The Exeter Times, 1884-4-10, Page 6The Deadly On.
Kerosene becomes more (1C•adia eves?
year as the hours of evening lamplight
lengthen. and the trequeut lighting of
Ares become • a. daily_ duty. Tito fact
that these accidents are utterly iumeces•
sary. renders theta the more lamentable.
in the hope of preventing some of these
accidents, we state a few facts which
everybody ought tdkuow.
It is 'not the kerosene that explodes.
but au invincible gas that rises frenl it.
If the oil is poured into a lamp that
.needs tilling, this gas rises out of the
lamp or .can, or both, and espltitles,
often with deadly forte, if there be any
fire within reach.
Pouring oir from a eau upon a burn-
ing are or into a lighted letup ought to
be followed by a terrible esl> onion.
Sometimes it happens that no t=x-
plasian occur' but the risk iri frightful.
The only safe rult: i, never to pour
oil on a burning tire or into a lighted
Now, you may give Braga't i osi;he
orders with regard to the fire, but when
Ito one is at hand in the enoruitig hours,
the temptation i.. strt.olg to assist the
suloulderiag blaze by the aid of a little
kerosene. She has done it without
injury formerly, why not do it again?
So the nose of the can is tilted over the
range org r:ett', there is a t:a,h,ascream,
and poor Ili Liget will never 1►aat.
chance to disobey orders. Pesitap., it
would be better, it Bridget kttist be al-
lowed ace ss to the can at all the
suggestion is timidly made. --to show
her bow she may aid the fere with eonl-
paratiV-t' eafety, All. she has to du is
to pour the oil from the cup mem the
Are, It is not likely that she will suffer
mach injury froth the comparatively
mild explosion that may follow.
Mine+ of I'reclous Stone.
Gems of all hinds possess a rodeo%
interest to human 1winga. From the
earliest tines i>re ious stones have had
:t stringeattraietion for the wealthy and
powerful Mahe earth. So fir no dia.
fuouel fields have been diseoacred in the•
finite+d States. lint precious stones arts
founts in :Teem! gut„pities. In New
Mexico there is a famous turquoise mine
whieh inti,: have been worked literally
it thousand years ago, for it yielded up
its treit,uies el; they. Aateen mid tel other
prelli;,turie recces which domhiatei1 in
Mexieo and adjoining Countries. It is
believed thi.s mule e;tn hint he used for
bringing out its p eenliar treasures, but
in the eager hunt for gold and silver
mines, the mating of in
nes is overlooked.
In Alexander County. North (Awakes,. •
they are dis;eeveriug emeralds, arni iu
such (malitlties that the mining of them
is likely to become a, prt►fttabie industry.
:1 fir. Hidden has suck a shaft some
thirty-six feet on the Stevenson plan-
tation, anti in it discovered numerous
pockets e•i emeralds. These are not of
touch eomrerejal value, as the colors
are defective. and flaws iu the gcius are
numerous. but further mitiiw<; may •
develop a. great wealth of these geom.
Au maim i.t t muted Bryne, in Mott'
Haven. New York, is even now investi-
ating the snbjctet of diamooti nr:ticing,
Ile thinks be k on the point of dueling
out the secret ed nature in the production
of eiiansesoi. But this is probably us
Wiles a dream a'7 that of the alchemists
of the middle ages who supposed they
could triltisnnite the baser o its into
OEa warin hoarier evt"ttiri ; • e.. • :.g t n
sees the clouds of the liurizte, lit up
with brilliant glows of lightning, tilt.
accompauied by any sound of thunder.
To this appearance the name of " heat
lightniug" has been given, and the
warm weather i5 often. assigned as its
cause. In point of fact, the heatdight-
niug is only that of a thunder Shower
so far off that,while the observer can see
the flash no sound of the thunder
reaches him, and the ink:rot:uing clouds
veil and reflect the flash until it becomes
a glow, instead of tate sharp streak usu-
ally seen. Where the flash, starting
from oue point, branches out and
divides iuto several parts, it has receiv-
ed the nacre of," forked lightning." This
is usually seen when the discharge is
near the observer. Single dashes, bear-
ing a zigzag or crinkled aspect, are
denominated "chain lightning," pro-
bably frons their resemblance to a cltaiu
thrown loosely on the ground. Again,
when several discharges oecar front
about the sante place at the same time,
and aro scrcentai by rail or clouds so
. as to light up the heavens with a broad,
bright glow, the title of " sheet light-
niug; " is applied. These four comprise
all the common forms. There is, how-
ever, one . manifestation called " ball
lightning." In this phenomena a small
globe orball of apparent lire rolls slowly
along the ground, and after a time sud-
denly explodes, scattering destruction
around. 'There are fewinstances of
this ou record, and no"vary satisfactory
- explanation has ever accounted for the
curious appearance.
--Smith Islet Brown on the avenue
with his bride. They have just returned,
from their wedding tout. " Where are.
they going to live ?" "I don't know.
Ile told me he had been house -bunting
since yesterday morning, andintended.
to take a flat." "Ah 1 indeed l Ile has
that decided to follow his wife's ex,
- She brushed away a ringlet,
A poet's ringlet, long;
She seared upon a winglet.
A poet's winglot—song.
She thought a little thinglot
And put it into rhyme,
She jinglers now a jiuglet,
11 brought ten cents a lint.
• _ •....F.,.
.ae ot:.ahr p'J.4'3 Ic'. ofttbc Mo :aired*• o
The English are beginning in a vague
way to rt aline the magiritude of India,
and to comprehend that it contains some
50.000,000 more people than all Europe
west of the Vistula. POW, however, ere
quite aware of the number. of its cities,
or believe that it includes sixty-two with
, more than 50,000 people, and tweuty-
ttro with more than 100,000; namely,
Bombay, Calcutta, :Madras, Hyderabad,
Lucknow. Benares, Delhi, Patna, Agra,
Bangalore, Umritsur, Cawnpore, Lahore,
Allahabad, Jeypore, Rangoon. ,Poona,
Ahmedabad, Bareilly, Surat, Howra. and
Baroda. \\e give theta iu order of
population' but, properly speaking; in
' the l:uglihlt way of counting, Bowra,
the Southwark of. Calcutta, should ho
included in the capital, which with it
contains above $60,01.0 soul,, and it is
the greatest, as it is by far the wealthi-
est, city in the Empire.
Below the limit of 50,000 the towns
become much more numerous, and there
are hundreds with populations above
`?0.000. The majority of the latter are
quite unknown to Europeans, au active
magistrate or two excepted; and, so far
a, we are aware, utero is no book in
English which gives the slightest ea -
count of their organization, or of the
life and people in thein. Yet many of
them have lustories of 2,000 years, and
in all flourish families which think them-
selves bottle, ;tad have long pedigrees
!and stirring tales to narrate. We hear
• every now and then much of Indian
princes who, in India, are hardly Taco -
;toned. .and of "educated Retire,,” .t
sorest' Perceptible class, but of the
true " British India" as lite:e is known
t .lt !tole as of the tea -tent provinees of
rt'rtt.--luadua S'(rt'eettef'.
f They enuii at telt a. ut•—tiro baby, his
gflatahnother, bis papa and mamma, tend two
aunties. Thev ranted to have his ttietu'ra
taken, `I be obligiug artist got everything
in readiness, brought out the little velvet -lin-
ed high ehclr. in which babies are usually
photographed; awl theu the trouble began.,
;<lhl'teliuns Chanties of fifty Years.
Fifty years ego there was not a steam
xrail\vay or au electric telegraph in the
l world. Now there are 10,1100 guiles of
r:eill c',ui and 300,000 miles of telegraph
this country.
Fifty years ago- there leas nut an
email steamship ai?oat. Naw' the
greater part of the foreign trade of the
Muted States. is done by stcalu.hipx.
Tliat trade in the \•ear lt'SO a. utetl
to more titan $1,500,000,000 -
Fifty ifty years ago the population tit the
United States was about 13.000,000. I1
1#110 it was mem than .;1.000,000.
Fifty years ago there was not a
friction Match, a revolver, a brecch-
leadei', a percussion call, or a st:\via;;
waehil:e in the weed..
Fifty years ago Bessemer steel. the
.photograph, the power -press, the mower
and reaper, the process of electrotyping
and stereotyping were unituown; silu-
rninating gats had, been introilnat'tl but
eight years.
Fifty years ago the production of
anthracite coal was but 174,784 toesi ; in
IWC the een,tnuptiun was more than
25,000,000 tons.
The Latest Flyilig-Mttehiue.
The retold of the flying -machine with
which Mr. Linfield, the English in.
s elntpr, expects to navigate the air at
the rate of sixty utiles =hour resembles
in elongated tricycle with a cigar -shaped
body far the engine, fuel, and navigator.
It is twenty feet long, fifteen feet wide,
tight and .oue-half feet high. and ,weighs
310 pounds. The lifting gear consists
of twa square frames about- three feet,
deep containing parallcil sails like an
open Venetian-- build, and so placed
that the air impingea on their lower
surfaces.," Tho source of motion is a
large wheel with canvas -covered spokes
shaped like the screw of a steam vessel.
Tito rudder is kite -shaped, with the
point at the extremity. The machine
was lately attached to an engine on the
Great 'Western! Railroad, and when a
speed of thirtyfiveutiles was attained it
rose and flew through the air, the total
forward pull amounting to only twenty-
four pounds. Treadles are attached to
the wheels so as to allow a gradual
start. For power the inventor is dis-
posed to rely more upon high-pressure
steam than upon electricity or com-
pressed air.
Why She Didn't Consume as Mitch Gas
as TJsnal.
" How is it that my gas bill is smaller
than usual? I certainly consumed as
much last month as the month pre-
"The bill is according to the meter.
You are not burning as much in the
parlor as you did during the previous,
"On the contrary," said the man of the
house, " we are burning more. Month
before last my daughter was absent
from home and the gas was never left
burning later than nine o'clock in the
parlor, but Last week 'she returned, and
it is often twelve o'clock now before I
hear the young man who calls on her
take his departure." ,
Well, I am unable to explain it. I
only know that I pass your house
every night and I notice through the
window that the gas is turned down,
very, very low."
" H'm, yes; just receipt the bill,
Very Accommodating Disposition.
" What time will you come home to.
night, my dear ?" asked Mrs. Colonel
Yerger•of`her husband when he was go -
mg; down town to attend a meeting of
the vestry.
" Whenever I get ready," answered
the husband crossly.
" Oh. Well don't come any later,
Brooklyn ladies are proverbial for
their accommodating disposition.'
The baby's papa wanted to take off its
aeque. because it 1 1 emelt pretty fat arms,
but its mamma ,ca ftaid that it might take
'old. Theo one le uti't thought it would be
so tercet to take off his little sioeltiugs and t -it
hint iii a big arm -chair, but hie other auntie
'tnnught that such a performance would be
very immodest, indeed. and a conflict seemed
Finally it wa., a„teed that they should take
the artist's advice and strap him up in the
high chair. Anter touch ringing of bells the
baby was induced to look with favor on the
DPW state of affairs.
The artist prep:lied to take too negative,
but just at the critical moment, the infant
doubled himself cross the snap nod scream-
ed lustily. His papa jingled the beils auew,
►Ii' artist set the ;nine, while tI►o
mamma drew him nut of his chair, and his
auntie called him a "patsy utzy ittle sing.”
Pewee being rost.,r. 4, another negative was
taken, this time ritll tolerabie snecess. But
•iue auntie did not like the exptessiou of the
face, anti flit* mal,,30 t thought that it did not
ego jestiee to itis eyes. The next time lie
stuck both .fiftts lite his u,outh and dint one
.,ye; and the next his graudmia. who had
been watching him intently. ran hastily for-
ward and began shakiug hien and slapping
him nu the hack.
It was twelve o'clock. awl the thermom-
eter Steel( Itt ninety-eight d,gro•'s in the shade
and that artist ground Ilia teeth and looked
to .ce how far it was from the wiudow to the
Three orfon c noire unsatisfactory attempts
were made, mmol at la t the baby, who had
been taken out of the eltair se minty tithes
DWI )vas nut properly secured slipped down
on the flour with a tlenmp.
:1 grand hubbub followed ; everybody
,,creamed: the timid auntie fainted and the
nap, swore ; while the trtnnhliug it, tilt. fear-
ing for his life, secreted himself behind a
screen ii, the corner. where be waited until
Ile tea' mire that no butes were broken, and
thou he carne forth. Fal ing that be had been
suddenly called downstairs to see n man.
He wits ,o unfelt relieved on bei:ig toad
that they wind l out try a ain that day that
he forgot to lire up to his rules and demand
opal adieu the i,t g•ative is taken:'
As they started down the stairs the Bead of
the fondly infertile -d him that they wonld
eail + em iu a few days. and Ili' has hired a
small boy to sit at the font of the steps and
bang hart word at their al+roach. 80 that be
may LINO time to leek the door and hang ont
a notice.•"(=Line to the Centennial."
You will have no such trouble as this if
you go to W. T. RUINS' Exeter (north), let
113' t:dtt's ehlldr.•u itl les, Than one s;ennd.
'..en( Iei.'t n
those wh utend
purchas:us to at so front
the luanufaotul•er, The
dealer who buys to sell
again must necessarily
have a probt. \Yo claim
Eck giveshe purchasers the
benefit, which cannot fail
to meet the views of the
Grangers. Our expenses
areloss than those of cite
menu lecturer* consequent
wo can selloheaper.
C.& S. 'G'TUI:EN
and .16 rnitu re ;\2a truth etun'e44
mo %[r>; W O ULD
i: r R oallapecinlatatetiiip
to our 'undertehri.g depart
tnent,,whieb Lk 11104E Coin:
plus thate v erns se hove
added severe 3 new desiene
'e of late 53 a bef't ooaina
casket!' ahrc ads,aud every
'anent' requisite at the
tax est 1•r•it t • Our new
A Roar eis prououaaedbr
corul>eteut judge: to be
second to pore in the
Emblems of all the Different Socz ties.
Funerals furnished a,.A
eoneueted at the very low
est rater
illy Stock of iJndertaking
goodsis large, coteplete
and wo Resorted, and any
person :squiring auythino
to this line will audit to
theiradvautage t0 give ine
a 00.11 and examiue fry
f t av 3 test retie ved a
argo stock lYa.1nut and.
Rosewood Caskets, also
1'eilius of ryery deaerip.
amt. . complete stool:
of Robe. ,tad ` i'rinimings
elft. y ea t h,tud.
'My 141001 styles of
Chamber a"tl Parlor *Wits
411 kinds of Furniture at
tan towestratos,
Remember the place--NNearlyopposite lfctnp's'iobacco Store, 1141u -street, Exeter.
.T01 -1Z" 1311..IiA.17 fiT.
Ezeter Post Office Time Table..
!nekton,,\oodham,\Ytn.helseaand kliituville ... .. ..- ...815 ata.
South,oasbAna wosl,tnolud1ugOondou,Iiainfltore Toreuto 3foutreal, 3Tauid
oho, United States, English and foreign moils ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .9.8O a. ni .9.00 a. MSoutb, ea1taud ...•west ... ... ... .. ...!0.15 t'.m :4.20 r. in.
:,orth alai east inentatug cod'rich, \Vinghatu, Kincardine teal oll tyro snorth.,
8tznttoid,loiauta, uotttr'ai,ttud 4'asterm States.. . , t• ,r.t'gaan Oa a. m
IQazth' ..
1 dnnlYIE I cuter.
:•.gra tem. see p.»t,
O.S'ig,. tn. p. w.
MONEY tlltnEllS
issued an,l paid an alai from an ltoneyOrder Onlee 113 the po:uinion of eann,la,Croot Britain aed
r2e11%no,urit i11 13141141, tiewrnuuetlan4,ilermany,.ustria.Italy,Australia, and the rutted Ata. tes.
itoposit,will horeceived, at.thisvibeefrom a1to$3elt. Repesiter; obtaining thel'osttnaster-
Geueral's special permission eau deposit $1000. Deuositrou Savhigs lBnuk account reeelved team ip.m.
01aeo}to>nxf.wl:tVia a.1u.t0 i 1',m,
Lettersintendod for registration omit he posted Li minutesbctaro the or each mail.
N It—itis eartfealaryrequested thattho senders of ratter will Lindij' add the i>arites of eh
Counties to the add, eases.
nos pApER 11711 GOR eostmeeter,
IYowrr,u ,k Co'a .-..-..
Nowsp.per hdvertl''hg Bureau t10 Spruce
etre' l,onuueativer-NEw Yt Rv
tieing dee contracts
Pains and Aches,
Rev. Father W11th
The Rev. Z. 1'. Wilds, well-known eft!.
missionary inNewYork,and brother o/ ti: •
Late eminentJndge Wilds, of the :tlassaelii.-
setts Supreme Court, writes as follows:
"78 E. 114thSt.,Nets Foil.•,.U,ep
MESSR1. ,T. C. AYES .i Co., Gelttleine11
Last winter I was troubled with a most vino der-
fortable itching humor affecting more
my limbs, which itched so intolerably at r•igrht,
and burned so intensely, that I could scarcely t0 xr
any clothing over them. I. was also a sufferer
from a severe Catarrh and catarrhal cough ; iuy
appetite was poor, and my system a good deal r.•.:1
down. I{nowing the value of Altrrit's SAns , r,l-
ItiLLA, by observation of many other ens; ::nd
from personal use informer years,I began to .ing
it for the above-named disorders illy apps tate
improved almost from the first dose. Ater a
short time the fever and ftchiugwere allayed!, sand
all signs of irritation of Closing) disappeared. ley
catarrh and cough were also cured by the 551110
means and my ,general health greatly improved,
until it is now excellent. I feel a hundred per
cent stronger; and I attribute those results to the
use .of the SARSAPARILLA, wbich I Al.coillnieiid
with all confidence as the' best blood medicine
ever devised.;, I took . it 3n small doses . three
times a day, and used, in all, less than two bottles.
I placethesefacts at your service, hoping their
publication may do good.
Yours respectfully, Z. P. WILas."
The above instance is but one of the many con-
stantlycomingto our notice, which prove the per-
fect adaptability of Avan's SAEsArAnTZLA to
the sure of all diseases arising from impure or hp- ,
povorished blood, and A weakened vitality. •
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
cleanses, enriches, and strengthens the blond,
stimulates the action of the stomach and. bowels,
and thereby enables the systsm:to resistanaevsr
come the attaekB of all Scrofulous,biaditady,;Er+p-
tions or the Skin, Itheurnatis+t, Catairh;..Gencrel
Debility, and all disorders resulting frdn.poor.or
corrupted blood and a low state of the system. •
Dr. J..0 Ayer ,& Co.; Low 'II;•Mass.
Sold by all Druggists; price 51, six.bottlos for 86:
— Best Purgative Medicine,
rune Constipation Indigestion,.RIeadaclae, a+llf1F .
all Bilious Disorders. e
Sold everYwbere. Always r° aillet •' `
.•• ;.a A DRiVE
admired, by every Far-
mer: Desired by all who
use aatea.
Its chief merits are
It takes up no conn: on the road or sidewalk. It opens down the fence. I1 Locks opt•ti
and when. closed, Iocks stmt. A child six years old can open and close it from a wagon
or horseback, or afoot. It is not liable to get out of order.
So simple in construction that any farmer can make it. It can be ,Wade of lumber, iron
ar wire -netting. All who see it admire it. CRn be opened with one finger from Wagons,
Buggies, cfrC, It.backs out of the way down the fence, taking up no loom, Has no lever-
age on posts. Can be opened and closed 80 times a minute. Makes a secure look with-
out tt latch or pin. A downward pull opens or closes a gate of any length or weight, as
the.bandies have a double action and always up out of the way. The cost above the or-
dinary gate is from $1 to V. I can furnish GATE Inovs, no hinges to buy.
'price of FARM RIGHTS from $5 to $10.
Call and see the:(xate at Centralia and Exeter, and secure a
Farm Right.
I own the Right of this Patent for HURON COUNTY, and as I am otherwise
gaged and.oannot canvas each Township in the County, I will sell Township Right.
atprices that 'Will enable the purchaser to make money at the business.
From $10 to $20 per DST can be 3d 6.1)E
Bya good canvasser in selling out a Township Right iu Farm Bights. Can you mase
more at anything else with a Small Capital Invested. I mean to sell so
• you can make MONEY, •
A Rare Chance—Speculation.
The selling qualities of this gate cannot be questioned, The Inventor has sold
----OVER, $60,000, WORTH. ALREADY--
LR +'ADY.Secure a Township Rigbt, and ma) o money easily and rapidly. If you do not, souse
oue will, and you will lose the chance.
Call and see me, .or write for 'terms,
A.. Q. $OEX t, Centralia.
For County Eights in Canacla write for terms to
0. W. JONES, London.