The Exeter Times, 1884-12-25, Page 3eselE ASIATIC CHOLERA, where It Starts, w It Travels, st by Whet Roadie. ea kept as thoroughly clean as careful an There are comparatively few people now living in this country who ha ever witnessed a case of Asiatic chol era, and there is probably no diseas of which mankind in general stands in greater fear, and whie`L is the object o more superstition. The facet of the dread malady spreading its contagion by personal contact, and faliewiag in its march the main roads of commerce induced Eugene Sue to seleet Ahasue sus as the personal propagator el chol- era, especially as it formerly advanced with the slowness with which eastern caravans carried the tea across the As- iatic prairies. In Asia, in the neighborhood of Cal- cutta; in ,Arabia, near Mecca, and in Egypt. not from Cairo, aro the breeding -places of cholera. There famine is a frequent occurrence. The grow up surrounded by filth such as an. American citizen has Rot: the faintest idea of, and an infectious disease fends the most favorable condi- tions for its devolopinent in those un- healthy districts, The pilgrims who in thousands yearly proceed front Egypt t0 MOOS, and who live oho poorest feed awl amid the greatest squalor, 4,4 carry with theta the seeds of cholera, and thus form the conuectiag link in the transmission of the disease from Asia to Africa, If we consider the commercial importance of Alexandria we can not wouder that the cholera, Eg once epidemic in ppt. ah"uld swiftly travel to Europe. .thus far medical Watery has not recorded a, single ii- stenosl of an. origival out break of Allot, era anywhere but at tlao places men - dotted. Filth seems to bo the sine qua non of its development and cleanliness the most powerful barrier to its march. The fact has been established that the human being, alone acts AS the car - riot of the cholera poison. There is no wall-authonUoated ease on record whore rags or clothing, as has boon proven of yellow fever, has trausmltted the infectious material of the Astatic disease. In olden times, when no rail- roads, no steamships. hastened the travel. oho march of cholera kept pace with alto rapidity, respective slowness, of buwan i.nt,.rcourse. The dissent either followed the road of the great test caravans, which brought the high- priced leaves 1rotu Asia to Russia, or it traveled the usual ways .of commerce across the Mediterrauenn sea. Where - ever a largo belt of water separated two coatutries the epidemic disease marched from the ono to the other in the same length of time that it took a ship to sail across the water. Such in- stauces we saw in the spreading of the a.'ontaghhn from the continoutof Europe across the channel to England and from Great Britain to Amerion. In the latter case the infectious material is not wafted across the Atlantic 000an and carried the long distance by the stir. From the moment of the out- break of cholera in England about s en days must at least falx se ore the f t case of the disease can happen in our country, for the fastest steamer needs about that time to cross the ocean. We knew. therefore, long since that neither in. Europe nor America could Asiatic cholera develop itself without its germ having first been introduced into these countries. We also were 43twaro of the fact that human inter- course alone propagates the contagion, ,and experieuco has taught us that filth favored and cleanliness prevented the spread of the disease. In modern times, where public hygiene had be- come such an important factor in the governing of nations, where the public sanitary matters are generally under- stood and highly appreciated in civil- ized countries, the facts just enumer- ated have been made subservient to the general welfare of the people. Tho original breeding -places of the malady were first determined; then the utmost precautions were taken on the first signs of the outbreak of the disease to confine it to its limits—to isolate the district attacked. &sides every state, every city, every county established its own board of health. This board had to see that the greatest cleanliness existed in its locality, and that travel- ers from the suspected regions were first quarantined ere they were per- mitted to enter the protected district. That it is possible to limit the spread of Asiatic cholera, to lessen the num- ber of its victims, and to dituinish its severity by the measures just described, the experiences of the last ten years has proven. The last epidemic jest reached our shore, but, finding no suitable soil for its development, it died out of its own necount after hav- ing attached a few victims in the filth- iest quarters of the metropolis. The epidemics which last year raged in Egypt and Calcutta were totally confined to their original starting point. Perhaps the best proof of the utility of strict sanitary measures was given by the epidemic in Egypt. in the immediate neighborhood of the infected place 1 some thousands , of English soldiers were camping; many foreigners from all parts of the civilized world were then living. not fifty miles from : the dangerous district; a greatly augmented' intercourse. took place between Egypt and Europe, and still the disease never spread outside of the . sanitary cordon or befell but a few persons in the pro- tected quarter. We need, therefore, have. in our coun- try but little fear of a visit by the As- iatic cholera if we but use the common precautions which modern sanitary science has taught us.. All vessels ar- riving at our shores should be carefully inspected, all ships ;coming; from in- feoted"ports should be forced to under- go a scot quarant e., all; emigrants ikonld be rigidly examined, and the elevens and alleys of oar cities should and uninterrupte attention can make m. hes prepared we may have reasonable hope of escaping the dreed visit, The united exertions of the most enlightened nations may suf- ve flee to prevent the disease from spread- ing beyond its original limits; still we e had better adopt the .most efficient means ourselves to keep the destroyer from our boundaries. Pkida(felplii Times. A MINUTE IN A DARIi DELL The Experience of a. Lady Who Ire. centiy Visited Newgate. "And suppose a woman is unbea ably aggravating, kicks and shriek etc. 1 suppose you put her in a. sma dark cell?" 1 query. •epitat we d after all other pleasures are 'tried i vain," replies my host. "Well, pleas put me In ono and go away for fie minutes," 1 requested, Oa this I a led toward the cell "niost politely," a is sung in Princess Ida. "Please, Mr. Jailer. I want a new sensation; I wan to struggle and be forced in, and hear the key click in the lock with a spite- ful snap; else hose can I write of the dark cell realistically?" On this I proceed to throw my arms about and behave otherwise in most rebellious manner. With a quiet smile I alp humored in ray little "crank," and In a second I find my hands pin- Toned in it firm grip, and ant pushed int" tbo dark cell, hearing the key 0 e r e 5 t a 0 I. Tarter tit Iv I\TOULD SA 1' TO those wh intend purehas:sat: to as so from the manufacturer. T40 dealer who baye to esti again 'must necessarily have a profit. We claim to givethe purchasers tL'tt benefit, which cannot fail to meet the views of the Grangers. Our expenses are leesthan those of'oite manulaetnreelconeeeeent We can ee11oheauer. C c4 S. GIDI.EY, 1'.441'1l ti. iji r-1 Emblems of all the Different 4tlittl''. 1r Y E WOULD AO Jur call specialatttentia undertaking dingo t meat,whioh is more coin 17,104c than a ver,as we have ed.ledsever a I zew designs of late The beat coitlne ea eta slat uda,and even} 'Amore] requielit at ti'e !fastest psi. a Our new Hier;e is l,ro,lcur.:ed 1.y o,mpetent lodge, to be second to northe nrovinere Zoozeties . %:11011-111\7" 1311=2,1,Ajw-li UNDERTAKER AND - fr. o Funerals furuielted ,tot, 111 Conducted at the gory late fast mettle s My'Stock of Undertaking r, t;oodsis large, complete and we assorted. and any t person:equiringauythiur an this line will finita to theiradvantagoto give me a 01111 and exaMine fft themselves, click in the lock, and over the one we bar at the top seeing the last of th light. I know it was nilly, but, over come with terror, 1 was speeehloss to one brief second, and it seemed to m as ii an ley gold band held my temple in a cruel pressure. Then from m dumb lips came a piercing shriek, the echoed throughout those deserted hall with horrible distinctness. Five min Utes! It was hours before they re turned with the lanterns. ""Oh, !tear,' 1 groaned. "will 1 be here always? Have they forgotten which one 1 am locked in." 1 fait that much longer of solitary confinement would turn my brain, and 1 began to gasp for breath. At last they come; the gleam of the light increases; the steps sound more distinctly* on my ear returning to re- lease me, 1 hear the jailor's keys jig gle with joyful sounds of freedom from my self-imposed torture, and the door files open. I can not apoak, and, wo- manlike, choke down and sob instead. At this my friend shows neo his • watch. "How long have I been there?" 11 faltered out. "Exactly one minute," Ihe replies. Sure enough, this is true; yet in that one minute all my life seemed to come up before my mental vision, just as It is said one's life comes rap to the drowning man or woman, 1 am told that usually ono dose of the dark cell suffices the culprit, and I can not banish the impression that it is haunted with fiendish spirits. I know it was silly of 1110 to be so unnerved, I, who have gone about London's slums. and know no fear of living thieves in London's streets, motet uncanny hours. Well, call me sentimental if you like, for, all the same, I solemnly assure you that I had rather die on the in- stant, be shgt;,dosvn in the twinkling of an eye, than be locked and bolted `'for ono night in the dark cell at Newgate, with no more tangible terror than those born of my terror-stricken apprehen- sions. It is such a little place, only big , enough to sit in—a little dark closet, in fact. Some inbuman mothers shut up their refractory children in a daark clothes -press as apunishment. At all times 1 believe the woman who strikes a child to be a human monster, unfit to hold the sacred office of "mother." After this 1 shall more loathe the woman who shuts her mischievous little child in a closet for five minutes, or even a min- ute, as a punishment, for I know now by experience the awful fright entailed. Oh, mothers! don't terrify the little folks. Perhaps their vexing little pranks are only an overflow of animal spirits. Learn to curb your own tem- per, and be gentle with the mites. Take the hot, fretful little girl in your arms, undo the pinafore and wee frock, and, slipping her out of the burden- some clothes, place her in a warm bath daintily perfumed, and my word for it, the nervous little one will soon be splashing, about the water in merri- ment. Don't forget that children have nerves as well as grown folks, and thaI. they have their troubles in child land. But I implore you do not past children in dark closets as a punish - meet. —Boston unish-meat.—Boston herald. CABINET-MAKER I It tee ;mit rete Yetl ,L nrgoetk tValuut' C li,.c.-it,'r•ru, Uu,.eweooecl Caa,i;ets; glyon AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other con,+'• i,,t• aro so Maidiens in their' Attactt astb.,se 1 t,.e tli .ad re ,l gongs; none so1r.:i i t. ,A. A 'Ay ofmi1rer. era. The o •... :J br t, rt.al. •tin; perhaps S.+",e, IA or nt:t<....eiott5 ex- pest,re, is of u: , e 1 1 g of a fate! sickness. +,. :. a 1 a.. bas well pru. a i.'r t. ,a a forty }cars' fight 'arab the t r •, . t:.xes, and should lis talon in a:: A " :'.1st Cough Cured.. $4 T. : s verecold, which rifected try . : 1 . c:t•ie cough at +l parsed -1 .4,,;,outsleep tlhet...!airs l .. i.....1 SBa's VuEt i. A .,, - '+ , "t ved my lungs, i,..:: ,•e41 .. odf °0e5 tehe enrgtti sc s. 0.41 t i1ie rECTORAI. a t. :an- t ..,t. I4.R 1 , ,. •a • 4and as,"t:s..c., 3,,t.r "am I. rased ice. 1.•. RACY.. F1t1:,:a:QTUFR:" 11., July 15, ltt2. smiths of every sieccrip. , f te,. —A tion. A comp'. Le stars ,,. of Itobea and Trimmings ; 1 ' •iwey oa hand. • i The latest styles of : 1, Chamber aml Farlor:Suits All kinds et Furniture at % ,. the :l oweetratee. . ! 1'-' : a „ i „!r' 1 1 air the i 1 • 'Le doe - 1., .. .= t : - 4 i . .11,-,T. ltad r.. - . t • . exit t, Vater at ,,v," 16.,'la t e1. .L+t.,. ,.,>,. tg1(,1t52, ,•t ' -c, •r,4 Pr,700AL, •t., n 4 0 net 1 •,,.114. meal 1 -A 1 i .. , . at ever tt • 1:,1:4.." Tft1111 BESI," hLrARSf IN gall; COU 'rV ltemenlberthe place•--,Nearlyoppoalte Kemp's Tobacco Store, Main -street, Exeter. JOHN 232146 WIT We Americans are supposed to **beat creation' in the ingenuity ;ness of onr advertising dad;;”:. soma large firms keep men e- iy em- ployed in devising new m . 1" ,at- tracting public attention 'v •i dod- ges begin to irritate or bore ,on don theater manager has boon t Lest ...I however. to impress tl:e tel,•„'r.pi his service and send rennin,+ giving well-to-do housholder. ;.ai over town the following inforr.ariu:t: "You should not miss seeing 'youth,' revived with best company rn London. Also with new and startling effects." "The tight -lacing young lady," says Richard A. Proctor, the astronomer, "is. after all, the fit partner for the male of her kind. Pinched waists and shallow brain -pans should marry aand intermarry; till waists contract and brains ;row shallower to the vanishing point'' I'his is rather strange advice for a _.eientific man to give. The .pro cretl;tittu•sof'iaubeeiles: willnot hasten the iiiilleriniain ' Hes as :well as other pe#'souls, ,knows that if • ,human beings could be reared noon the pine eiples that govern the breeding of animals, the race would Ice improved. The pairing of fools and invalids simply retards hu - wan advancement and sidle to human misery. Rocia<est'er••.Dcr»o+eraz;. Ezstpr Wiest Office 'I'i.axa,e fAI1.6 taatcR 01.0.04 Eirkton,Woodham, Win:helsea and Elltuville , ., - "815 a.ta Zouth,eastaudwesf,Includiu tzz ; g i.ondon,liantilten, ret'!... ]vtoutreal, '.......• r''P aha, United States, h;u„itala and foreign mails .., 1.•,t South, eaetand west ,. Mother's Tribute. in try lost ar'1 t. r i t ,st,heni +, 'scup; t ,.a >l. f;tAgn. eta use l"t.t r1N:A i., w b. WO of :•,1 t in the 1 euae nab dad fret um t .1(145, and ,. I ,.,; : i +., . ,, . 0, i'.‘ 'whine, a: , ,' /08ae- e - a i, ii:^ , . • care- s. 4 t .• 1..,1444." - - ra t sg 4 ., , eft hF754$ It".u11114 e tl ett North and east,; 5.15 p.m r4• f, p, t. tx,:1, April ,1 e.. ytratfotd,Terouto, Alentreahaud eastern States.. North ,,. Hay uolufling(ioderieh,',Mahan*,ltinmeriiiut.mid a U1"ointr+nortb, IC.(0a.ua 8,90 a. rat `5.1411,au.',,5•fe p. m '6.5ep. m. f..(0 p. za. MONEY ORDERS honied and paid enandfroman }•5rone OrdorOtticeintheDominionott/n•nada,(lreetitritxinand Irelend,firitinbIndia,XeWfcuudiend,a,erreasty,Austria,ltaly,Australiaandthe Vested:itatee. POSTOt+'F,C1.1 SAVTNCSBA:,K, Deposits will be received at this office from apt to 030e, I>ep.•sitora obtaining the lroetn,aster- fletteral's epectalpermission 0au deposit 51000. Deltoid Lama Sur Ines Dank account received from ,nt.to4p.m, (Mice hours!. ens 7.80 a. in. to p,m. Letters intended for registration must be posted 15' mhaute abetore the closing of each mall, N Counties to the eddies oa requested tont the senders of hatter will kindly add the names of th D: JOHNS, Postmaster. Health & Happiness for all. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache, Dys- pepsia, indigestion, Dizziness, Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering of the Heurt, And every species of disease arising from Impure Blood, &c. &c. PREPARE:, BY Tait Climax Chemical Company MONTRCJL, REMOVAL ! REMOVAL THE GENERAL QUESTION Agitating the Public mind at present is where can tney get the best Bread, but this matter can be settled to the entire satisfaction of the people of Exeter and surrounding country, by Balling on 3OHIN EELL, the old established and reliable bakery, where they will find just what they want. A Superior quality of Bread always on Hand Also a first-class stook of Buscorrs, Buns, OAREs & CONFECTIONARY, which will be sold cheap. While opponents have started busi,. ness, and sold ont, and left the place, Mr. Bell has been found at his post, during the past eight years, ready to attend to the wants of the Public. CROOERIEie. Owing to increasing business, Mr. Bell ha. found it necessary to remove to more oom- modious,premises, and has added . iargely to his stock of Groceries, and will keep on hand Sugars, Teas, toffee, Syrup, and everything usually found in 6.#:1d -class Grocery Store. All kinds ofI'arni Produce tak- en.in exchange for Goods. RSYHIRaari VIE STAND :—Southcott's Block, Four doors North Posts Office. JO$N BFLL ARNICA and OIL LINIMENT CURES ALL Pains and Aches, AND IS THE MOST PERFECT aux EED!CINE in the t ItLL SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. PRICE, 25 AND CO CM'S F 3 C3TTLE, How Lost, 'ow Restosed. We have recently published a new edition o DR. C'7LVERIY^LL'S CEl,EB1tAThD ESSAYon the re.dicalan a dicinolofNervousDebLermRon y arontal e and physical Incapacity impediments to Mari Lige, etc., re. suiting from excesses. Price,in sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two Postage stamps. The celebrated author of this mina irableessay clearlydemonstrates,from thirty years' success- fu]practice, that alarm ingconsequences maybe radically cured without the dangerous use of in ternal medicines or the use of the knife; Point- ont a mode of cure at once simple certain and et- tectu n 1,by means of which evory sufT'erer,luomat- terwhat his condition may be.may curehimself ch fapiy,privatelyand radically. aarThi lecture should be in the handset every youthandevery mania the land. Address THE 0ULVER WELL 111EDIUAL•Co 41 ANN Sr.,NEW YORK Out O ince Bos 450 RE NSALL PORK PACKING' HOUSE : ,r rr. Having commenced business ler the Fall and Winter Trade We areprepared t °purchase anyquantity of Pork,subjeetto the following regulations We will take off two pounds per hundred if dry, and three pound If soft. Shoulder tack twenty-five cents. If any of the t nog gats are left in,25 • ntsextra will be de ducted. No prat will be bought at any price If warm. We want all flogs Cutting right through breast to +IPS.1, and Hams opened out to tai >.>BT t+. i k J. PETTY. \a erase a an aif" 1•t cu of the throat err meet wets wlatcb stain! t l•e greatlyreliareel by the we of Ayrn s + nritSir Parte:mat, >Aael at ,n1U nlse a t ,;e , •,ea the disease 14 slot Alrt gel}' b.at•ud tl,c control of attrdtcinc. t•arrar.;:n xv Dr.&, sE.Ayer &Co., Lowell, Maas Sold by all Druggists. 4. ,LIX]R IL 1) W ". noranz EWA:. L I X .4 o Consumption,, Cc:+t. -;,' ' Co1ds,Whoopirl;:: and all Lun ytruyn or old. ;±,,i t I l' .ce 25c, mi. ^K 4 •- 1 , liar stood the test for F1, : Ya;aas, anal has proved remedy kn„ata f r t .e w , FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgative. Is a safe, sure, and effectual *Mts'oyer of worms in Children or Aduita. -' i” tJl 1L.Vl Illi 11lC URESCOUGHS COLDS. HOARSEN5 ,ET_ E S C TO FARMERS 1 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. NOAH FRiED, --OF THE Dashwood Flouring Mill Wishes to return thanks to his numerous customers, for the past liberal patronage given him, and since making im- provements, which is a large saving on fuel, will do –31-31— until farther notice, sat the following —rates :— OATSI SIX CENTS PER BAG% And for all other grains (Peas excepted),, SEVEN CENTS PER B.G. TUESDAY, THURSDAY a SATURDAY, Are my regular grinding days TERMS - Strictly Cash. N. B. --Flour & Feed sold at a close mar- gin. Deal forget to give us a.efl 'O Z T* IZ`D 4 Dsaiwasel, Foley 7th, 'A9