The Exeter Times, 1884-7-10, Page 5--FOR- New & Fresh. ---AiIti KINDS OF - FIELD GARDEN SEEDS Just .A.rrived, Try our 50o. Tea. IRCC SIO) New t Fresh. --ALL KINDS OF - FIELD FIELD GARDEN SEEDS Just A arrived. Wines and Liquors Wholesale and Entail. COMMUNICA:TIUN ..`e welcome communications On any sub. lent of general interest; but the editor aloes not hold himself responsible for the opinions of correstiondent3. AU communications to 1'e addressed to the Tiamts, with the writer's name att.a.ckte1; the news will not be publish- ed unless desired b y the writer of the article. The Scott Flet. forded to tide travelling public will bo 1' miraeiug•nuder the Scott Aet regime. tw want which will Aeon assert itself in m,.....: P o s the shape of decreased bueinesii. Who i IN THE. PASTRY will turnislt the accommodation re - glared ? 11'111 the promoters of the Scott Act ? Will their doors bo thrown irately open to receive the travelling public? They tan, the grilse 1'a.diterrlif° fixeter Jt mCs. who will fly with euletreleho4t laru;<a i)ra:t Sea --It ial *nine Watt Sulks fa receive The traveller eScleilteaft, the ±',' it .tet bee:31110 the topic oldie -'life bold von n stranger 1111d nook ou$sien i; tl;i•1 P,ennty, And ec0M4011• iynn In. t_@a, l! have e• Witt i(1t'11. ally we 'leo ague than lead Us to infer that it would be "take in" and inch that the agitation :le net dead yet, tills a cal ill in 1 fie; + tl,j bar to ha mils. u11(lor the,:a circumstances 1 fee! that ed from enjoying jltat new, give are I alai not t(=Hurrtictiaig 1t defiled issue . the comfortable heels, splendid moalti, let, dale time, but merely fellowiut;, ? lama genial hosl,'itality of our Cenral. ti>;cugh late, tll0 tall Of diocldtt on 1 ion landlord. arra zaaelt;ebody clear .111RY that liha been eerri>i (rest in you. valet !enjoy the "take ie. it they wish. Iint able and also in limy eth; ? 1a4y a?f•Il1I3 of these So st ;tet men look ere found in Ilse County. I Can hard: at the misery rued the toms t:f lira laird ly parseade anye it that the Se rat Act !properly eveahione,l for -ut,I. 'ti'lnot- i prnrnott'rehaave entrereel the IIa3riiticg :Yes that is It vel,}• good tn�E. lSalL iB to shufllle of dais iuoltal coil. blit I auk nacre 140 10111 of lift or t'r-i ei ♦•y' Ito any inclined, to think it is only el.eeph g, ± mater slay ? Some y+ are ago the kick yet if it rattly.' at ,5111 that will have! ;ilia ?•ver t,f a fanterl: by a Calf' avai !u be, wee, e, energetic offo*k I*ui forth the mane of tletttr(+yili{l the l;rtAter 410 1 at 1irt'Ment. Alter all the hltueler t part of the City of Chi,1agn. Would that has been iudilige i ilh, iiaaati is itel a t, not ha at*, to 'forbid the use of to belicv,i that it Ilea tall Bien merely damps of 1.11 oa Near!, every wed: wo a t"fl'a'ler°', a mere feeling •'f the pub: read of people going to heti without he video, and Reding gala the tilritbt tuh)i•:1: tlfi' aha? tt,', Hatt naeri'1y blow aro that wry eitzeri•il4 le Its keit lf,w., vitt tb+1 tlhallda, Wgilid it not be only c:1t1f drtutly 1 r4: ror the u x4 tar t a vi,to to l,arliitl tit- itis of gee saltege+tll• der of tet sit, eee. to he 4.t) is iwater." Ii ler ' A few avk'eoii• ago a Panful acct• ki 4411,a t.(!t' Ia! the shat for a new ;11•'iat Iiappel,o•! t0 London 1hIOilglt hand to enter the fray of di,( 444.I'8* .' gunpowder, nasal again two ttai11H Ialt lifter the burden a:d tbA he=at hero ; iota Nai'•h ,wiser, pilaf several people been e81r niibit• home l•y vcterns m the: vitro l,Rlllli`, Re•11 at the evening Pf the contest, Set 1. feel like saying a word .; speniI3I4 tai 11ac 11tnoktyn 1lri4ll;.r i:taver• alk boheif f+f all 1 a eby atllleii ehn eel Y al li(alihl.• were tromped tit begat, t(ltel•t:ase'l*0a'.. Way these who alta 11: tl wou'et it is it ba 1Siat+ :ci (0)1)44 tilt' 11440 Qell•1(''l by e',(1v(•rlll':10 t t•Z colonel R 0f t uevo.•dot,the mining 4'f train's perfectly le.otinkata biiiiueee abooill'l he; on our railroede, and tear down that mei a 1t t.acg.'t all '(hat a11:•++lelg t►1arlt 48 bt'ctlu•:1' these differ - too i y Oto ,i r i t:r 1r • fir'' a, I 1' (4114 `t tilt things tiara 11•'('1: the meal 1. of 11U•Iora':t:1.1, nit 11.14 t I to gape?•111-, gloat 1 146 elf life ,(11.1 Nor 0a tom' ? to tt"n:t tlhl' h •.a .it l: st 4 ii 4" ., !il e;'taf:a't•1111t lt'1, 1118 day to the Ault vr,ts 4 ve;2.01(uce 08 bice .f•'t' 1t:;tr3y. Scutt Act -party, (1'441'1 be discouraged .. +' IF z- Vstaatim,r.e'+aao'a,Or „ala, etc., Oliver Cakes, C restets,T'ud4;er ra,.f tr+ delicately nail oats swan# saw ant iraail fi i a 7e• bleb I11es 4.t•k Raude. ?'tilt STRRNtUTii -tS1) TRUE FRUIT FLAVOR $TAN1) .1LO51, 1�1R•ar.3 .,i J10oupe&Co � I II o N 0r7STlill o Ei'SRYTHi:1G PO CHEAOOIS1 If yon ,want the bestvalue for LOYMENT eta. ,. a ..E . SALARI Adiliiii ed• WA4E44 p eekatlx MSUSAN W0;144406 +41e.1r a St. C1:ar,e1#aat .. O rontill Nurseries. 32S ACRES '`µ 325 AORES. THE LARHEST IN THE DOMINION SaloHnlef Wanted, To begin worli at once on Fall Sales. Steady emkrlorxnentatttred;salaries to all who are stilling to wor)1. MEN AND WOMEN cars Nevi+ 1 1e a.. ri( WORK THE YEAR AR ROT<N». ° 000a ;4t 5 r.40 cemtZI,• {'i4ot Sin to 0i.'; b_ cols a r, net month and esp.. Nses. p r."*-Tecv: i and ev6111 tree, Asa*re'- 1 .4'►1 r.1,1,1;:trIoN.T oatG• BUTTER 84.. $V113M SRT �LLL Tho uudersigued beg; -to intliltatt:# to the pew] e (lf E e - Iter and surrounding country that he has better filo lilies I for turning out first-class t,l au heretofore, Price Vatting. Powder Co,f ie,ryt:o, [n. Fel. l.;¢a,,.. ; r, , Ma,:crl CP • l rice's Cream Dakir t'. I'rieee'y Lupulin Yeast Om' 'Rein pry Iier. Varnal. 1v E Sialic 1+r: T 4\F, tet7Aidlli. MT HEALTHY BREAD Pictures taken in ail the Usual Styles of the Art Gide-Sipe Pieturs iri oil Colors Crayon, or Sepia x . C).N I*a:,'1 '0` 'I And al I.P4't:vt Possi'!' All Work aurentlei. P.S.-Engraving 1711 Melita Silver. or Ivory also Gold 14r Sliver Pintirtr done `.tu the shortest uatiee. W, T. JOHNS, th tofra • whet ie, un+:de! the !ewe of ''ur bl•1a1. k1,11111 put on a deterrlli:-cat front, for 1+•+rfeee a 14,7141 s't1 i14..a•°. 1i4 tt •of llny'ii•r;' uftcr illi 1 beliovt1 t140 whtrlo Ibing will and seilitltl at Imreteonahle prof'', 101111 in ainotte still bluster. goods that we Bete :all a libolty t' buy i Four.4 truly, or Laval Arne is prep:esieron4. Are Stephen Joly 7ttt. 10$.1. 11. 1V, il. we net free Agouti ? Dees the hotel - keeping Illecrixamairamirmarrrim. keeping 413 out 3410 113c,lli;bwatya aura' -- compel men to eoine in and buy bis tell goods ? fie Itceps certnln nrticles,sneb ` 00* Vii$.4 10. ' 0 4. as beer, whiskey twit brandy for sial(', and we Steed not buy them 1lnlaali w0 W i:311i'8 t" awn"Stilt" t t isle 11g11ahita(lt : •,f wish. Then why not all•i1v every loan Exeter and vicinity. that Lelia* optawJ out a to please taitinielf. 13eCaucle One twain, in 700abs4es the privilege of using certain goads, is it not absurd to �� :ntl Shoo thin; of 'nuzzling the remaining 000 p and forbid thelia by 1..'r to touch that which to them lies been no evil. 1 in the corner Store North of Sanlwrll beaud a gentleman the other day very d Plckard's, where he 1s prt'1'8r,'d to niche energetically discussing the good feat: a 1111 k11:.is u::;rder, tt tv"r'k. tires of the Scott AAA, and at $ho end of e1(ah sentence, it was mostemnhal: loftily emphasised by the circling curls Sewed work ale speciality of stnolce emitted frena between his rtenaaitiun promptly attol:(le(1 to. tobacco etaiund lips. i thought to GE s r myself "consistency, thou art 'a jew: CTL+ O. MANN' SUI, el." Some can use tobacco without Late 1Ionager 0. Eaciett's Boot ani Shoe sustaining luny serious results thele: Establishment. • from, while others flail by the wayF•ide May 14th 81. - through ice use. teatime to dyspepsias, or some other disease following 1•a its /9 L AN L `N wake. It then tobacco is a: curse to d� Li ao111e why net pass a i rahihiioay law I forbidding its use ns well as lhquof ? • ti hortest Sea Passage, Some cnu cat pork and beaus, can drink lea nn i coffee, rand occasionally I AVERAGE TIME -S DAYS. wo find ogee 1 hat aro locoed to abstain Throe of which aro passed in smooth water from the use of these, as the use of and amongst the beautiful scenery of river and gulf of the St. Law. some of thein would prove injurious, rence• then if that bo so why .not prohibit the use of any of these things ? The Rates or Passage. principle is the same, and may be Quebec to Liverpool and Londonderry :- carried on to the end of the chapter Cabin, 1160.00 and $70.00; 'return 1$80:00. uncia we exhaust tale whole lis of and edict t Planing n n Mill! to the Scott Act t's to prohibition. It goods Itnown to l)e n anrisbin,; to mal I'itel•relediate to Liveri•ool, Londenderry nod 4,,iiid. These arguments are applicable (llasgoty(inoludieg rail Liverpool to Gies- gow) 1136.75. eerage-Livorpool, Belfast, Queenstown, Galway, Limerick, Londonderry, Glasgow, London,: Cardiff, 13rist01, $14 00, .s. 'ES 1 The iiia dr boN Mesta in Oho w(J. Bread _....., this yeast is d.r..hite.......whole GENERAL DEAL '�R S i raised l+v this vexst t5 Hold. white and whale- ; S some like our or3ndinothrr's dcitctous bread, GROCERS SELL. THEM. MIPAiatD e't 4* P.•n. o Baking Powder Co., 1 r jt, ,i 5;: tel i'°: f'ill1 tl1c1s, ti331'[a t111I, PIItJ N tJ. I e ', Ch.c,ula;o. 11 St. Louts.Mo. E:i:c�t;cr�..l�'tr.c,l;��• Shop � �'�'t.A�Z1�"+"i• _�c'=�r , R• DANS' -.` ,_.: IA.N O -Y- l Butcher & General Dealer - _- i IU44I>t; 1 III M+A,TlS Cm•toinera supplied) Fi I:; I)AltS. TIii3IiS- , DAYS ANI, SATI'BD 1 S at their residence. l 01IIIEIIS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE GEIVE PROMPT ATTF.NTIO ;. SEED, SEED, SEED The 11n4eraigned offers; for Fele at his Store- house, Extater Station, the following verities of.ecd groin : WV4IEAT. • Whitt) Russian lata 1b Lost 'Nation •' MoCarling J'olinston Peas Barley (:lever Seed •i* Timothy GOOI)S MASE== _ CLUTH2NG Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes 41 40 GENTS' FURNISHINGS, 25 1 20 1 ,2(0) trurn I 60 IF 3. r7 50 IiLLi S . an �i?� GEO. WILL1S. ( ��$0 THE EXETEL is a very Curious Process to see a man who wishes to destroy a tree, to begin at the top and lop off a branch here and there, when he might witb one tenth the labor destroy both root and branch et on stroke,. If this Sc•Itt Act took wider ground, .allay a whole Province, it would not be so objeot- ionable,btlt dortting041 ai'County Here and there only oomph() ties matters, it deprives many otlegit imate business for the sake of a few. It will bo the cause of more double dealing, false swearing and other crimes of a sink• liar character ` titan i:s easily imagined. The acctaninn(hhtion that is nolo 'at - Intermediate and Mileage Syewardesses are. appointed to each vessel. Passengers in Intermediate arefound with everything, and the accomodattiori offered is equal to what is called Sesoud Cabin in some of the Imes sailing from New fork: 1.1m last train connecting with the steamer at Quebec leaves Toronto on Fridays at 9 a,' in. Passengers can leave on Fridays at 7:50 1r. in. also, and coinfect with the steamer at Rilnonski, by paving an additional faro of $4.45 let, and 112.25 2nel class. No cattle, sheep or pigs are carried on the Mail Steamers of the Allan Line. For "Pickets and Berths and every inform.' inion apply to JOHN SPACKMAN, • AGENT 41.T,AN Imo: EXETER' SASH,` DOOR, and LIND tiLiTnIt! ALL 1)5 OF TUR NING Done to:, order. ' 21ereemberlthe place. Doer Howard: STATION -ST, rt? GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS, ETC., ETC., Tull Lines iia. all Dep rtments. Do not fail to examine our stock before purchasing else- where, as yon will find prices correct and Goods fiirst class. Inspection Invited. SAMWELL & PICKARD.