The Exeter Times, 1885-5-14, Page 3• An Eastern Fakir. It occurred near Lommoek in the East. I was young then, and was traveling around the country with the idea in my head that the oiliiceof Amer- icans was to teach the world, and as tl consequence I often got left, On this occasion I went ashore to spend the night at a native village four or five miles inland, where it was reported that a famous juggler lived. We were a jolly party, all beside myself being sailors, and having a hard time riding the native ponies; but, after a few cap- sizes, we reined up at the fakir's, and made up a purse of about two dollars, without which not much could be done. Some of his tricks beat anything 1 ever saw. He was a tall, thin, olive -hued fellow with long black hair tied up with a string. Ile was extremely reticent, and during the performance neither spoke nor smiled. The first thing was to ar- range the party around him in a circle of about thirty in diameter, and we were so close together that no one could pass out without our knowing it. Toprovent such a possibility he gave us a cord to bold. This being One, he and a smaller native with a bundle of wood took their places in the . center. This young man arranged the wood in a pile and lighted it, and when it blazed up the alder man seized lain, threw him upon the flames and held him down. Immediately there arose a dense, suffocating smoke that seemed a mixture of flash and sandalwood. It rose above their heads andspreadabout until it completely hid them, and from it came such groans and cries that sev- eral of the men cried out that we had better take a hand, as the boy was be- ing murdered. But I reminded them khat it was only a trick, no matter how realistic. We waited perhaps five min - rtes when the yells ceased and the . ioke gradually cleared away, and •hero stood the old fakir alone, the young nran having, to all intents and purposes, been burned. Ile was scoop- ing coo - in something from the fire, evidently asks, into a flask which was handed to us and passed round—the cremated re- mains of the assistant "But," interrupted a gentleman at the foot of the table, "didn't he slip out in the smoke?" There was no place to go to, as we were in a clearing away from trees or bushes, But the most unaccountable part is yet to come. "After psssin the flask around he took it back and placed it in the center of the circle, and putting some wood under it, lighted it, Almost immediately the flask began to (row before our eyes; the fire blazed, and a rich odor of sandalwood floated about, and in ten minutes the flask had expanded until it was the size of a lar a keg. The lire was then put out, and we were beckoned to come near and examine. I touched it, and it seemed a. jar of earth made of plaster or mud; it had a ringing sound, as I :;truck it with my seal rine, and to the band it was hot. After looking it over we returned to our place:. The old fakir then took a hammer, waved his hands in the air, uttering some mystic . words, and hit the vessel a hard blow which broke it inpieces, when out step- ped the boy we had seen—or thought. we had seen—cremated as bright as you please. I should be ;lad to see the trick exposed, but have never seen any one who could explain it satisfactorily. Some aver that the old fakir concealed the young man about his own person; ``- but that was simply impossible, as I felt of the fakir myself, and he had nothing on but a shirt, open behind, and a pair of trousers." GLEANINGS. A stove foundry of Chattanooga, Tenn., is turning out seventy stoves a day. It is estimated that 4,000,000 straw- berry plants were set in West 'Tennes- see this spring. A man in North Tisbury. Mass., says he has recently drawn up eighty-nine snakes from his well. Boys at the forks of Coca River, in Oregon, receive $1 for each crane killed in that neighborhood. The Pennsylvania Medical Society have admittd women to membership and indorsed vivisection. Jews have been so persecuted in Limerick, Ireland, lately that numbers of them have left the city. It has been found out that Bartholdf has made an idealized portrait of his mother,in the figure of Liberty. Of the 1,288 who graduated from Middleburg College since 1800, 619 are still living, and 509 became clergymen. Political arrests continue daily in Russia, and the question of new and larger jails will soon Dome up for seri- ous consideration. Thousands of pailited sparrows are sold in London for canaries, and the fraud is seldom detected until the new feathers begin to sprout. There are over 700 light -houses and 15 floating light stations on American ' . coasts and rivers, supported by a ,9 yearly cost of $1,889,000. De Voe, the New Jersey weather seer, says we are to have cold weather in July, •soled .very.. hot weather in August', and a long, mild Fall. Mr. Whistler admits that it took him only twenty minutes to make some of the drawings recently sold at from twenty to eighty guinea§ each. Governor Stanford and Remi Nadeau. of Los Angeles, aro rivals in the vine- yard ine-yard. business. Nadeau is now 1,000,000 vines ahead, having 3,000,000 in all. A Cincinnati paper says: "There is ono square on North Fourteenth street, in Richmond, Ind.,where reside twenty- one young ladies of marriageable age The Boston Watchman says that within the last nine years nearly 800 churches have been burned in America, mostly through defective heating appa- ratus. Nome De Plaine of the Stage. Here is a list I made out the other day, during an odd hour, just for my amusement. It gives first the name under which the artist is generally known and after that the real name. You see, here it is: Miss Rose Eytinge, really Mrs. G. H. Butler. Miss Rosa Temple, really Mrs. Jones. Miss Clara Morris is Mrs, Harriott. Miss Kate Claxton is, or was before her divorce, Mrs, Dore Lyon. Mrs. F. S. Chanfraifs maiden name was Henrietta Baker. Pauline Markham's maiden name was Margarotte Hall; she afterward be- came Mrs. McMahon. Adelaide Neilson was Mrs. Leo. Ilma Di Murska has six real names, for she married five times, No, 5 being a Mr, Hill. Mlle. Pauline Lucca, really Baroness. Von Walhofen. Miss Leona Dare, known at home as. Miss Bridget McCarthy. Henri Laurent, tenor in comic op- eras, is the assumed name of Henry L. Gisling Oliver Doud Byron, recently per- forming at the Howard in this city, has transposed his name from Oliver B. Dond, Miss Marie Wainwright bore the un- pleasant-soundin g name of Mrs. Slaugh- ter. Miss Kitty Blanchard, as she once was called, is now known under her real name of Mrs, McKee Rankin. Buffalo Bill is the lion. William F. Cody. Texas Jack was John Omohun- dro, Wild Bill was William Hickok. Mile, Christine Nilsson bore the real name of Mrs, Rozaud.. Mlle. Jenny Lind. bore the real name of Mrs. Goldsmith, Alice Oates' maiden name was Alice Merit. Mlle. Marie Roza is Mrs. Henry Mapleson, son of Col. Mapleson the manager. Miss Maud Branscomho, really Mrs. Stuart. Miss Emily Melville had as her maid- n name Miss Emily Jones. She after- ward became Mrs. Derby. Melville was her mother's maiden name. Lydia Thompson, really Mrs. Alex Henderson. Miss Ada Gray is Mrs. Charles Wat- kins. Gen, Tom Thumb was Mr. Charles Stratton. Mrs. William Anderson was Miss Euphemia Jefferson, eldest daughter of Joseph Jefferson, Sr. Mrs. Daniel E. Bantlman's maiden name was Miss Alice Herschel. Mrs, Lawrence Barrett's maiden name was Mary F. Mayer. M. Blondin, the rope -walker, had as his real name Emile Gravclet. Mrs. George C. Boniface's maiden name was Miss Hofferning. Agnes Booth's maiden name was Marian Agnes Land Rookos; she be- came Mrs. Perry, the second wife of Harry Perry, and afterward Mrs. Booth, the third wife of J. B. Booth, Jr. George N. Christy was George Har- rington. Mrs. Edward L. Davenport's maiden name was Fanny Vining. Matilda. Heron was Mrs, Robert Stoepel (divorced). Laura Keene'smaiden name was Lee; she married a Mr. Taylor. Mrs. Charles Kemble's maiden name was Miss Do Camp. Olive Logan is Mrs. Wirt Sykes. Fanny af'orant is Mrs. Charles Smith. Rachel, the great tragedienne, was the contracted stage name of Elizabeth Rachel Felix. Sebastian (the circus rider) born the full name of Sebastian Valcihlora.. Mrs. Jenny Van Zandt's maiden name was Jenny Blitz. Mrs. Frank Lawlor was, before mar- riage, Josie Mansfield. Lemma Nevada, the talented 3 oung singer, is the daughter of Dr. Wixom. She assumed the name "Nevada" from the State, as Albani assumed her name from the city of Albany, N. Y. J. E. Hall, of Marietta, Ohio, ninety„ one years old, is said to have built the first wharf on the Ohio river, and his son is married to a granddaughter of Martha Washington. TEST TOUR BAKING POWDER TO -DAY! 1 Brand. advcrtlsett as absolutely pure corraacrtr amc»4So>;w=.sa. , THE TEST: Place a can top down on a hot stove until heated.then. remove the cover and melt. A chemist .ill not be rete quuvd 4u deteott the preseuoo of ammoniw TTHIS OUT and return to u4 with 10c nr 4 3c stamps, and you'll get by return mail a Bolden Box of Goods that will bring you in more money than anything else in America. You: fortune if you start quiet. CITY NOVELFY CO., Yarmouth, N.S. IIORTHERN PCIFI NR. R. LANDS In Ahnnesotr. North Dakota; Mon- tana, Naha, on-tana,tdaha, Washington and Oregon. From Luke Superior to Puget tltoan.l,• At prices ranging chiefly from $2 to $6 per acre. an 6 to 10 years time ihis is the Best Country o securtlig Good Homes now open for settlement. i1 a 2k3 ,t5. ewbf Gov . rn1(►ellt r K' t* .,111'{, I'th 1l e(1ttITht Last e. NOTiC' tore 11 –1er,itf8'4ltn Aert s 'Ur! ilU1IE;• TIIA: -. HALF of all the Ihthlle Lands disposed of in 11H:i; were in the Northern Pacific country. Rooker mud May sent FREE describing the Northern Pett ittie Conntry,tire Itdllnond i u}I+ for Sate and titcFREEGoeerliment I n 1-, Address, CHAR. It. LAMBORN, Land Coin'r, N. 1•. R. It., 5t, hunt Nine,: TENNENT is TENN•ENT ' Veteri- nary Surgeons, Gradustee of the Ontario Veterinary. College, Torou- ened an 'office tmeut of all Anirxials, o n I �r etls from a dis- tnncepronpy attended to: Medicine for 13orsee,Cattle, So. alwaye on hand: Lovely N ew Style all Chrotno Cards,with name and a prize, for 10c. 12 packs, 12 (lames, for 81. A 'sample pack and ag- ent's outfit with illustrated catalogue of 'Pricks, and Novelties, fur Se stam), and this slip. A. W. KINNEY, Yarmouth, N, S. torthe tree. Domestic Main street DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. 115 REALrurru ESS RAS NEVER IBES .grrS'rieatts, In nonillion homes for a quatter of a century It bay stood the consumers, reliable teat, THE TEST OF THE OVEN. PRICE BAKJMG PQ'WDER CO., XAKL.rt ei Or. paces SAcciai P1aYortaa Extract; raa.at,w.td,ndoes*ad aµvr.t.a,.rk+.ws, d lir Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems or Light, Healthy Bread, The Beit Ary flop Yeast in the world. FOR SA! -E PY GROCERS. CHICAGO. O 1T. LOUIS. 1i9RICE, HORSEMEN, SpEClAI. IMOMMOI ARNICA and OIL LENT CURES ALL Pains and Adder, AND iS THE Mc;QSr PERFECT raila MIMIin tro MILD SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. PIKE, 25 AND SO C51NTS PLII BOTTLE. MANHOOD How Lost, How Restosed. N eTtubtFtSIilt.CJLlERW L,'&CE1IBRAT1dSA.1. ,itneouspetgdtlw'udelofhervDbillfennandphye l /Incapacity impedimenta to Slat -ridge. ete.,re.r. suiting from excesses. Price. in sealedenvelope,only Scents, or two; postanestamps. , eireheasseoleariyticutopaotrate trona, thirty is yeaarsba Qom j, fuIpraotioa, that alaraoiagooneequeuceemay ber rad toallyeureCwithout the den w crouse et its. tornalmedfolnesorIhetuns of the kplie; Point•I ant era. ode otouro at oneeeitn,gecertainalta ef- fectual,bymeansofwhiclievery a wfferer,fnenlat,I ter whatlliscomdttionma be.may cnrokiulself! chlaply,privatelvand radically. 1="Citi ter turesbcmltibe in the handcof every youthandevery rennin the laud. Address t THE CULVIiaRWEI.L MEDIUAL•Co ii .'.NN Sr..NEW YOitl Pont Office Rex 440 tMvoRI EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Vanilla, Lemoand treeeeet n. Grange, Natural Fruit Flamm. flavor as delleatelyand naurally as Lbo fruit, PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. air rOpli. for working people. `4erd P.1 cents li 1.).1t!' oatngc, ancctvo wiltonal �'av free, a roto+1, vnhrtlhle eant;tle box et goa•la flint 11110:; il pIt:. t you eft ilea tray otllakiwg 110)0 )111110' SO a few days than you ever thought poesi- beo at any business. Capital not required. You can live at home and work spare time only or all the time. All of both sexes of all ages grandly successful..,() cents to 0:1 easily earned every evening. That ail who want work may teat the business, we make this unparalleled offer: To all who are not well satisfied we will sand tr1 to pm for the ttoubie of writing us. bull patticulttr*,dlreetionI. tic. sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure for all who start at ouos, Don't delay. Addrena STix.soN & Co..POI tlau(1.1li ane. iter- - ':.i; .l1meTeo't • 11 Irl :n.- ,•,1 t:t-top(t•raol ..• 0 c,.,. ri• :t, It ttlhtr i:,;: •. s0' 1t:ii'velit �� ...." 11 . EXETER, ONT. yrs REMEMBER TIP Timmer Office Ilan+ the Largest and '- QST ASSORTBi STOCK OF ROBE CMTS IN CANADA. If you do not receive spe- cimens, Call at the office and see therm. Bilis printed cheap and 9 gllicl�ly on our Steam Press, Estimates given on applica- tion for Cards, Posters, &c. TIMES STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. Buster &Eggsi WANTED. J. Matheson Has opened out in 8ac11's, Old Stand. (2 Doo:,. north of Post Ofliee) t Just received a splendid assortment of Spring Goods, which we *i11 sell at very close prices- Splendid value in Cashmeres, Velveteens, Grey, Scarlet Canton and Home- made Flannels. A nice lot of Table Napkins and Covers, Splendid Wineey, Grey and White Cottons very cheap. Tweed nud Ready Made Clothing very cher,,. A GOOD SUIT for $5. GROCERIES.—We sell 4Ibs Tea for 51 ; 75 cent Ten for 85 cents, Sugars as ]ow as the lowest. BOOTS & SHOES.—Wo have added some new lines and are prepared to sell the Lest goods at close prices. A Howse and Lot for sale or Rent. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. ZQRXOH3 ROLLER : MILLS ! These mills are now completed with all the; beet and very latest improved machin- ery for the manufacture of. Flour on the • Roller Process THE HILL IS NOW RUNNING NIGHT AND DAY, and we ar prepared to do TENDERS. OEALF.D TENDERS, marked "For Mounted 61 Police Provisions and Light Supplies" and addressed to the Hon. the President of the Privy Council, Ottawa, wali bo received up to noon on Thursday,i4th May, 1885. Printed fortes of tender containing full in- formation as to the articles and quantities re- quired may bo bad on application at Fort Os- bo:no.Winnipeg, atany of the Mounted Police Posts iti the North West, or at tho office of tho undersigned. No tender will be received unless made on such printed forms, Tho lowest or say tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Each tender most be accompaniedby an accepted Canadian Bank cheque for an amount equal to 10 per cont. of the total value of the articles tendered fer, which will be forfeited if the party making the tender declines to en. ter into a contract when called upon to do so. or if he fails to complete the service contracted for, If the tender be not aoeeptod the cheque will be returned. No payment will be made;to newspapers in- serting this advertisement without authority haying been first obtained. ERED WHITE, Comptroller, Ottawa, March Gth,1885, Exeter Butcher Shop R. DAVIS, Butcher it General Dealer -IN f.LL KINDS OT' - 1./1 I M 1.A.1'111 S Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. : . in presents given awe?/. Sendus 5 cents postage and bymail yes will get free a package of goods of large value, that will ,tart you in work that will at once bring you in money faster, than anything else In America. All about the 5200,- oaa hhbux. A ants wanted 000 in presante witg n ` everywhere, of either• sex, of all egos, for alt Gristing Chopping on Sze? t. )t Nauss a the time, or spare time only, eo work oat at tueirown homes. Fortunes for all workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. H. HALLETT • .4 Co., Portland .Maine. Also Flour and Feed for sale as--nssoLVROEs OR Cheap as the Cheapest. 1iIVORCES peaons resTiE dingrilvtlxoroRueLS t Fthe United States and Canada for desertion, non - MINES & WILLIAS, etc. Advicempe, Stateyourcaee and ono, Advice free, State your case and address ATTORNEY HARD, World Building, 1267 Proprietors. Broadway, New York. { A MAavELus STORY TOLD 1* TNG =MIL FROM THE SON ' sem> . "Gentlemen: '.sly father resides at Glover, 1"t. lie bo,,s been a great sufferer from Sorof. ilia, and the inclosed letter will telt you what a merveloua dicot Ayer's Sarsaparilla has had in bis case. I think his blood roust flare contained the humor for at least ten years; but it did not show, except in the form of a *Nsrofulous sore on the wrist, nom about Oro years ago, From a few spots which ap- peared at filet time, it gradually spread so as to corer his entire body. I assure you he was terribly afflicted, and aft object of pity, who* he began using your medicine,. Now, there are few men df his age whit enjoy as good health as he has. I could easily name fifty persons rrbo would testify to Use facts h1 has cue. er tp Youretrtdy, W. M. m'" ea. FROM THE FATHER: ;L="31'°*"..,1 a duty for me to state to you the benefit I hare derived from the use of Ayers Sarsaparilla. 21{:laoutbasgolwaseotapletelyoo wend wit* it terrible humor and scrofulous serar, The humor caused an tno is*nt sad intolerable itching, And the skies cracked so as to cause the blood to slow in waxy glue' whenever I Mored. Afyssfferings were rarest, and any life a bandeau. I Qom n meed the nae at the S AA$Ai'ARILLA. in April last, And helve used tt regularly since that Woo, llfy condition began to improve as nue, The sore* hare an hrr 15.1. as.d. 1 f . t i perfectly well in every • o• =1+t r:2" r.^-- u:40 to do a 0.4 def. •vr' . n". ,',,, :, sof rge. Many i:• u:ro ▪ • a c':r ba O2 ., o. and L it.;, 5y t • .t -- G - .r, At., Oct. r c rt lr. lifitltA( J'uli4111." ATra's .4,. • _.•••.b:.A. euros Scrofula surd all y...-:.:'.aA Coump:Tints. I:rSa1p. OA*, Ls. "gas, Eingsroese, n1;6c11ca, Some, Dolls, Tumors, and Erul:tions at the sun. It e;exrs tie blood of all imps. ritfe., aids dtgeetioa, stimulates the Action eft the bowels, sad thus restore* T1tality send strengthens the whole system.. PRitTAEED IIT Dr.J.O.Ayer4Go., t awatl,Masi. Sold by all Druggists; /1, 14/ bottled tor>10. X 3 2 O OWNS' tLtXi1 Y. H. DO IFI ! VZOLT. t3S„^, =LIE; ELIXI Has attonl l.e^ :`fit fir l'{t% c, Ii'. 1i EAI:`*, 0:155 141.411ruvIel 11 1;4 k remedy 1:;,nu:, f,r t44 ,s:re • Consumption, 0ou--,11:7, Coids,Whoopin-, C .L; •": and all Lunt Diaoz;-,€a;,, young or old. ., Price 25c. a a $i. C3 per Za.•,:., UOWivS' ELIXIR tr+rerssu,..-, P. z'REI MAN'S WORM POWDERS. Are pleasant to take. Contain their owtt Purgative. Is a snfe, sure, and a comet dintroyer of worms in ChildrenorAdultk WANTED- TUNISON'S New & Superior Canada Maps & Charts. . As paying as any agency in the world. For full particulars, free,address,H. C. TUNISOIY Map Publisher 888 Richmond•st„London. Ont. Established 1871. G• W. SHALLCROSS&E CO.- NEW YORK, Fills orders, sells on Commission, ur will pur- chase Apples, Potatoes and Poultry. Write. u6. THE EXETER Planing MiH! SASH, DOOR, and BLIND !aC!OT! ALL 1KINDS OF TURNING Done to order. CI Remembei the place. DQer .( o'ward. STATION -ST.