The Goderich Star, 1936-01-02, Page 81"-
40.44,04,1010,04,60,0,04co.04.40.*.V., 1,4424+,310W,,,,,%." fit 8," AN" $44,4 *, "1,7•4 ,;744,4V407,“"Vireig.4‘,"1, "..
. • i"
" „ 1.4.0411.4,4,1114.. 04.40.44/01,14449
Titt tittlERICO WEAR
En.tered,n:ceorctipg to:Act of Puligment,b'y O,Orp J. McLeod,
Limited, Kb* St, West, T00'0o0. at the DiTt, 'of Utictatilre,.
• - : Charles Wesley Sanders,: .
. .
, • ,
(Centinuedl • , door he stood- and listened for a
, •
that Another WOO aSallinhUrV."
$414 ovor his Aloutkr. ' "You keep .
110 ian out into tho;light and
steed in the alsildow of the Steele
'PreSentIV•le beidy of herSorOPtl. riding
e.aule into view. TheY reiri'pd
...up in front of at house; Tom ,saW.,
•that elle of thein wast)e sheriff and
esii .0. At flist there Was Einem
and then he heard. a groan. as
d, SalliciOnt; he lifted the latch and
• Tow mane; times did yea shoot
Larkin asked, '
" `Just one," the Mexion sat
tid from the grin on his face we a
understood; and nothin' more Wt
ever eaid about it,
"Anyway it wasn't my funeral
Lane's and teirkin Was pleased
anything. fie began to lay plans
get the old man's gold .• Ile se
Lane Up to look around that sao
night, and Lane came heels with th
report that Jbe Denny Wee_eate in
-th er guW We kept an eye o
Denny end we seen that smell°.
he got wise to the old man's -secret
'.!Larkin .thought that wile a goo
joke. He had it in for Denny an
way, and he said he would let De
nY do the work and we would tak
the gold. He knowed it meant, a
other murder but he didn't care. S
he put Lane on guard up there an
Lane killed Denny. Say, loose th
rope and lemme up, mister. Th
here rawhide musta been wet.
seems to be gettire tighter at
tighter on me."
"Hew did' Lane kill Denny?" To
asked. -
"He said he was settin' out at th
mouth ,of the gulch, waitin' for De
ny to go to sleep so he could. g
some sleep his own self. • •He wa
_disgusted -with-the whole_ husines
Taken somewhat by surprise„ at
!the appointment Of Anthony Eden, as
new British foreign secretary, Euro-
pean diplomats 'are:looking to clever
diplomat Pierre Laval, premier of
France, as the only man who can
dampen the young British states -
mares desires ',to force the league in-
School Concert
Benmiller, Dec. 31. -The attrac-
tivelY decorated..aunior_room
No2, Colborne, •was the scene of the
annual .Christmas concert, presented
stone acted as chairman. '
An opening Carol Was given by
the school, followed by a "Welcome'
acrostic, followed by another chorus,
"Shiite Claus Express" with Corinne
Rocque and'Harold Feagan, as so-
loists; recitation, Billy' Hill; recita-
tion, Doris Allin;` dialogue, Harry's
• Pockets, Corinne and Joe La Rocque;
recitation, Florence Jewell; recita-
tion, 'Benson Good; Jr. Room Chorus,
Christmas :Bells; humorous dialo-
gue; -reading the news; flower drill
lye 12 girls dressed. as roses. recita-
tion, Walter Moore, "My 'Woollen
Underwear"; harmonica duet, Earl
and Harold Feagan; play, "The Boy
'Who Hatect-'Grammar '; comic song,
"A farmer lads and Lassies," by
15 girls and boys; chairman's re-
marks, extended vote of thanks to
the teachers, Miss Dorothy Hender-
son, and Mr. Se Brown, for their
snlendid- work, preparation of con-
to. full sanctions against Italy, a,
position which would be most embar-
rassing to France. Laval (LEFT)
and.Eden (RIGHT) are shown here
in Geneva, the prernier without the
cigarette which nearly always hangs
from his lips:
cert; bo-peep .and • boy bluie song,
Nome Vanstene, and Billy Hill,
was greatly applauded; Old Woman
in the Shoe, by the school, Betty
Stringhan, as the "Old Woman";'
-aod-Save thriCifigrdigtrintion 6r
gifts from tree to pupils and teach-
-- School 'Report
Junior Room. for November and
December, (Listed according to mer-
it). Jr. III.—Norene Vanstone,,Elda
Good, Gordon Fisher, Billy Hill, Ver-
oniCa La ,0Rocqu,' Donald Premmer,
Earl Feag)an. IL—Billy Fisher, -Bet-,
ty Gwdli , Ross Feagan- IA. -E1-.
mer Jaik , Ila McCabe, Jean Good,
Rita La ocque, Bert Feagan., Cath -
aline 1E1 Mervyn Hoy.
ter Mon , Norene Fisher, Verdun
Van,sto;e. Pruner -Gordon Seagan,
Gilford P immer. Number on roll,
Brophey Bros.
° gRA i 1,
" •,1 pi it
D. G. Henderson, Teacher.
Belfats; Dec. 31.- Mr. and Mrs.
Watsor Davis and two sons are
spender the holidays 'with their par-
ents atToronto and Allanford.
Mr- awl Mrs: Wallace Twamley of
Luellnoe spent Thursday with Mr.
d Mrs. Loynes Campbell,
ursday afternoon with her
nts, Mer. and Mrs. -.John
and Ns;
spelt P
at Es
A tfill7LANCI. ait\TIC.E 'AT ALL
1I4VURS (in DAV-
sses Wilda Laine, teacher •
, neer Coldwater,. and
eaeher, at Belgrave, are
the holidays with their per -
Fe d y▪ lng_ a letter, a former mail
;sanera Brandon, Manitoba, was -sent
to Jai f four months.
Lane was. Among other things h
had done same gold huntin'and I
tald Larkin that Dennrardn't kno
nothin' about the business. He sal
that Denny was up • there in th
gulch peckin' at that tack like
bird, expeatin' his pick to sink int
a vein of 'gold.
"While he was settin' there, h
said, he heard 'somebody runni
down e the gulch. He could hear th
clatter of boots on the rocks. H
knowed it. must be Denny, for ther
wasn't anybody else up there. II
thought mebbe Denny had run ont
,gold by accident and he got kind
excited himself. He jumped up an
rhn to the mouth of the gulch. H
was standin' there when Denn
come into view.
"Denny,•he said, went for his ger
first. But he wasn't fast, and Lan
was. Lane on'y protected hinisel
mister. Denny - would have kille
him. They fired several times eac
far an Lane could recall, for it wa
kinda fast work when they go
started, and finally Lane stuck
bullet into Denny and Denny 'vent
down. Lane run up to him.
4Denny could still speak, and h
e trien," he cried. 'What else do you
stepped inside, Lakin was still on
the hunk, hound as he had been,
and he turned his head and looked
at Tom with an intense hate burn,
Mg in his eyes, The gag had slips
ped a little. Larkin could groan hut
be could t not speak intelligiblY, AuBuRN
though he tried to do so,
Tom walked, over to him and took
the gag lieughly away. Even then
it was -Wee' tiffiesesbefore 'Larkin
could speak. When he did, his
voice was thick.
"You take this rope off me, fella,
and I'll kill you," he declared.
e, Lifting last above ;IS beads
TOM stepPed keet ineenlietbt
and Advanced te the- read.
"'"LOOlti* for tiles Sheriff?"' he tiebe
The sheriff stared tadrOSS at hun
fde Moment.
"I wouldn't .mind a word with you"
he said, "Come out. here. It% be
more eorefertable if you put your
hands clown, wouldn't it?"
(To be eoritirilied)
"You won't kill me, Larkin," Tom
rejoined, "for I am going to kill,
you. You killed ra,y brother and you
killed Joe Denny, and I'm going to
make yOu pay for there two deaths.
I'm goin' to shoot you full of
It will be a quicker death than you
deserve, but it's the best -or worst
-that I can do." •
With a kind of cold placidity,
he drew one of his guns and ex- Guelph.
Mrs. Jno. McLeod is Siiending. the
holiay with her daughter, Mrs. G.
Smith, of Milverton.
The weather was favorable and
roads open, se there were good
audiences at all the school entertain -
the Baptist S. S. 'held its usual treat
eforstlfeesehildseirr-Miiieddy—ev ex—WM
Auburn, Dec. 24, -Miss Helen MO -
rill of Toronto is Spending the -holi-
days with her aunt, Mrse•Wm. Rob-
Mr. and Mrs. D. Geddes of Wing -
ham are guests of •Mr, and Mrs.
Robert McGee.
Mr. Dave McLeini slipped on Mr.
Medd's shop step, on Tuesday, and
his hand crashed through•;the glass;
cutting his wrist severely. Dr.' Wier
put in several stitches. .
Mr. Cliff. Brown of Moncton is
visiting with his cousin, Mr. Ernest
Keyes is at her home near
, J.: ' '• ' '' '
: bl$ iliteo*ct dep4rtarO,' .I!e w rt**
hateroted 1,11t .sVirts, and the :tiladminton,
and Onnis, .Clubs 14111 WO- la a,Itit-
i uppo#. '...44 'tho radoMwtort . 01.ub,‘, en,
eredey eeeninee 1eies.:01415,:seee
tented Ivith:ltVia,'i*,...U.r.,-.•Char10*'!Wal.,.
ttl re* Ow; '')aCtrM1'; 'Our ,the •Ortnatta,,
40),' 'i,Va, nOtti by 'Ma. p.., ..w,'IvtA,vtzu,
..10r.. llOrrh -tlit,inikOZ,blv donors,' • .. .
heavy 'MOW , 1'01 on, 1'ri43.- turned .
.Ser•everld'linta '..ei Veritable eldsfesletOriezli':
Clir4teeea e. Over teze..feet.ot. sje
fell hi twelve hoar% nieleine erevelline ,I.
biitla by ear and herece eeteeinelet Ogle
Cult. Mail tentriers were unable to. e*iline.
Pleteetheir WO. • . _. : .
An eilleyeble Sunday- Sehool '530131'
wes held in thehank room ,on Seturelee ,
night spensered"OV the Lediest*.Citilld Or 4
Trinity• ,chureh. The teening was spentl
in g.aines and an, impeomptu "risoerani.
The. ladies EerVed 101101 and the wee- .
..ents, on the Christmae 400 Wed caridy
and orenaes were distributed.
Mat. W. P. Metcalf.. Vieited. in Dstrolt
with her daughter.
Mr. Harold lisotelmer, who ie .attend.
ins .0. 0.-Er.-M-Torontorts- -holidaying at
home, • . . 1
Ift,'.rototot: • :
V4r0, 4R, O61. TOO' -
Late House SiirierOti New York Orplee
tha,linlo 40001%44 aseistant At
m061vit6160 -4se,,,:uoitittal owsep
%ucii-6 lIoapitel, Lenden„. Sere
a Waterloo. St.- Se. Stratfetd.
elienes 267. '
Next. visit TisaredeSe, Deernber 19the
at _Hotel Bedeord, frota. 9.30 a.m. to e•
p. niee Teeple:SO.0 1404 '
• eese-seeesec esees-e- • ' _
89 Ontorio St, • Sfratford, Ont.
Member lelriathrOelt, Mcleeed & Mori.
teith.; TorceitO, Ontario).
.HAYe 4.1 RAYS.
banisters and Solicitors.
C. Plays, IC. V., and R. C. Hays,
. HaMiltOri street, Cioderieh.
Telephone 88.
I) LAS le.. Neteeitle.
" Banieter and Solicitor.
Office: Hamilton St. Phone 512-
mined it. Standing back from.
Larkin, he aimed at Larkin's stom-
ach. Larkin stared for a second,
and then a hoarse Scream broke
from his lips. His were overstirnu-
lard nerves -and they bad—been-
without stimulation for some time.
The-huainesslike- y--in-whielr-Tom-
been conVineing; hi,s t a manner kmust
must by the junior scholars, then eroup
was going aboutKnox United had a short program,
have told Larkin that this was not games followed by ice-cream, cookies
an act of rage but -of cold calcula- and a visit from Santa with oranges
and candies for the children. In the
course ofthe evening. Mrs. Chas.
Strauohan's class of junior 'girl's. pre.
sented her with. a piece of china, as
Niles. Lane killed one and the she is giving up the class at the end
Mexican killed the other.' W'ho has of
The community_Christmee tree en
Monday afternoon drew the usual.
• large crowd. A good program was
given in the hall and Santa and his
helper gave all the boys and girls a
bag of candies, nuts and an orange.
On Sunday evening the Forester's
Hall was comfortably full for the
what' he believed to be the immi- carol service with Mrs. R. J. Phillips
nence of death that he did not know
as the pianist, and members from the
what he was saying. various choirs on the platform,. and
"I've zot the proof. Larkin." Tom
Rphecies concerning Christ and the •ev. H. Wilson in charge. The pro -
said. "I've got a full confession. •
You deserve death and thats what fell story of the Nativity 'Were read
you are goin' to get." e from the Bible between . Music by
Paay. H.
'He leveled his gun. learkin seem-
Wilson. Mr. Earl Raithby,
ed to shrink within his bonds.
Mr. E. Dobie, Mr. Chas. Asquith, and
"Pve told you who killed them Mr. Bert. Marsh e Blesses E. Stoltz
and .i. Wier. sang "Silent Night," as
t want to know? I'll tell you any -
a duet; Mr. Elmer Robertson and
0 thine. everything." ' Mrs. F: Platzer,, each rendered p-
preeriate solos-. -
cm / "What -yeu tell me \aren't make no
Mr: A. McKenzie,' left en Saturday
n differenee." Tom said "bat there
are a couple of things I'm curious to spend the Christmas seesonewith.
abobt. Who sent the Mexicanto his daughters in -Taranto.
Eugene Dobie of Ottawa and Miss
meekill me -the 'night Of the cattle
Anna of Blueale, Mr. Eldon Stoltz,
,e cattle?"
n 1
drive? Who tried to stampede them
and Miss Effie Stoltz were home
"The Mexican went to kill you with their parents for Christmas -
e! on his own hook, for what you said Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenzie and Roy .
n 1 to him." Larkin_ _ declared. "Peters of Lochalsh are visitors with Mr. 4
e. stampeded them cattle and freed Marwood and Mrs. Robb.
d the Mexican."
,Mrs. Alliston and daughter Betty,
t • "You sent Peters to do that"- of Parkhill, are with her parente
r Tom asserted. "Why?",
Mr. and Mrs. D. Hamilton. Miss V.
d "I dunno, I dunno. I was wild. Sharpe it; at home in Aila Crai
n I -I -that ;girl -I had always been Mrs. Earl McKnight, Doris and Jac-
- lookin' at her. She-she--Im never kie are at the hoe of Mr. and Mrs.
. felt like•that-" Jno. McKnight. g.
Banister, Solicitor, rte.
Phone 282. Hamilton St. Goderich.
Banister, Solicitor, Notary Public,
Successor to J. L. Killoran.
Phone 97, Office, The Square. Goderiat.
tion. •
"Wait; wait.," ,he whispered
huskily. "You den't know what
you are doin'. I didn't kill them two
been blattin' to you? Whoever it
was was tryins to cover up his own
dirt" work. Don't you shoot me,
Paige. If you do, I'll kill you. I'll
shoet you full of holes."
Tom saw that the arrant coward
was so- tarried out of himself by
cried, wild: 'He tricked me. Tha
old fool tricked me. There ain't n
gold tur the e.' Then he died. Y
can see for yourself what was i
Denny's mind. He was bore at tha
old man and he was goin' to ru
etliewiretoe hit itae' and make -hi
pay for havin' tricked him: You ca
see he had murder in his heart, can
you?" 4
Tom did not answer. The pictur
which Peters had so' crudely draw
was vivid before his mind's ey
Denny, he had no doubt, had decide
he was seeking gold Which was no
in those rocks. In, a fury of despai
and disappointment, Denny ha
started to run out of the gulth o
his way to -Herman's cabin. Doubt
less he had murder in his heart
Lane's bullet had saved him from
himself. That, however, was no ex
cuse for Lane. Lane had no busi
ness being in bhe gulch in the first
place. And yet if he had not been
there-- —
Torn jve it_apata_was_not_u.j.4
enoujE to discern &ep meaningsor
to iinra:vel intricate designs.- He
was, -however, forthright enough to
know that his path lay straight be-
fore him now. He wa s gathering
the rewards that come to a patient,
painstaking man.
He turned away from Peters ab-
ruptly. He was not merciless but a
little more suffering would not hurt.
Peters. Tom could give relief no
chance to ease the man's mind.
Pet rs ca
- k --
Happy New Year To(Me And AIL
We cannot let 1035 pass intni
ii ftwithout
' a
expressing our sincere tharilo_ our _many _ _
- -- .:- - -customers 'arittirretid-8- foi 1:. 41ea-Siiii rela-
. -----,---------tieil•
bifr-Vergvil-t'li—ast TiaTs-on.
May 1936 bring an abunc12* of he good .
, • thitrts so essenti ,
Health, Happiness aq Prosperity
• ON
"Shut up," Tom breathed. "No
- more of that"
- He dropped his gun and stood
back aghast. This cowardly scoun-
drel had presumed to think of Ruth. BAXPIELD, Dee. 24. -"Mr. and Mrs
• . To ALL
10,4/111.1 • 4
• promising everything he could think
of entreating_Tomenot to -leave hi
here to die of -hunger and thirst.
His ears dulled to the cries by
the thoughts which Peters revela-
tion had brought to him, Tom
mernited Stireer and rode down to
the lowlands. He set out at once
for Larkin's shack.
He saw, as he approathed the
place; that thefe *as no light in
the shack. Either Larkin was still
there, bound -ase Torn had left him,
or else he had, been liberated and
was waiting in the darkness for
Tom's possible return or bnd gone
dist ,seek` hint - -
Tom turned Silver from the road
Into a clump of trees. He found
water there and he let Silver have
a little of it and washed out his own
throat and permitted himself a few'
swallows. Fastening the horse, he
crossed the road, waded through the
send and sage, and came out at the
reef of' the house. Outside the
.Disgust and-- rage -showed in Tmn's the formers•Parento•
Henry Baker end -children, Of-Chatt ----
ihoot Larkin where he lay,- The
visiting with her aunt, Mrs. 1,. B. Smith
and mind clean of surged through -0 hate _which he had tried to keep heart
of London.
Miss- Maude Parker has returned after
them like a suddenly liberated
stream. , Mina tattle higgins is home from a
his expression that his intent was
Larkin must have gathered from
her mother, Mrs. IL Pezic. . r
n London and West Lorne.
'Mrs. E. Schnell, of Detroit; is visiting
moJAeskdeamdelys.omLear i thhee dpleaded.anew./ and Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar,
"Ask me some more. You might have Teronto. are snIndingt the holidays with
more,"The Misses Elva and Anne Dewar
been bluffin' in' the first place but Mr. and Mrs. 'David Dewar .
eou ain't bluffin' now. Ask me. Ask
me "
Tom thrust his gun back into the
later_The marVie writhing, 'hill
, pleading, were sickening. He had
been willine to work any manner of
evil on anyone. else, but when peril
threatened 'him all his false courage
crumbled on the foundation of its
brutality. .
"Where are the Mexican and Lane
now?" Toni asked.
"Up in the hills, hidin' out," Tom
answered. 1,11 tell you exactly how
to get there. You go get them,
Paige, and you -will have • the men
that • killed Comstock and Denny. I
Barrister and Solicitor.
Stfris- Life -Bldg.' • Adelaide -arid Victiaria.,
streets.. •
Telephone: Elgin 5301
• . Toronto .
Huron Teacher
Appointed Principal C111179.0PRAcnc
27 Hamilton St. flodericla
Ext rt Hairdressing Service.
Mr. K. M. MacLennan of Ashfield
Township Secures Important
134,11p ped ,with eleotro-magnetio batha.
Electronic electric treatment and chime
emetic. Chronic, organic and nervous
• , hours 2 to 5 and 7 to'S p.m. on Tuesday.
TheBarrie Feaminer makes ,.illie Friday and saturday„and on Wecincii-
following referenc.e to Mr. K. M. day 9rito
- . ,
ivhcin12 an. only. Consultation may
2 .
MacLennan, who is a native of the , Thursday stt M
itehell. '
County of Huron. A. N. ATKINSON, residence MA
Active in Boy Scout work arid oth- ' °nice, corner of -South street and BaS- •
er , community activities, Kenneth ' tannia Road. Phone 341.
Malcolm MacLennan aiihumed the
• -
Principalship of Yictoria School,. i _ __VETERINARY _
Barrie, this fall, and is cairying on /IR . 0. E. MYERS, V.S., BV. Sc. '
effieiently in a position vecupied for 1 f
more than forty years a'vith great ' ' • VETERINARY !SURGEON .
credit to himself by James Marlin, Graduate of the Univernity .of
who' retired at the close -Of the 1934- ;Sind graduate of the Ontario Veterinary .. '
35 schdol year. *I college. .
- Formerly eiCe-principal of Prince I Office in Mr T. T. Murphy's. Harrillttm
of _Wales Sshool, tile principle of •
, St. Ooderich Telephone : Ddy 20fa. •
. night 249.
promotion was -followed by the Board
of Education in raising Mr. Mactert-; - AUCTIONEERING
Santo the head of another sehool L - ---------- ,---- - ----a-- - -;.-------i-.
when . the vacancy occurred.
Born . in Huron Countv, near Luck-
noann Si sePittQsnolnber tt4f, 1;11.);i1:
nan'and the late Duncan MacLennan, '
Mr. etalat: I Live Stock and General Auotioneens,
.. Elgin Ave.. Goderich.
attended a mural school,' S. S. 12, in i 13pahleo:ilemlad19e. everywhere and all 4affrotge
=LIE to give you satisfaction,
who passed away two years ' . He L
Ashfield TownShip, Huron County,. Farmers` Sale Notes discOunteda
tucknow lligh School', end then i --- -
Stratford Normal Scnool from which
s •
he graduated in 1921. After three
school, buainesa- life beckoned. and '•INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE
years' experience teaching in a rural'
, 1.7-01141`111ntt!ed--BolicP7-15ow-li
('°---lie-110-IttrititInI1913:71Wtn-Are-sPeact•Ing-thr:CIIMI1-nas season vitt,
time. In the fall of 1931, he tante-to REPRIESENTATTVE
solute Financial. strength
Barrie as vise -principal of Prince of mutual Ina Anseeranee--Co., owned -
t by -
Wales School, and When the opening
oneuc,tukil.e(WI ains aVic t or' a Se boo!, his pro. bow naaTES-The BESPIggeTIOP"dierli
natural aer u.
Warren St. •
, 7
Phone 577W.
• -•
A Harsh, Na g Cough
A *ace to Health
Early attention. and re' sic a cough are imperative.
They will had& rerove,ind elinmiate the danger
of *pious
eompIainf,. --
On the firet sign of it Id or cough go immediately
to your druggist or devend get a bottle of Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine flip. You will find it help
to loosen. the phImm, sei the irritating, rasping
dough; end the tickling the throat, and soothe the
' mums menibrane.
- On the Market. for 44 ere Yon don 't experiment
when yoni get its
7M140$ M4INNIS'
gladly given. w
Mr MacLennan is a member of phone 18(3
Old Light Lodge, No, 184, A P. & WM. BEArry, Hamilton St-,
A.M , Lticknow, SC Andrew's Presby-
terian Gharch, Barrie, Barrie Iiins- poderich.
men and is the. newly -elected °
president of Centre Simcoe Teachers' i FIRE INSURANCE
Ins t tate. Bo S win has at. *—
he has been
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brandare_ana.
h eare. Brandon's mother, lam Scoutniaster of Second Barrie Troop
Thomas Barrett tee -Waterloo. Mra, C ---of st,. Artfirewit, -Church, Last sum-
Israliden fi Asindine soind Ufne hi nil- 1 Mer" he was Camp Chief of the Boy
Scout Camp at Cedar Point, north -
and Mrs. 11. Dewar.
Mrs. Annie Rouatt visited with Mr. weSt• of Penetanguishene. ,
Ill St Andrew's Chuteh circles. he
Mr, and Mrs. J. Q. Goldthorpe vigi.ed haa been- very aetive since he came
Stott in Detroit.
in Hainilton. They will also visit Mrs. to Datrie more than fou •
tbe Young People's Society, Men's
s ago,
Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Lewis motored from
ettgaged his. attention. He has the
Bible Class and Merin Club having
Toronto to spend Christmas with Mrs.,
reeptation of doing well anything he
da.uahter muriel oVIElnavale. motored to
N. W. Woods.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritchie and small ,
Undertakes. 3fr MacLennan un
BaYfleld on Sunday to spend Christmas :upwcrill:n
Balm .reates •Laveh" coriiplanr-
-nnteitrIn tie it.
willswear to that tand„1 will .keep on, .and Mrs. George Xing.
vacatton with the latter's parents. Mr
The commUtilty regrets the departure:Iorot Velvety amaoth. Caois
Have it attended to by the
nvstritANcE co.
Established 1878.
Head Office! Dungannon, Ont.'
Ernest Ackert, Holyr.00d; PS•esidente
Dan IVWCAY, R1Pley, ViceoPeadtalt: itrt
oldition to the President and Vice Pre-
ddent, the fallowing are Dirrectern
NM. Watson, Auburn; W. J. lisionwscaz.
tuburn; .Wm. McQuillin, LueknOw; Ha:
nay Anderson, Lueknow; Harry L. Se- ,
keld, Goderfch; ,Tim Griffin, R. R. No
3, Goderich; Raked Davidson Dungan
TH06. 111:0THER8, Treas.
Tell me, then.' of Dr. S. M. Burris. who left on Satur. the skin Makes deliehtfully 51e1MIA3e MUTUAL PIRM
and re -
Larkin told him hieevorde tumbled to take over the praetice at a minim; heves
soft-textared. A lluringIo fragrant. De -1
lightfu1 to Uzi' Swiftly absorbed by thei A.NOE COMPANY.
day for Savant Lake. Northern Ontario
fast on each other''e heels. camp. Dr. Burvis took over Dr New- •
'issues. imparting 'hat elusive cha:rm so FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PRO -
'get back Tom'said the
'You can lay where you are till I. ton-Brady's practiee here two 'and a half distinctive of the dant' -
T1 Per -
years ato. and dur;ng that time, he ha..q , fan Balm pr ote•rts the • del tea tt, akin
Ile turned toward the .door. He won a place not only as a clever phyti- Presere ee and c titian es the FERTY INSURED.
heard the dull beat of horaes'• hoofs ! elan but pis° as a genuine friend 1 eornplexnm Every d certrn
in the distance. I was therefore with a distinct ahock Viol a n should trap this cal% era. lotion It is
'4.'n4 %Om- aary, 19,10, 83,648,975.00.
Value of property insured up to °Jan.
"Somebody is comin', Larkin," he i many learned on Thursday eunrivalled as a t flawless aid to beta'', Pr°a.ralidenCtlart; J8 -as. AC°. ntrorraly,df0(*otttericaeah. fiTiceth:
President; M A Reid, Seaforth, Secre-
- • .
'THAT'S '''Itso EWA
WRAT WAS "046.
"MR. VVM4 01,14
WAs sigKi"
WA$ fr A.
oroh R. 11 3. Jas Shou!dice, Walton
Win Knon. Londesboro, Oeo.•Leonhardit,
ornhoini No 1; John Pepper, Bruce -
field. Jas. Connolly, Goderich; Alex.
14cEwing, /Myth R. R. No., 1; Thom.
eeoylare Seafortit No, 5, Wm. R. Arcial-
aaid. Scaforth No. 4.
a •
AM:NTS-W. J. Steo, R. It. 3. Olin-.
.an.; Jit5.Watt4.1thpayfewer- Seaforth; John Murray. Seafortle.
Policyholders can pay their 'Lessees -
menu at Calvin Ceees store, 'Ooderleb:
The Royal 73ank, Clinton. or J. EL -
Reid's, Ilaellerd.
Aha! ,
Mr. and Uri. Itee,
44M (al*ritly). "1kt, 1101 **MAL •