The Exeter Times, 1885-4-9, Page 4.. he *e'e irinoe, with euoil an abundance of aulmuui- near Clarke' Crossing, 1)e will not at- Emu and arms . They tell us that .tempt a stand up fight with the the half-breeds are poor and }lava troops. Iu all probability ha will £'UURSDAY, APRIL 9th,. 1885. cathing ou which to exist, yet we find beat a retreat across the North Sas- they Ryan get money enough topiir katehewau into the northeru forest, THE REBELLION. chess the necessaries for a war. A. and there General Middietou must Referee journal in the North-West abaudou pursuit. This vast forest Tim up -rising in the North -wast, say. Rtel has 1,500 men equipped, ooneists of beech, poplar, birch and which at firs; apoeared"to be nothing . with six cannons. The gnestton jet, hazel, with dense underbrush and more than an, audacious attempt . who furnished them ? Able for buffalo fro psand is utterly impas. the notorious Riel and a few mieguid- Ties great bribery carie. which Mr. The Wee is that the rebel chief will ed half-breed followers to extort aroma Drought before the people of remain in this shelter and endeavor money, or to obtain lands to which Ontario OW/ year ago, for the purpose to patch up terms with the Dominion they had no% aquitable right, from the Government has sines assumed au alarming aspect, leading to the of drifting public attention from the Governliaent, the prime ooudit-ton mitdeede of hue own Govarnmant, being that they shall aoespti the heads bee resulted, to his diestitifeotiwu, in of hie Rill of Bights. A8 the Govern- brlief that the rebellion has been a the aoouaed being acquitted. The anent cannot, of *ouare% trent with a carefully planned for some tuna, so !jury before whom the case was tried, rebel in arms, Biel will doubtless be tar as news a% preaeut indicates. Up in rendering their verdict, stated that compelled to spend ;be summer iu to going to prase advices are re- the witnesses in the vale were not the forest, unless lie an give the oeited that Riel is abandoning lain 1 men of unquestionable character. It troops the clip and get into A.wancau tneu and fleeing to the northern for- I will not do to have this etiatma rest. territory, where 111e lea wyere will have c' E'QR. P4�ARD MARCH t" is the order for Troops to the este, finding teat his ubjeet would ing on the pure follnwere of the 0u to settle the que.tiou of his oxtradi.- not be a.�000aplisbed, the Government rario Premier, consequently the i tion. pother Shot Fired 1 North-West. Still the Ladies are at home, and will be being determined to gaaeh his policy, whitewashing mar:bine will nave to Ererl;tliing id going ou well. The pleased to hear that BANTON BROS. are in splendid Trina The Goveinnaenl have decide=d not to be brought into requisition to white. "'tit" is still raw aud tits groitaid to do a lively spring trade, Mild are right to the front with a oat out ashy more men. Who is to I wash the 1eho10 orowi, luoinding bis• saturated with water. 11 is said ou f blame for this sudden change of af- i Nim. Balfour, Dowling and Caecsden, good authority that Biel will plant a fairs ? Is the Government not re- land give thew a certificate of 11 fairs force on the high sandy banks eponsible, they having immediately a peachablee bawler. ; of the South Saskatchewan.. OH receipt of word, deepetohed troops ; �.. "''''"' s .rn . __...R.... ` TUE TABL419H TURWEft to the aiaaiue, *bowing Biel and his • ' Tho Rebell -IOW followers than they meant business,! '-" VT. earl iiatldius; (visor Tato their rank,/ 9 A privet° despatch Gone .dicRae, & HARD Ona ON atatvaxa aiari.---a Indian Agent at Bettleford, dated VERDICT nF "iior cult Vs".-^TH tR VER { April 1st, and delivered to bis Gather ac*Tt' QQuESVONErh,. racks. and intend to renieit au. bio Tomato. April 7.—Chief Justice We slice a the splendid range of newest Fabric. in All -Wool .Toney Cloth, Satin Cloth, The people of the Dotiiitaiou will; „nee fes anxiety. re A, moniniti ose, sued up in the oonspiraoy ceen ,;ups" Clotia, Blew t'aehtnFrea, ode Cullum!, Crape Cloth, Beautiful Bleak sem, Pow eat the benefit of having the 0. i IIIc Hugh Sutherland, of Ottawa this after000tt. i .. , Satins, dm. And don't yen' forget it, ails i}ratasattlam After ua�tloraitantla; making up 131sok Goode P. R. mooing throng(( their uwt ;built the barril+wktt at llailieford in 'Phe jury refired, and after being to a nicety. CAII anal see her anyway Sit 1876. for the Government. Ile con- abient. two hoer* returned with the country. Had the present Govern- :hie following verdict :-- ueut carried ons the Policy of their . ourtde *vel a pa is wall he Beit to field g , a sinter bigadds for a ooueiderable The Jury have agreed that the first predecessors, of building the railway I time, It will require a large force to Gaunt in the iudiolnhent is not sub-- merely as a oolonization road. and tetra the barrack., whish be built iai a' rained by evidence. In regard to the only 1hroiigh the prairie courhtty, 'bull;ow square.. The town of (Bettie.. weevil alouut, the jury consider it what a dieedvautago the country , ford, supposed to be destroyed, is one would be suetaiued if the evidence of scold haus been *hlaicvd at under file mile truru the barracks'.the witnessee was that of mea of preeeatoirounastea.oee, with s reTott Iiia cams OF UM'til@i\ta. uuqueationable character, but (hiving t35 r111tii ' SP.f i,,, „ , G(.O,�, '85 on cur hands by the half-breeds( of St. Buuifaoe, llyn., April 2, --,los.' their doubts on that polo they think the far went, and with no ether way ,sub Gauthier, of tit. Norbert, a loyal `lefendauts should be acquitted. t of reaching thorn but 111rough the half•bareed, who returned fourteen The judge said—?.'tint meanea var.JUST A R �' � AT THE Mated States, and to obtain this psi- days ago from St. Laurent, where he' dict of not guilty, silos;e our authorities would have had bad been working et ilia trade as a The foreman—Yea, your Honor, to gone bagging to Washington, and bteckemilh. aiaye :-•�-"1. know all about 're c uldn i have all agreed, except then, in all probability, -would not this business. Some one blaudored. for the mein,orainduni an the vetoed bave been granted the pltvitege. But I have often talked with the inen at counte the pokey of the present Goverutnetlt St. Laureut and that dielrict about'. hes averted this humiliation of our the trouble. Gabriel Dimwit brought teplien. eve millions of people, and when the Biel from St. Vital to St. Laurent , �, Has rccciy9,l newel of the revolt ways received by the last July. The tro+lble arises from 1i ai rel,rnt to Katie to announce the Ottawa aulhoritier, our loyal volute the detiro of the Maus tt: 05.11thin death of lira. Bastard. beloved wife :or were diepiatched over our own emu re, They any It bulmhga :o of Joseph faatacd, Esq., of Stephen, Suits national road through our own coon: + them and to their friends, the In- i anti uhnre particularly ala she leaves f try, avoiding any delay, Tine would i dune ; and that the Hudson's Bey m�ritlyd bt•rtl'banitlrrre large and ofwlinm, to l not bays been the case end the part company bats dna light to so it, not i :arid find part water route advocated i owning It. when tor• mulinion sat . 9 naw a-whned 1t' their bode rind were Edward Blake was the a af which lieu. member, been t :la- valiere begun to alaply the block aye-(U,natt of to n tt Fyter ilh bodily rRaflliction. adopted. Ulir loyal volunteera were; the \Ielism of rat once ear that veys a cutti)le of they Kort: a Mrs,. Ba tor.t was, always A trot) and not forwarded to the scene of the re•gcioa to lues their farms, this man dutiful wife, Bind sad :affectionate hellion through a foreign country, nor being thrown on to hie neighbor's mother, and aa► a neighbor, always in citizen's ciuthing (aa Hon. Edward place and his neighbor thrown on to quiet and obliging, mid was esteemed OUR Oil'4Y RRILll.il'. a In Tor3hto. reads ;--''All gate to bar. High Class of New and stylish Goods, FOR; DO1481A.NS, I►IAl•ITI.pES 4 JACKETS. lath Ottomeu Cords, taros Grain Sake, satins, Merreilleue.1 ruoades, sto. ; and grand line of :Mantle Ornaments. Frig*., Loop., Chenille Trimmings. ilio. Certainly better value than ever before. lftantles out Free of oliar, e. or made to osier la Pirst•clsse style et ILUAi,2TTQN EROS. r O GC ODEii. RANTON BROTHERS, The place to get Rich Mantle and Dress Goods. Exeter Tailoring Establislim't CHAS. SOl .l OOTT a Splendid essorthuent t'( CLOTHS and TWEEDS very (boiee fiet.sh.. end .ill sell then( cheap far 1'As=it. Nude to Order On Short Notice. ---A FIT GUARANTEED. ---�-� No credit given. Sold ONLY for Fy x.51.1, awl that 'means Cheap Goods. Call and see itis stock before platting your order". Exeter .4th Marcu,168 0I3414,5. SOVTIICOTT. Blake suggested) like a band of law: somebody else's place. They protest. s" n moat exemplary character by all (� CART�VRIGIIT, L. D. S., ' Ione invaders of the \oral -Meat, but ed, and the Government hastenesi to who knew her. Her sickness was of V • through our own territory, over our make it all right end to asairre the chert duration, lasting only about �` O F1 finlsdNl,�vli rooms over own road, and dressed in the Quteu'a Metis that they should not be ilia, -X1,1»° `ray"+ which she endured pa-, its••••• prepared to extract teethwithout tient!), and without a murmur, and sklU. aaianiis'aaag8 n ape fall ya wag= s calmly and peacefully passed away to Oaa nn to spm. CitABous manners. TEnata her lIetiveuly borne, on the 1st of April The bereaved family have our TRY DIt. DOWN S GOLDEN trya Ain rile Other Metis were inelill• heartiest sympathy in their great af- ,L LINIMENT for Diphtheria, Craup,end g 'fiictian. ABnesiquickllyre*iove1. Intornallyandezternl- ad to listen to them. Biel began to ally. Ask for it. Take no other. Soo teatime. hold meetings in August. Ile had Raials. tor sale by allDruagists. uniform. Tho rapidity with "blob tushed. Tuey were alarmed, how - the C. P. R. forwarded troops (al- ever and when the leading Mala, moat though the road is not fully complet- of whom were with Riol in '69-'70, ed) will convince the onteide world, began to talk about owning the mue- sliwell as its opponents in Canada, that the road is of vast importance to the country for wbioh it was built. The people of the Dominion aro more two or three a week. A number of BORN. determined than ever to have a na- white settlers took part in the move- tional highway from ocean to ocean, meat, in fact, they encouraged the Mari. to go ahead, saying that a good row could do no harm and might do some good. The priesta went among the Metis and urged them to keep quiet and wait, The white agitators, however, kept telling them that wait- ing was of no use ; that if they did not scare the Government they would never get a share ;n the half-breed grant %has was given to the Metis of Manitoba. 1 blame these white set- tlers quite as much as I do itiel. But for their interference and advice the p Tests would have quieted the move- ment. Pere Andre, .Pere Fonrmend, The mostinteresting feature of the recent Pere Vegruille, and other priests often exhibition at Montreal was a company of col- VARM FOR SALE.—The eubsorib• warned the Meese that these whites ored.Tubilee Singers engaged in manufacturing 12 or offers for sale the Fast Half of Lot 3 the celebrated Gold Corn Tobacco, and at the and North Half of Lot 2, 4th con of 'Osborne,were W akiog LIMO of them for their same time delighting the crowds of spectators On tho premises aro a brink house 20x28, nearly with exquisite southernmelodies, A gold mod- new, containing 6 rooms ; frame barn 34x48, own selfish purposes—partly for poi. al end a specialdinloma were awarded to this with stabling; a small bearing orchard, and a itioal purposes and partly to gratify ned thanks of he ommituee tenderedular brand of tobacco, and Ad the And in al good state o1 cultivation Therewell. The land is well are their grudge against Mr. Dewdneg or ams Tobacco Co. for their attractive exhibit 12 acres of fall wheat in the ground and con - the Government—but it was all in eiderablefall ploughing done. Distance from Exeter, 5 miles, and 3 miles from Centralia. ADVICE TO MOTHER•g Talo.' Terme to suis purchaser. Possession given Are you disturbed. atnight and broken ofyour either before seeding or after harvest. Pur - AMMUNITION. reatbyaeickchild suffering and crying with chaserr canr beeapplieepdwithseede grain, For At the prevent time there are 32 pain of culling teeth? If so, send at once and O H. SPRAGUE, orabylettertoExet mP°Uro tons of powder and 2,000,000 rounds get a bottle of MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING of ammunition in the fort at Kingston SYRUP Itevaluel ieincalonlable. It will .- enough to kill eve livingthingin ievethe poor little sufferer immediately. De- g ' pend uponitmothersathere is no mistake about the North-west. it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates even if its teat is rendered unneces- sarily great by a factious and unfair opposition of Mr. Blake and his allies. EDITORIAL NOTES. TtuE people of Pelee Island bave abolished the system of statute labor. Instead the roadways are oared for by taxation and propery directed labor. This ought to follow in other com- munities. NOTWITHSTANDING the outbreak in the North-West, for which the Gov- ernment is being blamed, Me. Guillet (Conservative) of Weet Northumber- land, has been elected by a majotity of 87 votes. DURING the past few weeks allus- ion has been made in most of the churches in Ontario to the trouble in the North-west, and the fervent pray- ers of many congregations went up to Heaven for the succeed of our vol- unteers in restoring peace, law and order in the disturbed territory. Some of the ministers bave voiced public feeling by eloquently urging that all _ Will Mel Fight. the peonle, irrespective of politico, From all that can be gathered Biel 'is greatly disappointed. He had ex- pected a general movement of half- breeds nnd Indians from the Aomori-. can can frontier jest below Woad Moun- tain, together with a general Indian uprising. There ie no doubt that the Indians in the northern country are with bim,but the action of the Amor. loan authorities has summarily out off his hopes of assistance from the south of the line. It is now general.. CATANTED A GOOD GENERAL same time to endeavor to euligbten ally believed, therefore, that while he V1 SEiVANT. Apply to MRS.B.V. ELLIOT.the people as to who furnished Biel may make a show of resistance at or Exeter. COOPER -In Usborne, On the 4:h inst., the wife of Mr. Robert Cooper, of a daughter. Alunnocz.-Iu Exeter, on the 3rd inst., the wife of Mr. Wm Murdock, of a son. C.tinwaLn.-In Hay Township, on the 3rd inst., the wife of Mr. Wm. Caldwell, of a son. KE:ITLE.- In Stephen, on the 24th ult., the wife of Mr. Nelson Kestlo, of a daughter. BA.TAnD.-In Stephen, on the 24th ult., the wife of Mr. Jos. Bastard, of a son. FARM FOR SALE IN STEPHEN. Lot Bo 5, in 4th Concession. 100 acres. For particulars apply to BASEERV ILLE.--At Centralia, on the 27th B. V. ELLIOT, alt., Jane E., eldest daughter of Christo- Solicitor, &c., pher Baskerville, aged 24 years. Exeter 4th Feb., 1885. MOnTCACM $.E3.LE _• Farm Pioperty. Default having been made in payment of a pertain Registered Mortgage bearing date the flretday of September, A.D. 1881, made by Thomas T. Wilson, of the Township of Hay, in the County of Duren, Lumbar Dealer, to the Superior Stryirtge aud. Loan Society, and as- signed to the vendors (which mortgage and assignment thereof will be pi minced at time of sale) thorn will, under the power of sale con- tainotlin said mortgage, he sold by nubile auc- PROPERTY LIaT tion by E. BoSSENnaltnZ auctioneer, at Hodgins' Hotel, Village of Hensel!,. I HOTEL TO BENT IN THE VIL- —ON— LAGE OF ELIMVILLE, County o1 SATURDAY, APRIL THE 185, 1885, At the hour of 12 o'clock noon, the following TWO HOUSES TO RENT. property,viz.: 1 A11 and singular that certain parcel or tract or land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, containing by admeasurement one hendred acs es more or less ,being composed of Lot Number Fifteen, in the sixth concession of the said Township of hay, Upon the above property are situated a good frame house, story and a half high with frame kitalen attached; also four small frame houses, a good barn and stere. About thirty acres of this land are cleared, upon which is a mall bearing orchard. There are about sixty acres of goodbush land, timbered with maple, oak, ash and hemlock. Huron. Apply or premises or to MR'3, F, EL LIOTT,116 Fullerton•st..London, Ont; Apply to ISAAC CABLING, Exeter DIED. JUBILEE SINGERS. should be wait in support of the con• stituted authorities in promptly stamping out the rebellion. This in our views, is the feeling of Canada to• day ; and is the only proper and patriotic feeling to cherish. WHILE: the Reform press are en- deavoring to fasten the blame of the rebellion upon Sir John A Macdon- ald, would it not be advisable at the the stomach and- bowels, cures wind colic softens the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to . the whole system MRS. WINSLOW's SOOTHING STBVP FOB CHILD. BEN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists iljrrough- out the world. Prion 25 cents a bottle FOUND. -ON THE 2416 ULT., on Main -Street, a sum of Money. Loser may have same on proving claim and paying cost of advertising, Apply at Try= OFFICE. Terme :-One-fifth of the purchase money to be paid at time of sale, the balance within fourteen days thereafter. Arrtngements may be made by which a portion of the purchase money may bo secured by mortgage on the premises. For further particulars apply to °RONYN & GREENLEE& or to Vendors' Solicitors E. BCSSENBERRY, Esg , London, Ont. Auctioneer, &c., Zurich, Ont. Dated the 30th March, 1885. FOR COUGHS AND COLDS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF KAY'S COMPOUND OF LIN THE ESTATE OF MUBDOCR McZEh- ZIE, late of the Village of Exeter, in the SEED, Aniseed., Senega, f3guill,Tolu, die (Jounty of Huron, Carpenter, deceased. with Chlorodvne. Pursuant to R. S.O.,•ohap.107„ seo. 34, notice t KAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent is hereby given that all persons having claims N against the estate of the said -.Mur ooh Mo- 1>•. exnectorant SorCoughs and Cclds. Renzie, who died on or about the 10th. day of January, 1885, are a'ln or before the O);h day ofAY'S COMPOUND,for Coughs May,1885.to send by post, prepaid. to Benja- min V. Elliot, Solicitor, Exeter, their Christi- and Colds, is equally servicabte: for an and Surnames, addresses, and descriptio 1, Horses and C attle. and particular); of their claims, duly verified and the nature of the securityf any) held by them, and that after the said th day of Ma, TIC PILLS, a Specific in 1886 the executor will proceed to distribute the 11 Neuralgia Face -ache &c. assetts of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the COAGULIN.S.— claims of which notice shall have been given, Cement for Brok- and he will not be liable to any person or per- en Articles. Sold everywhere. eons of whose claim he shall not then have Sole Makers'.-.K.Y BROS.. Stockport had notice. England. Dated 31st March, 1885. BENJAMIN V. ELLIOT Solicitor for SAMUEL DAVIS, 20td Lxecutor, JOHN GILL, Auctioneer for 'the 'townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborno, and the Village of Exeter. All sales promutly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Bales arranged at this ofloe.