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The Exeter Times, 1885-4-9, Page 7
Supposing a Case. Interesting items. Ilia exchange says: Useae Wilde has in —,,.Husking bees are in order,' says au ea -t v8fifr a bat that looks like re Newer pot; Ik The boatman pulls his dripping oars, change. We tried to husk a aee onto, but be will labs a g°°4.pfsce to plant Tsars. eraslsbage-* And the sun alines merrily over, "' { ,got the best of we. i heel A NOT artist recent, shot Jbitateeli was welting the kiss of her lover. " A PLANT (?F ItAItE VIRTUES p� y ?and OI he was n gallant round knight, 1 before one Obis unfinished pictures; r And she Nyasa banron'sdaugittort And her tresses were bright as toe melloR have l t r its. ' l Yes, everythingf , .l one rho common and -known !Burdock. ' It is stag if i*e Lea t,ibited it stooelaotl r else 1 o ,e of the best blood purifiers alltt kidney re -1►v d s to 1 i g►ilatot s in the vegetable world and the coin. es is tirtor 'n !tire eewntrg pound known as Burdock Blood Bitters pos-, in i ngland they say that 0/ metre edemas for susses wonderful power in diseases of the blood 1 pat•liameet, In this cnuptly .ho. I-t1a,s~: fes liter, kidneys. and storesch.Congress.NOMATTER,P "Samba kin yon tell rue why day bumf, - No matter where pain, 1. neuess or soreness i ably take cte penuits:t hair dei ei:ildron iau des exists, flagyartl's Yellow Oil taken or applied; Sunday-seho.412 " "CourseI kin. Da is tee wilt gyne immediate relief, and a positive cures get de coats ob de rneetia'.'" quickly follows its nee. ' "Dont tae to writiug poetry", my son."' 'Tbe boatmen"ppu�ne*r not bis ears. };NATTY 34ECf3Df3fENl?AiIf1 I, " terinarketl au affectiuuatsg. father. -when 1 And'thetbos(t hastceasedits motion; like sunlight row tlu�htug the btow Of. the; Neater: 'Thelhtwllnaan mails his dripping: *see. Bet'it.e run stuns forth no ,omrer; -Andshorrzews the sky with a nervous eye, Awash :;rip to t, o oars grew&stren3er, A dnrk - ascuzn. s across the main, itei tet'et:tlw- i:e lightninit'stlashes; Tele sea rbtrsaaautfit:sins high, and the rain Comes•dotvn,iinid the thunde 'crashes, _, p • was young, ycsti, 1. was smitten with a: vii eat erednai erten. and piecemeal borne ,!awls A. Exam, of looltnlo.e, states that 1 beRutitnl girl, art+1 wrote her a poets. 1 And the kuirnt and the tiShcr hale tennis itaa iakf4i Burris;!-, Blood Hitters wititgreat, , benefit iu lingea•* 6nat'lint arse adds that never slay tier attain. their gr. re,, And lb" sash• ass lest'herInver, he would gladly retr.arpmeud it :o all. And Ale weeps. sand prays, and laughs and „ ,6. DECIDED raves tt "XVI ler journey of lire kbver. I llegy-ard'as Yellow Oil touches the right spot every ilius whensapplieAl forrheumatfarn,neur- 1 -t s &nppe:lnu l.n ht tta.d rte by real,. atlesa, WAD* . salsas a or lanaearess, end Nutty 4f; r that he'd tlkeis t4i bout*% s P We mu/olden have rut tA,iv uorr:lW tale, natty tier solus, sore throat, tits." it is esus!!!}' ',See here, Mr. Spree: • said Mr, Spruce And bo wanks bore Keen her much sooner, 1 ;btritibk to her lord and Waster, "do . you not know in' t A idle Sala a nut o 1 boy oG , lug sones cams" rn iiuk in from out of doors, crying becuase lee lied beets stung by a bee. "Ata. ins," lee sobbed, "1'd just as leave the beee'd walk on rue. but I don't like to have. 'tart bit dors . Or supposingr he never 1'xd gone at ail,McGregor 4barker Carbolic Cerate bee xisouidbare s.toppedit deal of Iothers And.t-ou het N our a .,oar before the "fall been tested by years of trial and has been She'd have Nalsi•n up with number: - found the most convenient tied effectual meth cd of applying Carbolic ,Acid. The greatest awtrueptio in use for Cuts, Barns end Old ]hough one 11101s Sures. Be sure you ,-et McGregor 4 Parke'a A gentleman .who will Afar spoil a embolic Petah., Sold for 25 routs by ,l, W. BBtoxrniu.M l.►ruggiit, 6 . ole "for rel bon's sake, Faye the ',(;FE QUESTION OF Tiii,1 DAY. oston Globe, tells the followipg goad ,.. w bot is genet fora cold ?" is the question /00 171... "1 attended a (ittltrer part let often asked, but seldom setisfee.orillayanswer- New ons:, sand, well, to wake a. tong story short, met some old-time friendit, land lucked too oft upon the wink when It was red, riot confining myself strictly al. We can alrawar to -the eatisfeetron of all, if they will follow our advice saes try Bagyard's 1'eetoral Belem)), a safe. pleasant and pertain tbrcat and lung Heeler. Salts bj' all drueuuee s, to wins~ (5i that color, either. Iremems Have you a cough * Sleepleaes molts need tier parting ttlfeettountely from slay no lower trouble you, The usa of Ayer's trioxide, And that', ;kis I remember nu- Cherry rectorsl before retiring, will eeoQt11e thea til 1 awoke on the Jersey City ferry, cough to quiet, allay the inanimation, And al - upon which. I imagine, I had teadesev- low the needed repose. It will, te,oruover. eral trips to and fro. We were there speedily heal the pulmonary organs. and give headed for Jersey City, upon reaching you health. which I left the boat.. 1 found upon--!toiler.skatinat is alt the rage now, but we investigation, that li !tad but 10 cents 414 not aee why it should be in the fall. left and, feeling very much shattered RackIell't4Arnie* 8111va. entered the first saloon I came to hod 0 The Best Salve in the world for Cats, Bruhn rna. and my ilaad wb 4 little ahak ; O tvay, Ii a11tbk Ertl %kn ied ,, slats poeitire y#cures Pile% protue:te the Christian e'duentietr of ,runup teased cif what I bad poured out, and air r.o tory required. It is guaranteed to give maxim. has about two hundred students. sad putting my 10 cents on the counter was petted ratiefactiou. or money refunded ass tunny inure titre reardy to cuter as soon as about to leave the s'loon. I !trice 25 cents per box. For sale by all drug- theta 15 "'QUI' About $300.0ta0 bas bevu +,'By the way.' said the barkeeper, a;is'ts. expended in the er4rtlou of petrnauentbui!d- eyelnerme sharply. .are yon engagedP' j lugs. C (socia spirits aro often taken for good Wt. tare ; yet uotbiug differ, ea much ; insert. sibility seeing generally We source ut the fester. and sensibility of the latter. ailed f.►r a glace of whisk reriut ea, Sorts. Ulcera. Sant Rheum, Fever dorsa. that woman i4: liettvsu"o lass. best gift to 10411 1" ""I do riot," replied the brute.- hut 1 agree with seat thin, far ---if she's the b,'st. I'an glad she's to be the lest." Josh Billings rays a -When I beer n noisy. infidel ptoletaimiug his ur►belent, i wonder it ire will vend fur aunt brttdder insides re cool And see hien. I guess net. ,Nle will be more likely to semi for the orthodox Hawn who engineers the little brik church eronud the )eruer. " "You mustbave your for nue told while you are in t'hiesgo. " said a yuan: laxly re..i. aeut to her guest. '"Aline, if, an Wabash Avenue reveille an• sly wonderful things." "is she the seventh slaughter of 14 seventh son "" "lin, the is the seventh wife of a seventh. Lnsband." An al ricultnaatl ioureal says ; "Spring ie the beat time in the year to remove boral." 1t way be ; but if the bee settles on your neck. of any ether purtiun of your anatomy. in the fall, don't wait until epilog to remote' it, There is a good reason why ytu rhuulel• tl't and you will diecurer what bleat reason ia1 scan after the bee alights. Dwight L. Moody's aemivaey at North- field, Mau.. which lie founded in 1870 to ee •l ngtgesi?" 1 said, in altt'prasc;, "what do you mr:anr •• elf you :are not.' he continued, with ON THIRTY DA.T8' TItIAL, Tzu VOL?.xlc Dara Co., Mirahaalt, Mlah.,wa send Da.Drs'aesirrznaatrsp ELltctao.VoLrnic a Stl('ter, 'I 41 like, to hire 11111, for �Whir HMS SNP Erdtcrate Arany#acaa on.trialfor dluau days to (young or ole) who are M- ean get more whisky for Irl cents than nicted with nervone debility, lase vitality any elan 1 ever knew.' I yeoruel1 to and kindred. troubles, guaranteeiuit sepIy, and left the saloon, speedy and eeueapletu restoentitau of stealth and """ • ' —" manly vigor. Address as above. 14.11.—Ne It11 its no Plnan for D:inr. risk iw ineurroe, asthirty dove' trlaIis allowed �1t. one of our e1tH;ttcrs the other —If the new minister to Turkey ahonld 'evening. ia vain evidently from the throes a cunuS0 bail) UM Sultan r seraglio theca • 1 would ba a harem scare 'elm sort of it time. country. ('resited south alilnspmellt. :Mctil4E(i©ItS SPNEDY CURE. The young woman apparently enjoyed !,very purobnwer of mermen sone business t Lerse/f very mitt until tho apparently be. capaeity, when reguuiug an article for a cer- loin,. when she Weenie very uneasy, and tato purpose, purchases only that which has oked everywhere but at the stage, been tried or is snowed first lo test, before upon whh'h her companion's eyes were buying. 7tes11 ores Aligned a free trial bottle 4.41701 Presently she nudged hint of Mc(.regor's Speedy Care, the greet remedy with her elbow and si4ti in is tone halt fo. Dyspepsia. Impure Blood and Liver Disur- pleading. half indignant; "John, how deers at ,1.G V. l;teawniu,^,'at L)rng Soto Sold at can you lack at r;tteh things?" John5110 and .1 per bottle. :tee testimonials from "rely Cu:dosed at the repruault and im- Nor alts iu your own town 8 mediately began to read his play bill, ]t]ISTA:r'DCOairORTTO Tit:ESU EERlNG not however, without t'nstittg a furtive "]frown sHouseltoldPanacea,"bayuoequal glanec at the stale now and then. The tnrre.diovinii►ain.botbniter/lel and external it Composure of tho twain was not re- L)aIn 1» tho 514., back nr bowl*i,oretbro*t stored uuCl the act drop fell upon the Iahoumatisen, Tootbetehe,Lumbnanandan} Icind areene. Then, the young woman said oto;minor sone. "It Will most surely quicken fervently, "1 hole there is no more of the Woad au.!heal,aaitsaetiugueweriswoudor- tul. "'Brown's R ousehold Pa taeea' belugack- newiedged as the groat Pain itoliever,and of dou blc tliitstrougth of silty other Elixir orLiniuteut intim worid,sbould be in every fatuity handy for 080 when wanted, "as itrenily is the hest remedy lea the world for Creunus in the Stomach, and L'ninsandAches of all kinds," and ieforsaieby all Druggists ate conteabottlo. 1Iollowa j's Ointment and Pillar.—Though it ie impossible, in this climate of changing tem- perature, to prevent ill -health altogether, yet its form and frequency may be meas mitigat- ed by the early adoption of remedial measur- es. When boarsenes, cough. thick breathing, and the attending slight fever indicate irrita- tion of the throat or chest, Holloway's Oint- ment should be rubbed upon these parts with- out delay and Ms Pills taken in appropriate doses, to promote its curative action. No catarrhs or sore threats can resist these re- medies. Printed direction.) envelope every package of Holl'aNvay'e medicaments, which are suited to all ages Ruth conditions, and to every ordinary disease to wi,ictr humanity is liable. —Two niers in Kentucky killed each other in a quarrel about a dog,. but the arimal was unhurt Yet some people don't beliere dogs ever laugh. "Sow are we ever going.tb'get Through our spring and suinneer's work ? 'Ste a're' all run buy or sell. The object now is to get down, tired out before it begins," Sir say h that awful shamelessness. By and by came another ballet when the fair one, unable to stand it longer, rose, and said firmly to her compaction, "Come John, we'll go at once. This is no place for pa!" with which she marched resolutely up the aisle, VA -- lowed by her escort, who sheepishly followed her, evidently impressed by the truth of her decision.—Boston zdte. Lack of Confidence. "I would like to asksP" he softly whispered no he leaned over a broker's desk, "if this is a good time to, -sell stocks?" "Certainly, sir—certainly. Probably the best time we've had for the last five years." "And I would further inquire, con- tinued the man as be gently rubbed his hands together, "if this is a good time to buy stocks?" "Certainly, sir—certainly. Hasn't been aa. time in the past ten years when such golden opportu ities were offered." "Ali! yes. After dinner I will either that dinner. You couldn't loan me a , quarter on present prospects, could Sey9" "No; sir.". "4j;i exactly. That proves a want of nonfidp}lee on the part •of capital, and while this feeling exists a wise man will keep part of the stock markets." Bige11§ WAS feeling poorly—"ail run down nnfl. aA strength,", he told his friend "Sa;r}i 4, "Does yerever take any . stimilent, , j.r. TiPgins?" , asked Smith. "No," answered Biggins, mournfully, "except sometimes just before goin' to J bed."Well, fair. zpy part," said Smith, many a farmer's family. We aliewer,• go to your druggist and pay five dollars for six $ot. ttes of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This 18•. junk thenki medicine you need, and will pay corhpouin- terest an the investment. —A man may be bold in business, braes'. battle, and courageous in time of danger; Blit the small brother of the girl whom he is courting will often knock .him out in one round. More .eeopl, adults and children. aretroub tad 'with costiveness than with any other ailment. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit- ters will cure costiveness and prevent the disoaes which res tit from it. Fluid Liglrtnivar cuter Neuralgia in one minute. Fluid Lightning cures Toothache in one . decidedly, .`.`f !iona 1; never want to take Infinite. nothin' • ;Jest afore gpin' to bed, for 1 Fluid Lightning goes right r1 t 1;1,cep all' loses all the good minute. . on it." Fluid. high ORTHERN PICIFI R. R. LANDS to Minnesota, North Dakota. Mon- tana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon Froaaa. Lanae Nerperfor to rages Suuesd. At pekes ranginpehtetlyfrom12 tot6 per se• an Sts 10 years lima This is the RestConit for securing flood Names now open tor setttemenl FREE L*nssl1 Besor erilK`Its ed ta' aod1'aa''.' ('tdtnr . laws. Neal, l, -1031118.433 Acre's AIL et01t> '118A3 *AIX et all dee. Piddle lauds diatoms or [n werein the Northern Nellie reentry. stooksat•.1 braise nut FIIEE Nle, 'riblite Ito Northern pacifier traumata Lands. for male and tbe"Fnns=ueverament 1.p,nt.. Address,t'tt AS'. 8. LAOi3OI*N, LaadConr'r, .. 1.:, ta.,Ft. t'tul. Niue, frit';NN t'NT ; TENNhINT,'tretail 11 nary Surgeons, Graduate/sof of the Ontario \oteriunt3 College, Toren f a, hove op ..» pet ih, tm ni o f n 11 1rrrrtaartio e+�i� Animals, o n AL.instreet ::xoter. Calls from a din-,-_a-w•�'`•- - fiance prom,+t'y attended to; Medicine for Horses, Cattle, d•c, always au hand: LARDINE MACHINE OIL. pA.101ERS, THRESHERS. AND -L 11111 men will save money, ani s ire their Machinery by using Laraine. yl C.i...RDI.L�i E 1 -las been victorious at nit the lending orbit)... Owls End Inds/atrial fairs since 1878. e.arryingoif first prizes and medals in every insta.al.o. It has now no equal as a lubricator, nu 3 will out- wear lard, seal or castor oil, and warranted not to clog or gum Inc finest machinery. You will save money by using this 011. Ti') ft and you will testify in its favor. Beware of imitations. =+3tANUFACfONN t ONLY McColl Bros. Co Toronto. —FOR SALli lit—. BISSETT BROS , Exeter ; J. EMBER & SON', Crediton ; MEI(YI ELL & WBUGH. Masan Coo :' era' *ASO* Wishes tteandntitiee tle tlib Inhabitants of Exeter and vitliitit;V. tlaat']ib li58 opened out a cures race Aclre in ore suing cures• Lumbago in ono 3at anti nirg relieves Iihenmatish in one Shop Young artist (displaying one of his pictures)—.'"Yotr avil�.-er—observe, I. think, my, dear Mrs. prowne, that—er —aside frgtn tube uQneeptiQn of the idea the work possesses—er :-a peculiar originality in the—er . ».andling." Mrs. Browne (who j tlq,Irpp .sgmpthing about pictures)—",I, q}rite ;agree with you Mr. Palette,' so far as,regards the originali- ty of the handlin yT,t i$ somewhat startling. In;fact,'' �I,ci4 Ret pupal" any- thing that T have,ever Gen lel nature that at all resembles it!" Xijiang artist thanks,:e4y ,dear , uadama3 : er —thanks. You see, iI ]!rake it at point to' paint Natu a ,as slrc should* Rol gs she is."—Neta York:T elcl. ' minute. Fluid Ltght minute. , Fluid Lightning cures any pain or ache in- stantly. Pried 25 cents per bottle at J. W Browning's Drug Store. 6 A.VALUABLE PATENT. The moat valuable discovery patented in modern times is that of the best blood purifier and liverand kidney regulator known. . We refer to Burdock Blood Bitters, wbioh.is tusk- ing so many wonderful cures and bringing the l''ssed boon of health to so nanny peopla. A woman who was called' es a witness iu an assault ease tried 5* court recently;nn being asked by the magistrate what was the profession of her husband, answered very promptly, "'My husband is a bankrupt, sir." L 3 "� LT..A131sF rT O VERY - 3 `MAY DEW' Tim bat Fs for Beautifying th IUat.uaw.lsettemmiiaeerseetago. retort"psi eationavidreek. etuoststubbornly red oust rough Lards beamtgciir soft stud w'zlts. ire reeex ee -.toss,- MAY I)fI W " is nota paint e r powder that is ng. tam 1> of the skin. tot1 that is injtatiosa• tae tion skin but* uew stud gr. ess.hs:g'r*aav,svel t.1'I411gtud,that aeuses the chs.elt r. kuw WW1 berth, the neck. arms 4145*1411ato'ralixttlxei,ily fin whftenes•s. inr- uossi14sto deteettin ttts>rwnty itconfers away arti5ca.k ohs.. attar. It aurae Greasy Slim. 1'recklssa, 1Krahkleac, PistdLea. liiisk $earls, Crow, Pees,Rloteeses. Mow Grub a. Pun tluru 'Tan.P ugswoeia, t.trasyaw.iIiandaa.S„areorChap pest l4, a.letextessa reek. Ismer. &e. It frees the porssseii,gi8Ies. swa'E Wires from the auja,r- ios,eeffect%or pogr tsar:nee L eo.+n.etie washes. /Ay its use»l redness and rronshue-e sea pre. wade) ; k isealtittea the ski -n.1'144 wai i m the it ataft, Fwottta anal white ; imparting a delicious softness; prsdneing R prsrr..,ly healthy. u.stur- ai.uud 3otrkbtnl wppraranee. 'rho bras 14ce lotion thee she wont over eeraalucatt. Wo Will sena" 4 r.*aslrlmW rr4.rt"t^ say .tttiressen rA- eelpt of 9718.41 Wirenori isr, rttewtinnthi 114905. Aildreats all lotteata to the KAT 14w AkifirOOL 71 Young -street. '1"or.n to, On Orion Room for i,*Mess. OWNED REM DI THE PILLS Purity the ltk talk correct all Pieorders of the sal r lt, S'FOat1ACll. KIDNEYS', AND BOWE1.5. filo %Rmiserate and le -tole to health Debilitated Ceu.•titutieue, and MiH itrealuable ill alt Complaints incidental to Feraaeatr'e (4 all ages. For chariots etas the el:r't Mey arts utiteedr*ll in the Corner Store North of Barnwell & Piekard's, where be is'prepared to make all kinds o; ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly atteuded to. GE O. MAN SON', Late Manager U. Eaerett's Boot end Shoe Establishment. May 14th 84. THE OINTMENT Is an infallible rewards for Bial leo. Use prisons. tlld 'Wounds. Sores and Ulcers. It fatuous for Clout and Ithenuaatiatu. I'AEt 117aitrRDKitt± lig 11111 CIINST IT 'lies" No t'Ql'M.. For Sete Titivate. Brenaltitis. 1', mane l'ulda,(*talsthdur ties lir•yae mid all elsni tlitirae it lute no that ; mid for eukilt'etvel ruts Raiff jtaiuta itacts1ikt• a surras. The Pills and Ointment *resold sat Tnowts line bow,tv'a Estnhlishmt•e.: • 78 NNW oxvoR»-SfitE1 1 late 1.155, OOXFI)l» ST111:1':i'►. LONDON ; also by nearly every rents. elable Vender of Medicine. its !taxes and Pots, at 1,,. l j4l.. ist• 941. 411., 8x..118.. 224., and afSa. each. The tle. lei. size cuuralns ileo* tinit"a. the emanate of the sat lid. size ; the 4s. 611. size six ; the lis. aiZt' isixt.Ct-U ; the 22s size thttty,tltrre t end the Slis side fifty taro times the tptrutity, of ibe sturdiest Ilexes ants 1''rtl priutvl ducctiaas me affixed totaeh itetx and Vet, and eau ler 1114•4 is any laugaagt W• Put chasers should look to the Label est tin" Vote null Hoses. If the address is net 353 Oxfurd Stlet't. t,uuttun, they ere apttuione. 42-1-101101113 VITILLIAIIII DREAMT Undertaker and Cabinet*maker. XTR, ONTARIO ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BANK. THlre, Parmar's 9dvocata flOM MAGAZ INE Xs the only Independent AgrieultUrul Jour nal in Canada Owned and Published • -by a Farmer. WHAT FARMERS BAY:— wit AY:"it is our best friend.. "At is worth ten times its cost"' "The dollar spent for the Advocate Is the beat spent moneyfrom the farm."' "The wife and family are also del4Qlited with it." "•No farmer's house siaoufd be without The right information in the right season by the best specialists that can be procured on the Farm, Stook, Dairy,(larden anti Or. chard,PoCltry, Veterinary, Ap1iary, lilarkets, Eaaui1y Circle, E tc., E tc. Only 1 Per Annum. Sample copy sent tree to n»plicantsnieutioh- ing then Lot, Concession and Post Office. 1 Address— FARMER'S ADVOCATE, LONDON. ONT.. UNEQUALED So say the best farmers. stockmen, gar deners, and fruit growers of America of the great National Weekly, the Rural New York- er. Tho best writers in the world, Original throughout. Over 500 illustrations from nature every year. Fine paper 16 pages -ask those who) know. Specimens gladly sent without charge. 112,800 worth of presents offered to subscribers for the largest clubs. Conducted by practible farmers, Its Free Seed Distributions are invaluable. Over 600 contributions. Posters and outfits on appli- cation, Send for them. RURAL NEW -TOURER, 24 Park Bow, N. Y. Repairing of All Kinds NEATLY DONE. D. ill c A i\. S H, who recently opened a REPAIR SHOP in FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER, has just re- ceived a New Lathe, by the assistance of which he is prepared to repair. SEWING MACHINES, GUNS, LOCKS,IiE- SOLVERS, SKATES, &c. SAWS SHARPENED & GUMMIMED. Satisfaction' guaranteed in every case. He pairing done with neatness and despatch remember the puns. D. McANSS, Fanson's Block Ex t "t