The Goderich Star, 1936-06-04, Page 830, e• re SeYbeakSe Grer‘e, . Ilur ttotien of soYhearia ,on a ausemeercial sole in Ontarie emu, aessecerraboet six yearsao. TJp to time there were .only s few leo, ewers, prinelpely in the coofl. rssex and Kent - Although the *emege on individual farmshas in MIt iCaSe.$ been small, it is estimated the tot*i area soWn above aa.nted to 10,000 acres in 1035. 70 tr t. of ,the crop WAS *Town in 'won% and . liarveated for seed, while • stbetalanee was produced, for hay. , •TV • Crops Hit By Profit •lakiltay frosts caused, eansidee- sible demege to crops, especially Abadan Ontario. Alfalfa and clever -tea a;severe setback and in some ctuz:i red clever.was,.tuine4. A ;hate . weep of strawberries and , zany appke ergliards were bard hit Atte frost. 14 Prince Bawer& Co. -*sob .peas were frozen badly, while Mafl elvers " 'And wheat were aleo Iliiesett. The damage was slight in $eseTheria Ontario and favored by leant, sunny weather during the hat - *ter pert of May, all crops have Made vapid growth.. Tho Perm Poultry Flock 1 Itaitry is at lest °definitely recog- oared as one Of the essential depxrt- . meets of every up,to-date farm where A program of mixed farming, _tarried on. Not only, is it redeg- tea es a necessary .deot!rtment of ..................------....,...,--...:-...---...7. rin work but trier* and more farm, are coining to realize that for the. eaPitsil Invested *04 labee there are, few it any depotrtmeets ,tbet give as high return& roe the mixed form general purpose „breeds. such as the PlymOuth Reek*, "Which are. good both for lairing and for the Production of market poultry, are re* oeirirrimele4. 'A flock of * hundred, such birds carefully meautged are turning to many * former/ s profit over cost of feed:troth $200 to $000 Year, "which is eemethingnodt to be disdained by even the most fitteCe40., ful f(nlners. Clover and Grass Seeds „ 4 Reports from Central Ontario indi- cate that most yet these seeds ,have moved from growers to the trade, largely to 'the local retall trade. Most of the timothy seed in the Sti Law- rence counties havbeee sokt,„ ;.There still remains ,however, , some 350,000 mauls. A. fele, Veoitity of timothy • s still available in the lower Ottawa Valley. Growers in south-western Ontario still hold Omit one half' a the *red clover ara.timettly crops, or 750,000 pounds and 2,000,000 pounds respectively. Buying by the whole- sale trade., has declined 'owing to large stocks seeurett aireedY. Mt of the alfalfa, alsike, sweet. clover* and Canadieri blue grog as been sold, to the trade. It is expected that much tf the timothy seed and perhaps Sortie red clover wig be -carried., over by growers to next season. * Reports from gorth,western. On- tario intlicateAluke there are at Isast 10,000 pounds—of; red-•,eloyer. - and 15,000 pounds 0'4104 still in grow- ers' hands as well as about. 75 per cent. of the timothy 9r approximate- ly .200,000 pounds.. • •• Prices being paid growers, per pound, basis no. 1 grades, are: for red clover in Eager* Ontario,- 12 ta 13c; in south-western Ontario, 11 to 15c; for alfalfa j,2 to 16c; And alsike 16 to 18c; eweet:celover 2 to 5c; tim- othy 3 to 5e; timothy 3 to oUle and Canadian, blue,grats -Meto 400. IGIE- lasuratice and Real Estate DOMINION, PROVINCIAL AND MUNICIPAL BONDS • Phone 24 tkrisaPIATY IlarQUIRED • SUIT - a ABLE FOR TKEATRE. Tor a client we are interes4kd it -120—parehase ot approximately aquare +feet oC 404 centrally led in Goderich's business ds - Ida. The ProPerty need not have * lame frontageon a . Main ther. 440glifare, but small frontage pro- ud1ng Ante% to main area is re. Block Van showing loca- tion and 'adjoining properties Ovoid be submitted. All replles .`tbictly corsidential. 'Arras,. repliiis to Box 653, SIM - .40, Ontario. 23-24 Ontario's *Bailey Skulk -00i That Barley is .aseunfing a more Important place in Canadian. Agri- culture and Canadian industry, is evidenced by the fact that a Nation- al Barley Committee has been 'set up and was in session in Toronto .last weak. With these facts in view,. the folroiving Wel paragraphs from "The Ontario _Agricultural Outlook for .1938' should beof special interest and value to ,Ontario farmers who are just now laying their ;plans for Aimoutime Highest Standard in Ladies' •.Dresses 171* Cleaning men's' Saha:, We can 'Clean • . . Anything from_ a Necktie to Rug . . custom.,:mktie, clothes to, your own, clividttal measure and style, aslow as $14 75 up SATISFACTION GUARANTEED NIVINS, nor- - ler WC Call tor., 4.1101% yaw end Deliver ' ALTERUW RILPAIRING VOSSING E FARM Chick WhIteloredieni thiolos este baicked be, ten •pow of and Culling; tor grodui*.ion, type ,sind dee ot bIr tett 'Ions ot lie*** trsan high PrOdtglibix 044004 etiettetos, two 3iera eit;ott4tat-• and tem Years tusier.govialanent tnepectiod, *err chick we Olt_ Is Art* Our Iron stoct They inlistrit antbirridsmee of health mitt YJget"." Thy ere kitttetted Under 'Meal' cOnditiont * Ott libit '2210t440'-/ntittitart, growth end leastelity_it eisioStAiontlly good. *lemma euetbinere -have *A wee' clgeke 01- three we otd than the numbet ttw#4..ipativfor rat ttor--otnvetitsks Per. tonclaart.. I'M MAY SAVE A-DOMekt per hundred:be seecteptingcbs et In. •tt,rentanoestry• /*it ItOti.litele '14$3* *10 on tht egg* Ion . deal neat *fin, and winter, WZ DO NOT hatit' two grades Of' fitiegra 1St iere 1y 1414.04: euid liavemily- ONO TOP OltitiNe ot.01111)20ft 'th. PO* top ..griaaat cother, Weber*, We I*ve • 4 , • • jutie..Chicks.ente 8e, each , Hurtle Clutton, 81140P: and We. maroon of ara,,Spent Sunda)! with Mt.'ard Mr., I). IC4 Alton and Mr. and Kra. Roy Alton. ------- snd Mrs, T. A. 'Cameron niot- ored to POwlitaina last Week to attend the funeral Of Mrs. Cameron's broth** ereitutive Mrs. Gee'fge Phillips and three daughters, Vordyce, _pelted with her greats, gr. and Mr*. John COMP - II. ' Bobbie XitoFerisne and Mise Met, da Lone,. teacher Nedy, motored home to her perents,on SeturdaY, re- turning on Sunday. Miss Lime brought back a new Peed V-8 road- ster. OLIYIEV11414E HOLMESWLLE, June Esther Lowry of,Torontot is visiting with her (Asters, theeMisses I:teeter.' and Alva, Victor Newell nitd family of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Pre() Vetter, over the. .NOTelt end. Rev. J. W. Herbert is attending Conference at .London. • Miss Kathleen Huller of ville spent the *week end with her parents, „. Mr. and Mrs. OhaS. .$1,niddielc and Birdie of Hyde Park eijeo.t .$4:0411" with Mr. and Mrs'. W. Potter, - Mr, and Pin. J. llatkinvisited at •Seaferth on Sunday. 11.0* Mulholland has disposed of his property just .east .of the village,. to Mr. Bill Jervis, ,and he- -with Mrs. Mulholland and MISS Muriel, have moved to Olinten« where t'lleyr, will make their hiene, in future. OW - regretted.. in .this commun- ity, but it is hoped theywill elijOY every happiness in their.new lietne• Itr..and Mrs. Stanley Whiteman and Kiss Phoebe. of Detroit, visited on Sunday with Mr. A. Jervis and Mrs. Yonne -Aut. Mr. and Mrs, +Clifferd.. Webb of ,.Goderich, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 'Potter. this year's crop production. "The 1985 barley crop In Ontario was The largest' since 1030 and is es- timated at 10,841,000 bushels. In 1934 the production Was 14,741.700 ' bushels. The acreage was increased from 484,900 acres to 024,600 and the yield per Aare ,at 32".2 bushels was -1-8 bushels higher than. in the 'previous year. ' The Canadian crop. of 83,975,000 bushelis much' higher, showing 'a gain of 44283,000 bushels or 81 per tent- over 1004. From the 1930 Canadian crop, about 9,250,000 bushels were eXport- • ed to the 'United States, whereas In the years 1980,86 inclusive, the ex- port to this market was negligible. ,The average price being paid f.ir the 1935 .barley trop is 40 cents per bushel, compared with 60 cents per, bushel in .1934. ` There is . a possible- annual "doznee; tic market for, over 2,250,000 bushels of good clean malting. barley. An increase in livestock holdings would • Create a demand for considerable • barley for feed. Barley rie1ds well in bushel.per acre and it is a good crop with which to seed down. The • present acreage should he maintain. ed with more attention given to tio. improvement,. of quality and yield per acre." - 'the • :era, ki and '..John The terldci- later, 'was married te . living -in Western C*nad&. onIy, ewe lyreou Vas PreOtnt for the. *Man.. wedding Who, waspresent at the fonct1on40 yols, ir.40.;rietnelr Atalt. Toroine, at mat time *led only a feee,moutlo old. Beth bridecend bridegroom *no. from the vicinity of Port floe, which, was sthelt birthPlece, and aVere maroled at the sees of IA and 23 respect.ve1y. Alter their lmarriage .they iived for four .years in 4Shil,e14 TownsAiv, and for Some years In•Viot. 411, tbetere voming te Wed. Wewano4h where they resided for 49lestis. 7resent' at'tho camilVereary were the two desightere of the 1atollY04Ars- 0414SS,a0dZapt. W J. Robb, the avo - grandchildren and the one great grand; ehild,-Betty Jean Oardiss, who received the erdinanee .ot baptisra, w4.1011., adm1niterecj by eeev. J. IX. 9,4cogileas4 toliewirte'llwanner--hour-,ba-the even, The guests were retelved at the door by Mrs- Out* and Mrs. Roth, tea was wrrea kr Om Donald Fowler, leaCthe serther was done the two 'grand- eaughters,,Dorothy Xtebh and Marguerite Oarniss, and MIAs Xeltta. 1140.Yeler. me dinint reent was attrutivelly goldstremem 'draped: from the ceiling'. rotated in colore, of Wold and Vhtte. with ' to ,tre. tour ..eoniers ofthe table, which • was centred With a three -starer weddhlg' 'tete, above`whtlls, hung a, 'white wedding Oolden„.:'candle4 -greeed the 'table, whlle yellow Wipe and other flowers added tothe°ca1or/41: scene. The tee -t to the bride of,De;.:Aers-ago WWL.PrePos* ed by -Uwe, J. IL Geoghegan, and re- sponded to, In Ueu ef the ,Orldegroom, by salt of Toronto.. Arnong the.7*Ma0Y gifte reeelVed,' .4s4 ' a gilt -4100d. silver •ellgar and *terve -:#010.711fetwo - datightere; and:a ...haud.PaInted YelloW tower container .from the twe , grand- daughters. •; • riannieg for '*leiq Thor • ' , The ,1ast literary meeting of the 'term to be held ;by'• the Dimgaimon school opened with a-iinsiness wood' and plans forafIeId meet were discussed. ot; Pm" gram followed—song by. junior aCIPIn 'popes," eavfaie,), had a little lamb;" song, ‘Juneantiedge;_ the school vapor read JOY Auctteilstewaree "stars of the Simmer igh.t*" in.1)1044-Part, harmony by the le0 Club, !with,: Mr. Badcl, Readirig;by Etta:belle ;Webster. Song by ;Vanier • M_Oupils--;"11ere Wt Go Round Mokerry Shah," • With Miss Faxrler at the piano._ _-41, song by the Glee "Aloha (Hawaiihn) concluded the program. • Oraharn..t. Plnkney haS, jbeen• en- gaged as prnt.tipal of Dungannon school at St/MOO, per annum, 'duties to 1:11e1kCc- Sept.4lat. Mr. Pinkney, who is present teaphing at Ungside teeth Mr. G. $/:,Kidd, Who haS been, en- gaged as prIrielpal. 01 Winghani pubile school. 0.fiss Olive ararrier .luis been re- engaged asassistant teacher at a salary 5700, an of -675 over the teSt year. • • ;71tecent Dungannon visitors-r-Vtr. and Mrs, MI1ton Stothers and Miss Jean Stothers, ataroeto, With Mr. and Mrs, 'notes Stotliets; the 042'ale& -Bulst, Tor onto,,at their cottage.,Port Albert. Ptleruls-- 0t7M1ts. PuI Reed Iearne with regret 01 he 70eident which betel her when is front a conch to the floor at lqme Pt. her daughter, Mrs, Th •erson;_ sustaining a. freictured .ote the venerable lady Is hi" her 'Year, the, accident its Ole More eeriotla and fegrettable. Pielder. brother* '01 tigzaterd _ tbcoo'lear-Pla "Poor **A t4r 1401 !teem) gret at the lose sristadnied by tha tkof the late George Spetton, for North nuron, throuvix whose tforta this, censtittutency had iveet resent Substentiel benefit*. His 4.t.rlTillitin:1Iaz:ir6 rei!ate3i"Iiml11e)e'ctegnie4 otrtonattheirdaughter, on motion of Reeves Turner and riemingwar. Breve Turner also the ..* motion emphasizing- the veuncifes sorrow at 'the 'untimely death of. Mrs. Hefty Edwards, wife of one of the ,Courity's valued °flick& That motion was Seconde4 by, Room Pryde, Mr. ,ChaChS.AAM4PrUnithS7'ofttleirBlYth P pealed for the preservattion of the grave of the late Pr. Dunlop, to whom he referred as the first blinder of a highway and of a cottage, the first war veteran, the first settler a sportsman, an adventurer, a 'thern. pion of settlers, the first farmer, and. .the first Warden, having been aP., 100440d -in 1827. Mr. -Asquith -thought the Province mfghtlake over the care o'f the plot; that the rOwity might buy the property; that ...the Veterans," the Medical Association or the Huron Old Boys' might partici- pato in'itsupkeep. Inspector J. M. Govenlock of • the County Home, reported -three deaths four had absconded, and one lei oat since January 1st, Reeve Haache presided during the reading of the report of the, chairman of the shelter Committee. lvIr. Edwards, manager of. the Shelter, briefly addressed the. 'Connell, and answered various questions. To .Artinge Picnic On motion of Reeves Geigner 414 }Thmingway, Messrs. Turner, .Moser, Erskine, , Roberts, Patterson, s.Feagan, Haacke Warden Bowman, were CouncilaPP°llt e 4Diet°11104,. r4.Jauzilgye2f2nrd twhaes CnIlimnetYd as the date by Reeves Biliqtt and Turner, • • Reeves Matheson and Bryans had a motion referred to the Executive Committee to consider the donation of 000. to the Rural Trustee . and Ratepayers' Association. : Wednesday Afternoon . A deputation from. Perth County Council including Warden Donaldson asked co-operation of Huron to. -get the Highway- Department take over a stretch of 2,Y2 'miles of high- way between Kippen and Seaforth. Mr. Breckenridge Of Turnherry asked that the curves' OA a road *run- ning into Bluevale, should be straigh- tened out, and the read; otherwisejm- proved. A request from the -farmers' in ibifyaikelteveelissaalleigaenrd attudrimehe,upekre:gsiale:kt:ayd, way, north and south, be taken over ,that a link in the Blue Water 'High- °. 4 at by the Department from as it is a heavily travelled road. -Th Sponsors of the request statedthat number of.: the biggest thippers o Huron lived in that vicinity., The Good Roads Committee will report on the above three requests. *Same Eqtaliaztioli an 1935 • With Warden Bowman presiding in Committee of :the whole, it was de cided that the •equaliratioon of .1936 be the same as in *1935. ' • ' „ To secure uniformity Reeves Grain and Turner were -empowered to pin'. chase a die for ;10. , --- Members To Vote ..-Mathiesort—Davidson: That • every Member should 'vote or any division in Council, except Where " he has 'a personal' mteresi :in the -matter.. Grain—Bryarnst- That by laws 1 to 2,7-incluslive-_read_-_alcthe-lanuary -ses- E4QTTIM passed. '• - Holidays V'er Officials Cardiff-,Pryde: That the. Clerk, Treasurer, and Caretaker, be each granted :ewe Weeks holidays. (The C01,1110 is,still in Session.) VirAWANOSa COUNCIL - -1Iensall West, to the B Dust Treatments for Grain Smatc "Many 'farmers are anxious to use dust treAtments to • prevent grain Smuts," 'says Prof. ---1.: .E. Irowitt of, the Ontario- Agricultural College and Ibe recommends the following treat. ment* as having proved very sells. factory 411 experiments conducted at : the college. . • , , Copper , Carbonate Duet Treat- ment: This*eatment is recommend- ed for the prevention of Bunt " or S.triking Smut of Wheat and Smut in Hulks*. Oita. ° It will not control Smut in gralb 'with a bull such as or- dinary oats or barley, This treatment will net prevent LOOSS smut or Wheat. . . . Meterial needed: co -per- carbon% dust; dust mixing machine; a elhovel for handling the grain. IDirictiont This dust should be SP-. plied at the rate of 2 ounces per bus.; Dust 'mixing machines are now on the market for applying dust •rapidly to large cituintities of grain: Put, the train and copper carbonate duet into the. mixing machine toid rotate for 2.,Or 0 Mii4tea_OrAintii *Von' Oak is Ihbroughry Covered with dust* It is advisable to wear * dot, mask .or wet handkerchief oter the =Math' and noose while treating the grain. If a duet treating machine is not avail. able * hotne.made dust mixing, mach. but may be Made from a barrel 1 ' churn or ordinary- barret or jam*. typal of 'cement raven may be used for treathtg the grain. , --The advantages of this treatment are that, it dOei not taint* Evientinot- tion and the isseel can b* tftated itheYi convenient and stored s without:, In- jury'. Thlt 0.10 dIwI,*ntage arc 1 that it to aolneWitat t ,proper elite Is net . the dust dee* not the *Oa drilitiOst-r result., Mr. and B. W. Mitchell f De' torit, were West -end guests of Mr, and mrs. Max aoftittan.- ma, pamphell, of NtItchet,,is :"renewing former e,cquidefauzesJn this neighborhood and attended the golden !wedding of her _former, 2ie1m:14:4m imr. and Um. Bray: • The May meeting Or the W. T,.. was 'lied at ilitra, W. R....le/others' last Thum., 4147, when wa4,• Wilbur Brown, the new Preeidertt, and Mrs. O. tt. Popp, the new seeretart testaned their offices. Pol- lowing trig exercises... Called „,rwhich. wairresponded to. by llOteen,mensbetx,'three of whom were new oii.s,, prograM vonamittie,• consistent of Mrs. Alton, cifra..a, Davidson and 1101- 141WW60, leAwi appointed to ar- range thelPrOirtaln for the 'ensuing Year, and Ur*. It iti,‘ m‘oltensie Wes a•Plvinted as a repreeentative of this branch On the :dttriet Committee of Child Welfare. Miss Bernice Iketeht whom the W. T. here Sent to tlie Giris Voiderence at Ottellgi lzi May, Ira* an exoeuent report of the three -deo gathering, at which up. mods 'ot 000 girls of the •province were Preeent. The treltie 01 lurch conferences, to the young kwoince who are fortunate ehotitth to tatteeld; cannot -be est/Watt& Mrs. 'Lorne lieere; one of the delegates to 'the diatilet Wiring tneetuie 'held at LondeebOro on 0AltY 220d,_gtve' a cOM- lienelve *pert of the proceettmee ' of that -gathering. Okra, `Bort ./Zeitettferd offered'her 100e for the thine ',Meeting. Lunch twat serv- ed and asocird'he,Ithour sueot ooet the tea -Cups With Um. Alban, 'Mr* Richard- -son and Mr*. Jones as heetesees, invitstaten received by .the • W. I.. front •gftftich Irospitel, to a, Vet-. d the graduating exercises of the "School of Numb* iw,ligacitsy Pall on -1Pricialr even June .4.th. _ _ _ - • figiduo sipaT SESSION The followime nsimAes ,cd the Vhewsmosh -Oolitic% Which tirtset On May Were received on Monday by Zse Star. All the , biernbers *mere .preiktnt, With Reeve sgteWart Presiding: . The Iningted of ISA' ineeting Were acervted, ori motion of .Cotincitlets Oanile and Altehison.. • . M. C. teiltort, deflector of tows, Pre 'added the MS tax r�fl, which SWO: aa. cepted and arrears of taxes noted. 'The cierk. *sus ',instructed, •„on motion of counemors 34eQuillin sold )00.mrrele, correspend With -the VW-1=We 'Cotiva. Beltrit 1* Protection tor: work- men einifte:d by the municipality. Oii motIot 01 0ouncli1ors Attchlson and Osinutie; the toad Ouperintendent 1.e.•instrueted to ,athattis. tor tenders of poW tkitsthets. Were Oreeented rich •Star,prh4.' f)mar, wood, 0. leObotie, Oa: be lief Inspection, Slie; 0 tkltoti xeUef mos colutttoo envenoms:444 1100h" relief, 04 it J. II tifettorasth, and bylaw.* Ort Ohl.* drain, The .0ouncil adjourned to meet. M 130 pm. ePsocleot Antiseptic-.. Small • 23e • '• • f • • * • 794: NOXerna ./tIr 1 Os Noxerne * • • • Jiloneina . 25c 15d Alentliolutuni . '27e, :54e loan* Tootk Paste 43e ingranes weed cream •••p640..,!• • • I • •;, 0^, .11,• :43c 1.yens?1; Tooth Powder 27c , , Daggjt Ranisdelre Cold an Vanishing Cream 35c for . ,29c 135 Chase; Nerve irooct 4 New .Large • 35o lionses, 411.00,-&! Liv chase's Ombneat 49c chase . -YroPrir' - SSW' • , ,..3543, 4..nrgie • • • • • ba 1C„rusciien Salta . • 69e .Milburni Healtji ra. " 'Nerve Pills • ' 44e. Ceiter's Liver• Pills' 23c :Carter's; Liver-P.0kt 690- 1 4 Capsolline, 0. 25c Sksan's L10.1111erit .29& AT YOUR IDRUOGISTS Lauder's tAgilsoRE,, •Wigle's Dunlop's Campbell's DRUGSTORE DRUGSTORE DRimsTORE°.. .11* FOR 'SALE OR 'IV RENT- 'rr.0 Ra1-5-rponipd house on Quebec 'i ,IS...tree_.'t all modern- conveniences,. 23ik, n,441 -ti 4v. AlIPPED,...-100 used Tiresirrade rn you theL tires for ,new DemhaloAs, 'ROE STATION, Gode- rich...- . 22,tf, Fon $ALX-'--lirielt" house on Trafalgar st- -hi• good condition, all modern vollivenierteka• AVP17_,..to GEO,. WEST- 12BOOV4.Goderfeli elaining muls. 13,olate, one- year • guaranteed • 45.00.. GoDE- RICH Aviro 4WRIIIICK61RS, At: Andrews St Goderich. " 23x • •RENT.--Pastme farm,..near Ben- -01111exe,_ or (will sell son easy terms, MRS,' Bs.= 7TETORVIPSON,•'2123$2 Chel- Sep St., Detroit, Dirith,j',or HAAVEY mum, Ft. R. 41, •Goderich, Ont. 12-tf. • , EIALE-..--A. Hudson, Sedan good condition; also victroia in mahog- any ca.se. lit-pply 62 East St., Goderich: S• AL.—Oholoe Tomato,' Cabbage and Cauliflower _Plants—Tomato .456, Cabbage per ,400, Cauliflower, -Aster and other plants, Mc per doz. /I, TJASITBROOK, 30-Widder Bd., farm* Post'', near Hotel Sunset (turn at Ourrow'S 'Store). - 23x W14144121D, gateiggingattendfne'-*ItPlialwnilint, • By da, week or 'season. 'Apply atter .abt owe*, ,atgar', laabuRvE, near-, Salva- tion Arany on lighthouse St.' ' 104.t. , 'TRiltf'etiti-ret1010. •• WATT& TE4motas— Pit* PPIEttobritqf GOM" Information win .be :given to those tendering by applying tO•mr...P: J. V.404 Zwan, 'chairman a the ritivporty coma, Mabee. • • Venders= )434_beIn *eAnesdaY.. Junejoth.--anct -must be sent 1;1'0%4tUglii:44-11441.1kogrA.!tar7 22.2* , • 14.0TICE TO O. -EDITORS g Noir= TO _CREDITORS-, , _ NOTIM is hereby giVeri to. all' per - lotus having any claim AtildnSt 4the estate 01 Williatn_Niniketek-late a the Town- ship rif•uttlRrtt. hi the County Of IHUrmi. Partner, who died on or about the 41th- days of May,. 1930; to send ortzne to the understened, on Or`before the 4th day Of June. %gas, as on and atter that datethe Executors ce the sald estate :win mewed to Make distribution thereefo havZig.,,le- gard only to the claims they Iliett have. Teee.ived. Dated. at Ooderich this lith day (if May, A, D. 1926. HAYS and HAYS, .,,,i0oderleh. Ontario, ..„-3;o1,1citens for the Executors 21.4 CEMETERY MEMORIALS • The cloderkh atonotnent 8lls0 la in a port** to, awe* You with beautiful modern and Arno* memorials- deingned to suit your °WA' psrtkjils pl�t at a NOTX0l0 OF t..-quiT, OF ittEVISION • COURT OF IbErVariN, TOWNSHIP OF COIsoRst. • ,,ItanE NOTII0E' astAfr ,the Court of 'Revision will be .held at the ' Township' Carlow, on Tuesday, :rune Oth,,. at one o'clock p.m. for the -purpose.of hear- ing aPPeais against the'Asseasment Ron of the llown-thip'of Coll* e for.the year 1936, All*,e,. ;:tond 1zterested are re- -vested to attend: WM. SALtoWS, 224 • Township cert. 'LANDS POECSATZ BY =mat Tenders are invited by the Canada Company for. the purchase of the ''re- mainingcland of this old colonization Company in order to clear up scat- tered: holding-, ki each- district. 'these lands ..in many eases. have Varying '. oariitheellnr. pttirpotosr ,be4nrci sgazitabyleareforsofri apas- ture. lets. Them lands are being' offered at reduced prices, and .when sold; this opportunity , -will not occur : again; so if ° you are interested, look them over. S4:24cale,d;o4nT.enaduterse' P2olainlY, 19360Trked "41:en- Oa(terriatga purchase" may aia1371 Babier. Street, TOT- • onto, and twill be received up until-1We Condi tions --Tenders muse, kapeellY the lands sought; and the Sinn offered must be sperzified for .gaon lot...the same to be IvOil,:,ltit`Ce'ettinaSigh:t•ethtlel-isTyse.u:1°,dieasraLa71 pay _,toalanmne ba"Pctie: • for- feitallce:thwie-tallathdeeperit etiet110%titne. 'Upon pay - but the Owe/user that pay „gie -oak , land- spe4teett hie; own ;04- and mehetintn:40 the., 'fin:1 PAYM.e..nt a Quit .- Deed 'will be :furnished without charge, registration and transfer tax inai. dental,: and shall take Oct:session. ";4,,,t the , -.Purchasers mast. assist' e the sta.** of tlhe93(4-rigaildht ttohew:'ftahndra.daavt C4111.anYPal*effered'ftservelot from the list; and to accept or reject atieureY terwestris ot ,iitt• wave. lands Inv have wisest:Ion ,upon receiving their deed: while landisvedil be -sold -3116,10cr ttranrcontract thereon. Lots . are • being, offerediii_the 'Town - kip* of Mice; North Bastnope and . Logan in Perth County; In Townships of McKillop, ColbOrne, Gode- rich, Hay. and Stephen, in 1-.1iirorr County; and in Townships of.mocuattray. • Nis- souri and Eiket And West ylllisnve in Middlesex CoUnt7... Enquiries froWany titerested party in respect of any lands which. the Varied& - istmComPtIlYanowpitdorhe.inmateeaday Ow*. nt.400tr,a-Wjlil e"1274(tbe,uir4H, cheerfully Street- 'lb to Canada." 22-3 , 1.••••••1••••••,* Averzoni ExEcozwto eAlz AND GROW. AND oThigemaymils, nitat lowys. We are inetruettld, by the ibreoutore of the bitate 01 the late L. IL IttliAgaltaa to sell byoublie suiCtinn at the from, Pt, Lott I- and4, Con. 2, W. Dv Colborne (hal! waylootsWeen• •Goderie,u ., and •Ben- milkx) on • - ' INE133414SDA'Z' "TUNE 17th onuneneing at 1,04, stuo • cattle.- % draft gelding, '4, years Old; t oak' Ariel., pares: t iHolstein eow doo. to ••it .layroto ease -.wawa ow, bto in tiekto; .2 mown nows,etod in ,doets, .due in slUIY:„1 Ditthostri •eoW, dueAn one tnotsth: 4 ibtrliaird e0W4, in :Otio*: 1 ,burinim cow, teed in •I Dunham cow, bred in APril; flow, due In' A'oettat; 1 ,Terie)* cow, just n. These WW1 are PfOrett coakrat. MUM' villief0f5, Bt veal „ %At %oak 4 Si:.1° 1:6 eittia and lainbst:, 1 401011 pair a geese; 50 •hena; 2 'Vprici sows. 'lava and 4114 004Ing) YOkt, ,7 Ves aboOS 100 1b04 'le YoUng Pispe. lac114 few. Mower, ,2.4t. 2 tnict4-41100‘,; • 1 se, beiwY" 444 of power • 1 e‘reieeige cote extension, cultiatitor; I ipet disc 004 1114kT; 61.ave1 hoc: It.t tulantity a. About 110 stt, sets double teeth 1 set heaVY hainesS. ,o •••••0••••••••*.k.t. 41*Ili*p~ .te .,,•••••••••, "' ••••••••