The Exeter Times, 1885-7-9, Page 6The above reward will be paid for the Conviction of those Mere/lants who are selling inferior • Machine Oils, and calling them Mcolrs Lardine The only genuine is manufactured by McColl Bros. & Co, Toronto. FORISALE BY JAS. PICKARD, EXETER, . 1 1 Farm cleanings. , thrifty again. Of all animals, the fi hog is the most unprofitable as a store Are average rye prop la all of Eu, apimal: Every principle in feeding rope is estimated at 1,059,986,815 `,require& that we should keep pigs iu bushels. rapid growth from the day they are An average wheat crop in all of E u• i farrowed till sent to the butcher. rope is: estimated at 1,109,262,082 i There eau be uo period of suspended bushels. ' growth without lose, This storing The European wheat awl rye liar- `t.yatetn hat no place iu a profitable vest will be from: two to three weeks system of feeding. later than usual. The Chautauqua, N. Y , Literary Au average wheat drop in Gercnarl,y aid Soientifl.e circle, teooguizieg the is about 72,000,000 bushels, aud an demand for eduoation iu the practical average rye crop 218,000,000 buahels. ; pursuits of life, and encouraged by Do not let foolish pride or nar-1 the wonderful success of its former row mindedness prevent the scrap- efforts, leas decided to add to its great. tion of new methods when they have 1 school another branch, to be called been proved valuable by practical i the Chautauqua Town aud Country leen. I Club, and to be devoted to the pray Tile Neer Englaud Farmer re- tical study of agriculture. The moat marks : It must be "litre upon lice"Inovel feature of the club will be the on killing weeds at dire season of? programme of work. All members the year, or there will be very many ,, will be expected to select from, a pre - weedy gard.eaa aud fields before liar-- ' pared list one or more pieces of work vest is hast. to be done ou the far,ri, iu the garden While eneliliug the pigs the sow is 1 or iu the house ; to perform the work to be regaried eimpty as a machine carefully and thoroughly and to send for the pr.+ductiou of pork ; hence it in a writteo report of the work, is advisable to let the pigs run with H her until elle maim ettenuuns efforts; A fitiat it eporter. to wean thein, then she gimlet be .re 1t1vt ani. (Gaston Valley, the enfant terrible of Corn anti potatoes tuay often be the Parisian reporters, is dead. lie top dt'eesetl to advantage after plant- W48 a. WireculOAe fellow, saga a Parte ing, providing fine weeuro is used, letter. who made several fortunes by the aultivatiou cif these mope during Puffery, sad spout thew all, often the season will infix the wauuro with laoktng money with which to pay his the nail much more perfectly than it t washer-woulata. Some of his exploit* could if ;plowed airier. , are legendary in Baric, anal twang Nothiul; is more exthiliratiug, or,/ them is one connected with a Are at sends the blood tiugtiug to the huger' a fashionable hotel in the Place Veu- tips of a v.iteran bee -keeper thi.0 to !dome, which is worth recounting.' hear the slogan, "The bees are.' A destructive fire is a rare event here, awartniug t" The pteatieut excite• aud in connection with this portion - merit is much more enjoyable when i lar ccnflagratiou there were certain everything is at hand to hive them, loircnmetencee of a mysterious nature An deeellent remedy for the little i whichpulped the reporters. They elea-like beetles that injure young 1 wbt't to the prefecture of police to cabbages, radishes stud turnips is to , wake iilquiriee, but at the prefecture dust with ground tobacco biome, : everyone was mute. They all gave which not only keeps off the Itttlo face up in despair: except Hasson Vaesy, but acts as a fertilizer 'besides. This ; wtto, takiug his secretary with 'aim, substance cau no.v be puichaeed iu i marched tuts the coueierge'e lodge at , the markets—at reasonable prices. r the fashionable hotel, aud seating ue Jewel City (K>,as) Peptrb/it-an :- -''himself at the table of the aetouisbod "Last tall the farmers sold thousands t Carberus, said blandly, but with a of bushels of potatoes to this town +, certain show of authority : "What is for 87 cents per bushel. Naw they your name?" The porter eine some - are scarce at $1.50. 11 is this way i what intimidated and gave up his nearly every year, and ruoh the sandeooguorneu. Whereupon Gaston Vasey with corn, The Kansasfarmer who said gravely to his secretary: 'Mr. doesn't Melt his produce at the time leberiff,just take that down." This everybody else does, ueede but raise convinced tate concierge that the WOE a crop a year to grow rich. l mysterious stranger must be the In the general uuoertiinty about 1 pollee cammtseionr•r, and so, when ' potato resod moat farmers aro likely the impudent reporter turned anew to plant more than will give the best ito him and said : "Now, be good results. Some good farmers make a denough to tell us all you know about practice of planting liberally and then 1 this affair," he did tell --a story which, thinning to one or two shoots in each amplified into several columns in a hill. With the tees vigorous varieties morning paper, led to the unearthing one strong shoot will furnish more , of some very rich scandal and the potatoes of marketable size than 1arrest of a prominent man in the would be got by leaving more. , person of the culprit who had set the Excepting for two or three days fire. Vasey took good care to be when first hatched, even little ohie1- ene should never have an exclusive diet of ground and moistened food. Whole grain or wheat or oats is better as soon as they are large enough to eat it. 'l'he digestive ap. paratns of a fowl is very strong, and chickens will thrive better when food is given them whole to furnish the digestive organs proper exercise. Agriculturally, the winter and spring have been full of lessons, but whether farmers will profit by them is a questiun. Whether it is cheaper to buy hay and feed, or to raise it; whether to follow the system of keep- ing cows for their milk alone ; land whether forty days' ploughing and planting can be successfully done in twenty—are questions that have forced themselves ou many a farmer, on &count of the peculiar weather of the last eight months. Rats are particularly averse to tar, and benzine vapor is speedily fatal to them, broken glass mixed with tar will effectually atop up their boles, and a small quantity of benzine pour- ed into their burrows soon dislodges the unfortunate occupant., evidently in as advanced stage of:intoxication —when they may be eseily killed. To well tar a live rat's back and Bidets and let him go again, will stampede all the rate in any house or barn ef- fectually. In general practice, the milk will pay better when fed in oonnectiou with other food. If fed with a good quality of middlings, the milk may be considered as worth one tient per quart to feed calves up to three months old, and to pigs a little more than this. The skim -milk of a fair cow should be worth from $15 to $20 per year. This is about one-half the amount realized from the milk of paratory state. Then canes the real business of the transnotion. 10 .-V\T".A. D 1 Local improvements must be made and the city oouucil(that'e me, my sons, sou in taw, acd two hired men) levies a special kesessnieut. The first tiling is grading the streets. Then comes the sitewalks. Then fence. But the most of them won't stand it. After paying out. a few hundred plotters for grading and side- walk the most of 'ens faits to whack up. Of course the city treasurer (that's me) takes possession under the law. Why, with laud at $260 an acre the recorder's fees atone matte us even., and the special aseesstuenta are a regular bonanza. Van I ,give you half a dozen lots to -day 2'-•-. Chtcayo lferaid. rashion Notes. gone before the real commissioner came to inquire into the 'case.' In his later years Gaston Vasey wee blind, but wout about to the theaters and everywhere else, acccon- panied by his secretary, who told him how things looked and what was go- ing on, and then. Vasey dictated bis reports in lila own inimitable style. At the great meeting on the Place de la Bourse the other day, a friend met him, leaning on his secretary's arm. 'You had better go home, Vassy,' he said, 'there may be a riot, and you might be jawed.' 'Oh, no !' said the blind man, '1 mean to stay and see the fun.' (?) And so thoroughly had he become accustomed to seeiug with his seore- tary's eye that it is said he never complained of his affliction. Town lots in Dakota. 'Oh, Yee,' remarked a sharp -faced, prosperous -looking passenger : 'Da- kota is a great country. 1've just ooma from there. It's going to be a great farming region, and there will be flood towns up there by the hund- reds. That's my business—starting new towns. During the last two years I've laid out, named, and started up three new towns. Money in it ? t should say so. What do lots bring ? I don't sell. No sir : haven't sold a lot for fifteen months. Give 'em away—every last oue of 'em. You can have the title deeds of a dozen right now if you want ,em. No, sir- ree, the man that tries to sell town lots in Dakota gets left.' 'How iu the world can you make any money giving away town iota.' 'Just as easy as roiling off a log. There's ten million people in this country hungry to get hold of any a cow, by the average dairymen at thing they can get for nothing. They the factory, To maks the best of swallow town lots like oysters, I send the skim -milk in feeding calves, a out a peck of deeds by mail every week to eastern parties who have re- plied to my emigration circulars. The tote don't cost them a cent but they must pay the recording fees. My son-in.law is recorder. The sur - is not the food even worse than yeyor'e charge must be paid. iviy thrown away ? They thus lose their' youngest son is the surveyor. That's thrifty habit. and when the time just a starter , you know, to interest comes for fatteniug them. it will take the lot owners in their property, as it several weeps before they become were. That's what we will the pre - Il'etnoy jewels are more in favor than ever. We are overwhelmed with Byzantine models of all shapes end sizes. There is a new fabric called cite viot musim, which is not thicker than woollen crape, and makes up very prettily in plaited abide and tuniee. L ed•rooen slippers are porfeotly charming, being of dark velvet lined at the aides with satiu, and trimmed with a ruche and bow of satin ribbon Striped silk and velvet uokine are much employed in eombinatiou with lighter fabrioe for summer toilets, more eapecially for bodices' and Venice.. Entire lace dresses, that is, those out from uet lace, in the same faehiou as auy other piece goods, will be one of the special features of the present 6011500, Colors fur gloves are very quiet and the popular demand is limited to a few shade., such as tan, a couple of abodes, of Congo or light leather oolore and. some shades of medium grey, A novelty in a Japanese fan is trade of parehtuent, the design some. what like a bunch of grape leaves, aud between the leaves are openings which oiler convenient places for ob- eerevation. Among the ribbons specially ad- apted for summer hermits are hand-- S Some grenadine ribbona with wide satin stripes, whiall come in cream color, light blue, pink, the new char- treuse and a couple of shades of ecru. Cauvae shoed for mountain and seaside wear will bo worn by both lad- ies and children. They c'n be procured to lacy or buttou, but the laced canvas shoos are iu much greater demand Chau Oleo that are battouod. Dress Plainly on tiro Sabbath. It is taste. 11 would lessen the burdens of many who find it hard to maintain their places in society. It would lessen the temptation to dress beyond the ineotne. If every oue dressed plainly but neatly, for church service, persons in moderate circumstaaoee and the poor would be more likely to attend. itroderatiola in dress would improve the manners of tlhe cougregation by preventing the wands ring of the eyes and thoughts. It would lessen, on the part of the rich, the temptations of vanity. It would lessen, on the part of the poor, the temptatious of envy, uu- aheritablenoas and diecoutent. 11 would save time for net on the Sabbath day. It would relieve our means of a serious pressure and Ieave more op-• portunitiea of doing good. At the same time we do not believe it is required of ne to wear saok-oloth and long feces on the Sabbath day. Nature herself seems to wear brighter garmeuts on the blessed day of the week, and it is meet that we should dress well and tastefully, even cheer- fully, and enjoy the golden day of the week with grateful hearts and comely attire.—Presbyterian. spoonful of boiled flax -seed should every given each calf in hie milli day. This will prevent secure. If hogs are just fed enough to keep them in a state of suspended growth, The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon, Ind., says : "Both myself and wife ogre our lives to Shiloh,s Consumption Curo. Sold by J, W. Browning. Mr. Wallace, druggist, of Hastings, Onta- rio, says : I recommend Dr. Carson's Stom- ach Bitters far ahead of all other Stomach Medicines. It is just the right thing for Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Headache, and Dyspepsia. Large bottles 50 cents. rp J. SUTHERLAND,HENSALL, • ONT., CONVEYANCIDB, COMMISSIONEn, Fire andnife Insurance Agent and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. All business transacted stirctlyeonfidentiai. A. Call solicited; Office at the Post Office: p'ERRY'S — Ft�� � , ALUABLE TO ALL �/ Wi11 be mailed ;lig to all applicants r G and to customers o last year without ordering it. It contains illustrations, prices,' descriptions and directions for planting all Vegetable and Flower SEEDS, BULBS, etc. D. M. FERRY & Cu. naraoIT, zsicbiQan. Btu dock BLOOD MI BITTERS Cures Diz,vness, Loss of Appetite,1'iuligcstzon, Biliousness, I .Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Livor and Kidneys, ,Pimple, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, .Deranged Erysipelas, or ll diseases egular aeon of theBowels.ure end, Advertise In the Exeter TIMES. TAE BANK of TIME Main Street, Exeter. Taos. FITTON Keeps Watches That Are Watches Aucl are warranted correct for Time, Tide, of Railroad Train, and to please the most fastidious. JEE. i That is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Suitable for Romans, Friends and Countrymen, Lovers, Brides,, Bridegrooms, Loving and Lovely 'Wives, Children, Hus- bands, Ete., Ete. SPECTACLES. --Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft easy and pleasant to the eye, and suitable for youth or age. Give him a call. No trouble to show Goods. Watches and Clocks Repaired and Brought to Time. C. &; S. GIDLEY, 'Undertake n r) a VTOULD SAY TO Y tboso wb intend purchasing to dc so from the manufacturer. The dealer who buys to sell again must necessarily have a profit. We claim to givetho purchasers the benefit, which cannot faii to meet tho views of tho Grangers: Our oxpousas areleas than those of cite menu lacturersconsequent we can eollchoaper. 11'1 1.1. Manufacturers E WOULD Y V call aped alatttentio to our 'undertaking depart went,whiohis more nom pletethanevex ,tis we have addedsoveralnowtdesigCne of late The best coffins caskets ehrouds,and every lunoral requisite at tbe lowestpricee•. Our now Hearse is pronouncedby ogmpotont Judges to 'bo second to none in tbe provinces Emblems of ali the Different Societies. U-101 1N UNDERTAKER AND Funerals furnished au,, conducted at the very low. est rates. My:Stock ofllndertaking goods is large, complete and we assorted, and any person equiring anything in this line will findit to theiradvantage to give me a call and examine for themselves. X31 �.►AI�7C7"l� CABINET iIAXER. l tkei rlti':. A Ill I have just race rood a largo stock Walnut aud Rosewood Caskets; also Coffins of ovary descrip- tion. A complete stook of Robes and Trimmings alway on hand. The latest styles of Chamber and Parlor Suits All kinds of Furniture at thelowest rates. THE BEST HEARSE INITEIE COUNTY Remember the place—Nearly opposite hemp's Tobacco Store, Main -street, Exeter. JOHN XIRL.WN E oter Post Office Time Table. MAILS ♦nntvn EiIkton,Woodham,Winohelsoaand Elimvillo South,eastand west ,inoludingLondon,Hamiiton, Toronto Montreal, Afanit- oba, Unitod States , E nglish and foreign mails;... ... South, east west &c ... ... 8.15 a.m 9.45 a.m. 6.16 p.m. North and east,including Goderich, Wingham, Kincardine and allpoints north, Strattoid,Toronto, Montreal, and Eastern States ... ... ... ... ... ... 16.00 North east,&c ... 5.90 p.m, Hay 7,15p. m. Sarepta Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays ... ... 8 15 a m OLa8E. 5Oop.m . 0.00 a. m 4'20 p. m 8.20 a. in 5.90 p. m 6.41 p. m. 1000am MONEY ORDERS Issued and paid on and from any Money Order Office in theD ominion of C anada,GreatBritain and Ireland ,British India,Newfoundland, Italy, Australia, New South Weiss, Tasmania, New Zeland. France one Algeria, the Germ an Empire, Sweden,Norway,Denmark, Iceland, Belgium', tho.Neth- erlands, Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, Roumania, United States. Jamaica and Barbados. POST OFFICE SAVINGSBANK. Deposits will bereceived atthis office from $1 to $900. Depositors obtaining the i'ostmaster- General's apeclat permission can deposit $1000. Depositson Savings Bank account received from, 9, a m, to 4 p. m. Interest at 4 pet cent per annum will be allowed on all deposits: Office hours fiom760ft. m,to7 p', m., Lettersintendedfor registration must be posted 16 minutes before the closing of each m ail. N IS—Itis particulary reKuested that the senders of matter will kindly acid the names of tie Counties tothe addretses. D:JOHNS, Icstma ' ster.