The Exeter Times, 1884-4-10, Page 3i
Continue," from 2n4 page
drownoa them in a initiate for pure diver- girl is mine."
cion. Ws that gerrcl. I say I'm sayin' 4" We aro sorry, m'sieur," a small,
it's diet slip av a, gerrel I" brown -faced 'pan, with gold ear -rings,
" The Boule-de-neige was picked up I say,:, touching hiscap "It is a ll ver bad.
yestordtfy adrift off Point Tormentine," ; 'ft is now six days since they have went t
says one of the listeners. " This is a bad ! away. Tliey 'went in the boy's boat—a
business, Tim. Couldn't youliave given 1 battaau-- since yesterday, found adrift
the alarm sootier ? Six days ago'?" the ' emuy. Innes down the bay. And," with
speaker wItistlea with uplifted eye- i quick compassion, " it is suppose they
brows,. E utast be lost. M'sieur will be good
"Is it to give the alarrinn 5ooncr ? 1 enough to remind himself of the storm of
Sorra liaporth I've done for the last two tiay:isinee."
four days but give alarrume. .kraals ". t But yes ; monsieur remembers, and
me very heart's bruit with the .Llarrums 1 grows very pale.
I've been givin', and sorra a sowi's been 1 " .And I)r, Macdonald. la away I" he ex-
alarrutned about it, barrio' ould Wasy 1 elates.
herself, bad serail to her 1 I 'say my I "". Ah, m'sieur 1 how that is suitor.
heed's bruit wid the aliments I'et tt1•nate. Iflieltadbeeullomethey WoUG1
givin.' Faix, it's hardly a lirinuto I've have been discover Since long time. But
left to attind to the light. Alamitos time Tim," a shrug, "lie say he give
inagh i Wisite ! 'tis wishin' thin well I t the alarm many time, but my faith ! no
am for alerrums 1" ; oleo have hear natl. toelay, Ha ! boa
" And Dr.McDonald away from home, , that is droll!"
too," another says, and looks blankly 1 d" I heard some rtinlor yesterday," an. ,
," " ' a "" but I paid no great attcn-
about him. "What are we to do 2 other adds,
"Faix he is," respends old Tim; I tion They are obeli out iu the little
"" ani more betokentsotno others is away boat, and --well, 1 Paid no attention. 1
that's wanted at I mo. Father Louis
is away among the Iuiuns and the
Frisch, bad cess to tlliln 1 As if era
tits like thim wanted the presto! I say
suppose others felt 9s l dad --that they
would turn up all tight."
"It is ver great beefy." says the
Frenchman; ," we will do all our po'."'
Father Louisis away preacliin a station 1 but what will you ? Six days`: • o • rhe symptoms ure toot ttn'e. like p cel p+ir-
to thimt nagers av Irijnnsr. Av he was j Dieu !" . Cation, intense itehilal: Wei e'rse.l by ec:•atchtug; BUTTER 8 E G G Gl
to the fore It's not the Inter da ye l'd be ! It is, indeed, a blank prospect, '.put , 1t r tlistxe' roll, l rut:ailittr at eight; seems as
trubblin wid elarrurs. Sure lae'd dostand for a little, silent, sleep concern if pio•ttu►Ins wt:,• crawling in and about the
more in a 1ni11t1t4 thin the let av ye in a , in every face, et'tuw, that jot+nte ju►rts"a•a sometimes s • ....,3(,xo
week. I say I'm as ill'---" ', have you no idea•• --has no eno any fcctsd. If unwire.' to c intim. very serious re.,lue" the now comer, Mr. Farrar, asks, sultsmay follow. '•S %'A'!'U:'SOIi smssasi"l
is a pleasant, stu•e cure. e o foe Totter, ;� D0� e i
Ich, talk -Mom, Scald head, l;rysiptias, i R .'t+ .It'
Bart '1s' Pell. 1.lsstelte3, all s ac-erte4 Skit 1
Mews., Box by mail 50 Ctrs.; 3 for 'yW.•, . 1
�1d1 Itlt tltV11'tiF '� " 1'
.--An English psychological society is
racking its brains over the conundrum,
" Are angels ever sleepy 2" Not very
often, bub when you bear & bootjack
rolling down the front stairs, you can
make np your mind that the angel's
father is sleepy, which practically
amounts to the same thing.
—A Fronell lady, on her arrival in
this country, would eat only eucb dishes
a.s she was acquainted with, and being.
on one occasion pressed to partake of a
dish new to her, she politely replied.
thinking she was expressing 'herself in
admirable English : " No, I thank you :
I eat only logy acquaintances," 1
TIUF, H()liixl"14111,
A impalas dowesti4 ),do ind fur Anienean
homes, will be stat for one year free t(* every
ladle who weasel -id et Oleo. tile MEWS, and ad-
dress of ten warriesl,,isalies, and iii cents, no
portage stamps taken. Best paper for either
noun, or old lion'i'k*'epe,s in existaue . This
offer is made only to secure vetoes to whom
to send sample-copies,a. to kuo every Bide
who oil' e Raw i n k l'loCAI w u tCi!i : tttiBCs'iLe
for if. Regular price 61,00 per year. Aridt'te;a
'at ouee
'Fre lime awirs. i:(,cl s:,tel', N. Y.
Noe vvrixiArM I111A,BE ak, Cps
2Atan420p Rest 11a1Wworo 8trept,]la]tin ,
Na 117isttth avenue,New Yoe.
Don- C Co!
Ot:T*rft1Ps t:rEBYTuix
If you taaut the IA:Avainefur
"oh i confound you,, , Tim ; you
needn't repeatyourirpertinenee. We
will do what we ean, no matter where
"" of which direction they took? They
must have bad some instinct idea of
Pero Louis is." going somewhere, when they put oaf.
" I say it's not to the liken o ye," t 4 )nes :►Ma'am arms), not know ?"
repeats old Tim, raisin; his ti• lice, and "" Hero she is for ye, let her tapake for
ignoring the interruption, "1'd be 1 bers;ilf," says Tint. ""Wary, woman,
talkie' if Father Loris is w is to the ford. I I'in +?.ty'iu', come hero a minute. It's
And now Isere ate Iia; til neige 1,P•katd 1 wanted, yo are—I say it's wanted yyt
up adrift. Isn't that what yore eayiu,' ( are, and by thim as maybe ye thonght
ye beyant there? :1n' where's ' then ! was far away."
that want in her ?--tell me that." 1 Ma'am Weesy, her brown face one
They look at one another. and are ! pucl a of anxious arinklcs,all wild with
silent. Dr- Macdonald is n' e'1 known, alarm, and vague with ejaculations,
and better lilted, by every lua t of theirs. beadles in among tile? men.
They kun+h the bovit 14xr, and the pretty "* Look at him now," say's Tim, "there
blonde girl with tfiu waving fair hair. he is forninst ye ; an' its many a long
i' It's a bad lookout," ; d•lr• yell liter;: among them beggarly
"" Ce.l- t ay tlil +iia t -+ion Dian I it i
(lid Tim a, r:' t to to she+ to
""'►iia I t..11 t°'1' 1' a t,1,:t a dila?" o ►°' the pet ncrii+t,"its c f o.,t+ Er tjtr t+1.7" st anal beet
," After tia. t" s: clay t00.I
one stubb ' index fine , ' at the leaf ex- l
y .ttnultt.utr,tl,t., t.tiJets... the [
Address', R. , < . . , Ei. , Phila.. a.
Sold by 1)rnggiht., (_-
.>r17f wn TO movri ? :L , , Jt.i N iS E .J L
Are you +listairhup at night anti brv,i:eu of 3'eur (j
rest byasiekeliU.t suffering stun crying nidi PORK PACKING (7 Oj CJS
pain of cutting teeth? if SO. .lettdatonce mid
got a bottle of SIRS WINSGO\\'S soo'rm :se
SYRUP' Ita<value is incalculable. It will re-' "- -.
neve the pc me little suffer:r immediately. De- I
pendulum it iuothers, there is Ito lnis,t ke 81,014
it. It cures tltihe:Awry and dIatrhoast. regulates
the stomach and- 'bowels, eurt•s wind colic.
s,l�it'.pceus aP Fr: ehra a afore yP S0E1 ^r•ftelist?in ;;uuet reduces pt,Pl,t i*u ittion. and
be''+ like !" eista tote• an e.icrgy t,i ti,e whole atstem,,
lint this last old Tint is rats enough nits, «ixsi c+tt',i tx.nruiNQ Suite run ('till•.
11EN Tri.Ilt . is plt rigout t,' tht. t ante, tial tit l
a4tl tinder his breath, as lie potntt.
t.1 t ,, , t,. 'tilted itett'ittt "lnlme'uet'd bnstitt'ri to
\ r t " ni , of IIII . ri1 a;.
Even if 1 ti 1 h laud seine- states- ft 41 i v rill is a ^lets through-'
they t make
in • 150;am .1c,t:s dt psi leek, iu puzzled '
y I;, out woo t. 1 t ter+ ;a •+•.rt: a irsitc)o,
where—--wontll;:r raid iueredulit , ter lextt , re• 11 , arta Winter Traci
," \lit f-li 1 was not tile Ilettlo•do• y perplexity, F
,c n 1n 1.
sada of Terme:nine I :link() hoer 11 The 11(' holds out his hand.
1 t utbar , ctrntition doubt ' ler n ahognny face,
found keel tits three inflee othtrtrfirat Intel they made, my friend. was the
8111 1ll 'tt3•, :u1t1 tile 1,. ac,�=.»o ," lit 1•,tll1In the old woman cries out, 'a mss sent react 'inr t"eten years experience. ,°'"•x•,••,,••,> gate
1 t'(, ;F n1 r t'om1:1 51st 1 It if e, great aylnll • '(Ali now this is well. Ah, 1P tat ntsobtisnet �ilstieiu} ly o largest. rbest,
" yx7 �� ,, '!.W.l'lr,'prrpaxt,itoline,lit-eilli!,11tintdti44
A_ • eta ' 1'u11., in1.jt et t"+ tla"f r1I.r. lir>'r,• na(t)<°Ia
^ ft l� r, .Ii.,t41,A ,i(��C•..3i, it,x"L Y,,,U".44
sat 3 Wee -1t:r of nine yoaxs ago, and bark
-- _ -- Mt:1r: t C?..r tt c ^hsna�.t�,,,•roa ,
a a itri loft i.3._<, +nit st�trn will 11" .le' l.0 -.c,..
1n stow, I te)oice to^nelcoine you back, if tvo
pity." y '
r R c�°tntn� Ott in
,. 011e slat r4,je:e0 in allydrilla at such. a foruiulien. bpeclmon ropy nrthntdefeut LAO Amer.
' 1d+•.,seasold lint, chiming in like �" ji *can centime. hddrek.StUVN$ (Go. $$NT*iuQ II W,?1'117.
time. Iuu have Ilear2' ♦atLRIc t UTAra,".Jiliir(1stwu7, NOW York.
a Oa t•1. , I r s " I':n ,tin e liat'si to
be li't-- , 1v': iauu tt:„illi*"' here liko
t tie ks if quilt. wax that'll r('�;1ty thin,
av they're anywhere. i in scan' it's
mile Wiliam
reaks off. There has entered they rust 'sic to i o 2"'
" No, m'sieu," with a sob, "t do not.
f(irtlut ala�pp fret aaueo #actio most of b Ah, Irtindle: crit ! they want so often, look
What was there
men around bine as to 130 conspicuous ( t fear, with rtlasterI fear �Jean. in. the boat,
as a glance. A tall. dark-bearded,1 that has been in a boat sine ho could
brown, travelled -look Iav elled-looking lass, with a 'Walk alone ? They went all the clays—•
stamp that is not of St. (iilddas upon I never thought of asking. T rejoice to
Inco, nein 1 oitta beyond question, and sae thein o ole, wicked that I am—
having. il('.l ,tint, thirty or more years.
Old Tint's jaw drops; he gases, and Anti
ha disarrange I aand g dt wor,
c�Tltt that Hwy i was lad—glad they o,
for I have great deal to do, anti mae-
xuoisellc, she tease mo inial]. Holes!
no, M. Pahl, I know not whox"o the dear
little ones 'nay be. Only -the God, Ho
know." '
Where were they insist in the habit
of going?"
Everywhere, m'sieu. Up and down,
,ere and there, all places. They go
sometimes to the Indian villages for
moccasin,' and baislret, ttnd bead -bag,
even. Everywhere they go—all places."
"And they said nothing, nothing at
all? Tax your memory, itfa'1Lm Weesy, ,
the least hint may bo -of importance
Ma'am Weesy knits her brown brows,
puckers her -Mouth, makes an effort and
shakes her head.;
" It is of no use,, kr, Paul, thoyrsaid
nothing. Only they talked j f rasp-
berries'- the day before, perhaps, who
knew, they go for raspberries ?"
moat Ridely elrCNat('ti niceties
p' r. a JOar.
"" ,e.. :ta 11t► done 9"
oltlr. . genote o erav nee nn rs�a ie : No peon will be bought at :illy' price
"" Yes, I lt4vo hoard. It is a terrible
thing ; but, perhaps you eau help us, if
;nage(! 16 Is not too late tor' all help,
Surely you kuow soinetlsiug of where
still the tit ouder grows, Ins mouth agape.
his small est _ < v 'mug wide. 'i'heu his
wonder sualtidriily bursts lute vehement
"It's hon 1" crit s old Tim. "" Oh,
that I may never, av it isn't him 1 Nun -
sheer Paul!" he bustles aside all who
iuterposo, and grasps the nciw-comor's
hand. "-:1listher Farrar, darlin', don't
ye know me 2"
"Tim, old boy 1 Yes, I know your
jolly old figure -head, of course," returns
the stranger, laughing, and slapping him
on the shoulder. "Dear old chap, how.
are you ? And what is all thisl—"
"" An' it's hack for good an' all ye Iwo,
1 bope, from thins parts I'd not be.
tannin' ? Muslla, but the ould (bother
had left
. as
will he as gladsomebody
flim a ligoey. I'm not main' they didn't
agree mrd ye, though, thim parts," peer.
mg up at him admiringly ; " it's fine,
an' big, an' brown ye are, this minute.
I'm saylu' it's fine,. and sthrong, and "" And where is the most likely place
sthrong, and good-lookin' ye aro, Mather for raspberries 2 They would naturally
Farrar. An' yore back! Well, well I go where. they were most plentiful. Oh,
fair, they do bo sayin' at home bad my dear old woman, bow could you
sbillins iver au' always come back 1" leave the matter for six long days 2" 1
s' Thank you, Tim. But the ehi1- u I did my best," Ma'am Weesy says
die It's the wonderful rowlin' steno ye weeping. , "I did tell Teem ; I came tc
are, if tales about ye bees these. An' St: (1ildas two, three, fisc limos; I tell
boon linin' out there in thin all I know. But what will you, M. Paul ?
ye've ' puts Louis he is gone, M. le doctor he is
all this time ? Sure there niver came gone, ani ,for the rest—bah, what they
a batch o' letters to the ould docther ogre? Theyare hoes , it will be all
that I didn't go up an' ax for ye. "" I've right, they , and go ytheir way no
a bit av a letther, Tim," sez ho, "from g yy'
thin ye know." " Arrah, have ye?" ts.
er Jean. And now the can handle a boat ybetter oa
say to me la ,
sez 1; "how is he at all?" "" Well, Boole -de -neige is found, and not my
Tim, glory be to God, an' he does be children. An tq•merrow M. let doctor
sayin' he'll be wid us soon." Bwt, oh 1 will be home, and me, how am Ito face
wxrra, Sure I 'mowed betther thin to him ? Y promise him I care for them,
b'lavo that. .An' here ye are 1 I sn+y*, and see how I kept my word."
I'm sayin', here ye --1 As she soli" ut t 1tti w xds'tt e
But these chil3ren Tim 2 For is a b nstle _ail o d llsalyd�aI$
. . ors
Heaven's sake, ne mud 1 What of hurriedly and lookskaarotesd.
the doctor's boys l; my girl ?" " Have you heard, Desereaux 2"
An' your gerrcl 1 'Yon Ise con -
some one asks; "' ft is to be done 2"
soi'ence thin but she's a ltan'ful av a " Heard? yes," the new comer says,
gerrel ?, It's alt her doin's from—"she done ? What tells is this excitedly. ,.'"', I kno ,where they are.;
Where they starto ". go to, at earn:
and storm and a.boat accident ?f the do
"Yes, yes, yes, Tim I but what has Don't Is etor Isere`t s he betoy i•
+ "" I'am:h'erd" ii.. ,;.1• oncernedn fibril
you know I'm all at sea 2"matter. Yon` re "e per me, s;"'
'" Yis faith an' there's more like ye. pd
That's whore the are, or. maybe at M. Desereaux dear? I am Paul Farrar."r
y My 'deal? M4 'Pawl, De;sereaux
the bottom. I say, that's where they res s his hand,"'welcomeback to St.Gil-
are av the Lord hasn't a hen' in thin as. You.have coirto'ata most opportune;
It's sir blissid days since- an eye was
time. We mild set' OW in r;earch' hoses
clapt on thim, and the Bowld•naige, lost ones at once. They are safe and
stern, up, off the wildest point on the well still, I hope, inl spite of it'he bat -
coast." teau's having slipped her moorings.
The stranger groans, and .turns an 1Ules antis, they are at Chsipeau Dieu.
appealing glance along the low of faces. A. murmur of surprise, consternation,
Evidently, he knows atter than- to try relief,th'" ' h + . a -
longer to stem the.; flow of'Tim's, talk. g oe G relou •?
""Tell me, some of you," he ways,; " the Peau Dieu,' all exclaim. They are
found; and on Clhareeta neo,.
.-.. To Irk CON rip .. 0
Health & happiness for all.
epsia,Indi Headache, nes- AYER'S
PILLS. pepsin, Indigestion, Dizziness, 1 1J 1. L ■
Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering
of the Heart,
iAndCCCr • species of dt� "'t.,.a
Inrpnre Illnod, &c. &c.
NEVA art et' THE
Climax. Chemical Company
We runt all flogs t •little, fight the
Ibree it tu'tet 1. and llaula,,p.•ned to to
G + : J. PETTY -
44V s
1.c.Ss of Appetit°,
Il+u;ty ; �it7i1, Sour Stomach,
ilaaitual Costiveness,
Sick ileadache and Biliousness.
Pike, 2u. per Lottie. Sold by all Druggists.
A large proportion a the diseases which cause
huin et suffering result from derangement of the
7 and liver. Al1it'S CAT
stomach, bowels, a
PIt.Ls act directly upon these organs, and are
especially designed to cure the diseases euused
by their derangement, including Constipation,
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, 1Iesidaaha, D3•
tery, and a host of other ailments, for all of
San -
Exeter Butcher: Ct t which'they are a safe, stare, prompt, and pleasant
tJlt(Jgi. remedy. Tho extensive use of these Pula by
eminent physicians in regular practice, shows
unmistakably the estimation in which they are
hold by the nodical profession.
These PILLS are compounded of vegetable sub -
Butcher & General Dealer stances only, and are absolutely free from calomel
or any other injurious ingredient.
—IN ALL KINDS OT--- Sufferer frotn.Qeadache writes :
"Avan's nits are invaluable to me, and are
soy constant companion. 1 hare been it, severe
'�m c sutrerer from headache, and your PILLS aro the
J„�/J,,, ( • • A I ` h,� only thing I could look to for relief. One dose
will quickly move my bowels and free my head
Customers supplied 'TUESDAYS; Tarns. Mom pain. They are the most effective and the
ays do so
easiest physio 1 have ever•found. It s ar pleasure
DAYS AND SArUBDAYS at their residence.' to ine to speak to Choir praise, and I aiw
when occasion offers.
OEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Franklin St., Richmond, Va., June 3, 1882.
"I have used AYER'S PILLS in numberlesein-
have never
f' av nieno and avehhe r
-.161 n eii yv 11 s s
i11�p,ciliner�, isy atsang.Lae t•ilino,
stances as recommended by you and
known them to fail to accomplish the desired re-
sult. • Wo constantly keep them en hand at our
home, and prize them as a pleasant safe and
reliable family medicine. FOlt DYSPEPSIA
they are invaluable. J. T.1it.YES."
iriexia,'Texas, June 17, 1882.
The REV. PRAEoIS B. EAnt.owE, writing from
�t(lanta" Clts., says: " For some years past 1 have
been subject to constipation, from winch, in
spite of the use of medicines of various kinds,
I suffered increasing inconvenience, until some
months ago I began takingg AYER'S Pints. They
have entirely oorreeted the costive habit, and
have vastly improved'my general. health."
AYER'S CATIIABTIC PILLS correct irrogtilari
1Eas been yictoriou at al' the leading exhibi ties of the bowels, stimulate the appetite and
tioueadd hub six iel1airs since MS, ea;ryiugoff digestion, and by their prompt and thorough
first prized and modals in every instance. It.
has now no equal as a lubricator, au l will atilt- station give tone and vigor to the whole physical
wear lard, teal ox" castor oil, and warra.tted nob economy.
to clog or gmn the finest machinery'. Von will.: - PREI'ARR1) EY
414 J.N:DIC' OF THE HE'A'R',
i ,every species of disease arisin fr
..ort.ore4 t- yea, MONEYS, $TO A¢} ,
T. MILBURN /I f�Ir,, Prop'rlctliso ere,,
gave woncytl3+usingthis011. 'Try (t and you Dr. I C Ayer & Co.; Lowell Mass. •
sold by all Druggists.
will testify in,its flavor, Beware of ituitations: '
All experience the wonderful bench.-
dY11iC.0�,1 ro Co , Toronto, OLD, AND: aial8ifoets of
•Ayers Sarsaparilla
-:cog &t r . eye MIDDLE-
AGED, or any scrotutous ser syphilitic taint,
T, ETL$1t1iI ,& ON, C eecir to ❑ may be made healthy and strong by its use.
; Sold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles for $5.
Children with Sore Eyes ,Sore Ears,.
ELL& WAUGH, Ileusall
LIIE ai waurr,
Rod for Purifying the snood.
Itlies WI* innnee for n;ryears,and 1' s
preyed to, Lel _•'3 i tpr(lar ticnitttLo
marl,,etfor SU."lila .1isat'lt".PAININ
TIM * 214 Oft• L (,i+. 111 #'d CCtSI-
I'I.AT.:I, PIMPr t 1 #'1i TFE Fit"`":,
i.)Yfir '"eI1, 111 1 + and nil li:;care s
aatar A` adltb! rsi. A a reran
;i,?rd t . r,, . • � r - -, lr'-s„.
',,e t 4 vs.!. ela,l-
,t+F p+ t..eribte it dairy.
r'ai:.'.riieeweilt it. t
It 3r Dr . . i•
a t t. i crrv,atiiiingia
s r. 8, 'ti
{ ° , r•ttx a l ustt'ti t ax t t: ,o ;f.• 'ta a .t1
,a, l .3s-t.4l, '.t' ',er•te...u•
:r t • 9:., `tett (
tat: ,8,t -„%''it t rt'4 e s
t Js+E*rte
<I ..x
y ” Za F
,fr ��, ik
Are pleac:nt tat Le t'on" ' • nn
Purgative. Ia e s f n r' t... • oC ail
*Otriver in Maid= uri.dults
Fronthill Nurseries.
325 ACRES.
Salesmen Wanted,
Stead yl:n111s3men tat Fix(d Billerica to all
willing to work. In ENan W011P1.1 can have
Pleasant work the year Bound. Good Agents
are estrni1.g from $40 to $79 permonth and ex-
Lie1'ernrc; and.,utilt free. Address:
S',1‘151 WAS11:11
Patented it Canada, July 13,1883.1
Mr. O. Rau wishes to inform tam inhabi
tants of Exeter and vicinity, that he has sole
right of this washer for Huron County, and
also that lie has appointed Mr. Robt. Pickard
agent for Exeter, and any person wishing to
see the Machine, will please call at the Exeter
Tea Store. It was thoroughly tested, and its
merits approved before the patent was ap
plied tor. It has since been placed in com-
petition with a great many washers of note:
and in every instancy proved its superiority.
It is, without a doubt, the most perfect 1»
action ever invented ; the improvements are
prominent and well definedj; they are not .
imitations with a slight change of parts of
some old prayed out patents, such as the
pulilio are often fleeced with by Patent Right
sharks, but they compose an original and
geuui)ie invention, containing distinctive
features, whichare fully set forth and claim-
ed in ale al
patent that will IteepriniriDgers
at a distance.
Few Reasons why the 'Invincible' is Best
1st. Only one-quarter the -amount of soap
used as with other machines.
2nd. Only one-fourth the fuel,
3rd4.:No labor in comparisonwith th
4th. No wear and teal', as steam and soap
fib. It requires only. one }fourth 'the time
6th. The house is not iii'ati uproar with
slops, washtubs, pots and pans, at least one
day out of each week,
Crediton. Exeter.