The Exeter Times, 1885-5-14, Page 11 MINIMA "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE OHIPS FALL WHERE THEY AfA3f." Vol. XII,, No. 34 FX.61TE1 , ONT., TEUBSDA.Y' MORNING, MAN 14, 1885. 'oR Canned Goods, Fresh Groceries, Fresh Haddies, Fresh berries, Fresh Oysters, Orauges and. Lennons, Cgro To G. A- I Y TDM.&N's. >a',dNSON'S Agate for Thodby's B. * c food, Only lOc. per lb., or $8 per cwt, CHEEKY"" RUSSIAN PROPOSAL, keg o, powder remained, The bulleiee ,early mentlsued, newel% T Moore, yr- BIEL'q FORCE. MORE PIGILVIYG. Wm- Bruce, lately a prisoner of A courier from Middieton's camp Viet but who escaped au Tuesday, - � °ray.- p y last night et►y* fightirr!g Ilia beet~ go• -1 The Aran mmea Subluittej, to. € ee brought iu by scants. Biel"ir ing on ,Niece Saturday morning and SoliN 'MUTE SON Pot tsli anti opt eter 1 TAE AFGHAN FRotum ,- Oro°, . e eve, Wait a, little over four was commencing for the third day r'' l 1.05ala' *'Dt' Approval. 'other bide of the river when he left. Up to. that time two of our treepa had THE DEFENCE OF INDIA. aQ also t+aXB that t ,•. wag served out to the rebel% only nae *ides Phillipe of ""A"" B tt l buudred, half of whom were on the when he left at six llfondey morning, I3I.00K h t When amwuutthon been killed end sixteen wounded Be a +fry, a - , ai area rte scarce, The women and of No. 3 Company, Grenadiers, 'i o- 1'gGAIr- children had been aettt to the other route, was killed alt &lofty Tright Landon may 12,111 thelieuf _ - i ANOTHER BA,TTL: U. DIOESON, Bsrristar, Soli r altar of Hamate . °titin.Notary Pubsic Cot�vey8noar, (kuti lasiontr, #e. Wear to Loan. Oda*tR Oa nson`a Block, Rze0er. IoFADDEN, • Banister, Stator, Jeuveyamter, FXN1'BRR. • ONT. Glace Pantwan's Block (Hairs old {Moe } DENTAL. LASTfNG-;. AWHO.t E DAY, s a o .the river. The primitive era MORE FASUALTIRe. Lorne Ear! Get eala corrected his rc 80 0. '1411%1B o far aa he knew. Beerdy if Fighting, which Rae mauled statement concerning the Afgha d ' l with Rio, b ut has boon sent for, Biel e.hont 7 p. m. of the first day, result. puts, and veld the agreement reach. Dumont and utlhor leader, ars lu ed in two caeuattiee, Priveto A. 0. ed between himself, Earl Kimberly, to s aqua , Wheeler, of the 30th Bettatiou, re- DeStaal at,d Lesser, respecting the carved a slight flesh wound in she)1 Afghan boundary, was not c •,npleted %"molder. Italph B3etou, of the semo t to Loudon, but had been put in ehape Battalion, WAR shat in tate hand. fur ,r tbm 8eion to Ituwrin for accept - RETIRED F,7R THE NIORT, ane@. I REBELS OWED DOWN R r CAMPED at �1 lit l:. cite LOS1 KILLED aim WOUNDED. Six o'clock P. In. -Boulton'« Koreas REBEL LOSS NOT KNOWN, have }roue hank to our corral to bring up all wageoe and *uppliea. We Middleton'8 force attacked Reit •awl ',camp hero to*slight, General Middle-Relede,. raterflrieg a parting vol 11 VIE fie -- — flF cauatONaa. t11e army ot Bateacho, Saturday merry.. tau being deteriztwed to hold the pest- ley, lett for place of anihnelh. The Jur, Gladstone elated that the ing" The force left oarep. Glarke e E tion troops also retired to camp far the' reemeut reached by Berl Grenville morning aud marched T miles to Ba- R Capt. Young line just climbed ou oY ar,NnaY MORNING, " touahe without seeing or hearing any the roast of the ahurcli and descried a • at six o'civck fighting � and e Y . e• thing of the extol". The morning r body of India * a the level near the ` and tont up with vigor all day. Steal to. St. Pet, rsburg for approval. a ag• Crossing at fi o'clock Saturday ° mien SCATTERED. night Earl limberly. l3arot , } Ube A athd. I11, I,eaSer respecting the Afgbau LT 3i~I�ifi AN',I7tla ,DENTIST. ill. D.S . • was regained boundsrp hat; boon forty l d b ,0 whin bright and warm. Suddenly river bank, abouta mile away, Thi „ UeStaAi and 1 r �..+ar h+rtl not, Glad- . ATTACNIN i Turk; RIFLi; FITS, ed tPe l'oai there Caine tt 'mum' Of the a1eteuler's eai�Yt,i 1 Battery e ttefi6t arela�r�llcdirectedSkiriniohere of the 90th Battalion. aloha *a ,i, acted aK ltu,astau 1?lens• e'dicaAlook., wattle. blowing catitjauausly. As tee pwere sent out Saudey morning to at-- poteutierie. in the u.r"fareuce +xlliall Teeth xdrew nearer we heard the Pound at suel18. scattering them hus3edtatoly, tack the rifle pile. „jilt whet rewtttt rt:h;ulted su tthe Ogres wenn, +tad De. out pato. heavy TL.e firiug has new entirely mead, wee not lAbeertaiued when the courier Steal desired to here it elated that MIRO ON OUR ki(0NT in the direction of the river. Our line yfFIa1CAI. of march was as follows : .First. - Boulton's Scouts, accompanied by the rill. flYND .iAN. -•• wont o FOR!, Gatling gun ; the Royal Grenadiers the t:ouutyall[araq. adtce. opposite to . farmed the advance guard, with ""A" stele,^.arttat•a.tararrxeter BMlow ; the OOIh Batt. supported PTW. BROWNING. M. U., 311. C,� thews with the Winnipeg Field Bat. . r.s,rlradttatelir'toriar'ulrerttity• 011ie tory and the detachment of the Mid- Lnaresideflee,Dominioni.aboratoiv.Exeter. landllattalion to the reservo. Di. 1 recily firing was beard we ylI. J. A. ROLLI ti S, ?1 I. O. F. S dd FIRED d slatr"tL, R. Office, Main St.Rxeter,Ont. Residence l +h.,uaerecentivoccupied by V. alcPh,IUpa,Feg. The guns ou the eteatner replied. The scouts And tho (telling then C(� LUT Z, M. D. pushed rapidly ahead and cave upon e Odicent iia residence Exeter. ' the two house° near the bank of the �R. IRVING, GRADUATE UNI Therndvaued party of which here is he rebels were VE:It3ITY 1'riutty(ohioglIco,berCotleues aaysicians 1, nil strrcoonr On ..r moesirkton ( mo. bete. _ THEY FIRED AND RETREATED f 1IPOIITAN t',tul'if`F.S. v, l behind a house towards a hollow. The Galling was brought to bear upon them when the ran in a btuae near +�1. tIoneerfo Hay, Stephen and Mcd(iilivra y l tb, ° Church of St Laureut, which was Townships, sates conducted atmoderate rates.)also fired on by the Gatling, when Utero -At Pest•Ake.Crediton, (int. t the rau out into the bush. "A." y !Battery by this time came up with a ONEY TO LOAN ON R �'AL ES.' rush and got into poeitiun, sending tate Lottie Huron & Erit Loan t Savings SEVERAL MULLS Arran THE REBELS. �3oioty. Lotiv ratosof lntorosi. A) 1ytO Tabu , `�taackman,Elxetor. 1 The Royal Grenadiers then duelled XT J. CLARK, Agent for the Us. • � >auy,neand Re Residence -Farquhar. quhar.j Orders l v tuailpromptl, attended to. Tt iiONEY TO LOAN AT 6i AND 7 -� per cont. according to terms. Private Funds. Apply to r)etobol'ia','80 B. V.ELLIOT, Solicitor. nieter into action and deployed into line, continuing to advance in skirmishing order till the church was reached, when a priest came out of the house waving a white flag. Gen. Middleton Another snell tears the ruaf •off the and staff advanced and shook hands, house beyond. As the despatches whet three other priests and five leave scattered firing is going ou. Sisters of Charity came out. A num We expeot to ber of half breed children were also � CLEAR OUT THE REBELS FATHER MONLIN the boat later. informed me that the steamer arrived ata point a little above Batoobe at 5:80 a. m. The rebels immediately commenced firing ou it from both banks. It was shortly after stuck in a mud bank, but swung clear again, and just before our arrival passed the Crossing. He also said the rebels had six killed and twelve wounded at Fish Creek. THE NORTHCOTE. We only just got a glimpse of the steamer down the river. She must ` who' escaped from Riel's came, came havb had a hard fire. The smolce• into our lines on Friday.- He gives the strength of Riel's force entrench- ed at Batoche as five hundred armed men, and that they have resolved to fight to the bitter end. Riel has beiug pushed forward down the de proclaimed himself a prophet. The olivity towards Batouche's, now plain- half-breeds, should. Riel attempt to ly visible iu the valley below. Hare /desert them, would shoot him. "A" Battery unlimbered on top of a DUMONT'S HfUSE BURNED. ridge, sending shells into them, and! Gabriel Dumont'a house, near the whilst doing so were I camp was burned on Friday be order AL(108C SURPRISED of Gen. Middleton. by a number of rebels who crept up Winnipeg, May 12.- Telegrephio through the bush and were not die. covetedtill 20 yards distant, when they made a rush for our guns,, firing and yelling as they ran. CAPT. HOWARD'S DARING DEED. Captain Howard saw the danger. and with cool daring ran his gun a couple of yards iu front of the Bat- Clarae's Crossing, N. W. T., May tory, and opening a fire, literally 12. -The line has been down east of mowed the rebels down. Those re. Humboldt since Sunday. The steam• mining Wined, and ran for it, reach- er Minnow arrived on Monday from ing the shelter of the Crush. They Swift Current with supplies and mails opened fire again and Howard oscap- for tbo troops. The Minnow took 10 ed from injury ; his escape was days making the trip. Two oompan• SOMETHING MARVELLOUS, fes of tine Midland Battalion, under the bullets flying around him. He command of Midland Bonnyeastle and Winslow, left here this morning for the front, order,. having arrived to that effect twit night. but may be roamed at any moment.;! l6ft. private Kemp. of the gout Bat. Granville. Kimberly. Lesser and hire- zila aaaucot+�ts.ived lotion, however. way brought in. with self had agreed tr the draft of the ar- No now° etas been ra receFtram' a wore wound to the not eye. and rangemant, and edea he Lad forwarded I the steamer Northcote, but *ire keeps , private Ericksuu, of the same Ratti- 'it to I'.0*via, giving itahie :It:part. heir r whIatle, hence it is con - lion, with a fleets wound in site arta eluded that Kia is *afo. Ti*e sound comes front two or three miles down near the shoulder. anal ataha tram St. , Petersburg, MANY REBELS ii.ir.I.Ela. ,,surmised to cautaiu 'Weenie accept. the river. The latest despatch from the trent "Ce of the convention, was received • auuouuoes teat >;enere - Rrin>r a (ley the 'rened;era. Granville had so interview immedi. formed a zareha of transport wal;ous "A" Battery men and Boulton'° and kept; op a dssultory fere all day ! MOS. scaata, who constituted the advance upon the rebels liilliag a great num htriFFYCE of INDIA. ADMIRABLE b11UUAtrotR 01 Tun' TR0011 1 (` l middlatou to -night. Baron I)d:,teal and Earl D the h G liue, behaved admirably. Tbo V tn- ber of them The exsect loss of tho ` Earl Kimberly auuou.ced in the u1peg boys, occupying the trying pool enemy is not yet eeeertaiued but le ' House of Lords to night .i•at 4 peen tion of aupports, were only able toibetjeved to be very targe. had been officially sanctioned involv. gat in an oacaeionnl shot, mach to \Valkerton, May 12. -A large pub. ' ing the outlay of five millions for a their disgust. `lic meeting was held hare to -night fir renew and military road, including ( 8888*8G ekl$LTER. ' the purpose of tilting steps to provide the Pule to Quetta, for the defence of Early in the morning ccowde of oomforte for the men of ttto 32nd t Indict. women sad olhildren and mounted Battalion now ordered out for duty in ' THE PAPERS men were seen he.trying into the the North•West. Addresses were ae `au the Afghan question, which are to bush on the other side of the river, livered by Mayor Maclean, Judge ¢ be published un Saturday, will not FIRING RENEWED. •'Kingsmill and. others. A committee looataiuthe terms of the frontier 4;.80 p.m. -4 body of rebels have „ was formed and a eubttariptiou lief !convention, which will not be made just opened fire frons the bluff near opened whielt was, ►veli filled the the `public until the convention Las been the ravide on our left front. Evidently , Town Council heading it with $100.couoludod. Tho 82ud is sue of the finest bodies 1 B1786IAN "•('HEhli", of troops in the Province, and will 1 Ruseiao papers suggest the submit. muster about 400 tnen. ,Every man ? tat of Russia's bill for her war prepar- es on ti) inti a:titer to go. ie ha me etween the they aro skirmishers. They fired three volleys, but aro shooting toe high to roach us. The Winnipeg Battery, resuming, ate sit• hint; the ant l Tl 1 atious to the mediator kor b the shouse% to the distauce, where a large number of rebus are gelherad, A second shell crashes through the first house and the rebels ran out. —TRY.-- inside in charge of Sisters. to morrow and oommunictr'e with I. DEARING'S Central Shaving Parlor > or Clean and easy shaving, fashionable hair Clean Towels for every' customer. Next door to Central Hotel. _FOR SALE.-TWO-STORYFRAb[E DWELLING HOUSE andone acre ofland situated on the Thames Road.21 miles oast of Exeter. Goodlarge frame stable and driving shed ; splendid orchard of choice fruit -hearing trees; good well and cistern. Suftablefor a re- tiredtarmer. Will be sold cheap for cash. AP ply to THOMAS ALLIN. E.teterP 0 iv 10-tf J. CLARY. COMMISSIONER . • in the Court of Common Pleas—Deeds, Wills,h1ortgages, Leases, and all forms of agree • idents drawnand execufedaccording to law. MONIIY TO LOAN ON4EAL ESTATE. Partieswish- i ng to borrow money on account ofrecentpur- shases ofland,or to pay off existingmortgagss willftndagreat saving bygivingme a call, Can lend money at and 61 per cent. accordingto terms. N.J.CLARH JOHN MoDONELL, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE L1DENSES. OFFICE IN FANSON'S BLOCK. ,Also agent for the Loudon Mutual Insurance Company of Canada, Mercantile Insurance Co - Capi•tal $.500,000.00 Head Office Waterloo; int. Glasgow & London Insurance Coy—Ca,pp- ital $2,500,000 ; Read. Ofice, Montreal : Stand- ard Life Insurance Co., Head Office, London. England • Guarantee & Accident Co, Head Office, Toronto. JOHN McDONELL Exeter rT1}i5+' WATERLO0117UTUAL FIRE, 1 INSURANCE CO_ Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO, ONT. This comranyhas been over Eightteen years n successful operation in Western Ontario,and continues to insure against loss ordamage-bv mire, Buildings,Merchandi se, Manufactori a s,and all other descriptions of insurable property. In- t ending insurers havo the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ten years this Company has ssued 57,006 Policies,coveriug property to the amount of 00,872,038; and paid in losses alone $709,752,00 AssetS, 8176,100.00, consisting', of Cash in clank, GovernmentDeposit, and the unassessed Premium Notes on handaud in force J, W WAL DEN M D. Preside Lt. C. til. TAYLon, Secretary 3.f3. Huonai,Inspector. CHARLESSNELLY • Agent for Exeter and vicinity. FORTIFYING THE (CAMP. The troops are now constructing earth works around the camp. The General is determined to hold this position. REOPENED FIRE. This despatch was carried by Arm- strong, a bold scout. I open just as he leaves to say that the rebels have reopened fire on our front. STRENGTH OF BIEL'S FORCE. A French half-breed named Lotte, stack was gone. THE GRENADIERS STILL ADVANCED in skirmishing order through the bush on the right of the trail, the Gatling commuuitatiou was restored with Clarke's Croesine and Battleford at 8. p. m. to day. There is pressure on the wires from official rind private messages, they having precedence over press despatches. FOR THE FRONT. gailautly maintained his position, and the rebels, unable to stand the terrible fire, returned to n' pit cohstt noted in the ravine. splendid bursa of the b,ttte►lion goal 1 two nations. with the uuderatanding with them. that England shall pay the bill if the LATER. ;arbitrators decide that Englaud is Another deapatoh to hand dated 1 responsible for the cause of the dia- 181h, %rhioit contains int relation of ; pate. further fighting. Our loss is 6 killed + NO REFERENCE TO HERAT. and 17 wounded, while the rebel lots' The Afghan frontier convention is exceedingly heavy. Middletou has submitted to Illi De Giers contains n4 captured 13atoolle and is going to hold pledge or reference to Russian advance it. on Herat.. 'MEL TO MIDDLETON. Riel sent a messenger to General 3li:tddletun early in the day, saying Nets Notes. "If you persist in firing upon the Sir Leonard Tilley took his seat in houses containing our women and children, we shall massacre the prig. the Hansa again on Monday after - otters in our hands. coon for the first time since hie ill- s HUMANE GENERAL- ness, and his "appearance was the •General Middleton Rent him a signal for hearty applause from both reply telling hill to gather his wo• aides of the House. He looked pais men and children into oue house, awland worn, and only remained in the chamber a few minutes. In the even, it would not be fiend upon. BIEL'S REPLY AND AFTER •THOUGHT. ing he tock the train for New York in, LATER.—Riel sent an answer I company wi h his Deputy, Mr. Court - thanking 'Middleton for his humane ney, and both sail for England on promise to save the women and child. Wednesday. It had been arranged ren; but after the general attack was for some time that Mr. Court just being made he sent another mes- uey shauid go to England alone to senger to say lie did not like war, negotiate the new loan required to and unless the troops retired his meet maturing liabilities on the let original intention of massacring Juiy, but the illness of the Minister: prisoners would be adhered to. The is of such a serious nature that 110 message came too late as the charge has been advised to consult the Lon had already commenced and in a don physioians,and so with the double' !few minutes the rebels were scattered Purpose of getting medical advice and and the prisoners released. 1 rf assisting in the negotatious, he ee- Dnlnont, Riel's Lieut. was captured I companies the Deputy Minister. and taken prisoner by Gen. Middleton. WARNING TO THE PUBLIC.—The public are hereby warned against purchasing any Tin or other copy or imitation of tbe machine made by the Ross Novelty Rug Embroider- ing Machine•Co., of Guelph, Ont covered by their Patent No. 14334, and dated March 6th, 1882. We make no tin machines, and all such are infringements and frauds. None genuine without the name "Ross" and date of patent stamped on it. If anyone offers to sell you a rug machine look for tbe stamp ; if not stamped refuse to buy it. Tinsmiths and all others are warned against taking con- tracts for making such tin or other infringina machines. All persons found making, sell- ing or using any copy or imitation of this machine will be prosecuted according to the Patent Laws of the Dominion. Full printed directions for using go with every machine. Ross Manufacturing Co. Guelph, Ont. About 2,500 names have been sign- ed to the petitions to he presented to His Lordship Justice Cameron pray- ing that a lenient sentence be passed on Samuel Mitchell, who shot and killed Alex. McIntosh on Easter tun, day. A sad drowning accident occurred at Galt on Monday afteruoon. A little inn of William Smith, builder, had b len in the habit of going to school by way of the railway track, and to- day fell into the millrace, which runs ruder the track at Hume's dam. The body was dii.c rvered by one of the train hands and pulled out, but life was extinct.