The Exeter Times, 1885-7-16, Page 7ases' Mau i,ri Alabama," An endorsee has a right of notion
against all whose names: are on the
bill when he racemes it,
The holden of a note A'iay give no-
tice of a protest to all previous en•
(loners, or only to one of them, in
Cane of the latter he must select she.
last endorser, and the last give notice
t' Do oroseest man in Alabama
Wee dart said the driver as Re ap-
proached a wayside hoose, near Sets
ma, A,la. , to ask aecommodatiuns for
the night. At napper, and after it,
' ' 101r0 114-84" ' satzwled at every one,
fond fault with every thing r earthly, to the last before Wm. min so out.
and I weal wondering if he Weald net Each endorser must send uotioe the
growl if the heavenly halo didn't fit enlace day or the following. Neither
hind, when incidental mention being Sunday nor holiday is to be counted
made of the comet of 1882, ite #ail,
should have been fan shaped, t' '
But, neat morning, he appeared
half -offended at our offering pay for
his hospitality i Uy companion,
however, made him accept as a pre.
Sent a sample from his cave of goods..
Six weeks later, I drew up at the
same house. The planter stepped
lithely frorti, the pore!), and greeted
Me cordially. I could scarcely believe
that thts clear complexioned, bright.
eyed, animated fellow, stud the mo-
rose being of a few week' back, were
the eases, Tele inquired after my
companion of the fanner visit and re•
stetted he was net with tris, t *Yes,"
said lite wrfe, ' "we are both much f n,
dented to hitrx. `
Interesting Items..
o t''' Pail to Call!
eality this season, Nevertheless, we should TH$
all take every precaution against it Dr.
Fowler's Eetraot of Wild Strawberry is a sure I
ours, for Cholera Morbus, Colic, cramp, Diar- ° People'sPo ularHardwareT e
OC, lI, Gilbert, projector of the elevated
pailromorning fromaov erwork w York, died Friday And inspect stock and get prices on the following lines
There is scarcely .a symptom belonging to NAILS, GLASS, WRITE LEAD, PAINTS, OILS, AND
chrome complaints but that le common to an
in reoouning,the tune in which DP- poor dyspeptics, and he often feels as if he had
cisco Dry Oo0dsvRei►oresa.� ,fine F+�rdn^� 13lood. Bittercure tin heworre dote/ague,
t forma of Chronic, We bare away down on titetoiltiwing,
A Sharp -Sighted Engineer,
Dyspepsia. W J Scare & Co's Carriage Varnishes Penchen's Pre
Mr. Kogan Paul, the London publisher, paid
2$.;150 for the manuscript of Gordon's liar seed Paints " it
J, E. Durham,* leading citizen of Petrous.kinds,., ' ,
and a member of Una. O. O. F., died hot Of all Earn Wire, Steel 'Strip, and. Buckthorn
p y, p , L d Cages , Buggy Tops • 'Stoves and Tin
'Keep a *harp lookout while on the week. Fencing, American and Canadian Coal Oil.
ran ?' echoed an eogt:.eer, Should To must cbiidren the bare suggestion of a
say we diti. The man that #ries to dose of outer oil is nauseating. Why not,
run an suable without keeping his Hien, when physic is necessary for the little NAVE 'i' TROU&fl.TN(J, A. SPECIALTY.
ones, use .Avera' Cathartic.. hilts ? They oom•
evert peeled gdt8 left acetest or lltteaf. bine every' essential and valuable principle
I've beard a( follows out west that ata cathartic medicine, and being sugar-coat.
Would start on a run with a board ed. are easily taken.
reaching across from the driver's seat Andrew Van Alatine. a Welland bridge
to the f#Retuan'r!, and a deck of cards, tender. who has base unwell for some time,
dropped, dead, *tsar Thursday.
but 1 never tried that, ,fMet to strew Almost every, person lees some form of sero.
you 11otr nooaasary it ie for a man too tabus poison latent in sorsa of his Teina,k
keep hie eye on the wail* .head of When, this develop* in sorcfulona wee. ulcers,
hate let me tall you a slot or eruptions, or takes the form of riteumatisew,.
t ? , . , y y• or impale dlsesses, the sefferiug that eusuee
How I asked in eurprlse. •I was running along one ntghl in le terrible beyond de,'Icriptian. Hence rise
"For this wonderful ohmage in my Ohio *owe years ago. It was a blowy, gratitude of those who discover, es thousands
husband. Your friend when leaving, rainy, nasty nigh* ; iu time. like Shat yearly do, that Ayer's Sarsaparilla will tiler
blinded him a< bottle of Wernar'a safe n man is doubt watchful. For hours ouglilyeredicateOde evil from the apnoea,
cure, Har took it. clod two oilier bot. y The virtue of oarbolie Acid for healing,
Ilse, land nett--'' , , ' , I never took my eyes fron3 the wet old*using Apo:purifying is wen known ; but
And now,hs glistening rails ahead of me, except, from the mfr ny mocha of applying it, the pill/ -
broke in, t 'from an ill.feeliog, growl- of course, when we stopped at eta. #io is unoortaiu low meat to ttse it. To meet
ing old bear, I am healthy and so gone. All at once I saw In front of that want, AfoGrt3Rar I?arke's i,ari,olio Cor•
ate is prepared, and may be used wilt conic•
aheerfal my atfo declares she has the ---how far I couldn't tell --a slim dente. Do not be misled.. 'cake only :110.
fallen in love with ale again ! ' ' reser of light, i1 was just a spark, I Gregor & Parke's Carbolio Cerate. Sola at Dr.
It has made over again a thousand barely saw it before it dulappeared. 13rowninles drug store, 4
lova tnatohes, sand iieeps. sweat the Was it a lightning bug ? I boatel .' fettle** l,as selected Sexton to eonteat a di -
temper; of the family circle ever • dean anyhaat night. T1 Wien of bererpool,
p y w y g What was it ? bSr, Robert Hooper, of Santee*, county of
dilate.-'-•Capyriphta(I. Land b f ,permit- That I oouido * answer, Tial my Bruce, in s letter, says: " 1 hare been troubled
*lox of American literal Flom.. inetinol told me to stop the train, and with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaints for a
*top t diel. It wee ;Ai rib ty lucky *hal number of years, and ata* glad to say to the
I Iookad es it that way, for she glias public as Well as in friends that 31ctireger's
Bus1nessa Lawes in Daly' >GiSB, Spey Cure brought ma fc(reag land
_ mer of tight was aaneeti in the oddest � naw ail rii;ht, taaaka to :`SaGregor'a. Apaet.y
The followin compilation of bust, way. You couldn't gum it in a week,' Cure. Hundreds At like testltnoniala are fro-
g p fg f r wan welkin lou she quently received, and are daily preying tat
W. is truly a wondorfut remedy, curing Slug-
gish Liver, Bilious Headache and Costiveness,
where all else fails. Sok. at Dr. Browning's
Drug Store Trial bottles Wren free. 4
Buckten'sArnica Save,
The Best Salve in the world for Cute, Breis.
es, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sures. `.
Totter, Chapped bands. Cbilblains, Cot us, aud
all Skin Eruptions, and poaitivt'ly curia Piles, Fo
or no nay required. It to guaranteed to give
match, hold. at in hie hat, and wave it perfect satisfaction, or money refunded �.._
serosa the track, as be had seen the Price 2ti cents per box. For aa10 by all drug. The Pills and Ointment are evict at THOMAS Ifid LOWAV'S
brakemen do who wanted to eignal g.;,sts.
kluid Lightning duce not taken day er nn
sloe, It was lila hope that I would hour to remove neuralgia, Headache, Tooth•
see the blaze before it went out, ' enhe, Lnmbsgo or Rheumatism, but will do it
'Ile no Sooner eiruek the match inatautly, and without carrying your bond in a
than ant went the blaze. It was 'I?sinit c 5lcentor a tb ttlotrnor tgio rlauwitiit�umLab
pass law consalns the usonca of a +tr he a g d g
large amount of legal verbiage ; stook when ho disaoverad a short
It a Wrou it lost al verbia it Boas bridge so badly washed out by the
not release the maker ; he must pros ,freshet that to run upon it meant a
it if the consideration for which is wreck. Ile tried to start a fire with
was givers and the amount can be paper ' and his clothing, but he.
proves, couldn't do it. He had one match
Notes bear aerates. only when so left. He kepi that until got oloao to
staled, y hien, hie plan being so strike the
Principle are responsible for the
BOW of their ageate.
Each individual in a partnership is
respooeiblo for the whole amount of
the debts of the fires in oaaoe of spec.
cal partnership.
Ignorance of the law-excunee no
The law compelsno one to do im.
Au agreement without coneidertttion minute ..hila running ?'"•-- Chicano ' auk. Clxulera infautem,� They are liable to
The Celebrated RAYMOMD Sewing Machine always
hand; also Needles to At A,>z ' .t of Maclaine, on
P. S. Highest price in Cash or Trade for Hides and Sheep
Skies. Yours truly,
I ' E"' T BROS.
Purify the lflcod, correct all Disorders of the
, STOMACH, KIDNEY , AND BOWELS.They invigorate and restore to beelttr Debilitated ('unatitutions, ant. are invaluable in all
(IComplaints incidental to Females . All age's. For children mud the age�l they are Priceless
emetty for load Legs, 1 ata Breasts, Ohl Wounds, Sure and L
famous ft.r Gant and llhrntnatisw.
It la
Sore Thrtaate, Bronchitis, Coughs, (Adds, Calaudltlur Swtelli,, , and all akin disease
it has uo rival ; and for contracted and stili joints it acts like a charm.
elite by nearly every respectable Vendor I'd Medicine, in Boxes and Pete, et 1>;, lid., 2s. 9d.,
de. Ga., lis,, 22 ., and 83s. each, The 2s. 94. size cuatatus throe time the gnautity of the
la lid, size ; the 4e. Cd. size six ; the lls, size sixtetu ; the 22a size flinty -three; and the
,ails size fifty.two times the guaranty of the ownedBoxes and Pete,
merely a flash, but I saw it, and the oratory. 4 Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot., arid eau be luta in any language
farther bad saved the train. What if KEEP YOUR. HOT. GUARDED. is I�urchapers should look to the Label un the Pete and Lou.s. If tits address is not
pose es. I hadn't rondo it a rule to keep my Keep your house guarded against sudden at. 533 Oxford Street, Louttou, they are spurious,
eyes peeled along the rails every teaks of Colin Cramps Di•►rrinea Dyseutery
3s, void. ) come when least expected. The safest, hest
.1 *cafe made on Sunday u void. Herald,erHerald, and most reliable remedy is Lir, Fowler's Ex. vinciaduAlvi DR,Ei1'T
A contract made with a minor isi tract of Wild Strawberry.
The funniest case of abseut-lnlud- SHOULD I311 ATTENDED Til,
vohContracts trade on Sunda OailnOt sdneaa I ever saw occurred at a
be onfoxaeti. y church fair some years ago, where a
patent ash•sifter was on sale. The
A note by a minor is void, minister was vety anxious to sell it,
A note obtained by fraud or from a and to show an expectant crowd how
person iiia *taco of intoxication can. admirably it worlced, he got a hodful
not be collected. of hot ashes tight from the furnace
It is a fraud to concent a fraud. and poured them in the hopper.
Signatures made with a teail.penoil The thing worked with a crank like a
aro good it law. coffee -mill, and the preacher seemed
A receipt for money is not always to think it great fun grinding. Then,
conclusive. with his fade radiant with delight
The acts r f one partner bind the at the prospect of selling the machine
rest. he triumphantly nulled out the box.
''Value received" is usually written -which the ashes bad dropped into,
in a note, and should be, but it is not
necessary. If not written it is pro•
eumed by the law or may be supplied
by proof.
The maker of an "aocomodation"
bill or note (one for which he has re•
ceived no consideration, having lent
his name or credit for the accommo-
dation of the holder) is not bound to
the person accommodated, but is
bound to all parties, precisely as if
there was a good consideration.
No consideration is sufficient in
law if it be illegal in its nature.
Checks or drafts moat be presented
for payment without unreasonable
Choke or drafts must be presented
during business hours but in this
country, except in the case of ilia
banks, the time extends through the
day and evening.
If the drawee of a check or draft
has changed his residence, the hold-
er must use due or reasonable
diligence to find him.
It one who holds oheok as payee or
otherwise tranafere it to another, he
has a right to insist that the oheok be
presented that day, or al farthest, on
the day following.
A note endorsed in blank (the name
of the endorser only written) is trans:
ferable by delivery,' the same as if
made payable to bearer.
If the time of payment of a note is
not i>;eertad,,it is payable on demand.
The time of payment of a note
must not depend upon a contingency.
The promise must be absolute.
A bill may be written on any paper
or substitute for it, either with ink
or pencil.'
The payee should be distinctly
named in the note, unless it is payable
to bearer,
when, to ! there was his new silk hat
which he had put there for safe keep-
ing. You oan imagine how ` that
preacher looked when he emptied it
off the hot ashes.
The Hobbies They Bode.
Luther's relaxation was ninepins.
Calvin's relaxation was throwing
Fredrick the great was a breeder of
fine dogs.
Cardinal Richelieu amused him•
self with a collection of oats.
The Emperor Domitian occupied
his leisure iu catching flies.
Honorious, one of the Roman Em•
perore, shed tears at the loss of a
favorite hen.
Louis XI's pastime was in the ex•
bibition of dancing pigs oddly dressed,
which were trebled.
Pellison's only friend in prison Wad
a tame spider. The keeper killed it.
one day which plunged Pillison into
a fit of grief.
Goethe'* pot was a live snake,
which he kepi in a chimney corner.
The companion of Tiberius, the Ro-
man Emperor, was also a snake.
lfueli suffering is the result of neglected
couattpation. There is no better regulator
of the bowels thnu Burdock Blood Bitters by
its prompt action on the liver all tendency to
irregularity is removed, aud one chief source
of ill health prevented.
An old favorite, that has been popuhir with
the people for nearly thirty years, is Dr. Fowl-
er's Extinct of Wild Strawberry for all varie-
ties of Summer Compinirts of children and
adults. It a eldom or ever fails to euro Cholera
Morbus Dia rrhtca and Dysentery.
THE VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, �ficli.,wil
BELTS A'NO ELECTRIC ArrLIA\PEs on trialfoi "- - �,�_�+.,�"_
thirty days to men (young or ole) who are af-
Meted with nervous debility, lost vitality
and kindred trouorasguaranteeing
speedy and complete restoration of health andUn ertake
manly vigor, Address as above. N.B.—No
risk is incurred, as thirty days' trialis allowed
"Brown's Efonsehold Panacea" has no equal
forrolievingpain ,both interna,land external It a
cures/min inthe Side, back orbowels,sorethroat a inet-maker■
Rheumatism, Tooth ache,Luinbago and any kind
tof a heblo d and heal,
"It witsal cting surely quicken EX IX'EE. 01\711AR,IO
the blood audhoal,aaitsaetingpower iswonder-
ful. "'Brown's Household Panacea' being ack-
nowledged asthegreatPainReliever,andofdou ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BANK.
blethestrength of any other Elixir or Liniment
inthe world,ahouldbe in every family handy for
use when wanted, 'as itreally is the best remedy
in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and
Pains and Aches of all kinds," and is for sale by
allDruggtets at25 cents a bottle.
More .eeopl, adults and children. aretroub
led with costiveness than with any other
ailment. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit-
ters will cure costiveness and prevent th3
diseaes which result from it.
Much of the ill condition of chronic invalids
is due to want of activity in.a sluggish liver.
Burdock Blood Bitters arouse a healthy action
of the liver to secrete pure bile, and thus
make pure blood which Fives perfect health.
11 you have vainly tried many remedies for
rheumatism, it will be a wise conclusion to
try Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It cures all pain-
ul diseases when other medicines fail.
•_�Ff' ' :'•+_
.99pIiU,uuagL'NVu?,rw,�uQ7 ,
Holloway's Pills; -Nervous Irritability,—
No part of the human machine requires more
constant supervision than the nervous system
-for upon it our health—and even life -de-
pends. These Pills strengthen the nerves,
A Boston young lady was picking and are by far the safest general purifiers
her wa in front of a partly finished of the blood. Nausea, headache, giddiness,
y p y numbness and mental apathy yield to them
building when a bricklayer up in the They dispatch in a summary manner those
seventh storey sheeted in stentorian distressing dysgeptie symptoms, stomachic
tones pains, fullness at the pft of the stomach, ab -
'Mort l' dominal disteusion, and regulate alike caprici-
oions appetites and confined bowels -the com-
'Hueh 1' she exclaimed, with a
monly accompanying signs of defeetiye or di -
shudder, at the same time clasping minished nerve tone. 'Holloway's Pills are
her escort by the shoulder and turn- particularity recommended to persons of stu-
ing deadly pale, 'Did you not. hear a dims and sedentary habits, whogradually fn11
into a nervous ante irritable state, unless solve
voice say 'Death' ?'--New York Sun. such restorative be occasionally taken
farmer's kivocato
Is the only Independent Agricultural Jour
nal in Canada Owned and Published
by a Farmer.
"Tt is our best friend.;
"It is worth ten times its cost."
"The dollar spent for ti.e Advocate is the
best spent moneyfroca the farm."
"The wife and family are also delighted
with it."
' "No farmer's house' should be without
The right information in the right season by
the best specialists that can be procured on
the Farm, Stock, Dairy, Garden and Or-
chard, Poultry, Veterinary, Apiary,
Markets, F amtly Circle, Etc., E tc.
Only. $1 Per Annum.
Sample copy sent free to applicants mention
ng their Lot, Concession and Post Office.
In Minnesota. North Dakota. Mon -
tana,Idaho, Washington and Oregon.
From Lake Superior to Puget Sonud,
At prices ranging chiefly from 12 to 16 per acre.
an 6 to 10 years time. This is the Best Country
tor securing Good Homes now open for settiement.
32 0 acres of Government
Land Free under the Iiomecbmd
and Timber Culture Laws. NOTE
-10,818,433' 'Acres OR STORE THAN
HALF of all the Public Lands disposed of in'1t18s
were in the Northern Pacific country. gooks and
Maps sent FREE describingthe Northern
Pacific Country,tlle Railroad Lands for Sale and
the FREE Government Lands. Address, CHAS. B.
LAMBORN, Land Core'r, N. P. R. It., St. Paul, Minn.