The Exeter Times, 1885-7-30, Page 74'1 THE TENDER HEART, [curious old ea. w about frost. The first
frost, so rune the saw, comes exactly
'Shegazed upon the burnishedbrace !six peeks after we hear the first
Of 1 �l ruffed h lumpgrouse e showed with
lsaty.did. Thera will ba ae many
Angelic grief was in her face frosts in June as there are fogs in
"Row could you do it, dear ?" she sighed. February. 1 forgot to tell you also
that rata and mice make much noise
"The poor, pathetic, moveless wings ?
Said he, "The partridge never sings."
Said she, "The sin is quite the same.
"You men are savage through and through.
A -boy is always bringing in
Some string of birds" eggs, wlute and blue,
Or butterfly upon a piu.
The angle -worm in anguish dies,
Impaled, the pretty trout to tease -•-"
'"My own, we fish for :rout with flies."
"Don't wander from the question, please!"
She quoted Burns' "Wounded Hare,"
And certain barning words of Blake's,
And Ruskin on the fowls of air,
And Coleridge on the water -snakes.
At Emerson's "Forbearance" he
Began to feel his will benumbed
At Bruwning's "Donald, utterly
Hie soul surrendered and succumbed.
The songs all !welled—eh, cruel 'shame
I Interesting items.
Miss Wore, an American, has tak
t first prize for singing at .the Paris Couserva• k
1 Loire.
i Btcklen'sdrnleaSatve• AT THE
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruis pe op lel
es, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores,
i Tetter; Chapped hands, ChitbIaius,Corna, and 1
n. �,e
Don't Fail to CalI!
" before a nun, and horses snuff the air ( all Skin Eruptions, and poeitivAIv cures Piles,
"Oh, gentlest of all gentle girls,
He thought, "beneath the blessed sun "."
He saw her lashes hung with pearls.
And swore to give away his gun.
She smiled to find her point was gained,
And went, with happy,,parsing words
(He subsequently ascertained,)
T itn her bat -.with Itatumiug•blyda.
aottaeably. 73altimote Llelvrlrt.or na nay required. It is guaranteed to give And inspect stock and get prices on the followin g lines
Papular Hardware t
r-- Perfect satisfaction, or money refunded
THE RIGHT MAN AT LAO.' ! pg1etse 25 cents per box. For sale by all drug. NAILS, GLASS, WRITE LI+,AI), PAINTS, OILS, AND
o reme y nown o met ca se . BUILDING HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS, SHOVELS, SPADES eke.
ecee that eau excel Dr. Fowler's, Extract of
Wild Strawberry as a cure for Cholera Morbus, We are away down an the following :
Diarrheas, Dysentery, or any form of Summer
Complaint afflicting children or adnits. W. J. Searle 4: Carriage Varnishes , Penchen's Pre -
A remarkable bedstead made to order by a
Afilwaukee furniture Arm is 2.1 feet snide And pared Paints, a Bird Cages j BuggyTops , Stoves, and Tin-
baas ninei c compartments,
chasms' �t children, tended to bold ware •of all kinds, Barb Wire, *Steel Strip, and Buckthorn
ON THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL. Fencing, American and Canadian Coal Oil,
Tut VOLTAIC BELT Co., Marshall, blieh.,wil
BELTS ANA ELECTRIC ARYLrasees on trialfor
thirty days to men (young or olti who are af-
flicted with nervous debility, lost vitality
and kindred troubles, guaxauteeiug . . a.LL 4VOBI '.. UARA1tTEEDI
speedy and complete restoration of health and
manly vigor, Addresa as above. N. B. --No The Celebrated RAYMOMD Sewing Machine always on
If there were health iu a multitude
of medical aystome, to there is said to
be wisdom in a multitude of counsel..
lure, sickness would be unknown in
this age of iio•oalled psthologioal die-
covenes, The homcepathists tell us
that the salvation of our lives in sick-
ness depends upon infinitesimal does,
and infinite dilation : the hydopath-
iats profess to raise health upon us
t from shower baths, or soak dieeame
1 out of us with wet blaukets ; while
* $till newer set of exclusives purpose
burying us up to the armpits in the
earth—putting both feet in the grave
Sili►erSttttonS of time DAY -
Scat— vbaok I
There was a sudden howl, as if a►
foghorn had been seized with a
risk is incurred. as thirty daya'trialie allowed,
so it were, by way of easing our lives": "Wt3AT SAY VOL* TO A PIECE OF ROAST, hand , also Needles to fit Am MArr of Machine.
Ther we have S 1BEEF AND MUSTARD ,"
Then, a, rtngrat1ar•, w14 are
coil, there is 00411to be said, lite quo. P. '• ". Highest price in Cash or Trade for+Hides and Sheep
dict, and aiiuetaliste, who believe in
all f r bleeding, blis'erinq, and low tiau being asked of the banqueter at the aver-! Skins. Yours truly,a,fa boarding }cause, nails up reminisoen. a of I
nothing but mercury and its oxides. claire contiguity to the Items, and beefsteak 6
It heppens unfortunately, however, three outs loath thereof. He, of course will
for all these theoric/s, thti► they can pnsr,e uness itCroacnus io hua athho Wbada
e salt
show no practical proof of the aruitm• suffering, the effects ei en indulgence in each
ed infitllibilily of their infallibility of Monona fare, use AicGregor's Speedy Cure, a I
their lomeihode of mire. Not so Thorn- sure and effectual remedy far Dyspepsia Con. t
nightmare, and something that bore A• I3olloway, whose madicinar for it, etipation and all affections of the stoma* and I
liter. field at Dr. Browning'a drug store.
a decided rasemblatuoa t.t a acre tail last forty years have an-unsaybenefit, \ Trial bottles free.
dieappeered ever the back fence of a ted llnndreds of thousande. This ie ; AN INVISIBLE FOE,
St. Pant street residenae like a streak 1 no assumption, but s. foot verified by
of yellow lightning.; the unimpeaahed evidence of 'a choice
'1 don't `like to see a oat lying in of witnesses.' The archives of his
the sun in February,' eaid the old office in London contain wauuecript
gentleman, as he slammed down the oertificatee, authenticated in the
window and resumed his chair by the strongest manner, and placing beyond
Are -place.
;Why esked an incredulous visi-
•It forbodee a stormy ;tIarch,' was
the response. 'Why, that's a proverb
I've heard since I was a child, and
I've never known it to fail, But here
The poisonous germs of disease are lurking 1
in the air we breathe and in the water we I
drink. The system should be kept carefully
purified and all the organs toucd to proper se-
tion, This can best be done bytbe regulating,
purifying snit tonic power of Burdock Blood
the possibility ot doubt the
intallibil- ` HAMILTON II PI'RNINOS,
There is non being tuaaufaotured hero an'
its of hi,: Pills ane oitdmeat in mala• erotic far iugtautly remuviue vein of any
d' h' h b" G
Parity the Bleed, oorrccc all Disorders of the
tea tow io man ix eu loot, teat soarte Pztarual nature, and it fs certainly the They iinvigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are ' t bl ' tip
13r1taiu, tate Continent of L'"urope, In- incur perfect tura le'
r Nenral•ia Headache Cataplawta incidental to Females at all area. Far children and the ^ed the; sir -epees
British America every civilized lead tried. It is called kluta Lightning trout the'
+ , u TA.aa . e sn "
h } p
die, Ohtua,Australia, the \Vest Indies, q toothache, and the l e 1JRt 1!*s aver wean
and ever ceuntr to which the i0 � fapta manse' Tic‘
it act+"and is mAuu-
y y p , lectured by bIc(}regor dr Parka Bald is i
nears of civilization. commercial and !:aster at Dr, I3towuing s drug store 5
in the city, and eartioularly here in
is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Ilan Rrcasta. OM Wouutls, Sores and Ulcers. It is
St. Paul street, they laugh at a fellow religions, have found their way, rtng it to a Boston paper which cynically says Jaluoua for iiattt Aad Rheumatism.
with the fame of these alt -con ueriu that Cha only effe"cttm mist's cure is t;ola. w
Than he hsth Cut his auee, f saws. gA GOODhILrrB. m' 0n Digo'DERS OF Tins CHEST IT 11:Ic NO I;QVAL.
That shows their ignorance, for good remedies. Such is the decant! for furs seater is indispensable to health, tire'
nose knows a farmer knows. more of • 'them in all parts of the world *heti least impurity should be removed b}' a good; For Sora Thrtats, Bronchitis, 001108, Gelds,G1audl'ler Swclliuse. and all akin disease
weather in a week than they do in they, may be justly called a great i filter. Pure Blood is also indispensable; there it Lae no rival ; anti for and still joints it acts like a charm.
tbo city for a nmat)tit. There's'
an- commercial staple, and the lumber of I ran be no perfect health without it. The
other true sa iug that when the north ' agencies for their sale amounts to tone Liver fitters the blood. Regulate the Liver 'i The Pills and Ointment ere sold et TI MMS H05Lawaxa Etitablinitmt.r,6,
, 1 with Murdock Blood Bitters anti make pure y
wluit claim not blow in February it will , of thousands !ileo!.
have de reveres in ala rah, And for '!'hese speak Entre far themselves,TUE HEST YET.
every thunder with raid in this month I and clearly tallow that while ao tuanp Thera is no prti�nrntion before the people to- alis by nearly every respectable Vender ofMedicine, inBoxes and Tota, at la. lid., 2s. 9,1„
thorn will baa Cold spall in may, I medical doginatiats have boon groping clay that commands their confidence mare,! ds. ilii., lis., 22n., and 33a, each. the 2s. 90. size eoutafus three tunes the quantityof the
The old proverb ;aye that when snow 1 in the dark, he has actually discovered
lies in the finches it is wailing foil and applied the true and only tneana
mare, and .lien it falls in the mud V of eradicating the primtry oauie of
it remains all winter. Lok eta for 'disease to the hutunn system.— etr
rain wlte�tt the flakes grow larger as Pieaemte•
they fall. Of course you remember • `` "
the time honored remark about the
wbite Christmas and the lean grave-
yard. You people never pay any at.
toutton to those signs, but the farm
era, the truckers, the milkmen—peo- doctoring. and considering the wide
plc wli_gm you brush past every day range there is for cultivating the ver -
on the teats or in the markets—be- ions kinds of fruit it is strange that
lieve in them because their fathers more is not raised and used in Ontar-
taught them to do so?' io than there is, not only for home
'I suppose every month has its own consumption but for export in the
signs?' asked the ixaretlulone visitor, preserved shape. With the abund-
as he .gazeti incredulously over the anoa of fruit we are supposed to have
mantel. by looking as our markets at this.
'Every one of them was the reply, time of the year, there is compare -
,and a few of the moat an'.ient and tively little consumed and produced
least known 1 will recite for your to whit there should be by all classes.
benefit. It is said That if grass grows It is a deplorable fact that farmers'
in January it will grow badly during families do not enjoy that robust
the rest of the year. The original health that country air and out -door
saw for March says that if the month life, with plenty el exercise, should
comes in with an adder's head it goes produce. It is also a fact that among
out with poacocic's tail. It was be,
lieved, too, that a 'bushel of march
duet was worth a Engel ransom,'
though this was a rather poetical
adaptation. Of April it is eaid that a
'cold, moist April fills the cellar and
fattens the cow.' A dry May brings
rusts nfth a better sola than does Dr. Fowl, i Is 110, size ; the 4e. 6d. size Six ; the lis, size i:ixteen ; tlut 223 size thirty-three ; and the
er's Extract of Wild Strawberry --the infallible( 1 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pate.
remedy for all forms of Summer Complaints. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Put, and can be hate iu any language
BEST ANTI COMEOUT TO THE S Ijra'iI1t1:10 t - Purchasers should look to the Label an the Pots anti Boxes. Haw a<?dress is net
+'r;town't"lllostse °1111 since""Mesut\ 'Huai; 133 Oxford Street, Loudon, they are spurious.
torrelievingpatu,i othinterustaud external It
cures pain to the Side, bask orbowels,sore throat
ltheumatisut, Toot its 'nodally kind
Fruit As Me(lieine• afapain orache. "It will :sort surely quicken
tate blood cud heal, aa its acting newer iswonder-
It is becoming pretty well under- Jul. "'Brown's Hou•t311o1d Panacea' beingaek-
stood that but few fruit eaters need now1eigadastheRreatrainreltever,anttotdttu
blethostren„ th ofauv other Elixir orhinimeut
ti. titoworld,shouldbeinevery fatuity bandy for
use when wanted,"as it really is the best remedy I
in the world for Cranms in the Stomach. and
Ming and Adios of all kinds," and is for sale by
all Druggists at33 cants a bottle.
A swarm of boas in May is worth a load of
A swarm of bees in June is worth a silver
spoon ;
But a swarm of bees in July is not worth a
'A pretty rhyme is it not ?' he iu:
terrupted with a laugh. 'A dripping
June sets all things in tuner When
it rains in August it rains honey and
wine. If the first day of September
be fair, the month will be a goad one.
A warm October brings a cold Feb-
auary Ioe in November forebodes
plent of sleet and bad ,weather dur-
ing winter, and a warm Christ-
mas 1 ilicates a cold Easter. The
fire) three days of any season rule its
weather. When, it clears on Sunday
it will be clear until Wednesday, and
if 11 rains on the first dog -day there
will be a flood for forty days there-
after. In spring a tub of rain makes
a epoonfull of mud. We heard a
peal of thunder two weeks ago. This
was a prophecy of a poor year for
maple sugar, but a good year for
'Do you know how toforetell rain
with certainty,'"he asked, "and with•
out going out of doors ? Just watch
the oobkroaohes. When they fly, get
out your umbrellas. Jriokets chirp
lively and spiders come out of their
nests also before rain. I'll tell you a
!inch of the ill condition of chronic invalids
is due to want of activity in a sluggish liver.
Burdock Blood Bitters arouse a healthy action ,
of tho liver to secrete pure bile, and thus
make pure blood which Ryes perfect health.
1f yon have vainly tried catty remedies for
rheumatism, it will be a wise concinsion to
try Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It eures all pain- •
fel diseases when other medicines fail
Many people suffer from distressing sick
headaches and bilious attacks of frequent oc-
currence which a bottle or two of Burdock
Blood Bitters would entirely remove. It re -
those living on farms whose rich gulates the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood
acres should eroduee abundant crops to a healthy action.
of the varied fruits, but very few have
plenty and many have no fruit,exeept
i1 may be an occasional apple. This
season, for instance, a great many
farmers around here bought what
few strawberries they eousnmed.
The standard food in the majority of
farmers' houses consists largely of
bread, butter and meal—mostly pork
—fried in grease, and where pastry
or cake is used, it has lord in large
proportion in its composition and
this food is eaten at least twice, aod,
in many families, three times a day,
year in and year out. Is i1 a wonder
that they are not more healty, and
iha, their pervailiog diseases are ouch
as indicate • ail aver-oonsumptien Of
fatly food? If frnile were expensive
or difficult to raise, there would be
some excuse; but what farmer in On-
tario but could h`sve a• small plot of
small fruits such as strawberries,
raspberries, currants, gooseberries,
etc., eta. There is no pari of the
country without plenty of varieties
adapted to its soil and climate, and
just such are fitted by nature to both
nourish the body and cleanse the
blood, and no more skill is required
to grow them than to raise porn or
of Hamilton, Ont., are the manufacturers of
the greatest healing nod purifyiug compound
known for Sores, Burns, Cuts, Scalds Salt
Rheum, Frost Bites, etc. It is called Mc-
Gregor tL Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Bo sure
and get the genuine McGregor & Parke's Car-
bolic Comte, sold at Dr. Browning's drug
store at 25e. a box. 5
Not a particle of calomel or any other dele-
terious substance enters into the composition
of Ayer's Cathartic Pills. On the contrary,
they prove of spacial service to those who have
used calomel and other mineral poisons as
medicines, and feel their injurious effects. In
such cases Ayer's Pills are invaluable.
"I am so weak I can hardly move, all run
down with a Chronic Summer Complaint,"
said one gentleman to another on our street
the other day. "Now, take my advice," re-
plied his friend,"go to your druggist and get
a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry. I never have known it to fail in
curing any kind of• Summer Complaints."
Holloway's Ointment and Pills.—Notable
Facts.—Intense heat augments the annoyance
of skin disease, and encourages the develop-
ment of febrile disorders ; wherefore they
should, as they may, be removed by these det-
ergent and purifying operations. In stomach
complaints, liver affections, pains and spasms
of the bowels, Holloway's Ointment well rub-
bed over the affected part immediately gives
the greatest ea3e, prevents congestion and in-
flammation, checks the threatening'diarrhwea
and averts incipient cholera. The poorer in-
habitants of large: cities will find these reme-
wheat. It is a mystery why so few' dies to be their best friend when any pestil-
farmere make any attempt to provide encs rages, or when' from unknown causes,
an adequate supply of fruits and ve- eruptions, boils, abscesses, or ulcerations bc-
gelables, which would add much toits cost iu doctors' bills, to say no. inusoeiril -Ayer's Sarsa.thing of the sufferings o' disease and parilla in my family' ;hovre i(„oerarsdiehined.could not keep house without it.Y
token the presence . of taints or initarities
within the system, and call .for instant and
their pleasure, and save many times effective curative medicines.
loss of their families. It is better to
kof the . pains consequent upon female
consume fruit and vegetables than to
egularities, wed '
8 I consider ft with- 1
be continually dosing with medicine. ontaan enessquanal.'' irr
nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario
Veterinary College, Toron-
to, have op ened an office
for the trea tment of all
Domestic Animals, on
Moinstreet Exeter. Calls
from a dis.—. •---tantoprompt 'y
attendedto:- Medicine for Horses Cattlo,dre
always on•band:
Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of
Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out a
Boot ani Shoo Shop
'In the Corner Store North of Samwell
& Pickard's, where he is prepared to make
all hinds o: ordered work.
Sewed work a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Late Manager C. Eacrett'a Boot and Shoe
May 141h 64.
R. R. LAN) -:3
In Minnesota. North Dakota, aa.,-.
tana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon J
From Lake Superior to Puget Sono.1.
At prices ranging chiefly from f2 to 53 p -r a - • ..
en5to10 years time. This is the Bei: c ••
for securing Good Homes now open tor sett!_a,
320 stereo of Governme:.r.
Land Free under the 1:.•e•
and Tinp•er(:ultnrer•„to+. tit
—10,818,433 Acres OR MORE Tll.>,
ot ell the Puhtic !.ands di'p.•.. nt i It 11e
were in'the Northern Pacific country. Pook4:e !
Maps sent FREE deseribine the borthern
Pacific Countrir,tlte Rai lrnnd L:• nd. ter s•:•1
the FREE Government Law,.. Addres..('RA4,. 1.
LADMBORN, Land Com'r, N. 1'. 11. 1:., St. Paul, it mu.