;:to Harold Wallace (Sant) Duck-
worth, eldest son or Air. and Mrs.
Wallace Duckworth, MacDonald street,
otierieh • the -wedding to -take Mace
On_•ApriL2nd, Goderiche
The engagement is announced of
Mabel. DorOthy. Nicholson, of Galt,*
youngest daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Angus Nicholson of Lucknow, to
Oliver Robert; youngest son of Mr.
And Mrs. Robert Wright of Seaforth;
the wedding to take place the middle
of MarCit
The engagement 'is announced of
-Ruth Eleanor Stowe, younger daughter
of Mrs. Mabel Stbwe and -the late' -Mr.
H. R. Stowe, of Guelph, to Malcolni
Charles Laven, only son of yr. and
Mrs. G. Leven, of Fergus, the nutrriaze
'Co take- place •Wednesday, April, 3rd,
at Calvary Baptist Church, Guelph.
Mrs. Ellen Lavery, William street,
was the victint of a purse -snatcher on
Wednesday evening of last week, when
the sum of approximately $1.000.00 was
stolen from her as she was proceedieg
to her home along Britannia road.
Mrs. Lavery had been down town
earlier in_ the evening and was return-
ing home around eleven o'clock when
the robbereY took place. She had ap-
parently been followed for quite •some
distance and when she entered a par-
ticularly dark • stretch of Britannia
road, the thief stepped up behind her,
snatched her purse from her _firth, and
ran down Eldon street.
-12a-vefy eiminedlately -notified
police and gave,a very good description
of. the* thief, stating he was a" young
mitn. Police are working on several
clues but up to the present no arrests
have been mnde.
Enthusiasm for the constrtittion of
a recreational centre in Goderich
reached, a. new high et a Well -attended
Meeting of the Citizens' Recreational
and Community Centre Committee
held in the Town Hall on Wednesday
evening, under the cltairreanehip of
W, J. Hodge.
The ()Weave in mind is to have
an ito-date recreatiemal ,centre built
in Goderiele which would Mande an
arena with regulation hockey size
artificial- 18esurfaceand accommoda-
tion for approximately- 2500 •people.
Mee iucluded Would be a curling rink
at one -end andttbove thiret large -hall
which could be used for badminton
and basketball courts or for public
ffieetinge and for entertainments for
young people. Accommodation would
Also beeeteailable fpr offices, dressing
rooms, refreshment canteen and for
Boy Scout headquarter,
A committee wasnamed to negotiate
with_ architects, and consulting
engineere_to have plans and blue -prints
for such a building drawn up and
submitted -in the near future. As soon
as such piens are available and estim-
ates of the cost of the venture can'
be given, It 15: the intention ioL,- the
committee to request the Town Council
to pass a bylaw authorizing a public
vote- for the approval of such a re-
creational centre. Meetings open to
the public for discussing the venture
will be heldpriorto the vote.
Negotiations are at -present under
way for the securing of -certain_pro-
perty in town as a site for the building.
A de1eg004.. 9,6,07N.J.Y.,PA:s4PLAO,Itc4;
be held in Brantford on April 5,
and 7.
Another -meeting of the Recreational
Committee, is anticipated In the near
future when ireperts from the preperty,
building, and publicity comraittees, re-
garding The Tecreational- centre will
be presented.
Mr. Douglas Brown, F.C./C., chenaist-
in-charge • ,of the laboratory o the
•PuritS- Flour . Mill in. town for the
past twenty-five years.,:has latel • wel-
eomed. an. assistant lu.. thespersoissof
Mit George Wm. Smiley, B.S..A.
Yr. Smiley was ;'born and educated
• in Brockedlle, Ontario, and graduated
at 'the Ontario Agricultural-.:Cateeee,
Guelph:- He ---has been engager' for
some years • in the laboratories of
Ogilvie's Flour Mille, Montreal, and
comes here with a solid background in
cereal chemistry.
The tremendous increase in the out-
put �f Pioneer Feeds, together with
the ever -widening field of flour mill
_research. has Made assistance in the
laboratory a vital necessity. •
-Mr. Smiley' wan married last fall to
a Montreal young lady, who will join
her husband as soon as suitable ac-,
commodation can be found.
A recent wedding of interest -in
Gederich was the marriage of Eliza-
beth Kidd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald; M. Kidd, of Forestville, N.Y.,
former .well-known residents of ,Gode-
rich, to Frank Taft; Son of MT. and
Mrs. Clare Taft of Perrysburg, N.t.
The ceremony was performed in eSt.
Ateysious reetory in Perrysburg, KY.,
by dlev. J. Mahoney.
The bride was attired in a blue
own and• wore a corsage of talisman
roses. She was attended by her sister,
-Miss Elinor J. Kidd, who wore a
yellow gown with corsage of •dawn
koses. The groom vas etteadell bY
Herschel • Thompson of 'Perrysburg.
The newly-weds will liveermer Ithaca
where the groom will attend Cornell.
IThiversity. •
Mauve stocks ,a1nd. yellow roses Made
a pretty setting for • the wedding of
Mrs Loise-Tebbutt. to- -Chester *Dins-
more at her London, on Satur-
day, March l6th; at 10 o'clock in the.
morning. Rey. Wm. Wallace, rector of
the Church of the Redeemer, 'officiated.
The bride was becomingly dressed in
grey,' lace4rimmed, crepe dress with
val • r • and
*ore- a corsage of _valor roses. She
arried a grey ,prayerbeok, the gift of-
er . children, Mrs.. Tiehborne of
Goderich, whs. Metre...14 of hopor, wear-
ing a brown crepe dress with lime
'green accessories and a corsage of
Talisman roses. Mr. T. B. Bearchilr
f London attended • the groom. , . THE WEATHER,
At the reception which•Jollowed, P-•• Temperatures of the pest week In
irs. -Thos. Glazier. sister of the brfae, -4loderich, with those of the correspond -
Owe an amethyst dress, trimmed- with Ins week a year -ago, .as
ultK 11 111
..quins and .floweeed hat and. Mrs. D. recorded, were as fellows:
lark- are a black suit with, black and 1940 1945
vhite accessories: Mrs. Wm, Tait of Max. Min. Max. Min.
1oderich, and Miss yssIsixtonressieDe- Thurs.. Slass,14s...01. 47 35
auntg.f... of -the. bride-, served a Mate 15 ...Al - 46 69 44
.edding brealsfast -to- the guests. The- Sat, Mar. 141 • n 03- " 45
couple left on a tetip Totonto and Sun., Mar, 17 42 0's 49
Goderieh, the bride wearing a black Mon., Mar. 18 ....54 43 60 37
suit • with .white straw hat • and black TIWK., Mar. 19 , 37 00 47,
nd white aceeSsories. „GbestS.'Were Wed., Mar. 20 30 57 36
resent •rrOm Detreit,'St. ThrsSias and
• Seventylive membelia of Branch 109
of the Canadian Legion xvere initi- ,
The regular meeting of the W.C.T.U. ated into full Legion memberShip at
was held on Tuesday in MacKay Hall. initintion eersononies eondneted by
Mrs. Phillipe had charge of the meet- past president 4), E. (Ilmpbell at the
ig and read from Matthew 28 :16-20, Legion Hall on Thursday evening lastnd .Mrs. Cnntelon offered prayer. A All the newly -initiated members are Noweombe; alternatess II. Warren, B.
dendid clip Sheet on the. problems of veterans of World War II, among Allies D. Warren„T. Ferguson, L. Me -
tee natioeals wits used, ehowing that them being one lady' member, Mee. Gee. and B. (7hantler.
'e have peoples of 50 rectis speaking Mureasy Sheardown, farmer 4C.W.A.Ce Referee --"Itooster" Muir. Sea forth..
10 different (Velvets; in , Canada ; these "'"X delightful luneh was served b3- the
mile have entule geed. bringing their entertaiument eoititnittee in the lotinge _IVACO/MEM PERMitION'IP CM1111'
nrks of art and handieraft with roettl, following Um ceivnumy. Camp Ippereash, situated Within a
tem; they have -worked well for the quarter of a mile of Port Huron, is
Croee, k making many fines pleeee the repoet in our Met Week's 'sew, to be retaiteel tie a permaneut army
f benetlful mirk 'that wero mild in regeraing the playlef. presented at the establishment. It is underatood Camp
ietereet Of Red OroSee hymn Woinelett Instiltde banquet,' the IpPerwasia win lie eeed primar11(7 ile tee
preyer by gm. 'Cleo. jolitestee of- Netetetite a summer e,ai. orOdistrie1
reught he eiteetine,'cloe
se• Odveriently, 01444 • ,} aeply• units. '• • ie
• . , • Pe a
given: Robert Moffat by Mrs. nrskine, I ,
David Livingstone by Mrs. Alex. Smith I c
and ,Alexander MacKay, by Miss Belle i h
'Mac Vicar.
The following' applicatioxis for
.Ing pesmits were presented and refer-
red to the,fire tozemittee: Robert Da
tierce- touliate'r cabins on Bayfield road*
l'ery Gordon, to re -shingle ,a -
•of 'a dwelling- on LighthoUse
'red 'Pritzley, a chieken house
in street; T. _W. Hamilton, 5
abins on Huron road
A .eonineunication from the Associ-
ation of Ontario. Mayor and Reeves,
asking the Council to renew their mem-
bership for 19411, was referred to the
finance committee. _
The suggeetion of the Stratford'
Beacon -Herald, that their represent-
' nave of the advertising department
meet with the Council when harbor
improvements are being disc -meted, was
referred to the -committee nazinftl to
look after harbor improvements,
A cheddar from Ilex. L. Athlete&
Associates, snggesting that the toWn
install teirking metere for 11, trial
period, was filed.. .
A resolution. from othe. Board eof
Troche requesting' the Connell to take
, tee tweesary steps to inStitrite daylight,
The March meeting of the Arthur
Circle of Ktox church 'was held at 0
the 'home of Mrs. M. Snyder, Elgin
avenue, on Monday evening, with Mrs., A
C. Kemps group in charge of the ss
program. MISS Helen Bisset gave a se
very 'splendid paper on Africa and the e
opportunitieS for mission work, among
its many peoples, and 'in connection (
with the topic, shert papers were read t
by Mrs. Geo. MacEwan, Mrs.Allarence w
MacDonald and Mrs, W. Thomson.
Mrs. W. Bell read, the 'Scripttre lesson.
A letter was read from Miss Laura.
Pelton, general secretary of the W.M.S., a
neging members, tO keep in mind a p
SP r4 of broadcasts by women, for G
MARCH, 1946
rtarLN •
The monthly meetIng of the Maple
Leaf Chapter; I.0.1).E.; *es 'held on
Friday, Alarcit 15. The eegent, Mrs.
J., A., ,Oraham, presilded. •
• -• •
Mrse Chapman, post-war convener;
presented .,her report- on continuing
heed for vvirin clething for Britain.
It was voted to buy and present two
pairs of, blankets ea soon as they are
available. 18 to •be requested
from heallquerters for 'knitting two
afghans. Blankets for ceibs and
children's coats in -sizes two to four
years are • also needed. The materiai
for the latter may be obtained froM
headquertere. , -
The -members approved the purchase
of a mirror and a,' hat end ball for
our, -school-In Alberta. -
The matter of sending represent-
atives to the Provincial convention in
Hamilton in April wits discussed. It
was paoposed that .Mrs. J. Me..Qrahatn.
Mid .MrS.. W.-. A: Hay be asked 40 at- of the -live goeis ;which he did let, in
tend. The delegates are requested to were due t,0 n� fault of Joluaston's,
vote in support of the two educational but rather to sloppy clearing by the
funds of .the I.O.D.E, Goderieie defence...end forwards behiad
It was.decided to have Empire study their own blue -line.
at least at five :meetings during, the However, the Lions went greataguns
year e the occasions to •be left to the offensively and might have built up
discretion of the regent, according to a bigger. lead, had it not been for over -
the -pressure' -of-other -business. • - • anxiousness- on- their- part around the
The rummage sale, held annually by net; and also for Raggedy in the
the Chapter, he to he on May 4th. Mrs. Simcoe goal, who after a shaky (start,
W. C. Attridge and Miss -Ann Wurtele settled down to thwart the Goderich
were appointed conveners, with Mille forwards on many ,good rushes.
Gerdon McManus and Mrs, C. M. The Lions had a decided edge ' re"
'Baechler as assistants. • speed and la knowledge of whet to
it Wag voted to -donate $25 to the • with- the- •puck-Sarcemd --net:
Teen -Age Club as a refreshment fund. Simcoe appeared to have -a good
Themembers were- enthusiastic about passing system but Could rerely----get-
ehls new eenture. organieed properly .to carry it , out
The hospital is to get a seco.led_steem effectively. •
kettle_ on .its birthday.- 'Miss bion The first period was only one minute
reported that , the kettle given last and thirty-eight seconds gone before
year had proved inost el-seftire • Westlakeehad eent the Lions one• goal
•The following committees -were up by carrYing the puck from centre
fored-: Ways and means—Mrs. Chap- ice, past. two defencemen and beating
01111,r-ne4iesseas§s,Want..Vp---Mtst .ilaggartc WitivashiglislittiV.rshOV'ffora
try li'Ord, Mrs. George Pli-singer; twenty feet out. Both teams missed.
telelihone, Mrs: W. A. McLaren (con- good opportunities ' to score in the
yeller) ; camp libraries, Mrs:- .-ss, minutes that followed, particularly
Wallace; finance, Mrs. tiandersen ' (con- Sinscoe, when Crofoot broke 'with Waite
vener). Two assitlisants •Were appointed. and drew Johnston out only -to have
for Mrs. -Chapman, post,:war convener, Waite miss a fins's with an 9W1 ne-ts
Mrs. D. -E. Campbell anti Miss Edith At 07.45, Calvert took Alcintosh's pass
Roberts. Mrs. T. Mitchelr and Mrs. at the G'oderich defence' to beat John -
Menzies :are to be tea hostesses and ston with a knee-high shot to the near
Mrs. A. II. Taylor is to continue as, side of the net. The Lions roared back
convener of the distinguished visitors' into the lead less than a minute later,
and hospitality conunittee.. Assistant
secretary, Mrs. Hareld Bettger,
The next meeting will be held on
April 12.
Lions Thump Simcoe
9-5 in First Game
Take Five Geu.1 Lead' in First
• Poried, and Win gam
With. Ildurney Johnston turning in
a. spectacular effort in goal and the
entire team' playing fast, headis-up
hockey, the, auvenlie .10lons set -back
Siracee by' a score,. of '0-5 ,at Brantford
on Monday to "go four goal* up,
in their. 0. .H.A. semi-final round.
Johnston, who is just rounding into a
tirst-class goaltender proved a big
stumbling- bletifk to the- Simcoe goal -
seekers as he pulled off last-minute
saves tirae after time on what ap.
oared toehe "1.4(.3110" shots. .„Feur
The regiilar monthly meeting of the
Godericla Mueleetaubewl hehl aSeSeiti
on Tuesday evening, March 19th, 1940,
in MacKay Hall, with the president,
Mr.. J. A...Snider, in the chair.
Reports were -made 91.1 the progress
of prefiarations tier the Musie Festival,
which will be held right after the
Easter holidayg; There have been a
very large number of entries, and the
awards offered are most encouraging.
The highlight of the. evening was
an, interesting paper given by Miss
Ann 'Wurtele, who. chose as her sub-
ject, Puccini's opera, "Madame Butter -
Sly," .MisS Wurtele related the story
of this swell -loved opera : thee navIl
otheer, Pinkerton,. who roved and_wed-
ded the pretty little Japanese girl;
her faithfulness during- his long
absence, and hiS.,reture with his *bite
bride; Butterfly's sorrow and suicide;
and Pinkeiton's remorse too late to
save her. .
Those pre'sent enjoyed a few records
from a very •fine European recording
of the °pep., and all regretted the lack
of time which prevented them from
hearing more .
Mrs. alacDongall moved a vote of
thanks to Miss Wkirtele for the even-
ing's entertainment which was a
special treat. .
Mrs. Claremont was in Charge of
rn -addition-to -no -names-published
In last. week's isattees the following
candidates were -successful in the West-
ern Ontario eeldnserratory of Music
examinations in Goderich an.d district:
Pianoforte—Mary Joyce Strachan,
grade X`epass; Ruth Glazier, grade.III,
when Newcombe took Mero's pass at
the Simeoe defence to beat. Haggerty
scleanly. Newconabe added another at
the 12 -minute Mark, 1,v banging the
• puck in during a .ganging attack with
his iimemates, Bisset and Mero. New-
combe wes het -at this stage And
iliou4sIehave -4:_had_anotiters_goal°'wlien
he." shifted and splirmed -,and 'petehed
the 'puck past three .Simcoe players,
ouly tO lee .the puck get away freux
him , at the- &mew goahnouthe •
Jim Biget. toolLover the limelight
in• the late stages of the first period
by tallyjng ',three Hui& within two
minutes. Hie „first goal- was en a
sold effort at 47.30, his - second on a
saliart combination :Oar with Mera, and,
he 'banged in Westlake's rebound for
•hie third tally at 19,30. This outbreak
left the Lions on the Ing :end of a•
6-1 score at the -end of the- first period.
Simcoe pared the Goderich lead in,
the ,early stage S of the second frame,
due to sloppy clearing, en the part of
the Lions. King- was allowed to get
the Puck in the eletir and beat John-
stou at '3.30, and at 6.50 the Goderich
defence alnsost handed Warton the
puck and Johnston had no ehanee to
save on his close -in shot.
The Lions crept away- again atss9.0
of the middle frame, Westlake scorin
on a rather flukey shot which. struc
two players tssere 'careening into th
Sinieue iteL •
N Oh= ,Was penalized for trippin
but Imcoe 'could- do little against tile
effective .Goderich defence. When
Needhatii returned to the, ice the Liens
ganged and Haggerty wag -called upo
to make ?our yery emart•saves as th
-Mero-Bisset-NeNVcombe trio peppered
Theory—Lawrence A. •Wein, grade
VII history, pass; Muriel M. Whilsmith,
grade I, first-class honors...
. _
Mr. R. H. Beattie, Director of Guid-
ance, Department of' Education, svill
address a• meeting 18 Goderieb Col-
legiate on Wednesday, March 27th, at
7.30 p.m.• Mr. Beattie is being broUght.
to Chsalefich by the Collegiate. Board,
while considering a fsdi time, guidance
program for Goderich schodis. Mem-
bers of Home and School Associations
are urgently requested to attend: •
women, on "The Church's, Presbyterian
Advance for Christ," to be heard the
hider part of April and early in May.
saving time in Goderich for the summer 11
monthe, was referred to the speeial a
commit tee.
P. II, Keays &, Associates, Hamilton, le
wrote, en(piiring as to vaeattt industritil
epnee. Itis firm is•to be advised that it
the freight shed et the doek Is neon- p
171)70. .
• G. O. Patiginan gave notice af trim 11
resignation :IS caretaker of AltteKay
Ilan, to be effeetiVe on March 11th.
Mr. I atiAtaan thanked the Connell for tI
the. ettureeelee extended to him evhile
In the /859111011. „
Procedure Outlined by Representative of,-Woviuoial Department of
Bdwation. Committee Appointed to Consider Natter ailtl*eport
to County Council in ;um?
onUROK RECEIVES "The,itteetiag calle,d- diSeetee the,
j'ea by
FLOOD-LIGlimia A'tiLaa'actot4'auittgivi'Me3h9zupt°ett°e"et
County''Coucil Wee* well attended rbY
• .
rePreeentatives of thief .neettielltalitietii
affected: Mayor Keeney 1174.1 Oiajr,g34;31,
4ild asked Inspector .inkearl 140-,
dUCe the amain opeaker,.
Duttiu a the Provincial Department
f-lirdetleDatttill°14n.--eoutlined‘ - the - p twee:hirer --
to be follevved in forming ein
If, after a survey of "the area and •
a 'full discussion .of the projeet, the
erent-rounicipalitiese Mild" -teetittelt
the County Council to disSelve the
existing.board and to form a new heard
consisting -of a trustee from eac14-,
municipality, each High School Board,
each Sepa.kate Sch.00l and County
Council. When the bylaw is epproved_
by the DepartMeet . of ' Educatien, the
t -up is complete. this would give a.•
wider. representaticin—and permit a
uniform levy of taxes.. on the assessed,
value ef the vvhole area, and would
probably not exeeed two) mills..
The proposed area for this .districie
would include_poderieh Tevene all of
Colborne Township sod parte of Affe, -
field,- West --Waneanoah-sand- GbderiSd 4
Townships. The. conel3ined assessment .
mould be between ten. and eleven
lions With a" school - pepulation of
around 300. ..The maintenance, eost is e
estimated to -be about $.60,000-eumuahy, •
of which the Province would pay 65% or t • •
70 per cent.,. leaving $18,000. to.. e
.,rai§edivbiyealioi:a10-44yre vspopera.ew
• ages over thee presenfe:
system would include better teachers
'better equtpment, more optional
courses with more pupils which,. the
preeent entailer' seeondary schools can, •
not furnish owing to high costs.' .These
advantages would be available for more
rural pupils, thus giving. equal op-
portunity to both rural. and urban
ehildren: The present system of Pro-
-vincial grants to these fligh• School
area's _is, to equalize costs, thus pre. -
venting costs -from rising 'above city;
costs and are estimated to be about
$200 per pupil. The currieuluin would -
embrace both academic and technical •
courses and could include .hOnie eeon-
°lilies, commercial kourses, agriculture
and shop - work, hr -addition to a -full
• academie • seaurse...:
-Wield have to- be furnielied rural
pupils- and the number of pupils iss
likely to increase as 'the payment of
family' allowances_ is' dependent on —
school attendance. •
. Transportatiori a' Difficulty
The discussion after the - addrese
showed that transportation difficulties
in the winter wbuld prove tlie-greatest
Objection, especially in those localities
farthest fora the school. Another oli-
jection voiced was that technical and-
agricintural training could poly. be _ex-
ploratory and not complete, but this
was removed by the fact that these
would be furnished hi. the larger •
centres after the pupil reaChed the
age of sixteen. Very little, opposition',
was raised over -costs, all reaffiT4 that
under existing conditions all are now
paying for a system Which would be
improved if larger areas were served.
One speaker urged caution in entering
the plan without full discuasion, and -
hoped technical training would not
supplant .academic.
To Start- Agriculturdi :Course
Principal Scott and Trustees J. A.
-Snider and. Ralph Munro outlined the
present and future plans,- of the GOde-
'etch. Collegiate Beard ..and thought
additional territory wotild be mutually.
advanta.geous. They intend starting
an agrieultural course in, September
and are considering the engagexnent of ".
-fullstime _Director -ef Vocational- ,
.Guidance• and expect aceommodation
would ;,have to be increased if fula '
benefits of all the different' coursee' -
were to be secured. - '
It was claimed during the,discusslint
• that if a County School is established,
all,. ratepayers .should contribute to
its -support, 'and nS directly as Possible;
that representation on the Board
should be on a fair basis; - that tho-
child in the rural distriet hag' as, much
right to a secondary 'school education --
as a child in the „ town, and. that- es
defined .district weold give the Beard
an opportunity to plan with eonacience.
'Moran and lived in Ashtligd tin
daughter of _Mr. • and. Mrs. Woillligenat
marriage. She was a. resident of done by 0 County. View but each •
If a district is set ,up it • must be
Ridgetown ler many years. • She is
suryived by two brothers. John in
croft, chairnutn, reeve of East WaWa-
Detroit. Mich., and .Joseph in Windsor
nosh. A. J. Amy„ depnty reeve a
_ .
tuld by n sister, Mrs.. Charles Connors
of I,)otroit.
stephen. .1. Arinstr(Ing,-re-eve of Hullett
The funeral was held from Brophey:S
Illeisdpetje.or,HR":1SKi1211;1011-111tP(1Ntl:P•Crep8oerjirtl •
'where reqniem high nia'ss was sung'
Otneral honie oit • Wednesday morning
to St. Joseph's Church, KinNiqidge,
the .1Iiiron County (Somali at its slime
by. Rev. Vether Quigley. 'Interment
was in Kingsbridge eenneterY•
There passed -away, after a short
.illness. in Alexandra Marine and Gen-
eral Hospital,___Goderieh. on_ Tuesday.
Roy (leen Longthire, yeittlgeSt son of
Mr. and Mrs. John .Longmire, in his
39th year. Born in Atwood on .TidY
llth, 1907, two, years later, he -moved
with ,this family • to yilverten.- In
1913, the family moved to Goderieh,
where he, attended Victoria Sehool
a nd Goderieh Collegiate', Institute.
After leering school, he worked for
the Goderich Star. In the timing of
1928 he sailed .on 14.8. Reston and
eontinned to sail nntil last Deeember.
Ite was unmarried. and was a mem-
ber of St. George:4 Anglielin •Church,
Goderich. Beeides his pare. nth, he
lenves to minim, two sisters Mrs.
0.)N1011 Ilia mood, Godericlf Townehip.;
Mrs. Reg, Needham, Goderiele and ene
brother, 'William, of thelerieli. The
funeral, svhieli will he private, wilt 170
held from the family reeidiewe,
lJain street, on I.Prlillay at AO, With
IlevtirIy11\1' Mar: St, Geergee
;treielita.1 %%PI he
made, qt't Alaitiandt
Sunday morning service at Vie**
street United church was 111440 1111421i1Or-
able by the gift a the family of the
late Mr. and Mrs, Abrahans Smith of
flood -lights installed in ethe ehoir loft.
They were dedicated by. the millit3tert
Bev. Lawrence "H. Turner, -and Were-
-first brought into serVice by _Mrs,
George Currell, who.switched them Qia.
This addition to the furniture of the
•ehuirch greatly feteilltitte-tWeh'eff
in its work. The niinister, on behalf
of officials and congregation, expressed
thanks to the member8 of the Smith
family for this timely and practical
memorial gift. Vocalists at this ser-
vice were Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Robson
Of the city of Windsor, rendering a
duet amt. -solos eThe efficiency and -
sincerity of their contributions in the
realm of eong, eahanced immeasurably
the worship of the hour. The choir,
with Miss Barbara Cutt at the console
of the organ, rendered very fittingly
-and., efficiently the- reqaest anthem,
"What a Friend we have in Jesus."
.Mr. W. 3. Hefilge *of the Bell Tele-
phone Co., gave aelecture and deletion-
stration of first;aftl, to between thirty
and forty -members of the Red Cross
ReServe. in the Town Hall, ofi Thtirs-
*day .evening, March 14th. A. bronze
medallist with bars and holder of thp
„teneyear,-e.WeedeofItheetets Johneltextbute
aueeelSsuciation, Mr.- Hodge took as
his topic, "FraCtures andk Pressure
Points." Using Bobby &certifier as a
"patient," he demonstrated the Splint-
ing and band.aging of. broken limbs,
collarbene and jaw, and the moving or
transporting of a patient'from a point
of danger or to a doctor, stressing that
first aid is, as its name implies, the
relieving. of immediate undesirable
conditions until medical help cin be
obtained.. The next lecture on March
28th, will be on "Preparing the Ex-
pectant Mother" and will be taken be-
an Out-of-town speeker.
The Ford Motor Company, who for
the paSt four years has devoted its
-insinense- pro
to war, -has again turned to peace,
• Saturday of this 'week the. local •Ford
_Dealer, S. H. Presekt is happy. to show
•for the first time in Canada the new
1946 Ford car in his showroom on
South street. .
• This car holds- many surprises for
you. • Styling that 48 youthful and
smart-swith smooth-fiusving lines that
give a lift. to your pride: Inside you'll
find new richness—luxurious fabrics,
distinctive colors, and decorative trims.
It's a sturdy cal- with assolid,.
fortable sta0k and. ,feel about. it. ' A
car that emphasizes safety . . . with
a welded steel bOdy,-tWo-Wey, stabiliz-!
ation, clear vision safety glass and
oversized hydraulic brakes. `'
„With a new, sineoth ride that's a
revelation, you'll tied it more fun to
drive than* any car sou ever owned
. . . so easy to 'handle—eager and re -
3 HI -mu -sive your every whim.
• Inside . . :outside •. . . all the w• ay
, through . . . this new Ford car -is
t` brilliantly advanced in style and
e ertginee'ring.
soil are cordiallyinvited to iospect
g the new 1946 Ford on Saturday,
March 23rd. • -12
s Approximately one hmidred and fifty
after -crew members of the boats of
the winter fleet :are now18Goderich,
Don Warren •finally cashed in fo
the 'Lions' second string "kid" line by
banging in his brother Harold's pas
from close in -front of the net at 13.40
Newcomb& sent Gederich into a 9-3
lead at the 3.40 mark- of the thied
petted by slapping the puck in •during
a _hectic_ seramble-.---When Crofoot wa
penalized the Lions went up the ice
for another goal, but things back-dred
when Calvert broke around two GOde
rich 'nee and went in alone on John
kon, only to make a fizzle of his sho
which- went into Johnston's .pads.
with the Lione Again at,fauft in their
clearing, Calvert poked the puckinto
the Godetieb cage at the 11 -minute
George Westlake took a - hand in
things, again and made two ,grand
rushes through most of ,the Simeoe
team, only toewhave Haggerty save
se n sa ti on a ll y on Westlake's shots. Mc-
Intosh finished the scoring far the
night, tallying *from a scramble with
only si minute to go.
Jim Bisset and "Porky" Newcombe,
each with the three goal "hat trick,"
and. Westlake with two goals, stood
out for the Lions_ effensivels• while
Johnston in goal, Needham, apd West-
lake on defence and Don Warren with
persist -Apt checking, were defensive
standouts. Calvert, heady left-whiger,
who scored,,two goals, Crofhot, huSky,
defeneemah, and Haggerty in gdal,
were the pick of the Simcoe boys. '
The teams:
SIMCOE—Gonl, naggarty; defence.
Crofoot, Mullin; centre, 'McIntosh;
wings, Warton, Calvert ; alternates,
King, Bentley, Waite and Wright.
GODIMICII---Goal, M. Johnston ;
defence, G. Westlake, J. Needham °
centre, (4. Melo; wings, .7. Bisset, B.
oimitting theIr ships. Several of the
r ships which wintered here, are eander-
going more than their usual spring
cleaning this season.. They are being
uninga rett froni bow to stern_ 0
The death of Sarah Ella •Meran,
- widow of the" late George McGlynn,
- occurred in Looden on Mondaysmor,
t lug. Deceased was born ili Ashfield
Township, eighty-two years ago; the
municipality must signify its approval- ,
before the bylaw could be passed.
A.committee composed id J. IZsee-
, On •Mondity. NirS. William 1,31ei11e1)t4 -----,--,
deputy clerk of the County and Sur- '
rogate Courts, reeeired word of Alio
death of her husband, 7",' Sgt_ William .
Clemente. R.A.Fe, in Aden, on Saturday.
Ile had recently been stat loped in
Egypt. TlIere WI'll. no further 'de-
tails on his death.
V,. Sgt. Clements IN1IR ai env. tie
stationed at Port Albert. •1,41 duties,
being ,oipervior„ at- the hospital. , nitav
Widow' i',' the former Jean Walter,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. It. .1. P.
Wa 7101'. Saltford. A , three-yeer-old
son, Jackie, also survives.
Atiss AM) Wurtele has reoinVed from
Si. Jolues Gate,Louden. Unglatel, for.
,three years, eirse aid thawing, taken ,
during the War.. 0 medallion front the •
St...Tolm Ambulance% eteteielatime Tlele,
entelollion_ meosurine en' ,tee'it. tava 't)..:
halt 'iq ,ia,the.fortti of n AL e'. tee 1Vi'it3,'
the hiSiglaia - Of . the Miightg 4A'
Zerttgaieltri, tlIca) 1.00.ttNII tfq trtv' li 1 4gbP,n,
(lf?altata. llrotree u:,,ellit LI .;:'AOMV. 4) ‘44'1711
. 1 . , • 'i ! 'I, ; -i 1
, i
'IL i ii1 lilt9.1ht,0 1 0 1,\\•'f4L ,t 4‘t111ti ',1r21,7, i
illies p 'tee, or,' eteeN•,"•elteueleieh t,