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The Exeter Times, 1885-7-9, Page 7
PLABUE.STRIGKEN PLYMOUTH 11 The house of H. H. Warner it (je,, Interesting news. *tends deservedly high in Rocheeter, THE CHOLERA. Does aSimilar Danger Threat- and it is certainly a matter of Don- Possibly the Cholera may not reach our 1oe. eft Everyone or ug ? gratulation that merit baa been re- cality this season. Nevertheless, we should cognized all over the world, and that all take every precaution against it Dr. flow a ttli Attention tt n tionisPerils. this •t ooese hoe been uta ualifiedl Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry as a sure q Y cure for Cholera Morbus, Colic, Craiup, Dim - deserved. rhtea and Dysentery. Rochester (,N. Y,) Correspondence Indian- . PEN POINT. Not less than three burglaries were Dom. 'Judge,' said a young lawyer to a tr-e A STRANGE DISEASE. 'apoits. Sentinel. witted at Qnebeo on d'buraday night, Harpooning Homs. very successful senior, 'tell me the There is ecareely a symptom belonging to secret of your uniform success at the chronic corpplaints but that is common to all poor dyspeptics, and he often feels as if he had bar.* 1 h p r every disease in the catalogue. Burdock Blood Bitters cure the worst forms of Chrcnie Dyspepsia. "Can you tell me," aako4 a man Of hi* tat - or, "how you come to get this coat so tight?'" "Olt., yes, sir. The fact is you were tight when I measured yon." Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,. }3ruia- ea, Sores. Ulcere, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Mapped handl'. Gl►itlrlafna,Oorns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively curaa Piles, Ab youngman, that secret ie s peace with Enquirer,. th'em themselves pally trthe Aire members f alt 'Ab, M and all the life atudy, but I will give it to you on world` until the ubiquitous guide spade oaudition that you pay all, my bills a discovery which turned hie yelIQw during this pension of court. face lo an ashen hue and brought `Agreed, sir," said tits junior. him from the stream whore he bad 'Evidence, indtaputable evidence." gone for water, yelling : 'Charros del At the end of the month the judge Monte t Chance del Monter remtoded the young man of his pro. ,A *lender.. -legged hog was trotting taxi*e, about fifty Passe in the frightened recall no such promise.' mans rear. IS had a couple of gltt-• or no nay required, It is guaranteed to give "Ah but cit wade it." tering white Woks on either aide of Ferteot getisfact►ou, or money refunded, 'Yoilx eQidenee, frlaa a rits jaw, which it proceeded to whet I Prise 25 cents per box. For sale by all drug - on the roots of a w►titxut tree in And the judge, toot havi4R ally wit which Rafael took shtlltasr. Atlases, lost a esia for once I The men who can produce India. `Climb, climb, ttsnorr r he ea;;alaina' gists, At Caoka a church filled with worshippers was struck by lightning. Two of the Don re• gation were killed and 32 wounded. No fnjurieue effects eau follow the 1150 of putode evidence wine public favor. T ed, at soots s4 he was safely out of 1,syer'e Agee cumin the treatment of tnal.rial had en interview yesterday with the reaeh, 'Ibere is a plenty rf atom cam• diseases. Itooutaiae, bolos a speciho and b shots or tl will k remedial agents whish unite to expel the poieoaoue beware, purify the *}stein, and lama it in a lieaitby and invigorate l condi, moat auceeeaful of American adverbs- int?' Take uP much powderMA aunfailing antidote for miasmatic peteon ether era, whose advertising is most auc- nine , ley wi sop nes cueful because alwaye backed by eT • tread until we starve.,, de ae But the eenorui did not mean to be , ,what atyla. of advertising de you treed at all. They reaognitled in the The London Loan company of Canada have P' I a'Ited Ii. seller, aq. t� �tQ Q:f $psi; mat' ,per atlgnm. 'Display, reading matter and para. harpoon* wo* to ba used. and, ori- stead of leaping into * tree, they got SEEP YOUR HOUSE GUABDFD, graphs of testimonials' , luta the 'addle and unstrapped the Rcep your hoose gnarled against sudden at. 'Have you many testimonials ?tasks of colic, cramps, Diarrhoea,o Dysentery *pears, which were beside the guns on Ini t ch or hefrhv We revo a large the mule*' backs read for the march 00uze wbeu least expected. ThThe rsefeso l best cabinet shook -full, � e have enough y to till Boston, Nes 'lark, Chicago, 4. patter *(,ilial* feet ill the forest and most reliable rowed)" ie Dr. Fowler's Ex. St. Louis and Philadelphia morning 4013 lith$ liafae1.8 ''platy of them" paper/. were coming, and Davye spurred at 'Do you publish many of them ?' anoe 14�ward the brute, which was 'Not a litho. Wonderful as are still grunting a1 the foot of a walnut those we do publish, we have thou- tree" sande lice them which we. cannot use. When, it saw me coming it trotted 'Why not ?' Lst me tell you, 'Warn- toward Ino, mud it took all the see safe cure' has probably been the strength 10 my left hand to keep my moat successful medicine for female mule from turning tail and bolting, disorders ever diiroovered. We have but 1 kept her head well to it, and as oonadpation. There is oto better regulator leatimou'►ai' from ladies of the high. the boar closed with ue my biede ; of the bowels than .Burdock Blood Bitters by est rack, but it v'nuld be indelicate to caught him a1 the base of the skull' its prompt action on the liver all tendency to Ia a publish thein, Likewise tunny Melee. and "Tod away the skin along his 1 o t 1 health preve prevented. and one chief source men, lawyers, clergymen, doctors of 'Pius °Isar so the tail. 11 was &wit• A. SENSATION. worldwide fame have been cured, but ward work for a r teen hand, and if An uuparattela sensation is being created all we can only gofer to such means in the mule had not shied violently to" over Ontario by the wonderful stud unequalled ' the most guarded terms, as we d� ill 000 lido the rush of the pig would i annerilaci,#act►N Iiaa�inciteoothach�ived byy our reading artioles.' have oertaiolp broken bit i oreleg. 11 one application of Phos cbe, wing. Noeof., 'Are these reading articles mama 'The first taste of the harpoon eeemell 1 feuafvur disgnstiug {}rugs hoed be taken for fel 2' to make 1120 brute furious, and with j nays. It is an instant eure. Try a25e, bottle 'When read they wake such an im• . blood streatuing down hie Bide, he :1 from Dr. Browning, Druggist. 3 reeaion that when the 'evil days' of Dame haat:. at two, gnashing his lucks The mills of justice grind *lowly, but they also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Potit,at la, lid„ 3s. old,. p . like the rat.le of n air of blues at ill lrealth draw nigh they era remora- P Grunt out ere Warner's ea a aero is ' nor neon o, a ma ecu pt pt r • size ' � ., i i, s e area nn a a, uSed•, him altogether, and ilia aharp tooth i the poaplo for nearly thirty }cava, is Dr. fowl- Full primal directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, Sud call be has iu nap Ianguagu 'No, air, it is not necessary now, as look a couple of squats incites of akin er's F.atrnat of Wilt Strawberry far all vagi- s, --s- I'ltrehasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Loxes. If the 'satire is not at first to do :snob oouetaLl and es— from my mule's off foreleg.. But at ties of Summer Cotupinirta of children and I J33 Oxford Strcirt, Gunrlun, they are spurious, adults It seldom or ever fails to cure Cholera use$ `}r T+`, rtniwal the hog agataet which the declared *dividend for the lest half year M trabt of Wild Strawberry. In no other medicinal preparation have the results of the moat Intelligent study and aci• eutido inquiry been ao eteadily and preview. hely utilized as in Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Ii leads the list as a truly acientitio preparation for all blood diveasoe. Tits mantle of charity it often cut from a Tory small piece of cloth. SHODLD BE ATTENDED TO. Much suffering le the result of uoglee*ed Don't Fail to Call! em xaE People's Fopular Hardware 1 And inspect stock and get prices on tee follovneglines NAILS, GLASS, WHITE LEAD, PAINTS, OILS, AND BUILDING HARDWAREe are awayOF ALL down onK the f,oSHtOVELS, SPADES &e. W. E. Scarf* . Co's, Carriage e Varnishes g Pencllen s Pre- pared Paints ; Bird Cages; Buggy Tops ; 'Stoves, and Tin- ware of all kinds, Barb Wire, Steel Strip, and Buckthorn Fencing, American and Canadian. Coal Oil. EAV.i.:i T•BQUG RI a,"t G . ►fir i:# J ..It,r. . MALL WORK GC1 AI�AIZT> ED.. The Celebrated I AYMOMD Sewing Maclaine always ort hand; also Needles to At Air MAKE of Machine, P. S. Highest price in Cash or Trade for Hides and Sheep Stratus. Yours truly, IEerrp O.. Tb RENOWN; REMEDIES. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OINTMCNTI THE PILLS Parity the IBtcod, oerrect all Dieordere of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. invigorate and restore to health Debilitated C'onetitutions, and are inralnable in all laiute incidental to Females of all agta. For children and the aged they are wireless THE OINTMENT infaBible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts. Old Wouuds, Sores an femurs for Gout and Rheumatism. 'here. It is FOR It i0RRltR0 OF TI8R CREST 1T HAS :i 0 t1Qi7Ab. Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Ulandrtar Swellings. and all skin disease it luta no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a Charm. The Pilia and Ointment amnia at. THOMAS floit.ow.r's Establishment. 78 NEW OXFOItD•STB ETlate 1333, OXFORD•STI1EET), LONDON ;. tally a nee. n. Pet, a,aa ,assn. and .7.1H, eaCtl, The ze. lilt. alze euutnitla titre© tint@e the gnantit. Of the AN OLD >••AVO1UT1•�. is lid, size ; the •is. Cd. size six ; the lie, size nixtceu ;: the 22s size thirty-three ; and tbo b d and W f 1110 Mita bels Thia time I missed A 11 f t tit t 1 b tla ' wuih 83s Sitio t]tty two times tit t quantity f the mall st B d P t 4 teueiao ndvertieing. A meritorious the third charge I gave him the liar- .lIorbua, l>iarrhua and Dysentery, medicine sells itself after iia merit* Paan square in the eye! He reared DON'T I3E DECEIVED. are known. We present just evi• up on his haunches and tell aver p backward takingthe litnce out of m Beware of any druggist who wall try to in. denoo enough to disar►n skeptics and , Y duce you to take anything in place of Mot.1rc�,- lo impress the merits of the remedies band ill his fall. + or tC 1'arko's Carbolic Cerate. It is a marvel upon new oousumers. Wo feel it to 'By this time Smith had closed of ball ng foruld bores, Cuts, Bz ns,leuetc.noonuNo with the leaders of the drove, whichfamily McGregor S; Parke's, and have no other. Only ?tic. per box at Dr. Browning's Drug Stern. 3 A mustard plaster may net bo very artistic but it draws well. ;.1cGREGOBBS SPEEEDY CURE. It is popularly admitted everywhere that Mctiregor's Speedy Duro is the safest, most re- liable and by far the cheapest remedy for Con- stipation, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Im- pare Blood, Loss of Appetite, and all similar troubles. It is not necessary to take a great quantity before auy result is produced. A. few doses will convince you of its wants. Trial bottle given free tit Dr. Browuing's Drug Store. ON THIRTY DAYS' TItIAL. THE VOLTAIC BELT Co., Marshall, afich.,wll send Dn.DrE's: CETERRATED ELECTRO -VOLTAIC BELTS AND ELECTRICo on trial thirty days to men (ponuc or APPLIANCES wiho are af- IJfldE1tt1(Ef* be our duty to do this. Hence. bust to accomplish our mission of healing the sink, wo have to use the readiug artiole style. People won't read plain testimonials. 'Yee, sir, thousands admit that had tore my gun out of the fastenings they not learned of tVavner's safe which held 11 to the saddle Lehind Dura through this clever stele they me and put a charge of buckshot into would still be ailing and still impov— the throat of a bristly boar, which eriebing themselves in fees to uasue- was goring Smith's mule in the rear, easeful 'praotitioners.' It would do After that I had all I could do to take pare of myself. The little blasts your soul good to read the letters of thanksgiving we get from mothers none of them any larger than an grateful for the perfect sueeese which ordinary bulldog—oame al me like a attends Warner's safe cure when need whirlwind, and for the next ten min - for nhildren, and the surprised grafi- utes I expeoted to be thrown into the fioalion with which men and women middle of them. The mule was do - of older years and impaired vigor, testify to the youthful feelings rester. ed to them by the same means.' 'Are these good effects permanent ?' 'Of all the cases of kidney, liver, urinary and female diseases we have cured, not two per Dent. of them re- port a return of their disorders. Who else can show such a record?' 'What is the secret of Warner's safe oure permanently reaching so many serious disorders ?' 'I will explain by an illustration : The little town of Plymcuth, Pa., bas been plagoe•stricken for several monthe because its water supply was carelessly poisoned. The kidneys and liver are the sources of physical well-being. If polluted by dieeaue,all the blood becomes poisoned and 'every organ is affected and this great danger threatens every one, tvho neglects to treat hintself'pr•omptly. I was nearly dead myself of extreme kidney disease, bet what is now Warners safe cure cured me, and I know it is the only remedy in the world that can cure such disorders sticking may be good sport ; but, for for I tried everything else in vain. my part, I would not venture into Cored by it myself, I bought it, and, the midst of a drove of Central from a sense of duty, presented it to American hogs, with a harpoon as the world. Only by restoring the my only weapon, for a clear title- kidneye and liver can disease leave deed to the whole country.' the blood and the system.' A oelebrated sanitarian physician J. W. J., Wisconsin, mays that one onoe said to me. 'The secret of the good way to give a sick hog his medi- wonderful auooese of Whrrier's'aafe Dine is for one person to straddle him cure is that It is soverign over all kid- and take hold of both his ears, so ney, liver and urinary diseases, which that he will sit down ; then another primarily or secondarily make up the person should take an old boot. with majority of human ailments. Like a hole cut in the toe, put the foot of all great discoveries; it is remarkably the boot in the hog's mouth and pour simple.' had broken cover when they heard the struggle going on, and I saw there was no time to get out of the saddle and pick up my spear, ao W I ILLIAM DREW ing her level hest to unseat me, all flioted with nervous debility, lost vitality the indications pointed to her being and kindred troubles, guaranteeing brought to the ground with broken speedy and complete restoration of health and lege. The skin was torn from her manly vigor. Address as above. N.B.-No an Cabinet-maker shanks in ribbon- and if I had gone risk is incurred, asthirty ays't ria'llsallowed down it would ave been all day with REST AND COMFORT TOT8Eg17FFERING Inc. , 'Smith soon saw that the Daae wag loo serious to trust to the harpoons auy longer, and after stinking one through the neck he threw the spear away and joined me at thinning the drove out with his rifle. This was "13rowrt's IfouseholdPanacea" h as no equal th rnal and coresairelieving heSi e,backorbowe external It M�M i M�1..,V7 O..A.V ..I� A:JO cures pain in the Sido, back orbowels,soro throat 1\ Rheumatism, Toothache, Lumbo go and any kind of a pain or ache. "It will most surely quicken DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BANK. the blood and heal, aa its acting power is wonder- ful. "`Brown's Household Panacea' beingack nowledged as the great Pain Beliover,and of dou ble thestrength of any other Elixir orLiniment much quicker work, and after we had lathe world,shouldbe in every familyttandy for bowled over six and wounded several usewhenwauril,"asitrenllyisthebostremedy in tho world for Cramps in the Stomach, and more the whole party became panic Pains and Aches of all kinds," and is for sale by 1 i t t25 t b itis ■ a 1Drugg s sa Cen Sa, o stricken and raced away in the woods More .eeopl, adults and children. aretroub like so many deer. led with costiveness than with any other 'When the coast was clear Rafael ailment. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit - came down from }viserch• He look- ters will cure costiveness and preyent the P ed at the dead hogs and then at us, disease which result from it.A WANT OF ACTIVITY, with an expression of reverence on Much of the ill condition of chronic invalids his face. 'El Norte este diabol,' was is due to want of activity in a sluggish liver. all he said. Burdock Blood Bitters arouse a healthy action 'For a man who known how to of the liver to secrete pure bile,' and thus make pure blood which gives perfect health. handle a lance or a harpoon pig• A WISE CONCLUSION. 1f yon have vainly tried many remedies for rheumatism, it will be a wise conclusion to try .tiagyard's Yellow Oil. It cures all pain - al diseases when other medicines fail Holloway's Ointment and Pills are beyond all doubt the most valuable and most conveni- ent medicines that travellers can take across the seas to distant climes, for change of cli- mate and the new conditions and surround- ings of life to which they will be exposed will assuredly give rise to great disturbances of the. system and to such especial mcrbid states of the blood and constitution generally as will render the use of these effectual remedies highly necessary, for they will ,find in them a ready and safe means of relief in most of the diseases which afflict the human race, and with them at hand they may be said to have a the medicine in the leg of the boot. physician always at their call. ONE THE !arii" £vccatc —AND— HOME MAGAZINE Is the only Independent Agricultural Jour nal in Canada Owned and Published by a Farmer. WHAT FARMERS SAY: - "it is our best friend.,' "It is worth ten times its cost," "The dollar spent for the Advocate is the best spent moneyfrom the farm." "The wife and family are also delighted with it" ''No farmer's arouse should be without it." The right information in the right season by the best specialists that earl he procured on the Farm, Stock, Dairy, Garden and Or- chard, Poultry, Veterinary, Apiary, Markets, Family Circle, Etc., Etc. • Only $1 Per Annum.. Sample copy sent free to applicants mention - ng theta Lot, Concession and Post Office. Address— FARMER'S ADVOCATE, LONDON, ONT. ORTIIERII PCtFI R. R. LANDS. In Minnesota. North Dakota, Mon - Front Washington and Oregon. From Lake hupertor to Puget Sound. It prices rangingchiefly from 12 to 16 per acre. on 6 to 10 yearstime. This Is the Best Country for securing Good Homes now open for settlement. FtREE320 nares of Government r Land Freo under the Homest.m i and Timber Culture Laws. NOTF -10,818.433' :Acres OR KOBE THAN HALF et all'es Public Lands disposed of in 1St. were in the Northern Paclitccountrv. Books and Maps sent, rams,describing tie, Northern Puente Countrl,tte Railroad Lands tor Sale and theFBEEGovernment Lands. Address,CHAS.B. LAMBORN,Land Com'r, N. P. R. R., St. Poul, Mina. Burdock 13Locrp BITTERS