The Exeter Times, 1884-5-22, Page 5PA_T- .MMi,'s S T A..i SVV10-00, No* 4 Fresh. —ALL KINDS OF FIELD cc GARDEN SEEDS Just -.rriver1. GRO:011C sxm, New & Fresh.� —ALL KINDS OF-- FIELD d GARDEN SEEDS � Arrived. Try our 50o. Tea. Wines and Liquors Wholesale and Retail:. Tit Methodist 'ltttrch.�'f'lte b ' been ratter Iiv a In Now Turf thinks "there will be quite a1 y. ra, Inn bran eating tournament American invasion of C ai:xtla" tlurinr When th.t ;.t, I.1. s£ B, tram arriva at Exeter Friday meroiog it b' iu h large number of clergymen to attend the London Dictrint ineetttig of si•P thet 1' i awnrtl:t, N. Y. , J. Daher, of Zits.t 1-14U' devoured eixiooninde of t). arts i t leek, titer) 40 athletes. the coining circuit trotting races, A (1111.1.1.T DIEt.01-ELT Mr. Wet `yhoutas of Ne tottJa.,,e4 s • "Div het basher% szrionely .adc `.d tle'ClaCel 't Methodist Church of Canada. Thi : t Stat t!itli; ,Lit4e0Qck} far twanrePn c. y ern, still rasa �t•tauK islet. +• if �t'rl. Julan te.et, of Illu'ull link. tvrita& 's Ittlt tl"s�Sriai ma,•.trill bofcre t 1 • sasR reiq than �rrr befe:e. Si.eLa; t)�e-.1mA21; t . • lass if hal icl{ txunir;ttl Kith Rcuto r. Y t` uui+gin. Tnn T,niat4 dis.rict tnEaElu dfcs without re.lef,ttic t i e i for the complete reitajuitulet:t of ihr `tir.la ch2:as for ra'tt; years, an th-t all rem Air. fftu ..Nor o At covert' did 4 lfL mast eala: titty 1 R , ,: ' g'.., D , . ^ e:iie+i tried wive no praviii -ut 4ra.-f. nt)tit be :xatif u^ r'cgutta Tltt; first 1•ottle 0,M -1 -ea f t! M f' R C d P 1both. t P h ti I) sw S vena ori ronilay =wane in ten. RI+'bM1l a ul'reeltil'4.t sa.d14r4•aile+•lapelmaacat lhealth •f thirty Trial 1 til hili Cliriftiett Church. ' 1) • following clergymen ec'-t ! t• a eat at the convening of the n1eetIu Bev. `, �11Clitl]Ain, c:)airrp£rl 9f tiles district ; lin, John F. $ uatb, f]naznctal sccrotary, and #Ila ftt,v. j Boot & Shoe Shop T. I . Reblii4on. L. W. (rett.a, 1; Ci W. i•1tiJert;on. Geo. D. on ii, t?ircnit$ U )i+ t1,, , C. U' . Frc 7* ' a titi fort i1111ch,atitl tilt" iiCCt'tl!t LPttIPlaaR tiI< ehnt'ellaa with ft n (a' Hail) GMV2t• I for C ttlyn.lttiull rel t!lle. and ttel,te, trlliCtt 1lEr "r zatlell Int". rr[tle l4 c No 1 FR.1' • , � . '- goad . or : triy ,r'ear�. >n 4s kine. It,i�. guatantla •l tri .:.ur4 :,ttl)iseaselt qr tree aL C Ltit tl Druz St•r!,• _ �' lair •.• Rirc Lungs. or Iiruuelli it tier s. Teial Bottles Free 51 en G ntINN;MorkSize $141). 5 . New John tobbiva, Time. Grow;. Richard A. s;,' ,,,.s .A,. ,,, , \1', Williams,Thema41 Jaeliion, Gr. _ Dickson,. John IJ• Crowe, ill Mali 1 1Ll., opeUt•d a Hy*, tar -Mit .S S;,.., t) ii shop Unritnan, William Penhall, Jame,'E. I i'si-. n ii Block, (south ]laoor.i where he lird, l lailtlri1 J. Treleaven, 1►. .it'i. ji pre�lart'd to mike ell kind 4l of n•re•t work. {Tupper, B. F„reant, R. \Urised. W. f , Morton, ,James E. Ho'mea, W. OMItle Sealed Wer a pscialit , land, vola, Kennedy, F. Cas -adv, Jt.1 -, . :1., John Iieuder$ou. Cl, W,U1•,;Jcn. (hV0 MITT tt cilli. John 1'a. Mickey, Heber W. '0,0w,., 11 -.n,—...., — B. A. The Rev, Ge{). W, H4Nna-rami /112.4 G 0r r yr ,t 1 l 4Ql.ttetl /lecrot:tr}. The oJ1,eping MAI ^,' 1 f \ 1 .1 ,1 wAssa viees were candneted by the Pee% D. ,1 " D. 1 yekmit+'. Rev. L. W. Crew e sTEAmt Bad thtt Atoriptu.os. T••v. T. Crow and John V. `milia led th,;. I devotions. The usual digcipliva' +questions were asked iti each O•tae at 2.l satinfavtorily aueisAre+ti. They y.]ang 1 ZING of ALL T L ' Y'! '+t>~ SHERS miuielera en prabt`ticsi for the mini.' d�J try were examined, and greseift .it t;+uerutett Ill ea Oath!. July 2 {,1St ) their oxamioatirrn esuiliicn;ca, w!iioh were highly aatiafactory.. Thiifolinw ing who it epee TUE: `!<< IS Till, t four geed itt• `lr, ('. flan wishes to inform the iphal# probnttoli be received into as coons {Faro then recommended 2.0 tan" t+t P ter :roti via%nUty, that ha lAa r cs.c , fill' AI1i PIC�ARU OBATARAILIA DE,1 E : .. DRY. GOODS Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes SEED, SEED, SEED! t GENTS' FURNISHINGS, Thei•.ndcreigrleti strut. t, r w;.leutt. l,i+a slots- 11111111'house: L trier Statim the WThauirq vle of eacd ;:rain : 1 25 T 13 argOCSINSIS , aa3 also that he Intel 111Inkitli,ti 1. u„ 42. kard • ice And rTucuted Halter nRent fur lJxoter, soli any person tcishinra ia+ l W. Crewe, B. A., 1'aauc a :1: Casveis, rt+r file Matrhiur•,tvilI please call at this I xotir B. A., John 1C. Hockey, Jahn I[•'inact ; Tea St^re It * 44 tleatauelast tested, ,n,I itt eon. Two otlic•r4 wore recornmen ,limn with ii„ht of that wnt:her for ninon ('aunty the confers' nti* to n}sprot loh�t••Ire� t •; patoit was ap lu'd fur, It lnat4 Mines+ Zee.. n laced in ser o { petition with a. great mane washes.s of note,1 o V footle College and ci- inf4!'tt end in every ilislanee prnt't'd rte stal,rierity. Heti, nt 13icir own request, to re•'tt ft EAT. White Bowden i r lit Lost dation a. 3ftCarling Jahnston PeaA. Tlat ilea' 444.1rrrTimothy i"s4ws1 4. 44 44 Oh rn 7 Oe' tt SWENERTON cs GEO. !ELIXIR. u Iia5 stcAjd tht. WA. for Fir SS.I ISi,Il , Tiaase, and 1.... Ktv.e.1 itself the 1te-4 z i remedy 1:i1"%n i•'r tete relroe •,f Consumption, Coughs, 2 Coids,Whooping Cough and ail Lung Diseases in run: orold. +t;,:.Etrl:12.tIl.'kv Price «5a, a..3 $1.00tettte. I_ --s I.1tXtit t ter,..: their course --John teannby raid 11 ,-t. Xt it', without a doubt. the moot ptrfeeCtn x Doupe ,Co 1 Tho • nation erift roweled l the i2Uprnreitlt'Uta are following Wflr! Il.'ti,llraminent (lull well detinedit the) aro not tinned on trial for the �a3rd, tad, is huitetinns with a slight change of parts of 1st years respec:fnlly : .Tasnnl E. sonic ottl,»fa3t•,1 . ut pate its. such no the Holmes, Geo. Eenuedy, 1Vtltlasn pubic: are often fleece,' with by. Patent Bight tlridland, and \V. 1;, Bolden. lir. sllarhs, but they comitans an original hall .Rapp was reoomine tied by the L »i: don North circuit us a candidate fo, the ministry. A committee wa•i a is pointed to bear him preach, The nun]Uer of membern o#'' the ge uiue' int•rattien, containing distinctive 1 features, wliiellnl•4t fully set forth and claim - ea inn legal patent that will keep infringers OI Ts rn71'8 t V tYTlli;tii FOR at at ellattinee. •'1 Few Reasons Iuliy the 'Invincible' is Best (� � District independent of the Union i4 i 3,909 ; the amt of Church property used tni;k�xtl� other machines.�larter timettut of soap acquired Inst year WaS ti,868. Thellnd, Only ons -fourth the fuel. If you want the l:e tvalue for number of members in connection 3r41, No labor, iu comparison with th with the Methodist church its 217 ; Amount of money onalected by the Ex- eter. Church from Atli sources is over $8,000 ; amount paid out about the same whish included a balance of $i500 debt all the Church edifice, so that the Ohnroh is new ale .r of debt. machines. w BUTTER EGGS and tear, us steam and soap are the ptireipal agents. 5th. It requires only sue -fourth 'the time 1 - of r _ to do a washing. 6111. The house is not in an uproar with slops, washtubs, pots and putts, n2. roast one I o a o's any out of each -reels, w The Union quarterly Board of tl:e C.RAU, R. PICItiyRD, Agent, I%IRITON Loudon District including members of Creditor. Exeter the B. C., E. M. and. P. M. Chinches — - - ,,.. are in session to -day at the B C Church i11 this place. -. SUISAWARG1ZEE„Y dt • Loudon May 20.—The Extension el the Franchise Bill, wt:s considered by the House of Commons to:day. Lord Rel doph Churchill, strongly disagreed with .the amendment of Broderick (Conservative) to exchlde Ireland from the operations of the Bill. He said he had no f+ ar of the result of the enfranchising of the Ir: lab agrioultural labourer, and expres sect the hope that Coneervativae would not alienate the good opinion of the Irish by supporting the amend: meat, Mr. Hamilton sliced Lord Churchill what he was really driving at. He said this was a statement of the Democr•utio Toryism of the full tire, and;he declined to follow under sec]) leadership. •They contended I hat 0:e application of the bill to II&lend would result its reopening the flood gates of agitation. The amendtnent wee rejected by 332. to 17. Lord ICat,dolph Churchill, Mr. Gorst and severalothersof the Gonseivatives and all the Paruellites voted for the Goveinmeut.' BORN. Swaxairrov.-In Exeter, on the`21st inst. the wife of Mr. B. Swenerton, of a son. The undersigned begs to intimate to the people of Exe- ter and surrounding country that he has bei;ter•:facilities for turning out first-class than heretofore. Pictures taken in ails - the Usual Styles of the Art. Life -Size Pictures in oil Colors Crayon, or Sepia. DONE OIS1 -;HC RTEST NOTICE And at Lowest Possible Rates, Li Work Guarontoci. R.S.---Engraving on Gold, Silver, or Ivory ; also Gold or Silver Plating done on the shortest notice. W . T. -JOHNS , Proprietor GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS, I'j`l't'., ETC., amu, Depi zimexrt�r. Do not fail to examine .Time our Mock before pureltasin else- where, as you will find prices correct and Goods Hirst ctla; s. Inspection Invited. SAWIWELL tic PICKARD. Ezete' Post Office Tune ne Tablee. MAIL'S 1 salt' 8i rktou,'ood;tam, \Vi t L1clseaantl Eliiuvillr.. 8.1S a. in 3 til 4 at. koath mai; tandwest, inetudiogL nthin.If412:ailtou,.Teronte Montreal 2.r&utt•; uba,United States, English and foreign uaaiii .. ... ,.. ,..4..,,, .,. iol.eo s. m. 9.00 i• to tieuth, eastand west ,,. ,,, .,. , . ,,.;0.15 2.4, 1tt 1110 Ie. tri North and east including Outlet-lett,\yhi0haur, Iiinear.titie and all pointsuortln,I Strat'ora,'aronto, Mnntrcal,and Pastern States .. ... ... -. llf0a.m.18._8 a. m North .» IA,...0 p. n2,S.PO 1,. ur. Hay ... •,. ,,4 ,,, 1 V O,t,:ip,ur.1:1. p, m. MONEY ODD MRS Issued and paid on and from any 'Money Order Oillee in the Dominion of Calcad;l,f4re.ttltritaivand irelaud,liri t)sh Tndia, Newfoundland,tiermauy..lnstria, Italy, Australia 3 na, the t ntted states. POSTO14CH HAVINt.I13aNil. I.ieposits will be received at this office from $1 to ;3F0. Depositors; obtaining the l•oatusaster- Deueral'e epecialpermission can deposit $1000. Deposits= Savings Dank account received fyore e.m. to #p. m. Office hoorsf. om 7,30 a, n'l • to 7 p, m, Letters intended for registration must be posted 13 rnWrites before the closing of each mail. Nis—Itis partieulary requested that the senders of matter will kindly add the names of 1h counties to the addresses. D:JORN$, Postmaster. WILLIAM DREW if tj�lll ill llllrl IPl1tlitAl/„ Undertaker and Cabinet-maker. ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BANK.