The Goderich Star, 1936-06-25, Page 8OA • T4
4441,,,,,,P,04,4 sego+
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t tapetein en4 *Mot
less. 'Otte lit white *rat Pagel
With bane Mere Owlet '
401, litte deeper, and alt
Social and Personal
Mr. and 1Mis. A. R. Scott motored to
.ethawa for the King's birthday.
Mira F. Wholes, of Dayton, Ohio, IS a
wet of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Worsell.
Mars. and Miss 'Williams left this
elinething on a Meta iff to Ceettiettectit;
• *
Ulm Merlon UnrneY, of Toronto, Is
spending her .vacation at her home itt
Sewn. •
Mr. and etre A. A. Nicol and family
were guests of friends at Guelph over the
week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Campbe11 were in
Landon for a few days last week, return-
.* on Priaay- evening.
%fr. and MM. Jos Griffin and famf17.
ef Detroit, aro guests of the former's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. Grieln, North
ten ems arid the two daughters of Mr.
A lolly fainily party coMpf osed othe
C. Groves, has bun on a week's
*OW trip to-tlie City of New 'York.
Mr, Dpuglas Nairn has' received n.vlOrd
et his appointment .by the Federal Clove t
ernment a.s legal agent for the
Canadian Farm Loan Board in Huron
alr. and Mrs. Ernest McCreath°, their
entall daughter (Marlyn, and Buddy
rigelow, all of Dearborn, =oh • visited
*eh the tomer% mother, Mrs. W. Mc-
areath, Park Street.
ha WPM &t the
stutertacalltion, ths
the hale ehUrth sheds
gram was Presented.
Toronto, popular var ,,
er. Ventritosittht said, itu nentlitor, Wet
the entertainer, and icept. the audietietven
roars or limehter (Yam his ivholesome,
'Igr"ern.ri°11111itlilnliebnterls ArtainingsrlOPeTE;1111114Y pro
00100 tei theeree0e0 PPM* lit ItaYrield. eld Jewell (Br Hiet)r irdna
Poneannon, and, despao the feet thet
he is no longer young, he captivated the`11°Mt r kr,0411 PIO at Oodert4.1 `that .Alieterberree Joinhine Braeley.
aUdiente. Hie ei=bere Were interspersed night:
21.3e , ' Forte 11Cte Perm III;
with maler songs of the day, sung by
the Mame Perne.Oranston -end., Pearl 7--94--leseeseey, euly- entt 0-.,e, zirariaret oleo 1.....eleueeire. Rod_
ROUpe of Goderich, te otter •ateetiMenie ,
meat, played by tile oemee.-7e, le, ser 'Club will hold ent afternoon tea' CAW ge".444refie Shearet 11aeel
Taper announced...the wooer eameesee at the Mineola home of MS', B. 4:1,7 Haas 1/34er, Ruth Daer.• Radoli lselcstohe,
ewe prior to he shiaine or the National on take Huron, fret)/ 4 to a (eclock. Kathleen 34404 Williain ;robust -en, Carl
Anthem at the close, Made 10011/4 Were Beerybody le invited. Peke ef'advareelmi Arlder'sc'zi. lat$01014 Bisset, Ruth n04 -
ewe lb lees Orations Majesty, nme rd* Se 20 el`totOnt VrorthY Herane Doris Hawthorne,
Ward vrtr, whose: birthday vas Debi;• Roe Turner, -
celebrated, Mrs. O. C. Treleaven Weald- .6 i.e.:. ... .: .
vet exeers".0 Ch It annual Carden Qaaa On --tebYllis Jewell, Philip Ca/ -
ed at the piano. e -\,i'tsk., , • .. party and Carnival well be held on at (Lat., Pr.), Grace Pfrkomer, John
Announcement has been rece ed eY ,
his sister, Miss. iefary McKenzie Of Aeh. Thursday, (Rey 23rd, on the ' rectory MeKinnote Graham MacDonald, etaer-
field, of the merriest° Of her brether, Dr, lawn. • -243 MA litnaWaY, Ivan 1rven, Gladys Par -
'Hector McKenzie, Of Nordeffee Alberta,
and Miss 'Erna, Witentfred Hanle daugh--
ter ,.0e ate and,aeirs. _George Jetula, ,or Officers and , brethren of Maitland Vass--"Zetelda, Sturdy *WO* Megaret
Centrose, Alberta. The marriage . Was-- ' • gIf No. 33-'''N''* 1.1* 46 A. 3E, 44"n* -2tteidi4318114t$ (1:44.4.ft-Y; 1U4thedne Barton
solemnized On Saturday, June 13th, and =duo Beryl:0 in, 'Knox Presbyterian' (Pilledetio, Irene Bowman, Maurice 'Bar -
Dr. and Mrs. McKenzie lett later for a Church next 'Sunday morning. Ali wood, Graham Tirldtele (It., Fr),
honeymoon. trip to the Patine Coast Masons are aek to meet at the lodge
where they will vtdt the bridegroom's rooms at 10.20 a.m. Vy. Wor; Rev. Pr.
brother, Mr. Alex, McKenzie. Dr. Mc- j. B. 13 a ,tiln
Kenzie is well Immo in Ode dietrict, A arne Preach.. i
V The regular Meeting of the Woman's
AssociatiMi of lkiCn--;th—tatreeti United
Church will be held in the church on
Thursday, crialY 2nd, at '3 P.m.
r trider," June
Womews trewoombe or.
United ebnech, on the Ifiet,), (f.,001/141it n *nett,' Pearl
101. OuPPer lerVed ifrOtrt "arrant, Roy' B4 Scotts Ger"
S40 okik Admistket, adults trade White'kfrmn 'Sanest Ettllteld,
250-4 l'Intle Mee], *SO Mem;ton, Verna' •
gen; DOnelea iattitete.
t (Thersd) to e Buns elset.
eitird faheate hetet et the Utted001-111 Mit.)i
.00derieh VitegiOn. Jitne/' 00414. 1A4* Neil Thompson, Oa TilifOrd
,Mistion /.50. On July dat RaVai PattOrt .0WeettiOlen I4Pildtti Herold 40
1401re Cohn yee . I 300 930-48
ClotiltiCh •8,fit. CO.-- 060 321 000-:•41
• Two Orieb %wheat ilitiesest«
Robert *re niteel and `, notli 8411ders
*ten, took first prize at the bowling
tournament bold at l'ateloloW on the
King's birthday: There were 80 rinks
in competition, feur of which - were
from Goderlebe '
',..pit.EstortstuAtis. WIN
(letting alvaa' ter *, .12 ?Una III the firet
Fr.), Wd inning the PreebYterialakE SAVO theeGoees
e!nor $01S41, _licit Veit Vesnekteta team a :2841 trines
Wt. niet). 'nelite lb a eefthell: geese at voter*
Iniani 'Mr' 0* 94.1100day fnight4 The 4004,14;
which was the place of-.hts birth, by a,
wide elm* of friends, who jein in ex-
tending hearty congratulatiOns. -
Mrs, Robert Treleaven gave her hOme
for the June meeting. of the W 4. of
the [Tutted Church, which was leeeetded
over by Mrs. Jaine.s MoVehinneye Tite
roll" call was. answered by a veree of
Tite 'parsonage committee reported the
purchase of some new furniture for the
parsonage, while the vestry committee
told of the completion of the re -decorat-
ing of the vestry. Firutl arrangements
for the .garden party were made. A
short prograin followed the business
period, in--4whith Meter ?Lynn Turner -
sang a solo, and Mrs. Turner used as
the subject of her address 4"l'he laying
Temple." Discussion on *this topfc fol-
lowed the address. la was decided to
hold the July meeting, which will be In
the nature of a iptatic. at the beautiful
riverside home of Mrs. G. F. Harris.
were present.
"Peter," the well-known little .black
Pomeranian dog owned by Mr. 'Mimes
Rivett, Metan untimely- death when he
was run over by a car late Sunday after-
noon. The actident was pureiy, 17$40'
dental .as the car was not going very
feet, and was evidently unaware of the
happening as the ear did not stop.
MRS. .1. A. ANDERSON “peter" was a. general favorite. .
Rey. D. J. Lane announced at the
morning service in Knox Presby -
*Han Church, on Sunday, that word
Sad been received the previous day,
-announcing the death of Mrs. I. A.
Anderson, widow of the late Mr. An-
derson, a former minister.
The number or persona receiving relief
April this year twas...1.257,704 compar-
ed with 1.432.517, a decrease of less than
100,600. •
lusurafte and Real Estate
. Phone 24
_ _irriP10701.0•9MINX,X.,........81,04.1.111140.1.11111010•0.11.1111mp•
1 10100 a.m.—Bible School.
11.00 seine—Family Pew Sun-
day, subject: "The Family."
7.00 pan.— "Tee Sin Against
s Love."
REV. S. Z. MeCLUNG,MInIster.
Sunday Meetings
11.00 a.m.—Holiness! Mtg.
2.30 p.m.—Sunday School
7.00 p.m. Great Salvation
.41. Welton:0 Extended To All.
Methodist Church
holding old-fashioned* Ey..
anelistie tent Meetings in a
t eitaitted on the corner of.
'.Deviata St, it' Kingston $t.
28th to Jely 26th
The engctgement is announced of
Wilbur Franklin Savage, Ridgeway, son
of the late Mr, and Mrs. John It Savage
of Dungannon, and Miss June Hstelle,
eldest daughter of Mr. and iyirs. Lewis
OE . 'lesser. of Ridgeway, the marriage to
take place shortly.
Mr. 0. S, Kidd is pre•sid ng at St. Hel-
ens during the Entranze Examinations
being held this week. - Mr. E. C. Bea-
com, /PS., is presiding at Dungannon.
Guests on Monday at the home of
Mrs. Minnie Jones -were Mr. and Mrs.
Harry marsh -and grand -daughter, Betty
Marsh, and Mr. Thommon. of Royal
Oak, Mich., also Mies Mae Davis, of
1 The epacious bevn aTrs. C. C.
Brown has been offered for the garden
party in connection with St. Paul's An
gliam ,clitireh.
Mr.W. it. Culbert, Con. 5, Ashilekl,
has the material on the ground for a
large eteel barn to be erected on one of
-his farms adielnine the homestead: • The
cement tottndation was erected last (week
by William Brown and Sone
let the death of MM. Hugh Shields,
whist% occurred at her home, concession
4, Ashfield, on June 17th; followinga
two-weelts' lllncss from heart trouble,
the community mom= an esteemed and
readent. Born 72 tcars ago on
Con. 2, the farm now owned by Wilbur
Johnston, sho. wae the daughter of the
late Joseph and Mrs. Tieekaberry. .She
leaves to mourn the 1068 o1 a kind and
affectionate wife and 'Mother, her 'sot-
rowlog inaband enti one daughter (Sa-
die). Ms. WilliarneelleSelde To sisters
also survive, Moe Hobert Hasty, of Dun-
gannon, and Mrs: McDonald, Of Holy-
-Mod. She avi,i peedeetsaed by one bro-
ther, Ben Teckaberry, and two sisters,
Mrs. David Alton of Luckteee„ and reirs.
The was held trent her latej
John Armstrong, !Detroit.
home en Friday, the services beihg con-
duced by Rev. T. U. Turner, assisted by
Rev. ,D. A. Maolatillan, a former mixh
lored plater, now of AtwOeci. During
the service Rev. T. R. Turner sang as a
eel°, "The Old Bawd Cross." Many
beantitul Ilona balsam testified to the
esteem -In which she was held. Inter.
Merit aas itt Dungannon temetcry. the
pall -bearers being Hugh 'Stewart, Thee.
Dielcson, Hobert stewart, Thee. lakkeen,
Samuel and Robert Dassidson.
The floWera were bozne bY StAtile0 Den-
nis, Lorne Johnston, Arthur, Rom* and
troward JoluestAm.
(30-. and Mrs, It. Davidson arrtved baek
on Thureday from se motor !WS) thicuith a
tho aliagara District.
Nat. Bradford Mrs. Wm. Steivirk Mat
BAYFIELD, June 24.—Revs and
Mrs. Gordon Peddie And two children
of Ft. St. John, B.C., and Mrs. Ped -
die's two brothers, John and Wm.
Hook, of Toronto, 'ere guests in the
village on Sunday. Rev. G. P'eddie,
who vvareethe.aitudentspestor of Knox
Presbyterian Ohureli,here for fotir
years, preached at both the Morning
and evening services. In hie address ranked in order of merit, receive
in 'the morning, he said that he had Ge°1" Bullen' Wilma Tre"
come back in three capacities --as an LloYd Rutledge, Keith cutt, Alice
old friend, as Moderator of the Peace Ruston, Howard Milarjou Ben -
River District; and'as ainbassador
of Christ, to tell them of the condi-
tions ef the people and Orli work of
the Presbyterian Church in the dis-
trict in which. he is laboring as an or-
dained missionary. . In the evening,
the subject of •his address was, - The Adamson Memorial scholarships
"Christ the Mediater." for standing in the sesond year es award -
Miss Mary and JAMB iteid ,rnotoe- ed to William Reid and for standing in
ed to Strathroy on Wednesday even- the fourth year to Edwin Dean.
iing to attend the graduating exercis- '
es of Strathroy Hospital of which
was a member of the graduating Five Names.
their niece, .Miss Kathleen Elliott
class of nurses.
Rev. and Mrs. H. Crosby and three Added to Roll
children of 'Bolton Landing, N.Y.,
spent Sunday with the latter' motn-
er, Mrs. G. W. Woods.
Rev. and Mrs. Lang Ford of Wal-
kerville, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Bricker
and two children of -Kitchener, were
at their cottage over the holiday.
Mrs. F. H. Paull and Mies K. Reid
of Windsor, spent -Monday and Tues-
day with Mra. N. W. Woods.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 Keyes and Mas
Dorothy Keyes of Nashville, Ten.,
have taken a cottage in Jowett'e
Grove for the summer,
.Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and two
children of Hinnesdale,. Ill., visited
Ur. and Mrs. D. Dewar and other re
Mies Elva Dewar of Toronto spent
the week end with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Hunt of Len -
don are the guests of Miss E. Houghs
Elaine, atero, Ilocatald (Dat,
lora, Otatricea Hillott Mr.), Trehte redy
(Pr.), Helen. Snell (Pre, Annie Whitten
(t.ate_ 'Phyelog.), Rost Peamingten
(Late #e„), James Thorneloe eLate Pr.),
Ruth Shetplatrd.
Posen to,Forne. 11 Commercial
Class (1.—aarbett 'Webster,
Class /2--Boxyl. Cranston.
Class W.—Myrtle Ebster, madelpine
(Bishop, Helen &altars, Jacqueline
Haines. '
Pass --Phyllis Kyle. • ,
Form II Commercial
-:'ropioina standing is granted to the
learnt 11 Coletmereialeshe ob-
tained iiefe or over in both the Atemme
tancy sind-SecretarialeCourses. The fel-
derson, Marlon Matheeon. - e
Certificate standing, 14 granted to the
following, who Obtained 70% or over:
Jean Chisholm, ViOlet Henry, Kathleen
Adamson Medalaratips
ton at her cottage.
Miss Jessie Metcalf, Detroit, spent
the week end with her mother.
Mrs. Chas, Edwards •came on Sun-
day to spend the Sumner with Miss
Norah Ferguson. Her on, P. Ed-
wards and Mr. Sexton, of Toronto,
motored toLthe village With her re-
turning to Toronto the following day.
Word was received here on Mora
day of the sudden death, follo•wing
an operation, of .Mrs. Stirling, wife
of W. C. Stirling of Hanna, Alta.,
oil 'June 16.
!bliss D'Anne Bishop returned to
Loh Saturday • ter having
been the guest of Wes Betty Gaird
nor for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor 'Burt and fame
lly of 'sondem spent Sunday with
. .
In Colborne Township. Lots
Purchased for Tax Arrears
COLBORNE TWP.— Courier met
-June 9th, with all, the members pre -
„sent. A court of Revision was held
at one o'clock. All appeals against
the 1936 Assessment Roll were 'heard
and -dealt with. Five names were ad-
ded to the Roll.
After elosing the Court of Ravi-
,sion, the Council held their regular
Mr. Bert. MeCreath waited on the
Council, regarding the lots Which the
Township had purchased for tax ar-
rears at Meneset. Mr. McCreath
agreed to buy these lots at the same
amount. On request he was grant-
ed a nine months' option to settle
this matter with the committee ap-
paitted by the. Council.
The Clerk was instructed to pur
these the new Assessment Act
Mr. A. Nockolds was given poi:
Mission to purchase the necessary
chemical for killing weeds in ceme-
tery and elsewhere in the townehits,
The Council decided that all stakes
in the new cemetery be made level
vnth the ground, and that a by-law
I he drawn up by the Clerk regarding
- the plots and. erection of stones, and
that two signs relating to this by-
Iaw he placed in the cemetery. * •
The Road Superintendent Vouch-
trit and other atelunts were eirlsinina
ed and ordered paid. Road Supt.
Volichers. $674.87; Valley Fisher;
Work in cemetery*, .$8.20; Adarn3,
cemetery. work, $7.g0; Croderich Star,
account, $2.25; Municipal World Ac.,
$5.81; Goderich Mfg.. Co., Ac., $2.80;
Thos. Shields, labour on. Twp. scales,
, $.4.00; Symonds, relief account,
1; on drain- Ioau,.$115.
12; 'Wm. Ssilloirs, account for
Council adjourned to meet July 14.
Wm. Sallow& Township Clerk.
lirrs, Buree` parent% lklr. Ind Mrs'. F.
root. .1. Diemen,. Joseph A. Kilimigh, -1
W. taker. Mrs. E. H. York and
ittle daughter, 13everley, who had
been visiting with her siPster In Lan-
don, returned to the village with
herri. •
Amongst Vlore) who have come .to
pend the sesisoti in their cottages.
are. Mises.- A. and A. Drouil, Mis-
es Morley, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Day;
Miss Fairbairn, Detroit; Mr. and,
Mrs. T. Mustard, Mrs. Jas. Canter -
if, Isabel van*,oronto; Miss
Kennedy, Stratford; Mr, and Mr.
Cree Cook, Clinton;
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. U. Tippet of
Billings, Mont, atvived on Sunday *la
Visit the former** Parental, St'. and
11frob TIPPlot
0:11. Pepp, dielle. O. NC Alton, MM. irts $
DiSvideon. Mrs. Vokee, Mrs. T. R. 'Air.'
tater and Mae, Park, attended the Vktorla
Home and &tool enterteihment
Ooderielt on Th evening,
- A plessant . two young ,ladies
from Ifdrolt escaped tralk end W.*
time Margin when thek cer was up -en
ed itt a diteh On feettriditY by s bkote
out. Their led eieUie were or a minor
matey, .,
When, Vidlliene Starling tried t itteel
third lame hat Ilittratelet-hight OA'
bala Vane betereen liriberelarrish
teant itrat lisalorie COMO, atAtitintrillier
he slid kitea the asek and **erect. a, elate
Pound tilictine ,thif lett
The PM* eras estitttY Wert oostr mid It
*is Just 41*Wirse dtiolik. bat excitement
ran'high until the sodoont eecurrett 4.
elettee vat cited euol tbs bo f *OA
,deitit tint 414 anti ,taIstei 'to Godetath
**pita in a tntrit *Wei happened to at
passing at the times
.The inalinsett WY It on et Itte *ea.'
met eterung ot noon Port
oodevi tovniatirt
0100.0040141.10**Yr LJLf,-
kinr God on our blest
isn't a* *a
feet, reeelt ng Atom
At the Lion' s Club Convention' for
tario and Quelite, literature, ad-
vertising tbe town of GIN:Uri& was
distributed liberatty *mimic the dele-
gates by Messrs. Fe I& Ilibberte Neu -
Hill, A. 1., Cole, J. Ws Baker and
Harry Griff„ the five Members of the
looal club who attended the einellene
'Over 400 Lions reentered et The'
Chateau Laurier Rotel. in Qu4kboe
where the convention Was held. This
is the largest reettristiou in the
history of the oroniattiong
Goderieb lipet out by
roareri in its bid to have
eorrention held in this tows. 14
Falls and, Port Colborne, which
in none Si hob* the favored tonna
nitite. The convention there wIR
held right on sr Wet wbieh will cal
et Detroit and elevelso4 ,in ths
ours. of a *or& trate*.
Ram Elston Cardiff of Morris,
WSW neriowdy injured yesterday af-
..ternoon„ when a tHaa he was driving
bolted in his own yard. Ile received
injuries to bis head and neck,*and
one of legs ash tried to stop the
Motts,,, toeduttott the vitality
um *Wetter their lives. A
our cu touters consider
one ofitably spent reading the lis
of Drugstore 'Specials-lhey. make .4
usr JUNE 2*h. TO JULY nicLuptim.
21c-3 .Pkg4'
A.. Fisher, pitcher for Victoria St.
softball team turned on the ii‘e ill
the betareen Victoria St. and
St.Georges , Church on Pri4147 night
and 'almost pitehed a shut -out, game
againSt the Anglicans. Be held bis
opponents'klevtnlo one run, which
wee, seemed by Calder in the eighth.
while Ws own teani piled up 17 runs.
The winners started off in the
first inning with four runs and in the
thThirdetstritangtplced_ on a total of seven.,
Victoria St. -407 202 110 - 17.1
St. George's. -000 000 010 1,1
Vietoria Ste Smith, Larder, Brind-
ley, M. Fisher, A. Bleomfehl,
Carrell, A, Fisher, B. Bloomfield.
•St. 'George's, Liscurnie Holman
Middleton, Gibson, Riley, Garrick;
Turrier, Taylor, Calder,
tABATE.—In Detroit, on June 2nd, 'co
(Walter 1„,ewts).
Mr. and Mrs. wqter Abate, a sant
eslumav.—On, June 22ne, to Mx.
Mrs, E. R.. Munday, of Ooderich,
daughter (stallborn).
SALK—On June 22n4, to Mr. and I
Mrs. James Salkeld, of Goderich, a
illEMPORD.e.-At the 'General- and-atigie
Hospital, -Owen. Sound, on Saturday
June 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Tel-
ford, Jr. (nee Wary Parsons), a
daughter, Rosemary Jane.
LISTFRINE Toori riksve,,, 2
Burdock Blood
Bitters .........98c
' MUM, small 35;
Ne W Assortment
Local View
Post Cards.
tulle Per lia 300
large ......$1.19
• 104-15c
S1,31 -TAN -OIL
4 o; bottle ... -35e
10c, 25c, 50c $1.00
Heispital .Absorbent
Cotton, lb, 49c
FOOD .., 49c
and NIPPLE . 15c
English Health ,
SALTS, lb. can 39c .
Milburn's Health &
Nerve .... 45c
Remedy for --chil-
dren. suffering from
eolds,scoughs, bron-
croup, whooping"
cough, tonsil and e -
throat ills, is Sybil -
la Spahr's and. it,
works,- try. it!
Lauder's Dunlop's Campbell's Wigle's 1
,.. FOR ,SA4E 011 To, RENT
-T-FOIVISra.ATITEA 4ew.- knitted sairiiie
suits at reduced prices.., alas. E.
,E. HERALD, s12 Market St. P,hone 183.
• - .• DEATHS - •
11011N3M.•—,At• tdoclerich, on *June 20th,
. Grace Elaine Bohner, daughter a Mr.
and Mrs. John 'Bohner; Gibbons St.,
aged COW months.
SHIaluDiee-In Ashileld Townsbip, on,.
Wednesday, June 17th, ivrargaret 'rack-
aberry, beloved wife of Hugh Shields,
in her 73rd year. Funeral servite was
held frozn, her late residence, Aahileld
TownshiP,•,10 Friday, June 19th, at
-2,30. 1nte6* "ent hi Dungannon, ceme-
tery. % ..
10WELL-P00010K,--0n 'MonclaY, June
22, at St. Paul'sChurch, Brcaville, by
Rev. Canon . Davis. tAnnie Louise,
younger daughter of Mrs. Pocock and
the late Mr. Francis P. Pocock, Brock-
ville, to Mr. Robert J. Powell, of Blyth.
Mr. Hugh Shields and 'Mr. and Mrs.
Will Shields take thas opportunity Of
thanking their friends and neighbors...16r
the many kindnesses shown them during
grit .recent bereavement, and also to
those who sent flowers and loaned
$2.50 up-
Combination Waves
$3.95 up ,
Hollywood Beauty Shoppe
West St. Phone 12
• Next the Ca tal Theatre
Saturday Specials
Raid Rtla Roast . 18c
Chuck Roast . .12c
Plate Beef for Boilin' g. .0c
Hiunhurier 10e
Rolled SitpuIder Roast. .18c
Shoulder Chops, 2 lbs. 25c
Pure Lard. . .2 Ibs 22c
&ire' Shortening, 2 lbs. 250
Piece Bacon ... 18c
Smoked Incnic;ts1;;Iiless
11). . • 90
$1 tram* Deltrem
port SIAM—One-Coot dry hardwood,
41. maple and beech. Will deliver
any part of the town. (Also a kitchen
cabinets Phone 566 Pleton St. R. J.
DOAK. 20-41.
FORSALE.—Large stock of Good Used
Tires,To eiear at bargain prlees.
Andrews Street. • 26x
poa SAlifil-nPlav Points for every
VICE tPATIake gNrc4v. -BEEVEW$ s13&
mach. 2441..
READY TO BUY. ---We are aarepared
to make liberal allowances tor
TION. 254f.
SlAr110.-1vor y bedroom state
-a- abed, -dresset, dressing titble, benen
and chair). In first- ela.s.s condition.
Cost $145.00; war accept $45. Phone
TM STAR, No. 71, or 84. 2441.
71011 SALE.—Re-conditioned bicycle.
Price sum. BEEVER'S SKR-
VICE saiwnrox, Gaderich. 2441.
QUIMMER COTTAGE ---A roomy and
N-1 well equipped simitner cottage.
Mast reasonable rental, at Port Albert:
For - particulars apply 40 REV. W. J.
TAYLOR, Rockwood, Ont., or HORT.
110Y, Port Albert. 26-7
. come; see -our patented an steel,
Blower Straw Cutter and Shredder which
can- be attached to any threshing
machine.. This 70 lbs. 2 H. P. invention
replaces the old style ledger plate cutter.
Upon request we well' direet you to
threelierman ha your district who oper-
ates it.
We also have a new Graba 'Thrower to
replace the old discarded. Ghia Eleva-
Don't delay in writing.
Ont. Phone No. '10. 20-8
position to supply you with beautiful
The Godetich Montunent Shop is M 'a I
41................0im 9
I moderniihd artistic memorials de.signed
tet suit your acvn particular plot at a
very. reasonable price. Why? Because
we hive no agents to get their. com-
m1es-104C no long dieteette .travelllng and
selling exPenses: no long distance
lng expellee. Save all MN Money and
buy in coderich.
23-4-5-41* . It A. SPOTTAtt
Douglas ':Payestieri Unlflte4, lWaes
euicle„. *trays etectain, Melee bleeding
instantly. Canterites Wettads and pre -
Vents 4;leed pole:ming. Splendid for
ratiscular eheeitiattem •
owners or tatfix*ers et dogs iti
the Town. 01oder1th without-
lkense are .sobject to penalty un-
der IOWA IleStiaw 'which mall now
be Arid* enionsxl.
trLicethense Up tesr.te pizechaaed
o/rt Tea ekalleetor or the on-
.deesigned. ' •
(130.) Its es. romerwinvArrx,
CblOt et Fence«
WIAMED..-‘401d-4aerses. %Perna -lair
Parini. J. D., aixortAnDsoN,
Phone 40, Dungannon. 26-43
WTD.--atigging and planting of ,
geatens,-attendin,g to lawns. By
day, week or season. Apply atter six
o'clock. HUGH BOURNE, near Salva-
tion Army on Lighthouse St. 1941.
WANTIVID.—Maid for general house-
" work, MRS. - W. J. REID, St.
George's Crescent. 26 -
Victoria St. or vielnitY. on
Tuesday night, ,a pair of scales.
Reward on returning 40 THE CODE -
Rim STAR. 26x
Tender e for cleaning, scraping and
painting' the Waterworks Standpipeof
the Town of Goderich-will be received
by the Ooderith PubIle U'tillties Coln-
raission up to 8 o'clock p.m. of Wednes-
day, July8th, '1936. .
The lowest or any tender not neces-
sarily accepted. ,
Specification may be seen at the office
or the Superintendent, Mr, 3. B. Kelly,
or the unders2gned, •
L. L. KNOX, secretary, Ooderth.
pOUND.--Maaes watch found on Tues -
JL clay. 00avner comraunicate with
H. 33. TRE1ll11.,AY at Talbot & Cor-
nish's Store, Ooderith. • -26-
111)1010130LELO AUCTION SALF.,---Of 35 acres
al• of Thnothy and Red Clover Hwy
on the farin Of miss Clara Pulford, Col-
borne Townsh2p, on the Blue Water
Highway, on Monday, June 29, at 6.30
26 T. GailIDRY& Solt, Auetioneers.
commenting at qe vow:A noon
At 76 Quebec Street, Goderich, Ontario.
am instructed by nig CAN1ADA
rsznaz op uulis LATE WILLIALS4 J.
AlienEY, to ,offer tor sale be auction the
premises icnoWn as 76 Quebec Street,
Ooderith, consisting of twOestory frame -
house with garage, livitigeroom, parlors,
diningerseene kitcam.bedrooms and. bath.
Lot 202, approilMately ;100 ft, by Joio ft.
terms. attcl conditions made known on
clay Of Bale.
, Property.ln good condition and situat-
ed eleat tO business section in good resi-
dential district. -
AasTe. 001.101e4s, K. 0., -(1 • _Solicitor, Landon.
T. GUNDRY & eoN, Auctioneers,
Goderith, Ontario.
.46 •
We are instrwted 'by Mr. Keith Ross
teesell by Owe rektten at Reg. Melee%
Showroonise,Hetinietoti Street, Goderich,
eistA;Tteetleetle JULY 4t1i
coinraenting at ea() sharp:
Wicker sets four lam*: 11101g7mun
chairs and rockers, tables, ea glassanddishes: -beds and springs; taltross; lawn
Mowers sewing maehine: kieshen stave;
coal oZt stove; kitchen theirs: child's
commode; tubs, baler: Bartlett tools, doe
fruit ease, and numerous other. articles.
'There will also be' ether finniture. A
oftantity of resrpenter.stools, and other
lots to &WO,* of,
26-7 T. GUMMY dr SON, ,Auctioileers.
TrannalltkUD tlAtt • •Mr. AUCTION
' Or.VIlarie Arm' 110Uag Pun-
*0 'hive received inedritctions trom
111ee. timothy Dickson tcreisell by Publio
auction at the home CI the WS Juce L.
It Mirada, Colborne *tett, Goderich,
on 41
• ise410414 num 27th
commendlng at -11 otelessic *herd
All the contents of the house, comer's -
Ing & very dine Collection Of living room,
dtn1ng-rni, bedroom, sentootte and kfte
vhsin ruenuothaes.• Iledeend table Unrest
poeelaint'endear, I --fine elites:
laseivrate; .pictures; nowt',s Gerard
Beintainan pito) *01bench; )44ritater
/rent -Wise New titoteikrelettrki ter*.
feratotta McOkry eettrie see*: ittotasY
ea** earring natelinee Boseree esteemed, end nemtroUe other eat'
dcka. •
Ott ifeenetnet artia igeottel to tarnish tide
ere eome fate old **bud
St In entellent eon -
tit OA* be
botosietemoyea of taiode.
OtiaSialie4e ek SOK Auttitxreets,