The Goderich Star, 1936-02-13, Page 7.4.1111.1
uropean Discovery,
&owl& Trouble's
and Rbe*atiOinic Acclaimed
• Best by: .Latest Tests
stove ma thoveloids.txcpopkir!vve. ,*etine their neriaid ;heed%
„atter Yeaa* leetlIteing froM„slOroath,4011ubles Of siatype9,atett,
itattaeiticat..-eas, ewe etetraueli witieh are the Ude
pressettat. phew 'inttletn. Periedie
By Ro Norton
*entered atceordinfcto, At Df Parliament by Goie J MLdt
Limited, King:- St. \Vat. Tctronto at, the De'Ot. 'Of „Agriculture.,
„ .
Thaeeelltfefeere baeir Poet lteed anY teletreeniaele InIneitrae tbentidele Or
elrog$ ino $tilvd; theti l'inVe only used Temedy Made by Naterer
This anoxivelons„proota3t wows on the litgattat snonattain'Oettits,Jythere
W41/094)43 OW` 11040110 elements and Vitarains Iretti the sen'te
Txumourry. dasoe"
is eentifeeed of 1..9 kinds Of. =tuna leaves. •seede, berries and
flowers setehotarteaY land Proltertionebely' mixtel known Os
_Tapil MOSS 1133a4 '1144.
Lical moss ,Exful TEA tastes diliceetes, setsewocaderfteint qtrelle
spear syetern, and is,,rge even for child:tn. Prepare it eresle like any
Ordbita7 tea and drink a geassful once a day, heat or cold.
A one. deehlar ereatMent actomplishes VONDEM ; Makes ism look
std. feel Me new bone .If you are not as yet feeleitliar 'with the
beneficial Jettedif of this natural remedy le/ON. CROSS HMIS TEA
try it eit anee and ocenvince yomaeif. If not satiefactore money re -
fancied to you. Adeo'in tablet form
Try it and .cosarilece yourself with OUT monay-back guaraatee.
One week Veatinent $1.00 Six weeks treahneint $5.00
In order to avoid ndetakes in getting the srentene LION CROSS
pease flout the attaehed coon.
1160 Second Ave.,
N.- Y. Oita, N. Y.
Gentlemen :
Dept. 10270.
Enclosed geld $ for which: Please 'tend me
treatments of the famous LION CROSS HERB TEA.
They began the elOvis pleading
gait of the packer again, 11004; it
easier how that they were on the
crest of a, divide where the trait
less, obstructed and itrtner, and.
yellOW linoe, on the .pettla their goal,
came uxore plainly into view. , The
cross resolveditself into a peculiar
slide of oxidized "earth traversing two
gullies,. and the AM of the cross no
longoViPPea-red true to the, perpen.,
alieular. The tall tamaracks. began
1 to.segregate„aa the travelers dropped
into a lower tdtitudee and pine and.
fir, fragrant fragrant with spring odor, seem-
watching them. The trail at last
took an abrupt tarn away from the
cross -marked mountain, and they
came to another hilt,
' "This must be where they told us
to turn "off thrOugli the woods and
.down the slope, I think," said Town-
send. "Doesn't it seem so to you,
The old prospector frowned off to-
wqd the top of the peak now high
above them, and then, with the peen -
liar -farsightedness eof an outdoor
man of the West, lkooked around at
the horizon as if calculating the posi-
tion of the mine.
"Sure," he agreed. "It ean't be any
use to keep on the trail now. We'd
better go to the right. They said we'd
come to a little' draw, then from the
top of a low divide, we'd see the
mine buildings.. Come on, Jack," he
ended, addressing the foremost bur-
ro. 'which patiently turned after him
as'Ire-led-tliT way -through thestrees.-peeeby; elm get rid etethis man of
'With a Cahn deliberation that Would
have been dreaded by those who'
knew him, "does it hurt YOU much to
be You were asked who this
Man Presby Doyouthaw
The watehmaa &tell at him for a
Moment, but there was something in
the cold ..0Yea and firM lines of the
prospector's face -that caused him to
hesitate before venturing any furth-
displaY of Offlelonsneeet
"Re's the owner Of the
he anSwered "sullenly, "and I've got
orders from him: that nobody, not
auk one, 'is to step' a fOot on this
entireited. tteett, :$�at)
7 .114014 1oaie4tiade- Oalciag
aelittal quilts and seUu them.
010:40 St Office
eidide,starta aailade
;SOO, ltiektee Xotireet supOr **lies*
%tow .otlatts too n707 inent,,,
as they say 'ow *Wien tale,bidS4;
;Vanes execitent' latpo* Suit a.0drege
weeeseista by, mertibere ea ettch eiblette
*s treael, Isistetati "0004 SOLT en
One ahlUSitat 1,teue: an the tOinUteaSteee` taihgl-ht e1litiltrellt4'Reeareh l'7"1;
'the Priee te eherae. !Wes 4ecide4 to of the /*Wheel's et' 1ih°l1,"' CecrL *lige '40e401
04" 44"."'Igr 441% b." 14 41* enree", '!a.'n'alIcastein14111"' .weinlicd4and4tire'lirt1Wee 'ntren" °tare 4Teltdree°' tatelarett 141:1Xrritatikik**011e
beg"tralskaltila,ellreata 43004? 4°1411de:it:Intl Wesel's, doetoel, benkees and ;Waist -era, Paine In sai„,k aud 40w..0 thrown. "gen*,
1;rotpeat daily annoyance .anc*, 1,toubitte
for eisee,'zieset vete to be eseeeeett saes, 'on their lines Of Werie,
biu6ket ,she gave $.140 -Cents for geed prog0,40smstiOn.„tdeswertit7t,heievelS:;itiltouivericiimavothde S0.17,theliorlialliortrirottuFleaslraitaltbreedottioiitiottll;
We had a booth at the Peir.ttt attelee.. ' proch=emisect ,?; resultswea:ba,relit„,ont tuudirly4 tetsistpuriz
whith eve sold home telltale and I tent
to the different ttrnis tor aemlAts Le SOU *Used Ite, Ring Pin
from, which premede anieented to we own took 'Wart in the (Vetting' er No matter licev ststreottit or 'troubree
sold the Slue water Golf Un.ks he eaterina smme Yettr ease Ina,: bef-Yeta egt e41,4*
pme the value of 'Iltstelxe feta'
delis' time. Start She 'test today. mu1
nata leek tor improvement. intide of 244
hours. e,
, also
45.75, the work of 'Miss Haines, a itlindtie I"sltell; 614 Ole 'e't the
lade, Mir Hoard felt the/ were: in goad hande
for Banquet when the served meals tens
Uagi Mir MO, eithottalt eemetimes a Isailtne
We had quite a, atimber et box Soeitds pin had to be need tO. Ssreteet our eights
and oyster eeeptes, we catered or the „
Sens ot Scotland's 'banquet for whtle. Maw lileiseen Acts,
Seine of the atioseet thiniiefaelhe werk
Of the Wesnente-Iratitati'are the unseen
acts of neighborlineSe not totally report-
ed. •
groand.., _yousl 'at tome :,-Weka we received a92130 atter, Mews, We
road,,you" fa‘ see Igo.'
The Partners looked at each other
for an instant, and the younger man
ignoring the 'elder's. apparent wrath,
said: 'Well, I suppose the best thing
we can do is to leave the burros here
and go and see Presley, and get this
man of his called Alf."
"You'll leave no burros here!" as -
lead. a baierece Ss'is 1 remember
Howrie made the betels for that
f^ro nquet.
. in 1012 we started. to have brinted
urograms. At different Meetifige We
sewed for the peer; in another itemin
the minutes was the Town Coeval, who
kindly gave ii three lamilles to look•
after. We ewe, money to the Hospital
serted the watchman, recovering his
combativeness. • for Consumptives and Children's Aid.
ews, starting toward him with his oet programs were interesting.
fists clenched and anger blazing thanwe
We bad more 'real demonstrations
vaetdtohehOW* as the
"Why you fool," exploded Math -
from his eyes at the watchman's ob.' meeting would come early
lady' to dervion-
is Mr. TOWrieentlt aria use -the hostess's oven. The hostess
eerved 'lunch later, two or three ladies
stinate stupidity, "you're talking to e,„,„ de,
one of the owners of this mine! This ---b- serve
abashed, and then grumbled acridl • fit 0!0.Y
first convention 1 - attended in
"Well, I cant help it. I've got ordeYn.;.11911 was at Toronto.
Tri. May, 1013. my term ended and
For an instant the man appearea
' Oh, come on, Bill," interrupted
/ Mrs. H. re Cathie took over the chair.
As Mrs. Cralgie Is absent, there are a
.burree's , head. 'We'll_ go on_ over to few items et interest during her terra.
May mentlen few s ways the
WoMen'S Institute heteeel: They start-
ed a emitters fund, they teak •roart in a
street fair or carneell one 1st -of Jen*
by emine from a booth in the perk; and
a six otcloelt dinner.
Was Carnival Queen
,miss Derethy Marshell (daughter of
Business Directory
DR. F. J. R. ForesTsit.
Late House Surgeon New 'rode Orphe-
thalmic and Aural Hospital, assistant at
moorefiela Ese HoePital 'ItodeQeseldellor
Square Throat Hospital, *Lentions.estee
Eres tested, elassees -tei 'ht.
our secretary) wos the institute car- 63 _Waterloo St- 8.. tretfeeda TOW,-
ntval queen. coming' seeend in thea phone 267.
contest for Queen of the day. The Ineti- Next we,drauray, pox ltt,h, from.
tide's pro:seeds for the day were 7 p.M. till Thursday, Feb. 20th, ea 1 p.m.
,e2ai.10 for the hoepital. Decorated auto At Hotel Bedford. Telenhone 149.
bought $25. In 1020 we srave $75 to X -
Ray Fund. Perhe,ps tho,t was not a PROFESSIONAL CARD
great benefit to the public; at ehat time
we thought it was for a good cause: ir M°14TEITH-
hcanital building fund received 5401.
Old Fame Week in 1927 was helped with GHAteTERED ACCOUNTNNT.
69 Ontario.' St, Stratford. Ona,
the owner„ stepping to the nearest .
. Made Money at Fair ,
'Starting in 1921 we bellied to pay (MemberteithFirstbrqok, _McLeod & Mon-
, Toronto, Ontario). -
Zell andbooth
In September, 1913, we paid $35.00 for school LaLtree for three years, made gift
the leges of ninetie
at the Fall Fair. Our receipts -were g -chair-ball' sreee aud-441:* '''!Ilart-t1:171e51----- --- '-' -- '-- - ....e- ,t --.H------ -
$164 86* and in Augest, 1014, there was
- to hospital. bought scales for school. . -LEGAL CaseDa---... --
, helped fire sufferers in North, supplied - • --- - ,
House park. and -it Was decided to. give $1stage curtain for afacletay -Hall. bouent 1)OUGLAS R. NAIRN.
00 Western . Canada Flour Mill bond -
a speaal meeting held in the Court
$10.00 to the Red Cross for the hosoital.
slap; gave itto the echool board. interest to
thus started our war activities. 1
,. be ttsed for two prizes for Entranse
War. Thne President .t since eureluese, hones now are for the ., a M.
i u. ls; value of bond has deereaseel
during the war years, 1910-1919, and Musie :instruction was startee 1.,
Mrs. P. a, lefacEwaii was 'president ..11e'tte•
' -111aMrris-ItemPr and Solicitor.
they were busy ones of sacrifieing en- hi Centre/ and Wee:aid Sehoole-aand
Streets. ..
eiraeEeran said : a. bought coal 1 or MacKay Hall.
Just Canfed On
Toronto 2.
Sun Life Bldg.- Adelaide and Victoria, ..
over the office of president el Women's -'Se-mapy other good things ' were
- said r
ws f rrt:acull
at was in the year 1915 -that I took 192Milrst:oG°19r3dr. Stsseet'sTelephone: Elgin 6301
Institute, continuing ffour years. until done in other days that all we had to
1919. .. The meetings were held in the do was carry on. For insta.nee we keep`
harnes in the Harbor Park, also tri the on paying each symr for- Mimi? "instrUe-
Country. t - . ter's salary, our share being $100 a year.
During those years we held sewing The wear of beautifying neglected plots
meetings -in Knox church basement.
making articles for the men - overseas.
There were hundreds af yards of mat-
ertal and hunelreds bf pounds of yarn
made up. .
We rented rooms in the „Maple Leaf
block over Mr. Wheeler'sstore tor the
Boy Scouts and bought poles and. other
etaiipment required for the boys to carry
on; we also gave them a banquet. They
took great interest at firstbut gradually
fell away, and we deidded not to pay
rent any longer.
Not Appreciates' by Public
They came to the draw which prov-
ed shallow, climbed the opposite
bank, and gave an excleanation of
surprise. .
"Holy Moses! They had some
buildings and plant there, eh, Dick?"
Miss Ruth Cantwell ha.s been laid .upi.
The other; as if remembering all
for a week suffering' froma sPraineu'' that was represented in the scenebee
wrist which she .hurt sleigh -riding at
sehooreana MISS Ethel: Tabb has been.1"17 did not answer.:Heewas thinking_
NILE, FEB. Ie. -There was no church' laid up' for a few days with a bate cold.; of the days When his father and he
service here ose Sunday night owing_ to The Nile Y. P. are having a box seleial` had been friendly,and of hw-othat
the severe storm. A few ventured outj on Feb. 14th (St. 'Valentine's Day). restless, grasping, conquering
to Sunday School in the afternoon. '
Mess Alice Pomeroy has reburned to
London to continue her nurse -in -train -
beg eotteee after homing three weeks'
Two more at Nile are laid Up with
lumbago, Mr. Wm. Smith and Mr. David
Several of the boys In the bush, got
their feet frozen last Fridare. This open
winter ds, hard on people. Last 'week
arum was biawn into every crevice that
was =elected in the other storms.
Mies Beth McPhee, who has been
keeping house for Tifte Gordon Smith,
has gone home for an indefinite time.
- Rey, Ur. Pomeroy Is suffering from an
attack of luirtbago; Mr. Geo. Rutledge is
also laid up with the same atiment.
Miss Emily MoGratten Is home again
'deter being storm -stayed at her sister's.
Mrs, Elden Johnston, for two weeks.
Brophey Bros.
The boxes well be auctioned at a Price
not to exceed 50 pent&
Mrs. Dan IvIcPbee is laid up from the
effects of a fall clown stairs in the barn,
the handle earning off the door, causing
her to fall backwards down the stairs.
Fortunately the hired ,nean was in the
,dreamer had built many hopes, even
as he..squandered many dollars, on
the Craxed'Or. It was to produce
:Onions. It was to be -one of the
gfeatest gold mines in the world, All
that it required was more deVeldps-
shed at the time and heard her eau for ment Now, it was to have a huge
help. ,
The skating rink that the boys tried
to get started was eorapleted last Sat-
urday Altaunigh not yet in first class
condition there is skating now for the
Y. tte.. results were not good) and what it
Mr. Orval McPhee, 743.° has been in demanded was the cyanide process.
the West since harvest last year, return-
ed hoene last week. looking as though the
West agreed with him.
mill to handle vast euantities of
low-grade ore; then all it needed was.
cheaper power, so it must have elec-
tric equipment. Again the milling
And so it had been, for years that
he could still remember,. and always
it led his father on and on, deferring
or promising hope, to come, at last,
, to this! A great, idle plant with some
of its bdildings falling into decay,
its roadways oblitekted ley the brush
MAFEKING, Feb. 7.- Mr. Fred
with grOwth that was- creeping back
Anderson of -Zion, spent Monday
through the clearings as "Nature re-
Mafeking friends. . .
conquered her own, and its huge
Keith Moffat of Union is making
waste dumps losing their ugliness
an extended visit with his grand -
under the green moss.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard John-
Richard Kilpatrick of She-'eard-
ton, spent the week end at his home.
The Blake Y. P. S. are Vanning
a Valentine Social to be held in Blake
Hall. A good time is assured those
who attend.
It was with deep regret that
friends of Mr. Charles Girvin, for-
merly of Nile, learned of his death,
which occurred suddenly on Monday,
at his. home at Oklahoma, U. S. A.
Why. Cannot 1 Get
A Good Night's Rest?
Sleep is essential to our very existence as while
we -repose_ we are eollectingeener to go forth to
smother day's work.
It seemed useless to think of any-
thing more than an occasional pay
chute. Yet, as he thought of it, hope
revived; for there lead been pay
chutes of marvelous wealth. Why,
men still talked of, the Bonanza
Chute that yielded eighty thousand
dollars in four days' blasting before
it worked out! Maybe there were
others, but that was eyhat his father
and Sloan had alwaye expected, and
never found! .
Ms meditations were cet short by
a shout from below. A man appeared,
sinall in the distance, on the flat, or
"yard" of what seemed to be the
blacksmith shop.
"Wonder, who that can be?" specu-
ertedeBille-drawing-his. haterinefarth
er over his eyes.
donl-know,-"-answereer Town-
uzzled.'"r never heard of their
having any watchmen here. But
we'll soon find out."
They efarted down the hillside at a
faster pace, the tired animals sur-
mising with their turiously acute in-
etinet that this. Must be the end of
e journey an s e Inge ave
over with. As they broke through a
screen of brush. and came out to ithe
edge of wliat had been a clearing
back of a huge. log bunk -house, the
man who had shouted came rapidly
forward_to.m.eet them. There was
a certain shiftless, sullen, yet author-
itative air about him he spoke.
• "What do you fend% Want here?"
he ealced.. Wpm you know that
no one's 'allowed otahe Cross ground,
don't you?"
"We elidn't know that," replied
Townsend, inclined to be pacific,
"but I fancy., we are different from
almost any one else that would come.
We represent the owners."
"can't help that," came the .blus-
ing- =ewer- "You'll. have to hit
the trail.,I don't take orders from no
one but Presby."
"Presby? Who's Presby? What are
yQu handin' me? You lon't know
"I don't, •or I shouldn't have asked
you! Townsend answered with less
"Say," drawled his companion
Loss of sleep is a serious matter,- and unless we
get proper rest, sooner or later, the nerv'ous system •
is bound to collapse.
. Tone -up your nervous system with Milburn 's &
N. Pills, Then there Will be no more broken rest; •
re htmares• no
more getting up in the morning feeling as tired as
when you went Jed.
-isriedai-- Excursions from All Stationi
Bargam "s
GOING DAILY-4EB. 28 to MAR. 12 inclusive
Return Limit: 45 days
Approximately CENT A MILE — Each Way
SLEEPING CAR PRIVILEGES. Whefe sleeping e,ar space Is,required
the following slightly higher fares apply (a) Tourist Sleeping Ci'lts at approxi-
inatelytuc per 111111ef Plat 110414W btftlt,tatiii.,<.#4Uandara :Steeping_ .Aind
Parlor Cars at approximately iy2t per mile, pies regular Of chair rate.
. . .
BAGGAGE Crhmked. STOPOVERS at Port, Arthurk Ont., Arnistrong,
Ont., and West; also at Chicago, pl., Sault Ste. IViarie,MICh., and west, in
accordance with tariffs of United States lines.
rkkeis. Steeping car retervationse awl ittfortnation front trotyAgeta., ASK Pon HANVZILL
his. It won't hurt the burros to go
a little farther."
Re turned to the watchman, who
was scowling and obdurate.
"Where can Presby and the Rattler
be found? he asked crisply.
"Around the turn down at the
mouth of the canon," the Watthman
-mumbled.- 'Ili's not more than half
or three-quarters of a mile from
here, but you'd better go back up the
As if this last suggestion was the
breaking straw, the bigprospector
jureped forward, and caught the
man's wrist With dexterous, sinewy
fingers. , He' gave the arm a jerk
that elmoststook-the man from his -
feet. His eyes were hard and sharp
now, and his jaw seemed to have
shu; tightly.
"We'll go back up no hill, yowbet
on that!" he asserted belligerently.
"We go by the road, We're done
foolin' with you, my bucko! You go
ahead and show the way and be quick
about it! If you don!te you'll have
trouble with me. Now git!"
He released the wrist with a shove
that sent the watchman ten feet
away, and cowed him to subjection.
He recovered his- balance, and hesita-
-ted for a minute, muttering some-
thing about "being even for that,"
and then, as the big, infuriated miner
tocek a' step toward him, said: "All
right! Come on," and started toward
a roadway thet, half ruined, led off
and was lost at a turn. Cursing soft-
ly and telling' the burros that it
was a shame they had to go farther
on account of a fool, the prospeetor
followed, and the little procession re-
immed its straggling march.
- They passed the huge bunk -house,
a messhquee an assay office, what
seemed to be the superintendent's
quarters, and a dozen smaller struc-
tures, all of logs, and began an
abrupt descent. The top of the can-
on was so high that they looked
Barrister ahd ISolleitor.
Office: Hamilton St. Phone 51it.
We also rented roans on the west side
of The Square to be used as a rest room
with Miss Annie •Daaidson as superin-
terident.• There was also an , enquiry
bureau in connection with it. We didn't
think the public appreciated it enough
so after seven months' trial 'decided t
not continue any longer.
'Donations were sent to Belgium Relief
of $10, Children's Shelter donations at
different times. Soldiers' Memorial 'Fund.
$50, London Hospital for Children. We
•used different means of raising money.
meals at the fair grounds. reaneake sup-
per, and cLance $123.95, etc., hagis sup-
per. Articlea snipped overseas, 2,689 ;
pairs of socks, 5e.13; value, $1.592.36.
- EallOPect with electroansgnetio hatless -
Cinhil:arei 17:dsh:eitn:eret:ro%
be had by appointment. Monday an*
Every year a shower was given for the
Electronic electr1c. treatment and chiro-
practic. Ohroede, ornate and nervoua-
'Ileum 2 tie 5 and 7 teeji pea on Tuesday.
Friday and Satureay, and on 'Medusa -
Day. Civic relief was assisted during
Mrs. 0. Ginn donated a .rug, on Talent day 9 to 12 a.m. only. Consultation near
Thursday at Mitchell.
committee completed a history of the A. la A'rICINSON, residence mud
town. The membership was the largest race, corner of - South street and BT1-
Mrs.' W.sset's term: and the historioal
tannin Road. Phone 341. . .
In the history of the Society.
versary in 1931, the sum of $30 was
given to Alexandra Hospital for the sun
room. *Card parties, aprop sales and
dramatgs were ways of raising funds.
Bank • Accounts for Babies
in December, 1933, Mrs. Jamea Bisset
became President and has since held the
office. retiring her term the Institute
sponsored a treat ter the school children VETERINARY SURGEON
in having Jeek Miner visit Goderich and
Graduate of the University of Toronro
and graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
Office in Mr. T. T. Murphys, Hamiltose
eit., Goderich. Telephone: Day 204.
night 249.
glee a lecture. The piano was Oureha.s-
U-Va"in 1933. Addresses on a wide range
of subjects were given; and demonstre-
tions of cooking were enjoyed. She
hoped the cemeterY' work would be con-
supply is devised-. . Bank actounts were
started for new -babies of merabers with ...---..„----
tinued as soon as a satisfactory 'water
a deposit of $1.00. The Institute had
Elgin Ave., Goderich. '
Live Stock and General Auctioneers.. '
.dun -ins of -the . grizzier and breakers
'bell hid it.
stamp mill with its quarter of a mile
of covered tramway stretching like
a huge, weather-beaten snake to the
down on the roof of the big, glebe'
. Jspitpairls_oifi blankets, 6 j..,1quilApt4sit5eapilIows and ' keld, Mrs. Abell, Mrs. P. J. MacEwan Phone 119.
to the boys, each bundle valued at -52(} need. Mrs. Bisset paid etribute to the
We sent several paerels of socks direct and lied toile ted $.55 or the $200 ret 8a105
for Children's Shelter : Three , efesiency of the secretaries, Mess Sal-
aiMsted the I. O. D. E. in a drive for
funds for the Ca.nadiah Institute for the
Blind when twenty members volunteered
made to give you satisfaction.
Sales made everywhere and 'all eff --
Farmers' Sale Notes discounted.
. . .
-.. Vile- Twad-was-biasted- r terlYelea.; t 's_ pad Niro- Moslem'', pow of_ Toronto.
side of the canon-onewideh they_ were,.
. comb, 14 jars fruit and pickles, meet -Ills=
e 5yrupi 1 clothes brush, et.; kitchen Ji. . ., „se Derothi,tireene rang a me.) In
, ,......... ... .
voice and the roll call Wes ree _ __
and far below, between them and the utensils; children's clothing; dishes 4 i .
--- '
hoisting house and the mill,. ran a Testaments.
. * ' . 1 Eponded to by giving the number ot
ed for years by the silt of industry.
clear little mountain streani, undefil- . miss M. E. Saliteld he . 1-, years a z e r-n-iitia; '14.141T whati -a-14- jainete.--
• lin singing "Auid Lane, Synee
Gizarants,eeiduteBopnixdsian. lecittinv Strength
sgtwhith Ale -
The peak of the cross, lifting a needle president for eight years. from
ld the (ghee of 1
192e tol, At the heed treale in the tea romi. •
point high above them, as if 1928. Much mcrney was raised end Mrs. A. D. McLean preskidour_Niza .ed. and with itsittir_ime_zissurance ,, ow ,.
wa c over e : ue oun air's, t e
ing asristance given. e her were the past presidents, chertered
far distant lhaho hills; the near -by
1 members, and guest artists Spedlies
The Polley Hal rs. q kr
forests of Oregon, and the puny, a eieht years. I had 'the honor of holding
man-made structures at its feet, ap- ofeee as president of thts organization. rie, Mrs. R. T. Phillpis, Mrs. Murdeek phone 186.
.them and the burrowings into its
peered to have a lofty diedain of harmony among the members and all
In these eears we had good will and ceived felicitations from the members onl , I,
Maelemald a.nd Mrs. O. Ginn, who re- i
Iton- St.,..
n orma.tion gladly given. all, write or
mammoth siders, aa if all ravages.- worked together ler the good of home the °erasion a the 40th ann.versary of 1 '
1 WM. BEACTriroderr-tichami. ..
were mere parasites made to uncover and' e,ountry, the W. T. .motto. tse just, ber marriage.
its secrets of gold, .and futile, if Stle- had to be good *after singing our Ode. Votes -.of. thanks. -were extended as -the
cessful, to wreak- the etightest (lartiS Another good motto quite frequently hostesses and those taleing part in thr
FIRE INSURANCE age on its aged heart. -med. was. 'If y-ou know a._good thing pass
it on." We had many happy gatherlhge letter by- Mrs -ee. ei, IL _prize_
pro.gram by Mies Salkeld; rend to the
together. Do eny members pre.sent re -
CHAPTER III. member the pleasant time we spent at
Sunset Hotel? ,.
What. jolly terries were spent at picnias
. ...
to Petra ifrnit, Itft-ylleld, Mrs Sallee -hes
farm, Benmiller. Harbor Park
Saw the Scenery
An V1 Watelinan
By easy stages indicating eompe-
teed engineering and a lavish expen-
diture of money, the road led thein
downward to a barricade of logs, in
an opening of Which ewung a gate
barely wide enough to pass the tired
burros and their packs.
, "You'll find Presby over there,"
said their unwilling guide, pointing
at a group of redpainted mining
structures nestled in a flat lap in the
ragged mountains.
(To be continued) .
To get to some of the places Mr.
Smarts' carry -all sfeerlasesfe, Horses jog-
ging along at their leisure. "giving
plenty of time to view the country." not
ret GO milean. hour as we travel these
Many Activities
The time was not all taken up in out-
side pleasures. What about those bene-
ficial demonstrations we all enjoyed so
much, and tatted with a Mesa such
The hoeterae. s were Mrs. J. Neweomee
Mrs. dafeisset. „Mrs. A. Share, Mrs. E. C
Itebertsen, Mrs. R. Tufford, who are
branch directors. and were assisted by
Mrs, W. efirCreatle, _Mrs. C. Young' and
Mee. McKee.
Persian Balm Invaluable to the
whole family. To the mother, a flawless
aid to lovelineeea To the -child a-cooth-
ing. healing balm. And to the father
a splendid hair fixative and c,00line
aluiVing lotion. Persian Balm tones and
tefrethes the ckire. Makes hands de-
lightfully toft and white. Indapensabte
to dainty women. A little gentle rub-
bing and it Le alcorbed by the tiesues
making the ckin truly rose -leaf in tex-
eri$414Ei4F.VER, MANtek
PIOT14AT .thodeS
Have it attended to by the
- DMA Airttik co.
Establahed 187$:
Head Office: Dungannessi Ont.
Ernest Ackert, Holyrood, President:
Oan McKay, Ripley, Vice-Pretedent; in
.14eition to the Presideaeand_ Wee Plea
daelet, the following are Directors:
ara. Watson, Auburn; W. J. Teeempsion,
taburn; Wm. McQuillin, Lucknove; frier
sev Anderson. Lueknow: Harry L. Sal-.
keld, Cioclerich; Tim Griffin, H. R. No.
3, Goderich; Robert Davidson. Dungan
' PARM AND isotwrso TOWN PRO.;.
Value.,0/ property Insult() up to Jan-
uary, 1010, $3,648.973.00.
OPMCER9-4.. thvadfOOt, fkaforth.
, Pfesfdent; Jas. mummy. oorterich. Vire..
1 teresidente M. A.Iteld. Sessforth, Seer
tory-Treasurer. ,
Dllaar101iteekt:esaite. Itinmdfoot. sea -
forth R. R. 3: Jas. Shon!dice, Walton!:
Win. Ichor. Undesboro: Geo. Leonintrtit.
1 ornbolni No. 1: John Popo% Britc"-
field: Jet Connolly. Onderith: Aloair
tifenolng. Myth n. n. NO. 1: The.
Wovlan. seaferth No. 3: InItt. II Mehl.
'laid. Seatorth No. 4.
AtAtkritt....."'W. J. Iteo. tt< B. a, Olin.,
on; Jas. Watt. .1tilitth: riblo ,afolcov-
414,r, Sesforth: John Attittir. itiestarna
'Poiloyholdpis ear+ nay tfielr Appiowte
.., 'irt,trti§ at..r..atqa-Aftt**60,4t._,,Ooftotlett
.:,-47,-.1-"-e.- ---- Ilie-Ifieval sank. fionten, or ./' V.*
Reid's, tarnelai