The Exeter Times, 1885-7-30, Page 3General grant I ea(I. and threw into the wagon the 'first
i ohapters of ,. sensational aerial. The
Aft. McGregor, July 23, 8 10 a. m, boy grabbed for the 'fir andbegan to
--Gen. Grout died et 8:08 A. m.. aur- de4oar the literature in 'chunks and
rounded by ell hie fault!.. H0 palmed f hunks, and of the half d zoo people
out of lire l,eacefully and without evi i who came aloug and asked the price
deut pain. , of his potatoes lie answered only one,
At 9 o"clock last night one of Gen- i and him BO absent minden!, that no
erat Graut's physicinue conceded, !sale was made. In about half an
with some cantien, that the patient l hour the old man returned. Re halt.
might survive until July 23rd. His ed et the bank end of aha wagon and
meaning wass that the eiek man tool: in the °situation anti then Allied:
might yet be hying when midnight i 'George, what you got?'
should mark the new (lay. The pity- 'start'.'
eicianc' prognostication was b )roe 'What about?"
out and snore- The General passed lirljnns.'
into the first hour of day. Lie agar , 'Do they kill anybody?,
its light at sunrise, and through the; 'They are after a fellow and I guess
early morning hours he still survived, they git Ltim.`
The Advent of the and of July, how- kIe'e the bore -I reposer
ewer, marked a eh Inge in General 'Yes.'
tiran1'6 oouditiolt, wTllatih was yignifl 'Don't soil any latera does he?
cant. The chill at the eatreruitiee (No,
wart iuoreaeing, and the use of hot l '1 theeat t
days upon the vast fresh water sea,
which, he pays, islnany times larger
• then Lake Superior, std Yat it is not
on any map, or in the knoledge of any
other white men, save those who have
'heard the Indian agents of the Hod -
eon Bay Company tell of its inengen- ..
jetty' and the va;t wilderness in which °
it liee Mr. Murray is keeping a lit-
tle oyster bona in !entree!, It ie A
neat little box, and the waiters are
pretty women. Ifurray stands near
the door and tp every customer who
;enters he bows and *eye, 'your aer-
(vant. sir.' As a epeoial favor to
friends or distinguished visitore, her �.-.
sometimes preside¢ at the open goal
fireplace, ceoking oysters in batter
and butter, nr broiltn,g a bird or fish.
Pains and Aches!
1118 eltuerleoce in ctrupiug out in
I the woode and his fondness for cook- �t} ♦ � i
ing rnakee Lie culinary productions OW LOS,, QWN Restored.
�.1 . not, but I reckon 11l
much aaupltt after,
wr the .ewes why!"
Dyspepsia and prefer 1t to all other Medi- sultingirom excesses. lae" etc.,ro.
cines 1hareever fried, in no case has it'd rrtce.insealctlenw-elope,ot:ls- Greats, or two
can cheerfully reeowtnleud it to all sAlfere Thecelebrateda,utherofthis atlm rableessa
applications to keep wvarw;b in the t soon kno
ex.tremrties and vital !.site. wad lewd- With that he leisurely climbed over
ed to. They were of borne avail, but u the tail board reached. far alto boy and
artiticiel warmth was without power the shaking up that youth reoeived
to reach the cause or stay the result will snake hire dream of eartbquak. ee
of dissolution, which began on Tues. 1 far many nigiats to coma,
day evening, and had been progress./ ;you data's want ooy more of 0,41,'
tag eteedily though gradually. t said the old siren as he finished bnsi-
A F&B'rCu OF 1115 ;APSE. netts1 and dropped the '1.1y' overboard.
Utyseea Simpson Grant, late Pres4- 'The fujune not only
'overlook the
dent of the ,United States, awes* the hero but slew War in the moat fatal
son of n Ieatiter rnerahatlt of Scottish a manner, and don't you forget 111 Now
deeoent, and Was baro at Paint Plea jyngit Rp,n gallop and sell thele tat.
snt, Ohio, April 27, 1.822. 110 artere!'-..,••patrol; Fres Press.
tared the military aoaderuy at Waat i
Point in 1883, received it commission I ..
As eeeoud lienteuaut 111 18.42,toak part Queer Facts And HalrPenillgs.
part in all the battler), saga Buena
.1 a have recently t., bustard a now edition o
1)!R ('i %'E111w t' ,i. S CF.i,EllitATED k1SSA7:
al?illiawl [aerial+:s, Eden :ills, writes ; .I on Olersediealaud�pernta.Bentettro (without rwe-
have used Dr. (.'arrow's Stomach Bitters for tEraeazpRC,mpxr4etlxts}ta Atari and physical
failed to produce the desire,' efee;, and I postar"eatemps.
re 010111}riergonnttates,irom thirtw• .
„front Dyspepsia, Ifulprectice, that atarlclagenn;equejcepn.a ba°
1'eure truly, 1Y1;GLh .IGEDI)ES.'.sateen)+curers:writhouttlia dao areae 1140 at in
teroulo welletaeaor thou** of Lao knife • Polar 1
FROM THE i?W i'YoreitZ2$, ,.
"Onetime*: Sty father resides at Moyer,
S't. H4 bas boor a great sufferer trots! S4ror-
uta, and Lireiuelou.'r4 letter will tell youiwhat.
a learTOIOne,!.feet
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
bas bad in his case. I think his blood Must
bare contained the !tumor for at least ten
pare; but itdidnotshow, exempt inthe form
or arcrofulous .mart es the ager. W+� about-
Sve years ago. Fr01n a taw. spots which ap-
peered at that time, It gradually spread eo re
to carer bis entire body. I assure you he was
terribly afflicted, and an object. or pity, when
he began using your medicine. brow, there are
four men or his age Who enjoy as good health
as he has. I could easily name fifty persona,
who would Wiry to tho facts in his case.
-Yonr(atrrulTs W.7LR>Urer.ire.'c
FROM111 FATHER. +pltalureandd
a duty for me to state to you the hewn I
b*Ta derived. from, the nee ot
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
e, i3tsusoutill ago liras eowpletelyooTeredwith
btee hie humor and ierrafnlouu soros. T'ite
trier oaoiak an incessant and Intolerable
ttoblut, and the ekin cracked eo u to nano
the blood to flow in many places wbono or
I mood. My sufferings were great, and my
lite a a burden. I colnment:4A aha use of the
>1.iasltAratutua is April fast,, and hare used
t1 regularly since that time. 'lily condition
began 10 improre at eves. The some bare
all boated, and is feel perfectly well in ev,ry
rr•,,[•••rt being noir able, to do a gond day's
w nil:. althr,aglii3 years of ago. Many inquire
g e : t,r. w aelt a, care In myrice. s .,i
I t• ! a4,711, as 1 bare hers tided to tell yr 11,
St1;sA:,•1:iLr,A. Glover, Vt., let.
"• Yoursgraterully,
111Ri41 1'111r.LPX."
Ont 4111041.. 0f cure at ono 0a!Wplecertalu ander.'
Sbiioh'o Catarrh llelnedy ---a positive eure ° ter wlls,till; meiotic
for Catarrh, Diphtheria rtrol Canker month ehtarty,privatetw-rush xa4ica11y".
Sala by 3.11'. 13rarrniug.mar'l'in lectaresbauld he lnthe han,lcif every
,'Southand'every man in time laud.
TUTS OUT and retort* to us with THE C '' ,W , , C
lee or 4 S stumps arta wall get by [IIj� k.R 1'.I I,?11ED1 GAL Go
that will bans, you in more ,*tones toot Ohms• ;tax 440
turn 11111114 0014e0 VOX at Oncds1 + it 'INN Sr..NRwt-Y(1111i
taco anything i -h. its . lt.t+rice:'
oar forttene if you startwilie'c.
car NovEr.rr en
Yarnieudt.:1 S.
Fiera, of the move
"war, raid i't Three young bantam ohickene be
184.8 married. the daughter of a St. longing to Chas. Uambright, of York, i aiIay Louis Merchant, fu 1854 he was 1a., lay eggs that are pure white anmade captain, when he resigned his Rite ride and rA beautiful strawberryocon
Gonilliiesio0, and after ongiq i.11g in , seta. 00 the other,
farming near St. Lama, went into'y A jnetica of peaoo of 13.ncden, a : t
business with hie father. Until the ! has served 80yeera mud never ha .1b Direct ec Roe a from the Weal for all
civil war Grant wasuite unknown, ,ludgernaut reverse,! or sent back. for polntaiuReWBrlanswick,Nurva,Scntla,
but shortly after its outbreak he was a newt/ trial, hoe been married throe Pnuoe Rdwaia Island, Caro IS.retan
male brigadier -general of volunteers throe, and has raised 22 children, and Newfoundland.
and alter the bottle o e alont mai a>Ua"-� ear r:
1 rt .Dalen beeerne . mother of'waive children, slotted frutr3 !? C,aup•gn cart! iv -
!be capture of 1.'D D 1
i f Belmont l " Jura John Woad, aged 67,and the w,u tr 1 e:t t„ttl,it•; f .itit7:; :and
le;t,urt 1t 4t t,art:l1111 i41 ore alma; tial, live 4u i�t,+nrrt'ti t -t :lc.”'
of \4'eelern Tennessee. her house near Toledo. Ohio, with 2*.).lwtaut•,tay�. ru41*2.h rust Uar,.,l:u h+
Willies Bradley aged 21,and wont 11aiifat. sada en Tut slaw 7"lens:+l tw and a rt r-
IIe drove back 7,3eaaregard at i�llilolr y bsay to tat. Jtaan :i. U tttrort,t�t a mange.
(:\ ril 7 186' , repulsed the Canted to Detroit, where they were evidently rnut"etiun. Ain t+°1 .t r oitr � t,t va Kath
p ) p d the tranr1 Trunk trt.ilwwav mot till !alai+Phan
.. t 1
�!.�' �y x s3t3 .. �aj� y�
Ia,rper's Magazine.
Witia'the new v.wl;tttt.. begjq}tint; :iu Decent
i+rr, tl.aart a',; arenas;,.^, alit conclude its
tltirtyilith year. Time oldt•st periodical tet tts
type. ft IR yet, tat each new vcluntt., a alae
tO:lecCe xn i sae picture i utiaaltso and coed?
I,t.:auee: It steadily aat►vtucevin theutetbctl It.
axr1 1 of become,1 more andtmorerthe the
mirror titcurreut:life arid ntm•eltuCnt.
feattart-a 111Il tractiverogramrue tor iNo.,
art., now terialnorele i.t (t.w;r,i:a�t1; Fr.shies.,
viNi, Hull we,'. 1). zfowr.r.t.z1 a naw novel
eau:tled "tat the ilea twite;"' 'descriptive Ma*
tr:i t,I 1+tl,era to F.1r M3Lt vr, R. SWAIN Citr.
1'41 n 1.. A. wn111.r, 1.1. Gtb,ou, and others ;
(it.tdssuitb'S" 2IIr Sinop. t to ('olatauer.' iilustr;,t-
e.t .ay A -n1)'; Important palters on Art.Sei•110 e,
orale' at Cenuris (October 1862) '(bulged t0 go to the pear lienee eau Vittorio• !'oErl+t,m'> t+tPlru rx t(,.
took Vicksburg (July, 4, 1868), acid j Val on Annie L1911 left Nem' York `lo+ft i;a #,, j'artlat r."0 WWEO. (a -w Nor,tl'
, .
.Fac tt F tt
to t l husband 1 Pulls 1 t
tcat'C sob a re8 io.t alt! Zmen.n at ce17v:ni."
(November 28 24, 5 deferred Gen• .', - •' years ago attend
0 ler . as 1 T' . arta .� ruE W .• r.n
' � 'sweater Para nn all ale. Instals
Brat Bragg at Chattanooga, a victory i and sou, whu were wertatly wounded e• 1 It f h
Drat drat nc a
lab opened up Georgia to the pod. p at Gettysburg, she teal her assn year n .e .
1 1 1! b 1864 Grant (old daughter. The girl bee just been , IMPORTERS .twN1) 1':XII'ORTERs Per Year
WAS made lieutenant- liners!, and on found at a blind asylum at Colunibaa, aril! and to use tbi11 route as
g itis tea quickest an point of time. and the rates
March 17 tool( command of all the i Ohio.are all lowas l,v any other,
northern foree0. Ito now eat out S The mon of Scotch nlillionare, who Tltr.ntr;it freight i.t ti.twwartictl lay fast special
tratna mutt experien0e Las proved. rho later-
a the f North V` hoe become greatly interested Ill Agri- sol air t r •Its to il o tl ti k 't tt r 1'
{lalalat la army D r lT�'lnia, art t e1, r toe tc eb 1 .u.ropaad
froihLtoautl from all datutaiu�Cnuada�aud�
under Lee, which he drove bade ryasr aaiet1farhas mer for ad himself to an ills the atesteru steres, 1
several desperate battles, while Sher- ,$15 a month eo as to 1C1.* 'I luny be t,htaiticti x11,1(450 infarrua-
moo fought his way through Georgie. learn the American modes of farming. tion abtrttt alto route slat! about freight aur)
• Grant then held Lee shut up in Rich, 1 fie agrees to labor two years at 11ta11F:1t'rit. M.101r111,
mond, the siege of which he pushed diet rate of pay. Western !:.eight S:1'n^Rrta't r .11;. at
e,0 with unflieehiug energy, uotwith. David Reedy, a calonred man fie- ti3"'fossils fruu.e Mock, atrl, tis., 'loror9to
standing the impatient murmurs of ins near Marrietta, was struck while ia.POT lt x(i "4:ptail.t�ttacl:t,
the Northern States, while Sherman, working in a field, by a whirlwind, tuft, y()t:ict•.-lone tt.n, .lz.,�t,tti 11, n.+•1).
Sohofleld and Sheridan routed the and, as he (mid,'lehulked into the air
"ek other Confederate loaders. After he to a height that made the trees look --._' --- ' - - - . ---_- . _ —_-
passenger rates from
wane joined by Gel). Sheridan, Grant like little bushes." His descent was
captured Richmond, April 5, HOS, mo eaby that he was not in the least
and ou April 9 surrounded Lee at Ap- banned.
pomatox, where the Confederate gen- A new appointee as United States
oral surrendered with 27,000 rneu, minister to South America was asked
Grant granting him very generous by what route he was going to .his
terms. This ended the civil war,and
immediately after Abraham Linonln
was assassinated and Andrew John-
son became President. Grant, who
way hailed throughout the North
Dili I) ndless enthusiasm and load-
ed with !loners, 'arae now placed In
oppotaitia•1 to Johnson, interp3eiug in
behalf of the South and averting the
prosecution of Lee. Johnson after.
wards in a measure severed himself
from the Federal•, and in 1868 Grant
was eleoted 1'resideut. During his
administration the enmities engender-
ed by the war were greatly allayed,
the national debt largely reduced, and
the Alabama question settled. In
1872 Grant was re-elected President
over Horace Greeley, the candidate
of the Democrats and Liberal Repub
livens. His Presidentship was mark-
ed by financial difficulties and troub-
les in the South, which culminated
1876.77 in the contest regarding his
encceseor. Grant was the greatest
General that America has produced.
and may even reek among the fore—
moat Generals of Modern times.
Without nudervaluing the brilliant
military genius of Sherman and Sheri-
dan on'the one side, or of Stonewall
Jackson and Gee the outer, a com—
parison of the. work done by the !lost
of able soldiers that the civil war
brought to the front distinctly shows
him to be the man• who most thor—
oughly grasped the whole situation,
and who saw most clearly how the
end could be attained.
Tile Hero Was Stain.
One of the farmers who sucoeeded
in backingar
his wgou into place at
the City Hall market yesterday morn-
ing had several errands to do around
the neighborhood and he left his son
of fcurteen on the vehicle to make a
.sale of five or six bags of potatoes.
The oldh.nan had scarcely disappeared
wheu a bill distributor came alo-�g
destinatiou. After stammering a
white he said, "Blessed if 1 know., I
never thought of that. I don't know
bow to get there rt all." He Iwtt3 a
collegiate professor.
On Wednesday Frank Smilie, a
drummer, Was in Macon, Ga., and
was handed a teller dated April 9t11
1884, that had travelled thoueands of
Miles in hundrads of mail bags whit e
vainly pursuing' him. A year ago he
left Cincinnati without a certain per•
fumed letter that wee expected, and
gave instruciiocs to have ltforwarded.
It arrived the day after his depart-
ure and was forwarded. It kept right
behind htm, and followed him into
Georgia, Alabama, Florida and Hiss
ieaippi. All the time lie wondered
why 'she did not write.' About a
month ago he read a marriage notice
in which the writer of the misplaced
letter figured its the bride.
Ulysses and Ada Gage have just
lost their infant son. Its grand -par-
ents on the mother's side were cous-
ins; the great-grandmothers ou the
mother's side were • sisters; on the
father's bide the grandparents were
cousins, and both were cousins to
both of the great-great-grandulothere
on the mother's side; the great -great-
grandmother on the mother's aide•was
sister to the great•graudrnother on
the father's side: the great-great-
graudfather on the mother's side was
a brother to both great great•grand-
fathers on the father', side; %Le
great -great-grandfather on the moth-
er's side was an uncle to.the grand-
mother ou the father's Ride, au..i doub
le uncle to the grandfather ou the
father's side; the great-grandparents
on the father's side, were double uncle
and aunt to the great grand -mother
on the Inother'e side..
The. W. H. H. `,Mui ray of A iiron-
dack and buckboard wagon celebrity,
and long the petted pastor of the Park
Street Church in Boston, claims to
to have been where no other white
roan ever was, and to brae- sailed. for
Brands advertised awahselatelg pares
C r> 1,P'Z`.ESIN AMAMtC*XVX. 4...
stn -•e a can top down on a hot gore until hcateta.,lren
trine, o the cover and *nen. A ellemaet will not he r.e
waned to detect the pretence et arntlwnta.
1n a million homes for a quarter of a century It has
stood the consumers' reliable test,
,Awns or -
Dr, Price's Special Flavoring Extracts,
^,r • ronre,t,mottdrllelous and natural donor amown,.nd
.h Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems
or Light, Healthy Bread, The Best Dry Hop
Yeast in the World.
Purest and ,strongest Natural Fruit Flavors.
Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, Almond, hose, etc.,
Favor as delicately and naturally as the fruit.
1tiI.�Rli„, 'h MAGA T
1 ..A4 00 ... l OCBAZAR ' . PO
liar YIuN; Lr;f)if t
11A1 pmt' s FRANKLIN SgVi,1,Br I Iltli:\1iY,
()rest Year 1S: Numbers*. ...... ..... la eti
Postato Tree to an sul.eerit,ers in Om'Crated
States or Canada.
.V.ry age
Nmobe,Sf rJti ebaodDttcemberofi04011kixr
u, bon Ito time is specifetd, it win beunderstood
that the subscriber wishes to begin with the
claw t cat Nunrlier.
The last eleven Semi -tit *mai Volumes of
ill beta1 email l'nttjrai]C'ruei aripbr 1 $ .tri
tier volatile. Cloth Cases. r binding, 10 cents
each—by asst! postl•aufi
Anal it ilii! t lnrt,ifl, 10 4 \'i.i nrnesxi t irfo,
1nciuAivei, front Jin:v.1t•;-e,t,+,hunt , It Ott, onevoL,
'1,%4, eiOtt,,1.114.
Mewl' Order or !ria it. to avoidMade
ehttnce 0t loss,
Nen Elrasi.t rsare toot to copy this advertise -
meta wwltheut the e8pre4, t Eder of Haii'rrt,w
:Address. HARPER ,t: itltl.)Tli1Jlt4, New York
Butter &Eggs
J. Matheson
Has o]lenca out in
Currelley & Co., Old Stand.
(Exeter uorth Post Office)
't Just received a splendid assortment of
Spring Goods, which we will sell at very
close prices- Splendid vela. in Cashmeres,
Velveteens, Groy, Scarlet Canton and Home-
made Flannels. A nice lot of Table Napkins
and Covers, Splendid Wincey, Grey and
White Cottons very cheap. Tweed and Beady
Made Clothing very •heal,, A GOOD SUIT
GROCERIES.—We tell 4 lbs Tea for awl ;
75 cent Tea for (fti cents, Sugars as low as
the lowest.
BOOTS tC SHOES.—We have added some
new lines and are prepared to sell the best
goods at close prices. -
A House and Lot for sale or hent, Apply
Exeter ,t3utclier Shop
Butcher 8& General Dealer
—IN A.m., KINDS or—
Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS.
DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence
Art:a's S,1R,,a: sau.. h cures Fx r :n:a
and all Scrofulous Complaints, rrya:p
etas. Eczema, Ringworm, illotciicre
,borer. Dons, Zamora* add Eruptioua of
tiro SIdn. It clears the blood of all traps-
silica, aids digestion, stimulates the action of
the bowels, awl tits restores vitality and
strengthens the whole system.
rr ream sr
Dr. d.C.Ayer &Co., Lawell,MsIs.
004 Wen Druggists; II, eti bottle' for t$dr
.7)0 {'• nL-F Nr
v1ar: a. E1 s.u.:4u L
1 X 1
;as stewd the ze*t for Fir
t; LS, «lel I.,,a braved .1n ,G:.
remedy lot. .wan f -r t::t•
ConSulntiatiot'i, 't -l:,' t
GOlds,W hacilin - C. u„,
and allLun3Edi ;;v,c..•'
young ..r old 1.., 1 . _
Price 250. an $:: O per
OWNS' t LIJtlii rs
Are pleasant tot .l:e. Contain 1ltetr own
Putative. Is Or sate, sure, sant effectual
ttfq(tnyer at worms in Children, or Adult'',
New & Superior Canada Maps & Charts
Aspayiogas any agency in the world. For
full particulars, free, address, I1. C. TUNISON
Mar Publisher 1388 Richmond-st.,London,Oat.
Established 1871.
Fills orders, solls on `Commission, or will pur-
chase Apples, Potatoes and reality. Write
Planing Mill f.
66iND !C0T!
pre d u5oscs givnus ges n postage
and by mail yea. will gotLP
free a package of goods
of large value that will
start you, to work that Done to order.
will at once bring you in la'totley faster than
anything else in America. All about tho $2,00, -
500,000 iu prosants with each box. Agont't Wanted lieaneLu0e1tlle place.
everywhere, of either sex, of all ages, for all
thetivae, or spare tante only, io work for us at 1!75x`,t E3 Cerra �. 1
tneirow o homes. 1'ortnnos for all workers r
absolutely assured, Don't delay. EI. !Lana r2
& Co Portland Maine. STATION -ST