The Goderich Star, 1935-07-25, Page 5•
444,44,444441~441400,4"4,^04 4. f4 NAit
ul ?nits
or Iiouseliee
Vrosten1romoto Salad
014h t,4*kle,t341?,
- gate following guests stayed 'at Mene.
Goodrem, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. D.
Spence and their daughter, Gertrude
Spence, (Woodstock; Mary Arideraon. and
Barbata. Cresswelier, 'Windsor; Mr. and
Mrs. Sanders, Chatham; Jean Grant,
Shalttspeare; Mrs.' A. Miller, Walker.
restIllion .4t the rrelta.4.1itt; $0414- the 00"'
416. held 14‘.1 -tabor Park, on ,Wedneiclay
cendants 'the late gdward: Toh4
over a hundred, Yeart alto an.ti settled
with his',41x children on throe hundred
acres et land., lit :43oderich,.township
Helme„sviltl.' The nialolify Of the guests.
at the park yesterday canielreni Older,
community, hut one or two Oarae ROM
Some distaneelor ,the re -Union; the far-
Th(3211aS Anders; 0aMbria Road, There
.The raees-ixe,.sulted as follows: Bays
under JO., Howard White, Donald Llervls;
girls under le, Clara Necliger, Mildred
Heard; eirildreng under three Yea -Ts,
Jervis, Leota White; young ladies' me,
mita, Margaret Heard, Miss Mary How-
ard: clothes pin race, Mi• Irvin 'Tebbutt
and Mrs. earthen Tebbutt; magazine
race, Mr. Russell Jeivis and Miss Drane
Mr. and Mrs. Jervis; limey
MisS Dow and Mr. Ed. WeWlsh,
vis; boys under la, ,Elwin Merrill.
The new executtire • elected yesterday
is: Honorary Pradents, Mrs. Agnes
Jervis and Mr. Alfred Jervils; president,
W. John Tebbutt; secretary, Mr. Irvine
(If you. get up at seven o'clock these,
hot mornings You are at libeity to turn
the taps arid sprixtkle your lawns for an
hour. At dive otiock iri 'the evening,
the privilege is again yours until nine,
at 'which: hour the Commitsion 'asks you
to turn them off. Mat g•ives five 'heurs
of sprinkling -every day of the week and
also on Sundays.
2 pup Maned Or ire* sten
teaspoon 'celery seed,14 teaspoon, salt
caYenne, 1-2 teaspoons villeglwk
1,-2 teaspoonfuls cold water.
Cook toplatees,With sea ings tor
.N‘rater disiolve 'it in hot tomato
mixture. Cool. „Mid " vinegar and
strain. TUrn into freezing tray of
plueeci in teeing tray, Stir tWiee dur-
ing freezing. Serve,..on lettnee hearts
garnished with mayonnaise. Serves
four to six. -May also be served as sp-
petizer in cocktail glasses. '
earn' u Ian
9.oz. cream cheese,,1-4 cup peanut
butter 1-2 cup chopped green iep-
pers '1-2 cup chopped pimento, 1-2
Cup 'chopped celerdy, 172 teaspoon pa -
enhance their natural beauty.
rika, 1-2 teaspoonful salt, 1 table-
spoon lemon "juice, 1-4 cup mayon-
naise, 1-4 cup whipping cream.
Cream the cheese, and peanut bui-
ter;pthen add other ingredients in or-
terrthen add other ingredients in or-
der given. Last fold in whipped cream
and mayonnaise -vuhich have been
blended-togethert turn ---into- Kelvin
tor tray and freeze, Serves six.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh wardroPe with
RiNlueford MoUse Billy and John, have taken Penrith
5 oz. ROotiefort cheese, 1-2 pint Cottage, Bluewater Beath, for a month.
whipping cream, 1,2 cup milk. Mrs. D. 'Willings arid son, Harland,
of London, were guests over the week -
$00141 intePtst 111‘•
"lave guests, oa phone Call, tO'N0'.
14,4114 their names aud, where
they cOMO from, win be ,appreeli-
4hould you be leaving tewn
sen reads the korona': Coluro
An 4; tOWn. newspaper -•-We there.
tore (want all,. the, personal or
social items :we Can 'oet and
thank qm;, invadvanve for telling
us slaYtigng that will help.
A display of High class Fur Coats and Scarfs on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
August 1-2-3
New models'for 1936 are now ready and will be
op display in HudsOn.-Seal, Persian Lamb, Muskrat and
Broadtail. All coats are cif fine quality and fully guar-
anteed. A generous allowance will be made for y.our
old coat, or have it re -styled.
Phone 155
The Square
'Porter's Hill, Juyl 24--Haiying is still
in full swing. - A very heavy crop hai
been ta,ken ofg in this district. Most of
the,larniers have their fall- wheat -out. --
Maitland Fuller his home
Sunday, after taking treatment in the
Goderich. hospital..
Mr. and ‘tirs. Frank Nickell and fam-
ily of. Ferndale, Mich., visited Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. S. Lickhart.
companied by Mr..and Mrs. R. E. Row -
den and two daughters, Lois and Mur-
iel, spent the week end in -Dundalk.
Anrin Betties -underwent an operation
for removal of tonsils in Clinton hospital
on Monday.
Miss Jennie Burk who has beezv_con-
fined to her bed for pine weeks remains
Friends of Rev. R. M. Gale will be
pleased to learn of his pleasant trip to
England and happy reunion with a bro-
ther their. "Mr. Gale's condition is
Much improved and it •is hoped he will
return fully recovered: -
it Misses' and C* hikiren's All Wool,
Swirn Suits at
H, WOWs,„ South Street; Spent;
Sun ay in Toronto. •
MrS. Thos. Nicoll of Perth, tthis bCal
a guest of her mice, Mra. W, Naftel,
Brit:401a Road„
Mrs, J. B. Whittinglasan Silent daY
with her mother, NUS. Argent, in 011n -
their son, Kenrieth. Motored to Victoria
Harbor, on Sunday.
Robt. Knight of Los Angeles,
California, is the guest of Mrs. Fanny
Salkeld, Wellington Street.
'Friends tram, Kitchener vitsited on
SunclaY with Mrs. J. B. McKay, Miss
Mary McKay and Miss Gertrude Haist.
oriels last Thursday for Sydney. Neva
Scotia, where they will holiday for a
short ttne.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Whateley spent
last week at Collriarmod, Mr. 'WliaLt_:•.;
being on his' annual yacation..
20% off
Figure4 silk crepe Etna fancy striped
36.Inch Ncoelty Dress Linen and stripecl Seer.
sucker. Reg, 50c and 60c'. Clearing 9ii
at per yard • %MC
Knee-leiigthSiIk Hose in sunimer shades An
Grate cheese and put with milk in
ton of double ,boiler. Stir until mel-
ted, then coof. Whip cream. feldfin o
end, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Flet-
tiler- Fisher
cheese mixture and freeze. in Kelvin- , Captain E. Robinson has gone to join
ator tray. When frozen slice in thin the Str. Lemoine at Sarnia to go to the
slices and serve on lettuce . Serves
Note: May also be served with
head of the lakes, and Elwood Robinson
has gone to Owen Sound to join the Str.
trackers -for- last ,course..- ' _ Mr, Harold Blaekstone Jr., has retur-
, Tomato and Frozen Cheese Salad . ned- from 'Victoria ifet-sfaital,-tiendbn, 'IT --
ter having Undergone an operation. He
6 oz. cream cheese, 2 tablespoons
mayonnaise, 6 firm red tomatoes, Pa -
clay, Miss Daphne Etherington, and
Cmun the cheese and season with Mr. Alek. Barslay, B.A., of Hamilton.
the mayonnaise' and paprika. Pack spent the week -end at Blue Water
Miss Ruth Thompson who has spent
s•everal months with relatives in Detroit
has returned to Goderich and intendso
spending the summer with relatives.
Mrs. Stanley Snider, 51 Bayfield Hall.
one itch deep and two and one-half
inches wide in Kelvinator freezing
tray and freete.
Dip tomatoes in hot water and then
in cold and remove skins.. Turn stem
end down and cut three times cross -
at per pair :
All beach wear, such as --
linen -
also Children's SUN SUITS
at_Reduced Prices
The New Excella and Chatelaine Patterns now on sale
Sunday, 'July 28th.
Lutheran church, MaCKay
July 2eth: Morning wor-
wise a little more than half way 1Road, will be At-Iiiame for the first time sh ip
through, the centre and lance since her marriage, on Wednesday 02-- ness
half -way toward each end. Cut wedge ternoon, July, alst, from 3 to 6 o'clock.
Shaped. piece's- from the frezen cheese mt.. and Mrs. Geo. Sr,hiefer enjoyed ,
and force down into the cuts in the • a holiday trip to Detroit, going by way
tomato. Cut corners even and shape' of Sarnia, and travelling from there by , pastor, Sunday
t f t Chill th r u hl and lace on ' boat. !Srliool at 10 a.m.;. 11 axn. public wor-
"The Gentle -
Rev. C. Ziegler, pastor.
crisp lettuce. Pass mayennaise.
Raspberry Ice.
1 1-2 cups raspberry hike, juice of
1-2 lemon, grated rind of one lemon,
-cups water, 1 cup sugar, pinch of
,Cembine -sugar, syater and grated
lemon rind. BOil for five minutes.
Cool, strain out rind, add fruit juice
and pour into Kelvinator tray: When
niixtue has frozen to the "mushy"
forward in freezing .sleeve and stii-
mixture up from , the bottom and
down fom the sides. Return to sleev-e
and continue freezing. Stik once again
during freezing process. Makes one
Folks ! Come to This Sale. Look These Prices Over.
Everything is Reduced.
IMr. and Mrs. Thos. Goad of South
Bend, Indiana, were guests last whek Gf
Mr. and Mrs. J. Scrinigeour, Victorict
, Street.
Mrs. Eliza Carr of VVest Wawanoch,
wino reeS-- the -engagement or he r
daughter. Margaret Irene, to Mr. Cam -
man Hayden. son of Mr. James Hiyden
to take place, ,early in August.
Mrs. R. J. Deachman, wife of the
I.tb,?ral candidate for North F.•iron, has
arrived in the Constituency. Mr. and
now in residence in Wingham. Mrs.
Machin= will be at home informally
at their home, Edward street, Wing.
ham, Thursday afternoon, July 25th.
Rhubarb Ice
3 cups rhubarb, 1 cup sugar, 1-2
cup water, rind of one lemon, juite of
1-2 lemon, 2 cups water, 1 cup sugar.
Wash rhubarb and cut into one -
inch pieces.. Add one cup a sugar
and oen-half cup of water and cook
unti rhubarb loses ,its shape. Pour'
through strainer. There should be 1
1-2 cups of the juice. Continue as for
raspberry ice, using rhubarb juice in
place of raspberry juice. Makes -one
Ginger Parfait
1-4 cup sugar, t-4 cdp water, 2
egg whites, 1 cup whipping cream, 3
kspoorts preserved ginger chopped
fine, 1 tablespoon ginger syrup. • a syrup of the sugar and
d -from -a--jar- of preservedLgitiger.
When, syrup spins a thread remove
from range and pour slowly civet the
stiffly beaten egg whites and proceed
as for Maple Parfait. Pile in Kelvin-
ator tray and freeze. Makes 1 -1-2
Men's Etroadclotik Shirts—_t -
n grades or faTiCy-sttipes. Sizes
14 to 17. Midsummer Sale 79c
Per pair 15c
Men's Grey and Fawn Flannel- Pants—
Sizes 30 -to 42. Clearing at
$1.95 fo $2.45
Men's Balbriggan Combinations--
*..Short-sle.eves,..lortg legs _or short, and
-Short sleeves and long legs or
short sleeves and short legs.
AI sizes. Special, per suit. .
Men's Blue Chambray and Dark Blue
Work Shirts—
Sizes 14 to 17. Clearing at
• Two far $1.25
Men's Khaki Panits -
Well made of strong duck.
Sizes 34 to 40; Clearing at
Men's All Wool Black Bathing auits--
Size&-34 to42,, Clearing at -t 1-41a. Slacks -r --
Weddin,gs I
In the presence of immediate rela-
tives a pretty wydding was solemnized
in the parlor of Knox church, Goderich,
Mi 'Wednesday, July 24th, at two o'clock
when Myrtle Irene Good, daughter of
'-urr,,,yi. Albert Good and the late Mrs.
Good, of Colborne ToWnship, was mar-
l_ ried to William L. Stirling, son of Mx.
and IVIrs. D. A. Stirling, of -Gode-
rich Twp. The ceremony was perform-
ed by Rev. D. J. Lane. The bride look-
ed charming in a long gown of pink or- ,
ganza made on princess lines, vith,large '
cape. She wore white shoes and gloves
and a ifaili In her hair, and curled, a
breath and fern. The bridesmaid V,,vas I
Miss MarY Atirli`ng,_ Stratford General
Hospital. dressed in Iiing Ireerf-tiepe
satin trimmed with lace and white ac-
cessories, carrying a nosegay of Sweet
peas, baby's breath and fern.
ship, subject, "Christ's Program for a
"He Wist not that the Lord .had dePar-
ted from Him".
12 only Rees! Chairs, regular
$8 for
Everything for the home
10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., subject
-The Scene of Gethsemane"; -The Or-.
dinance of the Lord's Supper will be
observed; p.m., subject, -Help in Fac -
! School;' 11.06 a.m., public worship; The.
evening service is to be withdrawn.
Ice Cieam Parfait
2 cups milk, 4 teaspoons corn-
starch, 4 egg yolks, 2-3 cup sugar, 1
teaspoon vanilla, 4 egg whites, 1 cup
whipping cream.
Scald the i;lk in dauii!et boiler.
Add sugar and ?.ornstarch mixed and
took 1.4 to 15- minutes-, stirring. to- pre-
vent -lumping. Cool, then add flavor-
ing and fold mixture into will beaten
egg whites. Mix thoroughly, add
whipping cream and when well blen-
ded tn.= into Kelvinator tray and
freeze. Makes 1 1-2 quarts
Men's Work Pants— Boys' Light Blue Work Shirts—
' . All sizes. Clearing. at 98c Clearing at 43c,, or two fOr
Men's Fine Black Oxfords—
,Sizes 6 to 10. Clicker heels.
$1.89 imiewmorommommweawiniftwes.1
Clearing at . •
PC and 85d
Men's Panco Soles Work Boots— it in
Sizes 6 to 11. Clearing at.. IP I 7
Men's Red Back Overalls—
S.trongly inade. All sizes. $1 19 -
Clearing at ..
Boys' Cotton Jerseys—
All sizes. Clearing. "
at."C and 33c
Metei 'Silk
Men's Khaki or -Blue Combination .
Overalls-- • $1 89
All Sizes. Clearing at . 7
oft's: for Extra peewit
Agent for
Tip TopTailors
Mafeking, July 24— Mimi' Doroth3r
Crerran, Who last week attended Goder-
lob Summer School, as delegate froni
Blake V. P. S., arrived horse on Sunday4
Reis A. W. Brown- cot Hamilton, tie.,
companied by thirteen bop of hit Y -
P. a., who are at present tamping at the
Goderieh Summer School groutids. will
attend Blake Y. P. S., Friday evening,
and are presenting a• varied program,
with muSieal numbers Interspersed, at
the close cif which lunch will be served
and a Axial hour spent by a tamping -
Mr. Percy Blundell of Goderich spent
Sunday Mr. Wilt and Mr.
Norman Shackleton's.
• Cluesta of Mr. arid Mrs. 'Herb. Currari
during the week end, included, Mr. and
Mrs. Herb. geglek aint children. and
miss •Leila BegleY of Hamilton; Mr.
um. Kenny 02.11110dt and childrein
Mr. Falls Saunders of Pasidena, Calif.
Visiting Mr. and Mrs, -Herb. -Currane,
'and Mr. and Mrs, 'George Saunders., ..
Last League Game
Luekriow will play ata 114 Itaottio
gable. with doderich In 40041trieh'en
Mr. Victor Lindsay, Stratford, cotisixi
of the bridegroom, Ivas best man.
After the ceremony a dainty buffet
luncheon was served to 40 guestA on the
lawn of Mrs. Johri Varrish, sister of the
bride, Anglesea St., three girl friends of
the bride being waiters.
-The haripy couple- left, for a xriator
trip to Toronto, Hamilton and Niagara,
The bride travelled in a temple „ geld
crepe ensemble suit, with white :acces-
sories. On their return they will reside
in Goderich, township.
Oltr mod-
ern tube
went takes onlY
a minut'e to tell the
exact anIclition of
iattirtulics. Phone -40 now
Phoe 81 . 'The Square
By pastor, Rev., D. J.. Lane_ as follows,
10 am., Sunday School; I1 -Why
-On the Broadway of iloderich.
Phone 107.
Mntreal- St
Res. 1 18
Prompt and Courteous s•ryice
- Reasonable Rates. Cart for Rent
T. SWARTZ' • 24-hour Service
perior tores
Sale from July 25th to 31st ,
-Ping r
4 bars 17c
large pks. 23c
Post's Minute TAPIOCA'
Dainty 'WO DROPS
2 pkgs. 25c
Country Kist Golden Sweet Corn, per tin 8c
hicLarenis JELLY 5 pkgs. 25c
ozs. 19c
Crunchie Sweet PICKLES, 28 -oz. jar 25c
Libby's jumbo PORK and BEANS 10c
Swalisdown CAKE FLOUR
pkg. 37c
25 -oz. jar 25c
Kirk's Castile SOAP
1/2's 33c
2 lbs. 25c
Ilremium TEA. Cfpitl"„slEuAltAVIEFILEE 111). 59.c
McEWEN Phil°6" J. GALVIN CUTTharla