The Exeter Times, 1885-7-9, Page 2sr tit Was There. i driuk didn't commence when they "Ah, Smithahe, my death bwoy,glad l kill men sooner or later, but they kill to see you, y' kuow. What--ah--dor boys very quick. Yon think of —all—ah—. I31awwet it ` D03'00 want to try and see? Would all, Sglithyhe, titian was - owething I ' you like to try afa:1 two what would be wanted to task your opinion of --I had' the effeot of wad dog or rattlesnake? it wight on the and of in) tongue, g" ? Boys, if you want to grow up throng, know, bot I've fo,gottou it.' active, large, successful men don't 'The cigarette you"re alit ,king ?' awoke, and by ail means dou't drink. 'Yea*, that'd ia: Thank -A, Smith. Bo happy, have jn*t ae much fun as alis, I knew I had it wight on the end ;you eau, but do nothing +wrong. of my tongue but my memory is get , ing eo tweaoho`ous, v' know. Smoke ono, my bwoy ?' l were boys. Driukiug and smoking No Use. #1LL NTE. SPECIAL ARTICLES MIX TUE SAD MAN of `"BOO5i4RA:It " FAME. Merchant Traveler. ---- A puma young twat, los 1 stopped at I. an Indiana hotel for a week. and, when) "TIRE mug OF VARIOUS FARM INSECTS " he ostia h • nr he w as investigated tis to the customs of tine town and alio Tota ie properly $ha season to look of the house. ; out for matt insect's sod worms on 'Did %her ask you io ask aha bless. the farm as have cot been winter ing?' inquired the .41 lady. killed, and to see that they have *Ye., nha"nibs they did.' plenty of gold wholesome food. *And did yon do it?' Cat worse will not thrive Qu cab- Na, sna; to 1 didn't ' kap leaves alone. It will dl well 'tzoodneee gracio-r.. wily didn't enough to feed thein cabbage plande you?' at first, but tutor on they should have 'Bath two.. it) 4-41, it 4:1 "*I1 look to : all the tomato planta they need to me from the appears:.ce of amigo, . build up tuueculer tissue. If a out that the Lnri was tauy.vlhere within worm is doing brain work exclusively hearing di-itauue, an'[ •ti•l+h'* sea any or ongeoed in sedeutary employment, use In it.' he ;nay da well enough on cabbage %%liar They Yonkers lir+:, rte. fins or cucumber sleuth, but muscular tieeuo soil require eownthiug tutors nouridhittg. Old cut worse wilt titled -Is there a seater in the I optt)i11Cq . their (rout teeth filed, the latter part of Juae, tlo doubt, hut yearlings will for tor. „hilit:te•r?* do well through the entire eet►ron• 'Who are yen?, Tile gourde of Netting cut worms ou Tui Jour.' hay,' 'Arid who's J sited?' ground feed through the autumn 'Why, l:e'>, any dad•Iv.' menthe. I am glad to notice. is he• "lint what',. v.,nT daddy's tte.rnar cousin; obsolete. It only makes them 4D" " •Cif a athr•e. but L rm au lits first lour-,i,•irued. name.' Do not begin to !feed potato huge "That's the first natne he ever hats, ` with Paola gr4eu, or le radon purple i rection..' a. bast 1 wont 10 kno * the name until July. ar "of the aeasoo, manyttermn - ltd ;toes by tat lhtltiia" ' ere have lost their potato huge, Sae •1V ell, lie goes by so -such that he'. } that your potato bugs aro perfectly never at Inoue.' (repo, and while the vld bugle on the • But what do you call him? nestdo not allow other bus to die. *diem emir Ilia)ia) ,liiilpy anal , be calls him 'fireworks' and I call !nal *'disc irbed, ahaher lwilt ti how great inter- . ota - .0 y nth it w ar Jones?' and liier or later they id and tbecomea lolent� hide•boa d wadi darned fool ' est iu turning braudnew little potato A Cita' Driver that is always Pq- hugs, mostly twins. As a twiuist the lite to Ladies. mother bug aims to be excelled by none. Arkau'aw Traveler. Squseln bugs require ver/ little The conduct of some of the drivers care. They aeon fitted to battle with on the street cars in Austin is oer the world white yet young. Plant tainly reprehensible. Au old lady your squashes early euough so that gat on a street car, and issoon as !the bugs will not .have to stand sea eat her eves on the driver she call. l arouud for two wseke on expeuse, ed out z 'You aro the very driver that; with nothing to do. If anything, the refused to stop the car and made fnu i plants should come out in advance of of toe,' 3 ihesquash bug. 'Yesterday afternoon '1' be asked. Early in the spring the beehives 'Yea, yesterday afternoon.' 'should be thoroughly examined in On the corner el Pecan street ?' order to ascertain If the mottle bane 'Yee.° 9 run out of bees or not. If bees are 'On the northwest corner ?' cud in a comatose state lying ou the •lust about that corner,' floor of tits hive and you do not know 'At three o'clock ?' ; whether they are alive or not put 'Yet, sir, it was three o'clock.' them in your pants pooket for a fern \Vas it u blue e,tr with a bay mule?' hours and you will soon fiud out. 'Certainly ; blue oar and bay mule, You may put a number of bees in the snd a Eerier with a red pimple ou his same pocket at once, and generally nose and a mouth like a catfish, just some of them will turn ont to be alive. like yours, driving it 1' she exclaimed, The warmth of your person will re - excitedly. yivo the beo, and the warmth of his 'And you craned out your neak this person will revive you. A bee never way, opened your mouth until one could read the maker's name on your false teeth. and bawled out, 'stop— that—oar ! Stop—that car I' ' 'Yes, you scoundrel 1' she replied, drawing back to hit l'im with her um. brella, 'Then it wasn't me, for I am al- ways polite to ladies, even if they are ninety.five years old, sport por- -oelain teeth, and base car drivers. Ta- ta !' and be jumped over the dash- board to swap care with the driver -coming the other way. A Talk To Boys. I saw a sad boy ;this morning. 1 dou't like sad boys. They generally -die young, This boy had red eyes. He booked like a little old fellow. He seemed to think It was smart to hay° red eyes, for he was continuallytrying to make them redder. He was amok ing a cigarette; this was what made him look so old, and this was the way he was trying to have red :eyes "and ook like an old man. He went,down the street and into a saloon. He step- ped up to the bar like an old toper and simply said, "One beer," He drank it all at ORO breath, just Iike an old drunkard, and said, 'I'm brae - en up,' Thinks I to myself: "Yes you are braced up for beooming an excellent la mein heating their slings. This one of these days. You'll spend the money you ought to save. is a good suggestion, especially in a You'll be blotched in the face and not cold or backward spring. Sometimes more than half grown, when you die a asp will facilitate a backward w people will mourn principally because spring, you hadn't died sooner." II don't It is a little early to suggest any - pay to be ;a toper. Perhaps some ' thing in relation to the apple worm, men oan smoke, and', drink beerand but it is time to select your apple whiskey, and stand ii, but boys can't. worms now. If you intend to make It kills them every time. Do you say a Specialty of the dried apple worm 'I don't believe it?' this season, there is still plenty of How do you know? The men who forgets a kindnese. His instincts are wonderfully acute, and about one - fifteenth of au inch in length. The caterpillar does nob require much care. He will endure sudden changes of temperature with great hardihood, and if he oan tie down in such a position that he oan be step- ped on and die suddenly and abruptly be is perfectly happy. Caterpillars sometimes become a nuisance by an - cumulating on shade trees. In such cases they may be saturated with kerosene and ignited. They will then go away and never return. So muoh has already been said on the farm wasp, that I need not elab- orate on that enbjeol, but a word about the care of she wasp may not be out of place. The early balbrig- gan or dwarf wasp, sometimes galled the immediate wasp, thrives best in the temperate zone. He requires very little attention and does well even when neglected. Early in the spring the wasp's nest should be properly aired and ventilated. The hired man will do this If you advano e hie wages, and agree to take good care of him during the time he may be confined to his room. Next provide a small emery wheel near the nest where the wasps may sharpen up their stingers on rainy days. Some farmers also provide a small alcohol lamp for the wasps time, but early fall apple worms and cucculio should have been planted in June. The large red piouio ant is now in the market and looking remarkably well; The 'Titian red ant will be largely in favor this season, as pionio custard pie decoration, and the large Venetian red ant will be worn be- neath the shoulder bla ler, just out of reaoh, es naual. Cook roaches will continue in favor in literary oirc'.ee. awl feed on sour paste sad delinquent aubsoribers as, heretofore The lrurn-bug is dying off as a farm insect and losing favor with the !arra, Ta RETIRED FARMERS AND OTHERS. Will be sold shortly under Power of Salo in a 3Iortgage the Handsome BREE us/B110B And Grounds UNEQUALED So say the best farmers. stockmen, gar- deners, and fruit growers of America of the great National) Weekly, the Rural New York- er. The best writers In the world, Original throughout. Over 500 illustrations from nature every year. Fine paper 16 pages -ask those who know. Specimens gladly sent without charge. 52,800 worth of prosenta offered to subscribers for the largest clubs. Conducted by practible farmers. Its Fxea Seed Distributions aro invaluable. Oyez 600 contributions. Posters and outfits on appli. Formerly occupied by the lata Henry Ti*. cation, Send for them, BMW, New-TOR&Elt, 24 Park Row, N. Y. Apply to Hall, diarriater. W. F. BI LLEN, or. A close perusal of the papers on Loudon, Ont. the part of the agriculturist is making our climate too bot for the Prowls- ! sIOAGULINE.•--Cement for Brok- tion of the huts bug. V' enArtiohea Solei everywhere.. BILL :IYE. Sole Dickers T--KnY BROS.. Stockport England. THE LONDON POST -OFFICE. 'Foreign Letter.: The Laution Poatofllce is a great in- stitution. A. street divides the two departments, ane occupied by the business of lettere and aspera, alio other with telegraphing. In Britain telegraphing is pert of the regular poatoffrce system. The general post ofoo budding ss au imposing edifice of the Ionic order. It is 460 feet long, 130 wide, and eiztyfour high. The best time to see the outside rush is just before 6 p. m., at which Hour the night utast. closed. The rush is aotue/hitrg tremendous. Erraiud boys, bailees clerks, busiuera wen, eveey-. body jams forward to get hie bundle of lettere into the long zino-edged or copper -faced opening before the tiour elrikes. Exactly at the nhiuute the office olosea, and all lettere that are in haste must have au extra stamp on them if they are to go that night. The extra stamp business baste for aha Maur, It iia a bight to sea the stompers et work. The .tamper counts the lettere, and When he has etaa,psd fifty be hits his stamp on * long ebeet of paper at his right Gaud, laud thud the number of latices le es- timated. A. stamper in the Landon office eau stamp about 6,000 lettere an hair. The telegraph building is entailer and higher than the govern- ment I•osboflico. It is 286 by 144 feet at'd eighty.four feet from pare -1 tneut to cornice. Ou the first floor are the aflices of the postmaster gen erut and the accountaut general. On the next floor era the eeoiet:eries and staff, and in the two upper stories is the telegraph department. The in- strument room is 125 by 80 feet. Fifteen million messages a year pass through it. The building is ccuueoted with the district telegraph offices of London by pneumatic tubes, and measages come through literally with the speed of the wind. Font. enginea in the basement furnish Ilia wind. Among the lato4 introduced meter - Ws, one of the prettiest is that which has velvet patterns brocaded over gauze, so ea to look like applique work, In some instances the velvet patterns are edged around with beads. This is used chiefly for summer man• ties, but also for tunics and panels c r draperies over a silk skirt. ..a+•� Canadian Cattle. It may Intent Canadians to know that six or seven cargoes of cattle which have arrived from the SI Law- rence are idmitted on all hands to be far superior to anything previously shipped from the Dominion; indeed they are now superior to the best oornfed Amerio .ns arriving from the United states. Although in recent years the improvement in the breed. ing and feeding of Canadian cattle has been very marked, it was not ex• pected that the quality would have improved so rapidly as have been shown by the arrivals referred to. good prices were obtained. The success of the trade in live animals fron, the Dominion is entirety de- pendent upon good quality, the com- petition in dead meats from various parts of the world annually inoreas- ing. II is, therefore, very satis- factory to note tha hots mentioned.— Canadian Gazette. CATARRH -A NEW TREATMENT. Perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been achieved in modern medicine has been attained by the Dixon treatment for ca. tarrh. Oat of 2,000 patients treated during the last six months, fully ninety per cent. hage been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the loss startling when itis remembered that not five per cent. of patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner are be- nefitted, while the patent meaioinee and other advertised cures never record a cure at all, Starting with the claim now generally believed by the most eolentific men that disease is due to the presence of living parasites in the tissue, Mr,Dixonatonce adapted his cure to their extermination -this accomplished, he claims the Catarrh is:practically cured, and the per- manency unquestioned, as cures effected by him four years ago are cures still. No one else has attempted to cure Catarrh in this manner, and no other treatment ever cured Catarrh. Thi application of the remedy is simple, and can be done at home, and the present season o1 the year is the most favor- able for a speedy and permanent cure, the majority of cases being cured at one treat- ment. Sufferers should correspond with Messrs, A. H. DIXON & SON, SOS Hing street west, Toronto, 0anada, and enclose stamp for their treatise on Catarrh.-Montreab Star, Nov. 17,1882, Fit COUOFIS AND COLDS. WAY'S COMPOUND OF LIN- SEED, Aniseed.. Senega, Sguilt,Tolu. &o with ;.hlorgda na. [(.A Y'S COMb?OIJNI.), a demulcent • expectorant for Gauche and Colds. i TAY'S C'OUPOUND, for Coughs .L and Colds, is equally servicabte, for tlor+tosandGattla. WAY'S TIC PILLS, a epeolf c in beerelgie Faca•aohe tto. TRY DR. DOWN 8 GOLDEN i,1:.15111 for Diphtheria. Croup. and Asiatic Cholera. A sure cure, Pain at all kW cls quickly »shoved. Internally and extern- Atty. Ask forst. Take no other. See teatimo. uiaie. Por sale br all Druagibte. QverNurseries j Over Dorsy�a. 'Qll *�ul i J, A4c4res.1 The Largeat in the Dominion, SALES 1TEN —WANTED To begin canvassing it ante on rail Pales. ilteady staple} atentto arteeoasfut mea. Cloud ^cots ,tTti Oarnin rM e add expenses. Tetras and outfit tree. Address STONE s WELLINGTON. ;agents 6 In $t40 t e,., per month, AL X.a ,..# Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER was the prat preparation perfectly adapted to euro diseases of the scalp, and the first sue- ees,ful restorer of faded or gray hair to its natural color, growth, cud i•.utiti•ti beauty. It has had ninny Luitcu..rs, but bone have so fully met all the requi;.ni- is needful for the proper treatment of the hair and snip. 1i.tt.l.'s pant I t.Nnwl;n has st':ulitygrowu. inlayer, and spread its fame aud usefulness to every quarter of the globe. Its unparal- leled sttecess can be attributed to but one cause: the entire f ljtha, ut qr its prer:i.'ret. Tho proprietors have often been surprised at the receipt of orders £neon r,note coun- tries, where they had never made au effort for its introduction. The use for It short time of ILtLT $ II.tlls In:NI:wi n wonderfully improves the per- sonal appearance. It cleanses the scalp from all impurities, cures all humors, fever, and dryness, and thus prevents baldness, It stimulates the weakened glands, and enables them to push forward n new and vigorous growth. Tho effects of this article are not transient, like those of alcoholic prepara- tions,but remain a long time, which make* Its use a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE FOB TUE WHISKERS Will change the beard to a natural brown, sublet*, as desired. It produces a permanent color that will not wash away. Consistingof a single preparation, it is applied without trouble. PREPARED )3Y R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N.H. Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. FOR ALL THE FORMS or Scrofulous, Mercurial. and Blood Disorders, the best remedy, because the most searching and thorough blood -purifier, is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1.1d b, all Druggists; $1, six bottles, U. COO* SAtig0311, Wisb'es to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out a Bootand hShop in the Corner Store North of Barnwell & Pickard's, where he is prepared to make all kinds o: ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Late Manager C. Eacrett's Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 14th 84. oTENNENT & TENNENT, Veteri- . nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary to, have op for the trea Domestic Mein street College, Toron- ened an office tment of all Animals, ; on - �, Exeter. Calls from a dis _ .-. Lance promptly attended tot Medicine for Horses Cattle,&o always on hand: a 0 SON OF .NIKES INVITED. C") • Ps A Is' oaso r `Q'liV3Lmd amv THE IIGHTTRUNNiNG'' 010 $ E SEWING MACHINE SIMPLE Z. -. •qa J ,M.,, G it l 1 i'i-Pir;- • ...D ��. If% 1 .1 THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE l._. THAT GIVES •_...1 PERFECT r HAS SIVERYp SAl/SF14CT/ON NO EQUAL", grinCU 1 NEWHOME SEWING MACHINE CO ORANGE' MASS. 30 UNION SQ.N.Y. CHICAGO ILL. ST. LOUIS MO.ATL'ANTA GA. SALE , -1FoR BY ir=-- RANTON BROS. EXETER, ONTARIO. ZQ'RYC�3 ROLLER MILLS These mills are now completed with the best and very latest improved machin- ery for the manufacture of:Flour on the Roller Process THE MILL IS NOW RUNNING NIGHT AND DAY, and we ar prepared to do Gristing Chopping on Shortest Notice Also Flour and Feed for sale as Chews as Me Cheapest. ERNES & WILLIAS, Proprietors.