The Goderich Star, 1935-10-31, Page 2(EstabUihed 100)
Independent newspaper published every' Tlunadey et
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asleen.B0WILKES, el. Krrift,STEWAR.T.
Editor, Manager.
Phonon- Da' 71; Night $4 and 331e
' Post Office Drawer 671. •
THURSDAY, OCTOBtll 31st, 1985
On several occasions The Star has been asked what
"Section 98" is, Here it is, or at least its first section.
"Any 'association, organization, society'
or corporation, whose professed purpose, or
one of ivhose • perposes is to bring about
any governmental, industrial or economic• -
_ change within Canada by iiSe of force, vio-
lence of physical injury to person or pro-
- -1071.1-ch-telieheS, -advante-s;
fenas the use of force, violence, terrorism,
or physical injury to person or. property, or
• threats of such injury, in order to _accom-
plish such change, or for any other purpose
or which shall by any means prosecute or
pursue• such purpose or professed purpose,
or shall so teaeh, advocate, advise or de -
•fend, shall be an unlawful association".
Certain speakers and some newspapers refer to it as
preyenting "free speech", This is not so. According to
:the section only those persons. who advocate the use of
force, yiolence, or terrorism, are ding sotnethini un-
lawful. It Is doubtful if one out Of every 10,000 Cana-
dians would approve the -use of the revolver, the bomb
find the torch as a means of securing control of,govern-
merit. ••
-Section 98 of the Criminal Cole says that it is an of-,
tense to incite people to violence in order to bring.about
a change in the government or in the e6notnic or in-
dustrial system, It says any. group organized for .such
purposes is unlawful. It says that people who belong
to organizations formed for such purposes are liable to
If ell those who argue about Section 98 Would first
of all read it carefully, they would not talk Itbout it sa
Beniembrance Day is • now a public holiday just as
Labour Day and Domirion Day, the Dominion Govern-
ment having legalized it an January 29th of this year.
The amending of theInterpretation Act, clears up a situ-
ation which has been .putzling communities everyyear
at this time. The question has arisen, "should the whole
day be proclamed a holidAy or should the people merely
observe a two .minute ,silence at 11 o'cloekr„
;Remembrance Day is a time when the memories of
those whodid not return from the great conflict of
1914,--1918 tome flooding back to us; It is a time when
we reverence the heroie sacrifice they made in the giv-
ing of their lives that CaliAtift and the great empire -of:
which she is a part might still spread their flags to the
four winds, and toritinue to proclaim the British freedom
—that has 1*-effic #art and parcel of the empire through-
out her history. The men whom we honor on that day
cannot hear us, but it is to be remembered that there
ere mothers, ;widows and children whose hearts arLfill,
ed with a silent joy to know that, the world has not for-
getteri those who were' dear to ,them.
-Two ininutes silenie once a year is not inuelt for men
Who were sileneed forever' for the cause of liberty and
• world peage. '11-1
_Telling -a .,tstle.of'WO;
heart of stone, a nigh and womanarrived in Goderich on
Sunday. Their list of alleged misfortunes wiS 80 ham -
'oiling it drew * ready response froth' quarters none too
1011 supplied themselvei. If their hard luck Mori was
true, they 'deserve all the help they received and more,
but A serutiny of the detailsrather inolines. one to the
tenet that no couple could very well be plated in the
ooaltieri' they claimed. With one .daughter 'critically ill
In Virginia, and another in a dying ° eanditiori from
•*. meter. aeeldent at Cobalt, to *bora they were
Working their way', five other children, . too young to
tarn their own living, a tar that, was in an, unfit cendi.
*ion to travel and it was feared every mile would he
Ita last, all to be fkapped by sick wife, the Couple pre-
sented * picture of Mental despair. Their. tint/hale
Ptuteat*tions that they were not begging only added' to
the doubtfulness surrounding, their story. That ocrtain
mier-hearted eititent, contributed from their own
mesre mi*It$0 is all to their tredit, but it is,just as well
,consider this 'details of such * Story before parting
with our. money.'.
q „Commission -chairmen,. deServ --eneoeregeMents
Speeielly ,if it Wotlbl IMProye the. industrial 01111.44 eon-
rrierelal rates in Goderieh.
OiPrtiull, .eamPulitilstin (lrea,t Oritain are .brief
fairs. Three weekafrein the dieselutiqn Of ihe Heise-, the
electionswill"take sslage,"tbe*date being' NoVernber ,14th.
Tilde is somewhat different fro*n. ihIP week S and weeks
o eatnPaighing that Cana4iart's heve endured On many
occasions before the dote was finaily set for voting.
Wien (*nada 'decides to follow the exaniple. set hY
the, mother of Parliaments,it will 1*approved b3r t3ie
great majority of the eleiters.
Canada lost two outstanding figures by death during
the week -end; W, G. Gooderham, president of tbe Bank
of Toronto, and several other financial institutione; and
Yeigh. a .Celebrated author and journalist. As
men famous in their day and generatton pass Onward;
their placei are taken by etherst but that does not•ge-
plate those who have gMet in the affeetienate memories
of thelifriends.
With two hundred or more fishermen lining the
piers, it looks as though fishing should be added to the
list .of-Gaderich's industries Some fished for fun, others
to provide fresh fish.for their tables. Most of them ap-
peared to be accomplishing their objects, because a tre-
mendous lot of fish were caught at least on one after-
noon last week right off the piers, while a tug Was re-
quired to bring the over -laden nets to shore.
The high temperature of the early pert of the week
could easily have Made people believe "the good old
slimmer time was here again, had it not been for the
leaf-apiced smoke on many of the town streets. To
-people of a poetic turn, early autumn it; a second spring -
times out of tune perhaps, but still 'a season of promise
.of -renewing triendships-and-visits-on-a-- more -leisurely
bas1sJban is-possibleduring-the-hurrying-weeks-of-a
fleeting summer.
• Hon. lames Oarcliner Who is resigning the premier-
ship of Saskatchewan to 'become minister of agricul-
ture 1i the King Government, crane from Exeter, and
Hon. Robert Weir, who ocetipied the position in the Ben-
. nett cabinet, also -came from this county, having been
V* born near Wingham. This only proves, if something a
little better than the best is needed, the County of Hur-
on bes it.
United States war material manufacturers are pro-
testing against President Roosevelt's neutrality. bill,
claiming they are missing a chalice to make fortunes. If
they are so keen to sell ammunition, why don't they go
out and use it on each other. It wouldn't be as profitable
or romantic as providing the death dealing appliances
for others, but it would be more patriotic.
•Struck so hard by e hit and run driver, a man in Buf-
falo was killed andlsne of his shoes sent flying through
-a second story window of a department store. It used to
be considered bad luck to die with your boots on. The
motorist may have recalled that as he stepped on the
Sociiil Creditors are entering Britisb politics, and have
gone a little better than Alberta, by promising every-
body $1600, a yesir jnetead of $300. Some 'person or party
may yet discover some way of providing money for
everybodY, without working for it.
While Italian and Ethiopian armies are engaging in
battles, and the invaders' are shelling towns and 'villages
from the air, killing and injuring hundreds of people,
still it is not officially called war. -What is in a 'name
If all the 52 countries represented in the League of
Nations carry out their professed intenton of boycotting
Italy, that land of sunshine should soon see the error
of its ways. Hunger will tame a lion -why not an Ita.
1:46ndorr.mereliants have • announced that thmired
will be 'closed the day after Christmas (Boxing Day).
Nothing like letting the buying public know in plenty of
time, so they can do tli4eir Christmas shopping early. ,
-Coring' and peeling -apples at '414 cents a pail didn't
scent enough for 'Wolf/eh in a Burlington factory and
thy went on strike. Wel agree With the women - it
co0 _five boy*.$0., eaebat
efiarivarL That -*Iasi of armiserisent IS not only a relic of
a barbaric pest, but it is also too expulsive for this age.
It has been predicted that Noveinher is to he so watm
mosquitoes will retarn. Under those circumstances the
mosquitoes 'will be weleoine.
Election 'meetings and addresses are now criminal
offenees in Poland. The long suffering PVIanders have
greut4ea1 for .which to be thankful.
. AS this is Ilitlioween, the hope has been expressed
that Mussolini Will not attempt anything more hideous
Orilla. hat been, doing in tthlepia. But 1.*41 Could
Altsoline costs SO 'teas ,galion. in tlieme. Another.
good Mtetitte .fer keepinraway from Ital
Anent of 1872, according to The OoderAch Stier of
date, * general election wat in *gm*. At times
we may be ,disposed to think Our politica of OM are *
little:raw, but when toMPared Withthose of .1871, they
0040 infltland homiest a* , Sunday *hoot Omit. In
ft* Oho of 11370, the .candidates were opoly .sioubed of
nearly *very erime„ except murder., there was no is
b*tirni, The only 1Uernoe bei that thi tans who
telkad *Me lest, had the longest' lid of ,(104-1041 to
nu** soinet bit oppontuto. Mono nature bat
titsmoot taterially *ince 1.672111* Ateteit NW* dittOtieA
stays of expressing oprsiton or *Wool of out Ole in
POMO tratutiOtit.
irtaa or
..WM A444P0$E0-
'or gOiAtitoisc,
ASP' * 6040040PM
1-.04.We:ft ae •
Po Plik,fkg'
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4r- 4e9estsse.,
OF 1I4ra. 0/044 or.A
BACri sate.>
A P1514 IS ItAe. 5/mae.
PotioNoul .514/4.1(ES4 REMA.01
PERcr..4114 $111..)„, iF AFAR.
EN01.141.1 Folk .14E. VANCE
,reis 4/ttIKS, ov imsciesrr
eAsfes- users VAN rry
e.oNt PAP:44 E.N.f5 ,
OF CO ME:114,5
trioht.. Moi Cessna Prow Assode41," kdr
(Furnkhed by the &tart° Department of Agriculture)
• Canadian Wool
• Sheep raising is an important
phaee-of-livestock- Vrochrction-irrall-
therprovinCes 'rof-canada.--Sinee4313
a great deal of attention has been
given to improving the quality of
Canadian wool and the manner* of its
.preparation for market. Propaganda
has been mainly directed -to securing
improvenient in the preparation of
• fleece wool for market, Teb washing
of •wool and the washiiig 'of wool on
the sheep have heen discouraged. To
day practically all wool sold commer-
cially in Canada is "in the grease'
and the fleeces are rolled and tied in-
tact as they are ahorn. Another im-
portant feature of the educational
Work' is the emphasizinfr of the im-
portance of keeping fleeces free from
chaff and Seeds. This entails better
housing aecomodation and greater
care in feeding. Although there has
been a great change in the quality of
domestic wools there is room for fur-
ther improvement.
. Soil Drift Control
While individual _effort is usually
very effective in controlling soil
drifting, and every farmer should
adopt the best known control measur-
es on his own farm, the most success-
ful results will undoubtedly follow
the adoption of- community --actio
,The impor ance o is commum
action will be readily understood
from the fact that an area -of unhin-
dered, drifting sell usually expands
mere replay. 'iVfoving particles of
soil are not always brought to rest
by collision -with stationary soil
particle& and in many cases the
ler are, caused to join ir, a general
• movenient,under the influence of
high winds.
carefully • Teosplanned and
executed control measures may be
entirely ruined if the soil has • to
withstand the eombined action of
Wind and drifting soil from adjoining
unprotected areas. These facts show
the necessity for community action
if a maximum degree os success in
the control of soil drifting is to be
obtained. While the -contra of drift:
ing on any farm is primarily the
success may be aided or haMpered by
the, action of his immediate neigh-.
Inter -Club Competitions
The .annual Oiitario Boys' Inter -
Club competitions for Calf, Swine,
Grein and Potato Clubs are being
heldat the Ontario Agricultural.
College, Guelph, on Thursday,, No-
vember 7th, Many coveted trophies
44nd -valuable -cash-prizes- are -•
offered -for competition. .Ftren the
winners will be selected the teams to
represent Ontario in the National
contest at the Royal Winter Pair, It
is interesting to recall thtit in 1934,
teams front 24 Calf Clubs, 10 Swine
-Clubs, 17 Grain Clubs and 11 Potato
Clubs .Competed for Provincial hon.
•oar& In the National. Contests at
the Royal Winter Fair, Ontario stood
-first-in Ahe-Dairy-Galf-projeet;;-sec.;
onsLin_swiiie,. first-in—Graine-and
second in •Potatoes. During 1935
there were enrolled in the province,
5,746 boys and girls in 423 clubs.
Club work I's a definite project be-
tween the ages of 12 and 20 and the
principle embodied in the phrase,
"Learn to do by doing" is carried out
to the fullest.extent. Arrangements
are being made to hold a Club ban-
quet on the evening of November 7th
at 0. A. C., when Hon. Dungan Mar-
shall, lainivter..of Agriculture' and
Dr. Geo. I. -Christie, president 0. A.
•C., will be the speakers.
Timothy Seed Prices
The current tiinothY seed crop‘ re-
port -indicates an abnormally large
production of this' seed in Canada in
1935. •, It would appear that there
may be about eleven million pounds
of seed available for commerce as
against five million pounds 4n 1934
aiid an annual consumption in re-
cet years of approximately seven
million , pounds. Owing to the sur-
plus in sight,. Canada is now for the
first time in history on an export
pre basis in respect to this seed. In
the past years prices at Chicago plus
freight and import charges wer the
asis o va ue in ana a, w ereas
this year, domestic prices may be
based on Chicago quotations less
freight and export charges. As a re-
sult of this changed situation prices
are now very low. At. this time last
year timothy seed was • selling in
Canada,kat fifteen to twenty cents per
pound as against three to four and a
half cents per peund at the present
time. Surplus production this year
resulted from two main factors, i.e.,
the high Price of last year which
•stimulated production and the abnor-
mally large -hay crop which permitted
farmers generally^to leave fields for
seed rather than cut for hay.
Standard Poultry Boxes
Hardwood of any kind is not suit-
able for standard dressed poultry
bexes., According to the Canadian
Standards, lumber used for making
these boxes. must be a sound, clear,
dry quality of Soft wood planed
smooth on both sides free from knots
and square, straight -edge dock but
not -tongued or grooved When boxes
are made up, there are five essential
points: (1) each side and end must
be in one piece and be Square cut;
(2) tops and bottoms must be flush
with and fit flush over both sides;
(3) an allowance must be made for a
amall space, --of :not -More' -Abair a
sixteenth of an inch, between the
boards on top and bottom of the box
to Assist quick sharp -freezing when
pieced in storage; .(4) Ce bottoms
and tops should be in at least three
pieces, and (5) wide boards should be
used as outside boards in both tops
and bottoms. The nails used should
only be long enough and strong
enough to give the necessary
strength, so that the weight of poul-
try contained in the box. may be ship-
ped in safety. In packing, atrict ob-
servance phoold be paid to the allow-
ance- variation ' in weight in birds
Packed in the smile boa -,squab and
broiling 'chickens not over 1-4 pound
per bird; all other chickens and
xowlnot over 1-2 pound; turkeys and
geese not more than.3 pounds. It is
recommended that this individual
variation of turkeys and geese be
limited to two peunds. The weight
'variation for ducks packed in the
same box is one pound per bird.
• Advance of Branded Beef
The popularity of beef as food has
a much deeper foundation than simp-
ly its appeal to the palate. xt not
only contains Many of the elements
necessary for the proper growth and
development of the human body but
eupplements and IMProves the
value of many of the nutrients found
in grains and vegetables. In Canada,
there is another incentive. Canadians
haire' an advantage over some other
countries in that they have at ,their
disposal a fine selection of many
foods, which, under the mark "Can-
ada Approved". are guaranteed by
the Government free from disease. In
the case of Government graded beef,
a step further has been taken. In
addition to the "Canada Approved"
mark, there is a Government mark
• or brand of quality in the form of
ribbon-like marks running length-
wise of the carcass. A section of this
mark appears on every individual cut
and thus the purchaser is assured of
receiving the quality paid for. The
red -brand. me.rks the best_oualitY,_.
entitled "Choice", and the second
quality called -aCcoodwiii Winded ii
Wee. The gradual spread of this
knowledge in one way accounts for
the steady advance in the sales of
Canadian branded beef. The total
sales during the •month of August
1935 amounted to 3,509,913, pounds,
bringing the total for the eight
months .of the year to 27,823,692
pounds, or approximately 640,000
more than in the correspond-
ing period of 1934; 6,848,627 pounds
more than in 1933; 13,09,389 pounds
more than in 1932, and 15,950,028
pounds more than in 1931 when the
system was initiated.
At Harrison. Mills in British Columbia
where the appearance of wild deer is a
common oonirrence, a 13 months old boy
was taught on the antlers of a deer and
carried some distance from his home.
The screams of his five-year-old sister,
as she saw her baby brother bounding
through the slash, alarmed their parents'
and neighbors as' the deer raced towards
a river. Searching for the child, though
not expectin to find him, he,was found
unharmed among the trees.
The children were playing near thei:
home when the deer arrived and licked
the baby's fa....,e; with a scream be threw
up his wins catching his sweater "on the
prong of an antler, frightenirig the'deer,
which bounded away.
• The children belonged to Mr. and Mrs.
James Hubert, of Harrison Mills, B. C.
Insurame and Real Fstote
L. -n/1, 24
• RATE -
The Goderich .Star has, arrang-
ed with The Fan* lierald and
Weekly. Star or' Montreal,so that
the two papers can be secured for
a whole year for $2,10. Leave
Your $2.10 with The GoderIch
Star -we will do the rest. tf.
001100$14, ilot, 1935
To Assist .8 i Resident'''. of
Goderich' and Plumb
To supplY all 'the blind'. seeisenis"
of .Goderich and kluron County 'with.
the bare necessities of life 'Weald not. -
require a great deal ef money, But.
to revive an interest in life in those
who have lost interest; to provide re-
munerative employment for men'and,
women whose lives,' Prior to thena,z
corporation of, the Institutet, iive*
spent in hopeless, squalid icUetness;
bring the light of happiness Into the
faces of those who have never seen
the light of day; to arouse pUblice-_
opinion to the necessity of protecting
and conserving sight; to raise e ne-
glected and self-effacing class to a
position in which its members are
self-respecting and publicly. respect-
ed; in short, to assist blind people to
"live" instead of permitting them to
exist, requires considerable organiza-
tion and expenditure.
Towards these ,desirable ends the
Canadian Institute for the Blind has
made noteworthy progress sinee,it
creation, seventeen years ago, and it'
has done so with the generous assis-
tance of private citizens and public
The I. 0. D. E. and Women's Insti-
• tute branches throughout the county
have been unfailing in their support
and sympathy in the welfare of "the
blind, but owing to the ever inereas-
leg demands upon their resources,
thew societits-are 'tumble to-nieerthU-
situation-froni-their-own-treasury; —
r With the cooperation of the Wom-
en's Catholic League, the Wonien's
Institute and other groups, the Maple
Leaf 'Chapter of'the I. 0. D. E. are
organizing a large number of Volun-
tary canvassers who are launching a
Campaign during the week, Novem-
ber 18th to 26rd, in the interests of
the Canadian National Institute for
the Blind.
Your contribution to the Campaign
will go directly to benefit blind resi-
dents of Goderich and Huron County.
A party of explorers found a casta-
way on an island. Hit first question.
was: "Who won the w'ar?"
• The Englishman replied: "We did'''.
"rm glad of that", said the casta-
way; "I never did. like those Boers".
Fire, Accident and' Motor Car
Rep. The ,London Life Insurai.ce Co.
Masonic Temple, West St., Goderich
• ‘For Tour Convenience'
Arrrow. BUS Schedule
Effective May 5th, 1935
Leave-GOdetich east -bound daily
7.30 a.m., 5 p.m., Standard Time
for Stratford, Kitchener, Guelph
_ and Toronto. •
Arriving -Toronto (Bay St.) 1.05
Conneetitas at Clintm for London
- and Kincardine.
ltineraries-planned to- all points 1Yr
Canada, United States and
Consult Local Agents
W. T. PELLOW, British. Exchangp
-Hotel. Phone 590,
, S. LfTT, 'tcodford Hot .1
Phone 323
-Central Ontario Bus Lmes
Headache is Not a Disease
But a Warning Symptom
.,ASCAPtA At°-
oaWi t,OCAti I t• ee511.7 09,$014011i44/4114 gi ipl
OtIrittetks tuts. or , wro
surto Apsitto INVAtIER.:!'„A
NA. 1.04
Worse in Italy, (Sarni* Canadian Obserser). Talk
about taxes! In Italy the average eititen Poky* * tax of
buildiegs„, furniture and land, telephones, gas and tied-
treity; servants and unins*ied adult songHe irMet pay
six hundred per cent. tax ow, cetttiu foods and ttotharge
*edit' aaatasnieriti 'tot hftith insurance. Pastist
tatea Old age pension*, unemployment, police And fire
protection, theeksi bifls, Contracts and artielei of cloth-,
int.. 'It is estimated that these, .0troji,j4nikiltaho'k',*
niore than 'half the ordinary
B. Dime Whole-lItattedly, (titbit/el Um*
tinder MOO, tiaryboilY la Siireed to
Witt* tlit Nazi emblem, artd O'er in 134tton* schoolboy
punislui for not stlutirw the flag. We ikre hot et
inion that compulsion is oed way to instil ,
The 'mere iftlate it hot *siderite of host
the heart. Our flag hot novo Mood for
Atnion Akilr 4ilotiatlot liberty) *04
dd be tooklit *Mit $thitt el* tat by
ybio w* in .4.niwati 41* *A do eresteelt
raillea What Mee fliW *Undo f*r.
1(IMI A PAYAit t"--OrMntr4
to,440gIOAVAN - a)(4CfNfitAMI. AV give 'Arra
. %,• . s. AVIA, 4 ANIOAC14.104, 1911.1hIAL.
,..),.....,.....-..i..., ... A e. 'Z':44. ^ .. tk it r t 14
M. 0 C' ""
th e',1,4 tOM ALUM()
r% 1 1 . 6 $Atik $4414 ''''S.E.
Headaches are one of the most
aggravating troubles One can be
tormented With; and they are many
and Varying; but When your head
Starts to ache .and pain you may
feel sure there is some cause for
tide painful difficulty.
The etomaeh may he out of order,
the bowels' tonstipated,. the blood
not circulating-. roperly, but tho.
presence of the headache' clearly
shows there is something wrong IA
the system.
-B.B.B. has, for the pot 60 years,
been relieving, headaches. It does
WS by removing,' the csoise of the
If troubled with headaches be sure
and try B.B.B.-
The . mines report that up • to the present there.had
been very little coalrshipped and that they will not be 'Ole
to take care of the demand when the cold weather se in.
, Put itt.your_coal, ,NOW._rtO,.notha.vo-arri-trupty_t. 4..bin. -
when It is impossible,to get coal. We handle
DISCO. which -ft At Wel/ ,p0p1i* fOrM.A• $C4:010 with_
tht *We* left out.
SW be
491001 and t
theft' attratiaatisik