The Exeter Times, 1885-7-30, Page 2•
"0, Lor"'Hit '';m Again :'" 1 leave', hie right eland alone bei
outside. Over his Noe he planed
In the early days of 1iethodiene in old straw Mat, a hole in the top giving
Seethtutl, a certain c+tnitrel;;tion. hint a place to see out of. When he
where there was but one doh man, was ready he began to utter a aeries
desired to build a new chapel. A, of loud, gurgling, guttural cries, in
church tni'eting was held. The old I exec/ imitation of a wounded crow,
rich Sitototureen rose and said': i for I recognized the sound, trout hay.
“Brethren, we then* need a new ¢ lug heard the *elmcries uttered by a
oil Tel I'll give .I'd f >r repairs." crow 1 shot when a boy.
Just there a bit of pl• falling i 'I 'aid there wasn't a orow within
from the •ceiling flit him or, the head. half a mile or those wood* when we
lar >oki.ti;t up and ltaeittit how ball it 1 entered them. Neither was there,
woo, he said ; t'Bfe.hreu, it's wereaI but that boy hadn't itniteted the
than 11 thoucht ; I'll snake it 50 pun'."1 wounded orow more than ten seconds
''Oh, le rrtf," excl:tirned a devoted } before crows began to shoot into the
brother on 4 -"ell 6'14". "Itis 'int woods from every side, and 3u01.1 a
again i' cawingtime I never heard. The
Thera are sn.sny Imamtabernacle* orowe circled frantically about until
whichare in .tore need of radical they looted the apo whore the sup
building over, but, we putter and fuse posed brother was in trouble, when..
and repair in spots without eati:ifac i scores of the agitated birds swooped
tory results. It is only when we are; fiercely down on the spot. There i
that we eat iuilepen,Iantly, end do th,e, of leaves, and the Mir* swooped up�
right thine;. Thenit ie filet we mostward again es quickly as they had.
ng against him. if at that time the I Theoretic Temperance.
'tie, patient will examine himself he will
fiettiffenetitandltti tightened all hie chest nit afz end, a mostv As be came of a saloon he
g vigorous tetpper•
and abdominal muscles. Now that auce advocate..
is exactly what he muse not do, and "Alt," said the t. a, sadly, 'been at
he must de the exact contrary. When it again, have you ?'
the first symptoms are felt, undo 'Oh, no, not bad ; only tool; one
everything that confines the waist; little nip.'
do not lie down, bat remain quietly `That's bad, very bad. Why, my
seated, and let your whole frame and dear friend, don't you know that one
structure respond "essay and freely to drink cells for another dud--"
the ntotiou of the vessel, even addiug 'What'' Haat ?" interrupted the
awing and sway by your own effort. drinker.
'The stomach will soon grow scone 'Why, one drink elereys oailii for
towed to the novelty of the thin};, another and
and you will Boon be knowing to the tAxr, Coma off,` he exclaimed,' la•
full the joy of the perpetual roatleas. terrnpting m a tall you
ties;, of the ocean's life. have faint fellows, who donagain't drink; ,that krlow •boat
and you will be auooertstui. There JL One drank uoeau't call for anoth.
may be rowels to when you thick fibre er. You have •to do it yourself and
Wert will bo your last, but it won't ; pay for it, too, eye». WIty, mart, if
mud, the eriotory ouoe +turf, your tri your theory ryas true, I"J ire fuller's
nnaph will be enduring.. The whole a goose front Sunday wornie till Sat-
process is the beet example of cone/tier- urday night, and repeat ; and so
ing through yielding that the physical would three-fourths of the gang.'
. world has yes shown. --New York G --T--- - �►.-------
pereenelly 'dartos l at the reel danger was a sudden moverrteot or the bun°
keenly regret bacenee we dol not peon- t come down. A11 but one of them
d' The Batton Dodge. !erhaps the most extraordinary auccesr that
er use ottr judgment, follow the advice Thst one was floundering is th
born of the experience of ;Attars and clutch of my unique young fries
jump away from aur perils, ddd who held one Il,aird around its legs
'l.'`teneend3 of persene vitt will teed! while wash the other be prevented i
%hie ottreetreith ore i t *bjeab taivery I from snaking any outory.
today when they tni,;ht be in t. 1141i$ 'The crows were oawing in ter
factory condition. They are wse►k, 1 woods behind ne when we left, bu
lifeless, Fill of wt.! abbe, and peiills. they soon quitted down, and apps
and every `ye t>r they know they are 'g eptly lout all entente* in the *pied
getting w Irs,t, eva't theneh the best i which had worked thefts op to Mei
d tetnre ere p tebitts there itt op st't. highest pitch of e*oitement a taw
tninutea before
+ i ,, , has been fohieved in modern medicine tins
:Melt attuina by the Itiaon treatment for ea=
t I Ida drifted iatai a sample saloon the tattle. Qat ern.Q0tat,asientatreated dor€ng tate
last cis months, ;fully ninety per cent, have .
other day, wiped hie forehesd, felt t been cured ot title stubborn malady. This is i
A' around iu Its ttooIto ts, alta'said with " none the les3 startup when it is r0n eraberad l
S " t that riot tiva pot non or patfente Prasontitlg
a plae;.wnt utnile ; therusalvos to tiro reseller praotitittnor era hem
r- 'Nell, as i.t seems I have just ono,mivert•at"awdcures oaten record a cure attain
a ten •cent pieoa tete to -day, Ili salve a 3 Starting with the claim xlttw geuerallybelfeved
r " t try glia mast avtent€ae theta tbati dt>ieese is due
drink, to the presouea of htviugnerasitas€ntlt• this ua.
t When the four fingers of A,ntioou 1 Qx utxou,0tout`Gr € i1soc0alhit ad elite of heiir
nerve.tanglar heti been secreted in Itis ;hoC utrrlttanract€eatt}cnrcd,ana the uer.;
e rornotest recesses,
the cuatonter fuziab- lmtlarauo#atltrya>> aua a x ii a rQ t€ll lv`o asht
s lad along his keys, and laid something ob. brae atterptpted to sure defame, fn thin
tuauuer.aT1 no other treatment ever cured
On the cenuter. As he did 90, he Catarrh. Thr application of the remedy is a
steeled and said : 1 simple, and can he done at Immo, and the
present season ot the year is the most layer -
Great 1'0olt , jot look at That, ;Able fora speedy anti t'ernnaaant cure, the
n0R 1' Majority of et:sea being cured at one treat-
usent. Sulfarors aboultk enrrespotrti with
'1 see it,' mud the bar -keeper, a Messrs, a. x, n1XON tr soN, Yui ntrie 'street
wast,'leroonto,t:atlette.audene:o.a etansp fort
s a.cornfully. regarding the alleged l davit treat€tiaou t'atarrh.-taatreat scar, Nev.
dints. 'It's a eu*peader button.117..5'J. -,.�-
JWhatofit?' i
The ttrt•.ti't cif th !ie laches an'd p rine is '
the kidne'ya and liver, and if they; to kin wake 'em up again in thre
would built' thea all ever new with monde,' sale' the boy. 'I'll let thi
Wsrner's safe aura as millions have feller yell a little.'
done, a•ut caste luveitiug their inoney 'The boy took hie hand off the
in tnieerebty aft»traoaasfilt ptttellwork, torow'e guliet, and instantly it sent
they would 4e well and happy an+d !up just suet' another serine of oriea as
would bleat the edgy when the Lord title little Jerseytnen had imitated
"Int Am" and indicated tate outman !quick at a flesh the air behind e
MOO Ochres for th'nu tit Rnr+eus.- was blackened with Noise crows,
Zomba Press, ;�+ ' all shrieking end helloing vehemently.
Something About Sunstroke, They swooped arena 1 us sand made
;fierce dart. at the boy, who quickly
Prevention --Don't lose your Bleep ; closed an the otr,ptive crow's windpipe
aleap in a 0101 Piece ; don't worry ;'and stopped ile voice. Then the
don't get excites.' ; d net drink too crows returned to the woods, ovwiug.
rstuob alcoftel ; avoid working in the ` 'See what blame fools they be?'
sun if yen can ; if indoors, work m A Said the youngest. 'They'nh elmrtitt.,'
well ventilated roots ; weer thin ; hitt they haiu't smart; Well, mister,
clothes ; weer n lieht hat, not blank ; +d'ye want to pay lee that bet now?
put a large green leaf or wet cloth in . Seven shillin' ye owe tu'4,'
it ; drink water freely and sweat " 'I paid the money cheerfully and.
freely ; if fatigued or dizzy
knock off, then told the boy that I was willing to
work, lie down in a pool place, and pay M1se ten cents a piece for all the
apply cold water and gold clothe to crows the captive crow ought caotlt,
your head and neck. as the young scamp had suggested.
Care—Put the patient to the shade; 'The boy put the crow in my elands.
tooeen his clothes about the aleck ; The he cut two stout crotched
send fur the nearest duotor ; give the ° stieke, and taking a email piece of
patient 000l drinks of water or black some kind of rpriugv wood, split is an
tea or black coffee, if he can swallow. , inch or. two up, se that he could poll
If his skin is hot and dry prop him 1 the split portion half an inch apart,
up, sitting against a tree or wall ; the piece closing quickly together
poor cold water over the body and when released. To the spilt stink he
Jimbs and put on his head pounded ilea a siring. Til" he led rue to a
ice wrapped in a cloth or towel. If ; distant part of the field, a quarter of
you can't get ioe, use a wet cloth, and a mllo away front the weeds. lie
keep fresheniug it. But if the pa slipped the eplt stick over the crow's
tient is pale and faint and his puler, ' beak, 'so he won't holler 'fore I want
is feeble, lay him on his bank, makes bin to,' he remarked. Then he laid
him smell hartshorn for a few sec- the bird on its bank, and, spreading
cools, or give) him a teaspoonful of ens its wioge, pinned the crow down
aromatic spirits of ammonia ar tine- ' firmly to the ground by driving the
ture of ginger in two tablespoonfuls crotched stick over each wing, near
of water. In this case use no cold the middle. This done, the bird was
water, bet rub the hands and feet and helpless to move, except that it
warns them by hot applications until could clutch about with its strong
the circulation is restored. feet. When all was in readiness the
to -.o.4 boy walked off a rod or two and hid
Crow Catching in Jersey. iu the bushes, telling lee to do the
'Things that I Haver heard of be. same. When we were both out of
sight the little Jerseyman gave the
fore keep happening right along,' string a jerk and pulled the split
said John Gilbert, the traveling gro- stick on the bird's beak.
ceryman. 'Now, on my last trip I 'Now holler, blame yet exclaimed
was up in Esser: county, New Jersey. the boy. 'And the crow did holler,
At one of my rural stopping places and, just as had been the case before,
I noticed that there were a good on they came the colony of crows, as
many crows in the woods and fields, wild, fierce, frantic, and noisy as ever.
and casually remarked that I euppos- They circled above the captive bird,
ed that what a crow didn't know and finally a number of them dropped
wouldn't be of much use in the know down to see what ailed him. One
ledge boa of any other bird. lit on the struggling bird, and was
'I have seen nearly all kinds of instantly clutched by the oaptive, and
native birds trapped and fooled into. held tightly in its grasp, both birds
being caught,' I said, 'but I never making a hideous outcry.
saw a full grown, mature crow that 'The boy ran out, and the flock of
woad be captured with his eyes open.', crows swooped and cawed, and darted
'Didn't, hay?' said a chubby, bare- all around him; Ile grabbed the
footed young rascal, with a rimless newly captured crow, which was held
straw hat from beneath which his tightly in the claws of the decoy, and
yellow hair protruded. Didn't ye? with two or three masterly twirls
Well, I'll tint bet ye three shillin' that wrung its neck. Then -he grabbed the
I kin ketch one o' them crows yonder other one by the gullet and stopped
in less'n ten minute'', an' if yer els ones, whereupon the kook of crows
afeerd that T 11 play it on ye, ye kin retired again, apparently believing
Deme alongen see me do it. Do you
take me? Come, now.'
'The assurance of the boy staggered
me, but I told him that I would give
Lim four shillin' if he would catch
me a live crow.
'lIore'u that,' said the youngster;
'I'll make the crow 1 ketch lay down
au' ketch half a dozen more crows
fur ye, if ye want me b, if yer walla'
to pay ten cents a crow fur the fun.'
'I guess you'll lone that bet, I said.
'Bet ye 'nether three shillin' I
don't,' he said quickly. 'Come, now.'
'I doubled the bet. We entered
the woods. The boy hunted around
until he found an old log. Ile told
me to hide myself in a thick buuch
of cedar bushes, and told me to act
fair and not move. The boy then
carefully covered himself up with a bracing up of nerves and mulles 0
that they had done their duty. Sat-
isfied that the cunning little Jersey -
man could do all that he said he
could, I let him off from making the
crow clutch any more of its kind,
and paid him for a full half dozen.
A Remedy for Seasickness.
I eltould be laughed at if I claimed'
to have found a remedy for seasick-
ness. I do claim, however, to have
found a remedy which, so far, has
been sovereign in my owu case, and
my case has been hitherto desperate ;
it'may be considered worthyof trial.
All that is needed is self•control ; pre.
serve that for five minutes and you
are saved. With the first approach
of the enemy there comes invariably
For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you
`Why, I didn't look at i you kaaw. ita.e a printed gretrautee on every bottle of
1 just volt it in ray pocket, anti I'm ' Shilelt'. Vitalizer. It never fails te cure,
blamed if 1 didn't think it was a dime. Sold by'''. t1. browning.
Ahem 1 1 suppose you'll have to put
i;.on ice until te-morrow. I'll drop
'Oh, of course 1 will. Here, take
this and fix it now.' And the cock -
I tail dispenser handed over a ueedle;
,and thread.
'What's that for ?'
1 'Why, tor you to sew that button
on with, right now. You may make
the came mistake somewhere else tel
BOW her ou strong.'
Bat the patty with the button was `
very much insulted, and went out,
t swearing that prominent pioneers
didn't have any show ie this commun•
ittr auy more.
Fishing for Sueleers.
A Lucknow, Ont., person has been i
sending the following circular all over
the country. It is the cid trick that
has been worn out over and over
again on the other aide of the lines,
and the party interested evidently
tLinlra ho has got to kasim'es new.
-'Dear friend—If you are a business
person and not too honest to engage in
a speculation, I can pr.: you in po-
sition that yen can snake money easi-
er and faster than at any other Ifnown
business. The business I am en•
.geged in is very profitable, but like
all other largo paying speculations
not exactly legitimate. The sizes of
the atiotes I deal in are one's, two's,
five's and ten's. They are for every
practical purpose as good as the
genuine article, as there Is not one in
ten thousand that can detect them.
One of the beet proofs being that the
banks are handling large quantities
of them evety day, I sell nothing less
than 100, price $80. For large
amounts I can give better terms.
If you do not care to get into the
bushiest' destroy this letter and let
the matter drop, as it will do yon no
good to try and injure a man who is
willing to prove himself your friend.
1 10 not think I am committing any
sin in asking you to go into the busi-
ness as with ordinary discretion is is
perfeotly safe and no one individual
loses anything by it. Besides the
Almighty never intended one or two
meu to have millions, and others
hardly enough to live on. If you
want any quantity of the good's you
will have to come and see me, as I
want to be personally acquainted with
my customers. If you cannot Dome
at once and sae me, and if you like
at first to try only a small quan-
tify cf the goods do as follows. En-
close me fifteen .dollars as a guaran-
tee of your good. faith (and you can
send the other on receipt of the
goods), and I will send you per express
ono hundred of my goods seemly
sealed up in a tin package. Enclose
the mony in a plain, well sealed en•
velope and do not register, as I will
not receive any regiatered letter? or
post cards. I have an agent at the
line who, tranships all packages
sent into the United States. In
ordering say which you prefer, Amer-
ican or Canadian goods. Yours in
confidence. Drawer 41, Luoknow,
COA.GULieN:F.—Cement for Brok-
en Articles. 50141 everywhere.
Sole Illakers.--Ii:aY BROS.. Stockport
Hair Vigor
restores, with the globs and freshness or
yeah, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich
brown calor, or deep black, as may be desire;'.
Ily its use light or reel hair maybe tlarltened.
titin hair thickened, ane' baldness often,
tar tih not always, cured.
It ab"cks filling of the hair, met so:.ra-
Iatc, a walk and sie;.ly growth to \ t4 :. ;t
prevents and euros scarf lord elan ! ur, 1
heals *,.gamy ever} disease
scalp. As a Ladies* Hair I1r.',4in;,
ti Lech 13 nnequall3t ; It emit,tins )1"ii','.t'r o.l
nor dye, renders the hair soft, gl'str, a;: t
silken in appearance, and imparts a du.iea,e,
agreeable, and lasting perfume.
1In f". P. ilrsctilitt writes from h irbv, 0.
Jie',t 3,1'4$51 "Last fall my hair conalt.•1..• •.1
falling out, and 111 a short time 1 bee no,
ne.erty bald, 1 n+re1 part of a bow., , .
Avrti's Hans noun, willed stopped the t t .-
Inp'nt tl1„ hair and started a 115W 41,0 1.4 1
baro na\v a foil head of hair gro:rirg \+: •:.
011,41y, ;ted ant collvha"ed that but 1441 t:za
prop "f your preparation 1 should Lure bc4;t
entirrly bald."
7. R'. howl: , proprietor of the ifr.trAer
(Ohio) Enquirer, says: "Ames It;\tn�'totes
is 11 1011./Stt'xceltellt preparation .time for the Mir.
1 s1e ells of it from any own experiottc.'. 114
nee promotes the growth of 105W 11:111, 101:11
nstt.ra it glossy and soft. Tho \'111mt 18 11144
1t sure cure for d;intlrutf. Not within toy
knoalyd,;, has the preparation ever lni131
to give eutire satisfaction."
lttn. Allots FArnn.trn\, lender of the
celebrated "1'airbairn b'amily" a>f Seottis:t
1'ocnli-.t i, writes from 1A>ah>n, .it"..:.+..
lasts: "Ever since my hair begat to give sil-
very evidence of the change which tl..•...,,
time preenreth, I have used Av0sn's It Ain
\'amu, 111111so have been able to netintn::1
an appearance of youthfulness—a ntatarr of
considerable consequence to ministers, ora-
tors, actors, and in fact every ono who lives
in the eyes of the public."
Rens. O. A. Pnnsrorr, writing from 451 Ttm
St. Charlestown, 3fass., sprit 14, Ise2, says :
"Two years ago about two-thirds of me pair
came elf. It thinned very rapidly, and 1 was
fast growing hall. On using AvHa.s ll.aa
VIGOR, tete falling stopped and a new growth
commenced, and in about a month m head
was completely covered with short hair. It
has continued to grow, and is now as gond as
before it fell. 1 rogularlyused but one bottle
of the Vicon, but now use it occasionally as
a dressing."
We have hundreds of similar testimonials
to the efficacy of AYER'S limn VIGOR. It
needs but a trial to convince the most akepti.
cal of its value.
mare sno Inc
Dr.J. C. Ayer dt Co., Lowel 1, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists. •
SEED, Aniseed., Senega, Squill,Tolu, &o
with Chloro dyne.
KAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent
eanectorant for Coughs and Colds.
KAY'S ;COMPOUND, for Coughs
and Colds, is equally servioable; for
Horses andCattle.
KAY'S TIC PI!LS, a specific in
Neuralgia Pace -echo &c.
Over Over
Foothill Nurseries Acres.
The Largest in the Dominion,
To begin canvassing at once on Mall Sales.
Steaclyenzploymenttosuccessfulmelt. good ERNES & VILLIAS,
So say the best fanners. stecknten, gar-
deners, and fruit growers of America of the
great National. weekly, the Rural New York-
er. The best writerain the world, Original
throughout. Over 600 illustrations from
nature every year. Fine paper 16 pages -ask
those who know. Specimens gladly sent
without charge. 42,600 worth of presents
offered to subscribers for the largest clubs.
Conducted by preetible farmers. Its Free
Seed Distributions aro invaluable, Ove 600
eontribittiona, Posters and outfits on appli-
cation, Send for them. at;nAl ;IEW.vonsrEa
24 Park Bow, N. Y.
rr IWO» 319
m tai
114 ta4
11) 0.4
m ix;
rHAS�111t,I0 EQUAL
These mills are now completed with all
the best and very latest improved machin.
ery for the manufacture of:Flour on the
Roller Process
AND DAY, and we ar prepared to do
Gristing 8c Chopping on Shortes Notice.
Also Flour and Feed for sale ac
Cheap as the Cheapest.
agents are earning from $40 to 8675. per month {
534101(3054105. Terms and outfit free. Address 111
STONE & WELLINGTON. Proprietors.