The Exeter Times, 1885-7-2, Page 5Last Thureday night two eleek•.Ap•.
peering men ,boaxded• the Grand
Trunk express at London, Ont., and
when the conductor came around
they showed ticket& for Windsor.
Then they took seats in the rear oar,
where there were only half a dozen
passengers, iuoladint; a well cheesed
old gentleman and his wife, who was:
an invalid. The sleek -looking pair
were conveniently near the old couple,
and one of thein drew H pack of cards
� g
from a small satchel which ole carried,. on a tour ahrou h the Province,
He ahuided the oardm and talked glib`The Clippers, of Hamilton, defeat..
ly to his ecmpauion about hie aka' ed the Toronto; lit the former place
in handling the paeteboarde. The on Saturday by 11 to 2. The Tor.
Sporting Brevotles,
iu she ono of trio Bev, J. T. C't CHOLIRSHIP FOR SUB.
Wright, of St, ivlary m, t►,Raiuet the )� For sale a one year's scholarship u De.
ars min s Ladies' College, Ontario. Will be sold at
Diocese ;Os been
a Saeripce. For pparUenlaxa addre;a THO&til5
ALrirt Exeter. F. 4,; taEV, W..'a. QANE,
Elimviate, P. 0.; or at the Tzt{Es Orme.
The Lletowel C,iokel Club. has i e of ,Huron, *Weis ;. n
riog,il for matcbee ee before the Ooetrta fora loin. time,
3u,lph, at Guellb, July 28; Galt, et judgment wvas•giyen try the $upx,,'me
Gilt, July 2$ ; Hamilton, at Hata- Court on Monday last elienele.i>ug $101'
ton, July 80 ; East Toronto, at Tor• apnea( with °gate. . Wriglfr'rf e>r—
ogto, Au net 1 -Lis et 11$(
$ ; e owe ve. Countthis rnattetr will Ira ver A$& F013 SALE IN bTl+il'HI N.
el' Hum) ; Owen Sound, et Owen heaves iny Lotl,os,in 4111 Couceasion, 100 sorsa:
Sound, heavy, We underatwan that Use Porperne llera apply to
Court was divided, for while Juetieree' u, Y. ELLIOT,
The Windsor Cricket Club have Strong and Ritchie were for the Sy. Salieitor,tkc.,
this year seeured to team which will nod, Justices Henry sold FournierExeter
probably make a raeord for itself, It Were for Mr. Wright. Juerice Taoh.
is in ooutemplatiou to mend tilts team ereau was delefafire, but eouourred
for the Synod. The case is to go, we
understand, to the Privy thane((.
old wau'e look of contempt at'the first onto's battery was t1heffier es pitcher lE B ptive 1<.►lseasesr aaob s Pim-
slght of the cards gradually changed and O'Rourke. ae °atelier, Steinm er Pea, v is, B etebea, Rlnarrortn, Saistebeuul,
, y Tetter, &o., yield readily W a persistent use
to an expression of deep interest, and playing in the field. of Etanington'e quinine Wine anal Iron Tome,
when bo saw one of the men vainly A 50—mil, burl. zoos took Drape Dinner Pills. wbioh by purifying the Wood,
try to relent a particular card he iw1 Lynn, Maae,, on $alurdey after• rewove these unsightly evidences of inward
remarked that he .lou lit he oould " noon with 11 startere, W. Vit . Rowse, disorder, see dhat yeah get *'sawn.48°14r'
(sees the acrd bitnmelf. His wile i of L nn. wee the winner in Sham, tbo origle pt end penin
was sleeping un the outer end ;of the 44 ruins. 10 Boo. C. O. Danforth, Scotts Emulsion or: rrure
seat, and eo, without disturbing her, of Oambridg;a wasec d ' 8 b e r on, veld, Sypophosphites
he reached balk and at the treat at-
tempt picked up a particular card
called for. He tried it again, and Uaeon Were to make a match with
watt aucoeseful. Then the man with 'roomer for 41,000 a side, allowing
the cards offered to bat that the old X200 expaneeaa for the 11SoEeeeport
MAR ooeldn't do it a third tura. He min to go tQ the Perim -tette, If
sut up $5, and the old men covered Teemer aliopld heat Rstlen in their.
t and won, The garage went on on. sowing race' he will probably accept
nwerruptedly for mome little time, the offer. Don't forget to notice the
lead at teat the old mart's face swam. great Big ""I!."
ed a very auxioue look. A 200•pound ",.;The bioyole race between Alit.
commercial traveler with a cockney Dolph, champion of Ohio. H. U.
accent had been a wheelie to the genie Woodside. champion of Ireland, and
from the farther end of the ear. and Jolla Brooks, ettatupl.n of Ireland,
eurulieing that the old man was in at Olsvelend un Saturday, resulted aa
the clutches of ""colt."" operators, ha follows ;-1 mile—Dolph„ 1st ; Brooke,
finally waiked up ;ma told him so, 2nd; Woodside, 8rd ; time, 8.02 24.
Tota .leek. lair were indignant, and b miles—Dolph, let; Brooke, 2Qd
threatened to report the big man to Woodside, 3rd; time, 17.02, It was
the oandnolor. Then they offered to a very exeitintr contest,
punch hie head if he didn't leave the
oar- The drummer maid he would
sea the conductor bihneelf. He did
so, but the sleek pair jumped off the
train, which was runoiufa shoat 20
wiles en hour. The old man counted
(fie money and found he '1Yaa9 $tf30 oow,panied by heavy lightning, tsnt• 1 Iteudoa depart 7 48A.1. 4 se Par, 6 w A. U.
abort. Ile refused to tell lits name ing about two and a half hours, and i'te AAI( Q i e r.
or ww Gere flat lived. the rails falling on the level over .ix. gppea • a l3 6 :.'s 10 of
, and. a quarter Wallas byIlruceaeld o 23 848 10 23
A Toronto gentlemen Saye of Dr. Cason'a q meesure.aeal- curium est 7 es 11:111
Stomaeli Bitter, "It cured my wire of Chroa- lo WO lower pert of (fain street the n w%rt 011 aboro 10 0 7 20 z 146,11.. ro
le Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint after . water was riming a foot doep. Side,1 rail- taro7.---4121°L 7 46 la
Doctor uvon Doctor had failed to even tomo. i walki were wtasbed away and moat a 15 fagltafn arriu>10 3,5 7 S 1 ;6
porarity relieve her." Every family should of the aellaru iu the village alongfro"o ;oczrr, i�:xprasa ;fail. Sud Matt
use the Doctors Bitters,g av3nshnul, sop't 7 48 n.x. s L'G r.x, 20 0 A 11
Main street were nearly filled with ! ((sissy° .,......, ti oo a .f7
eb...) &S.
Oki POB SALE. --lie aubsorib•
etoffers. tor sale the East Half ofl,ot3',
rid North OW of Lot 2, 4th con of Lwaborpe,
on the pm:oases are a brick house 20x;:8, nearly
new,contsioduge roma; frame barn 34x48,
with stabling; stamen bearing orchard,and a
never-failiragwel1. The /and is well drained
Arid iznagoodstattro4cultivation There are
10 acre,, of to.Firri.voy,tiatbe ground and Con-
siderable fall prouglltug done.. Distance from
Exeter, ,s miles, and 3. utiles from Centralia.
Ij Terms to suit p rchaser. Possession given,
either before seeiing' or after harvest, Pur-
obaier can be sappried wi'tb seed grain. For
further pparticular,• apply on the promises to
O.$;so-w(;UE, or hylebtertoExeterP. O.
TOWNSHIP or" f*1EIS.--Tvsas 16 It
17, con.. 7; 200 acres, of winch about Meacres
a lin to bre, o.1 Live are tree otstumpeand aider good cultivation.
50 mine. 25 moos, The beet revione ' Macre; pasture; fie acresgood bush, which
P very I'ulaiwbte wtetr Increases Flesh Attains from $,40t to ries worth of pine ; only
record wee 3 lire, 54 rninsr, afroilea from the Village of ,Crediton. 4 miles
from Exeter. Alone (prick house, goo 8l .rail
. 11 coder, 2 bank bailie,. rent 1w0Uwe, 4rivlaa`
ahrtd, s well that hoe not yet Oeeu entpty.witlt
!wv intionlll , abouts acres at spat -clear oralaard,
'aline selection of the boat grafted apple trees,
plume, pears and grape vines, eke tit tOki cherry
11B71 T111140113B0?!
trace, mostly around outside; nbou6 10 shade
trees along the coAaeaAwon road. Price modes -
to MATTHIAS 3,[Obtr,otl17, Crediton '. 0..0:0,
The heaviest rain storm over ex,
nerienced in Watford passed over LONDON. HURON AND ISRLTCE
that plane Saltl,rday afternoon, ae— Qom; soars, Exproas wtail. ,ad class.
Da. F. 11. Vaz lir, Brighton, III„ aawa :
tt'o Emulsion is the beset I have ever
re�ssribecl. It is very palatable, easily aa.
aunitated and gives strength awl flesh to the
The roadside beloage to the owners of the
adjacent land, subject only to the use by the
public of it for a highway. It can often be.
most profitably utiiized by plsnliog the road.
aide with fruit trees, which' when they same
lute bearing, will produt:o more than any
part of tied lautl in ordinary farm crops. Tho
finer varieties of fruits aro not adapted to
roadsides where tiler° is much travel, but
apples will usually perfect finer crop without
having it disturbed.
RaxaaY Ysiwtrr.-•-At the residence of the
bride's father, Exeter. on time let lust,. 1'7
the Bev. G. 1l. A, F. T. Dieks',n, Rev. I).
M. Ramsay, B. o,,, of ttondasbora', til ;Viae
Jennie Verity, Daughter of tips A. Verity,
Req. of Exeter'
:s _ .r--_.,,... 11ty ala ala 330 ii ii
Amer Icon.
water, Same of the garden. are a v ItondwahGtt/ s 2i a 39 21 aU
total wreak, A house belouging to, (•ulnen ,t ro 4 1 1`32 r0.
Jae. Fieh, late president of the lir, WOOlIa, law the village, was atruols s pont la.• 9 is 4 ?12 10t
Marino National Bank at New York, by lightning and ,lightly damaged;,, rx n i,.... 210 4 12 3
was sentouced to ten years 'imprison. also one in the oonnty, but no person Inatdon arr,jo 02 31 s 5o3 a 31
meut in Auburn state pri,ou Satur. wne Lino.
blast of filo bridge, in
da morniu the vicinity north ' f there have bean
y g• swept away, and a groat 11081 of dam-
age to the orops.
Recce Safnuele, 12 years old at 13ar.
uesville S.;C., lute been oonvioted of
the murder of Lacy Graham, a eis—
weeits old infant she was ►furling,.
She soaked the child in a pot of con—
centrated lye. The only theory for
the crime la that she killed the child
to eso%p0 the duty of nursing it. It
is the aeoond crime of the same kind
sho has committed within two rears.
She appeared to be totally unoon-
soleus of what was going on during
the trial' and twice went to sleep in
dock with her head on her bands.
She has an innocent fade, and is not
apparently in the slightest degree
affected dy the result of her trial.
John McCullough, the tragedian
was Sunday afternoon handed over to
the care of the authorities by three of
his closest friends. Mr. Mt:Cullough's
mental weakness has been well known
for several months, but bad assumed
such alarming proportions lately that
this step, long deferred, was at last
considered necessary. Saturday
morning McCullough was in one of
his rational moods, and quietly read
the papers till after 10 o'clock. Wheu.
in his tantrums he repeats the lines
of "Virginias" in the scene of killing
"Virginns," and mutters between 'hie
teeth the dying speech of the "Glad.
iator." When he caned a hackman
he exclaimed, "You're a dog, but you
haven't the sense of my dog. Ile bade
the moon, do you uvderstand,Oabby?
Go to; --," In his moods of deep
melancholy he recites"Hamlet'' while
the tears stream down his worn deep-
liued, haggard face. His condition
was pitiful.
--.• .•
SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption
Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cares
Consumption. Scld by 3. W. Browning.
A strike of peculiar and:significant
ohar'acter was threatened by the wea-
vers in the Ontario cotton mills Sal-
Ila.ts.wzr. Ror.f.r,n Must—Ono of the
most complete roller mils in the Province, is
constantly running and giving the best satis-
faction. Ciristing done to order an short
The village of Gauauoquo was notice. The roller flour takes the lead. Try
startled Saturday Inc riling by sat it and he convinced. 20 toes of good Mid-
dlings ou hand at low figures. A fur cars of
alarm au the fire bell, and it was soon Corn and Corn Chop on hand.
made known that Mfrs. Dr. Fraleigh RA:wsrb^ ttUngtiftAnx.
and her baby wore missing from the
house. Friday the Doctor was away
et Napaneo and arrived home about
daylight next morning. On outering
the !souse he could not find his wife rAf,n rams
or child. Becoming alarmed, he Wnittwvhsat ...
roused the neighbors, and a general White
Vw ew .,
search wits made. About sill a ojootr il.aINO wiru.r'
Mrs. Fraleigh's body was found 1u a 2010 (naw) ... uoaoGeo to 0 S3
stooping position, partly lying in the Barley
u sto a ::
water, at bquaw Point. She was Olover Soea 6 W to G "a,
quite dead, and had evidently walked fii... 1 25 co 200
Peasmotby ...
... o s5 to G 60
from the hones to where she was Earn ... .. 0 1158 to 0 11
found. The Doctor's grief is heatt. Butte, ... ... 8 8 to 0 11
rending. The child has been nick Potato sane (bac :.-. o °z co o 55 32
ever sinoe it Wa. born, last October, Applos,perbag „ Cl 40 to 0 50
and needing constant Dare. The Game per lb. b o os too 006
long and anxious watching seems t0 0
Turkey peril 0 08 to 0 08
have affected Mrs. Fraleigh's mind. Chickensrperpr ... o ss 10 o 335
A queer sort of elopement was de-
550 to u" 75
Beef „, 5 00 to 6 00
veloped at' Toledo Thursday night by Hiaesroulog. ... ... 5 00 to 6 00
thea appearance of John Wood, who a drossoa ... ... 6 00 to 600
pp Sheegakine,eacb 0 40 to 0 75
said he lived in Clinton, Ont. He Calfskine "' 0 50 to 0 70
said he was looking for bis wife,the wool Hayperto ... ... o li to 017
mother of `twelve children and the awnfodperh
grandmother of several, who ran' away Wood per cord
from home last April with William
Bradley, a youth of 21, and $190 of
Wood's hard cash. The eloping
grandmother took a 12 -year old daugh-
ter, and the trio hied to Detroit, where
they lived at the poorhouse for two
weeks. Wood followed and traced
them to Munroe, Mich., and learned
that they had lived as paupers during
their sojourn there. They were fur-
nished paupers' tickets to Toledo, and
were found by Wood during the night.
Mrs. Wood is 67 years old and re-
turned in company with her husband
and child to Olinton. -
(Corrected atno'elooltp.m• Weducat/ ay.1
080 to 080
080 to 0 83
080 to 082
There is general rejoicing at Otta-
wa over the aunounoement that judge
nrday morning and may yet occur. Rose will preside at the assize court
In view of the intention to close the , which opens there on the 511i of Nov.
mill for four days next week and a
desire to fill some orders, the manager
W. P. Snow, requested the employes
to work Saturday afternoon.. The
operatives demurred, stating that the
agreement was to work sixty hours a
week and have a half holiday on Sat-
urday. Mr. Snow threatened a lock
out if his request was not complied
with, but the operatives remained
firm and took their half holiday. The
weavers are members of a union and
purpose resisting Mr. Snow by the.
whole force of the association.
Fall Wheat perbh ... S 0 80 to 0 80
Svrtng " ... 0 80 to 0 80
Barley (bright) ...
Barley (feeding)
White Oats, ...
Blank Oats
Apples per bbl.
dotatoes perbh
t! stall 'WiitOliT, L. 1*. S.,
if89 1Yen(,$ dental rooms Over
O'N EIL'S BANE. where he will, be
prepared to All oprairia prfrrmdw kese
skill, Gold &(tinge a speciality. Office hours
9 a, m: fe 6P M. (sren4K0 MarantaTE. Timms
=wares, ei
Palms ss W Low Bose.
And #vane M40 Vsx Between
Write for our
"Piefure,que Mackinac," Iliustt'ated.
Oarsttatea wan Parttoulars, (leaned woe.
Detroit dr Cleveland Stearn Nov. Co.
OrFROtT. $440M,
Insect Powder
Will. Senior
Wisllee to inform, clic inha•13itante of Exeter
and surrounding townships, that he loss
A Tailoring Shop
iu P.,k:NSON'S BLOCK.:lup•steral, where Be
will he preparers to do all Walt of Custom
If Su'r want a tiood.11tting and. Welt.tnade
Suit, Coat or Pants, you wilk find Sat-
isfastien by giving him a trial.
NEL Senior has had long ex-
perience and is a, practical.
Remember the Spot,
Directly over Cieo. A. 'ilyndmaa's Grocery
Will. Senior.
ntir:I:na1 Rail!ay
The Direct Route from. the West for all
poults in. NawBrunswfck,Nova Scotia,
Prince Edward Island. Cagy .Breton
ATTHE and Newfoundland,
-L i All; the ponu1ar sea bathing, fishing and
pleasure resorts of Canada are along this line
Pullman oars leaving Montreal 01 Mon-
day, Wednesday, and Friday run through to
Halifax, and on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur-
day to St. T.ohn, N. 8., without change.
B` � Close connections made atPointe Levis with
the Grand Trunk Railway and the Richelieu
a ora or ,,,,,,,,,...,,,...,....„,,,,,i
nd Ontario Navfgati0n Com ..,. Steamers
fromMentreai,andat Lov'ts with the North
5hoze ltnilwvay
Elegant first-class Pullman, Buffet and
1. Smoking Cars on all through trains.
Firet•claas Refreshment'Rooms at conveni-
ent dfstanc es,
will find it advantageous to neo this route as
it is the quiekesain point of time, andtho rates
are as low as by any other.
Through freight is forwarded by fast special
trains and experience has proved the Inter -
colonial route to be the quickest for European
freight to and from all points in Canada and
the Western States.
Tickets may bo obtained and also informa-
tion about the route and about freight and
passenger rates from
Western Froight.0 Passenger Agent
93 Rossin House Block, York St., Toronto
Chief Superintendent.
Railway Office, Moncton, N. B:, May 14,131.-ly:
2 50 to 2 75
0 50 to 0 60
... 028to03C
... 03Ito033
... 100to100
Toronto. Ont
C THIS OUT and return to us with
10c or 4 3c stamps, and you'll get by
return mail a Golden Box of Goods
thatwulbring you in more money
than anything else In An.orica.
Your fortune if you start quiok.
Yarmouth, N. S.
when eight prisoners who have been will be sold shortly under Power of Sale
sent down on charges of rape by the iu a Mortgage the Handsome
police magistrate will Dome up for
trial Public feeling is terribly against
the prisoners, and, fearing that they BnEEn:s/D:1B
would get off with some light punish
went, several well known citizens are
endeavoring to raise a vigilance com• -
nd Grounds
mittee to deal with the scoundrels in
a summary manner. This tear, has.
however, been dispelled by the an •
nouoement that Judge Rose will pre- Apply to
side at the trial:
Formerly occupied by the late Henry W.
Hall, Barrister.
London, Ont.
A. full stock of all kinds of
Dye -stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on.
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
the Central Drug Store Exeter
UR. W81. LYNE is prepared :o do
At Kirkton.
made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction
guaranteed in every respect.
Ladies Jackets a Specialty
Give him a trial and be convinced that he
will give satisfaction.