The Goderich Star, 1935-05-30, Page 74 • sasti, tes
VI14.4114401V.4:410,01 , refilmaili.w....W• •
nd n ormatiom,
for the Busy Farm
by, the Ontario, 1)epartitient AgrionliU410
IlletlealtarThe e
leadetain 'Wen: by the 0:331*rtil.
Witieultl**4-1440*tion wfo V***
ted 1it Year Wheii rear*Y'letters 'Were re,.
'eetlAt'd Ire*,11 Provineea ia'Oaltudar,
epV Pritliok Coumbts, and from ,seveOtt
psa1..of the 'MAW States, on,the'pea*
.tatutsz bro4d4aston the :Canadian
Radio ConmUsaionfoliain;
In response to 4 demand for steillar
eervlce .this Year,. theithitario Association
lay!, kind /0 -Operation of the Radio Cora4,
'raiss104,.. eollilrinee a aeries of 4114
Saturday, May 4th.
ritnatit 1'0
May 49),*7,00114.
Oardeiin • °
1.1, =-Pesrffe Erfueli, Toronto,
Vegetable oardieu.".
More,of .Gu
M.; t1aPti,440
• WAY Spencer, Ottawa,
°Pruning And AYitig."
gram bat
• 4igticultitisti Attraet1045,'
The Direatons:Of the Ontario .9,4sOcie-
on.of Agricattnal Potieties, at, 4 meet,:
. in.sea few days ago; "discussed at length
attractions for fall fairs.
'was agreed 'itidOn5 Should be
ranged to Afford.-edtteAtional ,opportuni,.
euifable rings should be prodded for all
live Stock and the -flanks of winners
shsadd aPpear•On hall exhibits.
Inter -community ,competitione were
recommended, such as spielal .prizes fer
ses tatie,been found to arouse much in
--,teeest and, this year. Agricultural SoCie-
tri ed by the rural sehOO) 04000 40
theterniera in 03**,40, -`711.0 ***lea
.ar, PO the ',,Pur.P.nw:ot.' tao*I1114
uitural Aitifigic* -0.04 'the work 1* belng
/*Oita on J.044* -by tuke
paittnent, 0-44.8ricialtUre and 010.0444
14104: bure4U. ,of fttatistiot,, Every ' effort'
IA 1)0108 Vttt forth to have each farmer
in the PlasVinet ffll n a 84,r.07" Card
risiviiit the .'hsfOrinatiert for bis Tar*.
PO1104401% ot timely Crell And liVe ittOs.ik
Statt***'.14 One. of the .root itoertant
ant** imp:toed 'VOA the ,00Vernment
and Is perfonned prineLrity IA the .intepy
.iMPOrtaht, Acta aacertattied ;rSril
•,441218 fiurVeY _ are. the 'aere040* -sown to
princlpal field .1.1r0Ue In 1935, the num-
)30r5 o1 1ve
$tooic'entf,-Pol.4.1tr27 on hand
".40he lat,,and,theriturthetS‘ihtended
ffgs'marketlng bi the' next -siX months.
This data is Used as a VasIS. for Wadi.
A*117 the elafhe body of *grienItUral
statistics' in Ontario. .
P'ertotere are requested fo complete the
cards promptly and return to their local
2seAPC01' teacher who will then: forward
r, .
them to the Ontario Department Ag-
:ricUlture. The cards Are; tabulated, and.
ithe estimates prepared as speetillse as
boys and girls.
zn;ii,dditten to the usual attractiens,
the folloaring Weresuggested, having.
been tellfd by' Societies !Adrequiring: lit
tie eash.70010.-* '
:Alitkitie displays.
Oxen deministratiOns.
6fitching; driving and riding eompeti-
time. • .
Milk Mad, contests.
- &Terse 'Drawing Oampetitfons.
CI*Oegs--for-*11P14.49A18,-._ .
Thung of horses, versus six- or eight/
•Horie'bacie Wrestling, •
Sheaf binding cOmpetitions.
•iisog iseating:
• alloppfitg%
Potato rapes.
• M061104' chairs ---mounted.
. Band iximpetitione; .01d time fiddlers'
...cont&tit,- - - ,
-Demonstrations of varloue, kinds.
2041,0ilt Far* Schedules Are Being Dia
D.Urlhg e:.*eek commencing May
PIM-40MS PAM Sehedides will be dis-
P?ssible and 'released to newspapere and
Indio etetiont so that eiery one may be
.advised of Orealges in crop acreages or
14 DM*
15 Trigon
16:1loek fo
"- tion, •
17 Cleiritr.
- 19 COgnizattee-
. 26 Wager;
21 Provided.
23 2000 ,penude
25 Unit ot
49140044 'note,:
.2,7 Kettle. -
29 To be *rioter:
81.44rge. •
.32 Pattet
111Onntedne„ , •
34 clhaetlYs
;7 Jail.
38 110dita of
• water.
39'1'4 excavate.
40 Citizen's dress
vrr:1 boyfli:
4421, ld
taritwi n.o
es. .
it** 1Provi
C4.r.418tiatraijil .2i14181;31412,11iii..1
Cilrit *Ina nil
WRWORM 07410
U4M i2flj4LJrAlreim
it -A 147:44
4,01161A PliiwM.4
NMR7,11 PIX!1111.114M
-00d AAXIJAC arxtin
44 Riche*. MTh*
44 X,1 Skillful
44 Matter, manageMente
47 Beret 2 WOW**
40 To observe. Area,
50 Unit, 3 „Pellats
SI Light brO*4- (To redact-
15311.0141nel value. 5 Neuter
55.801110r. „-pronot10.
56 Turf. 6 Noah's boat.
67 8.114, PiOton. 7 Legal claim.
69 °neut.--S Waiside
41 Christmas 9 Southeast
„ eared, 10 Wild goat.
63,113,130de, 11 Pussy.
65 An Mort. 12 Dye.
67 Acts of absolv- 13 Composed ot
Ing from, mon, layers.
astie vow. 18 To pull along.
0» 6
2Z SuppHel
wlth food.
24 NothIng
25 26s.',.sebt7Q01:4004:,8:.
.,tifimArk figures..
31 Intolerant .
-tiOtrettut,-- • -
32 Coffeehouses.
3: :4; :he s'
34 To' teat* •
42. ''*‘'-'
43 Splgot.
46 Tabiet.
48 Chart,
51 Balaam.
54 -aerator.
54 Dr)s„. '
7, Trtielnkel
62 Violent
• AMerlea.
66 Form of l'a".
Mite suutts_are -also 'published , in the
Monthly elm Report aef the OritarlesPes'
,partiiient of ,Agrietzlture, which is mailed
free tn any individual° who requests-, to
be pieced on the'inailinia4s;-.„-------,..• ---
---serseti as • lutely
eonficiential and used only in'the §ta-,
tisties Branch fee the Purpose 01 eoras
divisions. The inforraation- on indivt,
4ual never divulged to any one.
The cards are not used in any WV for
taxation Purposes. It is desired that
farmers coraplete the s:hedule and re-
ItUrn to the schOol teacher by June 4th..
If any farmer does not receive 'a sche-
dule he should notify the Agricultural
Branch, Domhdon Bureau of Statistics,
Ottawa, and a card will be mailed to
httn. No postage is required on letters
addressed _to .the_Dorettiton- Bureau...of
Croaked Milk Patrons Try
To Improve- Conditions
• One of the most promising features of
the time is tha disposition ot martufac
turers and diXtrihutori or farm products
to get together with producers to 'svork
out their mutual problents; -All of these
movements,- ot vihishs there are: many,
are going on quietly without attracting
much. attention, •• .4.•es s•
• The Tobacco -manufacturers have gone
on reCard seVereel tiMeaslittely, expressing
thelzsattafaction''ivith the'- lirratigements
arrived at and the improved Condition of
the industry. Me Bean ' Gowers and
Dealers hive, improteci e.oriditions
ly in a sensible buSinee.Slike' waY. The
City 'milk produe4s and distributorswithkthe able assistance of the, Milk Con
trol Botted . havegot together. rota
• prOlaters ' lend Dealers are working ou
their difficult problems. Fruit an
vegetable_sgib were. have- -made--notab
progress with jam manufacturers an
Other. proisessors-Sucli as fruit and vege
table canners. • Grape growers and the
principal customers, the Wineries, at
getting closer together and many otlie
groups, such as these concerned wit
Cattle, Hogs, Cheese, Butter .and Peel
tri are reeogni2ime:their conton,..1nier
est irt working towards • sern.e measture' ot
restored prosperity to the basic industry
• that- ramparts us' all.
mile West developniefirleatured-by-the
milk interests with the as.listance. of the
• Milk Control Board and this offlie Is an
effort on the part -of candenserleis and
other manufactured milk interests to
work out Improved ..essaditions with _the
large numbers of-Milkroducerasire
tarloViio.ligtVe Organira previncially-foe
the purpose. •
Farmers realize as never before the
impojithee Of stable markets arid tierie
ficient truth agreements. Unfair cont. -
petition and trade wars inevitably react
on the producers. - - --There are in ontario; approximately
Five flhousami- farmers producing ,inilk
for enttnufactUring and processingpiu;-
"poses;• dome roar Thattsend of these
are new 'Organized itt local associations,
'producers to eioli plant or condenser,
• being a local Organization, ziorn these
• local associations has, been formed an
Ontario Manufaetured Mills Producers'
Was used, 111 this industry 111'1034. Man-
ufactairers and processors In the Pro -
Vince are abeut ten ht, number not in.
Chiding &Wend distribtitors 'Of Whole
mlflcWhO make out a their surpilis milk
atter skimming a roll process skim milk
-powder Which ternpetes withthe spray
pefed- *hider" itorrilhe regular pro-
.....•••••••"•,......•••• WNW
We sew on Buttons, Turn Shirt
tir-VS,A-404- do -Mending with-
out extra charge; -
woitic cALlign FOR AND
uroli undrY_
Phone 2g4 South Street
cOOk Wrttri
Quick, Clean; EconoMical
gannon agrieultural grounds last- Satur-
day afternoCin and proved Interesting for
both" yetnig and oici. The 'score was
23-14 hi favor of Dungannon.
Miss Violet ,Kilpatrick, of Toronto,
spent the Week -end at the home of her
brother, Mr. John Kilpatrick, -and Mts.
Ippatrick. • . •
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Campbell and TN; cANADJAN bilf.nicae
family, of Detroit, spent .the week -end
with relatives here and Msafekby , and tet• etaaSea
ChaS. Larder.- ant Miss" sera, Gau-
ley and Mrs. Win. Gaulei, of Oederieli,
visited Mr. and Mrs, Isaac 4:Smiley on
Saturday.' • .
Mrs. C. Clifford, of Brantford, and
ltfls.e Edna Hurtle:7 andiMss.M. ltfeMer-
dhy, of London, spent tile week -end with
the forester's bkother, Mr. Jack Melloch.
tgattra"ccIVA:41:: -77.-•Lm.144sor
:AV the b -ea, getting -well ittbercw-
.losts Is a long, tedious and expensive ex-
Perienoe.- The eirlier the disease is
diagnosed, the better chaire there is for
recovery- its a shorter --space of time. The
severity of the disease and its extent
when discovered determine, in large
t° They were accompanied home Sunday emeasure, whether or not the patient will
t mess Agnes healleeh; -1,h0 intends get well, the time it vvill take him to re-
d staying for •a stew weeks, ewe, stover and Ito* fit, he. will beafterreernr-
18 -..
460.,..olmworogr.,....ersommisWieramilit ery AIX Of Which leads to the conchx-
d• To have the children sound anclheals sion that it is important to hrhig tuber-
ir c,annot be healthy- it troubled with p •
• thy is the first tare ,Of a mother. They(Culosis under. treatment. early.
• iever, meas es
worms. Use Mother Graves' Worm Ex- and other acute diseases run their
courses -the pa,tierit usually recover
1110.0asaalthough some permanent damage Mary
result, the disease itself is ended Tub-
: Wedding bells are ringing loudly.
Mrs. Aubrey iligeosi and bort Jaei, ot
toetruit., 'are Wealth* the ledy's mother,
4ohn 1,tenaryed .
relatites tti Oederleh Xhinday
Don't forget the garden Patti" at Crtire
tinned ehureh on June 7t1I. -Slipper
frond 0 ,to 6 otcloCk. tteeryboily *eV.
; Mr, Mitt shaeldefon and Mr. John
/tfloit.riek *ere seletteit as olootts 10'
attend`,...ttnitot% thumb Xlcrarretate
beine-held Stratford We
Satball train *Oft Cre
Kee - GOING'wiIh
TREAT your_appetitt, to .selitie
incbranflakes.. Crisp, deli-
cious Maces of wheat—with
enough ettra loan to be tailcily
loative. -
Kelloggs POI Brall.:Flakes
are truly 'better bran IWO&
Packed wfth nourishment. Al.
ways erisp and ria4,7 to eat ,
with milkor cream Sold by
all grocere.* Made by 1Ctilogg
in London, Ont.
seroulcesissie- nol-.1f4arralfed Ut this Was;
Tabensulosis is usually a chronic disease
and even when the disease to be
senreds, but -whateesheuld beedesignateet
as arre.sted; the tuberculosis will recur
• unless the patient takes proper care of
himself. This idea it, 'expresssed in the
phrase, "once tubereulous always tuber-
pulous." .whicil Means that once a per -
?,on bas had tuberculosis Care mus! be
-taken throughout life •to avoid a tettitet
of the disease.
'this is not a gloomy outlook. The
arrested case who takes keasmialle care
of himself, above all aVdiding fatigue and
'securing plenty of rest will, In all likeli-
hood, outlive his friends, who have never
;had tuberculosis and Who do not pay
attention to the health needs - of their
bodies. Illness teadhes us the value of
health and those who contraet tuber-
eulosis learn how to live a. sane healthy
life for the maintenante and promotion
• of physical well-being.
n rn
stsith:Divittp, , .
It Pon ,tob..;i44014
iar4 :thrt
fly !,t'v Ow 214 :s ht,
Ifol' SPlrit, .1.4ivel:` ,Dlyine,,, ,
'01#4! Idthl*' thiS heArt: ot "Mine; '
OW ,Spirit, ,iver ,1)1V1ntiit
. itEs77114,1:1antiPistir:relt„:stfeeso.te4(*:°Eohtlepvinalvrthiri:01.01°!. n:tio'r ngtellit.
Orlsicien Vivi this heark Or mine.
di .
$:. LESSON FOR )11314E 9th s 19$5 •
Lesson Toplce4he Hely Spirite(lrente-
test Leann). t •
1saoiaPeu;age....john 184-11; llamas*
8111-17, ga, 27. ,
OtOdelss TeRts-slitomane, 8;14. ..,
rn Chriet* lion, . long intimate •telle
With his disciples he saicl, "It is expect -
lent for you that I go away,'
The departure of our Lord was „the
disciples' gain, and it is °ins. It is the
gain et His 'whole thumb ort earth. Be-
cause by Has departinv tis 4=1 Pres*
ence was changed into an universal pre-
sence, He had dwelt among them as
man, under the limitations of our hum-
anity; in Galilee and Jerusalem, on the
they had known Him aceOrding• to the
• measures and law's" of our nature. be
°had. thereby revealed to them Ws very
and true, manhood. They had Yet grea-
ter things to learn. They had to learn
•Ris-very ;And truti-Gotilteesl.Aits -Divine
and. infinite *majesty.. And this was to
be revealed from a higher sphere and
by a, mightier revelation of Himself.
Vesestiasreseste '
anent ot His presence. from a local and
visible shape to- an invisible and uni-
versal fulness. As the. Father dwells in
the Son, so the Son in the • Holy Ghost.
His ,departure changed their imperfect
knowledge into .-the full illumination. of
faith. • When the Comforter came all
things were brought back to their re-
membrance. A netv 'power of insight
1 was implanted in.' their spiritual 'being,
the world '- unseen was revealed. If I'la
and a new world rose up before it; for
ave spirit -of truth dweltAtin, arid
had tarried:wen earth, sill had stood
still. When He was upon earth, all' was
local exterior and imperfeet; tow all' is
• universal, inward, and Divine.
E. Manning in The People's
• . • Bible.
Romans 8:14-17, 26, 27.
• In verse 0 -we read that 'they that are
4n the flesh cannot please Goel." From
that on we read of the work of the Spir-
it until- 'we ocerie to a summing tip ex-
• pr.essed in verse 14, "AS many as are led
by the Spirit of God, they are the sons
of Ood.""
An unconverted man may tiy to con-
form himself to the precepts of his
maker, but .there is something sodis-
tinct and contrary between that which
is to obey and that which is to be obey-
ed, that the attempt /will only 'Atm 10
fresh proof of _the alleged impossibility.
11 any man be in Chtist Jesus he is a
new creature. . • We are born heirs_ of
wrath, and we must undergo a great in-
ternational radical change before we can
become heirs of glory.
vents 26, 27.
The spirit is the help 'to prayer. •in
these' verses we- have, the reality of
prayer confirmed. Paul was a man of
truth and soberness free from su
B Iwo(
. maiaamo
B L. 0 0. D
1:51.1 ATE R s
1011 of
VOSIO'Itre One ofthe Worst- .*
,ti,epszof „the bUncitin race, 444
-onewho bas b.4 tbem Itetovia hw
eitik and ie**410'.007;.**114* je
feel, for just as ?aiOn ** yew
you are *la et ;que4t anothet;
up to take its plate,
:just to prolong "I'ontr *goo sail
.411 the poulticing oku4r.'
you San, de not, rid 7*i' et
2 4'
liertleek- Inee4 BIttere reaka,s.
the foul matter from 'the b1004‘
andonee tile blood is par14s4 thr
bells will disappeee...
• 4 little prayer for hie own. Otte night
when he was Pint Ito bed hla M14$10**
*tij.Mother trO him ltav41, Shaidio X
Want you to plAy a little pritYer'of your
.ewri.," 'What do you think the little
bay's prayer was It was very short, for
you know he WaS only six yearn old and
It is'.only old people.who make Ye* long
This wa.s what he said: "Dear Jesus,
make me like what yOu were when you
were eix years old." Don't you think
that was a good prayer ter a little six-
year-old boy? To be like Jesus *hen'
Re was ,pix years old would be the very.
!"-l1tigrlilfrefiriNd'.0- a iittie
boy who. WM Just six years old himself.
-H. T. err, 1i Exchange.
In the land of old Korea,
isAittle-sorphaw-lati. -
Itomelesi, a cripple, a beggar,
Lonely and sick and sad,
Arrived -one 'clay in his wanderin
Before the ntifsien, gospital,
For shelter. fOod, and care.
The inissien doctor saw hint then;
The sad tale soon ,was told. .-
--Ancrivould he. now be turned away,
*Mick -and the world sci, cold?
The beggar boy Was taken in,
• Was bathed and tucked bed,
:Fed. clothed, and cared for, but "Too
N6 hope," the tor-aid-doc•
One day to see the 'suffering child:
As -little comrade Nunes.
Another beggar lad was he,
. Stark poverty the same.
For many days he'd begged and saved.
The coppers, and had bought
A few small cakes, and to his friend
The 'meagre present brought,
Thie lad who knew not Jesus' -name,
Yet 'had the heart of love . -
Which,, multiplied, will one day make
Our earth like heaven above.
And He who long ago had praised
A widow's offering when •
'TWOS all she had, He still looks on,
And knows -the hearts of men.
And when thet day the gift was given.
_Christ .Jesus eaw the child;
"An offering rare," the Master said,
And blessed the lads and smiled.
-Florence J. Murray.
.Council rnet for their regular meeting
in the township hall Tuesday, May 14th.
All members were present.
-The minutes of the previous meeting
were readand aceepted
correspondence was read and dis-
os d
.-;-; 7j irhe-:-M
n sands-Tinati, weakness. ri-e knew - dec..ed to -field -a C^ourt
•of what he was writing; and he tkeiS sur
that the ROMarkt would know It too. I
Ils-for-no--inner-eircle-nterithuerems Tie
was writing- this epistle, but for all the
were in Rome, to be saints.
Paul in the • preteding two verses,
writes of being stated by hope. These
imatterable longings have a Divine ori -
OA _an4 Ptu1 cnhIms this origin when
he usesethessvord "Likewise."'•/.4,
"Likewise the Spirit ab3o helpeth our
infirmities." We need the Spirit for all
the works we have to do. we can speak
no true, honest, sound word unless we
ask Him to teach us what we shall say
and how we shall say it. •
What are we to do when we feel as if
we could eot pray? rt, is the Spirit who
helps us, mit only to think and to do,
but also to pray -who draws out our de-
sires towards God. who speaks more for
tis and in us than we know. It is vety
pronderfel, but yet it mutt be go. We11
could .net pray if (led Himself were not
tiering up prayer In us.
eof Revision .on Tuesday. June 1 lab, „'
3 ache and neuralgia. Inv.aluable in
tto'clockfor the purpose of hearing a .batnis rano. -
- rises of croup, sore' throat and (missy_
appeals against the.,- 1935. a$4001.1Kwat
, On inotion it, wan decided • nu,
Mort cement eurbst piteeet.
lets in the cemetery, 6 11
The Cotta311 have' chosen Vey 24th.
:moral clean-up day in Colborne' ceme-
tery •and all thole interested am ,stekett
to co-oPerate with this work. /1 was
agreed by Council that the pump house
and tank in the cemetery be. painted.
This work to be left with Mr. Admire
At a special meeting of Council held'
April 26111, tenders were received for the
purpese of Ortleiting and hauling r,grtsseel
fe-the- tewhship
was again given the contract,• the work
to be completed by July 16th.
Road Superintendent Vouchers and
other aceounte were examined and or-
dered paid; Road superintendent you-
ChasTliill100; .1Zio Alton, sTIlary andtt,
penses, $71,25: John Perrish, placing
Board ef Health card, $2; John Mustard,
• 9 rebe $; oee. Fowler,
burying an m
advertisement, ' .67; Can. Pao. Railway,
rent weigh scales, $5; Municipal World
account, 112.00ea D. Buchanan, binning$LsLtsole; R.
;00. trodaeyrsipcheosStta:;, begadvertis
Min drain, $50. _
The Council adjourned to meet -Tries -
lay, June 11th.
A -JOB ---T-0-1D0-. AGAIN -
County Treasurer Completes anneal:a-
tion of Interest and, Then New
Regulations Come
County Treasurer Harvey Erskine bar-
ing just completed his computation &-
Interest due on arrears of taxes in the
county, now has the Job to do all over
rt took three- daysIn May for 'ilte
first Job and with the change in regula-
tions brought in by the Ontario Govern -
intent and only now distributed to muni-
cipal officers, the work will have to be
done again.
Four weeks is the time set for the new
job and Mr.. Erskine is, humorouely.
wishing that he had "delayed, somewhat
convietion of the former work. The
penalty for nonpayment of taxes has
been reduced for the third time in two.
years.. •
Where formerly a straight penalty
lcharge and interest as well was made
based on S per cent from the towilettiv
and 'flVe per cent-Tr'om the county and
compounded annually, -now there is a 4
per cent charge and the arrearages are
not, eompoUnded but based on a simple
interest -computation at one half of one
per tent -per month. In law amount
of arrearaees thssavine is substantiaL
10:_)ugitts. rieves
The treatment' of tuberculosis. is built s
around rest, good food arid fresh air.
Of the three, rest is by far the most Int-
--portant- tgfkrbe eiVecfaihat a
eliseased lung will heal without reeCany
glare than v. broken. bone will knit nrt-
.less kept at rest bY Vila%
• Perhaps the thief reattori for sending
patients tO sanatorium for treatment lst
that they may learn how to rest..
-htit-tinr-411;-tan "keel All the '
Tbe patient must, therefore, /ton 0
to rest int bed when awake, with tlx
rid at peaee ,and the body reletIed,
..14;lut avoiding *AY unneasseary phySical
ffort Aa the 'condition lienvoles,' the:
patient Is,. degreei, brought back to
ctrft1ThrolighOtit the rentaader Of-
butett need.'
Is it not a blessed' thought that the
$pirit- is uttering_ His groanesfor .the-de-
veianie ids world 0! ours from all
ts sin and slavery and Wretchedness?
Should we not rejoice that God knows
what is the mind of the %shit, for It -is
Ilia Own mind? And he filet searcheth
he hearts knoweth whet is the mind of
he ppipt, ,begaire. ,he,Inaketh, iniertes-
Ton for the taints aceording 10 the will
f God."
are quitkly relieved by usIn
The Serrnott
entetimed 1 ray an extra prayer -
besides the one. or which I kneel.
stand and look up at the Mara;
do hot ask for anynXing,
" Z ittt feel haw through and throne);
let my heart give Mania anti Sing,
Thlft the world teems gdoct and trek.
4,4kins' for Little rook.
=prat SitAtitS Ertmanit
*ant to tell you a tory about a little
hors, Orwer, Ms mune sae tbedi. 110.4
ftyed finsaWay .ift-Indlik, tie WarICIltik
Orphan boy, and when he was juist aix
ettra old, be went to got waif* miia,lou.
ar Isdsk. Was very -kind' t� hina ,and
t,ngbt hint to love *Yesue, and .gate hint
u anfr-t- Sto-p
stoking a' steam
engine" Said \V rigley
Interviewed, and asked to whal he
attributed his phenomentl success,
the late/.Mx. Wrigley, of chewing'
gum Xame, repliedrffro-the-egnsistent
advertising of a good product."
"But," asked the reporter, "having
captured practically the entire market, why continue to,
spend vast sums annually on advertising?"
Wrigley's reply was illuminating. .
• ,
"Once having raised steam in an engine, stated, "it
-requires continuous stoking to keep it up. Advertising
stokes up business and keeps it running on a full head:
of steam."
This applies to your business, too. • Don't make a secret
of yotreproduct."- Tell the people all about it. Tell them,
what it does. Tell them its advantages. Tell them where-
to get It: Tell them through the Press and Lkeep on;
telling them.
Everybody Reads Newspapers