The Exeter Times, 1884-7-3, Page 8J. GRIGC
Wholesale and Beta
13Q01KSar:,i,A.sT U
Luca* ve: Kenwiiwll.
On Saturday last the Luoan base
bathtub visited Hansell, and played
a friendly gaze, wbio i resulted in
favor of Inman by four rune, the score
being 81--27. The game all through
ores pretty well oonteated, and both
ebbs played well, notwithsteudiug
there were a great many runs mode. Dominion. Go and see them, it will
The return match was I►1ayed at cost you nouling. Opposite volt of.
Luoan on Tuesday, the result of which five,
tram 23 to 16 is favor of Lucien.
Our reporter's attention Walt drawn.
to the very large orowd of people'
stationed in front of Mr. John's Photo
Stadia, on Tuesday, witnessing the
nue array of phenol, taken by Mr. A.
A. Ruby, late of Toronto. lkfr. Ruby's
work is pronounced equal to any eyer
an exhibition in any galley to the
A serviceeltto bine is given bythe
Registrar of the Ontario College of
Pharmacy, iu au advertisement jest
published, `.hose w110 Sell Paris
The l+leehantcal Wonder.
A very eucoelieful exhibition of High
EKETF,R, on. [4 Arm Davie Sewing lllaobine was given
in Mrs. Crocker'' Fancy Goods Store
ou Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
last, i tr. R. T. Gilpin, of St. itifarye,
TENcEN7.`S per Sue for first insertion, anti
Green, or, ",other arsenical ineeoti- the agav t for this dietrlct. The per
Montt cia`Ts per sine for enol subsequent in. oidec, are required liereaftor to label son wbo did the operating was :1f r. J,
a this o n be charged for notices appearing um.the packages with the name and ad F, Scott, elle geuc ral agent far Out -
dress of the Beller and to keep a record arid, et this popular machine, and be
of their gale. Thee is under a penalty y deruonatrated that it was a leo. 1 sr -
of *20 for the fl rat offence. and $50 tittle. The construction of the tna-
aud costs for subsequent offences. See opine is dint (rent au others ; the
Pt1UrO1acy Act 1684, Sec. 24. feed werlca acting above instead of be-
-_- ' low the goods, 'mettle to give it e,u 03 -
Attempted •, vantage In the execution Ou Mlouday afternoon last, quite classes of w nrlr. The samples of wade
.fie ,, "xefelh ggJwas.
Local Happe31],nP'S. tl t' a of various
an excitement arose. which lasted but turned out was surprising to all,
Should not fail.
sect Poweler Ftlre l elletiore a few minutes, While Kr. Jacket, of while the easy management of the ma: w
i s
atteuerv, at the 14'bl>Ell11y a kelt down skarn- rest, souiethiug' visitors stroke stn t;l.tlwing term* of the
Store, . 1f. Coulson.
tlreen, stud Selina taut*; the Loudon road, north, was driving chine was still more wonderful, The ad
occurred withal cannedthe anirilal to machine, -dlr. G. will give auditor
naek:ivi r. 13 est aml clivapest lot of give a soadeu jump, breaking the exbibition in about a month Mum
texts at•tt sinks we have as yet seen in town whiffletree, and it falling upon the many more important features will be
is at C. Eacretra. Also work euinnal's heels caused it to kick. itis. brought ons, .1Tacbino eau bo seen al
and repairing doue as usual, Harness of
every kind always,on Maud, whips, trunks,
el.ildraus carriages, express wagons, tic.
Call and s•e,
J. succeeded in stopping the benet 1lrs, Cracker's Store.
after it had relieved his rig of a dash
board and a pair of shafts. No other reesentatten.
damage was done. .A.t the ropier meeting of the S. of
sou. re
r.tiv l;.r on may et owe board be apply. .i. su,art Boy.
iris to urs. 1Ia;' soal, on Ann street, loath Io a 'wall dietrsot school a teaoher
k proved that it may be embarraeeing to
{Canted I use one's self as an illustration. She
A. smart and iuti:lligeat lad to learn the was hearing a class in spelling and
art of printing. dtuat nave a fair edueatiou, defining words. The word "orphan
Ape:y n re.eatty to Ttnee Office, Exeter. bad been correctly spelled, but none
Good Uwer. , of them seemed to know ite meaning.
We will send thct Tixt:a for the maainder' After a@king Que or tarn) of thew, she
. f illi t to.tuy address irl Canada or the eats eueouragtngly, ""Now, try again.
united States, postpar"i for sects. Subscribe 1 and an orphau. Now can't acme of
at c•:i& mans Bet tbt fort li4uctit wl true offer. you guess what it means F'. The
w blank look upon thew (sees remained,
Pure 1l"'lrebare ai:.l parer tireen at tileuntil cue of the duller scholars raised
of HawrkRltaw'a Hotel.
lyomirni nLatiratory. hie band and Raid, with no intention
ser pare paris gre:.n call et the Central of being annoy, "It's some one calla
Prue Stere. C. Lutz, proprietor,
wants to et ntarri
Tile'elaiu•etreet is wing grarelked, told in g -ed and aa11't.
a kw clays will be finished.
Baso Ball.
The Bay Crop. O. Tuesday, A game of base ball
Some of tits farmers ill this neigh- natween the " Tormentors,' of Lon-
borhood report that the hay crop is don, and the " Clear Grits," of Exa-
exceedingly good, and that excellent. ter, Was played on the agricelturel
promo° will be well fulfilled. The grounds here. There were eeven in-
orop is heavy and of good petite'. ming' played,. out of which London
club were whitewashed five tines.
Eine Photos, The game at first wait exoiling, but
We wore shown last week a x01100* iu the lest few inning. the visiting
tiou of photos tatken by Mr. Obas. team bonnie discouraged and allow-
Senior, the like of which cannot be ed their opponents the gain au easy
found in any city in Ontario. Every viotory. The following is the tem.
feature is brought out clear and as by iunings :
natural as life, even to the hair of the London -1 0 0 0 0 0 3— 3
head. The work is on exbibition in Exeter -3 0 0 3 4 7 0--26
his ahoy room windows. --
Strawberry Pesarai.
Prolific Cow. A. very pleasant time was spent
Mr. R. Davis has in his posseaeiou by tithe° who visited the Cavan Free- was an old horse tied together with iThey report as having a good time.
a cow winch be purchased from Mr. bytorian Church on Weduesday even- n sett of delapitated harness and at-, Mr. W. H. Coulson. has returned
McTaggart, of the Louden road,north leg of last week, and participated in inched to a peddler's wagon, in the' from a visit !tib Toronto and other
which we might call prolific. On the the atrawberry.Festiyal wbiah came
20th ult. she gave birth to a oalf, and off there. As is generally the case
an the following Sunday, 22nd, gave the ladioe provided an abundance of
birth to another. The cow and both good thinga,aud the toothsome straw -
calves are at present living and doing berry and cream with cake, and other
;T., held on ;Monday evening last,
111iss Vary A. Fenwick was tnade til e
recipient of a valuable work box, and
a puree coutaining a ensu of money,
accompanied by site following address,
prior to nor leaving for Califoruia :—
Deer ,1liss .Fenx•ick---
Tlie members of this lodge footing a wvarui
appreciation of your loudness and assistauoe
in acting as organist, and, also for tailing
such. an active part in tete workings of the
Order, wvia, to tsudur Fou their sincere and
heartfelt thanles for the past, and at the sanio
timo we regret deeply that you have deeelded
upon taking yourdepartuaro from our midst.
We snail miss you in many ways, The best
wishes of all the mem/R.11, among whom are
some of your best friends, will attend yon to
your new Leine. where wo hope that a happy
and prosperous future awaits you, with new
friends and the protecting caro of our Henson
ly Father, Who has promised to bo those
who put their trust in Him. Iu bidding yon
farewell, we would ask you to accept this
purse and work box as a slight remembrance
of our esteem and regard. Alay the band of
faith and prayerjoin gon to that home above
where if we aro faithful we shall all meet
again—One society to all eternity.
Signed on behalf of tlio Order,
W. G. Comm,
and other officers.
Exeter, Juno :10th, 188i.
Lost or Strayed,
On Friday morning about 6 o'clock
while our news gatherer was taking
his morning walk, bo discovered an
obstaole at the terminus, of the street
running 'parallel with the river. Of
Bourse, bis curiosity was excited, Aad
he went to the spot, where a most
arousing scene was witueesed. There
Scotch arid
to inspect our
cent Stock
Canadian Tweeds,
1541024044 $1144‘41449041,
or 34 o oy o 4v *
Ready-made Clothing a speciality--
pecialityboth in Mens and Boys.
ion inTitcd. No trouble to show Goods.
.Baster Isaac Carliug, who has boon and most orderly company in camp.
attending College at St. Thomas, is Their warobiug also wake well for
home during vacation. theta. They all were well taunted,
Mr. Taylor of Wyowiug, bus b'eu Confirmation servicers were helm in
the guoet of .lir. W. Bissett, during I St. Paul's Church, Hensel!, pater -
the past week. 'day, when 22 persons were confirmed,.
At the Strawberry Feativel, held at Service was held iu Christ Churoh,
Ceutralia on Tuesday, the proceeds' Exeter, in the evoniug ,• 80 persons
aniouuted to over $246, were confirmed. The new Bishop of
Mfrs. John White is at present Huron officiated,
visitiug friends at Sarnia and Wind-
A. horse belonging to Farmer Bros.,
attempted to run away on Thursday
leer, but was prevented going far.
The band played some optica son
It is high time some °Herts wore
being put fortis in the way of getting
a town bell or clock, by which the in.
habitants tuight be able to 'know the
time of day. Exeter is surely large
enough, to support either one—a bili
actions of music on the street' on at any rate.
Friday ev'g last. Most people of this place have taken
Mr. G. A, K. McLeod left yesterday a new departure to prevent robins
for Nova Scotia, where he will spend from ttealtng their sherries. The old
a few months visiting friends. aoare-erowplen does not seem to teork
A large number of Exeter folks pito effectual, and the habit now is, to lie
uioed at errand Bond on Tuesday. under the tree and shoot down all the
well, daintes, were offered in abundance,
and found many to partake :of them.
Worth Knowing. Everythiug passed off pleasautly, and
A farmer of about thirty years, e : a good programme of attractive feat-
perienoe, giyea the following as a ares was provided, a nougat which
good preventative against the cabbage ware several adireesoa of interesting
worm : For throe years past he has character. The proceeds amounted
not beeeo troubled with the cabbage to about $46.
moth, his renndy being the simple
one of placing a small brauoh of the Detroit Bicycle Club.
common elder bush on the growing This club will begin a weeks tour
cabbage. Cut this out and save it. through Western Ontario, leaving Oe
#reit on Sunday morning, July 18th.
Upset. They will pass through the principle
towns and arrive in Exeter on Wed-
nesday afternoon, July 16th ; stop
here about half an hour, and then
proceed to Hensel', where they will
remain but a few minutes ; thence to
Kippers, and proceed to Brucefield
where they remain until Thursday
morning ; Thursday they proceed on
their way to Goderioh. They will re-
turn to Exeter on Friday. July 18tb,
on their way to Detroit.
Industrial Fair and fienti•Centenxial Ex-
This being the fiftieth, or semi -
centennial year of the incorporation
of Toronto as a city, the Industrial
Exhibition Association of that city
have determined on making their an-
nual Fair and Exposition, which is to
be held from the 10th to the 20th of
September next, of such a 'magnitude
as will •eclipse any of its preceedora,
The Governor-General and the March-
ioness of Lansdowne are to open the
Exhibition ou the 10th of September.
Among the attraotions already an-
nounced are an International Fire-
men's Demonstration, a Colley Show
and Field Trials by the doge, which
On Friday evening last while the
ilfiasee Hawlcsbaw were driving up
the London road, and when opposite
Mr. Walpor's the horse took fright at
a heap of burning brush, jumped into
the ditch and overturned to buggy,
causing the occupants to precipitate
to the ground. The rig was consider
ably broken, bur no further damage
was done.
Horses Sold.
On Monday last Mr. Thos. Bissett,
ar., of this place, sold to Mr. J. T.
Hicks. a span of matched heavy
horses for the New York market.
They weighed 3,810 pounds—the
heaviest ever known in this section-
and were sold for the sum of $475.
The price received for them is con.
Endued small, their ages being re-
speotiyely three and five years.
Shooting potato Bugs.
An eccentric individual in the North
End has adopted a novel method of
despatching potato bugs. He hes
down and discharges a gun along the
rows, uo doubt: hoping to scare to
death what he doesn't kill by hitting.
A neighbor discovered him putliug
the new remedy into mutation the
other afternoon.. He was not aware
that shooting within the ;corporation
limits is violating our villairge bylaw.
bottom of which an elderly man was
lytug, Just here there are a number
of bars, used for stock into
a pasture field, and the horse in some
manner got over them, leaving
the wagon and occupant thereof on
the opposite side. It is supposed the
rig had beau in this position the
greater part of the night. The man
of the rig did nob know how or when
he name, nor could he tell whether
he was asleep or not. He was evident-
ly alcholically embarrased, and allow-
ed the horse to wander where it might
It was fortunate for the old mail that
the animal did not succeed in getting
the wagon over the bars for had it
she results would not have been ex•
hilarating to him,as he certainlywould
have been Idied by falling into a deep
ditch nearby. After getting things
'straightened out, the old gent pro-
oeoded on bis way, uoav and then in•
dulging in the contents of a small
A large number attended the base
ball match on Tuesday.
Rev. W. Qnance's family, of Elim-
vill, left for Alvioston yesterday.
Exeter and Luoau baso ball clubs
will play here to -day.
The Usborne Council meet on Sat-
urday next.
Haying commenced around here
(bile week.
We regret to learn that Ma, S.
Buckingham is at present very ill.
Miss Henderson, of Goderioh, is at
present visiting friends in Exeter.
Scott Act discussions are getting
more prevalent, and warmer.
Pnblio School vacation commences
Friday, and will continue for 5 weeks.
Mr. W. T. Johns, Photographer,lms
secured the services of a first-class
man from Toronto.
Strawberries are the order of the
points north of there.
The Salvatiou Army aro getting
along slowly, laotwitbstanding their
No tiresome stairs to climb io ger
to Johns New Photo Gallery.
Opposite the Post Office.
The thermometer stood at 98°
above zero on Tuesday—one of the
most oppressive days we have had
this year.
The entrance examinations com-
mence here this morning. We un-
derstand a large Lumber from various
shools in the county, will write.
The County Council met on Tues-
day for the purpose of oonsideriug the
Appeal of the Township of Usborne
against the equalized assessment.
A large number went to London on
Thursday last, on the Excursion from
Kincardine. They report haviug a
grafted time.
Remember the auction sale of real
estate at Thompson's Hotel, Elimvil•
le to day at one o'clock p. m.
The Wilson property, at Heneall,
which was sold by public auction, on
Friday last, was, we are informed,
purchased by the sons of Mr. Wilson. -
Johne the Photographer is now
prepared to do work Second to None.
Call and see.
Opposite the Post Office.
A new swindle is reported. An
agent will call upon a farmer, and asst
him to sign a Scott Act petition which
tome out to be a note for a large sum
of money. Farmers beware !
The Orangemen of Exeter and the
surrounding lodges intend spending
the 12th of July at Clinton, where a
right loyal time is expected. The 12th
will alert be celebrated at Parkhill.
A number of gentlemen of this place
as well as of the surrounding villages,
attended' the ;horse races at. Detroit,
They report them as not being equal
will be of great interest to the farm- to those of former years.
day. The crop around here is report- The Exeter company of volunteers
ora ; balloon aeeeueioue, an electric
ed to be good.
railway, &4. A foil programme of all 6 „ were complimented by Col. Ross, up -
the special attractions will be publish. Mr. L. L. Hooper,stndent at Tot on leaving the train on Saturday, for
ed about the middle of August. to School of Medicine, is dome at being one of the cleanest, attentive
present' visiting friends,
robins that yieit the cherries. This
plan has the desired effect.
A number of Jno. Snell's horses
which were pasturing in the Agricul-
tural grounds, were let through the
gate on Tuesday after the witnesses
of tate baseball match had passed out,
It is supposed the gate was left open,
itluoh difficulty was experienced in
capturing them.
We have reoeived a copy of the -
Toronto Semi -Centennial, (illustrat-
ed) published by the Toronto News
Company. The paper gives various
colored illustrations of different parts
of each day's programme. Secure a
copy ; it will cost you ten cents only.
The members Cana4ianaPrese As-
sociation are contemplating a trip to
the world -famed Yellowstone Park,
Wyoming Territory, U. S. They in-
tend going by rail and boat, thereby
affording the excursionists an oppor-
tunity of viewing scenes upon water as
well as on land. It is undecided when
the trip will take place, but after the
meeting at Toronto, on the 25thinst.,
the date will be made known.
Ilk 4•i.
A Mon]nx MIAAOLL.—A young girl whose
• face was covered with scrofulous sores was
completely cured by using Golden Fruit Bit-
ters and Pills.
As Isaac Hodgins. jr. has left my house with-
out any just cause or provocation, I will not be
responsible for any debts contracted by him
from this date.
S tephon, Juno 13tb,1881.
By addressitg GEO. P ROWELL & CO., 10
Spruce St. New York, can loam the exact cost
of any proposed lino of ADVERTISING in
American Newspapers. ra31oO-page Pam-
phlet, too.
There will be sold by Public Auction, at
Thompson's Hotel, Plimv"Ile, Township of. Us -
borne, on Thursday July 3rd, 1881, the follow-
ing valuable property:—f0 acres, more or less,
situated on the St. Mary's road, being the south
half of lot 10, in Elimville, Usborne Township.
There is a good Bank B am and DwellingHouae
with a good cellar ; also a quantityof choice
fruit -bearing treeg • good water krivileges,and
everything cony'nientpropertyis all in
pasture at present.
TERMS ; 10 per cont. ofamount on day of
sale; balance to be paid in thtee months-
For further particulars apply to
d ins: THOS. PRIOR, 'Exeter