The Exeter Times, 1885-5-14, Page 104 J. CRI. C. IWhy soli you tenet vlben to 'a Gunk will give immediate relief ? Brice 10c,, 5Qoa. and al. Sold by J. W. Browning. 'there will be a firemen's demonstration at ,i?asitwood. kr. ii, Cook he* sold hitt black': rautford on the 3rd of Jane, in which the team ter the neat elm of 1 Exstter.00mpanies. ea Peet to tske part. We Will hes 8o44 int° the dog-trRnriiog , We beo. to advise our friends that we are offering for Wholesale arta.. Retail hope tit hear a good report from moor "boys,'" buninett a since he came from nollege. a' g as is generally the case. Miss Annie (i°tel, is balk to town P 11 S season's trade a more than usually attractive assortment This time hat year nearly all the farmers . i art the , in, this rection wore through with their seed -again fanner ! ing, while this year plowing is sccarcely firs• i to et4r ad tq learn thertr Aar, • - isbed. lint were i.a an old se 'u that late r.. 7 A77 1.-t %. S e °rope large next fail. *lee thea Mr. R ' The band of wok who ]rave been cors etherneal is. getting 1 42 "5001C SIUZ0Z.EIR. AND seeding brings good crops. Itis to be hoped t j • war th will be �toCRllnw is getting some ket�er, end' OF Lry u�ooas ducting services in tate Main -street 11#etbos *round *gam. /q To which we Es eo all devote our attention anion which dist churaln here tar the wait throe necks, $��: ,fag �,i*ogfell, moved to 2iitriolt C ,� X a �' loft on 3tI dR lett f If.i $to slut week where belies been employed mon. y as fur r u to actor aeon �,e work ��'e, They will semen ee;rtrir� .. [�f8 would mention FACT GQO for the past month with BI:nes & 1 raa„ j cowls of weeks. .4. grand hop was held in Fansou'a Hatt Witltarlls as: a esietsut miller... an Tuesday evening, whir* was attended by i Marks wits ant .oa e. pleasure trip LKIaTR.R, ONT. thirty or forty oonples. .tanning was indnlg,.1 teat week wub big—.reels on. S1g11sE In large variety of fabrics and x�iauy beautiful de- ed ill until a respectable hour, and all went genre feeling that they had spent a very en- " "*."' s, shad d iia"t let the butcher get Dressmasulis ' ieyeble evening. tote better of you. TES CENTS par line for firstifsertran, iiia Two fine stereo la Exeter, belontain to the'. 2r. grad $drs, Gndiried Oesteraclior aertion win be charged POGUE oeN S tk�r tine for su hswille4 1*u g app Drew Estate for sale very cheap, it not sold wren® visiting friertdt+ bore last« sun-" will be leased .t to 1. A f hey* were i brick - i try. �otlte a trail $- ,-$ —27 __ POW, aaiacs at frame cottage, and ,s vaeiiant' 1 h lee* l5 nd y . Main, Checked, Printed, c c. in title co'umu, bri residence. formerly occupied try Ur. d ' f th h b y Black, White, Create., Colored; va rest/ E!! e° ere am .t1 a villseelot ter scala eery cheap. For Tecate, i The aid barber was not able to at. qualities. ,�. 'e(et gimes. ttes,,5tpplyJOHN nBA , Exeter. F tend us) hiedd Heeled as a Saturday uid ayra evert- Lace O tai and. Curtain. Net f ptt and cheapest a;alshoeevre Wore as yet seen, � y Lax w4'tt)(%lt. ICra.b Some of the llashwooditea weke out r o '1441. t0 of ell wee, elite Harness of ev9;y to .Exeter lima Sunda evening to bear .bluest assortment WE 1, (lett. ti h: tt'S. 11 e shalt b,• happy to re. , Se for -ouraeives. Uutt er Dual Eggs taken the ellelrl is y g 1 dasiertptiou etoasstautl ern lixud, can an►t , cif' a at all braes, irain any port o f the u exchange for goods, C. 4. 36 31st alt Baud. The „oleo C3,t '7eS Comity, items e;' Focal news, such as ar. On Monday ereniug last Miss 1'. Gilbert, Berea greatly impressedi with their Cu.ottoLisle,ilk,Kid . cideikts,ar kis Interesting incident uhatr` elocutionist. whahadbeen announced to give we s stud a oak hi b! of that .. i. a now8iv011sSAi't11<30I1t. 1 r did o..t ala SO badly for tt THURSDAY, MAY' 14tb, 15135, can now be lied rat C, E,morett's+, Also Chits greenhorn, .lieu a; Gartiagea, Express Wagons, Boys' it the busineee. • •er, from any of our subscribers or read. Feedings anti recitations 1a Drew's Bail, put ?fur olJatu}`ioti g bicyclist is ers generally for the purpose of public- to air appearAme. Lut the andienen aes� so ready to rsioeaveohallen ee from ciliac scum that h atiou. tna s e did not carry out tltk; pro LOCAL HAPPENINGS . g . scsar petunia, but only read two selections, with oliawplons-none other need apply.. ti g Cstt ttve eves' 5110° a '!'Ary varie widths an and exten wilier those present were wall pleased. 11 fora mora on the `25th inet which ; on cis e, lltlal'iggiau, ter;. Mill display. the pec lead turned out to this entertain- is likely to be celebrated heist' mot,ley waetild, bus been uea,1 Maids as Gretorta .es c c Care' Q r' iXa g No 6, 0. Q F., thet the last bsetL eurt nwere mine,. Mr. Chinch Shaattler o Sabbath N r 0 match ; beautiful Ul gpOdta. Hared Cut.,.. 7 oe wednereas avenin last Mr. Henry installed into tate various cities , 1t . 0- Be the pulpit. The *Atet3dance Was i Sal e.3,lk v'ekrete Persons had the misfortune in have lits baud Legis Towers ; 1. a.. li,, ltiehard huxton ; enaall, owing i- the wet weather, Mr,; In thiaa de artment sae aim to keep ee oonetaufl ou hand a f badly eat by a circular saw Banti's: saw ('hap.. Andrew hicks:; Rec. See.. 0. A. Ross !t F 11 y all and co'tipiatse mill to this place. .it appear+: he seas in the F. ., threw Bee ; Trcamurer. J. W. Tay. G. Brown, of Credit.... hill1 preachstack "fell the flues, in denkaud, both in Fso15 mit Staple SmaUwares. A Ball rolieited, Mises Gilbert understand; *Wootton very ell. , There was :Guglisb aerviee to the me r pis. set of raise4 a ulab which was besvg sawed ter • S. W George Hill • J �1' Edward !text Sunday worideg at 10 o'clock with ilia sew. Iia atilt carries his hand ill a. Wm. pabulum. Aro. J. N. Hooper wee eleetsri delegate to attend amounted eeesiou of theKIM a irbor Day. B. W. High Court, to be heli in Teterboro' iu June astir. The millwrights are naw Friths} last was appoiuted by the Minister $ Int the prayer meeting of oue of the Me- thea+ new, will. elf Edncatiou as arbor day for the sebools thoilaat churches of this tetra on Bewley tbroug1t ut the country. Our sclroot dist not " evening last a zealous member who is at observe the Holiday. as the gronuds were not atroug supporter of John A.'s (sovenosieut, M aced of any.decorating. We venture to say there is not another scboui yard in this see. tion which eau be compared with tin one here. It is clean and there are rows of ever- green bees planted. summer Examinations. The following circular has been homed from the l ducetiouel Departmeut :—The examinatior for admission to High Schools at midsummer will be hello tbis year on Thursday and Friday, 2nd and Sita July, The examination in the non-professional subjeeta for $rd. and aecoud clan teachera will begin Monday, 6th July. For first•cktea grade C, on Wednesday, lfitb July; lorgnette Aand. B, on Thursday, 29rd July. To to be held bele ou he a3ad avast, A number professional examination for first-class will , of resolntians were anion which the conttuue (Cr only a year, as on the daughter of Mr. Cliarlee Webb, or be hell Wednesday, 22nd July. passed, R foUovriing are given : That this Hoard ,18th of ,Taus the fate of one of them `(;ousdingvs. Corbett.will be sleeted. This case came Were the Middlesex As- Y d ed by 13e On Wednaadey of last week Mr. sizes last week. It was an action for illegal distress ou the plaintiff's goods, 'which wero iota by the defendant under a chattel mort- gage held by him on the defendant's goods. The parties live in the township of Hay. An afternoon session was taken up in bearing evidence in the case. 'While eabmittiug to a rigocons cross-examination from Mr. lding- ton, the defendant, John Corbett. suddenly Sainted and fell down the steps leading t the witness -box. He was not seriously hart, but it was some time before he was ably to resume his place. The case was not con- cluded when the court adjourned. On the opening of the court on Saturday morning the case was concluded, and reauated in a verdict of $200 and costs for the plaintiff. off a, lo' when his baud cause in contact ]Morgan • S i3 Julio Thompson " A J I3 in the Evangelical Church. ISAAC CARLING work in Derectile Heenan ie after the hotel Mr. Josiah Shier receu ly left for runners and hackman who contravene efenitoba. Re evidently ieu`t tomb ;the rinse regarding their deportment T American. ivorce evil ii rapidly growing iia. N while at She 31. C. R. depot at Si. ill Peunuylvaanie Judge 'Thayer, of is the course of aria prxyerJn weutiauiva tee afraid of the isalf-breeds sad redak lroiiblea in tlna's,ortl n'wst said., w'plr Lord, Rev. M ?Ladd f R T4 1.West, • , , o r-, o41R°' the C0wnlon Pa0M Court, Bald the k k e1 of the Government is tr Mane rano p 't" r o hmvllle preach when n good old (frit callca out laud ad in the. Mctliedist Church ou Sun, rho ttwall•p0 that was spreading enough to be heardiu*uypartof the ehurcli, day morning last. bare has been got uuslasr control "there ie no if about it, herd, thou knoweet Oo Friday morning hot the ground w through sanitary preoautione being welt enough it is to Wangs. Theo all the d , tharou,gbly Carried out by the health Tories graimedend all the Grits said amen. Ras covered with gnaw to the depth i• Drempton Times. For Dyspepsia and hirer Coauplaiut, you Lave a printed guarantee ou every battle o St'f h 1 At a meeting of the (Moira Board. of the sustained ouch *even injuries, at pre j Temperance Act hue been postpowed Main street MethediatChurch. held en atoll. sent lies ill w very critical oondrtiou. , till he 21st. day evening last, .1'r. W. H, Verity was ap Kirkton now lice two licensed li. '„ Misfortune :seldom comes single - pointed lay delegate to the district meeting, cruor shops This atMe of affairs will `handed. One day aeoeutly the oldest West Nissouri, fell baok•warde from a beam in the barn breaking her collar bone end the same day her five. Joseph Doape and Alias Ada Gilpin ]year-old brother fell from a milk were united in unarriage at the resi- stand breasting his leg. dance of the bride's mother, 10th con, A shocking accident happened ou lllatishard. The ceremony was per. Monday last near Canfield, when formed by Rev. J. W. Gilpin, Staffa, Mies Frances Harper, aged 15, was brother of the bride. The happy pair accidentally shot by her brother, aged left the same day fey Ridgetewn, 18. The young lad was playing with where Mr. Nape goes into business a shot gun, which he did not know 8th of of two inches. How is their for the deThetSortatetthe or Canada has adjouru- Mr. .11at ry. Wynn, who fall from the ed till the 20th. The third reading u o 's Vitalizer. It never 1*11* to cure. van while it was Doing raised, cud ' of the Bill to alueud the Canada Sala b J w 1! ex. presses its very high appreciation of the acv iooe rendered v. Mr. Dickson' dur- ing the past two years in performing his pastoral duties, and that we meet heartily invite him back for the third year; That the Board regrets very mush the removal from Exeter of one of its old and most respected membete, in the person of Mr. John Trick, and that we express our approval of his services while in connention with us; That we express our utmoat appreciation of the servioes so ably rendered by the Hallelujah Baud, under leadership of Mr. •Woodhall, ae cru egg nreruhant. Success I was loaded, when tt were dtssclierged, and that we join in wishing them unbound- The quarterly meeting of the Kirk. the contents entering the timbe of his Brereties. A. lot new Trimmed Hatsjnst in at Banton Brothers. See those stylish Trimmed Hats at Ilan - ton Brothers. Mr. W. H. Coulson has put an excellent sada water fountain in his drug store, where cool, refreshing drinks may be had. There is some talk of 'forming a local Poultry Association here. There are no less than fifteen poultry -fanciers in Exeter. The health of the wife of the incumbent of Christ Church, Exeter, still remains in a very critical state. Helleborefor Currant Worms, and Pare Dalmatian Insect Powder for sale at Central Ding Store, C. Lutz, proprietor. The 66th birthday of }ler Gracious Majes- ty Queen Victoria will fall on Sunday, 24th of May inst. Mr. D. Spicer has removed to his new residence on Main -street, next door to THE Tanis office. Miss Pay Weekes, of Delaware, who has been visiting relatives here for the past two months, left for home on Monday. The London Methodist district meeting will be held here on Tuesday, May 19th. Stratford at St. Marys ou May 21st. If any of our correspondents are in need of envelopes or paper, they will confer a favor by letting us hear from them. Counsel. -"Theo you think he struck you with malice aforethought ?',' Witness. - °'You can't mix me up like that. I've told you twice he bit me withia brick," May 19 is the next date set down by ad ventists for the world I° dissolve. Subscribe for THE Tines and you can have it sent to any address after that time, On Friday night and Sat,urday morning snow fell to the depth of about two inches, and in consequence the roads were muddy all day Sunday and Monday. A summary of the new Franchise Act will be found on the 6th page of this issue. It will be of interest to those of our readers who are nct acquainted with it. The incumbent of Christ Church is giving an exhaustive exposition in a series of ser- mons on the Lord's Prayer. The introduc- tion has occupied three discourses. A number of farmers in the surrounding townships have completed -seeding. This would not be considered early in an ordinary year, but it does seem early for this season. Digury Braund intends holding an auction ed eucoess intim good work. The resolu- tions were all carried unanimously. The meeting throughout was moat harmonious, and financial matters were satisfactorily ar- ranged. ROUND THE COUNTRY. Anderson, Seeding is about completed in this neighborhood. For the last two weeks, Mr. Jae. 33. Atkinson, of the 3rd line, has been confined to the house with rlieuma- tiem. He alae bleu unable to move without aid, We hope he may n soon be able to get around again. Mr. John Anderson has undertak- h en to drill a company of young men h in military movements two hours ev• ery Saturday evening during the sum- a mer mouths. The boys ure ver apt a at learning, and are anxious to go to the fr.)nt for active service. We regret to have to chronicle this week the demise of albs. John M . Robinson, whose happy spirit passed m peacefully away on Sunday afternoon B last. She was in the 53rd year of h her age, and up to within two years of her (lentil hardly knew what it'was to be silk, but during the last two years she suffered severely, and bore her affliction with remarkable resig- nation and Christian fortitude, never for a moment complaining. Demo.ed was .a very kind neighbor, and was esteemed by all and hated by none. She was one of those kind. tender- hearted women who never allow any one to want or suffer if it is iu her power to minister unto diem. She will be sadly missed in the com- munity and especially by her own family, who have the deep-felt eym pathy of the people in the commun- ity in their sad bereavement, but they have the consolation of knowing that She has gone to be forever with the ten throuit was held in the Mettle- sister 'tear the knees. She suffered dist Church here on Suuday, the 3rd most intense agony, and died from Inst. Never before on a similar oc- the shook at o'clock on Tuesday rasion had so many people assembled morning. within the walls of the old church. A bad accident, which might have The pulpit was occupied by Rev. Dr. Carman, the subject of whose dis- course was "Entire Consecration". The Rev. gentleman also preached in the evening on the subject of "Eer- footing Holiness". His visit horn will long be remembered. On Thursday last Mr. Pollock, a farm hand in the employ of Mr. Jas. Hazlewood, 4th line Blaushard, had akWarrow escape from death. He h and Mr. Ws bull to Iiirktou to have im weighed, and wheu returning oats, was fiercely attacked by the nimai, who would have made short ork of him had not Mr. Marshall nd son, who were at the time only a few rods -distant, Hastened to his res- and was struck by the locomotive of ue With clubs and a dog they silo- a train, the wheels passing over his eeded in driving the infuriated ani- right leg and severely mangling his al off, but not before the unfortun- left leg. A. terrible wound was inflict. to man had been severely injured. ed on hid head, the skull being oth his arms were disabled, one of smashed in. He only survived a few is scalar bones having been broken, hours. other evening 3...J 1'enneylvapuie is getting the unovieble reputation for the Cale with wliich divoraea can be obtaiued in its courts. On Saturday lest 28 motions were au the list of the different aourls of tris city for dearose of divorce. The divorce laws 0f the State for the purpose of breaking their Marriage relations and eocourage suits for divorce in the State, which, were the lava more etriogout, would never be heard of. .. The judges are disgusted at the state of affairs, which they aro powerless to remedy. Tbot3aivation. Army turned out in full force last Saturday eveniug, and after parading Durham Street twice they indulged in knee drill on the corner of Jackson itud Durham streets, The ubiquitous small boy of course was there wftha pair of lungs which he was not aware he was possessed of, Quite a crowd had turned out to seer the band, as a oonaequenee, up- on the stopping of the Army, the street was blocked. Chief Moffat promptly arrested the chivalrous Cap. aiu and gallant Lieut., but neither hey or the Army, were dismayed and marohed under the leadership of- heir fheir new commandant with as much noise aid music as heretofore. Up- on reaching the office of the Y. M., the Chief hustled the Captain and Lieut. n, and the leaderless and bereaved Army wended their lonely way down he street, in vain trying to keep up heir courage by singing, but he at- ompts were all failures and they bur- ied to their barracks. The P. M. aid he would not take the case and hat the Chief had better lay his corn - faint before the Mayor. The met- er was brought by the Chief before His Worship. No fine was imposed, ut the Army were forbidden to have nee drill on the streets, and were in- formed that the Market Square was t their disposal, --Walkerton ''Brune Herald." Mr. Gilbert Holt, met with a fatal ocident on the 2nd line of Adelaide n the 25th ult. He was attempting o urge his horses past a small pile of rush, when one of the animals prov, d restive and kinked him in the re - ion of the stomach. The injuries ere of the most serious character,. and resulted in his death on the fol- lowing Wednesday. Mr. Holt was. the son of Captain Holt, and untit lately resided in Sombre.' He wan much respected by all who knew hitn, and his untimely death is greatly la- mented. He leaves a wife and one child. • The funeral kelt place at. Straathroy, proved fatal, happened to Master Harry Fisher, sou of J.. P. Fisher, t Auburn. While out fora drive on Saturday last, Mr. Fisher took °coa- sion to get out of the buggy, leaving the boy in holding .the lines. The i horse took fright °and ran away, upsetting the buggy, throwing the t boy to the ground and dragged the t vehicle over him, cutting him severe- t ly about the head and face. An accident, which resulted fatally, occurred on the N. & N. W. R. R. track at Hamilton, early Saturday morning. ]lir. Wm. McKee, moulder t at R. M. Wanner & Co.'s, while intoxicated, wandered on to the track b k a and he also sustained severe internal injuries. ' Had he had a proper ap- pliance for leading the animal the affair would not have occurred. The recklessuese with which a great many owners of such animals Handle them cannot be too highly condemned. Canadian. Lt.—Gov. Masson prorogued Quebec Legislature on Saturday afternoon. P. Blumensteil, of Hamilton, accidentally shot himself in the groin Saturday Sir Leonard Tilley continues to im- prove, and took . his ' seat in the House this week. 'The Montreal Garrison Artillery -• have received ordersto start for the orth•weet Monday such as Pins, Salts, de•, when you call get A few days ago Frank Kinnard left Blenheim to do some carpenter work at Charing Cross, next morning he stood on a barrel to raise the frame of an archway, consisting of three planks, and length of the house, when by so doing he overbalanced himself and fell, the frame striking him on the lfreast and, rebounding agaiu, striking him ou the temple. Death was instantaneous. tale never spoke and hardly breathed after receiving the second' blow. He was a Council• for of No. 2 Ward in this town, au d highly respected. He leaves a wife and smell family. Lord. The remains were interred is N the St. Marys cemetery on Wednes- sale ou the 22nd of May when he will offer day,and were followed to their last for sale a lot of wagons, buggies, etc. Par- / resting. place by'a" large number of In ti;alars may be seen in another column. sorrowing relatives and friends. by Don't use a annylmore nauseous purgatives w in Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, a medicin e The Bev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon, that movea'the bowels gently, cleansing all, d., says : "Both myself and wife owe nro impurities from the system, and rendering es to Shiloh,s Consumption Cure. Sold the blood pure and cool. Sold by all Drug - J, W. Browning. gists. a 0 t b e .g w Scott's Emulsion or mare cod Liver On, with Hypophosphitee, For Rheumatism, Scrofula and Anaemia.` As these diseases aro all the result of an impoverished condition of the blood, nothing - will buildup the system and enrich and vi- talize the blood, and assist nature to over- come this condition so gnickly. as Scott's Emulsion.