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The Exeter Times, 1884-10-9, Page 7
QIIFaEB PFAU AT' f OTEI,S. streets- , 1 laitelre t slag teems. ""Fenny Davenport. is an setrese —ng Soho la alwitys 'We erne, bel Somehow Buc 1 B People 'PP1ro, Gins the Clerks Trouble-- or other whenever she stops here she Tete Best Salveiaa: the 'world for 1 riu Peonliarites of Theatrical People, has .e new pea don that is undesirable, es, Sores. ulcers,. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, ""Oli, yes," said the ewes ceerk at the and is geucra.ly in training for some- Tetter, 4happt3ll Lauds, C4ilblafns,Goms, and, Continental yesterday , "•oh, yes, we thing. Lotta used to stop with us very alt Skia Eruptions, and poflitively curs 1'iles have `cranks' here once in ;r while, if frequently, and was as little trouble or no, nay required, 1t is gutirantecd to leive neat oftener. 1 don't suppose the fare some as nn.}• guest eo1a1d be• Site perfect satisfaction, or money reruntled. euy worse than other big hotels all over 'Tented the hestnf evirvthing,�coutso, ,,Price 25 cents perbox. bor'saki by all cling: the country; but theta 'We ' et our foil man pof lie sistebuIn art, 1v pvox ista. QQ tewal ii 1 tis share, �'oin there are men on the �wewillpay the above ae�tard for any, anal yy e road who earns hereonce alae while cool il assts 41113111rue to sine there. Riad that would "ties:' if they were ushered sett entsetees up as Tit►lversei critter, siegeof1 erconplatut, Dyspepsia, Sick heed - into the best bedroom in heaven, and L. user and 111 Alurska were also out ache, ludigestion. Vonstipatiou or Costiveness find fault with the eookfug of Biot lain- guests at bines :and gave no trouble, y:e ceupat,curatvlth '1\cat's 1'egetable Liver �' and one of the easiest men to please was 1'ilis, when Glie t1ireetiwi Ire atieklye0mplled self. Quik the other clay a man wrote Edwin Booth, the tr.t,edian. About ; wilii 'J�liey are purely 4egetsbl©, and neves his name on the register :and was showna tr,il to have sattsthi!L4 i. Su r eo tical. Last► to :t neat boils on the second floor polie(.:irrangem(.ntti Wj oil, ive have o boaea containing 30 rills, Za cents, For sada above. In five mieutes lie +came rush-. night, his that by the House all all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and • sstchm:an ing down tile. stairs (he was in too great - rounds being marked by 3u Iitatioaas. The Genome manufactured only. a itisry to viola for the elevator), and. indicator, .ind the l.eep, ns most ]nine byJ0aN,C, WEST it CO.. "The Pill mak- panting for breath :et the desk, yelled hotels do, aspecs al detective. The ars. ere,., gt k 83 Bing street l est Toronto, Out. out; tem of proteetron as now so perfeet•tbalt Free trial parkago sent by mut prepnired cn receipt of a three cent stamp The attendance at the Central Fair, Baran ton, on Thursday, in spite of the rain, was 6,500, Sufferers from the Mete of quinine, nod Poe remedy far chilli' auil fever, will appreei- ate Dyer's Ague cure, ea a powerful teirie bitter, composed wholly of xege.table substances;, without a particle of any noxious drug, Its senora is peculiar, prompt anal poe-ergul,brea-- irag 01) the chill, curing the fever, cool expel,- iug the Ireton front the engem, yet leeeine no bsenuftal or 00l►le at»lot effect upon tl:.s 114• tient:. 11 ;t!ARRRAJlI,F RESTOPATIt}N. " 5 eawn't keep that room, you ':now; why the carpet's got snakes tit it,' "The men had a red face anal a reds der nose, end I saw at onee that his peculiar condition had uansed hila to mistake the figures on the carpe;. for snakes. So, without asking any clues- bons or trying to explain :(way his: de- fusion, I sent Milt to a room where the carpet is in big squares, like a ehess- board, Sometimes men are assigned to rooms and come heels to be ehanged on the plea that they don't Hese tion out- look. The outlook, indeed 1 What Ps the outlook from a city hotel except the pla walls of the opposite street? The women that travel tuueh, iuolt as lest- uret'd and :tetre;ses. are :tint very pe. eulier in their wnyai once in •a while. They always want special termer and insist upon the best of everything. I feet, they want tnor'e Bare and Attests tion than our beat paying quests." THE $EEI;:G OF WAITERS - "Do you final any difficulty in gettiae good servants?" was Asked. at the des of the Girard House. "There ore always plenty to he hand but then they aro never worth much. for our business until they havo been drilled for awhile. iheu, pit about when they hfititt learned enough to let of some use, they get ambitious toga to the seashore, where wages are higher turd work not so itartietrfariv done and we Jose thele. Of course, we hold on to the best of our servants. some of thou have been with us many years ; hut then the ebungee are frequent, There is one thing, that mini hotel wait- ers, and that is the nlmoet universal habit of feeing them. eklmost evert day we hese complaints from transient guests of tnsuilieient service, and we know a once that the system of feeing is to blame. Yesterday, for itt.tunee.:a guest from Now Jersey said to me: ':1t dinner to -day my neighbor at my right hand got a. beautiful plate of asparagus, while mine wus mutely butts.' `Phut might have been the fault of that people in the pantry, but the rtrubabdlty 79 that.if the waiter hats received or had expected n fee he would have celled at Written to the dish .and served the Jer- sey Tuan more Liberally. It is a rule of the house that servants shall not receive grattaitiee, but we earauut folly enforce rt." robberies very seldom occur. lir last they 40 the fault Is generally traceable to the carelessness of guests,'--Piiila.. cielplria Times. - A $°ally New Trsh Story. Four ladies, a nurse and a 1Q -►ear -old urchin in blue petticoats, leaned eager- ly over the gunwale in a boat off Att- lactic City intent on capture. Suddenly the;young lady of the party gave vent to to wild , Scream. and began wringing her hands over the side of the boat. Tho guile continued to snap the unwary. minnows from the reedy wlarge, the vo. melons schools of weakfsla continued to take this hook nt fast ae it wee low caapi, yet heaven 'and earth were duly e:tllett to witness the maiden's distress. Playing the laiie from the tips of her fingers a hungry' wenktislt had metered fhe hook just ae a deemed ring slipped from her dainty fingers down the cord. Weakfish have a peculiar praetiee,wheu the stook has struck, of opening theft mouths :and shaking their heads. The fish in question opportunely opened bit mouth, received the ring OR top of the hook and was at un.ee pulled to the sur, farts and to the young lady's rescue.— ltijuite1piuo Pros GETTING RI(,'II WLTHOL'T r Y. "How about baggage?" a clerk of the Colonnade 1Io[el was .asked. "Do{ people travel nowadays with whole 1 wagon -loads of trunks, as they used tod "No; as a rule the =omit of bag, gape is li ;ht. There is n tendency among English travelers, however, to carry vast numbers of packages and reticules and sachets :about witil theta, but this is because the English system of checking baggage is different from ours. Here it costs dust as much to ex- press rpress a carpet -base as a trunk, and when the Englishman find this out in their travels they Ret trunks and carry fewer small parcel's. French and Gorman travelers get along with comparatively light baggage, auto the average Ameri- can makes a small valise and an ordi- nary trunk serve his turn for a voyage around the world. When fashionable ladies sot out for the watering -places. thousen, tee atitulat'r +.t (runes le s,,me times enormous. 1 have seen one Suns mer onllit that filled shirty° u.nu S:arato- gas. '1'he head porter of :! large hotel like this has a place that compares ver) favorably with most holitioal positions. He gets no salary, but he and the men he employs to assist him board and lodge in tie hotel. One old porter 13 said to be worth 5150,000, much of which he accumulated here. He has the monopoly of the boot -blacking and the trunk -moving, and the gratuity for the latter service, although never de- manded, is seldom forgotten even by the moss close-fisted guests. Red Mora. Humble Meat, White old John was eating ail speoiat ustPee of the peace, a young negro. targ0tl with bigamy, was arraigned fore biro. 'It do seem ler nue" Said John, sw- ing the prisoner' "+Int de young men ter -day ain't got no sense nohow. Do wort' Slidin stack all de time an' de 'sperienee ab one man ain't ewut a cent ter a Hodder man." ''ledge, I'se sorry dat I'soviolated de lacy," the young negro said. looking up is+ltta that air of supplication which the repentant colored gentleman eon so artfril1v assume. "1 a'ln't 1:7&in' 'bout de law," the lud"ra replied. "I was tal1ln' 'bout eta ittle sense a man shows in mnrry'la' twle('t. It's bad null ter marry Dune. but Fromtwo times may de Lewd save rare. I'se a married man, as much ob to married map as de, common run oh then, an' its'jes''as touch as l ten do tar git along, but of 1 wee married ter two sistit women as my wife is. der wouldn't bo human power null in clis town ter keep nits %mien do giber. t::o on home soh, and lib will ter wives , soar through the season ;Why de time de frost conies an' de leaves *urns yel- go out an'bprc oh the gospel of e de right srt oban ter V. We need more humble men ill die community:'—Arka:nsato Traveler. THEATitICA.L PEOPLE IN HOTELS. "Theatrical people are not, as a rule desirable guests. They generally come in numbers, and want reductions of the rate on that account. It is not uncom•' mop for a hotel whose usual charge is 54;a -day to take,a dramatic company al $;50 a day. This is not the worst of it, for they expect the best of accommocla• tions and the closest attendance, and give perhaps more trouble than any other class of guests. ` We don't have. many theatrical people, because we. make no reductions. One of our guests for many years and one that was always the house. welcomed heartily was MadameJanau- Flottowee s Pills. :-Liver Complaints and seheek,'who always stopped with us. "No sir," said old Tostewater; I)isorers of the.Bowols,--It is impossible to She wanted the Ver best of everything, , "•there: is good in everyman," eyes," exaggerate the extraordinary virtue of this me- p ysaid Lawyer Greenbag; "there wits Jim dicrne in the treatment of all affections of the of the was willing's a well for. it. One liver irregularitiesdeortiupes of the bow els. In cases of drawbacks to our enjoyment o1 Sian,�,•er; `oto drank, stole, swore, 'Heti.orbile then her etistom was the responsibility she and followed a bad life for years, and pills,taken freely, have never been known to ental -led 'upon us by depositing over yet when eta arrested'' him the othert fait. Iii bowel complaints they are equally' I- $1O0,000 wprth of diamonds in our safe ,lav--" Here Tostewater interi;upta facious,` though, theyshould then be taken on every visit. Our safe was opened, ed: "You told him of his old mother; rather more sparingly, for every medicine in every ten minutes perhaps during the of his once happy home. You found: the form or ati aperient requires caution when . t a althou h at the . a.disordered, dory, and eve alwriys felt a terrible `c read some redeeming thin about inn,. .the bowels' are.g. of the disappearance of some of Mad- "We did," said Green`bag, as expect tame time a gentler or more genial aperieht anie Janausohekle jewels. Tortenately, ant eves were ° fixed upon him; we than these Pills in moderate doses has never they were never stolen. She is more .found something redeeming about hint yet been discovered. If taken according to the desirous: of privacy now, or she stops, —it wes a pawnticket."—Boston Com- comped nt, but ed lona, improve the whole snet yscem. the when in the city,• at Zeiss's, on -Walnut . mercies Bulletin. UP. O'lfrien,372 Exebange Street. Ilei. No, was auppaaed to ba dying with comma. o t tivaa►al .oe a 'a ab rd d l h r et u She a u bbl J p3 suffered terribly is waspen'esh o errs 1p ai 1 r sed in fl t taiaaety pouncle. In Ibis condition etto resorted to Burdock Blood Bitters, and now enjoys per. feet health and weighs one Impanel and forty, *ix. She will ,gladly gnawer enquiring eu1ree, ere on receipt of U. S. Postage SUMP. t)Iatl101st of October the Torouto milkmen raised the price of milk to eonsutnera 4 Ceuta per gallon as has been uswtali in former years The price per port and pint is 7 and 4 cents reseeetisele. Are yon troubled with Suit glom. Bon.., bands, or Old Sores of any time that cannot be Heeled ?Even though it be of y eats sten•' ding ;atcOregor ct Tariie'a Carbolic Versate will, cure it. Ile clad the shadow of edoubt it le the best hes ing eawpsietal orerbuuwu. Beals. Festeriatgs, Fred Mice, Darin or any Skin Trouble. are alike cured by it. Said et 25' cents by J, W. Browning, Dreg ;let. 4 SAVED F11Q,l1 THE 50AL1'E1. A Toronto lady, Mrs. Rerkensbaw, con tasted a'(Devise of the knee joint and was alvPeed to aukmit to at surgical %elation by tett beat phyaiolan attending; all other treat• ttrtraitts havin,t failed. when Hsgvard's Yellow Oil WAS tried and speedily cff'cted a cure. It in the unfailing remedy for accidents anti stn- erxe0cics. and is for interest and external Use. From Jan. I to Sep- 20, 2.533 miles of rail- way track have been labs in the united States. The Chatlaotu Football Club and the Chats Item High School Football Club baro auialea• mated under the latter name, anti will plav antler moctation rules. "fify •dauuhtcr has talceaa the uetllt:hoe faith- fully, According to diroctlone, and her stealth anal spirits are now perfect. The humor Is all roue from her face, I wish event anxious mother miglu know whet e. aliening Ay'er'+a Sarsaparilla in in such eases." ON THIRTY l):t4Yli" TWAT,. Tux Voa'r*iC BELT Co.. Afarshall, lticla.,evi1 Rend. Iyn.Drr.'Rt"nxi:ia8ATEP 1:r,ECTf:o-i-oaTale 13Et.Te AND l:rr:o.^nto Acrrae:Ser-s on trial for'. liirty days to men (young or ola) who are af' dieted with nervous debility, lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing apeedy and complete restoration of health and manly vigor. Address as above. N. 13. --No 0sk is 1nourred, as thirty days' trial ie allowed, d1lawEnvn:a eueseme.—Why do so many people we son around us,aeem to prefer to aur fer and be made miserable by indigestion, con stipatiou, dizziness, loss of appetite, endue up of the foop, yellow skin, when for 75 cents, we will sell thein Shiloh's Vitaliser, guaranto ed t"" cure them. Sold by J. W. Browning, Exeter. z o w, DANGER, IN THE cilia. simmummummummismoimorimisonim INV A.TATA1LE TO EV.1724,Mr LADY A Washington Bar -Boom. The old, gray-haired negro who tend. ed the bar was in himselfr' it curiosity. Ile told as he filled my plass that he had been tending this slime bar for thirty- five years, and that this saloon was the chief resort informer times of the states- men of the capital. Said he: "I have often sten Clay, Webster. and Calhoun drinking here together, Henry Clay and Daniel Webster used to be here night after night. Clay always drank brandy juleps, and his spirit rose rapidly under the influence of liquor. Webster drank considerable, but the only observable change in him was that his eyes grew brighter and kis talk became if anytiriue more measured. Calhoun seldom drank strong drinks, and usually took either lemonade or sherry, and often nothing. He would comeinto talk. They were lively fellows in those days, and they liked their fun just as well as the big men do now. They often played cards here." "Did. they gamble?" I asked. "No, nor for money, but generally for the drinks. I remember a game of cards Clay and Webster and two other men played here one rainy night. They played here for the drinks and smells:', Institut relief. 4 The men that won drank, and those who 1 HOW TO CUBE A COLD, were defeated paid for the drinks and Take some gentle opening medicine, bathe. were forced to smell of the glasses 01 the feet in warm water, adding a spoonful of their opponents. They started in at 16 mustard remain indoors ; equalize the circa - o'clock and they played until 2. Luck lation with warm bath and friction; drink was against Clay, and I don't think he warm ginger tea, and take Hagyard's;Pectoral. won a drink during the whole evening." Balsam, the most perfect and the safest cough —Washington. Correspondence Cleveland .cure tura can be procured. Leader. A. CELEBRATED OASE. Something new in ,. The remarkable ease of W. A. Edgers, of its first flannel shirt.Folio• Some- Fraukville, wdo suffered from disease of the thin old in `wool-ens—Mary's Little lave'. and kidneys so badly that all hope ofre- Lamb. e-, Lame.—Salem (Mass.) Contributor.. coyery was abandoned.. He remained ten and It was a Cairo woman ..who bored thirteen days without action of the bowels. Four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters restored three gimlet holes through the kitchen him to perfect health, which he had not known floor to let the freshet drain off under for twenty years. before. MAY DEW' The Great French 1 otioli for Beal the haoe. it seeeeels the evidence of a;4".. Oae at'pn- nation wilt aaa.e the most stabbor3l red ,an'l rough hands beaatituilysoft ind w'ita, lice member that" UAW PIM" is not vadatA or rowderthat Ale up the pores of the skn, and tont Is injurious to she *Mu testa new and trear eiseovgry, a veeet.tble liquid, teat causes he ,cheek to glow with heitltb,.the Peak, amus end haradstorivet the I.dyiiawhiteners, possible to to. detect iia .the beauty it cowers any rtz0eiat clraraster. It cored Creasy !Ain. reckles, Wrinkles. I'ienplos. I3110 Asses., row's Yves. I3iotohes, Race Grubs, Sun Burn an, Itingworm, Choppped. Hands, acre or amp Pod I01ps.l3ralbrr'R soh, Tetter, 4c0. Its frees the pores, oil ghouls. end taboo Troirt thetailor, iousoffeota of pov4era and cosmetic washes.. By its use alt re0nesaend roushue"s are pre- vented ; IG ber',tt41tee t1#s'skin, and will make iG weft, smooth au4 white , imparting a delieioue softiies!';.produc1Pg a perfectly bealtby, netnr- at,sud options appemesoe. The beet face lotion that the wand ever produced. We will send "' . LABQE Boma.* to any aderest on re. cefp7 or prica,31. Who:ordering mention riii aper. dddress all d; 0PNat Toro Tor SETT BRoa. IMADQUARTERS 1 Bare Will The recent strange planetary movements and electrical phenomena have developed the fret that the earth is passing through a dang- erous period when atmospheric influence will seriously effect human health. Fortify the weakened system with that grand tonic. regu- lator, Burdock Blood Bitters, and avoid ina. lariat blood poisons. A FACT. Thele are oils white and oils black, Put up in bottles short and tall, slut Hagyard'sYellow 011, for pain, Is the very best oil of all. It cures Rheumatism, neuralgia, deafness, sprains, braises, contracted cords, sore throat, frost bites, burns and all soreness of the flesh. It is for external and internal use. Wife—What,s the mattter now, John ? Husband—Oh, that netualg:a and tooth- ache near kills me. Wile—Why don't you go to 2. W. Browu- ing's Drug Store and, get a bottle t I Fluid Lightning ? You. know it cures all such, things as Toothache, Neuralgia, Headache. Lumbago. Earache, Sore Throat, etc. It gives Spades, Hoes% Forks Scytthes, and steel strip fencin s, CHEAP AT BISSETT BROS. BENOW1 .L'.t.i 'Rai -MEI IEs.— HOLLOWAY'S PILLS 301NTMENT THE PILLS Purify Oh, Diced, correct all Disorders of the L1NEE, STOMACH, IUDNEYS, ANDOW ELS, They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions and are invaluable in all Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For childrtu tied the aged they aro priceless THE OINTMENT Is au infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and famous for (Tout and Rheumatism. 100 DISOEDEES or THE CHEST 17' 1018 \0 itOttsL. 'leers. It is For Sort' 'Threats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Golds, Glandrlar Swellings, and all skin dlseae it kat no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. The Pills and Ointment aresolal at Teams I3'oz owtr's Establishment, 78 NEW O: FORD-STBEETlato (583, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at ls.1 d., 3s, ed., 4s. Gd., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. H. size contains three times the quantity of the Is lad, size ; the 4s. ad. size six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 388 size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and eau be Lau in any language t Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 633 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. WILLIAM DREW nd ertak,e�: Z and A C ab ■ �n e� make r 1r itifinmIR„ 01\41-MA..1R0I0 ONE .DOOR .WORTH MOLSON' S °BANK •