The Exeter Times, 1884-5-22, Page 6American Girls and Titrlee. Showing the Old Maa a Room,
If Z felt free to mention names, one day a (3°7'3° vouches salved at
writes the London correspondent of the an inn in a Swiss town, fatigued, dusty
Detroit Ruw•e
Post, I coup! tell tales to wring and travel-rtt. The land ofd wys on
the 'heart about: American girls who- the point of tellin}r•• hint hi. was ,•full,,,
have married English noblemen. In blit finally ordered a waiter to show
almost every instance it proves fatal to the "old man" to a dismal little, room
the bride's happiness. It -isn't long the waiter eplort part
a fter broughthim
since Loxat klyhn er married the hells.
ess of an American Crcesus. She ►►•aa tae bot)e in t+hi,.'h he Asked hint to sign
envied by all her marriar,eable cronies, !loss 41411,1e- wldeh he did, the waiter clue
and old L re. 'us. was eougratulatud Ott ,eying the hook back to tk... 1ateilotd.
the fine alliance. Be grrinnott with "'M God," s.,iui the I tniilor(t, looking
self-noumplaeeney, and tended over at the name tan,3 l lug. his hands,
41,5O0,000 to His Lordship 'Iytinger i "wills hare I do:.:'? In sees of the ser -
on the spot. F]yfin;tr took the swig trent s bell roan);! My hotel will ue.
and the money to Lneland, where he iruitie(t.Intl •:e tiety shout a4 if h:,f;
introduced her to a few aequaluta lees, i ind nitn t stiltne ' of NrQs t !moils n!s
And then left her to shift for herself, ill'
while be travels with relays of fast ; house a,r.iered ea immediate respire s,
horse'$ and mistreesez • and the v"11,t.aemu.-striekea it'IR,ee,lra
g, races and !tunes,
awbles and laves :g 11,4(1 we on ihet deperte d for tee upper re ;;ons to maize
1nglldQn and a half of l eemee for whi:lt(his l;''dn-r►e to the Seedy-If,o;,;i,tg
he sold the shelter of Ids title to a bright ("old n►at1,' anti to "tray i4.r flirt: to j
lie efut. arab/stone Amneriean girl, t n1tire elegant tluaarters. 'e1 be Ian
re or sex year, :aro alt Americanrlhott:and par+tartS, l would a lot ""v"girl, whose name was on add dips,. mat, !done it for tete ► odd hat I t3 d net
reed a rued Engll.hmate who had the knot► 'stat tt WAS lot, to > t1►„ i"ami
entree of high society in En land. Sl►e ii'artions.° •Rid tr:e tpt,ti:,,t.,-
w -as fe „,teal, t,' ,te 1, envied. I5ut sygi li:mif vitt of 1.t'. .Ita. ,.Let ivhnt it:avo
hal sltel,t itli a social cocu n ever ainee, li►tau cora thta+t xntt shaulti lit'c'ti to :alt
heartily wiehinn herself lime, not see, t PU,d,anoi?" asked the "014 ludo•"
Inge for nointhe. soumetinue3, the hue } ,i in' thein mt IS not the rough for -eau.
bend, who doves to follow tate hounds. i li "IS' ;t In saki., I stmt not know
An �tmmrtec;ut genticutlan tiring here, p ►Clio s 4a► ►t a,. I "v.° souse roomo'i ear
ilt* below --sett elegant :rite of rooms--
Timm- 1 hr.,+rr, ►'!'tum fti Intro your L':t:ct1 5 e
9ljj t'! lovt'(t to them at nnce?'' ., fa - T
a: b tt , tt ;,tats nm:ttter with this 1't)t)ln' '
inquired tits, "old !mean." who had
stripped otr lit. coati .umtd Mist and relied
tip t: slori-,It este, for R wash; "I !!aril
-legit h)l ►'came in t4ere not a, edit.
furtam)14. * tt,i-." ,"It is too shall and
t. -;e furniture too ordinary. The rooms
►wiiit.,a 1 liare for von iseiow are those
tried' I reserve fair princes and ttiat1n-
'ui., .'•al ;::11(,t ." "What is the mite)
4'f ti trmimi' .t ren:l','•I the "old date" i
whose 'tame would be reeo nited by
the reader if I were at liberty to men-
tion, tot tame recently "1 Itu,ve been ;ap.
1ipre ched within a month by an Eng
gh Lord, who nuits he ak Puke $etae
day, but whose fortune has beeome
greatlm' imp,mired by his dissipation.
Ile' has tixedhis eyes on an American
girl whore ho has never" seen. She is
eomparaticely uneducated and not very
bright and fearfully plain. Iter nose
is snub, Her mouth ga large. Her
et -es are sinall end watery. Her father
s en tri h:win l;eat b4' is worth at
least $21 1,ikeI,tx)O, Thi. Lord want, me +'O ► t st4' liuutire•1 Trane, :t thi'.."
to !•ring ahem ::, g,T!►t(1t between hint- i "An'1 i e pi=ps of ill=s rtml'tam i II I%'
self .and this :.rl. I'41 eee hitu hanged ince `' ' ' A 1.1gateIIe-hut three
first, for I kieew ►►hat a seeeiidee of:t
ell." tut; ;toy is 4ort•
her it would lee," kyle' unlet est tis+:e nit' d 1 do not t"ttang
tllg- im trt4•re. I think I shall sleep av
sl)lttal on that Incl as on any lett in
your house." And Yon Moltke. the
great military strategist, was allowed
to remain undisturbed, much to the
annnvnuee anti chagrin of Elle° landlord.
�..r....-..,,rte .�..-.�-- --•--
te ►t ante a Lord. and she got Bina. Misdirected Inventive G, rlu
He inherited gambling from his mother Professor leendstrQnm, a Gerfn'n �cYt'tt-
the Duchess, atui he gambles away all tilt, climbed :t Spitzbergen mi)untain
he can get. lie is dissolute and un- the other day, anti hv the 8i11 of sono'
ecrupulou.>; :site le neglected and longi ire roils, at battery, inane ineula-
wretehe4l. So sho lays 1.41.7 long visits tore, acids, and bad smelling drib ,
to her relatives in %nieriea, where she wau lt:10ared au Aurora Borealis. It
trap plunge into society mud forget her le true that it was not at very large one.
pitiful European experiment. t It was described ns being "about the
size of the gable end of n two-story
Crawling tease .. The scientific world is excited over
When Australia was first discovered thiel achievement Uf Professor Lee!.
by the English, as many strange stories strong. The Frofeesor acknowledge,
were told atheist the eronderfgi things to that his Aurora is not perfect yet. It is
be found there ae we used to hear in the a little ragged at thcedr r. and inclined
early daysof California. Among other to warp and shrink m dry weather;
things it was said that the leaves of a but he elni us that he will Boon be able
eertain true hada habit of descending to produce a Borealis exactly like the
from their proper place and walking genuine article furnishedby nature, and
along the ground. equally as good. •
A party of English sailors had left ;War use Professor Lindstrom can
their ship to roam along the coast and nuke of an Aurora Berealis, we can -
"see what they could see." They were not see. You Gantt eat one of there
resting under a tree, lying on their It is not a substitute for tobacco. Neith-
backs, robably, and naturally gaging er is it a stimulant, nor a cure for tahiilz.
upwatr , when a sudden breeze shook It is nota labor saving nmachine. The
clown a number of leaves, which turned Professor cannot pull his boots of at
summersaults in the air, after the man- night with his Aurora Borealis, nor use
net of leaves general!y, and then float- :t e.s a corkscrew, nor fry a rasher of
ed to the ground. The sailors were bacon on it.
surprised at this shower, because it was There.mi ht be some point in nlanu-
not the fall of the year, but midsummer, featuring Aurora Borce'alises if they
end these falling leaves looked frdsh would run machinery, poison rats, or
and green. Itwas strange to see leaves grub up roots on the farm; but they do
deserting the tree without any sort of not seem to accomplish anything, and
reason; but this was nothing to what even if they did they could not be sent
followed. to purchasers by mail, and if forwarded
After a short rest these able-bodied by express the freight would eat up all
leaves began crawling along on the the profit, and ruin the Borealis indus-
ground toward the trunk of the tree try. We deprecate these investigations
from which they came, and the amazed into. the realms of natural science.
sailors started up in terror. They prob. First thing we know scientific men will
ably knew from experience that people be working up schemes to manufacture'
who came in contact with the ground all kinds of naturalphenomena, and the
may also expect to come in contaet with day may not be far distant when the
yarious crawling insects, but walking poorest in the land may be Ole to own
leaves were something altogether out ot tti cyclone, or a transit of Venus made
the common way; and they took to their to order, and earthquakes, eclipses, and
heels at once. and lost no time in get- waterspouts of assorted, sizes will be
ting on board the vessel. The land was manufactured, warranted to be equal to
certainly bewitched, and one of the men the genuine, and to keep good in any
;aid, in relating the adventure, that; be climate, and no one will be too poor to
expected every minute to see time trees set up a private collection of rainbows
step out and dance a regular jig. in his own back yard. But we do not
Fortunately this •singular phenome- think that this will add to the wealth of
non has been fully explained by later the country. If :these • scientific men
travelers who were not too much fright- would go to work inventing ways and.
ened to stop and examine the matter. means to make buttermilk without the
It was discovered that these queer leaves aid of a cow, or should discover, means
are really insects that live upon the to make imitation gumboils, or other
trees, and are of the same color as the valuable articles of commerce, they
foliage. They have very thin, Ilat would confer a benefit on the public,
boddies, and their wings.are like largo and generations yet unborn might call
leaves. When anything disturbs them- thein blessed; but an Aurora 'Borealis
like a breeze, for instance -they fold factory is not what the people of this
their legs away ander their bodies, and country yearn for.—Texas Siftings.
then the leaf -like shape,. With stem and •
all, is complete. Sunshine and Sleep.
Not only are they of a bright green Sleepless people -and they are many
in the summer, like the foliage of the in America—should court. -the sun,
trees at that time, but they actually The very worst soporific' is laudanum,
change ' when the Ieaves do to dull and the very sunshine. Therefore,
brown produced by frost. Another pe- it is very, best plain 'that poor sleepers
c ul]arity of these leaf -insects is that, al- should -pass as Malty _hours as possible
thoussh they have a generous supply of in the sunshine +and as few as possible
wings, they seldom use them, but when in the shade. Many women are mar-,,
they have been shaken to the ground, tyrs, and yet they ,do not know it,
after lying' there for a few• moments, as
if they were really leaves, they crawl They shut the,sunshine `out of their
towards the tree, and ascend; the trunk
without seeming to know that they have
tl:e power of getting back to their quer-
tors in a,mao_h quicker and easier'way.
- JJ rpar's Young Peopke.
One other earl : There is a young
lady now. in iligh eticitty in America,
her native land, whose husband is an
Euglkh Lord, find whoai." father-in-law
is a duke. tike is itt'anllfitl. Ecom-
pliaheti, hatae:Tet ere and she tuighthave
trade a good match in New York. But
..-r ,...will.
A fashion item states that "The Bos-
ton young roan is lseginning to wear eye
glasses and knee breeches. •' Well, the tray, be blooming and strong, and the
one necessitates the other. The. es ;,rage sun light:will he a, potent influence in
Boston young man needs the eye glasses' this tt ansforin 0 ir>tl.
in order to see his legs. —Puck,.
louses and their hearts,.they wear
veils, .they earry parasols," they -do all
possible to keep off the subtlest and yet
most impotent influence which is in-
tended to give them strength and
beauty and cheerfulness.' Is it not
time to change this, and so get color
'and roses in their;pale, cheeks, strength;
in their weak backs,• and courage in
their timid souls? The women of
America are pale and delicate; they,
SE !
Fresh .Field, Flower" and Carden Seeds.
We call the attention of Farmers and Gardeners to the above, And invite ia3sllectic113,
47, W. IntOWVINC, i"rQP,,
Near!. i 'Weal'
Da.N 0.W1 s, 11Rvn cam) Rn�)b 1a«Ar,
:tine , a gea, tt ereeffie terlti(.tcri , t)1r-
'l•)A, s,., (�.i►t:i9 .a, b 11' Nervon : e euralgls,
liendache.:ler vane l'tost tiol. veneer& by thn
sip of tttcnitt•I artolmt c 0, 1111lO S. MOWS'
!lei rarorife)),Soff ling4'4'04 Itin,resuiclt.e in
Insanit • aiel lidding tt' Mir my, decay aIle
death eritnatere end Age. lierrenne s
of rower ei het 1 - 11 \E(ittl (n} Le t . ml
:ala mister; lug a,e tet c t by over. tie 1 of alae I
lora r. self-elqlee C41141. O't.1•,i1; t1.ISi' 't•. One 1
A'aq n iIt etre) E•1et • sseis. Leen tax pont aua
4) 110 ntoatlee tleatumo owe Better a. bee, or
si^cbu¢e,for itt,a t1ullrr avri t43 1nai11" meld
On OOS•lpt Of 1.400. WE' enerentee reelmeMet(.!
VII) n 1 reef 111t1 4.24q1 4141E roe cal fur c
E.4 1 nsfR.«t 'rlpat.itut:itll fl a dollars, t:'e
•will s'ri.1 m! onteam r riete tttlaaitt.'e
to refund the n a c ,, 144 tri eaiuieto¢ ,la, a not•
rift et .e cu►. 4 -, r;. t .' a 4 .0i l'y
feittetViille(4.• »i„ %,-.,*t.4• K'tet::04;tarita ttt
`,M RAJ.
A. full mise!: t)t' ail kinds o
Dye-stuif" and Pta.c'li ago
Dyes, constantly on
Ilan!;, • \fir man's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Iy'a wily' l'eeip-
es e arefuliy prepared at
the Central Drug Store Exeter
Vegetable Sicilian
was the first preparation perfectly adapted to cure
diseases of the scalp, and the first successful re-
storer of faded or gray hair to its natural color,
growth, and youthful beauty. It has had many
imitators, but none have so fully met all the re-
quirements needful for the proper treatment of
the hair and scalp. HALL'S HAIR lime] wan has
steadily grown in favor,' and spread its fame and
usefulness to every quarter of the globe. its un-_
paralleled success can be attributed to but one
cause: the entire fms1flitaeia of its promises.
The proprietors have often been surprised at the
receipt of orders from remote countries, where
they had never matte an efrortforits introduction.
The use for a short time of HALL'S HAIR
BENEWEI wonderfully improves the personal
appearance. It cleanses the scalp from all tin -
purities, cures all tureen, fever, and dryness,
and thus prevents baldness. It stimulates the
weakened glandsand enables then to push for-
ward a new and vigorous growth. The effeets of
this article are not transient, like those of alco-
holic preparations, but remain a long time, which
makes its use a matter of economy.
FOB mn3;
3V111 change the beard to a natural brown, or
black, as desired. It produces apertnanen+color
that will not wash away. Consisting of a single
preparation, it is applied without trouble.
R. P. IIALL & CO., Nashua, N.II.
Sold by all Dealers in Medicines.
Scrofulous, Mercurial, and
Blood Disorders,
the best remedy, because the most
searching and thorough blood -
purifier, is
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Sold by all Druggists; Si, six bottles, $I1.
# araware,
Ba b le and steel strip fenoings
i240 Vuggv tops
Iia chief merits aro
admired by every Par.
racr, Desired lay ail reho
use Gatos,
!lushly epc-
Sten Of by all
Who sae tt.
It takes up no room on the road or sidewalk. It opens down the fence. It locks opete
and wheu closed, looks shut. A child six years old can open and close it from a wagon
or horseback, or afoot, It is not liable to get out of order.
So simple in construction that any farmer can. make it, it can be made of lumber, iron:
ar wire -netting. All who see it admire it. Can be opened with one finger from Wagons,.
Buggies, &c. It backs out of the way down the fence, taking up no room, Has no lever-
age on posts, Cau lap opened and closed 80 times a minute. Makes a secure lock with-
out a latch or pin... A. downward pull opens or closes a gate of any length or weight, as
the bandies have a double action and always np out of the way. The cost above the or-
ditiary gate is from $1. to $3. I can furnish GAgr Iaoss, no binges to bny.
Price of FARM RIGHTS from $5 to X10..
• Call and sec the Gate at Centralia and Exeter, and secure a
Farm RIg1ltt.
I own the Right of this Patent for HURON COUNTY, and 103 I'm otherwise
gaged and cannot canvas each Township in gm County, I will sell: Township Rights
at prices that will enable the purchaser to make money at the business.
From $10. to $20 • per DAV' ' cava be MAME
13y a good canvasser in ee]ling out a Township Bight in Farm Eights. Can yon maitre
more at anything else with a Small Capital Invested.. I mean to sell so
you can stake MONEY,
A Rare Chance -Speculation.
The selling qualities of this gate cannot be questioned, The Inventor ]las sold
Secure ,a Township, Right, es.1 n3 ,'•" money easily and rapidly. If you do not, some •
one 1„ , ,vie] ;you will l)se the chauee.:
Call 'and see L'.e, or write fin terms,
Q, 130 q cemir lie...
For Comity Rights Caned write for Lei ins to
C. W. JONES, London.