The Exeter Times, 1884-9-11, Page 8 (2)B: aril's store for the lest 8—years,Imo ),ger t *;hors. be ;bas ourei a petition ao sslsrtusn.---M'r h , Mamantng, who wee boom on W13, e a and. Retail short rt p visit, scoow anted Mr. Whit tai 1J,v-b ria ll ern a lla� �r1 nsnod > r, oard' r frothm Pa t i .a friend* throughout Ontario. --Mayers N. J. sod W. J. Oluk did not go t Oregon last week, as was stated i Our last issue, bat they went on Mon ou lace avenue, is this oitY My last,-1E.v.Mr. Dickson opens Sums the , it Our day ,in Loodon.—Mr. Kirby,. alts qe of 48 7Mfs. For arses three good lows young men who who preached iu th Yeexe MX Bellies has been a gnat Main -street Methodia,ohurch daringsufferer, the mat of his 41444114) being :Rev,11r, .Diokoon'e amino, tall suinthe kiln qs. produoing other oomph- waliplOOLLTAR FANCT ,t,S _.. 'SUER, ONT. Obit. The following concerning the life sed death of the late Its, 4.1ezender, tropias, brother of Mr. W. 11. -Collins, of this village it clipped'fit paper published in Pontiac, :ll tds t hi which place deceased: war- a reapeotad rail, dent +"*lemetider flol'iine, wheel" ntitns among firming whit ahoneeitold word, tied Winder atanias at hie residence, ITS MONIC* MIC 'TOUR POCI 3 tT !. 6Sta -,r • Ladies, now as the -etenings'are becoming cool, you will need an EVENING S We have ai fine line, we offer yyou C� .: + ey are beauties. which fl I) RTMENT is full, and gives ►;+ii We have -a, lot'vf',)LO FLING in all the latest and est styles. =---� mer, bps brio spending a few dry , coons that hem made hie life for nuti t3 NTS ver tin6 qor ftretlnsertion. and with has triode oars, Ha reissue l the past fair yeare a period of *Bang. sFOUR wra nC IMS ehas.• Tion eesb appeex'Yug collage ahorlty,--. Ms. L. Sooner Leit log hope* and fears ; but the shadow to thisooiemn. on hie bicycle early T'ua.dsy mornin Wiled lightiIioimldbat for college at Toratlo.dy. vr d al istby She noiiverssl destroyer, The deceased Moiteod, who .lice been Ilium irk y 0 Nora Roodw and prince. Eduard lots was born in Waterloo county, ()uteri*, MOS. THURSDAY, SEPT, 11, 1884. QCAL NSW. W int be happy to r cave at all tiidtes, frost any Tart of the CouNty, ftriai of ZocaZ twws, such sal die* eitkdat1,or any hematitic incident what- ever, froldt all of our;dabscribers or had ars yezei4V.y for the purpose of pxbtic- age*. Loral Bane and hart "loom& very much inv. April 1.9, 1886. He came to Pontiac ,in 1863 ; aftes *few Mouths entered prayed is ltaltbi.-•.-'�,r, W. Feaw-ick,: lr,, left Townley foe California. --10. the employ of 7.ilumss Turk as sales- 109,Renton is clary oil a two winkle thein, Duni 4e14 his position will Tnrk eisil--�lldrs 0 Tiartight pod lien go* brothers uiiiil his death, where a Charles returned home on Mond . pl±tol was always *pati to hist at their evening from en extended visit **anus or in their hearts. By hie Wiltobirp and o*t€ar� part of England,. ndelity to chirp be woe the oonfideaoe of his employers, ma the esteem weenies. the social gird busmen* patson ageoi Where are you going to *paid ciao the people. The peat few years of holiday ? hie life hive beep year+t of rollsoIion ; Zooid news is lamest a* mince se he felt be was losing his hold on !hie wog.. world and reached out after more en- A restart an intelligent lsd t teem the The Iodtiatriel exhibition wtw op. dunng things of which he expressed art of printing. 1inat hoe* fair eduaWen, sued at Teton* yesterday. a hope of rioh fruittbu and su, un" Apply personally to Trusts f fece,Rxexter. 0 p 1f obanging•aud painless home ; to title l0uriag the storm ye.teraay ;OW- home and these pleasures he exorcise- During the reaidenee of Mr. John Dow', ed a with to become as s relief krortl life bit bad bsoome nburdeu to him, ialud con., U.borne, watt struck by You; ? T -ll d The ROT. d'. 8 Joiliu, praaebed.the lightning. and badly shattered, fgu,aral sermen, the burial service be Oda ]td olida+ ' pdio + ing performed by Masonic. Lodge No. 21, of which he was a worthy and de- voted member. Mr. Collins was one. of those rare grout men who strew roses and never thorns' all along the pathways of his fellow men. Riad- nese .abounded. found the Countrv. Jim srr$ll of l3iddul h notarlet has relented from the Rooky Mono-- ntiui. oun men,hive you paid your eta - tuts la r tax a co rotor is deli his round*. Youngmen shoot! mem% L Cm - Knee Vaud display of (loris' Fur- unhinge. ur-»Dishing e. Mr. Morgan, who got his 'eye in- jured lest week is progressing as wall as can be expected, Mr. Thos. B. Catling hem cont - In .sr h a nitmerousi eig>ned r , :,' oa '1hs Beam hM pro claimed day next, 17th init., a *hie , for the Tillage. of Exit- kr, :ater, in a '; to be hoped it will be *beers by ail the btuiae.$ mega in t People in the country should also bear in mind rias the stores will be aimed on that day. Tort. On Wednesdiiy evening last a trot- ting match took place on the private driving track, between two colts own - ea by Messrs. Stanlake and lir. Lea - thorn ro.peotively, ' There were three Mott, each one being keenly contest- ed until the last one, when both broke into a tun. Neither beast had any irsihling, therefore the stakes were net heavy. Nair Judges. Now that the time for holding fail fairs is et hand, we would suggest that in the appointment of judge* in the different departments, the great- en care 'should be :exeroissd in ap- pointing those who era Armlet with, and, capable of deciding correctly on the merits of the articles they ars to judge, as exhibitors frequently nom plain, and sometimes not without cause, that competent judges ars not appointed to pimientos on their ex - The L x - Thea ive Stook $ale. Parties intendingto enter stook for the fall sale of the Huron Livo Stook Association, to be held in Clinton, about the middle of October, should send in their names, together with the pedigrees of the animals they in- tend to offer, toIbe Sontag, M. Y. McLean, Seaforlb, without delsy, as menotid the medal of tis' brick ma- dam at the lower end of the town. Wanted. --A good steady boy about 17,1i drive bread wagon acrd assist .otherwise at the baking. J. R.Evails. There were but few Emeteriles want 10 ere "4 paw's" white elephant at London on Wadneeday of lest week. Gratin is beginning to comb into the market more. rapidly And very fair prises are being paid by the hnpere, . The weather for the pial few days has been exceedingly warn, A -how- er Of 1a1n ou 8uuday afternoon cooled the atmosphere fora short time. Now is She time when' the old rule by which to dietingnish the mush- room Dome* in maul. I1 is this ;-- Eat it; if it kills you it is a toadstool; if it doesn't it hi s mubI room. The Salvation Army stili hold serv- ices in Drew'* Hall, notwithstanding the warm weather. The meetings are Wan attended on Sunday nights, but the offerings still continue small. Mr. Portion, thane* proprietor of the hotel at the station, gave a sup- per and dance on Wednesday night of last week. There was quite a num- ber present and s very pleasant time was spent. Rev. Mr. Paseoe . preached in the Main -street Methodist church, sad Res. Mr. Rand °coupled the pulpit in the aemssairet ohnroh Sunday even- ing. ).&r: Kirby preached for Mr. Dix - al entries not made by the 20th inst. on in the morning.. at the latest, can not be recorded in The season is around once more the Sale (Jatrlogue. Parties having when we hear of quilts made of an in. stook to sell should attend to this at finite number of pteoe*. An old lady once. 82 years of age, residing near lian- over, has just completed one contain - Conaway: in'g nearly 4,000 puma, each piece On Thursday last Air. Hartman, of being about the rite of a bens. the township of Hay, had the min- ( When you visit Lond"on—tai, time tan enjoyable time upon such oases - He to have his horses run away• or any other .Lime --dont fail to eonHe was a1 one•of the lime houses at the station loading lime, when the train came " along, frightening his horses and causing them • to break loose. Tltey ran' about 100 yards, when they came to the station yard gate,which was jomped•by one of the horses, and the lime in the wagon dumped on the ground. The wagon was somewhat broken up, but the Mill was not injured. Agog Zurich, s A full line o , E1 eW= latest •and newest styles— both in„ SW! and Before making your purchase it will pay You to call•, 'see us. '• In GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS our Stock ?.fete. • Bent . -Mr. E. J. Hardy's new, handsome and commodious residence is nearly completed. It improver the appsarsnoe of the village eery much. 1 bfr. Mitinger rtes sold his farm on the 141h concession of Hey, to Mr. 3. Gellman. The farm oonlaaas 50 stores and was bought for the sum of $2,00.: The Commeroisl Rotel pro- perty hes been sold to Mr. Pylae, of New Hamburg, for the sum of $5,000 He took posse**ion yesterday, 10th. 'itching the .ahoslder stone has be. come quit e a popular amusement among young and old men. Mr. :1. Wagner, who stands about 5 feet 5} inches, and of medium weight, is the Champion. The distance he can ;put the atone iceboat 86 festa—Our fall show promises to be a grand sucrase.-. .Mr. N. Deioherl, late of the Comma. tial Hotel intends engoging in farm- ing. Tao Ganey MILL. -It is She iuteotiou of Marro. Elinas & Williams, propri- etors of the Zurich Grist Mill, to ghoul down about .the 1st of October, in order to make some improvements in their mill, by way of putting in the nso.sserymachinery ,for the oper- ation of the roller proems. They are also building an addition to the' mill to accommodate the new ma- ohineey, es well as theirconstantly ineres.ing trade. • G0In-. Thc Othcr Storc. But when you come to see our BOOTS & SHOES you Will find they cannot be beaten for Myles and prices. 'We warrant them and live up to the warrant. OUB GROCERY moi, DEPART' is full and varied. We sell: Teas and Sugars as cheap as. any house, and with less BLOWING. Our Canned Goods are the best we can buy we do n deal in ibe setionds. PeA.IStiT82. "" C S I :- x , We have just reeeivedanother lot of 60 boxes A-1 fiult'r, which we offer you at $1.26 per box IA lbs.] can early* ,, they are going fast., We want your Mutter: and Eggs 'and anything else you hay' to sell. Gall and see us Highest cash price paid for Eggs. I. O.A. LIN ligious painttngs,' ''tlhibdren ct Ail Nation, etc., will well ;repay the reed- / ; indeed, the pegs( teem with in - tonna, entertiaament and. lustuction.. T4s Mariam should find its way in- to every family circle. A single dopy is 25 oen*e, or $i2.50 a year, p d. Mas. Fut Lneux, Pub 65 and 67 Ark Pleat N. rand *panning -Mud Oreek drain ; She above paring will give full par, fibulas. Afsor paesiug the following so counts the council Adjourned to meet the first Muuday in October: S. Parsons, nails, $1; W. McCann, bridge, 48.50; E. Deetner, $11.75.; T. Chambers, $4; 3. Schweitzer, $8; E. Williaane, $8,5C; 0. Finkbiner. $2; W. Holt, jr„ $2; bir. Chambers, $5; Mo0osb'Bros., of.Luoaan, Mr. Ferguson, 54.50 ; R. Ireland; out their business to brant $1; T. Flynn, $1; 3., Lewts,'$1 ; W. and have gout, to Listowel. ©ookwell, 50 cents. 1, -***-4 O. PaonTn, Clerk. BORN. ISlanshard Council. • Grand Bead. The public school of Grand- Bend held' it.,annngl pionia on Thursday; Aug. 281h.. and with the usual am- ass. The parents and friends, as well as the pupils, always anticipate AProblem • - An exchange publishes the follow-, ing, which may interest some of our subscribe "A. snbsoriber sends up the folio`` g and asks some of those` *heap trip to the old :country. Mr. l i ores to solve the rob-' melt >R g prob- Spackman can furnish, tickets, per tem . A -and R make a fence 100 rods Allan Line, to England, Ireland or long for $100. A gets 15 cents per Scothdands*return' to Exeter, for rod and 13 gets $1.25 per. rod. How les. thin $42. Parties not wishing moth of the fence (100 rode) will each to return after the ;close ut the St. man have to make so that each gets Lawreaoe may,retnrn by way of Port- en even share of the money. It does laud at.'the samte•ttlier.;;;,, not take a lot of • working out to get •.. , s, el the miffedanswer 'to this, but it ,.•e}cgbt's Emulaioai of Pure takes considerable thinking." Cod ter oil, with Hrpophosphltea, Paihtabis as .Milk and Borne by Delicate, • Stomachs. at Frank.Cooper's Photo Studio,. He is the beat in Weitsrn Ontario, and will guarantee his work. Remember seemed ' with some of the Lillian and lake a look in and tee his grand ;band's finest eeleotions. gallery. Nobody detained. Hosts of operators. Read advertisement. MONSTER Exounaloli.—The annual Monster Excursion of the L. H. & B. division will rein to Niagara Falls, ions, cad the most sapgut s expeo ' laltons were folly realized when the amusements of tie day were inter - Mies Maggie. Eohlemmer left here foe Goderioh High '$*hoot on Mon- day Sept. 1e1. • Death has again visited our omit - Friday. Sep. 121h. Train leavesnniry. Mrs. David Kennedy, after Exeter savers illness, departed Eyster 7.55 a. m. Ticket, only $1.76 this life on Sabbath, Ang. 31st. A for round trip .good for two dip,. this and five children remain - to Crowd' are.goiwg horn all • along the mourn their lose.. line. Don t 0111th • . s.. As hayed is •ovor, fasineri and others ilhourd lake advantage ofa ins a. Spider; of Rxete?r, � p Ds. J, W. CommToN, of Evansville, Ind:, " A. left oli says'; have prescribed $eott's Em*leion borne dren 'Morally ,aye Or O .vu .4-) .*.i-...- ,..,.. „ s .. r ..., ... Silas Whit sok, whop well yk,de 000 trio, „ 'r, .given +titin n to Se tember'151h, for the ,coli- through South Holland,'''�Hieiorioal useto fake it readily and at is 'vo u*efnl p p $ iltrs'been�smploysd In Mr Jar. kid-'`• �� �' The regalar`dieeting of the council was held on Manley, let inst. All the members present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and con- Mr. Wm. Sommers appealed to the Board for assistance in gravdlling the road running pant Mr Bailey's. Moved by Mr. Pearn, .saondsdd by Mr, Hudson, that the council make *. grant not ,to nosed $15 to gravel the above-named road. providing the St. Marys council grants a like sum.— Carried. The following ordure were homed end signed by the Reeve: John Brown, $3, ditching on .the 12th Don.: Wm. Wiilisms, 515 for plan and specifications for bridge on 10th oon.; R. Clarke, $2 for repaving •onlverl : W. D. Stanley, $3.20 for plank and laming levels •on boundary Blan.hatd and Biddulpb; 0. Skinner, $83.84 for gravelling ; J. Stevens, $13.51 gravel; C. Robiason,$1 cov- ering culvert; 1). 8. 'Campbell, $18 engineering ; H. Dobson, $8.64 for gravel; Wm. Dyke., $29 pointing and repairing bridges; Jar. Haas - wood, $22 for gravel; Win. Rundle, $25.50 gravel and damages; E. Me- rsin; $8 ditch on St. •Marys road;;. W. Hatching, $g damages frmn drawing gravel; Johnston Stewart,' 50 ois.9or registering deed of hall. The oonnoil adjourned to meet' on the first Monday in• Oolober ai 10 o'olook a. in. • CLAIM, ferk. FRANS L1ieL18'S SUNDAY MAGAZINE. This most enterprising . ;publio,ation Stephen Council* is oonduoted with liberality, :enter- prire and talent'; in fast, the name All members present. Minutes of of the editor, T. De Witt Talmage, is previous meeting read an 4 approved. a vouolier:for its mai fence. The Oo• Mr. Heathen's a. plloation Wal not toner number numb` 's filled with P. f n poetry e► d e entertained. contribution', is prosep y ,•y Mr. Fergueon's. thistle bill wee' or. some of the most popular writers, 'dered'io he. paid,' and emanate put on roll agaio'i ;the dots. ' Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and 'Clerk to meet Saturday nest at Crediton' to revise M.' 0.'D. Rates. On' motion of 8. Ryan .and C. Eit- her, G. Brown` was appointed coiled. for M a salary; of $90 ; no extra.,, Resolved that tenders be received b V. Katz, C. Eilber, trr C. ` Proniy, y and the. illustrations are numerous and meritorous.:.Amoog the contains ere articles by Rev. Geo. T. Bider, Mr. Robbins, A:F. Alexander`, Heresy, 3. ,'Alex. Pecten, etc. ; �,,Serin'one by the editor and D. D. li golly ; poems by Mrs. T. K. Hervey, Longfellow, Madeline S. Bridgee,,eto, endows! sad short .atoriee, sketches, and ss- se ;s' replete' lete with inters•t.' r'A -trip y p 10 ' struoiion of a pile bridge onCredilon 1 Ailraolion. of Inwood,"" "lie• • boash'remae C lex.—At Harwich • Centre, Kent aotuit , Ont„ on the grd cher., the wife of Rey. W. H. Gane, of Elimrille, of a daughter. MARRIED. Cowan-0nn.--On the 4th inst., at the resi- dence of Mrs. Dixon, the bride's sister, Maguiin P. 0., by the Rev. John'Veale.Mr. John Cowie, of Winnipeg, Manitoba. to • Miss Holds Orr, of McGillivary, date of Peterborough, " • ' SALE REGISTER. Wsnsassnu, Sart. 17, Farm Stock, impls- melats, &o., tbe*property of J. J. Wilson, I} miles north of Bengali. • James Oke, auctioneer. Sale to commence at one o'clock p. m. TIME, ITS VALDE. To -day is ours, why should we care ? Today is ours, why should we fear ?. Today is ours, why should we'sorrow ? For the gods belong tomorrow. Therefore for to -day, chew Goldeoin Tob- acco is the best. PROPERTY LIoT poli SALE.• A Prams House on Gidleyy-street and a halt acre of land with good stable and a quantity of choice fruit trees. Apply atB. OA1$LEY'S, 13idley-street: - For. Sale. A well finishedandoonvenient Dwelling House and Lot on$uron Street, East of Main street Eieter. For particulars apply to "'MR, B V'ELLIOT, Solicitor rte, Exeter FOR SALE. A' Two storey BRICK D ELMNG HODGE, gituatei on Mill-et.directi aatbf the Pro.by. Lesion Church, Exeter; together with three- gnarters of sneers of land, good frame eY hie and driving house; splendid orchard of ahol'ee •yyoung trait.1y saying trees ; ggood well and 'cis- tera. Suitable for a..gentlem , r,$sitl4noe. Will be sold cheap on terms to prohad'er. PoeeessiJn given 1st i!:ovember,1 Flintier .. partioalaYs.onopphaatioa to . -. • . R. (HALEY, Exeterl O. OR SALE. • SAW MILL ah125 acres of LAND attached. know rthe Sr .sit ate on. east as Brook's Mill, i n d half of east half of Lot r, Con: 4, Hay, The machinery is.n good Working order, the boije.r and engine being nearly new. On the }11y thele are two Frame Houses, a grams Bei and Stable, and an orchard of Wont 2, .acre Terms liberal. Apply to T4,4 ,ROOERS. arkhiil,or;to J, &PAOKMAra, Exeter, 1Aitk FUR SALE. 140 sores hiethe Township ef-Stephen, being 10t3„3, endpart of 12, fh the 9th concession, There are 'spo 160',creacleared, of, good doll. • Two ' Frame Outbuilding. and a itrame Dwelling, Alan agoodbearing orchard, Water privileges Unsuurrppawed. On the hundred acres there it a,qusn.ityof Valuable Timber, includ- in Pine, Oadar and.Ash. The property is. sit- uated /miles from Exeter, and 2 miles from Crediton.., or further particulars apply; to WM.TREviTH'ICS, CreditonP,O, or on the preniiseo.